Altitude (2010) Poster


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A movie about the most unlikable group of teens on a plane
dragonkings0118 October 2010
A female novice pilot who has no business driving a car much less flying a plane, decides to take the most unlikeable group of friends on a plane ride for reasons really unknown. Her mom died on a plane, so I guess she wanted to die too or something. her friends include the most annoying jock character written, a undeveloped boyfriend character (a most important character by the end for some random reason), a love lost emo and a shallow best friend. They end up in a mysterious cloud, things happen that really don't make sense and the ending you see coming a mile away. The main girl is a raging c-word to her pointless boyfriend (apparently this is a important plot point?). These kids sans the boyfriend remind you of the popular kids you hated in high school. The positives reviews Have to be plants from the industry. Avoid this film, the premise is awful and you end up wanting whatever it is in the cloud to eat them faster. Note to writers of these films, stop writing for the twilight, jersey shore crowd and make the characters quasi likable so the viewer can be emotionally invested, I was more sympathetic to whatever was in the clouds than these people.
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Half-baked Idea ruined by bad script.
Rabh1731 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off-- the premise of the movie was intriguing: An airplane takes off for a trip with a young Girl Pilot and her friends. A mechanical mishap sends it off into a dark cloud in another dimension where dark things lurk.

THAT was the basic premise that caught my interest. A bit of Twilight Zone. A piece of Stephen King. A dash of Outer limits, maybe. . .

THEN I actually WATCHED the movie.

What ruined it principally was the casting: No, I don't blame the Actors themselves, but the Character/Plot premise that presupposes that any story stocked with good-looking young adults posing as Teenagers acting out the normal angst, trivia and emotional immaturity of Teenagers is somehow Must-Watch Movie-Making. Uhm. . NOT.

The second flaw was the script. Again, teen angst, teen bickering, off-the-cuff fist fights, Teen boyfriend-girlfriend drama and immature cursing may work in your generic stock Haunted House or dark abandoned Mental Institution, but NOT in the small cabin of a twin engine turbo-prop. And the fact that the titular star of the story, the young female pilot, spent most of her time facing BACKWARD and participating in the on-going fracas instead of FOCUSING ON FLYING THE PLANE adds to the unbelievability.

And I must say that while I know that what we call blithely 'Autopilot' automation is actually VERY ADVANCED Technology that is WAY BEYOND COOL today-- the several times that the pilot gets OUT OF THE SEAT (Remember, she HAS NO CO-PILOT) and CLIMBS into the back seat to have heated emotional showdowns while a plane FULL OF FRIGHTENED TEENAGERS Flies itself. . .and NO-ONE even says: WOULD YOU PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO FLYING THE PLANE, LADY?!? That beggars belief.

The movie would have been a better, deeper thriller had it been cast with character-study adults as opposed to a bunch of bickering teens.

If you want to watch this-- Rent it - Don't Buy.

And rent it as a group event with your friends-- and be ready to tear it apart as the action ensues.
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interesting enough that i didn't change the channel.
michaeldartnell5 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
i incidentally watched this movie this morning as it was the first channel that came up on my foxtel.

all and all, yes it is a pretty crappy premise that is turning the twilight zone airplane story into a modern day movie for teens.

I also didn't really care much for the main character as he was weird awkward character (or other characters all of which were stereotypes.) But. for some weird reason I still felt the need to watch all of this movie (possibly because I'm mowing the lawn after it)But usually if I'm not liking a movie at least a little bit i change the channel.

Plus the ending had that inclusive time paradox kinda feel.

Initially i was going to give this a 6, but i think a modest 5 is what this movie is worth. (i would give it 5.5 if i could)
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Stupidest. Movie. Ever.
tntpucca18 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First, this film is so technically ridiculous, a little research could have helped it a bit. But just a tiny bit.

If you're going to make a movie about four teens in a small airplane, maybe you could at least do some research on General Aviation 101-- since flying is the entire setting of your film. Like how a young pilot like that doesn't just rent a 6-seat twin engine plane like it's a Hyundai Sonata, while she doesn't even have her Instrument Rating (typically a must for planes of that size.) Then there are stupid script misses like the fact that our Pilot Heroine blames the plane's malfunctioning altimeter on "magnetic disturbances." Altimeters are affected by air pressure. Not magnetism. Script bloopers like that abound in this one.

Come on, writers. It was like shooting a story set in New York City then showing the characters walk up to a hot dog stand...and order sushi. Bad research.

Technicalities aside, prepare for a lame flick that basically consists only of a bunch of teens yelling at each other that they're going to die. For an hour.

Some here say the film had an awesome Twilight Zone ending. Really? Where was it? There was an attempt at a twist-- but when the credits rolled, I still didn't even know what that supposed twist was supposed to be. (WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILER!) Was there time travel involved? Ghosts? Sixth Sense type stuff? Huh?

And if you think that's dumb, you should see what great heroic act turns everything Hunky Dory. You'll gag.

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Failed to lift off...
matt-ross-120 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, a quick confession; I'm a real soft touch when it comes to a good movie poster, a cool DVD cover, or back-cover teaser descriptions. I've sat down in many a theatre or shelled out for many a DVD on the basis of this alone. A strong concept with plenty of potential, and I'm in. So with Altitude, it had me at 'Fear is in the air'. My hit-rate for finding good movies this way is about 50-50. But I sometimes get as much pleasure from watching a bad movie as a good one. And so to Altitude, which lands firmly in this former category. But pleasure was something sadly lacking in taking this flight.

The description on the back of the DVD case hinted at a malevolent force, picking off teens, as teens usually are in these films, but in the unique setting of a light plane; a nice twist on the usual claustrophobic settings. A supernatural killer on the loose at 10,000 feet... cool, I thought. But from this intriguing take-off position, the film crashes and burns in its most important areas; a coherent plot and interesting characters. Five friends fly a twin-prop to a concert 'because the drive is bad', or some other rubbish reason - so we have our set-up. The five tick all the cliché boxes for the teen victim demographic; the jock, the nerd, the sensitive artist, the prom queen and the bookworm. And despite these stereotypes bucking the usual trends slightly (the arrogant jock turns out to be a coward and a drunk, the artist brave and resourceful), the characters are so weakly sketched out that we do not care for anyone as things start to go wrong, even our spunky heroine pilot, Sara (who has achieved somewhere in the region of 100 hours worth of flying time whilst keeping this a secret from her dad, and also learnt to fly because her mum was killed in an air crash. As you do.)

So after establishing such hateful and idiotic people are our main protagonists, it's left to the plot get us off the ground. Initially, it's a bit like Twilight Zone: The Movie, where a nervous John Lithgow sees an evil imp trashing the wing of his passenger jet but can get no-one to believe him. But a closer look at that 1983 movie reveals an even more blatant lift. The Joe Dante-directed third segment, where an evil child who can create his own reality around him, trapping his family in a murderous world where he has to be kept happy and entertained for fear of violent and bloody retribution.

So no external entity of malevolence, just an insecure man-child with a violent id (Forbidden Planet?); subconsciously brought to the fore by the heroine's plan to leave to go to university and his repressed anger at the death of his parents (yes, in the same air crash that killed Sara's mother).

Throw in a prescient comic book (Heroes, anyone), a giant flying squid and a climactic face- off between good and 'evil' (is he? I still don't know who we were supposed to be rooting for) that is resolved by the biggest cliché of them all, and all that back-sleeve potential finally runs out of fuel.

It's such a shame, because I thought the direction from Kaare Andrews was solid and some clever scenes, with the lightning flashes making the screaming faces look like skulls, even had me considering the possibility everyone was already dead. No such luck.

I'd like to think I've learnt my lesson after paying full price for this DVD. But I probably haven't....
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This movie deserves the time to write a review
phaenomenalbert24 October 2010
My professor once said: always start with something positive. Let me try:

The cast is easy on the eye. And that's about the only positive thing I can come up with. Very, very poor acting. Seriously. Totally ridiculous plot. Someone said it was well shot. I would have to watch it again to find that one frame he must have been referring to. I certainly missed that one. The music... I don't remember.

I've never bothered writing reviews. Ever. This time I just felt it is my responsibility. By all means, go and see for yourself. But you have been warned – at least, try to not spend any money. Give it to charity instead and make my headline come true.

And no, I am not a wanna be actor who is just jealous. I simply love watching movies. Not this one.
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disdressed1226 March 2011
i liked this movie.its not completely original,but than again most movies today aren't.i liked the tense atmosphere it also has some moments that get your adrenaline pumping.the acting was pretty good,in my opinion.there's not much in the way of character development here,since the movie jumps right into the action fairly quickly.but that didn't bother me in this get enough of sense of each person as the story goes along.the music is not memorable at all,and i'm not sure if that's good or bad.overall,this was not a bad fact,i'd say it's pretty decent,especially for a lazy weekend,when you have nothing else going on.for me,Altitude (2010)is a 6/10
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extended Twilight Zone episode
SnoopyStyle18 January 2016
Sara's mother died piloting her small plane. New pilot Sara (Jessica Lowndes) is flying her boyfriend Bruce Parker (Landon Liboiron), her cousin Cory (Ryan Donowho), her best friend Mel (Julianna Guill) and Mel's boyfriend Sal (Jake Weary) to a Coldplay concert. A mechanical malfunction sends them climbing. It's terrifying to fix the problem but then something truly supernatural happens.

This is somewhat like a Twilight Zone episode. I say this as a compliment but it also means that it's a hour-long story at best. Firstly, Sal is too annoying. It seems to be an often used trope but not one that I particularly like. It would help if one character is actually funny and likable. These are photogenic young actors playing uncompelling characters. What starts out as a tight little thriller turns into a hodgepodge of supernatural messiness. I like the confined space of the aircraft but the movie has problems.
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A Precise Blend of Horror and Supernatural Fantasy
gavin69429 November 2010
A group of friends take a small airplane to a concert, but soon enough they encounter a supernatural storm that causes them to constantly rise up to a dangerous height.

I want my thoughts on this film to be brief: director Kaare Andrews did a superb job of creating a claustrophobic atmosphere, casting bright and beautiful young cast members, and blending horror with fantasy, with a bit of comic book background. Andrews is, first and foremost, a comic book creator, but he transitions to film flawlessly.

I could go into more detail, but for now I won't... I was quite impressed with this one, and although I don't like straying from reality much, I think it was handled in a creative and original way.
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WTF Did I Just Watch???
se_johnson19 October 2010
I've seen this movie...and yet I haven't. I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone, so no worries there, as I didn't fully grasp what this movie was trying to be.

Little teen/college age horror movie.

Little bit of John Carpenters "The Thing" (the tension in a small confined space) A lot of Twilight Zone and Outer Limits.

Half a cup of H.P. Lovecraft thrown in for good measure.

Then a sprinkle of every over used cliché character in an teen/college age horror movie.

Bake at 375 for and hour and a half.

Results may vary.

Cinematic quality is excellent. Acting is above par (we aren't talking an Asylum or Uwe Boll movie here) but no ones getting an Oscar. Special effects are Meh...seen better and a hell of a lot worse out there. Dialogue was unforgivable at times, more so than not. Ending was really not as big of a shocker as others might have you think.

All in all, it's a fun way to kill an hour and a half if you don't know anything about this reviews, don't watch the trailer...etc. In other words, even in being as obtuse as I have been here, I still just ruined the movie for you.

Have a good day!
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I need an air-sickness bag!
UNOhwen19 October 2011
There have been many films, TV episodes which have taken place within a confined area, and the tension can become excruciating.

Lifeboat, Midnight (Doctor Who), are just a couple.

Altitude - the story of a half dozen teens trapped in a little plane - is NOT one.

The director who made this - Kaare Andrews - has made a 'teen' horror film that doesn't try hard to be any better than of the films it desperately rips off - the FINAL DESTINATION films, are just one franchise, which comes to mind.

The 'acting' horrendous. The 'plot?' Cheesecloth holds together better.

The 'technical' dialogue, spouted by 'pilot' Ms. Loundes, is akin to hearing a monkey explain quantum mechanics - and, just as believable.

This is one of those films, in which the 'director' seems SO hard to demonstrate his skills, and, has none, to begin with.

Bluish-green tinted movie? Seen it. Actors' eyes (annoyingly) colorized? Yawn - ENOUGH!

I kept praying this nightmare would end - and, by that, I mean 'crash' end. You do not care about ANYONE. It seems they all got cast by meeting Mr. Andrews, who 'promised' they'd 'star in' his big, Hollywood' movie.
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this film is a lot better than the IMDb rating
adio-uk25 October 2010
While I admit parts of the film could have been better. overall it was a enjoyable film. The plot was original although very similar to triangle and to be honest a little predictable.

I would recommend you watch this film alone to get the best out of it. Put up with the slow start and by the end you will understand why I gave it 8 out of 10. Unless you watch the whole thing you will not get a good picture.

If you like Twilight Zone, or if you like watching scary movies (best if you don't like flying), then this movie is for you.

Acting was and the special effects were OK. The director done a job for considering most of the movie was set in a small plane - it helped with the trilling side but it did get a bit boring.
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Inexperienced pilot versus monsters from the id.
suite9218 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The initial tableau: The film opens to a short vignette about the doomed flight of a light airplane. Then we jump shift to the present. Five twenty-somethings gather to fly to a concert. Sara is the pilot; Bruce sits in front next to her. Mel films with her hand-held in the back, next to the jock/thug Sal, who steals Bruce's comic book. Cory is also in the back as the fifth wheel. Sara is a bit light on experience, but things seem to be going well.

Delineation of conflicts: Rough weather comes up, and Sara is not rated for instrument flying. Two other problems arise: their total weight is too high to get above the clouds, and Sara forgot to assure that the fuel tanks were full before leaving. There is a screw loose, which means an elevator fin does not respond to control. Bruce's childhood trauma about flying surfaces; this involves Sara in a strong way. Those are not the only problems; the film is qualified as a horror film for some solid reasons. They are not alone in the storm, or are they?

Cinematography: 7/10 Consistently saturated with teal, even during the long dark sections of the film. The point of this not clear. Framing and focus were usually fine.

Sound: 9/10 I had no problems hearing dialog, and the background music was a plus.

Acting: 5/10 Better than I expected.

Screenplay: 4/10 There's a good 15 minutes of story here. Hijacking the end story of Forbidden Planet (1956) was discouraging, though. The plus four was for the ending, which I rather liked.
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Surprisingly Decent
JamesIan20213 May 2015
90210 star Jessica Lowndes takes off onto to the big screen in this very effective and atmospheric supernatural thriller that takes place entirely on-board a small passenger plane, so if you're claustrophobic hold tight as this movie can get pretty breathless and tight. I think this movie was a straight to DVD, and I avoid them types at all costs, but Altitude caught my attention when I saw those tentacles in the sky and a Kraken like creature roaring in the clouds in the trailer. It's different, I'll give you that, and the twist end was one I didn't see coming. For those who are unsure about watching this re-think it, Altitude is a neat little thriller with surprisingly solid performances, characters that, despite some cockiness, are worth following as well as a lot of suspense, it's probably the only straight to DVD release I own and probably the only one I've ever watched.
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Lost in the Clouds
Billy_Crash18 January 2012
A young pilot flies a twin-engine plane into the dark clouds with four friends and mayhem ensues.

Although ridiculous due to outrageous inaccuracies regarding planes, cold and oxygen, the movie did have some decent cinematography. And although some of the dialogue was atrocious, the "Twilight Zone" feel of the story was fairly decent.

As someone who is deathly afraid of flying (may kryptonite – besides mathematics), the movie played on those fears, though I had to laugh at some of the flying related abominations. Yes, since it's my fear, I try to know as much about flying as possible.

The good news is that this is a fast ninety minutes with some decent tension. If writer Paul Birkett had paid more attention to the realities of flight, this would have been a far stronger film and a better horror.
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This movie isn't so bad until the bit i hated
lardarseclass20 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The premise for the whole thing is pretty weak explained in movie as last time the drive there was terrible so lets hire a plane and fly, but how did you get your license as your mum died in a similar plane and your dad wont let you fly, well I did it on the sly even tho I am young I earn enough cash to blow it on secret flying lessons as I love it so much. Thats great lets get a bunch of idiots together then and spend 60minutes in the air learning to hate each other. A weirdo boyfriend, hot chick pilot, bullying sports jock, screaming emo girl and the pointless guy.

The acting is pretty good and the main girl is nice to look at but I cant believe she would be with her boyfriend as he is a bit quiet and weird and she seems pretty out going.

Hated the sports jock more than most characters your supposed to hate in movies but 1 thing just went to far as everyone over the age of 10 learns to not do these things.

The direction/cinematography is OK as shooting an entire movie inside the cabin of a small twin engined prop plane obviously isn't the easiest way to make a movie. Special effects are fine based on the obviously limited budget.

If you got 90mins to spare this movie is watchable better than many films I have seen but worse than just as many others.
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If you like crappy horror movies it might be for you
lunytn27 December 2010
OK I have a few things to say about this movie. But to answer the most important questions:

1. Was this a good movie (good meaning quality)? No, this was in no way a good movie.

2. Did I enjoy this movie? Yes, absolutely, I enjoyed every horrible minute of it. Although maybe not the way it was intended. There were some parts that I laughed out loud that weren't meant to be funny.

I'm seeing on the forums this movie compared to Frozen. I have no idea why. The only thing these movies have in common is that the people are high up in the air. Meaning a fall to the ground could be damaging or fatal. Even the heights aren't comparable though. Other than that I see no real similarities.

About this movie specifically. Horrible acting, totally unbelievable, predictable from the first 5 minutes. But I enjoyed it for the same reason I enjoyed other crappy horror movies. And I think those reason are individual. But, I WAS able to, in a couple of scenes, feel the hopelessness of being stuck in a tiny plane up in the air with no possible idea of how to fix it. I would much rather be stuck on the ski lift.

So, if you like crappy horror movies and you can suspend pretty much all reality when you watch a movie you might enjoy, if not, don't bother. You will hate it and people like me who enjoyed it don't want to hear about how bad you thought it was. We know, we liked it anyway.
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It could have been way better..
funnycommentor19 October 2022
The plot of the movie was very interesting and I was willing to give a chance to that movie (even though, it had low ratings). The storyline was kinda well-written, even though there were some plot holes. The characters weren't very interesting, but some of them were well-developed and likeable. Overall, it was a low budget horror film that, it could have been way better. But, the execution wasn't successfully done.. The killcount of the movie wasn't bloody at all and it wasn't that good. Of course, it was a very intense movie and kinda creepy. The creature's appearance was terrible, so badly edited and it wasn't realistic, at all. The opening scene of the movie was very intense and I'm glad they explained us what happened. The ending scene, was really weird and not very well-developed.
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cerabus-647-65887830 October 2010
OK, I like all kinds of films, Horror, indie, action, chick flicks, flicks with talking rodents, but I gotta draw the line somewhere ...

I'm gonna sue somebody and get the last 90 minutes of my life back ....

What a train wreck ... shallow acting and a rip off of frozen, (only in the sky.) I'm pretty sure it was written by an acting school for a 1st term project or something.

But, the girls are cute. As for the guys, I'd have thrown them all out of the plane if I had the chance.

It says I need ten lines here ..., well that's 2 more than the script must have had.

I actually was thinking of calling my dentist and having my gums extracted while I watched this one. It would have been less painful.
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A bit of something different
Heislegend17 October 2010
I've long been a fan of movies...horror in particular...that takes place in a relatively small, constant set. I don't know why Maybe it's because it forces more of a story than a huge, sprawling set. So in that respect, I was pleased with this film. Sure, it's got it's downsides...but what movie doesn't? The basic plot is a group of kids flying a plane to a concert when a mechanical problem leaves their plane stuck in a climb. While trying to figure out how to fix the problem before they run out of fuel and/or oxygen things get...strange. Secrets are revealed, tempers flare and...well...that's all I'm going to say about it. Then in a nice little surprise, it climaxes in an almost Lovecraftian way.

The downsides are the norm for what you'd see in a movie featuring some college aged kids. Namely, everyone except the couple main characters are utterly moronic and horribly annoying. Every story needs an antagonist, but I found myself just pleading with something to kill these kids. Plus the very thing I liked (the almost claustrophobic set) could very well be a minus for some. All in all I got a little more than I expected, but not something I'd insist all my friends watch. It was just good...not great.
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Crashes and Burns
dana-kellish10 July 2021
Well before the movie is half over - and before the "supernatural force" shows up, I found myself wishing that this blend of teenage morons (one in particular; viewers will immediately know which twit I'm referring to) would go down in flames. Laughable performances abound, and these characters are so irksome (engaging in petty and inane spats as their plane malfunctions and they are facing death, for instance) that the only reason that I continued watching was, I hoped, to see these dolts get killed one-by-one by whatever creature was stalking them. No spoilers, though. If you're at all interested - and I can't see why you would be - it will take a firm constitution to continue watching as this unbelievably execrable film actually gets worse as it goes along, containing plot twists near the end as preposterously asinine as any I've ever seen (with a repeated reference to the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre thrown in, because why not).

Unforgivably bad from top to bottom, with the main culprit being a silly and utterly contrived, bad-soap-opera plot.
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Well made little gem of a movie.
sitichybrid10 October 2010
I had never heard of this title before I picked it up- but it was a definite pleasant surprise.

This is more of a tense thriller then a blood guts and gore monster movie, which is more than fine by me.

The acting and special effects are much more solid then I was expecting.

While the script wasn't as polished as it could have been, but I'm more then willing to forgive that, as everything else exceeded my expectations.

The plot was intriguing, if not the most original.
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Actually pretty decent
theseus3227 November 2010
Don't get me wrong. It's far from perfect, but honestly considering the resources, it's actually by no means a "bad" film. Considering that the setting is in the cabin of a small plane, a lot of focus has to be placed on the characterization. Something this film does very well.

There are several reviews out there claiming stereotypical characterization and saying, there is no "good guy". That's kind of the point of the film. The characters are designed to be related to, but not necessarily liked. The stereotypes that are set up are eschewed very early on into the film. Which works. The ending's designed to be a serious WTF moment, which is again reflected by the characters. This film is all about the characterization, which again, considering, is really all the director has to work with.

What this movie is attempting is taking what would nominally amount to a 30 minute twilight zone ep and stretching it into a feature length film. Is it effective at this? Mehh.. Here's the thing. It tries to strike a balance between intellectual suspense and teen slasher flick, that's where it falls short. Looked at as an examination of personalities during a crisis, it's quite effective. Looked at as a teen slasher flick you get "Waaaa the effects sucked! Nobody showed any tits! The jock character wasn't even a jock character!" etc. So in that sense, the film's a failure. However if you go into it not looking for teen schlock, but a bit of insight into how people break down in emergencies, then it's a quite decent bit of suspense with an ending that wraps things up nicely.
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sphere meets Donnie Darko
OrderedChaos19 October 2010
First off the main page reviewer is either very young or very easily pleased and I am only being honest.

The Acting was poor the characters you couldn't associate with at all and the entire plot really unreasonable.

The characters reacted how not a single human being allowed in their situation would act.

It was all a tad bit too predictable and completely unoriginal (So no idea where the main reviewer got the original part hence they must be young and have not seen much to compare) I never bother to right reviews but feel that the main reviewer is a tad bit miss leading and helped me waste some time I can't get back.

Instead of one star ill give it three as the movies it ripped off were good lol

Overall if your very, very easily entertained and can swallow all kinds of rubbish this is the movie for you.
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Mindless and disgusting!!!
sarkara24 October 2010
The whole film can be summarized in one line: a annoying female character (Sara), a super-idiot boyfriend of hers, another couple whose roles are no more significant than the baggage in the plane and a disgusting male friend (Sal).

Come on, was there a story somewhere? What were the writer and the director thinking? At least if they had thrown in some decent nudity, this film could have made close to a class C.

Another reviewer said "Cinematic quality is excellent.". He must have been kidding or was paid by the producer. The whole flight was clearly simulated in a cheap studio. At no point in the movie, the plane actually looked like flying. Acting? There was none. Except screaming the whole time, the characters did not have much to do.

Save your time - go watch kids playing in the park instead.
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