Ticking Clock (Video 2011) Poster

(2011 Video)

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A mundane crime thriller that revolves around one ridiculous twist
Shattered_Wake3 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Oscar-winner Cuba Gooding, Jr. has had one of the strangest acting careers in a long time. Ever since he won at the Academy for his performance as Rod Tidwell in 'Jerry Maguire,' he has been caught in a sort of downward spiral. This has sent the once-promising actor deep into the realm of straight-to-video nonsense, like his previous films 'The Devil's Tomb' and 'The Way of War.' Why he's been doing this is a mystery. No talent agent is bad enough to actually think these scripts are worth while or think they're anything more than a guaranteed failure. Maybe it's bad luck, maybe it's laziness, maybe Cuba just doesn't want the spotlight he deserves.

Whatever the reason for his failing success, it has led him straight to 'Ticking Clock.' In it, he plays Lewis Hicks, a journalist who gets put on the trail of a sadistic serial killer after his own girlfriend is viciously murdered. With the killer's journal in hand, Lewis must race against time to rescue the murderer's next victims. As the path begins to weave its way around and to a young orphan boy, Lewis begins to discover a deeper mystery surrounding the murders.

In the crime-thriller subgenre, there are really only a few good ways to go about writing a story. One maintains consant mystery, concealing the identity of the killer until a final reveal that should be a shock to the audience. The other is to reveal the killer from the start and use his intentions and motivation as the mystery. With 'Ticking Clock,' however, both approaches are mostly thrown out, revealing the killer's identity, his motive, and everything else pretty much immediately. This is a problem because the mystery is what is usually keeps a viewer watching in a film like this. If you don't have it, the audience just won't care. Here, the writers knew what they wanted to accomplish with an interesting (though ridiculous) twist, but didn't give enough reason to stick with it in the first two acts. By the third act, the audience is fairly apathetic with the story & characters and will most likely not even care about the twist, which the entire film revolves around.

This major flaw is not the only problem with the film. No, a more detrimental issue to its success comes from the extremely amateurish direction by Ernie Barbarash, a man very familiar with mediocre straight-to-video thrillers with his work on 'Cube Zero' and 'Stir of Echoes: The Homecoming.' If you look at a film like 'Se7en' (which, by the way, 'Ticking Clock' actually compares itself to on its DVD sleeve along with 'Silence of the Lambs'), you will see a perfect a example of how to craft a stunning & dark crime thriller. With 'Se7en,' David Fincher used the gritty city setting as almost another character, having the actors play off the direction in a way that added a deep realism to the film. Barbarash, with 'Ticking Clock,' blows his opportunity to do this by squandering the Baton Rouge & Las Vegas settings he had at his disposal, instead limiting the entire film to a few boring settings like living rooms & back alleys. Add this to the rather annoying cinematography by Phil Parmet and 'Ticking Clock' is just all around unpleasant to watch.

Unfortunately, there isn't much else to cling onto to try to save the film from being a total disappointment. The script is boring & contrived, providing nothing much that hasn't been done better many times before. The lack of mystery & thrills for the first two acts gives no real drive to continue watching for anyone but completionists who don't like to leave a film unfinished. Even the ridiculous, supernatural twist isn't original, and ends up hurting the film anyway due to the number of plot holes it creates. For being so crucial to the film's success, one would think the filmmakers would be willing to do what they can to seal plot holes (like a simple case of incorrect eye colour, for example). Even the once-talented Cuba Gooding, Jr. has nothing much to offer thanks to how poorly his character was written. Let's face it, an actor can only do so much with what they're given. Take De Niro & Pacino as examples in supremely disappointing 'Righteous Kill' from a couple years back. Add in some shoddy gore FX, CGI that looks like it should be in a mid-90s sci-fi flick, and a mundane cast of supporting actors, and you have nothing more than a sad excuse for a crime thriller here.

Overall, 'Ticking Clock' is just one of those films that will be stuck on the Blockbuster® shelvse for a few months trying to bait renters into biting onto the former star power of Cuba Gooding, Jr. Sadly, it will do nothing but disappoint with its unoriginal & unthrilling story and amteurish filmmaking.

Final Verdict: 3.5/10. Hopefully Cuba will get another chance in the spotlight some day.

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Good effort from Cuba. Somewhat ingenious, and creepy. Perhaps it's due to my love for time travel, but I quite liked it.
callanvass27 May 2011
(Credit IMDb) Lewis Hicks (Cuba Gooding Jr.) is a reporter and journalist specializing in writing about the crime of murder. Instead of writing his next story, Lewis becomes the story when his new girlfriend is sadistically murdered, and he is the only suspect. Lewis investigates the murder himself and finds the killer's journal with his past victims and a death list of his future prey. Lewis believes that he is the only person who can stop the killer before time runs out for his next victim.

Ticking Clock is certainly one of the better DTV films starring Cuba. Wouldn't exactly call the premise original, but it does manage to avoid a lot of clichés and add its own spin on things. Neil McDonough provides a good antagonist to Cuba, and I loved the end showdown they had. Cuba actually looks motivated. When he is not motivated his DTV films usually suffer because of it. I'm not saying this is anything groundbreaking but for a DTV film it's very decent, and considering the depths Cuba has fallen? That is a big compliment. Cuba Gooding Jr. His performance is astute, and amiably well done. He makes for a formidable protagonist for McDonough, and doesn't succumb to moments of over-acting like he does at times in a lot of his DTV efforts. Neil McDonough plays a very good villain. Suitably twisted, and interesting to watch, he certainly did what was required pretty well.

Bottom line. Not perfect but it has some neat ideas and most of them were executed nicely. Good performances, intriguing story. What is not to like? Worth a watch

6 ½ 10
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main character excruciatingly stupid
joshua1697 May 2011
I just want to be entertained and i'm easy to please. I don't even see most of the flaws in a movie reviewers will typically mention. But only a few minutes into this and I was asking - can I stand to watch a movie where the main character is so unbelievably stupid? Can anyone act against their own self0interest so consistently? For that matter can the police really be as stupid and sloppy as this about what he tells them? Fortunately this settles down some after a bit, but it's actually the number one problem I have here. Otherwise I liked it. Could have done without the excessive clues to the "twist" ending though. It's not not the sort of twist one expects in a crime film so it could have been played for a major, "whaaaaa?" effect, but they tossed that chance away.
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Wizard-811 January 2011
Cuba Gooding Jr.'s previous movie, "Wrong Turn At Tahoe", was a surprisingly good movie, so my expectations were pretty high for "Ticking Clock". Sadly, Gooding takes a step back with this movie. I admit that I can't say that this is a BAD movie - while watching it, it kept me interested in seeing how it would be wrapped up - but it's not a successful movie. The movie doesn't look very good for one thing, sometimes looking somewhat cheap and photographed in a way that gives the movie a muddy look. Gooding's character comes across as a somewhat dumb and irresponsible character, and Gooding adds a touch of whine to a lot of the lines this character speaks. And the big twist in the movie will become pretty obvious to just about every viewer long before it dawns on Gooding's character. With this movie, it doesn't seem that any time soon that Gooding will work his way out of the straight-to-DVD sludge he's currently stuck in.
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Could have, should have, would have
larsts16 February 2011
I so wanted this to be an enjoyable movie with Cuba Gooding Jr.

Not the case.

Although occasionally believable, on a whole the acting was way beyond par. The storyline, although showing some potential, was far from well executed.

I'm sure this made for a good movie if you'd just skimmed through the script. And with a lot more effort, I'm sure this could have been an excellent movie. But as it stands, disappointing performances across the board.

Don't waste your time, this movie deserves it straight-to-DVD status.
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Time Traveling is Complex
claudio_carvalho13 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
On 20 February 1999, a killer (Neal McDonough) slaughters a woman in a bathtub and takes her baby with him. On 17 April 2011 the life of the investigative reporter Lewis Hicks (Cuba Gooding Jr.) is a mess: he misses his son and his wife, from whom he is separated; he is stalled trying to write a book about murders; he has refused a position of assistant professor in the university; and his relationship with the assistant DA Felicia Carson (Veronica Berry) is not working well. After an argument with Felicia, Lewis buys a bottle of wine and visits her to apologize. However, he finds Felicia brutally murdered on her bed and the blond criminal in the crime scene. Lewis chases the killer, but he surprisingly escapes in an alley, vanishing in a corner. The stranger has dropped his journal on the alley and Lewis finds the diary and discovers that the man has planned several murders of women on the next following days. He holds the information from the police and asks his friend lieutenant Gordon "Gordo" Becker (Dane Rhodes) to investigate the fingerprints in a piece of newspaper and he finds that they belong to the teenager James (Austin Abrams), and orphan that lives in the Trinity Home for Boys. Further, the piece of the jacket of the killer is made of an unknown material. When Lewis unsuccessfully tries to save the next victim, he finds evidences that the killer and James is the same person. But the police led by the resented detective Ed Beker (Yancey Arias) believe that Lewis is the criminal and are chasing him.

"Ticking Clock" is a flawed film with a story with great potential and also full of inconsistencies but paradoxically is also an enjoyable B-movie. The screenplay deserved a better development and the character Lewis Hicks takes the worst attitude for each situation. But using the words of Lewis Hicks, time traveling is complex and the best thing to do is do not think in the plot holes and you may have a good entertainment. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Lutando Contra o Tempo" ("Fighting Against Time")
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Does not make sense!
alexandragreer27 July 2019
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The ending to this movie doesn't not make sense? If he killed the killer at the end and inevitably killing the little boy aswell as this is his younger self then why would the little boy then be reborn in Cuba's timeline? Aswell as actual be fine and living down the street as cubas girlfriend he actually killed? Bad movie and why is it so dark.. like literally dark the whole movie there was no light.
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Awesome story...lacked a little in the acting category
pooley79-754-9783087 February 2011
Well I saw this movie about 3 months ago and as I am a big fan of Neal NcDonough, looked forward to it a lot. I must say first of all that I thoroughly enjoyed the film, although Cuba Gooding Jnr was not the best actor for the main role, the story was great and the twist was enjoyable. I think the last film i saw Cuba in was hardwired and I wasn't very impressed by his role but once again i did enjoy the story.

I do believe that a big name actor in the main role would have made this a lot better along with some other recasting, but all in all very watchable, not B-grade by any means and definitely an enjoyable watch. Im surprised this went straight to DVD as I think it would of done well with some good marketing at the cinemas, but none the less I hope lot's of people go out and hire or buy this one and hopefully enjoy it as much as I did. Maybe if it had received a bigger budget it would have rated higher among most viewers, I give it a 7, which whilst fairly high, is fair I believe. it definitely had potential but even though it never reached it, it was still a very noble attempt with a great storyline.
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Cuba should be saying "show me the better movie scripts"
movieman_kev8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
John Turman takes a break from writing comic book and cartoon based movies to pen this tale of Lewis Hicks (Cuba Gooding Jr.) a newspaper reporter who gets drawn into the homicide investigation of his mistress and finding the killer's diary/sketchbook.

The film starts off well enough, nothing to special, but watchable enough. But as the movie goes on, the plot unravels more and more with each subsequent ridiculous twist. Furthermore, Neal McDonough, such a brilliant heavy in the most recent season of Justified, is sadly wasted in this ridiculous little film.

PS: Newspapers seem to be extremely affordable in the future
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Better than his recent performances but he's not there yet
Dutch877128 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm where to start, it's hard to review this movie without giving spoilers so I'll just give you the basics of the movie. Cuba is divorced and is struggling to cope with his life and the struggles that go along with it. When he finds a killers book with names and dates in it he goes after him, trying to stop his next attacks.

When the movie started I laughed, I'm sorry but does anyone notice that each one of Cuba's movies start off with him drinking or him sweating? Just something I noticed. The movie goes at a pretty good pace. It does have some tension and pop-up moments that'll give you a startle but nothing major.

The storyline is OK, you may figure out what's going but if you don't the twist in the movie is a half decent one but could have been done a little better.

The acting is a always a problem in Cuba's movies and it was suspect again in this one. I do have to say it's better than a few of his other performances even though there are a few rough patches throughout the movie. I did enjoy Mcdonough's acting, it gave support to Cuba and added interest to the movie.

Overall you may like this if your a Cuba fan but don't expect anything mind blowing and don't expect anything better than an average straight to DVD release.

I give this a movie a 6/10 because I give credit to Cuba for improving since his last performances but he still has a ways to go.

--Forza Azzurri
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Second chances
TheHrunting22 June 2011
Lewis Hicks (Cuba Gooding Jr.) is a boozing reporter who took for granted his ex spouse as well as his son who he misses weekend visits with because he's always onto the next biggest scoop. If his personal relationships could hit rock bottom any further, his current girlfriend ends up dead at the hands of a serial killer. Hicks shows up at her place after the fact but chases down the culprit and gets knocked out in an alleyway. He finds a diary with names and dates for more killings to come. The lead detective investigating the case has something against him from a slate in a past story and won't listen to what he's telling him now. Now Hicks feels it's his obligation to take on the investigation himself for redemption in his own life. The victims all have in common a troubled little boy at an orphanage who had more things happen to him at an early age than most can call claim to. Hicks starts to get too close and as a result the evidence starts to point to him instead of the real killer who always slips in and out without anyone else seeing. From then on out it turns into a cat and mouse game of good vs evil before more victims' lives are claimed.

The "big" twist in "Ticking Clock" is more related to science fiction than an action or thriller, and causes you to suspend your disbelief and except the facts at face value. This direct-to-video feature comes across like a scraped episode for "Millennium," with a similar, strange tone of drama and horror, where everything is baked in shadows, panned to get atmosphere, time stamped and generates tragic piano pieces to build mood. Though a share of the dialogue doesn't feel practiced, the suspense feels like false theatrics and the "acting" feels done on the first or second take, not to mention it has sentiment slipped in and can feel melodramatic without chemistry of the cast to back that up. This also attempts to be snide and sarcastic but the interaction between the actors can feel just as forced at times. The most important aspects this picture asks are: Is someone really able to get a second chance out of life? Is it possible to correct mistakes in the past? Is one able to put right what went wrong? Though, correcting one thing can cause another to have to be adjusted and so on until things are a mess all over again. Though answering those questions can be done without having to jump through hoops to get there by watching a film that feels quickly put together. Here's another question: If the filmmakers don't have both their feet in this, then how can they expect the viewer to? (Also submitted on http://fromblacktoredfilmreviews.blogspot.com/)
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An action/horror movie about knowing when a killer will kill and trying to stop it, good movie-great twist
cosmo_tiger6 January 2011
An investigative reporter (Gooding) comes home to find his girlfriend brutally murdered and chases the killer (McDonough). After finding a diary with names and dates of future murders he tries to stop them. Most of the time B movies like this one are boring and drag on and on to a lame conclusion. This one is a rare exception. This movie had me riveted and second guessing myself all over the place. A very original movie that has a huge twist in it that could have ruined it, but was done so well that it actually helped make the movie better then I was expecting. Very tense in some parts and will keep you hooked until the final frame. A MUST SEE, even for non horror fans. A very original, surprising and enjoyable experience.I give it an A-
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nogodnomasters28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts off with a killing of a woman that takes place 12 years ago. An infant is told by the killer that his mother will never harm him again, although the kid seemed fine. 12 years later another murder occurs of a woman who is an assistant DA. She is also the gf of Cuba Goodling (Lewis Hicks) an investigative crime journalist who is separated from his wife (6 months) and he likes his liquor.

Lewis comes into the home of his gf in time to see the killer. He tracks the killer down and fights with him. (He does this several times in the movie and the killer tosses him around like a rag doll.) The killer drops a book with dossiers on everyone who he plans to kill, how he will do it, and the date he will do it. Lewis copies down the names, fails to turn the book over to the police, and then the killer comes and gets the book back.

The killer seems to vanish into thin air at times. Lewis turns and he is gone. He has the DNA and fingerprint of the killer too. Since he knows who is going to get killed next, he shows up just in time to be the prime suspect- no surprise there.

The movie does have a twist that didn't seem to fit well into the genre of the film. You should have it all figured out by the zoo scene except for whatever they plan to do to end it. The dialogue was weak and not entertaining. The 12 year old boy was perhaps the most interesting character and he didn't say much.

It is not Silence of the Lambs light. No sex. No nudity. Occasional f-bomb. The movie shows people cut up and dissected, but not the dissection itself, a sophisticated slasher movie.
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Made it 47 minutes in
draftdubya4 July 2020
The "good" guy Cuba Jr does every single thing in the dumbest way possible in this. He's a investigative journalist, so he pretty much knows how the police works, yet one cop has some of problem with him, yet he won't go to the press or to IA. He does everything in the book to make himself seem guilty
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vic-23222 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In this film, Cuba Gooding Jr. plays an investigative journalist so moronic he might be fired even by Fox News. Don't blame poor Cuba, though, who probably just needed the work. Blame writer John Turman, who did not think believability was required so long as the "suspense" was maintained.

Crazy psycho serial killer "Keech" is played by Neal McDonough with all the woodenness, but none of the humor, of Arnold Schwartzenegger. When the plot veers out of basic suspense and into science fiction, one begins to wonder if some thoughtful serial killer might not wander out of the future and knock off John Turman before he writes this bomb.
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I'm here to make things right
sol121825 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Both confusing and dreadful film that incorporates science fiction like the movie "Frenquincy" into a psycho serial murderer movie like "Se7an" and comes out looking like neither one of them. You have to give Cuba Gooding Jr as investigative reporter Lewis Hicks credit in him being able to keep a straight face in all the scenes he's in the movie. I can just imagine how many takes to took Gooding to achieve that which should have at least gotten him, even though their not haded out until the spring of 2012, an Acdemey Award nomination if not the Award itself for best actor of the year 2011.

The story itself,psycho on the loose in the big city, is really nothing new here but there's this twist added in that makes the film at least watchable. That's to find out if the mad dog leather clothed killer in the movie Keech, Neal McDonough, accomplishes his mission that he's planned for at least 30 years since his birth. The fact that Keech in 2011 seems to be out of place in the world that he's in makes you wounder if he's not really a human being at all but an alien from outer space.

***SPOILERS*** Hicks does get the drop on Keech when he investigates the orphanage that 11 year old James, no last name, played by Austin Abrams is confined to. Both Keech and young Austin seem have this strange connection,in their DNA, to a string of brutal murders that's been committed around town. Those that were murdered besides what seems like James mom, Erica Bardin, as well as school teacher Vicki Ihrling, Adrianne Frost, and news reporter Felica Carson, Veronica Berry, had some influence on James' life that wasn't at all good.

The big mystery in the movie which if you put two and two together wasn't that much of a mystery at all is what exactly did Keech have to do with James in the first place! We as well as Lewis Hicks get the big surprise or answer well before the movie ends. Which makes the ending, in young James putting an end to all this insanity, about as predictable as the Chicago Cubs, who haven't won one in over 100 years, not winning the 2012 World Series.
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Above average thriller
jordondave-280851 July 2023

Another straight-to-rental Cuba Gooding JR vehicle and I must say by using a 'fast- forward' button on some boring parts while playing, this "Outer Limits- like" flick is not half as bad as some people portray it to be since it's supposed to be a film and not a 45 minute TV episode. Anyways, Cuba Gooding JR plays a reporter, Lewis Hicks who happens to come and visit a close friend, only to find that she's been dismantled by a serial killer who has the ability to go back in time by using a time traveling instrument. Of course, the police do not believe him as some assume he might be the one whose doing it. They're plenty of plot holes with a very incompetent police force, but sometimes the few "memorable" debate exchanges about other evil people such as Hitler and Charles Manson can overshadow the shoddy handling of the rest of the film. This movie also reminisces 2004 "The Butterfly Effect", "The Cell" and "Shocker"
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Not a Blockbuster but could of been...too bad
charette_michel4 January 2011
Wow!!! What a Great story...too bad it is all I can say on it's behalf...very poor casting...lacking in color...intriguing; brings you to the end...not a movie I would keep in my library...I wonder if a Nicholas Cage or a Bruce Willis could of punched out the film...I believe so...Sorry Cuba...Not great...But an Excellent Story...

Neil stole the lead role here and even there it was poor...I feel as though I was watching a B movie and was constantly waiting for a moment where I would of been surprised...did not happened...the surprise for me was not in the actual movie...but in the story...which is too bad because it is a great story...and had potential to be a great movie...
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Ticking clock: Name two things that go tic toc
JohnRayPeterson1 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There are some amateurish takes at the beginning where fight scenes are glaringly fake; we know they are but it should not be so obvious. The story has, at its core, a murderer who can travel in time but the time travel itself appears to have been written in as an afterthought and it's mentioned only incidentally. The movie's 101 minutes may not have allowed more time be spent on such trivial thing as time travel. Think about that; perhaps you better not. If it weren't for Neal McDonough and Cuba Gooding's participation I would not have bothered watching. Usually McDonough is the believable villain and Cuba G.Jr. is too sympathetic not to like and they were both that. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and I'm sorry I can't get back those 101 minutes. I'm still trying in vain to come up with something factual and positive to say; I'm usually criticised for being too wordy, verbose even and yet I can't manage anything positive. I'll tell you why. Make a movie about the bible and leave out the part about the 10 commandments, see how that turns out.
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Depressing serial killer story
Leofwine_draca29 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
TICKING CLOCK is a shabby straight to video serial killer thriller in which a slumming-it Cuba Gooding Jr. plays a reporter investigating the journal of a crazed killer, played with customary relish by Neal McDonough. As the story gets more complex and Gooding Jr. befriends a twisted young boy who has an unusual link to the crimes, things take on a sci-fi twist that reminded me a little of the ones in FREQUENCY or DEJA VU. Sadly, this is a criminally low budget production, shot in a shabby and gloomy style, that merely comes across as depressing and bereft of ideas.
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Not a bad movie
vampyrecowboy11 January 2011
Not a bad movie, a polish on the script would have helped this and maybe even made this a blockbuster - rather than a straight to DVD release.

The writing for the cops and the first investigation of a murder scene was really poorly scripted.

It must be obvious that the writer has little knowledge of police interrogation and kinda missed the entire personal emotions for it.

That aside, building it up could have been done better, but still I think that the story was alright.

It certainly is no Back To The Future or Terminator
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Pretty bad, overall
megan-dommer5 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Cuba's performance left a lot to be desired...I think he was going for 'stunned' for the dramatic moments, but it just came off as blank and lifeless. The supporting actors weren't bad. I'll always have a soft spot for Nicki from her Supernatural days.

It's not completely the actors' fault that this ended up being nearly unwatchable. The plot itself was just bad sci-fi. It made no sense. The murderer turns out to be a guy from the future who wants to give his younger self a better life than he had.

Okay. That I'll buy.

So he comes back and kills his abusive mother, which puts the kid in a worse situation (living with his aunt). So future guy kills the aunt, which puts the kid in an orphanage so the future self comes back and kills the teacher who's recommendation kept him from being adopted and so on blah blah blah.

In the end, the time-traveling murder ends up killing his younger self, which in turn kills the future self and rights everything. And by rights everything, I mean it sticks the younger self right back in the original situation with the crack whore mom that ended up producing his serial-killing future self in the first place.


They either needed to kill the kid and have him stay dead or change his situation so drastically (Cuba adopting him and making him grow up to be less of a sociopath, for example) that he no longer becomes creepy guy from Desperate Housewives. Just a bad movie, all around.
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Imagine Se7en With An Alien
Fields2019 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Man, I wanted to love this movie! I saw this on a suggestion of my mother. We usually have the same taste! Granted, the first half hour of this was really good! I'm not going to lie, I thought I was in for some suspenseful, riveting picture. I was even going to write it off as a poor man's Seven.

The film follows Cuba Gooding Jr. playing a Private Investigator who's girlfriend gets murdered by some guy who reminds me of a younger Malcolm McDowell. Seriously, I give the film props for having this guy play the villain because he was good at it. Cuba finds McDowell-lookalike running down the street but when Cuba catches up to him, the man has super human strength and somehow Cuba just goes airborne every time he hits him. I'm not sure if his super human strength is ever explained, but it sure was odd seeing Cuba fly around everywhere after McDowell-lookalike hits him.

So after Cuba makes a report to his police buddies (who makes fun of him), he decides to go snooping around to the place where he fought the McDowell-lookalike again. Sure enough, he had dropped a book. Coincidentally enough, it lists all the people he is going to kill and what date.

So Cuba takes it to the police, the police investigates it, finds the woman he is about to kill, and arrests him before it happens....... Oh, I'm sorry, that would have been too logical and the movie would have been over: Instead, he takes it to his best friend who doesn't even acknowledge the fact that Cuba showed it to him, the bad guy magically transports to Cuba's home to get the book back, and the cops think that Cuba is the murderer. What an idiot.

Then as the police are searching for him, Cuba befriends some kid. I really don't remember the reasoning behind all this or if it was even a good one, but let's just say there is a connection to the murders. That's where the plot twist comes in. The plot twist was so asinine that it's hard to put into words to avoid ruining for those who are still curious to see this movie. Imagine the movie Se7en, with all those seven deadly sin murders and who it could possibly be. Now instead of the killer that was revealed at the end, imagine it being an evil alien bent on world domination. At that point, you would ask yourself, "When did this movie start becoming science fiction and why?" Ticking Clock is the same way. It's a lot like it wanted to be The Terminator. The concept is cool, but the execution is way off.

Cuba, what's wrong with you? Was there really no good roles after Jerry Maguire? Okay, there might have been promise with the script. I'm sure you read the script and was like, "This will be my comeback!" As I'm sure it was pretty cool to read. But direct to DVD? I sure hope you find that comeback, or there's a Cop Drama with your name on it.
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doylejkearney16 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of crap, I had to turn this off about a half hour into it. The script was crap, the acting was crap. What a waste of film. This will be the last Cuba Gooding movie I watch. If this is the best he can do now he may as well get a job at Home Depot or Walmart. What a waste of a promising career, his projects have bee going from bad to worse and this by far is the worst I've seen. How does a person go from an Academy Award to this, is it bad management, poor project selection or no input or interest in his own career. Where is the Cuba Gooding that acted in A Murder of Crows, bring back the Cuba and maybe he'd get some better roles. What a shame.
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The music is so wrong, almost made me turn it off.
ianmcrv21 January 2011
I suppose it's cheap MIDI music but its application is so wrong, didn't anyone tell them? The detective is interviewing Hicks and they are playing stringy music? Imagine two people creeping around a dark building hunting each other with guns trying to be as quiet as possible, that is when they'd play this stringy music, not when a detective is interviewing Hicks. Unfortunately it is like this all the way through the movie and there aren't many scenes without music though it is such a relief when they do come along.

Hicks is getting his gun out of his locked box, a CRASH of cymbals as he loads the magazine.... so wrong.

The elements in this movie could have gone towards something better but they B-movied it.

Please, if in doubt about what music to play where then remember, less is better.

Hicks meets the orphan kid, there is no music until Hicks asks 'Hey buddy how old are ya?' and the kid replies 'what the f**k you want Mr?' then Bummmmmm... super dramatic bass-line and stringy tinkly piano music ... so wrong.
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