Passion Play (2010) Poster


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A very beautiful movie
Christine260316 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I had very low expectations because the movie was so low rated and Megan Foxx was in it and I wasn't so convinced of her talent so far. But Mickey Rourke and Bill Murray in it made me curious and so I watched it and was very surprised how much I liked it. Until the end where Megan takes Mickey on a flying tour, the movie was a little confusing for me in some parts but then the end reveals what the movie is all about. Mickey flies over his dead body and finally realizes that he is dead. So in the beginning Mickey is not saved by these strange men in white clothes, but he is shot. He is dead but doesn't realize it. He meets his "angel" which needs to fulfill the task of bringing him to the aftermath, but Mickey can't let go of his human life on earth yet. Bill Murray is the force who symbolized Mickey's inability to let go and leave earth, because Bill wants to take away his angel which Mickey needs to travel to "the other side". But Mickey in the end is able to take back "his angel" and finally he is also able to let go of his human life, which is shown in his free will to jump from the roof. Now that Mickey is really ready to go the Angel takes him (now also the Angel is ready, she suddenly is brave enough to fly) and while Mickey sees his dead body lying on the floor, he not only realizes that he is dead but he smiles which means he now can accept it. He learned to fall in love with his angel which was needed to make this journey. In the end everything makes sense and leaves you with a smile on your face. I love this movie, esp. the story, but also the actors, the atmosphere and even Megan Foxx. :-)
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A Winged Angel....
tim-764-29185618 May 2012
Seedy bar trumpeter, Mickey Rourke, gets gets hit over the head outside the bar, gets dragged to the desert to be shot, presumably for some shady misdemeanour. His captor gets shot instead, by shadowy figures, dressed in white.

Nate Poole (Rourke) trudges on through the desert and into the night, where he stumbles on a travelling circus. Rhys Ifans is a sort of compère and then, Nate's eyes fall on a young woman, in a red outfit and who has wings. This vision of beauty (Megan Fox) has him enthralled and he tries to speak to her afterward.

As Messrs Ifans and Co gets riled, Lily Luster (Fox) decides this show has used her too much and needs to break free and drives them both out. The pair sort of go on the road, Rourke all lived-in and leathery rough and Fox young, enticing and fresh.

Passion Play scores a mightily measly 4.4 on the IMDb, and as a rule, I don't even bother with films on Sky Movies that score less than 5 - and that's 5/10, hardly a great starting point.

Mickey Rourke not so long ago was on Oscar nominated form in The Wrestler and whilst he's (apparently, I've not seen them) been in some awful movies in the past, was this an unfortunate return to that form for him?

Well, for a start, the fantasy elements are crudely done, with hardly any sense of magic to them. It's as if director Mitch Glazer hadn't even tried to convey any sense of wonder, so Lily's character never comes across more than a rather timid kid who's got a secret to hide. Mickey Rourke, doesn't seem to immerse himself in the part fully, generally avoiding looking into the camera at least at first, opening up as the film progresses. As a supposed grizzled junkie musician, he seldom delivers the expected wisdom, bitterness and nostalgia that a fully developed character might. He's still in great shape though, as the generous amounts of him appearing shirtless shows.

An almost unrecognisable Bill Murray, whose appearance I was looking forward to, is completely wasted, talent-wise as a ruthless gangster that wants Lily for himself, to use as a novelty act.

There's nothing so terrible in this movie that makes you want to switch it off, but next thing you know, it's half way through - and what has the film achieved? We don't feel as if we know these two people any better, even though they've been waffling on about themselves quite a lot.

I was wondering whether the director and the film itself was trying to emulate Wim Wender's beautiful and enigmatic 'Wings Of Desire' and failing at almost every level. This is Mitch Glazer's first directorial, he's normally a screenwriter (he scripted this film, too) and this lack of experience shows. He did possibly have some great ideas but to mould them into a living, breathing movie is another thing and with two first- class actors, maybe he has been too star struck to get the best from them.

I would suggest that only devout fans of Mickey Rourke check this out - he will always be a larger than life character in any film he's in and he's not actually bad in this, he gets better as the film develops. As for Bill Murray; he could be anybody, played by anybody.

As for Megan Fox, she just tends to look rather awkward and appropriately rather glum, with her CGI'd shoulder adornments. There are hints that Lily's character might develop into a Natalie Portman one in Black Swan; troubled, deep etc but that may be just down to the music and atmosphere that surrounds her at times.

It all moves onto a scenario where three people are vying for Lily's skills and potential dollars, as Rhys Ifan's tracks her down and says that he 'discovered' her. The ending wasn't totally unexpected and was fitting and neatly rounded off this rather oddly and clumsily put- together romantic fantasy.
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Awful Story, with Mickey Rourke Miscast and Fake Reviews Promoting this Flick
claudio_carvalho1 September 2012
In Reno, the former successful trumpet player Nate Poole (Mickey Rourke) has one night stand with the wife of the powerful and ruthless mobster Happy Shannon (Bill Murray) and one gangster of his gang abducts Nate to kill him in the desert.

Out of the blue, Nate is saved by Indians and he walks through the desert until he reaches a side show owned by Sam Adamo (Rhys Ifans). Nate asks if Sam has a telephone to make a phone call to his friend Harriet (Kelly Lynch), but he sees a beautiful woman with wings called Lily Luster (Megan Fox) and he asks a drink to her. Then he invites Lily to move with him to Reno. However Sam kidnaps Nate to kill him with a snake, but Lily rescues Nate with a truck and they head to Reno.

Nate plots a scheme to raise some money, offering Lily to Happy. Along their journey back to Reno, Nate falls in love with her and he decides to call off the agreement with Happy. But the criminal finds Nate's hideout and abducts Lily and keeps the angel with him. Nevertheless Nate is decided to rescue Lily from Happy's fortress.

"Passion Play" is a weird film with an awful story, with Mickey Rourke absolutely miscast in the role of a washed up musician that falls in love with an angel performed by Megan Fox. In the 80's, Mickey Rourke was cool and one of the most handsome actors of cinema; but recently, he is deformed and one of the ugliest actors. Therefore, his romance with Lily is absurd and hard to believe and there is no reason for the gorgeous Megan Fox to fall in love with the old Mickey Rourke.

There are also inconsistent situations, especially when the conclusion is disclosed to the viewer. Last but not the least, there are many fake reviews promoting this flick. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "O Anjo do Desejo" ("The Angel of the Desire")
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there are 2 very different versions
smfilm30 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The original cut of this film was rushed out for the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival and got ROASTED by critics and Micky himself.... and its very easy to see how that could happen with such a delicate and light plot... it was completely re cut and then, due to the poor reviews, only shown on 2 screens grossing 2,000 (!) then to video.... ouch...

I just watched the directors / DVD cut and was impressed. It is delicate and nuanced. If you are a viewer who appreciates life meaning and subtlety in film as you might see in Terrence Malik, you can see how Passion Play is sort of an attempt at a life view. There is good cinematography and all the basic elements, and I'd describe it as strong but not excellent.

I'm not a Megan Fox fan, and while not top flight here, she is good. Who knows, if she can get a few more films to develop her career she may not regret the whole Michael Bay thing. Micky does a Wrestler echo with good effect. As usual, Bill Murray is by far the strongest talent, but in this case he doesn't have quite enough to work with and seems underused.

While not top flight, It's not a waste of your time. If you re one of these people who's got to have a completely traditional film structure, you will be disappointed... but for the philosophical among you... there is something worth watching here....
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There's no passion in this train wreck of a film!
Hellmant13 July 2011
'PASSION PLAY': One Star (Out of Five) A truly bad movie is one that fails to accomplish what it set out to do on almost every level. That's why when someone argues that a movie is bad simply because they don't like it (like Michael Bay films for example) they're not making a justifiable argument. A movie is not bad merely because your personal taste disagrees with it. If a movie is good at what it sets out to do then by definition it's a good movie. That is not the case with this film. It sets it's goals so high and fails at each one miserably. It is by definition a bad film and personal taste has nothing to do with it. You could argue that maybe the film did exactly what the filmmakers set out to do though and you just didn't get what they were trying to do but if the finished product is that unclear (on what it's attempting to do) then it's a bad film as well. Mitch Glazer wrote and directed this train wreck of a movie and it's his first attempt at directing a feature although he's co-written such films as 'SCROOGED', 'THE RECRUIT' and 'GREAT EXPECTATIONS'. The film stars Mickey Rourke, Megan Fox, Bill Murray and Rhys Ifans. The actors are so much better than the material and the only one that delivers a semi decent performance because of it is Bill Murray. Rourke is obviously not a strong enough actor to carry this sh-- and Fox has never been worse (she still looks good though). What a waste of talent! Rourke stars as a jazz trumpet player named Nate Poole who recently had the misfortune of sleeping with the local gangster Happy Shannon's (Murray) wife. Shannon had his wife killed and was about to have Poole killed as well when Nate was saved by a band of Indians during his assassination attempt in the desert. Poole then stumbles upon a circus and meets a beautiful woman named Lily (Fox) with angel wings. He promises to protect her and find her a better life if she leaves with him which she does but Poole's past troubles catch up with him once they return to the city. The film is a mess from start to finish. It's visually unappealing and the story is not the slightest bit interesting or involving. The actors are unable to make you care at all, or relate to their characters, and I think that's more due to a weak script and horrible directing than anything else. Glazer tries his hardest to make the film unique and quirky but it's mainly just a bore. The only thing that's really amusing or entertaining about it is the fascination and wonder (it draws from you) in how things became so miscalculated to result in what's unfolding before you. The film fails to resonate any feeling or reaction of almost any kind from the viewer at all. In that way it is at least interesting though.
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No great expectations here, and still letdown!
firewoman10 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I went in not expecting too much - but really? This was such a waste of everyone's time. For the life of me I never expected it to be of such poor quality, and the story was just insane and really left gaping holes in what exactly this was going for. It WAS sad- but not for reasons it seemed the director had hoped me to feel sadness for. What I did feel sadness about was first and foremost the bad rap Megan Fox got, to me it was just taking out the easy target (and honestly, she was the only one that I felt at least tried to save this flop). I wanted to see what Mickey Rourke shot his mouth off about - and it ticked me off even as a fan, that he sat and tried to laugh it off as honestly, he was the biggest joke in this farce (and an even bigger joke was the fact that tough guy took it back after he realized he ran his mouth which made me lose even more respect for him!). Don't get me wrong, I wanted to route for Rourke in this one as I typically do, and I have a great deal of fondness for his body of work. But this was a case that he tends to fall into time and time again when he just fizzles out and becomes a stereotype and phones it in. And its just painful to watch him hobble trough this one, his appearance and acting just distracted me instead of making me believe in the story. The Happy character was a take it or leave it for me, sorry Bill, you got sucked into this mess! Even Kelly Lynch is someone who I think is great and she too looked like a sad old version of Diane in Drugstore Cowboy. Overall just a waste of talent and a chance to give Megan Fox some sort of credibility in a more serious role. But when you make the wings and plot so laughable and unbelievable, you make her rely on her beauty alone. Theending is horrific and all you can wonder in the beginning and throughout is wait, there is someone with wings running around and going to doctor's and its just shrugged off? Say what? If she was "an angel" and it was meant to not be so literal or only in the mind's eye, it was no big reveal in the end. I really was lost as to what this was supposed to really mean and or care to understand what it was going for. All I spent time on was thinking who let this be released as is? Just a train wreck. And no, it was not Megan's fault. Watch it only to see her look beautiful and at least try if you are a fan of her. Don't watch it if you are a fan of the other stars, they look and act terrible and make you wonder why they agreed after doing such brilliant picks they did this and make them seem washed up.
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These actors had to be so desperate for work to take on these characters.
rickbu-915-75981012 June 2011
Absolute waste of my time.The film tried very hard to make you feel something for the characters, but no matter how hard I tried NO CONNECTION! Excellent acting from all participants, but nothing could pull this storyline from sewer from which it came. I would have to say I have never seen a more repulsive attempt at a love scene. If you simply want to see your favourite actors, you may lose all respect for them after this one. After watching Passion Play I felt the actors involved took their respective roles, because they were so desperate for work and this is all they could get. Although i do watch and enjoy fantasy or science fiction movies, something in the story has to make me believe it. The writer offers no explanation as to why certain things are the way they are. What even makes it possible?
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Film-maker must have flunked out of film school.
henryjcoupe10 July 2011
I rented this movie and got to the 20 minute mark and pushed the eject button.

The first 20 minutes reminded me of a film student's work. The script, editing, continuity and acting had been phoned in. If it had been a film student's work it would have been forgivable; it would have been judged as a student's work.

The script must have read better than the movie that resulted from it.

I expected a better performance from Bill Murray. Megan Fox is over-rated as an actor, as is Mickey Rourke. Most of the scenes that I watched were embarrassing and silly from a dialog and story perspective.

Poor (silly) script, poor editing, poor continuity and poor (silly) acting.

No wonder it went straight to video.

How did this production ever get financing?
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Four words: Don't Waste Your Time
kinderhead25 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The 3 rating is only because Megan Fox tries so hard to do a decent job of a serious role, and because Bill Murray is okayish as the bad guy. Not for Mickey or for the sad script. Its such a pity to see Mickey looking so bloated, ragged and dysfunctional. Anyone who watched Angel Heart or 91/2 weeks will only shake their heads in pity at the ravages time has wreaked on Mickey Rourke. I read somewhere that its due to him doing plastic surgery to his face...whatever the reason...well, there's really no reason to watch a movie of his anymore, especially one where an 'angel'ic Megan Fox is forced to act like she's fallen in love with him. Man, you'd feel queasy watching them kiss. I kid you not. Sad. He used to be my cool, so easily handsome, so sexy. Sigh.
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Never never 4 out of 10
brianimdb-437-26020631 July 2012
Very strong thought provoking movie with a great subtle twist! Having seen this movies rating of 4 out of ten on IMDb, I had very low expectations for this movie. Having just watched the film I would rate it at least a 7!

Mickey Rourke produces his best performance since the wrestler and spun, to compare it it to his most recent work. Mickey is one of the best of all time when he is at this level, in a movie deserving of his skills.

Passion play also stars Bill Murray who displays a performance to equal his excellent display in mad dog and glory, playing a similarly dark character Bill shows that he is equal to the best in a serious role.

Having not been exposed to any of Megan Fox's past performances I can say she was excellent in her role and has great chemistry with Rourke. The score of the movie is perfect and added to the dream like atmosphere created by the movies director, in fact the whole production is top notch, professionally handled by a director who has created some really beautiful scenes. One you will watch more than once if you appreciate high quality acting and stylish direction.
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Needs better looking guys
gwinnhill20 December 2011
Who wants to watch two ugly guys making out with Megan Fox? This movie would have done much much better with two different costars for her..I can't believe she signed on to this.. it was hard enough watching Marisa Tomi with Rourk... The story line is good enough but the look of the actors makes a huge difference also.Just like the movie "Stripper.." they had the main character jump in bed with an ugly guy and the girl was beautiful after that the career of that actress was ruined. People don't want to see that unless it's a comedy. Come on Megan you definitely can do better than that...Come on directors don't just fill movies with names there has to be chemistry
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A nice find
LynxLy2 December 2011
How is it that I never heard of this one? A fine movie... Megan Fox CAN act after all and many times I had claimed the opposite. Even though this movie was quite predictable, IMHO, it was still a great watch and we were spared the over-the-top violence that so many other lesser movies rely upon. The only murky part of the film was the whole sequence when Nate hooked up with that over-Inked junkie but I don't want to come too close to Spoiling. I mean I understood what and why it all went down but still... I haven't done a review here in eons but I saw the 4.5 rating for this and felt compelled to get people to give this a shot, well worth it. FWIW, also felt Mickey was the perfect Nate... not sure Bill M was a great Happy but not terrible either. BTW - MFox is only semi-nude but gorgeous as ever.
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Nice movie with a surprise ending
ouroboros7120 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I rather enjoyed this movie. I had absolutely no expectations and thought I was going to fast forward based on a few bad reviews, but I gave it a chance and it was not that bad. If you rent this movie just to see Megan Fox half-nude, then you are going to be disappointed. She gives a deeper, more mature performance in this movie.

  • The plot in short (contains spoilers): Mickey Rourke plays a washed up musician. He has been sleeping with a gangsters wife, so he is about to get executed by a hired killer in some remote mountains. Then a series of "unlikely" events take place.

He mysteriously gets saved by three native Americans who shoot the killer and run off. He Starts walking and ends up at a carnival. He meets Megan Fox who is a half woman half bird creature. She tells him that she is not an angel, she hates being a freak and that she can not fly. He rescues her from the evil owner of the Carnival. The run off, fall in love, the gangster finds out about the "angel" and takes her in exchange for the musicians life. He goes back for her..... ... in the end they try to get away from the gangster and get stuck on a roof. He jumps off and she jumps after him and manages to catch him and suddenly she is able to fly. As they fly further and further away they arrive at the same mountains where he was about to get killed in the beginning of the movie. Then you see the killer driving away in his car and the musician lying dead on the ground. So he was dead all along.

I think the whole movie was a bit symbolic. The musician tries to be good and saves the "angel" and ends up saving himself.
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time stood still
news-12122 May 2011
Well what can one say about his "film"

I like Billy Murray and was the only good bit of acting in film. Megan fox has her place in some films. Ryhs Ifans is good actor but given a horrible script. Never really like Micky Rouke. Why does he wear nail varnish ?

The film leaps around with no explanation or credibility.

Its drawn out and I feel is if I need another drink or 2 to stay sane.

Yes I watched it from start to finish.

If you are bored and need an hour and half to kill this is for you.

Story line non existent, credibility non existent, acting .....

You get the gist.
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A cheat story...
theomegatribe28 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine the surprise when i found out that this movie robbed an hour and thirty minutes of my time. it's not that i hate the actors, it's that the story lacks substance and then, after wasting my precious time watching the whole freaking thing, i found out that it's not really happening! it's all just a dream! a freakin' dream all concocted in his head before he died! what the frack is that!? the movie droned on about days of him living together with that angel and magically it'll be revealed at the end that he's dead? what's up with that!? i would totally agree if it's just a day, but for a week? A WEEK? come on! he slept, and ate, and drank, and got some, and played, and got hurt, and got beaten up, and applied for a gig, and everything and he didn't even noticed he's dead??? who would buy that bull!? i know i wouldn't! and that's not even the half of it. the story drags on getting the viewers to feel the movie which sadly didn't really helped at all considering they dragged it too much without building the character first which meant that you would not really relate to the characters on its minutes of slow paced "artistic" panning camera which would really test your patience to fast forward it or just up and quit watching - which i should have done if not of my love in watching films even if it's horrible.

the movie it self is built on that dragging scenes which could be cut off. you can seriously cut it off to about 20-35 minutes and still be able to understand the story - until afterward figuring that its a BIG CHEAT because the writers didn't have any brilliant idea to come up with a better ending or a better script - or maybe both. ^_^

i suggest finding other worthy drama film worth your time. the script is lame and the director tried to be artistic which is a major fail on his part.
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Megan Fox could decidedly be a citizen of Heaven....
BigBobFoonman14 August 2011
Just saw this on looked strange, and I took a chance. I'm very glad I did....

First of all, the music is still haunting me....this is a musician's movie.....dreams...a very beautiful woman....magic and desire...the things a cat lives and plays for.....if you did not like this movie, you probably couldn't carry a tune with a handle...if you play an instrument, and aren't moved by this movie, you probably play in a church worship band.

Mickey Rourke may have been slightly only reservation...he is swollen, bloated and has been rode hard....but perhaps that was perfect for a out and down jazz musician....I think he did a good job. His "The Wrestler" persona was a bit hard to get by...

I heard that he said some things about Megan Fox....maybe he wanted her and she didn't respond...who knows. He was dead wrong about her acting. It was luminous.....I admit her unearthly beauty carried the day, but there was light behind those eyes....everybody was home, and she was an angel named Lily.

I don't think Bill Murray would have signed on to a loser....this was a classic film.
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What did I just see?
lewiskendell11 June 2011
"Last thing on earth you'll ever see. Wings."

What the heck was that? Rather, what was it even supposed to be? A love story? A fairy tale? I have no idea.

It doesn't matter if you're a die-hard Mickey Rourke fan from way back, a fanboy in total lust with Megan Fox, or if Bill Murray is your idol. There's just nothing here worth your time. Other than perhaps the most inexplicably hilarious, awkward, and unsexy love scene in ages. 

The story is about a washed-up, formerly famous trumpet player who escapes from a hit-man and finds a young woman with wings at a traveling circus. They leave her cruel caretaker together, and the musician hatches a plan to use the angelic young woman as barter to buy back his life from a gangster he crossed. Oh, and the girl is just a little too heavy to use her wings to do any more than float on a strong wind. 

Now, try hard to imagine the most cliché and boring resolution to that scenario possible. Bingo, you are the winner! Your wonderful prize is never having to watch this!

There's nothing slightly romantic or interesting about Passion Play. No matter how many lone white feathers slowly drift past the screen, or how much slow piano music plays over lingering close-ups of faces, it's not poignant. 

I guess some scenes are worth seeing because of the meteoric levels of WTF they feature. ESPECIALLY the laugh-out-loud ending, which was my personal incredulous highlight of the entire picture. Other than that, you get a lot of Megan Fox weeping and Mickey Rourke wearing clothes a classy hobo would be proud of. 

By far the most interesting thing about Passion Play would be an explanation of why so many people thought it would be a good idea to make it. It's not the worst movie I've seen, but it's certainly one of the oddest.
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More Awful
sdmumf26 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
94 minutes of my life I will never get back. Words cannot begin to describe just how truly awful this movie really is. Terrible script, cheap high school quality sets, and even worse casting. Wait, I found some words to describe this; brown, smelly, and steamy. I do love Mickey, because he's just himself. Megan Fox...say no more. Bill, WTF were you thinking? I think Bill's brother had a small part too! Did none of you A-listers even read this script before signing on? Hey Mitch, I've got a great idea. Why don't you make a movie about a young smoking hot woman, who just happens to have bird wings, who seems to have a knack for attracting creepy old dudes. I've read better stories on the walls above urinals.
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Slow and agonizingly painful to watch
mandycooldragon13 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had been advised to me by a colleague whose judgment (when it comes to movies) I usually 'trust'. While actually watching the movie, my husband and I kept looking at each other, wondering when the movie would pick up the pace and get *good*. It never did. Okay, Megan Fox showed her vulnerable side, her insecurity. She can act. Which may have been pretty admirable regarding the super bad computer-animated wings she had weighing her down, literally. *Very* low-budget, those things. The only time I felt something, was when I imagined what it would feel like to have 2 of those big, fluffy wings flapped around *me* during an intimate get-together. But every time Mickey Rourke's deformed face appeared those feelings subsided. That man can *not* act. He looks like sh*t and acts like it. And it is *very* unbelievable Megan Fox got intimate with *him* (during the movie I mean). No woman looking like that is *that* clueless. The story got predictable and stayed lame. Slow. And when everything you expected to happen had actually happened, there was this goof-ball ending. I'm still not sure what it meant. That's the only thing that sticks with me from this movie. The puzzling end. Which made me want to re-watch the beginning. But then I thought: why waste *more* time on this movie? It's not worth it...
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truly odd-off-the-beaten-path combo of TWILIGHT ZONE meets RED SHOE DIARIES neo-noir pastiche mash-up
george.schmidt24 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In this truly odd-off-the-beaten-path combo of TWILIGHT ZONE meets RED SHOE DIARIES neo-noir pastiche mash-up , Mickey Rourke stars as Nate, a downward spiraling jazz trumpeter who works in two-bit strip joints somewhere out in desert who finds himself earmarked for assassination by gangster Happy Shannon (Bill Murray, sporting Roy Orbison shades and his usual , low-key snark) –whose wife Nate unknowingly slept with. Surviving the attempt on his life (don't ask) he finds himself stumbling upon a traveling carnival where he meets Lily (Megan Fox stereotypically cast) a young woman featured on display behind glass …for having vestigial angel wings (!) Here Ned falls in love with the 'freak' (for a lack of a better term) but sees redemption in perhaps wiping the slate with Happy by offering a business transaction to clear his name (i.e. 'selling' a share of Lily to the thug). What naturally follows is some mistaken emotions and an irate Rhys Ifans as Lily's 'owner' out for revenge.

While longtime scribe and Murray collaborator/friend Mitch Glazer makes an intriguing directorial debut (he co-wrote the Bill Christmas classic "SCROOGED") – to say the least – the film sadly is a one-note oddity that doesn't know if it's supposed to be a metaphorically 'serious'noir (i.e. a gilded Lily may finally have freedom as well as Ned despite their trappings – literally a cage and a never-ending desert) or a black comedy (enter Murray who frankly I am biased and love the big lug but he wasn't intimidating as a criminal in MAD DOG AND GLORY). It's a fascinating mess overall and even Rourke's comeback kid can't save it nor can the always beguiling Fox.
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great small film highlighting the beauty of megan fox
gotohoward8 April 2012
this movie was never intended to be a big film. I didn't read any reviews in entirety only to see if it had any positive feedback which gave me a go for watching it. I was really fooled by the ending where it all came together. The acting was mostly good, but sets could have been a little better. I was involved in the story and felt the love between Lily and Nate. I was surprised by Megan's good acting in it. She played it nicely without a lot of dialog for her to point out her flaws. The director did a good job of inserting her for loss of a better term.

I'd recommend this highly without reservation, but would suggest lowering your expectation level if you looking for high end type film. Perfect for DVD...and I definitely would have seen it an art house theater without disappointment.
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I See the Potentil But It Just Falls Short
gavin694226 May 2011
An angel (Megan Fox) under the thumb of a ruthless gangster (Bill Murray) is saved by a trumpet player down on his luck (Mickey Rourke).

This film, both written and directed by Mitch Glazer (Scrooged), has a lot going for it. Of course, obviously, the amazing cast. Murray never fails, Rourke is strong, and strangely enough Megan Fox puts on the best performance of her career (at least so far) in this film. If you think of her as just a pretty face, this film might prove you wrong.

And the story is compelling. There is an angel (or "bird woman") and it passes as a realistic story without any fantasy. The CGI is hit and miss on the wings, unfortunately, but the general concept is pulled off and makes for quite an interesting story... and with Murray as a gangster, blending his serious and humorous sides in one role.

Having an angel as a character calls to mind some religious thoughts, and indeed they play on the concept of things being "heavenly" and with "redemption". There is a good angel and an evil angel, too. I asked Glazer if the religious symbolism runs deeper, and he assures me it does not. But even on this surface level, the story works -- a man can return to his depths or rise to new heights.

Mickey Rourke, old with a mutant face and sagging pectorals, really owes Glazer for this film. In no way should we believe that an angel would want to be with a loser like this. Granted, he is kind to her and she admires his musical talent. But really, I mean wow... Rourke twenty years ago maybe, but today he should be glad when he gets a female to share a screen with him at all, let alone get naked or kiss him.

The film falls a bit short, and I cannot even pinpoint why. I just felt like there was a next step that should be taken that never was... this could be explored in a sequel, I guess, but this is not the kind of film you make a sequel to. Is love stronger than death, as the tagline suggests? Maybe, but the film never really explains why.
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Good movie...surprised to see what critics said about it
raman-pthk21 May 2011
Don't know why most of the critics have lambasted the movie. It was a nice and entertaining movie, good story, all the actors have played their part beautifully. Megan Fox for once have shown some acting skills, Mr. Rourke is good and Bill Murray as always was excellent. The story was good, a bit predictable about the action Rourke will take. I was a bit surprised with the ending but that last smile on Mickey Rourke's face was enough to tell what was going through the entire movie.

I have read about what happened with the movie in TIFF and what Mr Rourke have said about the movie. But if anyone is thinking to watching this movie should first through these comments out of the mind. Watch this movie without any prejudice. All in all if someone will spend his one and half hour to watch this movie that will be spent good.
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Looks pretty good for a girl with a hump
nogodnomasters25 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slow moving neo-noir modern western. Mickey Rourke plays Nate Poole, a jazz player has-been who has been caught with a mobster's wife. He is taken out into the desert to be shot when suddenly a group of Native Americans, dressed in white, shoot his killer. Nate walks until he reaches a sideshow carnival, complete with a woman with huge angel wings (Meagan Fox) named Lily Luster (short for Lilith, a fallen angel?). As the carnies are ready to kill Poole, Lily rescues him.

Rhys Ifans plays Sam Adamo (another Biblical reference as Lilith in mythology was Adam's first wife). He is the head carny and Lily's caretaker. Nate plans to exploit Meagan by going back to the mobster Happy Shannon (Bill Murray) who is anything but happy, as he is a "recent widower." Nate is aided by Harriet (Kelly Lynch) who runs the "Dream Lounge" in case you thought we were running out of symbols/metaphors. Oh yes, Happy's real name is "Michael" like the angel.

Poole seems to ruin his chance for redemption when he decides to exploit "angel." The movie contains tons of slow, seemingly useless, endless dialouge. The Sartre ending was expected as soon as the first shot was fired. This is more of an "indie" style movie or perhaps an "art" film. I think everybody will find something boring in this film in spite of the haphazard use of metaphors.

F-bombs, one dimly lit sex scene, nudity (not Meagan).
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Strange Movie!
jamesm106822 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this film four stars and that is only because of Micky Rourke and his great acting, at times his acting was outstanding and you could tell he was giving it his best! Megan Fox fans will love her in this and Bill Murray does a great job playing the mobster in a drama, he was very good. The film was entertaining enough until the end, which I thought was far fetched and just to strange for my taste. It reminded me of the movie "Lovely Bones" at times, but just not as good. Overall Micky fans will like him in here, he plays himself in many ways, I wouldn't call it a waste of time to see the movie but i think only for fans of the stars will really like it.
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