"Reacher" Pie (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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hazangel-899106 February 2022
This was an enjoyable series. This is coming from someone who is not familiar with the books. Reacher reminds me a little of the Punisher. I did not always enjoy all of the violence (I'm a wimp) but the actors did a great job. Looking forward to the next season.
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Alright finale, good conclusion.
LegendaryFang565 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know. I suppose this was an alright finale. I guess I was expecting more flair behind it all or something along those lines. The most important thing was how it would conclude, and the conclusion was decent, so that's good.

Above all, I'll miss the characters of Oscar Finlay and Roscoe Conklin. They and Reacher were the highlight of this first season. I know each novel is a one-and-done type deal where with each one, there's a new cast of characters, besides Reacher and Neagley, so we probably won't see Finlay and Roscoe again; the conclusion/future of their characters seemed pretty definite. But it would cool if the writers "go rogue," so to speak, and perhaps make them recurring, like Neagley. I doubt they'll do that, though.

The underlying storyline wasn't as much of a highlight, especially towards the end. I thought most of everything happening was decent rather than the 'why.' Looking back on it, once the picture of what's going on started becoming clear, the storyline wasn't as investing. At that point, one of the saving graces was the characters. Reacher, Finlay, and Roscoe, although Roscoe became somewhat AWOL in these last few episodes: which was disappointing.

The flashbacks were pretty nice. I thought the one in this episode was the best. Interestingly enough, when the episode switched over to the flashback, it didn't seem like one until the guy Reacher was talking to was "revealed" to be Joe. With the other flashbacks, you could tell it was a flashback based on the color grading, which wasn't there in this episode's flashback. But, yeah: best flashback.

I'd say that my biggest disappointment was the antagonists. They were underwhelming, and I think that the opposite side of them, the Venezuelans, were shafted. I figured that their role in all this would've been more significant. And that Mr. Kliner's client over in Venezuela would end up being the big bad behind/above the public side of things. But he wasn't important at all. This first season/show comes from novels, though, so it is was it is. It probably played out better in written form than being brought to life.

  • I wonder if that moment where Paul tripped going up the steps was because the actor accidentally tripped, not because that was supposed to happen, and that the director decided that there was no need to redo that moment of going up the steps, so the editors kept it in. But maybe it was intentional. I'll choose to believe that it wasn't, though.

  • It was a little ridiculous that Picard somehow made it to the grand stage of the final battle. I get that he "had" to be included, but there was no point in having Reacher shoot him (and not bothering to confirm the kill, by the way) and on top of him somehow having made it there; in time, too. Was that only included so Picard's appearance in the warehouse would be a surprise? Because it wasn't. It was borderline comical.

  • The fact that Reacher missed all those shots at Kliner Jr. Was ridiculous. But struggling against Dawson was probably more outrageous. Hopefully, that aspect won't be as prominent in the second season, on top of being refined.

  • Ah, yes. The infamous CGI tear. I'll admit, it was somewhat comical. Probably more so, in hindsight. When I saw it, it looked off, but that was it. After seeing people bring it up, that's when it became somewhat hilarious.

  • That part with Reacher and that other guy in the diner was odd, and the thought that it was a cameo by Lee Child himself never crossed my mind. I only learned that information after I finished watching the episode. I bet the majority recognized him and that I'm in the minority.

  • Well, Reacher had his piece of pie, at last. Unfortunately, it didn't look that appetizing, and it probably didn't taste that good, either, based on what Alan Ritchson said on his Reddit AMA on r/television about it, and I quote, "Not that piece a crap on the show. It was legit terrible, and I waited all season to have a bite." That was in response to being asked about the best peach pie he's ever had, is. Reacher's response "I've had better": I wonder if it was improvised; maybe Reacher's laughter afterward was. It came across as super sincere and genuine; from the heart. No wonder: Alan thought it was terrible.

In hindsight, this first season was better in the beginning. The first two or three episodes were this season's best. After that, especially towards the end, the quality of what was happening began to dip. That wasn't that big of a problem, though. I enjoyed watching this entire first season, and/but I hope the second season is way better, on top of staying at the same level or higher throughout its entirety.
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Nice Lee Child cameo in last diner scene
esweet-154-1912609 February 2022
Well above average for a tv adaptation. Good fun, decent cgi, decent fight choreography and good plot. Often adaptations take what would make a great movie and stretch it across too many episodes. The resultant series episodes become light and lacking tempo, this is not the case. Every episode provided enough reasonable plot development that as a viewer you're never bored. A couple fight scenes were too over the top to be believable, a crowbar will always win over a forearms block and a crowbar to the skull is lights out and likely permanently for its recipient. Still, not farcical enough to ruin the entertainment. Lee Childs cameo is a delightful touch.
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All action, all the way, still quite funny
bobetjo6 February 2022
What is it with Americans and white undervests. Bruce Willis exhibited it in Die Hard. Now unlikely character in Reacher. Fights scenes are heavy and almost realistic with the exception of the damage Jack takes which washes off in the showers.

Full on gun fights and explosions with Jack in the foreground. Brilliant yet funny.
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Excellent and Faithful
frank-hood6 February 2022
It really doesn't make much sense to review each episode since it takes all 8 episodes to tell the story of the first Reacher novel. Although they gave Lee Child's first novel the full LOTR treatment, using almost 7 hours, it didn't feel bloated. They followed the book very faithfully (at least from my memory), but, despite the long running time, didn't have to pad it.

They combined the 2 barbers into the one who mattered, and skipped a side-trip where Reacher actually did learn something about Blind Blake. They modified the circumstances of the ending only slightly, in a way I won't relate for fear of spoiler. A good change I think. Other than that, I can't think of anything either left out or added. It may be that some of the flashbacks to Reacher's background came from other books, but I can't remember. They were certainly all relevant, character-revealing, and short.

The casting was mostly spot-on. I think Maria Sten played Sgt. Neagley to perfection. No, Alan Ritchson is not Tom Cruise, (who is?), but he actually is 6'5" and built like a tank instead of Cruise's up-armored Volkswagen . Reacher's not a character requiring Laurence Olivier's acting talents. Malcom Goodwin was great as Finlay, as was Willa Fitzgerald as Roscoe, and Bruce McGill always brings his best to any role.

The plot/mystery is also good fun, but I'm so familiar with the book that I really didn't notice since I knew it all already. More to enjoy if you haven't read the book.

If you enjoy thrillers, westerns, or their ilk, you'll love this Reacher incarnation. If you like a good story with a character who grows or is conflicted, look elsewhere. Drawing from his European roots, Child calls Reacher the Knight Errant. To those of us raised in the US., he's the lone stranger who rides into town, sets things right, and rides off into the sunset.

The only downside is by taking 8 episodes to film each novel, we'll all be in our graves by the time they catch up with with Child's now 27 novels.
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A much more realistic Reacher
simonhi6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well written, well cast, with one or two exceptions...

Neagley doesn't appear in book one, and some of the fight scenes were off, especially the crowbar fight in ep 7. Reacher would never get hit so many times. Apart from that, everyone dies that is supposed to and in a brutal way.

On the whole, I enjoyed it and it was pretty close to the book.

Already looking forward to seeing season 2.
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Just a Little Underwhelming
Hitchcoc9 March 2022
There was nothing wrong with the way things ended. The good guys never miss and the bad guys can't hit the side of a barn. And, of course, Reacher faces off finally against his brother's killer. In the time there was an opportunity to orchestrate this a little better instead of ending the thing with a third of the time left. But, I have to say I enjoyed this even though it probably needed six rather than eight hours. I will be there for Season 2, whenever that is.
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fantastic but they can make it better
Lythas_856 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw some people saying this is a more realistic version of reacher.. well, the concept of a 250lb muscular guy who does not lift weights and eats like a child is already extremly unrealistic.. so we ignore that..

about the fights.. it makes sense that a very strong dude with special forces training (and let us ignore the military police thing.. and even he was made CID like john puller.. he would not do what he does in the books) to pretty much obliterate every guy he was in a fight with.. so instead of making ridiculous fight scenes where reacher suddenly gets incompetent like the crow bar fight where before that he offs 4 or 5 guys easily with cqc but then he forgets how to fight and gets thrashed around by a skinny guy. Luckily for reacher, his forearm is made of adamantium so he was ok later on..

anyway, if you want to tone it down the fights.. simply do not make it often, make the bad guys get him by surprise or just by sheer number of goons being sent at him to make him tired..

the bad thing about reacher is since the story needs to develop faster, end in a matter of days, they cannot make reacher get hurt too badly.. god forbid get show and outta commission for weeks..

I assume they will make him settle down into a different small town temporarily and solve whatever problem he runs into every season.

So the only recurring characters would be neagley and whoever special investigators appear throught the seasons..

that is unfortunate.. i kinda like finlay and roscoe was alright with reacher.

Lets go to season 2!

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What about Blind Pete?
geirtuseth21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The whole reason Reacher came to the city was to learn about Blind Pete and his death, and then he leaves without learning anything. Very disappointing!

Hope they do better next time.

Otherwise it was fairly book accurate.
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Weirdly inconsistent
dprater2009 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure what happened here but production value and ability to flesh out a action sequence just went out the window with this finale.

The way the guys cleared rooms, how weapons were held and fired, etc all demonstrated knowledgeable experts and tactics. But then plot armor busts in and suddenly guys just stand out in the open. And pending the story either skilled marksman miss horribly or the individual is blown away by someone who has never fired a weapon? Ever? Couple sequences taken straight from the bad guy school of John wick. Just run at the person pointing the gun at you.

And where in fact did Picard come from?!? Shot, bleeding out, fallen into a ditch, miles away. Then shows up conveniently to have a final confrontation with Finlay? Come on. That's beyond absurd.

And what happened to Roscoe suddenly forgetting how to fight? A fat old man with a cane would NOT been able to go toe to toe with her. Assuming the claim of FBI, CIA, etc recruitment was valid. But forget all that just hop on the guy crawling on the ground and then fall off cuz old boy shrugged I guess.

I feel there's a few ways they could have resolved that final confrontation but what they did Def wasn't it.

Lastly, I know reachers tough. But seriously they put him into Dwayne The Rock Johnson in Fast and the Furious caliber of superman taking a beating from a crowbar and a shot to the jaw and crushing cell phones with his bare hand.

This entire season I'd give a 8 or 9 but this last episode just killed the immersion.
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This was fun to watch!
riserichard7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Karmic Justice done right. The bad guys get what they deserve and the good guys walk away intact, healthier and better off than before after making life changing connections with their comrades in arms. An overarching theme throughout is that justice, truth, values and integrity prevail. Refreshing and gratifying to watch.
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Felt different than rest of season
ceus100113 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this episode while tired, so I might have been in a different headspace, but I still wanted to write this review. This episode felt significantly different than the rest of the series. The first eight episodes kept a nice pace with action, but left some room for the plot and characters to flesh out and built thrill. The last episode, pie, felt rushed and did not have much build up. The fight between Reacher and the Klinder boy did not feel authentic, I felt like the director or writers felt like they needed some big fight ending which was forced. The power and skill level between the protagonist and anatomist did not lend itself to a even-seeming fight; no it would be better off building through Reacher recon skills and taking him out quickly like the badass he is throughout the series.

I would like to hear if others felt similar.

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Decent series, underwhelming ending
redleader5515 February 2022
Without reading the books, I think Reacher's tactical combat and shooting skills ought to be more consistent. For a series climax, the final warehouse battle is shoddy work. The extraordinarily obvious fake CGI fire left me with absolutely no suspense.
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It was great until the CGI tear...
michaeldanielbourke14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved every episode, for me the contractural obligation to have Reacher half naked in every episode was also a bonus. This show was just what the doctor ordered. Cerebral? Definitely not, but 100% entertaining. Not sure why they felt it necessary to add the CGI tear, what an odd choice..
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Smarter than an armadillo
sproulie-8153610 February 2022
Thoroughly enjoyable series.

So good to see Reacher presented like he is in the novels.

Gets hit a little more than he does in the books, I'm assuming for extra tv dramatic effect, but the rest is spot on.

Faithfully delivered in a no nonsense matter, just the way the books were written.

Can't wait for season 2.
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Pleasantly surprised
ashlapiwape26 March 2022
I started with Reacher books from when Killing Floor first came out. Met Lee several times at book signings. Like any Reacher fan I hated Cruise in the movies. I had always thought a series would be good and like other Reacher fans had my own idea of who would make a great Reacher.

They did a pretty good job.

I know they had to modernize the plot so certain things irritated me like; Reacher hates to drive - and was not good at it yet never a mention of that in the show and in fact knew all about cars and knew how to do drive every different model.

He also didn't like guns and always found a make shift weapon laying around.

And come on - coffee! You only see him having coffee twice in the first episode.

I am curious about one book equals one season. That would mean 26 seasons ?! They should do what they did with the Bosch series: several books in each season.

Oh and btw great pick for Roscoe!
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It took 8 episodes ...
pavlomir25 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
8 episodes for this man to reach his goal of at last having a slice of pie! Spoiler, he didn't like it, but the journey to get to this pie was intense and full of danger, which was a walk in the park for the Reacher.

Reacher is a character combining the big muscle with intelligence and weaponizing them both at the same time. Violence isn't the answer, until it is. Kind a eye for a eye type for a guided, calm and organized revenge.

The show wasn't a 10/10, let say 7/10 most of the time, but the beginning and the end it was a 8/10. The story isn't so complex or making much of a sense. Almost like the story spoiler itself in advance the whole time. Few flaws now and then, but it managed to still be interesting to watch.
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Prismark1025 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought Reacher reached a nice conclusion. By the end he even managed to eat a piece of pie.

There was nice understanding between Oscar and Reacher. Especially after Reacher helped Oscar escape from that motel room.

At the end, it was to do with counterfeit currency. Reacher's brother died because he had worked it out. Reacher even found his brother's killer.

There was a big high stakes shootout. It did rely too much on the baddies missing their shots.

The showdown between the ultimate baddie and Reacher was tad underwhelming. He should had been no match for Reacher.

This was an enjoyable series, slightly uneven but it felt like a Reacher novel.
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Just this episode stabbing scene
glizze128 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really do like this show. I started to watch it a year ago and put it away because I didn't really like the acting but I'm hoping to see something better. And so far I have seen that. It is frustrating though to watch Jack reacher, put a knife in someone's back, then push it up so they can't speak, then, in the very next scene, which I'm looking at with my eyes doesn't have a drop of blood on the hand that he used with that knife. Somebody in the spine, you're gonna get spewed, yet guy, in the very next split second scene has no blood on his hands... I mean seriously? At 24 minutes and seven seconds look at his hands he just stabbed a guy in the spine, pulled his knife up and out again and has not dropped a blood on his hands. Shame on you crew!
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Scoobie doo meets John Wick
jcollins-458-41538718 February 2022
I like the show in general. The action scenes are good and the macho attitude is spot on.

The scoobie doo story wrap up is cheesy. At least it continued on to more action for the final closure.

I'll watch the second season but I won't put as much thought into the mystery..
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Great ending
Action packed to the end. Great first season only problem is Reacher's a retired Major but he's wearing Captain bars at the end. Other than that, can't wait for season 2 (signed retired Army MP)
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Alpha male wish fulfilment done right
RetroRick11 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I got a bit tired of the story. The endless gruesome killings didn't seem quite organic enough. There were too many bad guys. There were too many killings overall. The plot is coherent & the clues & plot development were good, but they explanations never really involved me, although a part of the difficulty is that whenever something is explained, it seems to be explained breathlessly so you'll only really follow what's going on if you're really paying attention. When we first meet Jack moreoever his mind work so quickly, Sherlock Holmes quickly, that it's very hard to keep up with his reasoning & while this does let up, it never did so quite enough to my liking.

Nonetheless this is a good series. The reason you will stick around is the characters are generally well-rounded and nicely portrayed. Our new Jack Reacher is the most obvious attraction here. You spend the first episode or so just wondering what it must be like walking around at that height level, looking like a - well Aryan more than Greek God, never being ignored or overlooked, capable of just bull-dozing through any situation, being absolutely direct, administer summary justice whenever something annoys or disturbs you. Jack could easily have become annoying or grating but Alan Ritchson characterisation is brilliant & far easier to take to than Tom Cruises portrayal.

Ritchson, manages to play Reacher as just the right level of ar*****e. He's a good man, with a burning sense of justice, who can just about laugh at himself. Basically Ritchson's Reacher is the Alpha force of nature that most of us have probably fantasised about being in ego-impaired moments in our life.

Willa Fitzgerald also plays Roscoe sympathetically. She's a fine actress who was great in the title role in Scream, the series, and in this she's great too in the role of what is something a little more than Reacher's love interest. Reacher, we know to be effectively indestructible - even though oddly he seems to screw up a fair number of his fights towards the end. Willa's Roscoe though is someone we can at least worry about. The killers are nasty. They kill horribly and indiscriminately & if we know Reacher will survive it's far less clear that anyone else will.

As the show develops Reacher's team, gets solid support from the very watchable Malcolm Goodwin & even Maria Sten's Neely (who initially I thought I'd dislike).

All together a good show, but it would be better if they condensed the format to say four hour long episodes. The last few episodes dragged & for that reason I'm in two mind as to whether I'll be tuning in for season 2, although I might do.
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This episode is just too unbelievable to be taken seriously
littlelostkiwi22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This entire show required a reasonable degree of suspension of disbelief, however this episode in particular took that to a whole new level.

First of all, as a whole the show is OK. It has reasonable action, some suspense, and the leads of the show are played well.

But in terms of this episode, where to start?

1: At the very beginning of the episode they finally captured Reacher, whom they have spent the whole season trying to kill, only to let him go in search of a wild goosechase of tracking down Hubble.

2: On the note of Hubble, Reacher somehow manages to pinpoint the exact model he is staying in, across the entire state, based on logical conclusions he deduced based on understanding his character, despite only briefly meeting him.

3: Picard is shot, miles away from Margrave and left for dead lying in a ditch. Yet somehow he manages to make it back to the factory for the conclusion, and additionally has somehow recovered enough to be able to get involved in a melee fight.

4: On the note of Picard, they send him off with Reacher, with the expectation that he checks in a single time, some 24 hours later to ensure that Reacher is following commands. Surely, knowing the ability of Reacher, they would want him to check on a far more regular basis?

5: Four people storm the factory where dozens of armed henchmen are expecting them, additionally with one of those four having never fired a gun. Yet somehow they kill every single one, without a single casualty on their end.

6: What is up with the speech that. KJ is delivering during the final showdown? Not only did the actual topic have nothing to do with the show, he was consistently giving his position away to Reacher, whom was armed at the time.

7: The CGI Tear. Actually, additionally in regards to the ending, there was virtually no fallout, despite dozens of dead bodies. Including a cop in a police station, and the Mayor of the city.

This epside is an example of how sometimes the narritive in a book doesn't work well as a show. When reading a book your mind can filll the gaps or help you overlook certain aspects, yet when it is portrayed on the screen it becomes painfully obvious how silly it is.
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Leofwine_draca23 May 2022
A pretty decent climax for the show with everything tied up very neatly. I could have done without the CGI fire, a bane of American TV and movies, and the choreography isn't amazing, but generally it works to a satisfying degree.
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Reacher finally brings the titular character to life - Season 1 Review
phoenix-prjct5 January 2024
I was trying to remember if I'd ever watched the Tom Cruise movies that adapted the character, but either I didn't or the casting was so off I completely forgot about it. Regardless, not many stories get a second chance, and Reacher nails it. Alan Ritchson proves he should've been the titular character all along as he's thrown into a small-town conspiracy he wants nothing to do with. Twisty and turny, new viewers will delight in it while readers will be impressed with just how faithful and fresh it is.

Season 1 of Reacher is loyal to its source material, smartly fresh for those familiar with it, and anchors itself with excellent casting. Alan Ritchson (and I'll say it till I'm blue in the face) embodies the titular character with affable confidence, heightening the brutality of the well-paced action which comes with its own crisp choreography. A dash of twists here, some bonding there, and Reacher joins a short list of properties that should be regarded as the templates for adapting something to small or big screens.
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