Gods of the Deep (2023) Poster

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Gods of the Deep: Potential marred by a lack of budget
Platypuschow14 February 2024

When a daring mission leads a deep sea submarine team into a mysterious opening on the ocean floor, they uncover a lost underwater world and awaken its ancient race of otherworldly beings.


The cast, no clue.

However it's made by the same chap who made Vampire Virus, Winterskin, The Barge People and Deadman Apocalypse so I've seen plenty of his stuff and to mixed results.


What is it with Lovecraftian-esque movies that seems to render them almost all entirely terrible? For this reason I expected the worst going in, but that cover art really got my attention!

British made but surprisingly not an ITN film, you can tell straight out of the gate the budget is minimal but it does it's best to get over this obstacle.

When they went under water and we get our initial "Action" I was conflicted. I loved what they were doing and applauded their effort but it looked ropey and don't even get me started on their using a generic filter and not even trying for any kind of underwater effect.

Then it all goes downhill, they throw the concept out the window and deliver a very bland horror that can't even be called Lovecraftian.

Points for effort, but simply not enough.


I love Cthulhu, I love the old gods, I have a degree of megalophobia and therefore such movies should be amazing to me. Why do so few deliver? And when they do they tend to keep it on a considerably smaller scale due to the lack of budget? I have no faith in Hollywood anymore especially when it comes to horror but I'd love to see what they could do with a large budget and a decent Lovecraftian script!


Decent concept A degree of effort was put in Certain areas don't have any effort at all Concept gets thrown out the window about a 3rd of the way through.
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Can't believe all the positive reviews ...
AlienX69-18 February 2024
So I had to put in my two cents. I should have known better. Once they're magically the submersible (@ 16 mins in), using a collapsible light weight aluminum ladder from Home Depot it gets worse. This is a joke, the set design of the sub couldn't go underwater, much less 37,000 ft.. The acting gets really bad once action scenes start. Skipped thru another 10 mins or so .... then deleted.

I'm a sucker for any flicks which are above or under the seas or oceans. This ain't no "The Abyss (1989)", "All Is Lost (2013)", "In the Heart of the Sea (2015)", Into the Blue (2005), The Guardian (I) (2006) or The Perfect Storm (2000) to name a few of my favorites.

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No budget, no actors
jayg_588 February 2024
Not sure why they require 600 words now. Maybe just to reduce the quantity of people reviewing - or the quality of people reviewing. Anyway! This movie is like a college project. I read somewhere that they had a budget of three million dollars, mostly spent on catering I would guess. Not one recognizable face. The props were found at the local hardware store. The scientific principles - aren't. But like many "Sci-Fi" efforts, you have to wonder how, in the movie, they selected the participants for such a seemingly demanding mission. How emotionally unstable are you? 'Look, a squirrel! Let's kill it!' "Yes, you'll do." Rubber monsters, no CGI, sub in a bathtub. Thank goodness for Fast Forward. I made it through the movie in about a half hour. I heartily recommend you spend far less.
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A real low-budget production
dilbercik26 February 2024
One of the worst movies I've ever watched. A real low-budget production. The lowest category possible, even lower than class E. It's a waste of time and life to watch such crap. It's good that you can always scroll to the end or simply turn it off. Of course, the poster and trailers are quite interesting, but the rest is total crap and 10 meters of mud. The "underwater rover" was made of plexiglass and covered with tape, the hatch to this submarine looked like the lid of a metal garbage can, it rocked in all directions when the screws were tightened, and there was this whole "control console" like from a post-communist nuclear power plant. Plastic plumbing pipes stretched across the walls. The director of this film caricature should be lynched, and certainly banned from making further pseudo-films.
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Not even entertaining
kirachloe15 February 2024
OK, the good. It looked like the actors tried to make this watchable. They didn't try too hard, but they tried. The camera work was also acceptable. Sorry, not much more to say good.

I wanted to like this movie, I really did. But as soon as they needed to show anything beyond scenes sitting in a conference room, the props, staging, and general direction were HORRIBLE.

The most obvious thing is the director was completely clueless. Anytime he was oblivious to what would actually happen in a situation he would shake the camera. And wow, the 'really cool, cutting edge' technology was SOO bad. To the point that the hatch to the submarine was a trash can lid! ... and it closed the wrong way!!! You make a movie about a submarine and you never saw a single submarine movie??? Do just a LITTLE homework.

I can write pages about how bad this movie was, but that might give the director hints on how to make his next movie better. Instead, I would strongly consider another line of work.
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Low Budget and Terrible Acting
kirstenholmes-237169 February 2024
It's possible to make a decent low budget movie with this storyline. These filmmakers did not make a decent low budget movie, though. It's illogical, poorly-acted, and embarrassing. It repeatedly cuts to the same terrible animation in the hope that you don't notice it's exactly the same terrible animation you saw two minutes ago. The "god" in question doesn't do anything beyond shake its head around in a ridiculous fashion as you might expect from a filmmaker who's younger than 12. The craft appears to have been built out of corrugated iron and pipes. Amazingly, none of these world-class experts were bothered by the leak when they first set off. This isn't merely a low budget movie. It's an unintelligent movie.
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Cheap, dark, unlikeable characters, total baloney
leo-vleugels12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste 80 minutes of your life watching this. The actors are trying to keep this disaster afloat but none of them becomes truly likeable.... so in the end you don't care anymore who survives and who not. The decors and staging look flimsy, as if some yellow/black safety tape would help... it might have if they stuck it on without wrinkles. To compensate for the not so brilliant studio stages, the whole movie is filmed in dark light conditions forcing one to pump up the tv's brightness to make out any details. Finally, there are so many truly laughable technical impossibilities, inconsistencies and errors that a fourth grade science project looks far smarter. So, please if you'd like a horror/SF movie, watch Alien and don't waste 80 minutes of your life watching this nonsense.
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Missed Katonics: A decent effort with no budget or any discernable acting skills
siderite8 February 2024
Imagine Prometheus combined with The Abyss and set in the H. P. Lovecraft universe of the Cthulhu mythos. Now make it with the budget of a few first year film students' pocket money and also their skill so far and you get Gods of the Deep.

You can't really blame these people, can you? What would you do if you had a dream, but had no idea how to make it happen? You experiment. You try to copy what you know, hoping that some original thought will make an appearance and propel you into your movie celebrity career. It doesn't matter that the actors you can afford can't act or that the sets you can afford are basically a cellar somewhere that you must make look like a submarine. What matters is to put something out there that is not completely crap. And, by the old gods, they succeeded. This is not crap!

On the other hand, it's not much better either. Everything in the film is derivative and the story is really really weak. Hint to future "experiments": first you write it, then you (and as many other people as you can find) read it and only if you like it and they like it do you continue with adapting it into a movie. Because somehow, probably determined by the success of such powerhouses of suck as Marvel, people have got it into their heads that movies and books are different and separate forms of art. No, they are just forms of medium for storytelling. The storytelling IS the art. And unfortunately here, they failed miserably.

And it was almost endearing to see how seriously the film was trying to promote itself because it was starring the famous Rowena Bentley. Only she was not famous. That was pretty funny.

Bottom line: if you consider this the first attempt in a series of incrementally improving projects, then it was a success. Kind of like Elon Musk's first exploding rockets. It promises the possibility of actual film making down the line. If this was their best effort, though... well, it kind of sucked.
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We Found Them
nogodnomasters15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The production is inspired by HP Lovecraft. This is apparent in the opening with Jim Peters (Derek Nelson) who works at Miskatonic University. He is part of a crew that will do deep dive off the coast of Antarctica for the Pickman Corporation. They have discovered an ancient artificial stone structure and opening at 30,000 feet or so. Their task is to enter the hole and take a look around. They discover some time issues and an organism where they get a tissue sample, although the creature wasn't dead yet.

The submarine was rather large for that type of dive and it stayed pretty dark for much of the film. They also had the worst CPR I have ever seen in a film. It was boring and painful to watch.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Not necessarily recommended
ncoleby15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I like the British cast. Were they good or famous? Nope but they were British and that's good enough for me.

That's it. Bye.

No, of course not. I feel obliged to list the obvious unscientific gaffes and describe the less than cheap props or I burst.

Whoever directed this has never ever read up even one word about deep sea pressure. Yes, it's existence was mentioned when one of them clever people showed how he invented a submarine that can withstand the pressure at 37000 ft.

So far, so good. I don't mind B-movies if the story is interesting and have at least a little logic.

On the outside, that sub was very modern. Inside it was a shed. When they used that aluminium ladder I thought they were just getting to the sub, but it was the sub.

Corrugated iron walls, square walls, LED lights to make the command console look cool, some smoke, yup, just what you expect in a billion dollar/pound submarine. Oh yes, a plastic pipe, an exit sign for when you suddenly need to exit the sub, and a wobbly clap door. Hahaha.

Imagine the worst Dr. Who props. It was worse.

No but seriously. The highlight for me was the shuttle. It was bad enough that this new, technologically advanced sub had a bead curtain in one of the rooms, but the shuttle was literally plastic screens held together with gaffer tape, the kind you use to highlight stairs or pin wires to the floor with so that nobody trips.

How would that flimsy thing have withstood the pressure? Why invest so much money in a large one, when you can just have perspex and gaffer tape and it does the trick?

When the girl who looked like Mrs Brittas from Brittas' Empire was dead, they left her lying around for some minutes until Harry Potter took it upon him to give it another try and brought her back. As you do.

Machine guns were fired and nobody cared that if just one bullet would get through that the whole sub would fold like a tin can under a steamroller.

Oh I forgot, it was already leaking like mad. Yet it still withstood the pressure. Amazing feat.

My favourite were the creasy linen wings belonging to Mr. Cthulu. Please someone give him an iron, but he can't even move, only stand in one place moving his head and going Rrrraaawww!

Would I recommend this film?

Well absolutely not as a sci-fi movie or a story to be told.

You could however watch it and get a lot of amusement out of it with friends around.

I had to fast forward in the end. The best scene was the last, but even that was kind of botched.

I won't forget this in a hurry. I am still laughing.
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Wow - This is an independent film? I'm blown away!
Ceronomus5 December 2023
When one thinks of independent horror films, what sadly comes to mind most often is shot direct to video disasters with no budget, no talent, and no enjoyment.

Gods of the Deep drives home that independent film can be of the highest quality, despite lacking studio funding or famous faces. Gods of the Deep is simply better than a number of big studio films I've seen of late.

Gods of the Deep is just a damned fine film. Full stop.

Certainly, there are a few places where the smaller budgets shows in effects that would likely have otherwise been done with costly CGI. But CGI isn't a guarantee that something is going to look good or be good... so don't hold that against the film.

The cast are remarkable and turn in powerful and believable performances. You will both love, and hate, some of the characters - and do so for all the right reasons. There are no weak performances here. Everything is spot on.

Writer/Director Charlie Steeds knocks this one out of the park. I was introduced to his work with last year's "Freeze.!", which was good - but felt a bit too long. With Gods of the Deep? The film would hit a beat and I'd immediately think that we'd soon be hitting an end point with no place to go - and then Steeds would take us someplace new. Every time I thought the end was in sight, we'd take another fascinating and creepy detour.

Gods of the Deep doesn't feel to long, instead it left me wanting more, without feeling too short or ending in an overly abrupt manner.

If you are a fan of horror, cosmic horror, or Lovecraftian horror, you want to jump at any chance you get to see this movie.
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Clods of the Deep
tmccull5221 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. Take one part "Underwater", add one part "Prometheus", toss in a dash of H. P. Lovecraft, and then subtract all of the positive qualities of all three elements, and you'll end up with the abysmal mess that is "Gods of the Deep".

Now, to buy into this sordid, idiotic, wretched mess, you have to believe that a dedicated group of highly trained, highly educated individuals think it prudent to light up cigarettes and fire submachine guns in a pressurized, climate controlled, atmospherically controlled submersible at a depth exceeding 15,000 meters. These idiots are supposedly so concerned about the sub imploding that they run around shooting holes in it, and attacking pressurized hatches with fire axes. Two of these idiots end up in a fight to the death; one has the submachinegun, the other has the ax. Now, instead of the guy with the submachinegun, which is loaded and functional, shooting the guy with the ax, he tries to parry a blow from the ax with the gun, and loses the gun.

These are just the meagrest examples of everything that is so abysmally stupid about this film. Do you really still want to watch it?
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Smoke a cigarette under 37.000 feet in the sub OH YEAH
itriatay99517 February 2024
The movie is a B movie with a very low budget. Nevertheless, it was somehow fun to watch until the winged creature showed up that cannot move but just trying to move his hand up. However the best scene is when they decided to smoke cigarette in a submarine that is under 37.000 feet. In fact they smoke it with passion. The scenario is basically a combination of Call of Cthulu of HP Lovecraft and the Aquaman so folks there is nothing new. The high votes to this movie were given rather by trolls who have so much time or people who are related to the production team. Do not waste your time and watch other staff such as The Abyss an oldie but goldie !
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Deep End of the Bargain Bin
Fraudzilla12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As much as they formed a disproportionately frequent part of my movie consumption in my teens and 20s, I've long given up on B-Movies. While I think movies made away from the mass produced media machine do offer a rare opportunity to try something different, in this day and age the ease of access to cheap CGI not only means that special effects are bereft of any character or originality, but it also means the filmmakers don't even have to get creative.

With that said something about Gods of the Deep caught my eye. I've got a soft spot for Leviathon & Deepstar Six, and the cover was reminiscent of these. I knew it wouldn't be in their, already far from elite, league, but surely worth a watch.

Despite being a fully British cast and crew, the opening scenes feel distinctly like they were shot in Eastern Europe. Don't expect recognise any of the cast, I'm British and I don't.

We find ourselves in the World of the Pickman Corporation, who have uncovered what looks like a man made doorway at the bottom of the ocean between South America and Antarctica. They approach Jim (Derek Nelson) our vaguely Gary Barlow-lookimg twenty something protagonist who's got some sort of beef with Pickman involving his dad going missing while working on...something. This mission intrigues him though and he joins our ragtag group of cliched crew members to search new depths.

After setting sail from somewhere that looks nothing like South America, they take their experimental deep see sub and head off towards the dark unknown. Amongst the party is Jed Pickman (Chris Lines) himself. Somewhere between John Hammond, Carter Bourke, a drunken Uncle and the 'you're all going to die" guy from Friday the 13th movie, he is easily the highlight.

After no time and no suspense, they reach the hole and descend, only to find themselves confronted by what appears to be the corpse of a giant, hitherto unknown creature. As Jim sets out in a minisub to retrieve a DNA sample, it becomes clear that the being is anything but dead. In the ensuing panic the sub starts taking on water, people fall and bang their heads, a low budget Bryan Blessed/John Rhys Davies looking guy somehow gets locked in a room and drowns, and despite a potential lack of oxygen people decide to smoke.

As they make their ascent, the tissue sample Jim took starts to do strange things. Despite Pickman's insistence of studying it, amongst rambling like a lunatic, it is locked away. Needless to say there are double crosses, unexplained phenomena with equipment, the sample doesn't stay locked up, lots of bad decisions, even more slime and a 'shock' ending anyone who has ever seen a movie, ever can see coming from around the 20 minute mark.

So yes, this is a largely predictable, by the numbers affair, but actually isn't without some merit. The Lovecraftian nature of the creatures certainly gives it an edge to what could otherwise be a fairly standard Alien clone. In fact, if anything I was rather left wanting more of them. What did Pickman know? And was he a dribbling lunatic before he got into proximity of them or was that their influence?

Indeed there's actually the backbone of a decent story here, it just isn't fleshed out very well. There's also some laugh out loud silly moments, particularly when people fall. There's one where our strapping hero takes a fall of about a 3 foot drop and knocks himself out at a crucial moment,

It's also not helped by a cast that leave a lot to be desired. Nelson and female lead Makenna Guyler are passable enough, probably pretty good tv level actors. Chris Lines is hilarious, possibly intentionally on his part, if not the asinine script he's got to work with. The rest of the cast...eh not so good. There's lots of shouting, no subtlety and a lot of cringing on the part of the viewer.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the amount of practical effects on show. No they weren't amazing, but they were more than workable for what we were dealing with. Even the CGI wasn't overdone, though the repeated use of the one scene of the Cthulhu-style monster grated by the end, but overall I can't chalk the effects up as a pleasant surprise.

All in, Gods of the Deep isn't a great movie. It's not even a good one, and I'd be generous in calling it 'alright' but what I will say is that it's far from the worst movie I've ever seen, and I suppose I was actually pleasantly surprised by it in a way. This doesn't mean I recommend it, but I don't totally hate it either.
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Clods of the Deep.
Otkon21 February 2024
A bumbling group of international goofballs dive to the bottom of the ocean in a corrugated tool shed held together with caution tape.

Yeah, this exists.

I don't think it is a parody but that it was actually made in complete earnest Roger Corman-style. So it has a bit of heart as a labor of love. A Lovecraftian labor at that.

And while the sets are very cheesy, the camera work (especially the lighting), the sound and the editing are all actually pretty professional. And most of the cast seems to have attended at least an acting class or two.

But the budget is infinitesimal. Distractingly so.

There is a plot. Of sorts.

Well, at least Tim and Joe are watchable.
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What's an Ood doing with wings?
strictlytea17 February 2024
What's wrong with the movie .just about everything from the script, characters, to the building of what supposed to be a state-of- the-art sub and rover looked like it was cheaply built or a kid made for their science project and the story line has a mix of The Abyss and something else that I can't my finger on. The creature, well its appearance is like an Ood ( a Doctor Who reference with wings and a humanoid in one. I have seen better movies with great storytelling like The Abyss; which is my one of my favorite science fiction movie. This movie is a complete waste of time and it wasted my time by watching it.
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A fair enough low budget attempt at Lovecraftian cosmic dread...
paul_haakonsen11 February 2024
I had never heard about this 2023 movie prior to stumbling upon it. But seeing the movie's title and figuring that it was apparently something Lovecraftian, of course I had to sit down and watch it.

Writer Charlie Steeds put together a fair enough script. It wasn't exactly a particular complex script or storyline, but it actually made for an adequate enough viewing experience, provided you have an interest in H. P. Lovecraft's Mythos.

I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress on the cast list. But I will say that they had a fair enough ensemble of actors and actresses, some more talented than others, of course. In general, however, the performances were adequate enough to help make the movie all the more bearable to sit through.

It was kind of odd that there was ambient light in the scenes where the submersible was roaming about at 38000 feet. At that depth it should have been pitch black. But sure, I get it that in order to show things in the underwater environment for the viewers, then they might have opted to add that ambient light. But it just made absolutely zero sense.

And speaking of the submersible, well at least they tried. The CGI animated submersible was fine, but all of the shots filmed inside what was supposed to be a submersible, just looked like it was filmed inside some kind of cellar or crawlspace. It didn't even remotely pass for being a submersible, and even a blind man would go 'are you kidding me with this?'

Visually then "Gods of the Deep" was a mixed bag of nuts. The practical effects, such as with the writhing tentacles and animated flesh actually looked good and worked nicely. But the rendering of great Cthulhu himself was a bit lackluster and did the Great Old One who sleeps in R'lyeh very little justice. But at least they tried, and that does count for something.

It certainly was an ambitious low budget production, and they managed to succeed some of the way. And you have got to give them credit for trying, and also for somewhat accomplishing what they did with whatever limited resources they had.

"Gods of the Deep" from writer and director Charlie Steeds is worth checking out if you are a fan of Lovecraft's works, for sure. However, this is hardly an outstanding viewing experience. Nor is it a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time.

My rating of "Gods of the Deep" lands on a generous four out of ten stars.
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petkanasw8 March 2024
Incredibly silly. This collection of goofballs descend to 30,000 feet (or something) and discover an HP Lovecraft-style monster that waves at them, which one supposes is supposed to be menacing, and emits some painful noise, and then... well it's kind of hard to tell. The whole thing is supposed to be horror/sci-fi but it's closer to... I don't know... roommates in a dorm fighting. True to form, there is a trick ending which I won't go into it but you will definitely not be surprised by it. There's no real explanation for how they get to that trick ending, do they just throw it in there because, well, movies like this are supposed to have trick endings. Tip: watch it on your computer and use the right arrow to skip ahead.
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Hard to finish
wesperkins10 March 2024
Gets a star for a decent idea and a star for trying. As others have said, The budget on this one wasn't very big. I can get past that if the plot and the acting or decent enough. When one of these types of movies has so many plot holes, It's just hard to finish. The crew they send on this ultra daring mission is baffling. When anything "exciting" happens, they all begin screaming at each other, and it's hard to follow what is going on. Doesn't do a good job of setting up the plot, or explaining what's going on. I mean it's a free movie so it's not like I had to pay to watch it, So that's a bonus. But too many things that just don't make sense, and bad decisions make this hard to even watch.
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Hot nerdy B movie
taramore11 February 2024
Yep! I dig it. However, I sincerely have a soft spot for a good bad B Movie. Elements to look forward to Hot Men, nerdy deep sea idea, Monster of biblical folk lore. Actually good acting. Absolutely a fun watch. Everyone needs to do a movie like this to get seen and I'm the Hollywood ladder. The two male actors look like younger versions of venom guy. I really appreciate the female actors being true to life women without all the crazy disgusting enhancements. And every movie needs a crazy old man/ Nostradamus. However the creepy bald guy it could have did without him... It felt like they wanted John milkovich to have a face in this. Lol.
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tachiniboy17 February 2024
OMG I want a refund on the time donation I have spent on this cringe worthy farce.

This is the worst film I have ever seen in my life.

The floor hatch: I have the same guttering on my summer house, also the extension lead for the lights, and who have as that bloke with the worms in his mouth, check out the semi lead character who had his eyes wide open for most of the film, I thought they banned redbull energy drinks in that country, I think the budget for the film was £8.00 quid.

The acting, well it wasn't, it just shows advertising is King, to promote such garbage and return a nice profit.

IM IN PAIN Arhhhhhhh.
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Another one for Lovecraft lovers.
ropipgi-581-4871668 February 2024
Sure, this is a movie that suffers from an incredible low budget, but the story and will to tell it is there.

I have no idea on why it is so difficult to make a Lovecraft movie that include the mental thrill and feeling that something is really wrong in the beginning, the weirdness and terror when people realize what they are up against, and the final pure horror when they see how insignificant humanity are in a cosmic sense.

This movie made a brave affort to do the last two parts at least, and in part actually did it well.

Finally, i must say i absolutely loved the final ten minutes and the final scene. So with some popcorn, and with some love for any attempt to do a Lovecraftian movie, not the worst movie to spend an evening with.
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Near miss
rstef121 February 2024
Taking elements of HP Lovecraft and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, and mixing in a tired plot twist from Leviathan, Gods of the Deep tries hard to thrill, but seldom succeeds.

While I enjoy practical effects, and the creature looks good, it isn't effective in its movements and interaction with the submersible. Acting is pretty good, but the script suffers from stereotypical characters who behave in the most incredibly stupid and unbelievable ways. Who fires a machine gun in a sub? And who smokes cigarettes when the oxygen on the sub is running low? This is ridiculous behavior that takes you out of the story. The constantly droning musical score really gets on the nerves after a while.

Not the worst film of its kind that I've seen, and a few fun moments, but overall not great.
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One of the lowest budget movies ever
mrn10414 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The actual premise is interesting but this movie had a zero budget and horrible acting. The props are from dollar tree and Harbor Freight. It's so nonsensical they even use a person in a monster suit like in Creature from the Black Lagoon! In 2023?! Even CGI can be had for practically nothing but these guys obviously couldn't do it. I love camp and B movies but couldn't make it past the guy in the monster suit. The mini sub is hilarious plexiglass and crime scene tape. The sub dive hatch is Home Depot and the light switches are Dollar Tree and Harbor Freight. It was just too silly to endure for long. The extra star though is for the one plot element that was cool. An ancient structure deep in the ocean where no human could possibly have ever gone. Someone could take that premise and with a budget, do something cool along the lines of Stargate and Alien but undersea. There have been some passable ocean horror movies but one more would be great.
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Fun for Fans of Lovecraft
kdavenport-4391125 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It started off adequately mysterious but got increasingly unrealistic and hokey towards the end. Comically corny. What's typical for these poorly written scripts is that serious characters with "impressive credentials" all go crazy and murderous in the end, until you just want them to die and put them out of your misery. The "crippled billionaire looking for rejuvenation" trope was there with a completely unresolved ending. And although Cthulhu appears to be stuck in his watery tomb, it can apparently infect people just like the xenomorphs in Alien, so now the whole world will be taken over by writhing tentacles.
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