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(II) (2010)

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Nice, different Aussie horror film
Tysoncarter21 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Clinic is an Australian horror/thriller starring the beautiful Tabrett Bethell as a young mother-to-be named Beth and tragically the late Andy Whitfield as her fiancé, Cameron. After a near accident on the road they stop at a motel and things take a turn for the worse.

It is loosely inspired by true stories of infant abduction, and after nipping out for some food, Cameron returns to the motel only to find his pregnant fiancée missing. Naturally he reports her disappearance to the police but things do not improve for either of them. We then cut too Beth who wakes in an ice bath naked and no longer carrying her baby after someone has performed a homemade c-section. Naturally distraught she sets about trying to find out who did this to her, and on her way she finds other women in the same situation and discovers they are all locked in an abandoned facility.

I knew nothing of the film so went in blind when this came on TV last week. I didn't know if it was a horror, torture film, about serial killers or creepy ghosts, but it was on the horror channel so I thought I would give it a watch and without spoiling it too much I was glad I did. The Clinic is set in the year 1979 which we are told is six years prior to the advent of DNA testing. I thought this was a strange statistic to open a film with, but as it progressed and ultimately concluded the movie would only work in this time frame, in the current day and age there would be no point to any of it. However, overlooking this and trying to appreciate the film for what it is, I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw.

The lead actress Tabrett Bethell is brilliant as Beth. She really made me care about her journey and nice to see someone beautiful who can really act. She is on-screen pretty much the whole time, and her journey gets worse and worse. She meets other women in the facility who have all had the same surgery, and they eventually they find a room with all their babies in. With no idea who is doing this to them, they are made quickly aware (by someone or something!) of the fact that they each contain a clue to the identity of their baby – inside their freshly stitched wounds. One by one the numbers dwindle and I really like the direction the film took with this, very reminiscent of Saw II in particular. Naturally we get a bit of bloodshed but nothing too graphic or extreme, the film relied more on the story and characters with some brief moments of killing and wound opening thrown in.

The main tragedy of the film was that the ending was a let down. Don't get me wrong, I liked the conclusion of Beth's journey, and some neat little revelations about her past thrown in added to it, but her partner Cameron just disappeared. After he located where Beth was being held hostage, he set off to save her only to have an accident. Like in most films I was waiting for him to return and save the day but he never appeared again in the film. After doing some research, I found out the actor Andy Whitfield was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in the same year The Clinic was filming and the rumours were he was too ill to continue filming, and whilst he still appears in the first half of the film his character was just written out of the second half. It would have been interesting to see how they originally intended to use his character if he tragically wasn't ill, but sadly it really tarnished the film as it felt incomplete. A real shame, as he was a great actor and had a real commanding presence about him in the scenes he is in.

Visually the film looked good, the barren Australian outback looked beautiful and desolate, and the facility the girls were held hostage in was claustrophobic enough without getting boring and the director worked well by changing the scenes enough to keep offering us something different. The other girls all played their parts well and whilst I kept waiting for the usual horror film clichés none of them happened really so that was a positive. Mix this is with a killer in their midst, some silent bad guys watching on video cameras and a bent cop/disgusting pervert motel owner and you have a very different horror film. A least it offered something unique and this is always good to see.

I really feel that if we had seen a better ending this film would have been a much bigger hit and ultimately a more enjoyable experience, as it was I saw a great effort but it fell away and felt incomplete towards the end, with too many loose ends and unanswered questions that made the whole film seem a little far-fetched. The villains were never really explained, and whilst you will find out the motives it just doesn't make much sense, such a shame as the film started so well and had so much potential.

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A horror story, but not a horror film...
J-krazy26 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A low budget 'genre' film shot in 29 days, in the outback town of Deniliquin, NSW, set in a pre-DNA era of 1979. And with all things considered, its quite a slick and well executed movie. Apparently Rabbits got the idea for the plot after reading about the Lisa M. Montgomery case... fetal abduction is all the rage, apparently.

This film is clearly marketed as horror, and while Rabbits dips his toes in a couple of horror genres, (survival/slasher/psychological/Saw-ish etc) the Clinic is not really a horror film in it's execution. It's really quite a mess of a movie as it never knows exactly what it wants to be. Some may call it 'refreshing' or 'genre bending', which is fair I guess, but I just don't think it worked.

The violence is tame considering the subject matter, and the film offers little to no suspense, at least none that was effective. My guess is Rabbits isn't a big horror fan, as he shows no real understanding of the genre. On one of the few positive notes, Tabrett Bethell's performance was excellent, and I would watch her in anything, particularly if she gets her kit off, which was the highlight of the film for me.

I was disappointed with the Clinic, and my guess is, most horror fans will be too.
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Fairly entertaining and with some originality; however far from brilliant
Rosser9426 March 2012
"The Clinic" turned out to be exactly what I expected, a movie with an original plot that utilised common horror aspects to create a passable film.

The movie itself is fairly simplistic, therefore I wont go into great detail. In terms of what is good about this movie, the fact that the plot is fairly original is a huge positive in relation to the movie's genre; in addition to this, despite the often uncomfortable nature of the story, it is one that is shocking enough to keep your interest until the credits appear. Finally, the acting was, for the majority of the movie, solid, therefore the characters and their predicaments were easy to relate to.

However, despite a passable movie made watchable by some fresh and engaging ideas, the horror constructs that piece the plot together are common and have been done before within the genre and done so to a far higher standard; there is little new here if only individual events are looked at. Furthermore, I felt somewhat sickened by some of the ideas proposed in this movie; they are beyond being chilling, to the point where the situation on-screen becomes just wrong and unentertaining as a result (my dislike of children being used in horror could contribute to this view). Finally, the ending to this movie was quite unsatisfying (not that I was expecting anything spectacular to conclude the cinematic mediocrity I had already witnessed).

Overall, horror fans may appreciate the fact that the plot to this movie is original, however the underlying horror elements have been witnessed many times before. Furthermore, this film is painfully average throughout, therefore I would only recommend it if you are very intrigued by the plot or genre.
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Unbelievable Situations in an Absurd and Ridiculous Plot
claudio_carvalho30 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In 1979, in the Christmas Eve, Cameron (Andy Whitfield) and his pregnant fiancée Beth (Tabrett Bethell) are traveling through the outback of Australia to spend Christmas with Beth's parents. In the evening, Cameron is thrown off road by a reckless driver and the couple decides to stay in a low-budget hotel with the inconvenient receptionist Marv in Montgomery, a small town with a population of 532 dwellers. Late night, Cameron is hungry and can not sleep; so he decides to seek a restaurant. He leaves a message to Beth, but the Chinese Sky Dragon is closed and his car runs out of gas. When he returns to his room 26, Beth is missing and he calls the police. Cameron accuses the cynical Marv to Officer Underwood (Marshall Napier); however, the police officer does not give credit to his accusation and Cameron tries to hit the receptionist. He is arrested but while in the police car, he gets Underwood's gun and controls the situation. Meanwhile, Beth awakes in a bathtub full of ice and with a C-section. She seeks out her baby and finds four other women in the same situation. Sooner they discover that somebody has stolen their babies and a deranged sixth woman is killing each mother trying to identify her baby.

"The Clinic" has a conventional beginning of this type of movie, with a young couple checking-in a low-budget hotel in the middle of nowhere to spend the night and something weird happening. After that, there is a collection of unbelievable situations in an absurd and ridiculous plot. The principle of abducting six pregnant women to dispute among themselves and select the best "specimen" is so laughable, incredible, silly and hilarious that would be enough to ruin the flick. A couple that follows this tragedy to adopt a child is something senseless. But the pathetic author is not satisfied yet, and brings the drama to Beth and her family. In addition, there are many idiotic details. For example, what Cameron could expect to find late night in a town with a population of 532 people? Why didn't he fuel his car to be ready to depart in the morning? Why the title "The Clinic"? Beth is recovering from a traumatic cesarean section, but is capable to run like hell. The slaughterhouse is supposed to be abandoned but there are cattle there. The women know that someone is chasing them, but Dr. Veronica decides to open her own stitches to see the identification tag inside her instead of fleeing and bring the police. Why Ms. Sheppard and the weird foster parents have brought Beth with them if they intended to kill her? The year is 1979, but the costumes and hair cutting are not from the 70's; further, I believe it is unnecessary to tell that it is "six years prior to the advent of DNA testing. Cameron vanishes and in the end the viewer knows that he had died. I believe that is enough to point out how stupid this film is. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "A Clínica" ("The Clinic")
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Good movie dumb ending.
HorrorOverEverything13 July 2011
When I picked this one up I was not looking forward to seeing it at all. I had just seen "Sutures" and I thought this was going to be along the same lines as that film. But I was Pleasantly surprised.

This film was pretty suspenseful. The story sucked me in pretty fast, I was interested to find out what was gunna happen to the main characters and how everything would be explained. However, as the film got closer to the end it slowly started to fall apart, and it all let up to a terrible ending.

The movie is worth watching for the simple fact that you will be very entertained up until the last 15 minutes or so, and there's a pretty good amount of gore so that should keep the gore hounds interested. Worth watching, just don't expect a great pay off.
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Not a bad film
Kyalie22 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Was trying to find something on TV and ran across this. I enjoyed this movie way more than I thought I would. Had some intense and exciting scenes. It held my interest and that's not easy to do. I really thought this movie was well done. Some parts I couldn't even look at because it was a a bit gory. Also intense as well Definitely not a bad film The only thing I really thought was unbelievable was how strong the women were after having major surgery. Like when they were running from the dogs and when Beth was chasing Duncan.

I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for something good to watch. This movie will not disappoint.
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Expected more from it but overall a good movie
lazyjulie2 March 2011
The movie started out well. A pregnant woman, Beth (Bethell) and her fiancé Cameron (Whitfield) are on their way to spend Christmas with their parents. They decided to spend the night in a motel since it's late. Cameron decided to buy them both takeaway food but realized the shop is closed. When he went back to the motel, he find that Beth is missing. On another part of the story, Beth wakes up in a bath tub full of ice naked and realized that her baby is taken from her. The story of survival to find her missing baby begins.

Everything to the nudity, violence, gore and profanity is perfect. The suspense was good enough for me to continue watching. The acting and the atmosphere to it was also good. This was the first time that I watch a movie with Tabrett Bethell and she was amazing. Everything was good until the ending. I kinda felt unsatisfied when I finished watching the movie. I expected something more from it, a lot more. And not that simple. Since everything before the ending is good, I gave the movie a 6. Overall it's a good movie for all the horror fans out there if you have an extra time on your hands.
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Worthless Even If You Have Time To Waste
pontificator26 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Started out well enough but rapidly descended into unbelievability and a ridiculous storyline. I don't suppose that's too unusual for films of this genre but there was nothing to redeem it.

Incidentally the male protagonist of this movie is the lead from Spartacus Blood and Sand, who essentially disappears about a 1/3 of the way in after a car accident and remains unexplained or revisited subsequently. I don't know if that was also due to his reported illness which apparently also effected that series. In any case it seemed as if he was going to be the big hero busting away from the cops but in the end it was all left to girl power somewhat ironically against girl power. Coincidental or what?

Also appears to have been done by the same crew i.e. blood flowing images and use of Roman numerals.
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raulfaust13 April 2011
This film manages to be quite entertaining, the cast is decent at acting, the main couple is really good looking, the drama scenes are good.. but it could have been more innovative. You know, you see bunch of things you've already seen in lots of other movies. It seems like they're repeating the same old story over and over.

I'm being generous by giving it a 7; for an indie non-US movie, "The Clinic" is satisfying and worth a watch, even thought the ending could have been a thousand times better.

And I have never heard about James Rabbitts, but his directing here is fine and much similar to a Hollywood one.
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Not really worth watching, long sigh.
mcconnelljack22 March 2011
Not really worth seeing this film. Essentially, the film had a half decent plot for a horror movie however the movie's lack of charisma and intent which leads it down the pan.

You can tell that the movie wasn't made with much of a budget but the acting and selection was OK.

It's also a little disturbing and uncomfortable to watch as some scenes are just purely depressing and in more ways than one.

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

A poor film that leaves you bored and in no way entertained or interested at all.
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The hell of motherhood
TdSmth54 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A couple drives around deserted roads in Australia when they are driven off the road by some old ambulance. They end up in a motel. At night the husband goes off to get something to eat. When he returns, his pregnant wife is missing. The cop and the motel attendant are a bunch of creeps. The cop ends up arresting the husband. While in the cop car he takes the cop's gun and the car and goes in search of his wife.

Meanwhile the woman wakes up in a bathtub full of ice. Her lower abdomen is sutured. They have taken her baby via cesarean. She meets other women in the same condition, they all dressed like inmates with a number. "The Clinic" they find themselves in is a cow farm with some buildings that look like a factory. But they realize that someone is after them. Someone is killing them one by one. At some point they find the babies. They are color coded in cages. No one knows whose baby belongs to whom. Inside the mother's wombs are corresponding colored tags. That's the only way to identify the baby, by cutting the mother open, and indeed the killer does just that.

But there are other people as well. A couple looking at all this via cameras. And there is some mentally disabled guy who disposes of the mess left behind by the athletic killer.

Eventually our girl confronts the bad guys and finds out what the clinic is all about. It's a clever idea that involves a contest to determine which mother is the fittest and that way baby is stronger. There is also a twist near the end.

The Clinic has a lot going for it. The lead actress, Tabrett Bethell, is one of the most beautiful actresses I've seen in a while. Poor Andy Whitfield gets a rather thankless role. The idea is great. One has to remember, as we are told at the beginning, that the story takes place before DNA testing was developed, otherwise it all seems pretty silly. In fact, one has to see this movie till the very end for the logic to work out. Though, not all questions are resolved. Still, The Clinic is a unique and interesting movie. The end proves particularly satisfying. Ordinarily, I'm not a fan of movies that don't give us a lot to work with until the end, but The Clinic gives us plenty to forgive some of the duller moments in the middle.
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Good Story But Flawed Film
Mrssmiff9 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this last night as it premiered on Sky Movies. Synopsis sounded intriguing and I've enjoyed quite a few Austrialian "horror" films in my time.

The storyline kept me engaged and I wanted to carry on and see what the outcome was. Some other reviewers have made negative comments about the ending but I had no problem with it and thought everything came together at the end.

The only problem I did have with this film however, was the female characters, having just had Cesarean sections, were running and jumping around, climbing, etc. As someone who has had a Cesarean, I know from experience that you can not move around like that, in some cases for weeks afterwards! Although this might not be a problem for any other viewer, I just wished that had the women acted in such a way as a normal woman would having undergone such surgery, it might have added an extra element to the film.

Doesn't make it a bad movie though, especially the actress who played Beth, she was excellent. Definitely worth a view for the story.
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Pointless, clueless screaming women
Windsun3319 December 2011
Not only is the movie full of plot holes, it leaves loose ends all over the place. And what the hell are herds of live cows doing in a factory that is supposed to be abandoned?

The characters just seem to wander around aimlessly and get killed off one by one (wow, that is sure a new plot line..). They cannot seem to protect themselves in any way, even though an abundance of possible weapons are lying around all over. Overall, I get the feeling that a lot of the wrong parts were edited out of the movie.

In short, this movie is only worth watching at 2 am when your only other choice is watching vacuum cleaner infomercials.
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A good film marred by an annoying score
Nicklok21 August 2011
This is an interesting film. The writing is solid enough and the acting is fine. The biggest drawback for me was the score. It is overly emotional and often the emotion being displayed on screen by the actors was being overshadowed by the overly emotive score. There were several instances where silence would have been perfect, rather than the single female voice wordlessly singing notes, which was overly used to the point of exhaustion.

The story is interesting. It takes a little while to get going and when it hit's it's stride it is a steady jog rather than a sprint. However, this pacing suits the film as the relationships between the characters needs to be established for the film's premise to truly work.

You can see that this film took inspirations from others. One which immediately sprang to mind was the Saw franchise, although with no traps and much less gore. More a case of being placed in a situation with limited information available to you and having to survive. So I guess in that way it is more like Cube. Overall it is a film which I would recommend, however NOT if you are a pregnant woman!
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celr27 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Somebody had an idea for a horror film and a location: an abandoned...what? some sort of industrial slaughterhouse? Anyway somebody let him use an industrial site for his movie. The idea was pretty dumb in itself but he went ahead anyway. Then he didn't know how to tell the story. Because he hadn't thought it out it didn't make any sense, but evidently he didn't care. He must have thought that having a six hysterical (pun intended), dumb, but attractive women running around trying to kill each other would be enough.

The idea is that somebody is running a black market baby factory for rich clients by kidnapping pregnant women, removing their babies by cesarean section, and then having the bleeding, post-op mothers run around trying to kill each other to find out which one survives in the end. Presumably the surviving mom would have the best baby. (!)

Nothing in this movie is believable. This is not a supernatural thriller which requires a willing suspension of disbelief. It is impossible to believe the fantastic plot, or the motivations of the operators, or the behavior of the women once they find themselves on the loose in the facility. Everybody does exactly the opposite of what any rational human being would do in similar circumstances. This is awful; don't see it. Not even if it's the last movie on earth and you're bored to death. Better death than watching this sloppy, ridiculous excuse for a horror film.
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ndroock128 February 2011
There isn't one boring scene in this movie. This must have been a 'low budget' movie but the result is great. A couple is on their way to spend Christmas with their parents. They decide to stay a night in a motel. When the man unsuccessfully tries to buy a take away meal somewhere at Christmas eve he discovers his wife is missing when he returns to the motel. - It turns out this was all just a prelude to the real movie which starts when we see Beth waking up in 'the clinic' in a bath tub full with ice ( as on the movie poster ). Her baby is no longer with her. We follow Beth in her quest where she is, what happened and most of all: what happened to her baby? - Most horror movies are completely over the top. This one isn't it, unlikely perhaps, what happens to Beth in this movie could happen to a girl out there, who thinks she is safe. It is a horror movie so expect blood and violence but again, very realistic. I rate this movie as a seven which means I don't think this movie will disappoint you in any way.
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The Clinic of what?
Marjan876 March 2011
This is one of the dumbest movies I've seen.Beginning of the film promises a good horror story, but after it comes down to confusing and boring events that we have seen in many previous films of this genre.The question is:Is this clinic, madness, or maybe a factory for rearing cows? no one knows.The actress is at an incredible rate, after waking up in the bath recovers and becomes the hero on the run from "the clinic".As regards her boyfriend he has no significant role in the film, the more time spent driving than anything else.Just do not waste your precious time watching this nonsense,film has nothing to do with horror genre and I'll try as soon as possible to forget that I ever watched.
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It was worth it just to see Andy Whitfield again.
tamagura11 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It was not the greatest film. I just happened to be channel surfing & there, on TMC, was a 2010 film, The Clinic, starring Andy Whitfield. Needless, to say, Andy was not the star, but it was worth seeing him again. He was special and I shall always have a special place in my heart for him and his family. At least when I tuned in, it happened to be when Andy Whitfiled was on the screen. He had just been arrested & was in the police car. The policeman was a real piece of work. He was eating what looked like thick and long spaghetti noodles while he was driving. Andy was cuffed in the backseat and, in true Spartacus style, he got the policeman's gun, had him get out of the car & cuffed the cop around a tree out in the desert. Andy drove off & after finding out who had kidnapped his wife & where she was being held, as he approached what looked like a factory, the tires on the car were blown out by spikes across the road. It looked like Andy had met his demise. (I am not sure what happened because I fell asleep.) It was still worth seeing Andy again.
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Could have been better
Lucabrasisleeps26 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I had some high expectations about the movie. The central premise sounds intriguing and I was expecting some mind bending psychological thriller. Sure, those movies are now a dime a dozen but I still expected something more.

I understand why the male character was not able to stay for the rest of the movie. But maybe they could have hired another actor and reshot the scenes with him. That would have been better. There is so much buildup about the guy coming to rescue his wife and then it just ends. In a very lame sort of way. I was not satisfied with that.

The concept itself is problematic. The explanation didn't make sense and it seems like a lot of effort for nothing. Maybe you need a more diabolical reason if you have a big facility such as this. Also where are the thugs? We really don't see many people hired for managing so many women. It just seems strange that the head is so easily accessible as this. Generally in such movies, the head of the operations would be accessible only after a lot of bloodshed and lot of people dead. And not from some aggrieved mother either. We don't see any band of thugs or assassins or something.

There is a lot of predictability as well. Right from the beginning, we are shown that it is all mostly futile since they are watching anyway. So what's the point of all the tension and the violence? And then there is of course the ending with the protracted attempted murder of the lead female. The head is supposed to be a ruthless woman but she keeps the woman till last. For what reason, I am not sure. She could have been killed pretty much immediately after she supposedly "wins" the contest. The usual drama plays in the end again insulting the intelligence of the audience.

Maybe I am being a little harsh with the rating because I was not totally bored or anything. But it could have been so much better with the premise and instead it ends up like this.
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Thought provoking flick that is well made and should be seen
jackmeat22 May 2013
Movie review:Seems to be a "baby" theme going on here. In this movie, a couple (Tabrett Bethell & Andy Whitfield respectively) are traveling across the state to visit her parents. Well, of course she is pregnant, and in route they are cut off the road by some truck. Well, when the get back on the road, they decide to call it a day and stay overnight, on Christmas Eve, at some dive motel. Well, he decides to go out and get Chinese and when he returns (no Chinese) his wife, Beth, is missing, just a note on the pillow that we don't get to see. Well cut scene to where she wakes up in a strange room in a tub full of ice. As she comes to, she realizes she has been treated to that old kidnap and c-section gag (mommies may not be big fans of this movie) As she stumbles out of the room, she passes other rooms with tubs in them and she knows she isn't alone. In her attempt to escape the "warehouse" type area, she finds a locked gate and no way out. When she passes out, she awakens to 3 other women helping take care of her, all with the tell tale c-section blood stains on their clothes. So with no way out, they elect to find the babies after they find another women bleeding to death that says her baby was "blue." So off they go until they split up, of course, and one the girls (a mute) is attacked and killed, but is able to snap a photo of her murderer, and it is another victim (they all wear tops that have roman numerals on them). So now aside from not knowing why they are there, they must survive a crazy one of them stalking the 3 remaining surrogate parents. The typical "hunted" scenario here is used for the tension, but the movie does a very good job of keeping you wondering why this is all happening. As it moves along, little clues present themselves which I will let you unravel, it isn't rocket science, but it is better to let the movie show you. I enjoyed the pacing of this movie and not allowing the budget hamper down a well made, and presented film. The acting was very believable for an unknown cast (at least to me, you aussies may know them since this was made in New South Wales, home of all the crazies) The movie did not use gore to keep the tension and just used blood when it was appropriate. Oh, the husband part of the story, off trying to find her after she disappears, utilizing the assaulting a police officer method and stealing his car. He ends up beating the location of where the women are taken from the guy at the motel but on the way there, he runs over a trap of spikes that were setup on the road and flips his car, assumed dead. I won't say if he is or not, but that is the last you see of him. An original idea that did end in a bit of surprise. Just a very well written movie that should be seen. I would recommend this one if you run across it. 5.8/10 IMDb 5.3
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Poor Writing, Stupid
ole20255 December 2012
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Its hard to stand watching this movie. Stupidity and ignorance leads to deaths of all but one of the mothers. In almost every scene the mothers do something ignorant and half witted. Written very poorly. I shut off the movie with about 15 minutes of it left. I couldn't stand the stupidity displayed. To think actual people would have brains the size of a walnut is not impressive. I could barely stand to keep watching the movie. I kept thinking this stupidity has to end soon. No one could ever be this stupid. Stumbling and falling into holes and running from wild dogs. Cutting themselves open to find out what color matches their baby. Why not take all the babies and do a dna test instead of killing other mothers to find out which baby is yours? Duh!
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Australia hits a home-run......
nightwatch477331 March 2013
I was completely enthralled by this film from beginning to end. The opening shots of the arid landscapes across rural Australia were just gorgeous and the two leads were casted perfectly. The film starts very similar to Jeepers Creepers and 2008's Aussie debacle RoadKill but quickly turns into something much more than that. We have a dilapidated motel on tap with a motel manager that looks eerily similar to Nick Nolte. Once the couple get to their room the real fun starts as the film makes a complete left turn and a turn that I didn't see coming. From here on the film belongs to the female leads as they struggle for survival. I will not give anything away here, all I am saying is watch this film. You will thank me later.
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A Surprisingly Good Film
ikeybabe29 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My rating is 7 stars. This was a solid story with good acting, a good script and an engrossing plot.When I first saw the trailer, I didn't want to watch it. I was turned off by yet another woman snatched away from her doting lover flick. But once I started watching, I was hooked from the very start. The story had you wondering from the start to the very end and then there was a little twist. I love a good twist at the end of the movie - it was certainly unexpected and original. And then there was another little nugget that added to the positive close in an otherwise dark film. The movie wasn't overly gory, even though, there are scenes of bellies being ripped into. Overall, recommendation - you should watch this!
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A decent Aussie thriller with engaging unusual story.
saadgkhan21 June 2011
THE CLINIC – CATCH IT ( B- ) Set in 1970s Australia, The Clinic is a very unusual tale of kidnapped pregnant women who are trapped and look for their new born babies. The whole take on a complicated concept is really good and throughout it keeps you engaging. There were few things I didn't like in the movie and I thought it could have been better. For example, I didn't like was how Andy Whitfield's character ends up. Not for a second it seemed like he will wind up like this. It seemed like he refuse to shoot more scenes. Besides that the screenplay could have been little tight. Performance wise Andy Whitfield didn't get much scope, though he was the first reason I end up watching "The Clinic'. Tabrett Bethell as a leading lady is really good and keeps us invested. Overall, a decent Aussie thriller with engaging unusual story. P.S rumor has it, its inspired by true events.
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Way Better Than Expected
gavin69427 August 2011
While traveling across country with her fiancé, Beth (Tabrett Bethell) wakes alone in an isolated clinic to a mother's worst nightmare. Just how far will she go to save her child?

Let me say first of all I had the lowest of expectations for this one. I look at the cheesy cover, lack of known actors, the plot description... and all I can think is that this is clearly going to be a knockoff of "Turistas" or "Hostel". Which, as it turns out, is completely not the case. It has some elements of "Turistas", but is a far better film, with a healthy dose of "Battle Royale" mixed in.

My instinct is to fault the makers of this film for saying it was inspired by true events. Almost all books and movies are inspired in some loose way (because it only makes sense you would write about what you have experienced). But this film was not inspired by true events except in the loosest way possible. There are simply too many improbabilities.

In fact, the film is full of plot holes. Why does the one woman know the farm so well? How does this happen without the cops stepping in? Where are all the other women's husbands? How did they find so many women pregnant at the same time? How are freshly surgeried mothers so energetic? And it gets weirder at the end when more is revealed. So do not try to make sense of it, because that is your first mistake.

But yet, I found myself fascinated and drawn in to the story, waiting for each new twist and turn. As much as I found it hard to believe and wanted to dislike it for being far-fetched, it was entertaining and had just enough mystery to make the audience think. Thinking movies and horror together? Oh my!
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