My Son Hunter (2022) Poster


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Yeah, okay (Revised)
doyoubelieveingod-399549 September 2022
The most offensive thing about this bad movie is how dull it is. If someone tells you this is a watchable film, it's either a bald-faced lie, sign of traumatic brain injury, a red flag to their conception of taste, or some combination of the three. It is honestly so plain to see that it's like listening to a child say they haven't eaten any cookies, who has chocolate and crumbs all over their mouth. It is incredibly hard to believe anyone's taste is this bad.

You know that thing that's the worst part of any movie, exposition? Well strap in, because the film is almost exclusively that. What isn't is either setting up the next bit of exposition, or title cards serving the same purpose.

Where did the budget go? While there are a few shots that show some kind of talent, it's balanced by things like dirt cheap effects (ie. The thought bubbles when Hunter has a concersation with a dog, the animated heart, etc). The fake news broadcasts shown honestly look like something straight from a Neil Breen film.

The directing decisions are poorly made. To demonstrate the thought and level of detail displayed, one early sequence shows Hunter with a rapidly beating heart, walking through a party where the thing that slows it down is smoking crack. Because cocaine is a downer, right? Later a phone call is made to a reporter who is typing on a typewriter, on his landline (no caller id), by someone he barely knows and says he'll text her later. It's a movie, whatever, but it's very lazy. Lazy enough to punctuate an obvious and lame joke with a boinging sound effect.

This movie thinks you're dumb. And if you're excited to spend $22 on this and rave about it later, it's right.
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Start well, then get's lost
caribexim9 September 2022
Just got done watching it on a not to be named Russian Facebook site, and found it fairly pedestrian. Not sure what they were going for here, a satire? A serious deep dive into political corruption? A third rate imitation of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with C level actors? It's script and direction is on the scale of a Lifetime movie and it makes Hunter strangely sympathetic, which I don't believe was the idea. Worst of all after the first 30 minutes it loses it entertainment value and gets wonky, and in the end boring. I could see someone on the Left doing the same film but with Trump as the lead character and probably just as tedious. So save your money and search it out for free unless you need red meat for your BDS, Biden Derangement Syndrome.
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Not a movie
GovertOps9 September 2022
I'm not a fan of Trump and his influence on journalism worldwide, but I went into the movie completely blank. I actively tried to like it, but it was just too cringy. The acting was genuinely bad and the production was just subpar. Example: voices of people being outside where recorded in a badly insulated room.

Nevertheless, I did love Laurence Fox's portrayal of a drugged out Hunter Biden and his little dog scene was really funny. He's definitely a good actor. I read a review online praising this movie (found it on Google btw) saying that this role will catapult him into stardom. I don't think this will happen though; outing yourself as a conspiracy theorist generally doesn't do any career any good. I sincerely hope he just did it for the money, but I doubt it.

In fact, the low production value showed me no real professionals were touching this, which is actually a bit of a relief. Gina's Secret Service suit wasn't a fit, for crying out loud. She was wearing a tent! Are you telling me even the tailors are afraid of cancellation? I don't think so.

Still a couple of stars for Laurence Fox and his funny dog scene.
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rnharrison13 August 2023
Poorly written, poorly directed, poorly acted. This movie does not have a storyline it's just garbled nonsense. The plot (I'm being generous to call it that) is just the embodiment of every conspiratorial and bad faith argument by the far right wing. Even going into it with an open mind, I was disappointed in the first scene. There is nothing entertaining or informative or thought provoking about this film. It is just nonsense. It's clearly made to profit off of the hate and ignorance of its target audience with no care for anyone that's not deep into that political ideology. Don't waste time or money on this unless you're who they were trying to market this garbage to.
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More awkward 4th Wall breaks than She-Hulk
spaghetticat-6019217 October 2022
Politics aside this movie is a mess. Like what is it? Is it a documentary? If it is it's too over-laden with "comedy" that undercuts the message it's trying to convey. If it's just supposed to be a movie there's too many sections of just droning exposition for it to be entertaining. It'll do fine in it's echo chamber I noticed most of the positive reviews are from people 45 +, but it's not going to convince anybody else by being as compelling as watching comunity theater production of Frost/Nixon. Also nothing says America first than having the entire film being shot in Serbia and only using foreign labor because it's cheaper.
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Where do I even begin
ItalianGreyhound6 January 2023
This project is absolutely tragic from beginning to end. The cast is a combination of washed up has-beens and actors that never really took off. Laurence Fox, for example, has long been a talentless ham who only got put into movies and shows because his family is some kind of UK acting royalty (a true "nepo baby"). Judging by his twitter feed, it appears he is now moving on to politics, and I'm sure he'll fail just as badly in that as he did in acting. Gina Carano shows once again that it was really only her athletic skills as a MMA fighter that got her movie & television roles - since this isn't an action movie, we are instead subjected to her wooden acting which is even worse than that of "Lozza" Fox. I'll give it 2 stars because it's competently filmed, but when it all comes down to it, it's just a crude attack by people who are angry that their little laptop story didn't have the same effect as "her e-mails". That's all it really is. Best to skip it and spend your time watching better movies.
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Poorly written and poorly acted Science Fiction
hhsdc348 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I can't decide if this is Russian propaganda or Trump Cult Members masturbation material. This is pure Trumpican fantasyland. Look, just because you write out in text in the movie with your supposed facts, doesn't make it true. Talk about fake news.

It starts out by proclaiming 'This isn't a true story' Is this to protect the producer and writer from being sued for libel? Then we see 'Except for all the facts'. Wink wink.

The movie looks like someone got a hold of some Iphone 7's and some cheap lights. I've seen better staged sets in Halloween haunted houses than I saw in this movie.

The acting is just awful. It was hard to figure out who was who in this movie because they didn't look like any of the real people. Was that intentional to avoid being sued? In the beginning I couldn't decide if that was Biden getting out of the pool or Trump. Then I remembered that Trump doesn't exercise and there were no 'Big Macs' around. The rest of the movie is Qanon conspiracy theories and Trumpican fantasyland. Was the budget so cheap that you couldn't even afford 'Rudy'?

Then towards the end, the movie imagines that Biden get arrested and Trump wins reelection. Ha, ha, ha. Look members of the cult, Trump lost and there is nothing in the Constitution to reinstate him. Give up on that fantasy. To add insult to injury, the cult that says the don't like biased news has a biased view of Trump getting elected. Irony is truly dead.

Don't bother with this movie. It's one pile of steaming... Well you know, horses do it all the time.
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Very well done
notagardeningchannel7 September 2022
I really enjoyed this film! That being said, I might watch it once more, but definitely not on the level of an epic that can be watched over and over again.

There were a lot of laugh out loud moments, yet it's simultaneously shocking that this is all based on real events. If this is really the story of the president's family, then the US is in very bad hands.

Lawrence Fox is an incredible actor, and I wonder why we have not seen more from him. His performance here was very impressive. He definitely stole the show from, better known, Gina Carano.

All in all, the film has very good acting and directing, an enjoyable screenplay, and is well worth watching.
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A film that knows its audience
eaglesfanintn16 January 2023
It's by the tools at Breitbart. That should tell you everything you need to know about it.

It's a dumb movie that is, in parts, unintentionally funny. If it wasn't backed by Breitbart, you might think that someone made a movie just to prove how smooth brained people actually are.

But, for today's world where a president can lie 30,000+ times and his blind followers still lap it up and even give money to his various funds that go directly into his pocket, what do you expect?

Laurence Fox is laughable, Carano has thrown away her already middling career on far right politics.

If you're dumb enough to believe people who hold press conferences at a landscaping company, this is the movie for you.
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Political history with a twist of satire
kenstallings-653467 September 2022
This movie is precisely what the opening scene plays out, "this is not a true story ... except for all the facts!"

In that blunt revelation, the purpose, narrative, and portrayal is explained in succinct and profound manner. This movie is not trying to be a documentary, primarily because the focus is so personal, that those personal details are dramatic license. But, the overall story is entirely true, based upon the precise information that the movie itself reveals.

The production values are very good, and the plot goes by quickly. The scenes, even if not entirely accurate, nevertheless provide a realistic context for motivations and objectives.

So, is this a political satire? Perhaps, but it seems so much more than mere satire. What it seems to be is a dramatic telling of a very important real world story, from an intensely personal point of view, that gets to the heart of many very critical political realities that were suppressed for political reasons.

In the end, for anyone who tries to stay current with events, the conclusion leaves one to ponder the realities, and make the judgments that seem most appropriate.

Those judgments may vacillate from sympathy for the people at the heart of the story, to outrage at their asserted betrayal of public trust. At one point, the movie even pokes a bit of fun at itself, by telling the backstory of how so many worked so hard to keep the entire narrative secret, and by those actions, may have influenced an entire national election.

In the end, this story, that Hollywood refuses to touch, provides information and perspective that fills a void left through deliberate censorship efforts. With that in mind, the movie may serve a very useful purpose.

In that light, the movie shows once again that effective satire can sometimes be more vital and relevant than documentary, because it provides the emotional context along with the hard truth.
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A bad film incompetently made
franklingriffen6 October 2022
The movie features poorly-cropped clipart word balloons, a boioioing sound effect during a serious scene, & script so hollow King Kong could live inside it. There is, truly, nothing redeeming about this. Even if you leave aside its politics, it fails on every level to be entertaining, or even to really be a movie. I've seen higher-quality productions from people reviewing McDonald's on YouTube. Everyone involved ought to be deeply embarrassed-however, that requires a sense of shame, & having a sense of shame would have prevented them from working on this junk in the first place.

Quite the Catch-22. I'd give it zero stars if I could.
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The only ones gutsy enough to handle this project.
adammooberry8 September 2022
There aren't many people who would weather the crap storm from the MSM, the tecno-fascists, the DNC, the Fed, the FBI, the CIA, the UN, the Ukraine, China and Russia. I give an extra star for the people who are literally risking their lives and their family members lives to bring the true story of Hunter Biden to the big screen.

As far as what happened and how it happened this movie is spot on, chef's kiss. The writing/dialog is a little cheesy, but there is an intentional feel to the movie of light hearted comedy and not taking itself too seriously.

The acting was well done other than the moments of cheesy dialog mentioned above. It is clever and creative on how they present what happened and I think they nailed a lot of liberal tropes.

If you are a liberal your mind is closed to all bad things Dems do so don't bother, if you are not you will enjoy this movie, it is so refreshing and nothing like the current garbage coming out of Hollywood.
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Honest review
kaideneve14 September 2022
You can see from the plethora of 1 and 10 star reviews here how blindly polarized American society is today. If it doesn't conform to the biased news sources both left and right that demonize each other daily, then there is absolutely no moderate middle ground it seems. For those of you giving this 9-10 stars... give your head a shake. That's like putting it on par with The Godfather. For those giving it 1 star reviews, stop watching MSNBC for a second, chill out and try to enjoy the satire. Trump has been roasted constantly over the last 6 years to the point where it's supremely annoying. God forbid someone should do the same to the Bidens for once.

OK rant over, on to the merits and drawbacks of the movie. I will agree that it was overly political, but what can you expect coming from Breitbart. I found the monologues hand-feeding Hunter's misdeeds to the audience with Carrano and the other side characters annoying distractions that really draw you out of the main narrative and make it seem like more of a political hit job than a film. That's probably my biggest gripe, and there are way more creative ways to do this.

The script is laughable at times, but overall I think it pulls through as just around par. The production value was actually quite good, with some great cinematography. Probably one of the best parts of the film, but it's almost like putting lipstick on a pig due to the other failings.

Despite everything else, I really enjoyed Laurence Fox's performance and think he did an excellent job portraying the sleazy yet emotionally damaged addict. Seeing his acting in the trailer was what originally got me to watch this in the first place. The parts where he was recounting his brother Beau and their childhood were excellent. If the rest of the script was able to evoke emotion even close to that as opposed to those annoying asides, this could have been a much better movie. John James as Biden was pretty funny too. I'm glad they didn't throw low blows by making fun of the speech and memory problems.

Overall, I'd give it a 6.5. This is an average movie that is held up by Laurence Fox's great acting, momentary emotional parts of the script that really shine through, and solid production value.
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I wanted to like it
jeffreytengrotenhuis26 September 2022
It makes the hooker the voice of reason, strangely.

It breaks the fourth wall to explain things to the viewer. It's awkward. A good work of art dramatizes, it doesn't lecture. It's like they couldn't decide whether this is a documentary with a narrator or a dramatization.

The pacing is too slow

The main actor is great, I just wish he'd been given a better script and direction.

Feels like a college project, with big text and cartoonish thought bubbles. The style has no continuity.

They made Biden unbelievably lucid.

Dialogue is clunky and at times laughable.

Gina Carano detracted from the movie. Her smugness is just annoying.

It's a waste of time.
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What a horrible mess
connolley32510 April 2023
This movie is so bad. The poor acting and overacting alone is pathetic. The "actors" who associated themselves with this steaming pile of garbage are grade Z level and the script was apparently written by a five-year-old. Laurence Fox for some reason decided to deep-six his career and jump on the Trump bandwagon for reasons unknown. He's from a renowned theatrical family and has been in some decent projects. I'm not sure why he's gone off the deep end but it seems a bit odd. I guess brainwashing travelled across the pond? The film itself is badly gone and directed. I could film a better movie on my iPhone.
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MAGA fantasy film is just the kind garbage you'd expect
johnchristopher-124 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
100% propaganda-and not even convincing at that. This is the fantasy film every maga-conservative wants the world to believe is true. It's no secret that Hunter lived a life of excess, so what's the point of spending 2 million to produce garbage? Because this is what the producers think will help them win mid-terms and ultimately the presidency. Since the film is billed as a Drama, you can be sure it holds few proven facts.

To focus momentarily on the film-craft, the acting here is comically bad, even amateurish. Cinematography is passable. The dialogue is clumsy and unbelievable.

Nevertheless, maga-people will spend their money on this bit of tripe regardless of fact or fiction. It's only available by streaming or download which likely means they couldn't get a distributor to get it in theaters.
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A slightly disappointing, infuriating, and very, very necessary movie
dthcsnyj10 September 2022
It's incredible to me how when you take the story of the Biden family and make it into a fiction film, it has to be de-dramatized. This film does a very good job of chipping away at the iceberg of corruption that is the Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, etc family reign of terror on the world.

I was hoping that it would be a savage exact portrayal of the psychosis of hunter and joe. I don't think it went far enough. However maybe this soft and under sold version of what these families are into will get the attention of the herd of people stuck in the mass formation psychosis.

I hope that this will get the attention of some of the masses that have been asleep behind the shepherds. There is so much corruption in these forever politician families.

Thank you to the actors, actresses, and staff. You have earned a massive amount of respect for having the fortitude to be involved in this movie. There's no doubt that you will get vilified for trying to shine light on the truth. Any movie that you guys are involved in I will support you in the future. Many of Hollywood have lost my respect and will never get it back.
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A failure to mimic the smug yet informative attitude of The Big Short
bulgerpaul12 September 2022
I wrote a full review where I relayed the full saga of the Hunter Biden Laptop non-troversy and provided a litany of links to all of my sources, which I posted on Letterbox. Sadly IMDB doesn't allow you to code hyperlinks, or link anything at all, which is essential if you're going to review a movie as dedicated to spreading real life misinformation as My Son Hunter. So, if you are interested in getting all of the context that lead up to this movie, you can find it on Letterboxd. But here is part of my review of the movie itself:

"Yeah, it's a bad, try-hard movie. An incompetent biopic hit-piece that fails to meaningfully hit its target. Hunter Biden is a rich kid who likes to party and coasted through life on cushy jobs he wasn't qualified for because of nepotism? *shocked Pikachu face*

Right out the gate this movie tries so hard set itself apart from the typically incompetently produced conservative exploitating fare, desperate to showcase that this is meant for a serious non-psychotic audience with its sleek cameras and JJ Abrams lens flairs, very quick to show you that they're not going to be restrained by any of the prudish Christian morality other conservative propaganda films are, as within the first eight minutes we see inside the den of a strip club's changing room while the dancers casually walk around in scanty outfits and we're given two full minutes of a beautiful dancer who calls herself "Kitty" alluring Hunter Biden with a dance, whom we're given a close up of snorting cocaine and loadly dropping an F-bomb before enjoying the show (all the while they're careful not to display any nudity), all of which I'm sure is going to be a shocking display of moral decay to the audience that is actually going to watch this, everything set to scream "THIS AINT YOUR GRANDMA'S RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA MOVIE!" It's cute just how hard they're trying, when they don't even have the imagination to visualize what a coked up stripper orgy would look like outside of some blurry camera filters (and once again, when we're given the aftermath of this stripper orgy when everybody has passed out on the floor, hilariously, absolutely nobody passed out at this coked up stripper orgy is naked, because as hard as they want this to be a mature movie for real adults they can't push the content far enough to offend and alienate too much of their target audience). It throws absolutely everything at the wall that the hip and edgy popular political comedies in the vein of Adam McKay does these days for "humor": A badly animated graphic of an anatomically correct heart beating faster and faster as Hunter snorts more and more cocaine (think Scott Pilgrim), some thought bubbles popping above Hunter and a random dog's head like conversation (think Shithouse), random picture/video montages of Hunter's licentious partying scattered about (think The Big Short), characters turning and speaking directly to the camera because it's meta and the kids these days go wild for anything that pretends to be self-aware (think The Big Short), actors who don't play any characters dumping exposition about how illegal activities are conducted (think The Big Short), a fake-out "gotcha" fictionalized happy ending (think Vice and the Big Short), awkwardly shoving memed to death lines real people have said into dialogue (think Don't Look Up, and yes, practically everything is incompetently lifted from Adam McKay movies, with a little bit of The Laundromat splashed in), etc."

After that point, I go over some of the specific claims this movie makes and discuss them, which I wish I could link, but you'll find it on Letterboxd.
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Compelling story told expertly
psapearson-106448 September 2022
Fantastic performances, great story and writing, and a troubling look at the corruption rife in the current administration of untouchable elites. Grateful to see that this important story has found its way into the public eye, unlike many of the stories surrounding the central character which were supressed by the media and big tech in the run up to the 2020 presidential election. The always reliable Laurence Fox, who has himself been cancelled in the UK for having the "wrong opinions" gives a solid performance as do the supporting cast. Well worth a watch. Robert Davi shows that he can turn his hand at directing as well as acting and does a fine a job of it, at least as good as many of those currently occupying esteemed directing positions in Hollywood.
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Note the cast
UltraMaximal17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off this is supposed to be satire but satire is generally funny. So they miss that mark right out of the gate. The writing and direction is very sophomoric and general production value below average.

Next we get a bunch of people making things up that are just borderline defamation and slander but they try to hide it as supposition. Here again they miss that mark of making anything coherent or probable much less prove anything.

It's a sad state when you spend millions on a poorly written, produced and cast political movie when that money could have been used to actually help people.

Then there's the cast. Not especially known for anything or even being of much talent. The only person of any note whatsoever is Gina Corano. I believe she was cast as the Man Thing a while back but got fired for her rabid and rancid views and not being easy to work with. Also, note that this politically produced film is composed of 30% Russian citizens and stake holders. Seriously you can't make this stuff up.
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Entertaining and informative
nicholascorrell10 September 2022
It will leave you feeling upset about how media worked so hard and deliberately to kill the TRUE story of the laptop. I thought it was a great movie. Fox played Hunter to a tee, and John James nailed the nuances of Joe Biden. Shooting in Serbia, and for less than $3million resulted in a film that appeard to have 5x the budget and zero constraints. Visuals were captivating and the patchwork scenes were captured really well. It's a documentary of sorts, so the plot was developed accordingly. It was by far more fact than fiction. Even Joe's ramblings about cornpop,pony soldiers, and all the women that have made accusations against him.
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Art Film That Raises Questions
wes_4348 September 2022
My reaction to the film is both good and bad. The film opens with the disclaimer this is a not a true story, except for the facts" That really seems to be the point of the film. The fictional narrative is a device used to help make sense and flesh out a variety of characters, relationships and complex schemes we may have heard bantered about in the press. It's not an Oliver Stone political blockbuster like JFK but it's certainly more entertaining than Tom Hanks snoozer "The Post." Even with several compelling performances, the film has an aura of low budget amateurishness about it as it is often just too on the nose but certainly not without style. In a way, that really works for "My Son Hunter." Even with it's flaws, it's a fun film. Yet after watching, I was left wondering, was I cringing in parts because of the movie or because what the Biden's got up to was so bad? This film is it's own animal. It's satire blended with facts designed to get the audience to dig deeper into a problem a politically polarized media has purposely tried to ignore and suppress. It's obvious the film maker meant this as a "Wake up you idiots" slap in the face to those who failed to do their job for the sake of getting the"Orange Man out." In that regard my hat is off to a film maker who dared do what professional in the press would not. Those with political leanings one way or the other may praise or pan the film depending on their bias. I'd encourage everyone to give it a watch and make up their own mind. If only half the facts presented in this movie were true, and I suspect that may be an understatement, this would make the film a powerful piece worthy of serious follow up... this time.
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Skip the Dough for the Crappy Feed & spend it on QAA's Movie Night Version
EffMJay16 September 2022
No matter your political leanings this is just embarrassingly godawful. Incompetent, shabbily-streamed, boring, etc. Etc. Poor Laurence is a pale shell of the actor he was in Inspector Lewis and the rest are clearly in it for the money.

If you're really curious, don't waste your hard-earned money on the actual movie. Rather, spend it instead on a one month $5 buck Patreon subscription to podcast QAnon Anonymous's hysterically funny blow by blow of this atrocity, to be found under the title "Premium Episode 184: My Son Hunter." There's a a good sample on Soundcloud.

You might enjoy their other "movie night" adventures, but this was truly one of their best.
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Hysterical that it's even worse than you might expect
mail-228-65499911 September 2022
The director famous for making Demon Sheep, which helped Carly Fiorina lose the California Senate race and a writer of biblical novels, come together to write a piece of hysterical propaganda. You can tell how much their fans lap it up as they rate it as though it's Godfather or Citizen Kane, which is a clue to their rose coloured spectacles.

Somehow the millionaires and billionaires who fund this cheese fest manage to distract attention from them being an "elite" and suggest those supporters should focus their anger to some vague amorphous group elsewhere.

It's fitting that it stars Laurence Fox, a man most famous for being a failure, particularly since he was one of the few candidates to lose their deposit in the election to become Mayor of London.
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GQP Trash as Always
RainbowVic12 November 2022
"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives... I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it. Suppose any party, in addition to whatever share it may possess of the ability of the community, has nearly the whole of its stupidity, that party must, by the law of its constitution, be the stupidest party; and I do not see why honorable gentlemen should see that position as at all offensive to them, for it ensures their being always an extremely powerful party . . . There is so much dense, solid force in sheer stupidity, that any body of able men with that force pressing behind them may ensure victory in many a struggle, and many a victory the Conservative party has gained through that power." John Stuart Mill ( British philosopher, economist, and liberal member of Parliament for Westminster from 1865 to 68 )"
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