Grey Skies (2010) Poster


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As scary as a paper clown.
Patient44423 October 2011
But first, face it, clowns are scary, so a paper one could have an impact on someone who's not that familiarized with horror right? Or if you're 12 years old.

Anyway, it's not a bad movie, acting was OK, nice characters, but it lacks any kind of jump scares even the simple thrills are completely missing. Not a curios fact that no one ever commented on this movie, it's as underground as a horror could get to be honest.

I actually can't find a single reason to recommend it, again, it is NOT bad, but it's just dull, so so, dull.

Final idea, avoid it, go play with your mouse cursor, much more fun trust me.
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This one is watchable.
GnarfleTheGarthok3 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I saw that this movie had only one good review. So, I wanted to know if that one person was a wacko, or not. Anyway, the movie was not as bad as the other reviews said it was. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't great! The characters are pretty flat, and the drama they tried to build with personal relationships didn't really work. That being said, there was a little creepiness as long as they weren't showing you anything. Then, they pulled an "Insidious" and showed you too much with regards to the alien abductions and the experimentations. And provided a bad ending, to boot. All in all, if you have no other movies to watch, you could do a lot worse.
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Grey skies with a chance of boredom from the west...
paul_haakonsen10 August 2020
I happened to get the chance to sit down in 2020 to watch the 2010 movie "Grey Skies". Now, I hadn't even heard about this sci-fi horror movie from director Kai Blackwood prior to sitting down to watch it.

But hey, at least there were no expectations to the movie for me. So writers Mark Reilly and Michael Cornacchia had all the opportunities to impress and bedazzle me with "Grey Skies".

However, they just failed to do that. This movie, while it definitely had some interesting enough aspects to the storyline and the promise of something that could prove good, it just failed completely. The storyline was just too mundane and generic, and the movie suffered terribly from being way too predictable.

The characters in the movie were adequate, although it wasn't really characters that you invest anything in, for some reason. They had good enough actors and actresses to portray the characters, but there was just something about the characters that failed to make them pop out on the screen.

The special effects in the movie were bland. And that was sort of a massive setback for the movie, because a sci-fi movie needs proper and believable special effects.

In fact, I actually fell asleep for a short while during the movie. It was just that uninteresting.

My rating of "Grey Skies" is a mere two out of ten stars. Mostly because of the production value that the movie had.
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Grey Skies
tawlite23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off I must mention the dialogue in this movie, which is bizarre. After a while I thought I may have been watching a comedy, but there wasn't anything really funny happening apart from the dodgy dialogue and some amazingly stupid reactions from the characters. For example a scene of strange footprints in the forest, and one of the characters exclaims 'what are they?' They are footprints you Dumbo!!! One of the characters throughout the movie taking photographs,captures an alien through the window when taking a shot in the house. The alien is plain as a pike staff in the photograph, with bug eyes, rubber body suit and quite plain to see arms and one of the characters says 'is that a Deer?' Don't know about you but I have never seen a deer with arms, and bug eyes wearing a rubbing suit, unless Deers in Clare, Michigan, USA wear S&M gear. After being tracked by an alien, that keeps bobbing about and showing itself one of the characters says 'I have just been followed by a Racoon'! The first hour nothing much happens, in fact it is really tedious, so I guess the dodgy dialogue keeps the viewer interested wondering if it could get any worse. Well it did get worse, the film is a bit of mess. First when the characters are alien abducted, when they come back they are physically sick and tired and bit zombified, but unless you are paying attention you're not likely to notice. The aliens try to get in the house to get the rest with the help of the abducted zombie victims, politely knocking at the front door :/ as the film progresses the writers must have gotten tired with that idea and opted to beam the aliens straight into the house, then... bored with that they must have thought what the heck, lets just turn them into alien zombies without any effort at all. When the last one is left, she says to the alien 'I don't care where you from you're not taking me' more daft dialogue, so they take her without any effort, do some alien abduction type probing, why? who cares by this stage you have seen it all before and done much better, so all in all, a half witted film, with an half witted script.
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Huh? What? and Please...!
tfun614 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts out like its leading to something, so I suffered through the first part. Then the second part starts and I was still suffering. This is just bad. Non scary aliens, the fact that everyone could've held off the aliens with knives, rocks, papercuts... No one notices the strange behavior of their friends after they disappear and reappear. As another reviewer says, alien zombies that apparently can impregnate a woman(don't get it)who then says they won't take her after she drops her knife and is being held by an alien zombie. Yeah, she showed them! Horrible in almost everyway. I hope I've saved viewers and some lives by steering you clear of this nonsense.
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Oh What a bad Movie
sha-812-35753030 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Occasionally B graders surprise me and deliver a good flick in spite of a low budget and lesser known stars but not in this case. This movie blows and it blows hard. The plot is thin at the very best, the characters are weak and not likable. The special effects reflect the low budget and the repeated use of an annoying bug sound took away any real credibility to induce suspense the sound may have had. This one was a total waste of 90 min I'm never getting back... The idea behind the movie was alright but the execution was lacking and the story really needed to be fleshed out more and the relationship between the 2 leads was lacklustre and the (on going) fight/relationship issues between the pair were really not necessary to the story. More game play with shadows and music and a much stronger cast could have gone a long way here.
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A waste of 1.5M
dchionsini11 July 2012
Let me just say this at the beginning, don't waste your time on this. The only other movie worse than this is Chu Chu and the Philly Flash, which I didn't rent but suffered through. How anyone got 1.5M to make this is beyond my understanding. Goes absolutely nowhere in a hurry. Almost couldn't make it through the first 10 minutes and considered turning off. After sitting there for 30 minutes, I realized I'd made a bit of a time commitment and needed to see it through to the end. There are so many stupid aspects of the movie that it makes you wonder how the writers could produce this while laughing so hard. Haven't look to see what kind of return they got on the movie compared to the 1.5M. Would be interesting to see.
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oh my word, what a truly awful film
youliketoplay24 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this is an awful film, I should congratulate the four or so other people that have also witnessed this abomination. I honestly cant believe this garbage had a budget of $1.5 million, seriously, should that be 1.5 million rupees? Did they spend all the budget on real cocaine that features in one or two scenes in the film? At a push this film could be made with 20k. Special effects consist of bright lights, an impact crash and shooting stars, honestly thats pretty much it... No spaceship as indicated on the misleading poster. For the first hour nothing happens, I guess its meant to be plot building or character developing but none of it makes sense. None of the characters are likable, they are all wooden and their dialogue is garbage. Its just an hour and 24 minutes of noise.. the director of this needs to go sit in a corner and have a word with himself. I wont go over the same stuff as other reviewers have, there are just so many parts that don't make any sense. One minute the cast are locking all doors and windows to keep the aliens out, the next minute they're beaming straight into the leaving room, the next the aliens are stuck outside, knocking on doors as if they are completely incapable of getting in there.... Seriously, why is there such a lack of consistency? Do yourself a favour, if you ever see this DVD, smash it, smash it with a hammer then put it in a pan and melt it down. I've had more enjoyment accidentally formatting a hard drive or picking super glue off of my hands. You've been warned lol
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nogodnomasters4 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Friends have a get together at the "Cabin in the Woods." Set spinner....aliens!

Robert (Aaron McPherson) organized the get together. He has been fighting with his girlfriend Jenny (Stacy Jorgensen) as he took off for a week after their last fight. They are joined by Michael (Michael Cornacchia) who supplies us attempts at comedy. His boy toy photographer friend Brian (Jeff Schuetze) comes along too. Hayden (Jeff Lorch) is the third buddy who brings along his girl Sandy (Shelley Dennis). Annie (Anne Griffin) a mutual friend of the fighting couple comes too to add to the tension because fighting Greys isn't enough to hold our interest.

I think you got the general idea. The characters were decent. They were able to effectively develop a large number of characters in a short span of time while still keeping the plot moving. The problem is that the horror aspect was low even when the Greys were there. Okay, Alien being that mean us no harm and plot spoiler: No one is dying. They are just "rats in a maze." I didn't feel it.

EMF forces knocked out car batteries, but flashlight cells still work.

Part of a 30 Horror Film Collection.

Parental Guide F-bomb, sex, nudity (Shelly Dennis).
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Bad SFX, bad acting, bad screenplay trump the reasonable camera work.
suite9226 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Old friends get together for a weekend in the woods. Sandy and Hayden hit it off immediately, sharing sex and drugs. Michael brought his photographer friend Brian. Robert and Jenny are together, but are bickering. Annie and Glen seem to be unattached. They look at the stars which are very clear out in the middle of nowhere. There are also shooting stars. One lands relatively nearby. Some of them are high, and decide to go find it.

Hayden does not come back, so they go looking for him. They find him, a bit worse for the wear. Thing move back toward normal, somewhat, except for Jenny's telling Robert that she is pregnant. Shelly disappears about the same time that the lights go out. The search is on. They find her, and she's a bit garbled in her responses. They decide to leave, but none of their four vehicles will start.

Then the elimination derby is on. One after another the aliens take over the minds and wills of the people in the party.

Will anyone survive the onslaught?


Cinematography: 7/10 Well done for a low budget film.

Sound: 8/10 Not too bad.

Acting: 0/10 Michael Cornacchia and Anne Griffin were absolutely terrible. Stacy Jorgensen was also rather bad. The others were unconvincing.

Screenplay: 2/10 There are lots of inconsistencies about what the aliens can do. There was a large percentage of the film that was just plain boring. The pointless yelling sequences were very irritating.

SFX: 2/10 Amateurish; special effects were laughably bad.
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Bad ending
teebear81727 January 2021
I despise these artsy fartsy amiguous, confusing, bewilering, muddled endings like this one. When they do this, you feel you had 90 min utes of your life stolen. Despite reviewers saying the acting was bad, It wasnt. It was watchable. People tend to claim bad acting when they dont like the movie. The acting was ok. The last 5 minutes of this movie was unacceptable!! Intentionally confusing endings are from bad writers who cant end a movie. So for the muddled ending, i give it a 1
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The Best Realistic Alien Abduction Movie
jcuticchia4 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised to see the low ratings for this film. I must say that I thought it was the best and (theoretically) the most accurate film of its class. It brought back some remnants of the literary work of Whitley Strieber.

Without any of the hokey "found footage" film; the writers and director do an excellent job of evoking how a reasonable abduction might occur. Each of the characters were believable, though not fully developed. It didn't really matter how developed the characters were to make this work.

What I do have to take to task is the results of the abduction. It took an outstanding film and made made it a great film. In the "less is more" category we didn't need to see what the aliens did. Moreover, it was pushing the envelop when the abductees left with a "puppet master" change of personality. This wasn't needed; and the shots inside the spaceship weren't needed and were probably an expensive cost.

Good show!
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It wasn't horribly horrible
mark-christopher0418 December 2013
What do you expect from a movie that was put out right before DARK SKIES? Its miserably low budget, horrible acting, horrendous camera work (even for a found footage movie), and the script between the characters are just bad bad bad. However, the only reason I give this a 6 is for the simple reason of the scare factor. This movie did make me jump a couple of times and that is hard to do. The 'you know its coming' doesn't happen in this movie and suddenly you are freaked out. Other than that, I wouldn't necessarily watch this unless if you have another movie to watch.

Putting this movie against DARK SKIES, its about 2 notches lower, but the jump tactics are actually better in this one than DARK SKIES.
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The award for worst 'alien' film goes to...
Leofwine_draca11 May 2016
GREY SKIES was an unwise attempt at a science fiction thriller made by a group of amateur film-makers in Michigan. They shouldn't have bothered, because this alien abduction story is excruciatingly bad, and quite embarrassing to sit through.

The story is about a group of dull characters who hole up at a remote house in the woods and soon find themselves assailed by weird stuff going on. We're stuck with an hour of bad actors wandering around in the woods and occasionally screaming before the plot hits properly, but the budget is so limited that there are very few special effects and just lots of bright lights.

The acting is truly of a terrible standard and the plot events that play out are completely routine. In fact, there's nothing here at all to keep an audience engaged, so I can only recommend that viewers avoid it like the plague.
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Just awful
marc-cheyne23 October 2011
This is probably the worst movie that has ever befallen me in my whole career as a movie-buff / slouch.

Horrible writing - a 9th grader could write scarier scripts. Horrible acting - the cast make Ben Afflek look like de Niro. Horrible f/x - on par with Sesame St. Good location - but thoroughly neglected. Half-decent plot - besmirched & buried beneath everything else. Production - isn't too bad for a budget film.

It would be in everyone's interest if Kai Blackwood abandons his dream of a directing career, and concentrate on his day job instead. Look out for this gem in your local supermarket's bargain bin!
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mrrebel-8038222 October 2020
I cant even start to try and explain this so called movie. who is the black girl at the beginning you ask? dunno, you never see her again.. I feel as though I've lost iq points just finishing this crap. no plot, no story line, no direction, no nothing... only good thing is you get to see some pretty nice boobs...
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I turned grey
alphahumphrey-5484730 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Get some candy and stream this on a boring Weekend, turn your brain on, and then think of what would happen of the consequences of storming Area 51 . Classic body snatcher plot as seen in Friendship is Magic´s A Canterlot Wedding.
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Well written...
ccbrazil30 October 2018
I liked the dialogue yet the story is a bit weak. Interesting flick, nothing real spectacular and watchable.
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people don't understand
ralph-4526828 February 2021
The black girl at the beginning was part of the group that just vanished (when given keys last makes comment about it) Movie was very good, acting was good, would recommend.
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