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Excellent film with an absolutely TERRIBLE ending.
Dog Pound is an excellent film. I'm not a huge "Drama" genre fan, but from the opening credits all the way to the end-credits, I was completely engaged. Acting, camera work, and production are superb. Not a lot of fluff, just raw, scene acting.

The biggest reason for writing this review is to say that I absolutely HATED the ending. Hated it. That should not dissuade anyone from watching, but yikes...what a terrible way to finish telling this story.

That is all.
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Inspired by scum
doyler7924 September 2010
Alan Clarke made the violent and barbaric movie Scum 31 years ago and there have been various attempts with smiler movies since, all trying to become the daddy of juvenile delinquent dramas, from Sean Penn in Bad Boys to Larry Clarke's Kids. This avaricious animal is the most successful attempt thus far. This attempt, albeit billed as 'inspired' by scum, is inherently a remake with three miscreants sent to a juvenile facility in Montana, with no chance of any hope of reform, forced into a system of sheer brutality forcing Butch (Adam Butcher) to go on the rampage. And though Alan Clarke's original film still has the edge, this perhaps has more relevance for a new generation of cinema goers which cleverly used real ex prisoner instead of conventionally well know actors, helping in part to set a more real and gritty tone. Having said all that I did enjoy it.
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Teen Shawshank without the redemption
storysplicer24 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Visceral, brutal, nihilistic film-making that feels authentic, and is (half the cast was culled from juvie centers around the U.S., and their slang found its way into the script). Examines how the American system of early incarceration cements the amorality of young monsters who can never be rehabilitated. Standout performance by Adam Butcher as the anti-hero "Butch," a coiled spring of a rage machine. Butcher has the chops to be the next DiCaprio. Some interesting parallels are drawn between the objectification of females and the proclivity for violence. Feels tailor-made for an HBO series, if they hadn't already done Oz. The most effective scenes are the numerous fights, full of menace and dread, the blows falling with cathartic impact. It's not hard to imagine a teen getting off on watching the graphic action instead of learning a lesson. The cast members certainly look like they are enjoying themselves in a sick way.
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four boys juggling chainsaws
SteveSkafte4 October 2010
A movie like "Dog Pound" has a lot of peers. Year after year of prison films (a dozen or two I've seen for myself) have honed a pretty basic cinematic structure. This film is about half-successful in avoiding the clichés. It does have one thing going for it - being the most recent to give a pretty much realistic account of the juvenile detention system. The pace of the story provides somewhat of the needed adrenaline charge for the thriller format, but it doesn't go nearly as far as it should. The soundtrack, for one, is a good example of this. It's virtually never needed, always intrusive. The acting is pretty much as expected. Given intense situations, the actors offer better performances than if asked to emote in a normal environment. And, if not necessarily better, at least more intense.

Kim Chapiron provides some interesting direction. Clean photography, 70s style use of zooms. It doesn't always work, but it keeps things interesting. The end result is a film that gives you enough to stay involved, if not quite enough to push it over into something you'd want to see again. Good enough.
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Cinematic experience in adrenaline
Horror-yo4 September 2010
Straight to the point: one of these movies where the plot is very basic, the characters easily identifiable; interestingly, two strong points; yet despite all the conventionality, this style of realistic movies never suffers from a lack of imagination. It is rather the crude, raw scenes that are sought out, actors with faces that tell a story, a fluid motion from scene to scene without all the pretentious cinematic effects (symbols, metaphors, angles, music etc...).

Like I said, straight to the point.

And where this movie might lack in depth, it solidifies the viewers' expectations all through the one channel of ADRENALINE. It's violent, raw, vivid...such a sober experience through the scope of tale-telling art.

Some flaws will appear clearly by the end of the movie. Perhaps a rushed scene or two - a little more footage or info in the end, that culminating to the point of the viewer looking back and asking himself how this movie stormed past his eyes so fast, in the method of a one-dimensional scene-after-scene procedure.

This film is genuinely "lived". The power-trip it represents and authenticity factors give this about a 7.
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American version of UK film Scum
MickyFin4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Having just finished watching this film "Dog Pound", it was clear to me right from the start the similarities to the UK film, "Scum", and were confirmed when the rape scene was shown, and the aftermath shortly after with the raped guy killing himself after repeatedly trying to call for help via the internal alarm messaging system.

All in all though, even though this is clearly copying "Scum", its not too bad of a copy, although it doesn't pack the dirty punch in which Scum brought to the table.

Differences from Scum in Dog Pound..


Pool Balls in sock Rape scene in greenhouse Suicide in isolated cell

Dog pound

Large steel drinking mug Rape scene in laundry room Suicide in Dorm

There were many other similarities, but I think I have revealed more than enough spoilers for now, but one thing I would say, is even if you have read my review, still watch this film, and the characters/actors do a very good job with their roles.
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Excellent homage
kjsundstrom-839-7718707 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie.

And I'm saying that as a huge fan of the original, Scum.

I don't want to spend too much time comparing the two titles but since it's pretty much a shot for shot remake, I'll touch on that later.

The plot is simple enough. Three teenagers are committed to a juvenile facility. What follows is a transitional phase within the prison between the three kids who basically run things and the newcomer, Butch, who is provoked into violently assuming the leadership role.

There are subplots as well featuring some of the other inmates and the guards. Davis, one of the newcomers, is a naive rich kid who can't handle the tough prison life. Max is the weirdo who has successfully freaked out everyone into leaving him alone by telling them he has AIDS. Goodyear is the bitter C.O., whose home life is being complicated by his job.

This film is supposed to be a commentary on the rehabilitation system, much like the original was. It does a decent job of showing the brutality of the system and how irrevocably flawed it is. Kids like Banks, the thug at the top, and his cronies basically enjoy this life and the control they can exhibit. The weaker kids, meanwhile, are left out to dry. No one gets rehabilitated. No one is "cured."

One of the problems with this movie is that it doesn't know quite what it wants to be. It starts out with backstories for three of the main characters, except one of them isn't main at all and after arriving at the Elona Vale facility he all but disappears for most of the film. It then follows as pretty much a look inside a juvenile prison but breaks the flow with a flashback to a sex story one of the inmates is recounting. To me, that scene really didn't fit at all. It's like they touch on the lives of the characters but instead of making that the core of the film they try to do both but don't succeed. That was what the original did so well. The movie wasn't about the characters; where they came from, what they did. It was about the system and it's flaws.

Now, onto the inevitable comparison. Both movies are excellent and both have their strong points. But Dog Pound really is a scene for scene remake. It's tweaked some things and added some additional plot lines but anyone who has seen Scum will know exactly what happens all the way to the ending. Dog Pound benefits greatly from increased production values; it looks great and the hand-held camera work puts you right in the action. Scum on the other hand played out almost like a pseudo documentary and was very washed out and gritty.

Several scenes from the original have been altered, some for the better and some for the worse. The violence is awesomely brutal and you can literally hear the wet smacks of fists hitting noses and the crack of bones breaking. The riot scene at the end has been extended and is infinitely more bad ass. I actually had a bit of an adrenaline rush watching that scene.

Unfortunately they've cut down and taken out some parts that were crucial to Scum's plot and overall message. The rape scene, for example, has been pretty watered down and there's no guard witness. The subsequent suicide as well isn't seen, all we get a glimpse of is a body. The two scenes were pivotal in establishing the flaws and corruption of the borstals and giving the viewer a graphic insight at the inability of children to cope with such an experience. The guards are way, way nicer than in Scum. In a shocking way, actually. The riot at the end is supposed to be an expression of rage at the guards and the facility but there's really not much justification for it. The guards are super, super nice. Even Goodyear, with an obvious exception, of course, is pretty nice to the kids given the circumstances.

But my biggest qualm with this remake was the alteration of the original message. Yes, it does a good job showing the brutality of these prisons. But that's not just what Scum was about. Scum was also a commentary about how the prison system degrades not just the inmates, but the facilitators as well. Max, who is supposed to portray Archer from Scum, is disappointingly under utilized. In the original he provided the voice of reason, the opposition to the juvenile prison system. The scenes where Archer voices his theory on this with the guard over coffee is gone. As is most of his civil disobedience tactics from the original, like refusing to wear shoes and threatening to convert to Islam.

That was the underlying message of Scum. It wasn't just a prison movie, it was a social commentary as well. Dog Pound is just a prison movie. A good one, but lacking substance.

All in all though this was a very good film and an admirable homage to the original. The story is solid, the acting is excellent (Adam Butcher as Butch is mesmerizing) and unlike Scum which had a notable lack of music, the score for this film is quite good and used appropriately. I don't know when this is being released in the United States but I would definitely recommend seeing it.
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Enola Vale - A Place To Grow And Learn.
hitchcockthelegend23 March 2012
Dog Pound is directed by Kim Chapiron who also co-writes the screenplay with Jeremie Delon. It stars Adam Butcher, Shane Kippel, Mateo Morales, Taylor Poulin, Dewshane Williams, Lawrence Bayne and Trent McMullen.

Young offenders Butch (Butcher), Angel (Morales) & Davis (Kippel) are sent to the Enola Vale correctional facility and find that bullying, drugs and abuse are the order of the day.

To clear things up, since there seems to be a lot of confusion on internet forums, Dog Pound is to all intents and purposes a remake of Alan Clarke's seminal British Borstal shocker, Scum (1977/79). It's the same plotting, much of the same characters are recycled and all of the big scenes from Scum are recreated as well. Only difference is is that Chapiron has shifted the story to North America, to a fictional correctional facility in Montana. It's basically done what the Farrelly Brothers did with Fever Pitch. What should be noted is that Chapiron hasn't hid from this fact, he didn't make the movie thinking nobody would notice, he actively acknowledged his worship of Clarke's film, making Dog Pound very much the ultimate American homage. Claims of it being a rip-off etc are way off the mark, it's a remake and nobody has denied this.

Much like the original British version, Dog Pound is brutal, upsetting and has a loud booming voice. The director follows Clarke's template by keeping it grimy and raw, and by shooting it in semi-documentary style and using rookie actors and real life ex-offenders in the cast, Chapiron has gone, and gotten, gritty realism. He's also added a couple of his own neat touches to the narrative. The pressure the guards are under is scrutinised, how it affects home life, and there's a deft line about AIDS in the story, how people react to sufferers of the disease. The recreation of a young offenders facility is well researched, with laid bare dormitories and depressing corridors, while the cast, particularly a terrific coiled spring Butcher, can't be faulted for excellent serving up of the material to hand.

Minor problems do exist, familiarity of genre is always an issue, and here for anyone who has seen either of the Scum movies, there is no surprise factor, it does feel a little old hat. This even though Chapiron appears to be making the comment that problems inside juvenile facilities haven't ceased since the 70s. The Angel character is badly under written in the context of him being one of the central characters, a big misstep since he forms a crucial plot development, whilst the use of music is also a very bad idea. These irritants stop the film from being up with the best of the genre, but it's still a potent firecracker of a picture. Very well made and still it has something to say, in that the cycle of violence continues inside, that juvenile institutions are still questionable tools for rehab, problems are there and Dog Pound ferociously makes its point. 7.5/10
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I've been through this...
azswjs24 August 2013
This movie hit home for me because I was once locked up in a juvenile detention facility. The only thing I disagree with in this movie is the guards were not violent enough but the setting is the same if not worse on how you get treated by the people around you. For all the people who said this was a "Bad movie" "had no plot" you have never lived it so you would not have the first clue what this movie was attempting to convey with its ending and storyline. The psychology is nearly the same and it does not matter how you go in, your environment changes and with it you must change yourself. You may have heard the term "debt dog" but I doubt it. This movie hits as close as your going to probably get without someones story like mine.
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It's Perhaps A Bad Idea To Remake Classic Brit Films But This Isn't Too Bad
Theo Robertson8 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
One wit suggested that the tagline of the classic British Borstal drama should have been " Just when you thought it was safe to go in to the greenhouse ... " Well just when you thought it was safe to go back to the DVD store where you rented American remakes of GET CARTER , etc along comes yet another remake of a classic British movie based on Alan Clark's brutal and bleak borstal British realist drama SCUM

One thing that strikes you about the differences between the two films is the ironic differences in culture between Britain and America . In Britain jails are seen as holiday camps where prisoners are surrounded by TVs , DVD players and computer games . I should point I'm using the modern day 21st Century view of British penal establishment with borstal ( Juvenile detention centres ) being a long forgotten memory . This contrasts with the perceived view both sides of the pond that any type of penal institution in America is a violent and brutal hell hole with physical and sexual violence depressingly routine . SCUM seems rather dated in that it's just too bleak where as DOG POUND fails because it's a little bit too nice

!!!!!! SPOILERS TO SCUM ( 1979 )!!!!!

Indeed the major difference between the two films is how the inmates are treated by the warders/correctional officers . SCUM gets off to a brutal start with Carling being assaulted by two of the screws who are portrayed in a cruel manner with perhaps the worst type of cruelty being an officer who witnesses the gang rape of Davis which he turns a blind eye to . In DOG POUND there's no such cruelty of indifference with officers being some sort of surrogate social workers . I don't doubt for a moment that COs in American juvenile detention centres would view themselves as rehabilitaters but it makes for a far less compelling film One wonders if director Kim Chapirion and screenwriter Jeremie Delon are trying to make a much more human film by portraying authority in this light . However they fail on a couple of major points . One is that they insert their own scenes or embellish scenes from the original without thinking it through . Effectively Carling - or Butch as he's called here - is told he'll be let out in two weeks if he behaves himself . Of course something happens that ends this but the inciting incident is so weak it loses credibility . . Likewise Davis is allowed to commit suicide in a crowded dorm by bleeding to death which isn't impossible but unlikely compared to the scene in the original Chapirion also misses the point that Clark's original was the archtypal realist film with no incidental music and subplots that disappear . This is a much more cohesive non realist film with a soundtrack

Perhaps there should be a third criticism and that is the casting . The cast of SCUM was fantastic . All of them were unknown at the time but several like Ray Winstone and Phil Daniels went on to appear in countless British films and TV shows up[ till today . Adam Butcher as Butch is no rough diamond geezer . He's probably a really nice guy in real life and never really convinces as someone who can take over a wing of a prison system . Likewise Shane Kippel as Davis never has victim stamped on his forehead unlike Julian Firth in SCUM

All in all this is a weaker more mainstream remake of a much revered film made in Britain in the late 1970s , a film that was highly quotable and oft mentioned by British teenagers in the 1980s . DOG POUND will appeal to anyone with an interest in films set in prisons but if you've seen the original source material it is lacking whilst ironically throws a spanner in the works when it goes its own way
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Dog eat dog
kosmasp28 December 2010
And considering it's a dog pound ... Seriously though: The movie is one of the best ones I have seen in a while, that contains people being locked-up (or in). I have to admit, that I have not seen "Scum" yet, which this movie is based on (or a Remake according to IMDb), but after seeing this, I have to go out and rent that one.

The characters on display here might feel a bit too distant and not everyone will be able to find a character he can entirely sympathize with, but that's what made it so intriguing to me. It's not showing a rose-tinted world. And it is not afraid to go ways, that other movies might have been. It's raw and sometimes feels like a documentary (though it obviously isn't).

Very good acting and a story that flows from start to finish, with no (visible) flaw in the storytelling. Highly recommended
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Gritty prison drama that avoids cliché
Leofwine_draca29 October 2014
A mean prison thriller that goes for the jugular throughout, the Canadian film DOG POUND is in actual fact a remake of the British borstal classic SCUM from 1979. While it's not as powerful or harrowing as that film, nevertheless it packs a punch in its harsh depiction of bullying and brutality within prison confines.

The prison in this film is a juvenile one and the movie is populated by new and unfamiliar faces, but don't let that put you off, because DOG POUND turns out to be a highly effective movie in its own right. The acting is up and down and probably the weakest part of the production, but that matters not when the direction is strong and the writing compelling.

DOG POUND is a slow paced film for the most part and yet it's alive with simmering tension as character relationships develop and things move towards some scenes of violence which are devastating in their depiction. Some of the sub-plots are distinctly underwhelming (with the fate of one particular character not a patch on his counterpart in SCUM) but others hit home with precision force, making this a film I really got into.
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Who's the daddy?
mathumorris31 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While the acting isn't dreadful, and the film is entertaining, I don't think I've ever seen a movie so directly copied from another film. Did the writer/director really think no one has seen the 1979 British film "Scum". The entire story line is stolen from this film, the feel of the film, the grittiness, the bullies, the new boy taking control of the prison from the bullies, the rape, the deaths, and to the final scene in the canteen which was so obviously stolen from the original film it beggars belief.

Do yourself a favour and watch the British film with Ray Winstone, "Scum" is the title...a far superior film, and at the very least original...shame on the writer/director of this film! I hope he gets sued!
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Personally, I found myself more captivated by Adam Butcher
him0902965 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The 2010 rendition of "Dog Pound," drawing inspiration from the 1979 classic "Scum," delivers a heightened experience, though not necessarily surpassing its predecessor. However, its denouement falls short when compared to the gratifying conclusion of the original. While many pivotal scenes from "Scum" are faithfully reproduced in "Dog Pound," the stark depiction of the prison environment in the former is favored. In "Dog Pound," there's a conspicuous absence of the callousness exhibited by the officers in "Scum," who are portrayed more as surrogate social workers. Younger audiences, commencing with "Dog Pound," may incline towards favoring it over "Scum." Personally, I found myself more captivated by "Dog Pound," particularly due to the introduction of the lead character. Director Kim Chapiron ought to have acknowledged Roy Minton, the writer of "Scum," for the script. While "Scum" may feel antiquated with its pervasive bleakness, "Dog Pound" falls short by being excessively lenient. Despite some adult characters displaying nuance, the primary plotlines remain strikingly similar, underscoring a dearth of creative innovation in recent film production.

Three young lads, Butch, Davis, and Angel, find themselves within the confines of Enola Vale nick in Montana. Officer Sands duly admits them, keeping a close eye particularly on fiery Butch, known for his previous transgressions. Goodyear, a firm yet fair screw, imparts advice to the lads, urging them to comport themselves for a shot at redemption. Though Butch attempts compliance, he soon finds himself a target for Banks, the alpha inmate, along with his cronies, Eckersley and Loony. Refusing to divulge information, Butch lands himself in solitary confinement. Tragedy strikes when Angel meets his demise and Davis chooses to end his own life. Fueled by a thirst for revenge, Butch incites a riot, only to be thwarted in his escape attempt, leaving him battered and broken by the riot squad.
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Dog Pound to Scum is like alligator to crocodile.
MickyBurns16 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From what I have read Dog Pound is a film influenced by the British film Scum and is not a remake but if the truth be told it is almost exactly the same. Even some re-makes of other film's are not as close as these two film's are and because I seen Scum first and thought it was brilliant, Dog Pound has a lot to live up to. So does it then? The answer is no it doesn't, it's not even close. I suppose if I hadn't off seen Scum first I would of though this was a slightly above average film. The main character Butch is no where near Ray Winstone's character Carling and as I watched him, I just felt like I was watching a man trying to act tough. Maybe it is just me but I think he made the film worse. No spoilers here though and if you watch or have seen Scum then there is no need to tell you anyway. Not a lot more I want to say about this film really, it is no where near the level of Scum and having said that I would recommend that film but not Dog Pound. I warn you in advance mind, it's not for the faint hearted. Dog Pound 6.5 out of 10, Scum 9.5 out of 10.
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jotix10017 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
French director Kim Chapiron, working in America, decided to tackle a thorny issue that afflicts many a young person in the country: being sent to a juvenile detention center. The idea is that young people will reform in those institutions, when the reality is they probably come out worse off than when they went in, which is the message one gets after watching this violent account of youth deprived of freedom.

The prison genre has been done better before, but to his credit, Kim Chapiron has gathered a good cast, especially with the happy selection of Adam Butcher in the leading role, to give life to this drama. The screenplay was written by Mr. Chapiron and Jeremie Delon. "Dog Pound" keeps reminding a lot of the contributors to this forum of Alan Clarke's much better "Scum", a film in which the great Ray Winstone was the absolute star.
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FunchoExpress7 January 2011
Although i did not yet see "Scum" - but will see as soon as i can - i think it's perfectly acceptable a remake (still not sure that it's a remake) after several decades.

The thematic of life in a prison or juvenile delinquency is not new. What's new is the extraordinary realism with which this film is made of. Extraordinary violence is processed between the actors and the audience. Awesome performances in all the situations. The less likable aspect about this movie is the sudden and somehow incoherent death of two youths.

But the soul of the project is always there.
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didnt realise this was a canadian remake of the brit film scum
watcher201917 June 2020
Same old stuff bad kids bad guards and so it goes on. Nothing changes only more violent with the mandatory rapes now. I think when scum was made there were only 2films that showed male rape the other was deliverance.
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Truly a lesson and something that desperately needs to be improved upon.
XRoady4 September 2010
Dog Pound had a huge effect on me unlike most films that have come out in the past couple months. You start to really feel for the characters and their issues also everything during the movie goes along smoothly. Every actor worked their role correctly and, in my opinion, perfectly. If people just truly gave a couple seconds to be down to earth with these juniors, just for once put yourself in their own positions, many of the problems in this film could of had a much better outcome. Great story, great action, and just overall a good watch. This is a must see for everyone who has the stomach and the mind set. These actions are actually happening today and needs to be solved.. but sadly I may not see it in my years.
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Can't stop thinking about this
miller-ringo20 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Can't stop thinking about this movie. I'm a huge Adam Butcher fan - loved him in Saint Ralph and now, as a grown-up, he's definitely matured as an adult. It's disturbing and harsh but probably realistic. SPOILER ALERT A few things that did bug me about the film --Never followed up the murder of the one young inmate, the killer didn't seem to be taken to justice or questioned or an investigation launched (unless that's something I missed) --Riot scene was well staged but again, a tad unrealistic --Adam Butcher kicks down the door yet they're able to close it --I hate unfinished movies, a la Coen Brothers. But again, I can't stop thinking about it. Very powerful.
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well worn prison movie
SnoopyStyle30 May 2015
Davis is a 16 year old caught with narcotics. Angel is a 15 year old sentenced for assault and car theft. Butch is 17 year old who assaulted a corrections officer. All three are sent to Enola Vale Youth Correctional Center. Davis and Butch are targeted by bully Banks and his guys. Butch has anger issues and fights back.

The actors are a little older than the characters. It's a noticeable difference and an important difference for this particular movie. As a prison movie, it rehashes all the standard characters. The leads Adam Butcher and Shane Kippel are pretty good. This is a fine prison movie but there's nothing new.
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Dog Pound
majesticappeal9 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The film is raw and relevant. The actors are great. Adam Butcher gave a superb performance as Butch. His trigger explosiveness kept me on the edge of my seat. Along with Shane Kippel and Mateo Morales, as the main delinquents, the film displayed the violence and brutality of the system. Even the youngest of the detainees, Sal, played by young Alexander Conti, was affected by the end of the film. Showing his disdain for the death of his bunk mate. In the beginning of the film his eyes innocent and scared, but by the end he too is filled with the rage of the realities of the corrupt system. Excellent job by Kim Chapiron (writer/director) and Jeremie Delon (writer.
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Nonetheless a good movie which becomes rather cliché in the end,sudden death of two of the teens comes out from no-where
saadgkhan1 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
DOG POUND – CATCH IT ( B ) Dog Pound is a very interesting and realists look in to the Juvenile prison's world. The movie starts off really strong by showing the leading 3 male teens involving in drugs, assault and theft. They get caught up and get imprisonment in Juvi prison. Then the bully starts from the teens living and running the Juvi prison. The bullying sequences are really interesting and 1st half just flies by. The problems starts in the 2nd half when movie becomes rather more cliché, when Adam Butcher Aka. Butch takes over the prison after beating up the bullying teens. There are more nasty female jokes, few more beat ups and drug intake. The ending becomes really cliché and sudden death of two of the teens comes out from no-where. Mateo Morales Aka. Angel dies when a police office just pushes him and he hit his head with the pipe, he collapse there and later on dies. (No further actions have been shown against police officer, why Angel's parents didn't come to find out what exactly happened in here?). Shane Kippel's death is quite weird, Angel's dies and Butch is put into solitary confinement , so Butch is in the solitary confinement then the bully teens target the frighten Boy Davis and rape him, that night he dies from bleeding. (shock :-O) he dies so suddenly like that with internal bleeding, I think it came out too sudden. Adam Butcher as Butch is really good in Dog Pound, he doesn't have to say much and with his eyes and face he showed all the emotions. Shane Kippel and Mateo Morales as Davis and Angel respectively did a fine job. Nonetheless a good movie which becomes rather cliché in the end, still it's a good movie to give it a shot.
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Updated version of Scum (1979)
robertejohnston-114 March 2011
Some of the adult characters are more sympathetic and less two dimensional than the original film but the main plot lines are remarkable similar, depressing that the writers could not have more creative though that is hardly unique in films being produced in last ten years. The main theme revolving around adolescent males' alienation and general response of society to simply shut problem kids away should be of concern to us all, we keep repeating the same mistake over and over again however this film is soulless as its just comes across as a documentary without attempting to put forward a vision for a way forward. The original film was ground breaking as its exposed a particular problem with the Borstal (UK) system maybe this American version was meant to throw light on a similar problem in the US however its lack of originality raises a suspicion that its simply an exploitation piece instead of social commentary. Funding and making independent films is hard enough so it's almost criminal writers plagiarise other peoples work.
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Vincentiu12 September 2014
honest image about prison life. about decisions, angry and value of the other. a film who remembers many others about same theme but it remains special for the poetic note, for the different acting by the young cast, for the details who desires give a profound spirit to a delicate subject. the violence is not ignored but it is not the purpose. and the key of that subtle exercise of honesty is its end. because it is a film about deep freedom , about the dimensions of an age, about friendship and about sense of life. an inspired one. the sensitivity in different nuances, the force of image, the dialog are the basic virtues of movie. and a great cast who does a remarkable job. that could be all. so, see it !
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