Significant Other (2022) Poster

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A wild ride
melaine-139698 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not what it seems. From the title and description I thought this movie was a movie about a haunting or demonic possession. The commercial made it look kind of like a Blair witch type of movie. The first 30 seconds of the movie made it obvious that this was not the case. This is in fact an alien movie. I don't particularly like alien movies they're just not my thing, but after reading critic reviews I decided to give it a chance. With this movie I think a new genre was discovered Sci-Fi horror comedy. This movie breaks all the cliches of the usual thriller genre. Nothing is as it seems and every time you think you have the movie figured out something else wild happens. At one point I was convinced this movie was a parody. I kind of love this movie and what they went for. I know the movie is supposed to have deeper meanings and what not, but as someone who is not a serious person I enjoyed it as a Thriller comedy about aliens and the mystery of love. The first third of the movie had me on edge, the second third had me laughing, and the final third had me yelling at the screen. Once the twists and turns start they don't stop so just enjoy this wild ride for what it is.
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An underwhelming yet decent one-time watch.
Top_Dawg_Critic8 January 2023
This was a survivalist type sci-fi that was well shot, directed and acted. All casting and performances were on point. The story had a few nice twists, but nothing revolutionary or jaw-dropping. It was well shot with great cinematography and a decent score. Even at a mere 84 min runtime and fairly decent pacing, it still felt longer due to the lack of any constant suspenseful narrative. It did have its moments of intrigue and suspense, but those were too few and far in between the basic camping survivalist theme. Nevertheless, it's a decent genre crossing film that's a decent one-time watch by a relatively newb co-writer and co-directing duo.
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A harmless film that should entertain you plenty
jtindahouse9 October 2022
Even though 'Significant Other' has its flaws, I respect a lot about this film. It had an interesting premise with some subtle and clever twists and it got in and got out with a short runtime.

The problem this film has is its middle. It feels like it establishes a good tone early. Pretty dark and serious, then all of a sudden things become wacky and it feels like it is going for laughs (I'm torn as to whether this was intentional or it was just coming across this way).

It's pretty hard to dislike a film like this though. It's not preachy and trying to shove a message down your throat. It simply wants to entertain you. I'll give it a 6, but a part of me would like to give it a 7. 6/10.
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smoke09 October 2022
I wanted to see this as soon as I saw that Maika was in it because she is fast becoming my new favorite actress, particularly as she seems to be the go-to for good horror/thriller films, and she has not let me down yet. There are some minor issues with the movie itself; some pacing problems - this could have been a bit shorter overall, especially if the twist had come earlier, and once there, I loved the surprisingly humorous turn the story took, but I was left wanting just a few more shocks and surprises. The twist reminded me of the twist in Malignant, which I did not guess, and which then signaled utter craziness to come, so I was waiting for that to happen, but it was on a much lesser scale..still, this is enjoyable and unexpected, and best of all, it fooled me.
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Add Horror to the Genres List
methis9 October 2022
I don't know why Horror's not included in the "Genres" list; I would call this more horror with sci-fi elements than the other way around.

Trying to think of what other films of which this one reminded me, and the closest I could come up with was Under the Skin. While not as creepy and much more overtly explained than that 2013 Scarlett Johansson film, I found definite similarities. To elaborate more on this would be bordering even more on spoiler territory; suffice to say that this film's title is quite the double entendre.

I'm liking Maika Monroe more each time I see her, and she does not disappoint here.

As a horror enthusiast, I find the present rating of 5.7 for this film far lower than it merits. I found it far superior to the recent Hellraiser reboot and, unlike that film, look forward to watching this one again.
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Interesting concept that brings too little.
jmbovan-47-1601739 October 2022
Interesting concept that is kept mysterious in previews, but quickly spoils the overall concept in the first 10 minutes (or suggests it loudly). Still, there is a mild edge as we try to understand what is happening. After things are clear on the plot, this turns into a mind game psychological thriller. But it lacks enough tension to be a thriller. Maika Moore and Jake Lacy play off each other well, making their couple in tension highly believable. But, the movie overall boils down to a very small point, and this was underwhelming for me. The movie is less mysterious when watching than what the previews suggest leaving a horror and thriller fan disappointed.
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So much wasted potential
jdiz11517 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Man this film had SO potential right up until the actual "twist". It's not that the twist is particularly bad it's just after the reveal of what's "actually" going on the film just doesn't know what it wants to be.

Are we watching a survival horror or apocalyptic sci fi film? Personally I think they should've stuck with the survival horror throughout because they nailed that part. The sci fi stuff is an interesting idea but man it just completely falls flat and comes across as cheesy and almost comedic at times. The acting is pretty solid except after the guy "changes roles". I just couldn't take it serious after that.

The film builds a decent creepy atmosphere but then decides it wants to become "invasion of the body snatchers" halfway through and it just doesn't work. 5/10.
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If You Go Down to the Woods Today...
Xstal7 October 2022
Ruth and Harry venture into the woods for a bit of a ramble, although if they knew what was ahead I'm sure they wouldn't have taken such a gamble, especially as Ruth has some serious anxiety that she struggles to overcome, and often relies on pills to stop the depth of her despairing, downward plumb, all brought about because of a traumatic childhood, that to this day leaves her confused and misunderstood, as she knows that people can change, their emotions and personalities can range, one minute this, the next minute that, sometimes calm and caring, the next getting ready for combat and overbearing. Suffice to say the lovers walk on the wild side reveals more about themselves than they could ever have imagined.
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Had potential but was ultimately disappointing
valen226311 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts off with potential but the story crashes. The setting is good, the cinematography is good, and even the acting is decent. Where it falls short is the story. The story disappoints and the ending is just plain irritating.

A lot of attention is focused on Maika Monroe, because she is gorgeous. No matter how many days she is in the woods, she still looks perfect.

It starts off with what is clearly an alien landing in the forest. So, we are set up for what appears to be an alien/creature/monster movie. Next, we have a couple going on a backpacking trip. They have apparently been together for 6 years and Ruth has some fears/anxiety that her boyfriend Harry is trying to help her overcome.

We learn early on that Ruth has some mental struggles, particularly with anxiety disorder and goes pops pills pretty regularly. Uncomfortable in the woods, Ruth sees a deer at night that she believes is watching her. Later, they find what appears to be the same deer, dead in some kind of cocoon. The movie does a good job giving the feeling of uneasiness in the woods, like there is something else out there and our two characters are isolated. There are some unusual sounds/growls here and there that add to it nicely.

Harry tries to propose to her on a dramatic cliff and she turns him down, making things very awkward between them. So, they each go off for walks on their own. Ruth finds a cave with some blue glowing liquid, looking similar to the blood from Predator. She turns around and screams and then we don't know what happens.

Harry finds her in the woods, looking out of it and takes her back to camp. She's acting weird making us think maybe she is possessed by something. She tells Harry that she wants him to propose to her again on the cliff. He does. This time she says yes and then throws him off the cliff. What! Okay, I am intrigued now. Please story...go somewhere good!

Ruth runs away and finally passes out. Other hikers find her and try to help her, but she is sort of a zombie. Suddenly she grabs their knife as Harry come out of the trees looking for her. Okay...clearly this is not the Harry that came to the woods with her. The other hikers try to intervene, but Harry turns into a discount Robert Patrick as the T-1000 and his finger turns into a long blade and he kills them. So.....the alien replicated Harry but is actually liquid metal?

So, we get a flashback to the cave. Ruth saw Harry dead and, in a cocoon, so she knew the Harry that was back at camp was some kind of alien replicant.

The alien tries to kill Ruth but can't. Since the alien replicated Harry, it also has Harry's feeling for Ruth. The alien explains it is a scout that is supposed to "report back." We don't know what the alien is scouting for or what it is supposed to report or what the alien intent is. However, the alien decides it wants to take the hot Earth girl off world in its ship and find a quiet planet somewhere because of what will happen to Earth. It doesn't tell us what or why.

Ruth fights and gets away, but the alien captures her and takes her to the cave and begins replicating her. So, the alien becomes a dual replicant of Harry and Ruth. However, Ruth's anxiety disorder is too much for the alien to handle in a sudden rush and while incapacitated, she bashes its head in (like completely) and runs off and drives away. So, the alien isn't actually liquid metal like the T-1000 even though it can turn its fingers into swords of sorts. However.....the alien apparently has magic healing powers to recover from such mortal injury and reconstructs its smashed brains and skull. Okay...that was stupid. It calls her on the radio and as she is driving away, we see what is apparently the alien invasion force landing.

So, everything that Ruth goes through is ultimately pointless as this invasion force is shown at the end. Did the alien scout report something back? Apparently, but what was it? The invasion force got there pretty quickly. The alien replicated a deer and then Harry. It didn't have much interaction with humanity. So, what the hell did it report? Couldn't have been much.

There is no explanation as to what the aliens want, so the movie is ultimately unsatisfying.
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An enjoyable horror/sci-fi
fairlesssam18 October 2022
The movie begins with (what appears to be) a meteorite coming down in the woods.

We then meet Harry and Ruth, a couple, who are coming to the woods for a camping and hiking break. Ruth does not seem keen and appears to be carrying substantial trauma. Harry is quite unsympathetic and pushes Ruth to accompany him even though she seems very nervous and reluctant.

During the few days Ruth does appear distant and anxious, Harry really doesn't help matters. Ruth wanders off to go pee and finds a cave. On further investigation she finds a pool of iridescent blue gloop.

Next thing we see Ruth luring Harry to his death!

The setting and claustrophobic atmosphere is gripping. Miriam steals the show completely. Harry's character is annoying and, to me, their relationship just didn't seem real. Unless it was supposed to be unbalanced and with Harry being a selfish arse. That confused me a bit. However it's still a great new horror/sci-fi.
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What to do if you're anxious?
Phantasma_the_Black30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Explore that ominous looking cave. Immediately. By yourself. No way there's some wild beast in there.

What to do if you're anxious in the woods and see an unnaturally mutilated animal?

Just chill, eat your lunch. Don't go to town. That's for weaklings.

What to do if you're anxious and your boyfriend has just been killed by an alien You're no anxious no more, now you're calm, plotting your revenge. Serve it cold. Throw that guy off a cliff. It's not like he's twice your size AND murderous alien.

He can't be killed?

Keep trying. If an action doesn't get the results you've been hoping for, it's gotta work next time. I promise. Don't go to town. Don't call authorities. That's for weaklings, remember.

What to do if you find a girl with concussion and memory loss?

Chill, take her to your camp in the woods. Don't drive her to a town. She doesn't need a doctor like immediately. Whatever you do, NEVER EVER go to town.

Some people die. Oh bummer, cause later we'll learn they've travelled the world. This is important, cause who'd care about them otherwise.

But at least the killer is a comedy relief, so that's a jackpot. Double jackpot, cause now apparently he loves you! Oh, and love is the most powerful thing in the universe. No one said that ever before. EVER!

Alien invasion, you say?

No worries, your parents got divorced. This teeny tiny invasion and impending Earth destruction got nothing on you.

Aliens have superpowers and advanced technologies?

Who cares? You've got your panic attacks. (Yup, they're back now.) But worry not, you're gonna use them to your advantage. That's gonna teach them a lesson.

Invasion still happened and the alien that can't be killed REALLY can't be killed?

Whaaaat? Who would have thought so? Well, I guess you CAN go to town now.

P. S. On a more serious note, I know how real and severe panic attacks are, and I'm not trying to downplay that. This is just a commentary on how they've been used as a superpower in this movie.

Two stars for acting and that little twist in the middle, before everything turns to a joke.
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Why you shouldn't listen to the negative reviews...
nickmrkonja8 October 2022
I'm seeing a lot of negative reviews from critics calling it a "waste of time", and audience reviews of 3/5 stars. But remember, people tend to dislike things that are different. And this film is definitely different.

As a Shudder user, I see SO many 1 star reviews of films that I LOVE, saying that they're "boring" or "not horror movies" (it got so frustrating, I stopped reading them). I've come to the conclusion that the average mainstream-movie watching person only defines a "horror movie" as one with a monster/demon/ghost/psycho killer, 90 minutes of interchangeable jump scares (usually of the antagonist appearing BEHIND the characters where only the audience can see), and a high body count.

So brilliant films like Garland's Annihilation, Strickland's In Fabric, Benson & Moorhead's Resolution, or in this case, Olsen & Berk's Significant Other, get passed up because they aren't understood, and therefore raves about, by the casual movie-going, mainstream majority.

I loved this film because it had all of the criteria you'd hope for in the ever-evolving horror genre... tension, suspense, atmosphere, a fitting score, and even a twist you don't see coming. Just because there aren't gory kill scenes every 7-10 minutes by some grotesque creature does NOT disqualify a film from being classified as horror.

So if you truly appreciate horror as an artistic form of film art, something that can make you feel unease and suspense while making you think, then give this a shot and form your own opinion. Fans of horror films like Pontypool, Braid, Hereditary, Come True, or any of the aforementioned films will definitely love and appreciate this one.
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Different and fun
somf8 October 2022
I won't overuse the term slow burn, but I will say the last 45 minutes are quite a surprise based on the first 45. Maika Monroe is very talented and Jake Lacy gives off Ben Affleck vibes in this short solid film. I am a sucker for films in this genre. I don't want to say what that genre is or name other films like it because I would have to mark this review as containing spoilers, but it makes for a film with some great twists.

It tries and somewhat succeeds on being a mediation about the meaning of love and if that sounds a little boring and cerebral, trust me, it isn't. In the second half you will laugh and gasp and probably be very glad you stuck with the story.

Nothing great, but pretty solid entertainment, that at the end of the day, feels like a setup for a bigger and better sequel. It may be praise enough to simply say, I hope I am right about the sequel.
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Day After Day perfect song to start the movie!
UniqueParticle22 June 2023
I love the 2 main actors they are great in many projects although I can see why this didn't do better it's a little clunky. Been meaning to watch this awhile now I'm enjoying Paramount even more lately and I like this movie a fair amount; I'd say Miaka Monroe is even better in It Follows and The Guest.

Something about Significant Other seems to be missing a few things like the backstory with the parents would've been nice and I think romance doesn't fit into horror that well although the terror elements are excellent! I think this is good as above average fun entertainment and I do really enjoy how unnerving it is. I wanted to like this even more but it's a rare occasion for me where not much is explained and a lot of the vibes seem off it's a weird movie.
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Better than expected
frizzardi26 October 2022
I thought this was a run-of-the-mill alien invasion / monster movie, but I was pleasantly surprised by the cinematography and by the actors' performances.

The plot twist in the middle of the movie is rather unexpected, and the main character doesn't do anything stupid (usually these movies are ruined by a character behaving in unrealistically brainless ways just to move the plot along). Some ideas were actually rather smart.

Minor gripes, the alien's weapon of choice is nothing spectacular, and some of the dialogue by the alien itself rather ruined the mood.

Run length is also spot-on; there's enough time to tell the story with a good pace.
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I was better off as the deer!
lirmihn11 August 2023
Slow starter, felt predictable but I kept watching.

Some will detest this because it's not a slasher, no constant adrenaline, does have a lot of "feelings" leading in.

The chic is needy, the guy is quirky, they're both trying really hard. A bit of a "dude, this relationship is doomed, sack it & book" creeps in.

But it picks up.

Some cliff diving ensues.

WTF moments follow.

I'll admit, until the next full plot turn, I debated watching something else. But spontaneous regeneration occurred, Harry is reborn, there's major goo-age & some silliness.

It's not the Shining or Hostel or Hell Raiser ... so what?

Not awful at all & the metaphysical debate of Not-The-Deer is pretty funny.

Probably a 6, but 7 because it didn't try to be something else.
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The forest was the star
Smudge-4834711 October 2022
9/10 for the forest and cinematography which was very polished. Apart from one scene which had half a face cover half the shot and a deep focus into the background..nice for a film poster, but way too artsy fartsy in the film itself..just takes you out of the story and reminds you "oh yeah im watching a film!" But then again, come the 48th minute, comes the "really? Too far, too stupid, time to hit the stop button on this".

Up until then it was a slow burn, enough to keep you interested type of film. Though I still did not care about either of the main characters. In fact both of them were annoying in their own ways, a too needy boyfriend and a morose unenthusiastic girlfriend.

Go watch An American Werewolf in London instead.
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Not bad!
jouleZ8 October 2022
Significant Other is a mystery, thriller, sci-fi film, and it is not so bad at all!

It has a unique story. A very twisting plot and exciting after giving you a mysterious beginning that grabbed my attention as I started to wonder. Interesting.

The part when Ruth (Maika Monroe) screamed by the sound of the crow was so epic!

So, the story was good. The acting was good. The music was good. The cinematography was good, but there is only one thing I cannot understand. I mean, I know it already ends there and that was it! But why am I still waiting for something more to happen? Anyway, I like it.
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What a let down.
kjjames811 December 2022
After finishing this film I almost laughed to myself at how bad the movie went, in fact at how daft and silly the movie became.

Do t get me wrong until the woman went into the cave the film was very good and I thought yes to is is going to be really good, a tension filled movie but no, it's like. It's like the script writer didn't know what to do with movie.

After the cave scene, the tension went out of the movie and the special effects, did they actually think they were in the terminator movie, if you have seen this film then you will know what I am on about.

Also the effects were quite bad and they stood out a mile in this film.

Totally a missed opportunity for this movie, I feel bad for the actors in this film.

A huge let down.
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Not bad in this genre.
deloudelouvain25 October 2022
Significant Other is a sci-fi mystery thriller with a very small cast. It's basically just Maika Monroe and Jake Lacy that have all the screen time but they did a good job playing their characters. As for the story it's easy to follow, it has a good eerie vibe to it mostly due to the good soundtrack and mysterious plot. The sci-fi scenes were innovative and interesting. As for the mystery there's a good twist, not a lot of people will see it coming. In this genre there are a lot of stinkers, but also a lot of excellent movies. I would rate this one between them, certainly good enough for people that like this genre and maybe lesser to people that prefer realistic stories.
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dzbqmqbtw16 November 2022
This movie should be put under comedy. This movie is trash. Definitely a waste of time to watch. It's not scary, not thrilling. Its like the 'vampires suck' to its 'twilight', or the 'scary movies' to its 'scream'. I was super bored the whole time watching in the beginning then it hit a certain part where it was ok and i was intrigued but wasnt sure what was happening, and then the effects happened... it was awful. Not something id recommend to anyone. Im not even certain how this movie got the reviews it did? And the rotten tomatoes rating? That is the most comical thing about it all. A 75% rating from rotten tomatoes?? Wow. No, absolutely do not waste your time.
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Unusual sci-fi but convincing enough.
visionandyouth7 January 2023
It embraces an eerie and enigmatic tone that subsequently gets turned on its head, First half drags a bit but there's a neat twist about halfway through and then you're in for a hell of a ride until the final credits. Its a great movie , especially the ending, i mean you rarely see an ending like this in movies these days that makes so much sense. The lead performances were more than acceptable, Maika Monroe is very convincing and fits well into her role. There are many twists that made me re-watch a few scenes over and over again. Good cinematography for such a low budget movie. Significant Other delivers tense and entertaining moments, that are direct and to the point.
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This took too long to get going...
durham1007 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Then once it did, it was actually really fun and rather good. It would probably make a good short story but stretching out to a full length feature was a step too far. Nothing wrong with the performances, I have seen Maika in several things and she is definitely a star for the future, and all other actors were just fine. The special effects were good apart from the last cucoon scene where you could tell she was just wearing a suit. But, it's a good enought time passer, I just wish there was more in the first 45 minutes because if there had been, it would have been a solid seven. A good effort though.
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Going on a hike in a national park is never a good idea
The_Swedish_Reviewer9 October 2022
This isn't a groundbreaking sci-fi thriller but I have to admit I enjoyed the first 2/3 of it. It's a low-budget, slow-burner production but definitely worth watching if you lower your expectations. As we all know by now, hiking is always a bad idea and unfortunately the first scene of the movie gives it away. Not completely, but you sort of know something is coming. Although there are some surprisingly good twists, the suspense dropped significantly when the "mystery" was revealed. The acting is hard to comment on as the script doesn't demand much from the actors, but all in all, a good movie to watch on a rainy Sunday night.
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Never trust ratings
joelsi-700-98369810 February 2024
This is my first review, and after watching this movie, I just had to write something about ratings in general. Yes, 7 to 10 is considered the standard rating for a "good" movie, but there are multiple brilliant productions that are hiding in the 5 to 6 rating, that really don't deserve to be marked by that. This is one of those movies. My message, to whom ever is reading this, is really; don't reject a movie based on the rating by default. There are more entertainment hiding in the average shadows. The actors are really satisfying to watch, and combined with a fresh storyline, and paradoxical mix of thrill and comedy, this movie is one I will recommend.
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