Eraser: Reborn (2022) Poster

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Eraser knock off
s327616917 May 2022
The new take on the Eraser is not in the same league as the original film.

This knock off has a made for streaming platform feel. Everything is "alright', its competently done but hardly an immersive experience, either.

One perhaps for a slow day or evening, just don't expect anything close to the Arnie original.

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If everyone could make a gourmet meal...
A_Different_Drummer15 May 2022
... we would not need professional chefs. Same for movies. Here the smartest thing the producers did was to take the money saved by casting relative unknowns, and putting it into the cinematography, sound track, fight scenes, and SFX. Only one problem. Unlike the original (which I saw in a theater), there was no point in this film where I actually CARED what might happen next to any of these characters. Not even a little. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
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But why?...
paul_haakonsen16 May 2022
Yeah, okay. This was the reboot you didn't see coming, nor didn't ask for to be made.

But I am getting ahead of myself here. Sure, I didn't know that there was a sequel to the 1996 classic Schwarzenegger movie "Eraser" in the making. So stumbling upon it by random luck here in 2022 seemed like my good fortune. So of course I had to sit down and watch it, especially since the original "Eraser" movie was quite enjoyable. Now, had I only known that this was a reboot, then I wouldn't have been so eager to get to see it.

Writer Michael D. Weiss and director John Pogue had a snowballs chance in Hell of making this 2022 action thriller "Eraser: Reborn" into a good movie. I don't enjoy reboots particularly much, so that was working against the movie. And the fact that writer Michael D. Weiss blatantly copied multiple scenes and dialogue scene by scene from the original 1996 movie was just a slap to the face of fans of the Schwarzenegger movie from 1996.

Sure, if you have never seen the 1996 action thriller "Eraser", then I am sure there is enjoyment to be found in "Eraser: Reborn". But if you have seen the 1996 movie, then you should really do yourself a favor and stay well clear of director John Pogue's 2022 reboot. It just simply is atrocious and a mockery of the original movie.

But let's be fair here, then "Eraser: Reborn" actually has a good amount of action, explosions and gunfights to it, and that somehow makes it bearable to sit through this ordeal.

The character gallery in "Eraser: Reborn" was just a watered down copy-paste job of the original 1996 movie, with some alterations done.

I didn't know they made this movie before I had the opportunity to sit down and watch it, and I have to say that the movie will fade into oblivion for me with the same amount of oblivion as it came into existence. This is not a particularly enjoyable movie for fans of the original 1996 movie.

My rating of "Eraser: Reborn" lands on a very generous four out of ten stars.
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Eraser: Regurgitation
Snabeldyhr17 May 2022
Yikes. Everything here is TERRIBLE. Badly written story, badly acted, full of uninspired identical fist fights and some shooting that looks like all other low-budget fares ... perhaps except for even more CGI bullethits. It was SO hard to get through and the two stars are for the DOP who somehow managed to film some scenes that looked better planned than what the rest of the movie delivered. After 100 minutes of this I hoped someone would erase all of me, and not just my brain, which the movie managed just fine.

Just stick with the Arnold-movie. You'll be better off.
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Should have erased the idea of making this movie before it was made
ryukan42030 June 2022
They should have called this a sequel because it would have been maaaaaybe slightly less piss poor as a sequel than as an attempted reboot...nahh this movie is crap regardless. I don't think any of the cast members are better than "C" grade actors, they are all bland and forgettable and uninteresting. Which describes the whole movie, bland and forgettable and not worth having been made. This movie is so pathetic it practically plagiarizes scenes from the original movie. The CGI is lame and looks like it was pulled from out of a vault from 25 years ago, the CGI is no better than the original and some of the bullet effects look stupid and unnecessary.

I immediately went and watched the original movie after I watched this so I could get the horrendous taste of this awful joke of a reboot out of my brain.
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What a load of rubbish
joeschmoenebody17 May 2022
Pretty much a remake of the Arnold Schwarzenegger one. 100% predictable. The original wasn't the best but I recommend it over this nonsense ten times out of ten.
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stan_gee18 May 2022
The movie is a total rip-off of Eraser starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Vanessa Williams. The script writers and director is so stupid, they took every scene from Eraser and tried to remake it. This movie as trashy and a poor excuse for a movie as it is , this is proof positive, you should never try and remake a movie by scene stealing and altering them to suit your needs, when you have no idea what your needs are. This is one of those film you put on as background noise while you do something else. If you wanna watch this movie as it was meant to be, watch ERASER! It's a much better movie, even if it were produced in 1996.
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Eraser(ish)... but without any of the thrills
YourMyWifeNow20 May 2022
Someone, somewhere read this script and decided to put up the cash to make it. Imagine that?!

The threadbare plot involving a crypto wallet isn't even revealed until halfway through the film. The stakes couldn't be any lower and by then, no one cares. There's no character development. We're not even sure of the relationship between Pollard and Whitlock.

The original is so underrated. Great acting (even from the bit players), high stakes, James Caan as the double crossing mentor, some fantastic stunts and set pieces.

Eraser: Reborn doesn't even come close. The substitute for the crocodile scene is embarrassing. Pollard is revealed to be some sort of Dr. Dolittle who can talk to the animals.

As the film approaches its climax, it becomes even more boring. How did they let that happen?

I've given it 2/10 for the cinematography which is mostly pretty good.
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Eraser Re-boot
kosmasp5 April 2022
I just rewatched the first Eraser movie to get in the mood for this. And as I imagined, this actually is not a sequel but rather a remake. Or a reboot ... or a well "reborn" as they call the movie. Now if you have seen the original you may ask: do I need to watch this? It depends - if you have the other one fresh in memory and you remember it fondly, it is better to avoid this.

For some reason the german distribution thought this would make a good theatrical release movie. And I guess it is nice to see any movie on the big screen. The main actor is not worse compared to Arnold when it comes to acting - which is not me being mean to any or both of them. He actually has some charisma too - not as much as Arnold has though. The main point is that the bad guy is way better in the original. If you know who I am talking about, you can figure out who it'll be here.

All that aside: there is some good decent action in the movie and I've seen worse movies. The CGI is not good though and it almost completely destroys the enviromental message it is trying to deliver. Especially the last bit (he went for a ride is replacing the caught a train one liner - which you may find funny or not).

Overall there are some tweaks to certain plot points but you will see the changes and can guess them or where the movie is going. The new Vanessa Williams is also really good looking ... and she knows what she wants too ... I also saw that she and the main actor did a tv show together. At least a few episodes I reckon. But they know each other, which I think is something that helped their on screen energy and chemistry. This is a direct to dvd/streaming title - expect to get that.
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bemusedmonkey16 May 2022
I enjoyed to original and wanted to enjoy this but at no point during the film did I feel engaged in it.

The film has a TV show vibe about it, they've transformed the hero into a ninja for some reason and the film overall lacks the jokey charm of Schwarzenegger.

Watch the original again, you'll have more fun.
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It Can't Erase the Original - But it Gets Damn Close to Being Entertaining in its Own Right
totalovrdose17 February 2024
What's that saying about copying stuff and flattery? Eh, can't remember. But I *can* remember the 1996 Schwarzenegger feature, which this film takes a wealth of inspiration from, following the same beats and set-pieces, albeit in different settings. With that in mind, it can be hard to assess Eraser Reborn on its own merits, as it is dripping with nostalgia, with many of its best moments and one liners ("you're early!", "you're late!") ripped straight from the original. You literally see them coming, and this can leave you questioning 'is the entertainment I get from this film therefore earned?

In the 'making of', the crew describe how today, the act of erasing people would be more complicated with the advent of social media, the ability to track anyone technologically adding further stakes. This idea is occasionally used, and effectively I might add, but it would have been better if they further leaned into this.

Pollard (Dominic Sherwood) is no Schwarzenegger - and yet, he is very likable in this movie. Not only that, he is believable in his role, appearing confident, courageous and intelligent - and the way he cocks his pistol is kick-ass. Speaking of, he kicks a lot of ass too.

The film opens similarly to the original, with Pollard 'erasing' a man (Eddie Ramos' Sugar) who broke cover from the witness protection program. I wonder if he will be important later? Pollard is then assigned a new case; Rina Kimura (Jacky Lai - who could easily give Vanessa Williams a run for her money), recently widowed after helping the FBI gather intelligence on her former criminal husband's notorious operation.

Pursued by the gang her husband ran, Pollard 'erases' Rina, and moves her to Cape Town, where a majority of the film takes place; an area where Pollard and his best friend & mentor, Whitlock (McKinley Belcher III), hide their subjects. Where James Caan in the original gave a sleazy contemptuous 'I'm a businessman' routine, McKinley genuinely makes this role his own, being a pretty cool cat with some great lines.

Sherwood and Lai work incredibly well together. There is that 'will they or won't they' kind of chemistry between them, and their characters must overcome issues of trust and acceptance, with Lai especially having one of the best, and strongest personal monologues in the film. She is capable of handling herself - but believably so - never does she come off as someone who is superior to Pollard, sometimes using her scheming intellect and physical beauty to her advantage, not just her powerful kicks.

When the whole eraser program comes under threat from...someone (three guesses who), Pollard must use all of his skills to help get Rina off the grid, protect her with his life, and unravel the conspiracy before he himself is...well, erased.

Though this feature is described as a B-movie, the choreography, effects, cinematography and music really go above and beyond to amazingly strengthen the film's presentation.

The fight scenes often feel more grounded in realism than the original, with characters clearing rooms the way you might expect an expert officer to do. The aforementioned fights often seem glitzier than they might in an average B-grader, especially with the explosions that are transformed nicely by additional effects layered on top of them. That said, the violence feels toned down in contrast.

Set predominantly in Cape Town, the movie uses this setting to its advantage, which really separates it from the grey skeletal city structures of the original movie. Moreover, a lot of the film happens during the day, which helps to show how beautifully shot this film is when on location.

And don't get me started on the music - the main theme is just one of those catchy tunes you could just listen to over and over.

Ultimately, the movie objectively takes a lot of inspiration from the original, which can feel a bit cheap. But there are still three excellent reasons to see this film; the solid choreography, the feature's vibrant color pallet, and the talented beauty that is Jacky Lai.
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A flawed but still decent and entertaining B film.
Top_Dawg_Critic4 July 2022
As far as B films go, I'll say this is one of the better ones out there. It was well acted, especially an outstanding and convincing performance by Jacky Lai. The story was a little dragged out and felt longer than the 102 min runtime from all the filler with little substance. The location and sets were excellent and the score surprisingly fitting for a B film. Cinematography was great, and the action choreography was decent. It's a fun one time watch, especially if you're a fan of the genre.
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Snooze fest
vmm-4462815 May 2022
I gave this a 2 and that's being generous!

The black rogue cop can't act for $%^^.

Talk about over's a b grade mess at best!

I dare say we won't be seeing any of these actors in any good movies any time siin!
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Why did I save you?
nogodnomasters26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Mason Pollard (Dominic Sherwood) is a US Marshall whose job is to make it look like potential witnesses have died (been erased) and then keep them in a safe house Rina (Jacky Lai) is the wife of a Syndicate boss who killed him and has files as evidence of his wrong doing. She winds up in Cape Town being guarded by Mason. There are elements within the Marshalls that have compromised them and they are being hunted. And Rina is not being totally honest.

The picture had all the parts of a thriller. Our lead character was pretty boring even when they attempted to make him look like he had personality. I had to take off points for the dumb CG rhino scene they thought would work.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Why was this made? And was it made so badly?
dereksims-8855722 May 2022
Annie's original Eraser was a fun movie, with a good blend of action and tongue in cheek humour.

So, with that winning formula to use as inspiration, they decided to do a reboot and throw away everything that made the original enjoyable.

The lead character has the charisma and acting ability of a paper clip, which bizarrely, is more than the rest of the cast have.

The action is woeful, tactically inept and boring. The only comedy is to be found laughing at how bad it is.

Would I rather watch this than sandpaper my eyeballs - yes, but only just...
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A Laughable Remake - not in a good way.
Hammer-Rocks27 May 2022
This remake was so bad, it just made me laugh. The original "Eraser" movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger which wasn't all that great, was at least entertaining, with solid enough acting by its supporting cast. Compared that to this remake, the 90s original is a masterpiece.

This one however, has terrible dialogue and acting, that's verging from excruciatingly boring, to the totally flat dead delivery. Special effects isn't much better. It's sub-par. I've seen better special effects from Computer games.

The narrative also made it hard to like the two main protagonist. In the end I couldn't care less if they died or not, I just wanted the film to end.

VERDICT: Better than watching paint dry (just), but watch at your own risk.
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keko922-215 May 2022
It is based on U. S. Marshal Mason Pollard who is specialized in engineering the fake deaths of witnesses that leaves no trace of their existence.

. Makes you think it is a true story but Eraser Reborn Bad acting and definitely a B movie. I now need to watch the Eraser with remind me of a good action movie from the 90's

WOW This one I don't really know if the previous comments are from people in the movie or stock in it.
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Not a good movie!
jamezwinnz23 May 2022
Bad Actors, bad story ....... why is all the bad movie, when a good guy take a bad guy down but doesn't shoot them to make sure they don't come back in a few minutes and attack him again? And when you have a gun in your hand that woman doesn't shoot the bad guy but jump and try to hit him?

If someone make a movie.... at least make it so the audience can feel the movie instead of criticizing it. Just plain bad.
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Should this movie be erased?
staunton-gary13 June 2022
No, the movie was just above average. I watched it without trying to compare it with the original, thankfully I did that and wasn't upset. It kind of holds itself up, but upon reflection and thinking about the original, I'm confused and a bi disappointing that something a little more original couldn't have been done. There was a captive audience wanting more than a cash grab. I would recommend it though.
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Eraser: Reborn
Prismark1016 May 2022
A reboot/remake of the 1996 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.

This is a low budget, straight pay tv action movie shot in South Africa.

US Marshall Mason Pollard (Dominic Sherwood) is the Eraser. He fakes witnesses deaths and puts them into hiding with new identities.

His latest assignment is to protect Rina Kimura who reluctantly turns informer against her later gangster husband.

Mason takes Rina into hiding in South Africa. However the mob has sent some assassins. Mason finds out that there are also dirty US Marshalls who want to kill Rina.

Dominic Sherwood lacks the presence, charisma and physicality of Schwarzenegger. Even his attempt at humour is misfired.

The 1996 movie had some dodgy CGI regarding the crocodile scenes. This one made over 25 years later has worse CGI.

It is basically a cheapy copy made for Warner Brothers streaming service.
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Fun, unpredictable, with a nod to the past
ghqcgdjy8 June 2022
Dominic Sherwood, Jacky Lai, and. McKinley. Belcher II shine in this movie. Cape Town is a character on its own. If you want a fun movie to watch, this is it.
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Ignore the terrible reviews. It's fine.
SandandSlopes7 August 2022
I didn't see the original Eraser so I couldn't care less if it's better or worse. It was interesting from beginning to end. Sure some of the acting was spotty, but it was no big deal. A very good popcorn movie. Definitely worth watching. It had a good ending. And it kept me interested throughout the entire movie. When I rate a movie I'm looking for entertainment, not artistic value or perfection. This was definitely entertaining and I'd recommend it.
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Snooze fest with boring plot
luckyj-5479719 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Same plot of betrayal inside the agency. Hero gets captured and escapes. Instead of killing the hero when he is zipped tied, he is slow walked to some random location where he escapes.
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junkieuk18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An "action" flick with bad choreographing and equally bad acting. The fighting seems very rehearsed in that it is slow compared to other action flicks. It is like the first guy waiting for the second guy to strike and then the second guy would slow down so that the first guy can reach out to block that move. It's really bad.

The way the actors talk to each other within the movie is very monotone like they were not interested in being on the set and just going through the motions to get the scenes over with.

The ending is especially bad too with the villain deciding to kill the hero but then decided not to and then decided to (which by then is too late as the hero gets to live while the villain gets gored by a rhino). Villain had plenty of time to kill the hero but for some reason always delaying and misses his chance. Whatever. And what is up with the rhino and ostrich popping up randomly in the movie?
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could've been an okay original film, but the ruined it by copying random parts
agof2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why would you make it a reboot? The character is not the same, and the witness protection operates across the decades. When it is a new movie it mostly works. They've got some good ingredients for a lower budget film. The protagonists looks cool, there are cool scenes, some cool dialogue lines. Only the new ending sucks. They could've kept it a part of the Eraser, if they so wanted, despite no one even remembering that film. And they could've make it their stand-alone little film.

But the decided to make it an extremely awkward re-make instead. So every time they copypaste ideas, lines, and plot-points from the original, that doesn't fit the new film they made. They don't have the budget and they don't have the talent to pull them off. But worst of all nothing is set up, things just happen because the original did it.

The old intro sequence was kinda tight and it set up the rest of the movie.

In the new one when he needs to kill a bunch of guys, instead of shooting he plays games with them.

This is so dumb.

And Marco was present during Rina's erasure. How would he believe that she died if he saw her being alive?

During the shipyard fight the girl got a gun and she sees bad guy's back. Instead of shooting she run to him to be captured. Just to repeat the container fight. Poorly.

And the very ending sucks.
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