"And Just Like That..." Tragically Hip (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Read the Room
aaaadwrfe31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Read the room: know your audience. The creators of this show are lost in their own personal agendas, which has resulted in an incredibly boring and insulting show. I loved this show in its first incarnation. This show is a slap in the face to the viewers who loved these characters.

Without Samantha, who brought a sorely needed light touch, this show is dull and ponderous. I thoroughly dislike the Che character. They are too aggressive and don't fit in. I hate the podcast. Carrie has said ridiculous things. I find her increasingly silly. Miranda would simply not evolve this way with her husband and her son, although a Lesbian relationship could fit in, just not with Che. Charlotte seems irrelevant.

Where is the joy? There isn't any. I like those other new characters. Maybe they should have bigger story lines. Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte's story lines are weak. I find myself not liking these characters as much as I used to.
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In defense of Miranda
discordnrhyme1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think I understand where some people are coming from in their frustration over Miranda's character development.

Personally, I think this series is handling Miranda's character development better than it's been handled in a long time. As a person who identified with almost everything about Miranda's character from the OG SATC, and someone who continues to identify with her character now, I felt the need to chime in that, where Miranda truly lost herself as a character was when she "gave in", married Steve and moved to Brooklyn. In doing so, she sacrificed so much of who she was and what she had always valued. At the time, it felt right. It maybe even felt like a natural character progression. As a "Miranda" back then, I despised how they took this wonderfully independent "just me" character and turned her into the dopey "sacrifice for love and family" person of the final season and movies.

But, in AJLT, I finally see Miranda again. After years of trying to be this "new Miranda" the family woman, maternal yada yada that society makes women think is the be all, end all of success is what has finally broken her. She's a terrible mother and a terrible wife because that's not who she ever was and she feels like an imposter and she's spent the last 17 years trying to be someone she's not... does it excuse what she's done? No.

But it does explain a lot more. Had she grown up in a time like Charlotte's daughter is now, where gender norms are no longer so rigid, she may never have found herself feeling even remotely tempted to marry Steve and "settle down." She may have still had Brady, but her parenting as a single mother would likely have looked a lot different.

There's a lot this reboot could be doing better. But Miranda, I think, is the ONLY thing they've done perfectly.
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Doing the right thing
Calicodreamin31 December 2021
The storylines balanced well in this episode, going on both sides of doing the right thing. Love the care that Charlotte is taking. The heartfelt conversation with Carrie and Miranda was compelling.
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vanessajsmith-0054830 December 2021
The best episode in this season so far. Tackling multiple issues, but not in a cringey way like last episode. Looking forward to next week - not wishing to include a spoiler - poor Steve!!
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...and just like we all predicted.
shawnpilgrim1 January 2022
First off, let's talk about the writing. Ok, so the writers need a way to have Carrie witness Miranda cheating on Steve with her boss, in her house, while she is unable to stop it. How do they accomplish this? I know, let's have Carrie have some random congenital hip issue that has never been addressed in 20 years of the show. Yeah that makes total sense.

Second, let's talk about the men. I thought the whole point of the show was 4 women and their pursuit of men. You know, the Sex part of Sex and the City. Well, now we've killed one off, we've made one look like a distant father who might be a "phobic" and another who isn't even involved. Might I add, didn't Steve spend an entire movie begging Miranda to forgive him for cheating, but now that she's "unhappy" were supposed to support her running around on him? Ok.

Finally, let's talk about the progressiveness. Let's ignore the fact Samantha is a sex addict, Carrie is a narcissist, Miranda is a drunk and Charlotte is a classist but "Hey, we're inclusive".

I feel like this show was written by 19 year-old Liberal Arts students.
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And Just Like That, the sex is back!
liamxconway30 December 2021
I absolutely loved this episode. I laughed, I cried and I felt like I was back watching the original. I'm really enjoying where these characters are going and how they are juggling life in their 50's.
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What did they do with Miranda??!?!?
jordanbrock-4529731 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Who wrote this? I understand people in real life and fictional characters in reboot evolve, but to completely eradicate who a beloved character is at the core is lazy writing. The original show had its flaws and I understand inclusion and the importance of showcasing important modern topics, but not at the dispense of a character. From her drinking problem, to cheating on her husband after the plot of the first movie, to letting her son's teenage girlfriend live under her roof - just too much. If you are were a Miranda fan in the original show, do not watch.
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Pearls in hospital?
kbbeattie-9848931 December 2021
I have been in the hospital 3 times this past year , jewelry not allowed yet she wakens wearing pearl earrings and necklace? And hip surgery walk to washroom?!? I am thinking catheter would have been used for a couple of days. Just beyond ridiculous. Just going downhill so fast.
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this is traumatizing !
boycandance30 December 2021
Well , this is probably last episode I watch and last time I will rate this , this is tooooo painful to watch.

It's messed up ! And this show is ruining old charm of SATC

I can't believe HBO let this happens.
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And just like that- it is over
Trooper19951 January 2022
I blame the writers...so trite. For goodness sake- where is the wit and intelligence. I just cannot really believe it- was so looking forward to this. Am disappointed beyond belief. Not sure if I will even bother with the next episode.
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I'm actually angry that it's this bad.
smithnumber31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely do not understand what is going on with this show. It's just so painfully woke. Like really, utterly, obviously, overwhelmingly woke. Just when I think the story is bopping along nicely they switch to some dull overdressed, supporting character or sprout some finger-wagging social/gender lesson line. Every now and then there are glimpses of the old magic but they are so few and far between. Even the acting is sub-par and getting worse with each episode. It's like all three main actresses have forgotten how to actually act for the camera.

The scene with Carrie going to the bathroom with Charlotte was so cringe it was unbelievable. The sex scene with Che and MIranda was handled well, but it just feels like Cynthia NIxon has decided that her character's life must reflect her own, even if it makes no sense at all. And will Carrie please stop banging on about "this podcast thing". It's not new technology and would be a walk in the park for someone with her background.

Just appalling.
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nytrip9119 January 2022
I can't, I just can't. It's more than bad, more than disappointing, more than tragically woke, it's just painful. No direction, no real depth, and no point. Shallow people and shallow relationships at 50.
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What was it?
vlasovan-081397 January 2022
What did I just watch?! The directors keeps making it worse and worse for SATC fans. I don't get it why the three ladies had agreed to be a part of this BS sequel and how the Producers who once created a fantastic show could come up with this non-sense. It's embarrassing how bad it is and ridiculous that now every show or movie has to bring in today's politics whether it's related to the show or not. I want to unwatch all 5 episodes.
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Really embarrassing
tmarinov31 December 2021
This episode is a particular low considering where Sex and The City was. I understand writers tried to stay relevant, but the whole storyline degraded to elementary practical jokes and situational sketches down to our basic primary needs. This is neither funny, nor entertaining and I am quite puzzled as to what kind of audience this might appeal. Not the one that liked the original series, I guess...
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It just keeps getting worse.
withlovekatieb30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like the reboot. But so far, it is downright difficult to watch.

All of a sudden Miranda hates her life and marriage so she has to become bisexual? Come on.

Another episode lacking any substance, only including horrible writing and shoving new societal norms down our throats.

Fingers crossed I can make it through another 5 episodes of whatever you want to call this monstrosity.
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elin9330 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was okay, except from the kitchen sex scene. They could literally have put Miranda together with any other woman or non binary, but they chose to make her fall in love with Che. Ugh....
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Disappointment after disappointment
act-538462 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy that there is more diversity in the show and it was truly overdue, but.....

1) the writing/storyline/character development is as pointless, nonexistent, and boring as it was in the SATC 2 movie. If the writer's love what they created they would bow down before slaughtering these characters any further

2) Carrie is still as whiny, needy, and annoying as she has been since s01e01 of OG SATC. Did being happily married and dependent on Big not evolve her in the slightest over the past 10 years. Chris Noth did the right thing by dying on the show.

3) SATC 1 movie has a full plot around Steve and Miranda overcoming an affair, rebuilding trust, and reconciliation. Why now is Miranda so in happy but also now doing what she promised Steve she would never do?! My thoughts are David Eigenberg is too busy with Chicago Fire to do this show and they need a stupid way to write him out.

If Miranda wants a new life/relationship can we not go about it in a more realistic way??

4) what friend has sex/an affair in the kitchen of another friend's home at any age other than their teens/20s? But prior to that got drunk and smoked marijuana when they are the assigned caretaker of said friend? No friend would ever do this out of respect and dignity to their life long friendship.

5) who wakes up in a hospital in pearls, a cardigan, shorts, etc? Just unrealistic

6) the forced woke culture is just sooo obviously pushed. It's pathetic. There are many shows on TV that integrate topics of LGBTQ2S+, race, religion, and equality. It's a missed mark.

7) Carrie hitting on her rehab therapist? Didn't the love of her life recently just die? She's so ready to flirt and be witty in front of her friends again? Com'on!!! Carrie moped around for 2 seasons when Big left her for Paris/Natasha, went to therapy after the first break up, and cried over him throughout SATC 1 movie (written over a year span). I'm surprised she isn't a bigger train wreck then what she was after her arrival in Mexico or the night on the beach vomiting in the sand.

Hitting on the rehab therapist is what Sam would have done, but she's not there so let's get Carrie to be the humorous one?

8) RIP.
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Disappointment after disappointment
act-538462 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1) the poor writing, boring plot, and nonexistent character development is exactly the reason SATC 2 movie sucked. The OG writers need to admit they can't develop these characters anymore!

2) waking up to pearls, cardigan, and shorts after hip surgery? That would never happen!

3) Carrie flirting with her rehab therapist or giving the "he is hot" eye is unrealistic. Did she not have so many issues in s02 that she went to therapy because her friends were sick of hearing her talk about big? And then didn't she spend s03 & s04 puking in sand, bitching about Natasha, and moaning about Paris? Finally SATC 1 Movie was spent having Carrie moan about Big the whole time (movie had a timeline over a year duration). BUT Big dies and she has a major surgery (that has never been mentioned before other than her back) annnnd isn't devastated that Big isn't there to care for her as she did after his heart surgery?

Mmmm...ya no. I'd expect Carrie to look exactly how she did when she arrived in Mexico. Not eyeing the therapist and thinking about Snapple.

4) Also in the SATC 1 movie Miranda's plot was centered around Steve having an affair, going to couples counseling, and then reconciliation. Regardless of Miranda being unhappy, I find it widely far fetched that she and Steve wouldn't try to talk, seek counselling, etc after 15 or so years of marriage. Now she is the one who has ruined her vows...did she forget the "you broke us" moment at the engagement party?!

5) who in their 50s volunteers to be a caretaker to a sick/recovering friend but then gets drunk, stoned, and rounds second base in their kitchen? No life long friend would ever be so disrespectful.

6) Charolette I don't know where to begin or end. Yes we see her usual OCD with her planning and agenda making, which is a nod to her personality that fans know...but what has she become as a mother? During the movies she was burnt out and bashful about disliking certain aspects of motherhood. Why isn't her child identifying as Rock not used for their coffee table dilemmas and dialogue? The essence of Charlotte is that she gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, but here she is blocking the TV to scold/question her child.

7) Why did they write off Big as they did, but then leave Stanford to disappear with a note going to Japan?! RIP Will Garson the show should have done you better.

8) there are many better ways to discuss LGBTQ2S+, race, gender, religion, equality, diversity, etc. Please stop spoon feeding it to the views! Be tasteful about this.

9) where is the homour? Why is this show so dreary?

10) please just stop killing these characters.
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Oi vey.
NicoleL8830 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Forgive me for the rant that follows.

The first part of the episode is akin to an episode of the Golden Girls with Carrie and her hip.

Forgive me, but I truly want to punch Charlotte in the face more with each week goes by. She is an intelligent woman, why is she behaving like an imbecile each episode? The acting - or overacting - is atrocious. It's as if she's speaking with a five year old when she speaks to literally anyone. Unfortunately, most of the characters each become more idiotic as the mini series progresses.

We're treated to typical Carrie who expects everyone to be at her beck and call and throws a strop - and literally wets the bed - when they aren't.

This reboot is a shadow of its former self. The show is clearly no longer about the characters and but instead about "how many current societal and racial issues can we work into the plot to attempt to make this show relevant"? These characters are supposed to be in their 50s, not their 80's, yet most of this episode made out like they were half-witted old ladies, needing a cane (you were grand the last couple of episodes, Carrie), alien to the notion of non binary/trans/gender fluid (don't they live in New York?) and even unable to tell when they're urinating (you have ears, girl). Honestly, Carrie was bordering on having dementia during this episode.

Really not understanding Miranda, whose character seems to be being retconned to fit in with the actresses real life sexuality. Great that Cynthia gets to have these interactions after years of having to - probably uncomfortably - act out romantic and sexual encounters with men, but this just feels forced because of that reason alone.

One of the most frustrating things is how drugs are handled. The fact is, is that Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and cannabis are all drugs. When it suits Carrie, she'll have a cigarette and coffee every morning, yet she and Charlotte (who has no problem consuming alcohol) will shame Miranda for drinking alcohol (albeit it has become problematic consumption) and cannabis. Likewise, Miranda appears to be a high functioning alcoholic yet previously shamed her son and Che for cannabis use, yet turns around and consumes it next episode. Have the writers forgot the original series where they all consumed cannabis on several occasions? Caffeine use is celebrated openly, as is alcohol on multiple occasions. It's just a mess. It's clear that the writers are the ones who are completely out of touch, and unfortunately those misgivings are represented in the characters actions and words. Addressing problematic drug use is fine, but it's clear that societal and old fashioned biases "this drug is fine because it's widely acceptable and normalised in society, this drug is not because I don't understand it" are abundant when it comes to individual drugs themselves.

I don't know what this show is anymore, it's definitely not Sex and the City, more like "And Just Like That, They're Rendered Old, Vapid and Irrelevant". If my ire is overly apparent it's because of how this reboot has been handled. It is honestly a crying shame because these characters and their lives could and should have been handled with the class, dignity and respect they deserve after all these years.
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I retract my earlier review about this show
natalienorris8931 December 2021
I will not be watching anymore, utter trash.

Horrendous acting, terrible characters and overbearingly, suffocating wokeness!

F*#k this b*llsh#t woke world we live in, it's infecting and bleeding into every little bit of joy left in this depressing, pandemic world we live in.

I don't even want to have children anymore for fear of them growing up in this.

Stop the world. I'm getting off.
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Tragically losing appeal
johnnyjan1630 December 2021
I enjoyed the first two episodes of this new series. A take on life as you get older and face the prospect of loss.

Since then...it's been a hard slog. Carrie is incredibly unlikeable. I would be Samantha and cut her off too.

Charlotte is the insufferable mother.

Miranda is the only one I don't mind at this point but after all previous drama with Steve, it just doesn't make sense. I say this an openly gay person!

My biggest issue is they all act as if they're in their 20's again. Come on. Move past it.

This has been a really disappointing slide into a nothing TV show. I've gone back and watched old SATC's, which even with their flaws, are leagues ahead of this writing.
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It keeps getting worse and worse
nmottel31 December 2021
A few general complaints about the series. It has been a fiasco since the first episode. Unfortunatley the actresses portraying Carrie and Charlotte have gone overboard with plastic surgery so it is distracting just watching their faces. Costumes, for that is what they are, are ridiculous. It was a joy to watch the fashions in the original series. Now I am shaking my head at why they continue to dress Carrie in clothing that would have been edgy for a 30 something but now look bizarre on a 50 something woman. And the hair on Carrie. Even young Carrie knew to change up her style and go with a shorter 'do now and then. The hair extensions on SJP are cringe worthy. The ancillary characters are getting short shrift but the main characters can no longer carry the story. That is the writers fault. The writers are so busy trying to make the series "woke" we have lost the joy of SATC. This series is far worse than the movies and that is saying something.

As far as the Tragically Hip episode there are so many things wrong with the story. I know of what I speak as I too am a new widow who required right total hip replacement shortly after my husband's death. You don't show up at the hospital in the middle of the afternoon dressed like you are going to a costume party. Your companion wouldn't ask if you wanted a snack. You don't wake up from surgery wearing pearls and earrings, the nurses have you up and walking within hours of surgery, you go home with a walker and are expected to get yourself around and not have friends waiting on you, opiod pain killers are quickly withdrawn but even while taking them you still get yourself up and moving. Trust me, even best friends have to get on with their own lives and can't keep waiting on you even if you are a widow with a healing hip.

Really, really bad.
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Absolutely trash
kathakoppi30 December 2021
I'm discusted about that!

I hate everybody on this show.

Sex and the city will always be epic.

This was a complete failure and it shows whats wrong in the world.
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How gross was that kitchen scene?
hollielou198610 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not because it was Miranda and Che, but because of how utterly disrespectful that was to Carrie. Yeah yeah, we all know she is a whiney, needy mess a lot of the time, but this time she really needed someone to physically take care of her. I mean, the woman wet the bed for crying out loud. Have you ever had a friend do it in your house while you're there? I have, and even I was a little weirded out, but guess what? I was in my mid 20's, not my mid 50's. Get it together, girl. And it was 2nd base, not the frickin' moon landing. Why are you being so dramatically loud? Let's all just move on from how immature that scene was, shall we?

On a less embarassing note, I am really liking the Seema character. Her scenes are fun and smart and remind me of characters that were featured during the original run. She is a character that would be enjoyable to watch develop as she seems to have a lot to say, and her scenes are a great break from the exhausting podcast crew and the mess that is the children's storylines. More of her, please.
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ariana679731 December 2021
Just tragic, too painful to watch, all people involved in this project have no idea what the real world is like. Kim is a hero for not being involved in this wokefest.
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