Behemoth (TV Movie 2011) Poster

(2011 TV Movie)

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Cool monster, not cool story
Leofwine_draca5 April 2015
BEHEMOTH is a monster flick let down by its own shortcomings in terms of budget and originality. Yes, it's another SyFy Channel production, filmed on the cheap in Canada, that has flashes of decency amid an overwhelming number of strictly middling to poor moments.

The storyline sees strange stirrings beneath the earth and mysterious levels of carbon dioxide rising from the crust. A team of investigators are soon on the case, as is a crazy old man who thinks that some mythical beastie is responsible. Inevitably it turns out that the old guy is right, and the heroes find themselves up against a massive monster from days gone by with plans to destroy the world.

So far so ordinary, but the surprising thing here is that the CGI effects are actually decent; far better than in other SyFy movies or the likes of DRAGON WARS. That monster looks great, especially when straddling the mountain top! I wish it had played a greater part on screen, but it was still a welcome sight. Sadly the rest of the production is less impressive, with boring characters and indifferent acting; the only one who makes an effort is William B. Davis, he of THE X-FILES fame. There's far too much hiking and chatting and not enough monster action for my liking, leaving this a disappointment regardless.
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Predictable, but still fun
krohach16 January 2011
No surprises here and fun if you play the "Cliché Game": Watch the movie and try to count the clichés. 1 point for standard cliché, 5 points for ridiculous. I lost count after about 500 points.

This is pretty much standard made-for-TV movie fare. With the predictable moments fighting it out with the ridiculous moments for top prize.

One of my favorite "what the BLEEP" moments was when the Sheriff finally decides to believe the "experts" and evacuate the town all he says to the townsfolk is, "Grab your stuff and get out of town!" Since the town is so small, "out of town" is about 200 yards away. Not a lot of help...

The actors do their best with a horrible script but, as another reviewer stated, the women for the most part stand there screaming, "What's happening!!" over and over. There is a character named Zoe that you really want to slap repeatedly after 2 or 3 scenes...

Watch this for an excellent lesson on how to make a really bad movie!
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SyFy have done much worse, but this was for a monster movie plodding and by-the-numbers
TheLittleSongbird7 September 2011
As I have said, many times, I do dislike intensely a vast majority of SyFy's output save a few exceptions, though I do watch them to see if there are some at least decent films among the sea of crud. Behemoth is not down there with SyFy's worst, not with Quantum Apocalypse, Alien vs. Hunter, Dinocroc vs. Supergator, Moby Dick: 2010 and Titanic II.

What does salvage the movie from being bottom-of-the-barrel quality like the aforementioned titles are the surprisingly good CGI effects, when I finally saw the monster fully I was surprised at how good it looked compared to other effects I've seen on the channel. Also William B. Davis while not outstanding gives a noteworthy performance.

Everything else didn't engage sadly. The settings were okay, but the haphazard editing and rather dim lighting prevented me from properly enjoying. The story is rather plodding, very predictable and by-the-numbers, with any thrills, suspense and tension feeling somewhat tame and only the ending properly exciting.

The script is banal and as plodding as the story. The beginning especially is full of overlong and sometimes meaningless exposition. The direction is often unfocused too, the sound is lacking in clarity even in crucial scenes and the music to me was forgettable at best.

The characters are lifeless, clichéd and none of the characters emotionally resonated with me in any way. This is not just the script and expositions, but the dull acting also plays a major factor in this. Davis as far as I was concerned was the only one who tried, everyone looked bored and were phoning in.

Overall, SyFy has done worse but I don't recommend Behemoth. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Disappointing ... I expected better from this cast
carma-953-51898617 January 2011
There are B movies that are good, cheesy fun and then there are B movies like "Behemoth." Given that I've seen most of these actors in other shows, and all have them been pretty good ... especially Ed Quinn who plays the lead ... I was expecting more from this film.

I was dismayed and disappointed when most of the acting was wooden ... almost like Tippy Hedron watching the the line of fire at the end of "The Birds." The dialogue was stilted, the timing was off and basically, "Behemoth" left me scratching my head.

For example, Ed Quinn, who is pretty darn awesome as Nathan Stark in "Eureka," seemed like he was sleep walking through this movie. On top of that, the plot was predictable, the action was less than exciting and the climax was almost anti-climactic. Unless you just can't resist watching yet another over-sized monster movie, I'd recommend you pass on this one.
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Plodding and dull.
windupatheist15 January 2011
Sci-fi... ahem... Syfy's low-budget monster movies often manage to be at least mildly amusing in a "We're so bad it's good and we know it!" sort of way. Behemoth, on the other hand, takes itself too seriously to be fun, but isn't good enough to be... well... good.

You never feel like the world is in danger or particularly care about any of the characters. It just plain fails to engage on any level. The actors are all pretty competent, that's about the best I can say for it. None of them has anything interesting to do though.

The one character who dies (well, that we're expected to care about, at least) may as well have had a sticker on his forehead that said DEAD MEAT from his first scene onward. You'll know him when you see him. Then again, maybe you won't. Avoid.
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By the numbers monster movie.
termitekeith16 January 2011
Its almost as if the producers just looked at a list of clichés and just picked the ones they like from it. Its all here. The pretty scientist, the handsome local to serve as a foil to create a sexual tension, the young college age couple, the old man who knows what is happening but everyone thinks is crazy, the skeptical sheriff, the mysterious, cryptic government agent along with all the usual stuff about how mankind is causing the earth and environment to fight back against all the horrible things manking has done to it. This time its in the form of a creature who supposedly has the power to destroy all life on earth as we know it. To me it just looks like a poor mans Kraken from Clash of the Titans. Don't't waste your time.
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Not recommended for feminists
georgegauthier-944-91778015 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dumb dumb dumb. Bad as it was over all, the worst aspect was the silliness of the female characters. Only the geologist had occasional moments of lucidity and common sense. The other two were charter members of the "Help I've fallen and I can't get up" club. For instance, they are forever screeching their heads off whenever they see the monster's tentacles, when they should have kept quiet. The blond bimbo see something trying to burst through the cliff face. Instead of getting the hell out of there she stands there petrified till a giant tentacle emerges. Only then does she thing of escape. On the way off the mountain, she stops frequently to hug herself and to emote and chat with her boyfriend who should have left her behind. Then there are the scenes where the gals try to help the guys climb either a mountain slop or a ladder. Instead of getting to one side, they block the man's way and hold a hand out for the guy to grab. The black haired one thinks she need help going up a painter's ladder through the hatch in the ceiling. Then there was the dispatch of the monster. Even though the US government knows that Lincoln Mountain is ground zero, they dispatch a single team with a small shoulder fired rocket with a couple of tiny warheads. The whole missile is about the size of a small fire extinguisher. Why did they not just drop an atomic bomb on the beast? Or a bombload from a bunch of B-52s.
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Funny in some ways, but for the rest just plain silly.
johannes2000-12 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A disappointment, to put it (very) mildly. That's mainly due to an idiotic premise, a bad script, equally bad direction, and special effects (the most important aspect of every sci-fi!) of a deplorable quality. That the acting was over-all surprisingly good just couldn't save it.

This is what it's all about. Deeply buried under our feet resides a giant mythical monster for like millions of years, but at the start of the movie it decides to pop up to punish the world-populace for it's faults (i.e. The systematic neglect of the environment and the killing of each other, etcetera). Is it god-sent? Or some demon? The movie never explains, apart from some fuzzy references to old Indian tales.

Behemoth reveals itself at first by terrible earthquakes and tsunami's all over the world, making us believe that it stretches it's body out under the entire surface of the earth. At last we see the terrible monster itself, sitting on top of a burst-open mountain, and indeed it's big, like maybe some hundreds of feet high and tentacles that stretch for many miles around him. But GLOBALLY big?!? Can this overblown octopus cause the destruction of all mankind and the whole wide world?? How? It just sits there glued to the mountain, flapping it's tentacles and roaring through it's wide opened jaws. Will it smash or swallow all the 7 billion people on earth one by one?? Roar them to death?? It's utterly unbelievable and plain silly. Okay, the CGI-picture of the beast is nice, with some Lovecraftian traits, but it never ever creates any sense of the supposed apocalyptic doom or terror.

Anyway: the local hero of the story takes it on him to destroy the beast, and how he goes about it, is as unbelievable and silly as the premise itself. On the positive side: after seeing this movie I immediately slept better - possibly from being bored too much.
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Messy, Laughable and Lame Story
claudio_carvalho28 December 2012
In the small Ascension, the constructor Thomas Walsh (Ed Quinn) is working with his team at the Mount Lincoln. Out of the blue, there are tremors and the branch of the tree fall over Thomas' employee and breaks his leg. He brings his truck and finds the man dead. He brings the man to the town and finds that his sister Grace Walsh (Cindy Busby) plans to camp at the mountain with her sweetheart Jerrod Dietrich (James Kirk) while their lunatic father William Walsh (William B. Davis) defends the theory that an ancient being is near to be released on Earth and destruct the planet.

Meanwhile, the geologist Emily Allington (Pascale Hutton) returns to her hometown Ascension to investigate the tremors. The army representative Jack Murray (Ty Olsson) also comes to Ascension to search a mysterious wallet that was lost on the mountain. Soon the dwellers of Ascension discover the secret of the tremors.

"Behemoth" is a ridiculous low-budget movie with a messy and lame story about a creature that lives in a mountain. The subplot of Thomas and his former girlfriend Emily in the mountain is maybe the only one reasonable despite of the corny conclusion. The subplot of Jack is pathetic since if the army needed the wallet to destroy the monster, there should be at least a troop with helicopters and GPS seeking the wallet and not only one man. Further, the only weapon was probably a prototype since it was the unique means capable to defend the planet. The subplot of the stubborn Grace and her boyfriend is absolutely silly. But the worst is the subplot of Professor William Walsh is laughable. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "A Criatura da Montanha" ("The Creature of the Mountain")
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what you expect ..but not bad
godinamachine30 January 2023
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review .... the old crazy guy was right ... THE MOVIE !

OKAY SO #1 as "torsung81" pointed out this film is in fact called BEHEMOTH ... and came out in like 2010/11 .. on the sci fi channel if im not mistaken even lol.... but i most remember it in the good ol movie rental store staring at me all the time ....REMEMBER those places .... you know ...where you went every week to see what came out and enjoy the nostalgic fun of renting a movie with the kids and just .... ahhh memories we will never have again ...

anyways ...... this is a 3rd generational creature feature film ...... we had the first WAY back .... the black and white ones with giant ants , and lizards ....then we had the 80/90s remaking those, and had a couple of giant anacondas lol ....then in the 2000s we say TONS of giant creatures showing up ..... its was great .... well sometimes ..... the worst part of the 2000s /3rd generation of these creature features that centered on giant monsters usually animal based is they use CGI creatures ....and wow .... its either awesomely cheesy or just terribly bad .... usually no "good" in sight .......however this one is pretty good looking on screen .... in 2010 digial FX were still a bit rough around the edges in 2023 digital FX are STILL rough around the edges's like the made it to about half way and said ...meh ...close enough we don't REALLY need to go any further .... so honestly i can't complain about the creature here ....


it looks goofy in the head lol.... it kind of looks like "the giant claw" lol.... if you know you know ....... just the way it opens its mouth , other wise it looks like ... a giant rock star fish on a mountain with a long bird head neck going on and some tentacles ..... for sure do NOT look that up online ...

over all the film is a solid , classic creature feature film, it follows the usual story,and has the usual tropes ....... BUT it does kind of feels a little more ...i don't really know ... maybe like actiony ? Maybe its from all the shaking lol.... i would say it felt more paced , faster moving BUT not really we spend plenty of time following around our mains and all this back story ... so its pretty standard ...hmmmm ill have to figure that one out .........

SO this one is a fun little film , it doesn't offer up anything really new per say , but not much does now .... and even at the time it came out it was pretty on par with the others , there's nothing bad about it really, the acting is okay, the lighting , sound etc is all on the positive side of things .... but at the same time it doesn't offer anything in a way of REALLY making you remember it 2 days later .....


personally i enjoyed it but again with there being SO many creature features out there that do offer more funny moments or excitement or innovative aspects film wise (like:8 legged freaks-2002) this one is just ...okay .....
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Not the ScyFy Channel's worst, but still pretty lame
highwaytourist3 June 2015
The ScyFy Channel strikes again with another cheap science fiction thriller. This time, it's a legendary monster which lives deep under a volcano in the Pacific northwest. It has most of the clichés, including the usual stock characters & situations, and it never surprises. The script is more literate than typical for a film like this, which I applaud, but there is also too much filler material. Also, the title monster is not bad and I wish it had gotten more screen time. The best aspect is the beautiful scenery, but there are plenty of ways to see that without spending money on this film. It's just never exciting or interesting enough.
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How can you not love this stuff?
NYCinemalover16 January 2011
I don't get the negative reviews, I thought it was fun. I mean, it's about a monster living in a mountain, what are you expecting?!?! It had better characters than "2012" and better story and effects than a ton of the Syfy movies. It says on this page the budget was $1.3 million whereas Avatar's budget was over $300 million! How much can you do for that little? Would've loved to see more of the behemoth at the end, reviewer was right about that. A lot of build up to very little screen time. Would love to have seen it break free and crush the town! Cast was good with what they had to work with. I got a kick out of it. The monster was awesome (when it finally showed up)!
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Terrible Sy-Fy Channel creature feature with an environmental message.
poolandrews3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Behemoth is set in the small US town of Ascenion where several unexplained Earth tremors have caught the attention of the Government who send in a team of geologists to investigate & former resident & seismologist Emily Allington (Pascale Hutton) also decides to check out the unusual phenomenon which she believes may be connected to a dormant Volcano. However the truth is far worse, a huge tentacled monster has awoken & as it moves underground is causing these tremors & huge amounts of destruction to property. In steps ex military man Thomas Walsh (Ed Quinn) who is hired by a Government agent to guide him to where the equipment of his ill fated colleagues is. Stranded in the isolated mountain terrain both Thomas & Emily stumble across each other & face a fight for survival with poisonous CO2 leaking everywhere & a giant monster on the rampage to deal with...

This Canadian & American co-production was directed by David Hogan & is yet another terrible Sy-Fy Channel creature feature, really how many more of these turgid & throughly formulaic little films are we going to have to endure? There must be a market for them out there, I mean someone must be watching them, right? I think maybe because it's cheap television these things will continue to get made, & I know I'll be stupid & boneheaded enough to keep watching the damned things! When I first saw Behemoth listed in my TV guide as a giant monster film I thought it might have been a cheap remake of the rather good classic black and white monster film The Giant Behemoth (1959) but it isn't, no this is a boring creature feature with a supposed Eco message about us humans abusing the environment & mother nature striking back in the form of a giant monster. The script for Behemoth is very talky, the entire first half is vague exposition about something taking revenge on humanity for it's general behaviour & lots of people running around trying to sound serious about what's going on. None of this works, for a start it's relentlessly dull, the talk about the active Volcano goes nowhere, the ancient myth about monsters is too vague & again is never worked into the plot in any meaningful way. There is no explanation behind the events of Behemoth, whether the creature is some supernatural force or not is never indicated, the purpose of the Behemoth is also left unanswered & while the dialogue suggest that it is a worldwide phenomenon the Behemoth never attacks anything other than a small town. At that rate it would take it quite a while to destroy the entire world. Even though the IMDb plot synopsis indicates 'worldwide destruction' it never happens & is never even referenced. Then there's the US military guy, if the US Government & military are expecting the Behemoth why send just one guy & one rocket launcher in a suitcase? Why not send an entire army of soldiers all armed to the teeth with these weapons? The character's are poor, there's no emotional interest as I didn't care who lived or died & despite being so big & powerful the Behemoth only seems interested in just sitting on top of a Volcano & roaring. At just over 80 minutes Behemoth felt much longer as it plods along, all I can really remember about Behemoth are these two people running around a forest for an hour & not much else.

The only credible aspect of Behemoth that saves it from getting a one star rating are the CGI computer effects which are surprisingly good. The actual Behemoth creature when fully revealed at the end is rather impressive it has to be said, OK it doesn't do anything other than just sort of sit on top of the Volcano & roar but it does look good considering the usual Sy-Fy Channel junk we see. Some of the other effects aren't so impressive, the disappearing house & crumbling rocks in particular look bad but the main star of the show the Behemoth is one of the better looking Sy-Fy Channel beasties. Even though a few people die there's no blood or gore here, like I said the Behemoth is underused & apart from sink a few houses doesn't really do anything of note.

With a supposed budget of about $1,300,000 this was filmed in British Columbia in Canada with decent production values & nice enough mountain scenery. The acting is, as usual, forgettable with most of the cast phoning their performances in. The only cast member of note is William B. Davis who played the sinister cigarette smoking man in The X-Files (1993-2002).

Behemoth is a boring mix of ecological thriller & giant monster creature feature that has some surprisingly good CGI but little else to recommend it. Bland character's, a plot cobbled together from various ideas & a lack of monster action kill it dead. Even if it's on television for free think twice about wasting your time.
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It stinks.
myronweatherbee5 April 2014
Look, I mean really... I didn't think that they still made films this bad. Did 'Robot Monster' teach us nothing? Endless shots of cliffs, and mountains, then some trees. People walking around, warning us... about... something. 40 minutes in, and nothing, absolutely nothing, has happened. Finally some dorky guy gets killed - you hope the rest of the cast will do likewise and end the movie but sadly, no. While some of the cast are hunting, well, whatever it is - Gramps and a sort of Latino babe are stuck in a diner. It's riveting stuff. Climax of the movie is when this dame falls off a step ladder. Cut back to guys on the mountain. The monster finally appears - it yells a lot but it seems to be stuck in that crater. Quick! Ahh! Do something! Cut back to Gramps and the girl- now he's fallen off the step ladder! How did they come up with this brilliant plot twist? Anyway - back to the critter - The Hero fires at it. With a gun he's never used, never seen before in his life. At 400 meters he gets the one and only shell he has (You know..."Don't miss! It's the only chance we've got!!" Brilliant device for adding suspense. How do they think of these things?) So it's a hit, kills it, they all drive down to catch up with the other two, lots of hugging and smooching because, hey, they've saved the world and that feels good. Let's all go home. The End.

The only thing that could possibly save this piece of turdola is the fact that everybody was apparently absolutely sincere in their work - they meant every word of it. So, who knows, maybe in 30 years' time at bad film festivals they'll be loving it.
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It was a good enough attempt, but...
paul_haakonsen19 August 2013
The DVD cover for this movie does look quite nice, and it does reflect the movie, in a sense. By that, I mean the monster is there, yes, the people are there, yes, but that level of danger and life-threatening situation never was present in the entire movie.

The story in "Behemoth" is about a small town that is located in the mountains, where they always have experiences small trembles in the ground. However, recently these tremblings have grown in intensity and frequency, and fissures of carbon monoxide is starting to appear throughout the mountains. Something has awoken beneath the mountains, and people are about to find out.

Storywise, then this is a standard monster movie by the run-of-the-mill given this is a SyFy Channel movie. So, if you are familiar with their movies, then you know exactly what you will get here.

The creature itself actually looked good and was nicely animated; good CGI effects and it came off as believable - well aside from its sheer size.

There were some really bad plot holes in this movie. First of all, where would a creature of this size have been lurking underneath the ground? It just doesn't make any sense for it to never have been detected before. And also, given the size of its body, just what would it have been eating and sustaining itself by? It just doesn't add up anywhere. Furthermore, the military had no idea what they were dealing here, but still they had managed to build a weapon to destroy it and knew that it was the ONLY thing that could destroy it. So the military works by psychics now? And finally, why would the Behemoth, with its massive size, be concerned about eliminating a few pesky humans on the mountain? Surely it wouldn't even notice them, much less bother with them as humans would be insignificant gnats in comparison to its bulk and size.

And throughout the entire movie, there weren't really any moments where you felt that anyone was at risk or in danger in any kind of way. The was no proper atmosphere to the movie, or at least the director failed to establish such a feeling.

As for the people on the cast list, well they were doing good enough jobs, however, there were times where the acting came off as wooden and simply not believable. Especially when confronted with the revealing of the Behemoth - there weren't just any sense of dread or hopelessness. It was just like they were 'ah so what, this happens every day in USA' and just shrugged it off. I am pretty sure that a mountain-sized tentacled monster would install a paralyzing fear in most people, or at least send them fleeing for their very lives.

"Behemoth" is good enough entertainment for what it is, a simplistic monster movie that is predictable and follows the 'how to make a gargantuan monster movie' page-by-page.

I am rating the movie a 4 out of 10 stars simply because of the creature effects - it was the one that carried the bulk of the movie, in more than one way, pardon the pun.
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Please make this the last
BleakDestiny14 September 2011
Now I always keep up to date with the latest Scyfy Channel original film. The reason? They are cheap and cheerful and often have a lovable charm possibly because of the god awful special effects. Some have actually been surprisingly good, most pretty damn bad but still OK take your brain out entertainment....this one....neither.

The one redeeming feature of this movie was the appearance of the always fantastic X-Files alumni Smoking Man as the main characters father who you cant but feel for as he plays the token "Knows all but nobody will listen till its too late" character.

The special effects are slightly better than usual but make up less than 1% of the film. Sadly the characters aren't likable, it breaks several movie rules that infuriated me and the ending was generic and predictable.

I ask the good people at the scyfy channel to cease pounding out this lacklustre movies and instead do half the movies but with double the effort put into them
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sadly made another waste of time
hammerheadshome20 March 2017
the best part of this movie was its scenery. basically it was so choppy nothing flowed not even the plot. the was so pathetic the acting was so terrible. the acting was also bad . like i said before the cgi was an embarrassing, and poorly done to say the least i remember when the syfy channel put out very good movies a long ago. over the past years they seem to have their heads up their bottoms with the movies. what a shame.
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poor science to boot
dan-of-old21 April 2012
The movie begins with a pair of geologist meeting their fate on the mountain. Equipment gets lost as well as their lives. We get back to some of the equipment at the end of the movie.

In the following scene, at the work-site on the mountain, men were standing around. Joe picks up what looks like a toy rocket and hands it over to our hero. No one offers a guess at what it is and it is promptly forgotten when the tree limb falls on poor Joe.

I am left to wonder how this discovery fits into the rest of the storyline. Did I miss something here or did the film editing forget about continuity? It is not worth the effort to go back (again) and look for the connection.
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Twisted Confused plot and Characters
akcds122 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Have to watch this one... it gets funny...Professors daughter taking a camping trip with metro-sexual guy who has the lowest testosterone level in recorded history... and as we watch her snivel and whine all the way up the hill... when he reaches out to support her emotionally... she tells him to be quiet the rest of the way... DID SHE REALLY JUST PUT HIM ON A TIME OUT??? Looks like quiet time for him... The question is.. does he ever make it back down the hill... and do you think he should have let her out and driven back down the hill at the occurrence of her first temper tantrum...

What about the professor who we find living evenings in the local diner because his supposedly supportive daughter, we find chasing her tail around town instead of feeding Dad at home. Although the Professor seems to have his own pedophile predilections culminating towards the end of the movie where we discover yet another find example of modern woman represented in ZOEY... a short little hot bodied dingbat we ponder how she could keep 2 orders straight or her job at the diner... till that one overhead down her top selfie is displayed, where we discover the professor with his arms around her in comfort ( shouldn't we all be comforting her )peering down her top...

Seriously... this is a must see... Why when everyone is in the helicopter is the man wearing the flight helmet AND NOT THE WOMAN PILOT... He was last go get in.... So many moments in this show make you want to back it up to see those moments again... in dis belief..

I would call this a must see...Gloria Allred may well find contention and grounds for a few Civil Suits based social relevance... But after all... not every movie is an academy award winner...
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An Epic Bore
Theo Robertson8 November 2011
I thought this was going to be a remake of the 1950s British B movie THE GIANT BEHEMOTH and certainly the info button stated that the premise involved a giant monster terrorising London which as it turned out was misleading mendacity . The opening scene mirrors the opening of that film with the action transferred from the Coprnish coast of England to the forests of Canada but that's the only connection to that B movie which was at least entertaining . The problem with this movie is that it's extremely boring

After a geologist is killed nothing of any note takes place for half the running time . Nothing . All that happens is that we're introduced to one supporting character after another after another . They are of course the type of characters you'd expect to see in a daytime soap opera or in a TVM with no nuance or idiosyncratic traits . The characters are so inoffensive they're almost painful and it's hard for any audience to feel any emotion towards them one way or another which sums up this film perfectly
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BakuryuuTyranno2 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts off reasonably well actually. We're introduced to several characters and it seems this movie will focus on characterization more than most syfy commissioned films yet ultimately it's pointless.

That's because by the time things get moving most people have already abandoned the town. Actually three groups of people remain. There's actually seven people. With the leads together, and since one person will survive from each group, there's few potential victims for this monster.

They should've gone with the usual disaster movie formula of killing off people the film had focused on; at least that would have provided some excitement. As is, two people fall victim to the monster which isn't particularly impressive for a monster movie. Even worse, the monster isn't even fully on screen during these scenes.
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Behemoth isn't as bad as the rating says
mrbassman77718 February 2017
This movie is not as bad as it is made out to be. First off it is surprisingly well shot, and the scenery is beautiful. Secondly, this is a B movie. It didn't have a huge budget, and it shows. That's all right though; it is what it is, an old school monster movie. My main complaint is that not enough people got eaten by the monster. Some people have complained about the cgi. I've seen much worse animation, especially in older movies. The animation used was perfectly acceptable. This movie isn't the best nor is it the worst, though it definitely deserves better than the appalling 3.4 rating it has.
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Fun !
seckinlergafri4 August 2017
Behemoth (2011) is a thriller genre television released in 2011 on the Syfy channel telling the story of a gigantic monster legend that will destroy the whole world, it turns out the legend is true. The monster destroys the city and scatters the entire earth .. The film opens with scenes of two researchers and after that they are killed by a kind of gas that spurts on them .. And proceed with a slightly boring conversation but when the end of the monster movie appeared ... Acting the cast In this movie is good enough .. I watch this movie via DVD ...
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Tricked into watching this twice!
Stevieboy6668 July 2020
I picked up a dirt cheap DVD called Volcanosaur with a picture of what looks like a T-Rex standing near an erupting volcano. Half way through I thought this looks familiar, once the end credits rolled I looked it up on IMDB and turns out to be Behemoth, which I had already watched on TV under that name. So I felt like I'd been tricked but the £1 that the DVD cost is hardly going to break my bank balance! As for the film itself it is silly and employs cheap CGI effects, however for a SyFy Channel production is compares well to much of their other movies. The acting is OK, they do play it straight which helped create some tension, it moves along at a pretty good pace and the Canadian mountainous locations are impressive. The creature is no T-Rex, so my DVD cover was very misleading, but a very peculiar looking tentacled thing, reminded me of something out of the old Toho Godzilla movies, only using CGI instead of models (which were much more enjoyable). Not actually a bad watch but I won't be going for a hat-trick!
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dnew-1232630 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Quintessential old school sci-fi drama ...if I give something Above 1 or 2 stars? It's because I could stand the whole movie it has all the quintessential stuff although it's the computer era the sheriff is still with the gathered whole darn town, and evacuates with a bullhorn, there's a crazy old coot who warns people of the inevitable catastrophe yet they tell him to take his meds or or they'll have somebody make him take them😁 other things like you can almost time to the letter when they'll be fast driving and rock music playing and the love interest lines like "look we've come too far to die now" 🤢 Main characters wearing the hottest mountain gear of that era and so forth. ...Acting, was surprisingly good enough to carry the film.
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