Listen to Your Heart (2010) Poster

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Movie with a great message!
dedeknight20 December 2010
I rented this movie this past weekend and was a little skeptical about it. Here we go another love story..... Surprisingly, I found myself really enjoying the story and the characters. This was a movie that really makes you stop and think about life, love and the choices we make in our lives. It makes you stop and reevaluate the choices you are making and think about what really makes you happy instead of typically doing everything that you are supposed to do or doing everything that makes everyone else happy. The characters are very easy to like and relate to. Danny, the lead male character....well, you can't help but fall in love with. He is sweet, caring and let's face it...not hard to look at!! I think the actor did a great job portraying this character. He made me want to be a better person. I thought the actress who played Arianna did a great job as well. i am sure playing a deaf person has its challenges, but she did a fantastic job at it. The supporting cast was very good as well. Roger and Tony were very enjoyable and added some good laughs throughout. Overall, I would recommend this movie. It's a perfect date night movie or feel good movie to watch over the weekend!
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emotional film
magpie_male8 October 2011
As I watched this film it brings you closer to the characters and you go on a roller- coaster ride of emotions even as a man I cried,esp since my wife is going through cancer to so I can relate to some of the the director actors and producer it was a very nice film.I esp liked the touch and affection that was showed toward Nicole who was deaf but how also how love can conquer all,if only people are linked together for the right reasons.another thing that touched me was the act of kindness shown to the guy on the street selling papers to make a living as that is what life is like in the real world I guess with the $500 he was given he bought himself a new suit.if only the girl had of got her man she over come obstacles for would it have been nice to see. But I guess that was not the object of the film overall as said previously a good watchful film.
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This movie reminded me of a personal experience
covergirl104528 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In this movie Listen to your Heart, I really enjoyed it for the most part as far as the romance between Danny and Ariana. However, I really hated how the mother interfered with their relationship. That was downright heartless. Plus, I also could not believe she defended that so-called charming gentleman over her daughter. That heifer got mad at her when it wasn't her fault. What kind of mother is that? Victoria guess what? That charming gentleman isn't so charming. It's a good thing that Ariana kicked that bastard in the you know what. He better be glad that she didn't have pepper spray on her. Overall as far as the heartless bitch of a mother, I felt like someone needed to stick a harpoon in her ass. I was super glad when she got slapped in front of everybody. She deserved that big time. Plus, when Ariana and her interpretor took a stand, that was awesome. Victoria guess what? They are done with you. You treat people the way you want to be treated. She treated her interpretor and her daughter like complete trash. Good thing to stand up for what you believe in. No one should have to take this mess. Plus, Ariana hardly talked with her voice throughout the movie. I thought I would never hear her voice. Anyways, when she and Danny finally got a chance to see each other again, he ends up with brain cancer. It really sucked when he died from it later on. And that's when I felt worse for Ariana. When she got a chance to see Danny again, it was over just like that. Basically, that shows that everything happens so fast. I think that they needed more time. That experience reminded me of my grandmother. She died of ovarian cancer. Her death occurred 5 days after I turned 18. I remembered the fact that sometimes my mother and her mother didn't always get along and sometimes I wouldn't get along with my grandmother either, especially when I was little. And when me and my mother finally let her back in our lives, it was over. I already had a feeling that after she was rushed to the hospital she wasn't going to make it because she had difficulties breathing. Like I told my mother it hurt me a lot more than it hurt her. I love you grandma Georgia. Anyways, I love the scene when Ariana put a flower next to Danny's grave and so did her mother because I believe that the mother realized that she made a mistake and that she had been selfish with her. After she gave her daughter her necklace back and hugged her, I think it was a sign that she has her own life to live now. I cried for 2 days based on that scene since I had flashbacks regarding my grandmother. After she died, we moved on with our lives as well.
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Please read before you critique
twilight108621 November 2011
I know this movie may be stereotypical or cliché'... But it's a movie isn't it? Movies can be a variety of things from fantasy to real life portrayal. And I feel sad for those who did not think fondly of this movie because it's not about what or how the movie is done but the message and moral it is trying to demonstrate.

In regards to the deaf culture (someone else mentioned about ASL and the interpreter)... I am deaf, completely. The movie is not meant to share with the world about the deaf community, but rather the effort that the hearing world should try to understand. It's a matter of being objective than subjective to the world around us.

With regards to the movie and sign language... Keep in mind that Sign Language changes almost constantly depending on the location. An example is the sign for "restroom" which could mean "toilet" in one area while it means another in another area.

As for the interpreter - keep in mind that interpreters are meant to match the signing level of their clients, you don't want an advance interpreter signing for someone who just learned the language... It's like saying the word "Educational Institution" to a kindergarten rather than saying "school" ... you get the idea...

If only you can understand the meaning of the movie and try to put yourself into their emotions and feelings... you'll enjoy the movie.
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Amazing and touching story
luvkris-498-3060339 October 2012
What a wonderful story! Very touching story about true love and true friendship. The fact that the main characters are primarily unknown makes the story feel more real and you feel so connected to the characters. The music is also perfect! Very moving! He made the music for this movie and incorporated the songs into the story. My wife is deaf and I am hearing and this movie hits so many moments that I can relate to. This movie will always hold a special place for me. Don't want to give too much away. So watch this movie. It's a tear jerker. Actually watching it again right now which inspired me to write this review. Enjoy........
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Amazing Movie!!
mariea323 June 2011
I was looking for movies to watch and somehow stumbled upon this movie and I am glad that I did!! What an excellent movie...I experienced all emotions when watching it. It made me feel like nothing is impossible, that you have to fight for what you want and believe in and don't let anyone or anything get in your way!! It is a movie that I will definitely watch again and highly recommend!! I hope he produces another movie as incredible as this one was!! I was very sad with some of the parts of the movie but the way the writer wrote it, you were able to feel happiness right after your tears. The actors did an excellent job as well, its really hard to say anymore without there being spoilers so I guess all I can say is watch the movie, grab a box of Kleenex and live each and every day to the fullest!!!
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I wanted to like this film...
lucy_george_130 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie - I rented it with high hopes while I was sick. The leads are appealing, and the plot seemed interesting to me. Unfortunately, the more I watched, the less I liked.

My main issue is the clichés. They are everywhere, and they are huge. You've got your controlling mother with the evil smile who wants her daughter to date her social equal. You've got the snobbish, supposedly charming chosen boyfriend who is not at all what he seems; in fact he attempts to rape her at their very first meeting.

There's the best friend, the source of a constant stream of advice, some good, some bad. There's the dead mother who provides strength and inspiration to her son. And the not-so-secretly drunk boss who has a kind heart but a failing business.

Then there are your leads, Danny and Ariana/Sam. Danny has a heart of gold; he buys the newspaper every day from a street person but never reads it. He's saving up to buy recording equipment so he can record a demo, because all waiters in NYC are aspiring musicians. Sam is deaf, which in itself I don't consider a cliché, but her sheltered life because of it is.

Danny and Sam meet, fall in love, and conduct an innocent yet clandestine relationship until Mommy Dearest finds out.

Said mother then contrives to keep them apart while her own assistant sabotages those efforts. Somehow, Danny and Sam find their way back to each other, just in time for...SPOILER ALERT!

...Danny to be diagnosed with end-stage brain cancer. Great. I realize from reading this site that Kent Moran wrote this screenplay in tribute to his young cousin who did die of cancer, and I don't mean to take anything away from that, but that should have been a different movie. In this one, it felt like it was just thrown in near the end because he didn't feel like the movie could stand on its own without someone tragically dying young. The cancer angle makes this seem like two movies in one, and that's not necessarily a good thing.

As if that wasn't enough clichés, Sam gets cochlear implants (another thing her mother tried to prevent in order to maintain control of her daughter) and the first thing of consequence she hears are wails of grief at Danny's bedside.

And the music. Ay-yi-yi. The lyrics are what I might expect to hear from a seventh-grade poetry class.

I'm sorry to say this movie was manipulative, trite, and predictable; the only thing I didn't predict was that it would be this disappointing. The acting is unfortunately sub par as well.

I am not usually this harsh when discussing a movie because I feel bad for those responsible for bringing it to the screen. I know it would make ME feel awful to read a review ripping MY work to shreds. But I honestly can't summon much positive to say about this one.

It had a few good moments, but they are few and far between. I realize that there are a lot of people who will love this movie, and that's fine. To each his own. This is just my opinion.
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absolutely loved it.
marctg1724 August 2012
I saw this movie just last night and I absolutely loved it. :) I was really surprised how taken back by it I was. Before I began to watch it, I saw it had a decent 6.8/10 rating on IMDb, and anything 6 or higher I'll watch. I really grew to love the characters. The relationship between Danny and Ariana is just beautiful. I'm a guy, so I'm not going to comment on the male lead actor's looks. Now the actress who plays the female lead, is so cute and beautiful and gorgeous, but not just that...throughout the movie, she just does such a beautiful job at connecting and developing her relationship with the male lead. I basically just loved how they were both really nice people, very sweet individuals, they weren't criminals or anything, it was such a sweet story. It's like a really smaller scale of The Notebook in my opinion, that's the quality of the film in my opinion. Not only did I grow to love their relationship with each other and how they treated each other, but I just really loved the actress and how she portrayed her character. She was so cute throughout the film that I cried a little. That's how much I enjoyed it. I would love to see her do more romance films, or even bigger films too, I see a lot of great potential for the both of them. :)
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Truly Abysmal
JCritique4 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is uniquely excruciating. Starring Cybill Shepherd as an over-the-top villainous mother, the story centers around an unlikely romance between a rich deaf girl and a poor waiter.

Of course, you're thinking- aren't all unlikely-romance movies terrible? Isn't this par for the course? Oh no. It's much worse than you could imagine.

The dialog falls into three categories- ridiculous 'heartwarming' stories (there's one about stealing duck eggs), cheesy one-liners, and Cybill Shepherd shouting insanity at other characters. While one character is deaf, the film could be improved if all characters were mute.

Music is a recurring theme throughout the story, and the main character is supposed to be a talented singer-songwriter. This conceit wears thin, as the main character sings off-key, and the lyrics, such as they are, will make you beg for death.

Yet the true fatal flaw of the film is the outlandish plot. Although set in reality, the events are too ridiculous by far. Whether it's Cybill punishing her daughter for resisting a rapist she sent (!!!), or a main character developing sudden onset incurable brain cancer, everything about the movie is unbearable. Only watch if you intend to make a drinking game out of this atrocity.
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Entirely Inauthemtic
JIJ5619 July 2011
No matter how well or badly one thinks of this story, the entire film suffers by the falseness of the portrayal of deafness. The lead actress is clearly not deaf and her signing is terrible at best. It's unfortunate that hearing actors continue to play deaf roles when there are competent and skilled deaf actors. In addition, the role of the interpreter also rings false with a woman who wouldn't pass even the most basic of sign language tests for competency.

Watching it now even makes me laugh out loud. The lead actress' signing is just horrendous. Was anyone who was deaf even remotely involved in this film or even speak up?

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Really listen to your heart
mouzsd8 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The film makes you look to the life and the value and how you can live every moment in which,,,, and makes you try to restore your accounts in this life and thanks God everything and you enjoy the things denied to many, however they live their lives like you and they can be, enjoying it more you This movie really made ​​me look at my life,,, Do I really listened to my heart???? Do you enjoy every moment where ??????? And many, many of the questions that came in my mind .. There is actually a film could change your life and this film of this type Without that I feel and I'm watching a movie and have found tears filled my face, especially when in the hospital Sam said to Danny I love you,,,,, Without a doubt I think this film is the greater.
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Just listen
rbrittain926 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yes the movie is stereotypical and is cliche but honestly what movies aren't any more?? Everyone giving the bad reviews obviously haven't listened to their hearts before or just forgot how to. Message of the story: every day that we have is beautiful, enjoy it unlike so many that just take it for granted. I personally would've titled the film "Listen with Your Heart" but either way still a great film that will probably bring some tears.
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cancer is a bridge
mrt_atry23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
when I watched the movie ، I realized that everybody can be in love. even a person that have cancer، when Danny that seems to be healthful loved a girl that is deaf peoples says why he should love that girl, he is perfect but Danny say: there is nobody perfect. his mean was even me and you that say this، have fault so you must never say that . Ariana that did not know that fall in love with Danny but her mother was a big problem that did not like her girl be with a servant. the point is that Danny and Ariana liked Music and this closed them together more than before. finally Ariana decided to surgery , to can talk and listen, but Danny decide to kill himself because he told to Ariana that worst thing is that you see Dying a member of your family.
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aet2n3 February 2014
This movie is awful. Usually I trust IMDb ratings but this one was above 7 stars and after watching 3/4 of the movie. It is awful. Really, really awful. It is pretty mediocre for the first half and then falls off a cliff to become awful. The acting isn't great but in the beginning I don't think anyone really needs to act very hard. They just play themselves. But then as the plot moves along, the acting gets worse and then the plot takes a nosedive using cliché plot lines and bad acting to bring it to a cliché love story closing. I should have known it was bad when I saw that Cybill Shepherd was in it. Has she done anything good since Moonlighting? In short, this is not the movie you are looking for. Move along. Move along.
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Listen to your heart
ivy9714 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, when I first saw the trailer for this movie I thought it is just another ordinary love story, just another two people falling in love, just another movie with a happy ending. I was wrong. Listen to your heart is a movie who will stop you, even just for a second, and tell you to think about life you are living, to think about persons you love. It will open your eyes and and change the way you look into the world. I think this movie is not just a love story, it is love itself.

The moment I loved the most is when Ariana said that dreams actually do come true. All you have to do is fight for them. It doesn't matter if you may fail, if you fall down, it matters that you tried and who knows, maybe you will succeed. Just imagine when you could do something beautiful for yourself, when you could make your own dreams come true. Just imagine what a great day it would be. So everyone who is reading this. Stand up and make your dreams come true because it's a great day to be alive. It's a great day to show your family, your friends and your love ones how much you love them. Be happy with who you are because that's you, and no one can change that. You are beautiful and you can make it. This movie will prove that to you. It will give you hope and motivation, it will learn you a lot of things and lead you through your life. You will see the beauty of music, but mostly the beauty of love.

All I can say is, stand up and listen to your heart.
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weak music unimpressive indie
SnoopyStyle17 July 2016
Danny Foster (Kent Moran) is a starving artist in NYC. He's saving money as a waiter to buy equipment to make a music demo. Ariana (Alexia Rasmussen) is a deaf sheltered 21 year old under the control of her domineering mother Victoria (Cybill Shepherd). She decides to study music. Danny gives his number to her at the restaurant and they start dating. When her mother discovers the relationship, she tries to separate them.

The young leads are photogenic and appealing. Cybill Shepherd comes into this movie too hard and doesn't have the nuance. She is an over-the-top controlling mother. There is a big difference between this indie and the best music indies like Once. The music is sub par. It is simple lackluster ballets. I don't know Kent Moran's musical history but it can't be that great. The plot is very sitcomy basically centers around a misunderstanding and then turns into a melodrama. This starts out with some promise and two very nice leads. It deteriorates as the movie gets into the second half.
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Not particularly original coming of age story, but pleasant to view.
TxMike15 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a somewhat small film, probably made on a small budget, and written by Kent Moran who stars as Danny, the wannabe song writer who works in a small café in New York.

One day a wealthy family shows up at one of his tables and he is smitten by Alexia Rasmussen as Ariana. Her mother orders for her, Danny doesn't think too much of this, maybe the girl is just shy, but we know that she is deaf.

As they leave, Danny slips her a note saying "you forgot this" and it is his phone number. Not hearing from her after a couple of weeks he is ready to forget her ... until she shows up. She has no phone, she could not call. Her mother is over-protective and tries to dictate all aspects of Ariana's life, even though she is now 21.

Cybill Shepherd, who had a very rocky start in her own career, is the controlling mother, Victoria. Her character is a bit of a cliché' but serves its purpose.

So the movie is about deaf Ariana working loose of her mother's control, while finding love in this nice guy, the musician and aspiring song writer. There are ups and downs but overall a fairly predictable resolution.

Saw it on Netflix streaming movies.

SPOILER: Danny gets sick and it turns out he has brain cancer. He starts chemo but it makes him very sick, eventually he rejects it. Before he dies he inspires Ariana to get the implant that will allow her to hear, something her mother wouldn't allow earlier. So he dies, but her hearing lives, the movie ends as she is experiencing the beautiful sounds of the world around her for the first time.
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A real Love Story
Wow - a very real story of love and wanting. Hollywood gives you the cliff notes version, full of skin and unrealistic logistics. This movie tells a real story of love, slow and sure and deep and all that true love is. Beautiful shots of NYC. If you are hooked on the hooey that H-wood throws at you, stay away. If you want to relive the memories of your first love, grab some popcorn or good chocolate and get ready to see it all again. Several kissing scenes and a tiny amount of skin - but teach your kids what true love is with this movie and they will never settle for second best. Though this is not a big budget film, it plays like the big ones. Seems that most of the critics are young, not having experienced much in life other than "Life is Good", shallow commitments, living in a throw away society that is blown and tossed about by the wind of their whims that are highly influenced by the me-ness of selfies and social media. T in Carolina, Summer 2015
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So Sad :(
Obricorn18 September 2018
I don't understand. After this movie i lost a part of myself. I am only thinking at this story. (Or it's maybe cuz i am young).
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Hits you right in the feels!
gruedo77717 February 2015
Do you ever feel like you just haven't been hit in the feels well enough lately? Does "The Fault in Our Stars" just not cut it anymore? Well stop looking! At every turn this movie will shatter your soul into a million pieces. Both the cast/crew and writing teams did a phenomenal job with the story portrayed in this movie. Everywhere from the love relationship to the evolution/dissolution of characters is perfectly portrayed. The summary, "A singer/songwriter falls in love with a girl who can't hear the music she inspires him to write." was absolutely perfect in making the story about their love and not the conditions they live their lives in. Listen to Your Heart was one of the best independent films I have ever watched and I would recommend it to everyone.
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Full of stereotypes
eloith-fay21 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched three quarters of this movie and will waste not a second longer. This is the worst made movie I have seen in living memory. All the characters are one dimensional stereotypes. It is clumsy, naive, overstated, lacks subtlety. The lyrics to the songs lack poetry, like reading dull prose.

I found the acting unconvincing at best, I found myself trying to believe it, trying to be involved - it was hard work watching this. The lead actor especially, needs to start with some acting classes, he was stiff, controlled, and superficial. When he was supposedly despairing, or at least sad about his girlfriends rejection, there was no depth of emotion at all in his acting, nor in his music.

Sorry I can't be any more positive, I love a well made movie, and simply don't appreciate a bad one. Don't waste your time.
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One of my all time favorites!
alicegrace-835-54810212 October 2015
Listen to your heart is now one of my all-time favorite movies. I have never written one of these reviews before, but this one seems to demand it. I appreciate movies that are more than they appear on the surface and deeper than the acting or action. This movie doesn't seem that unusual until you work through the last 30 minutes and begin to realize what the true message is. Remarkable. This is a movie you must WATCH, not just let it play on as you are doing something else. The amazing acting, the wonderful story that at first seems so predictable, and the underlying progression of thought work together to create a very special experience. If you truly "get it", this movie will change how YOU live your life.
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There is a potentially great movie here but...
rodwmccall4 February 2018
Such a wasted opportunity. The two leads are great and have real chemistry. The scenes between the two (particularly in the first half) are believable and they tell a great story together.

Unfortunately, heavy handed plot choices (particularly the controlling mother and the second half plot turn) undermine everything built in the first 50 minutes. The music is underwhelming as well. It's trying to pull off what "Once" did so well but the songs simply aren't up to the task.

This story and these actors deserved better.
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A night to remember
amariposa3185 March 2012
I Guess you made it! Probably don't remember me but I was the girl that watch your movie in time square and it rained my husband with me and we never saw the end. I'm glad you made it big! See romance never dies! Love is love.....It's all crazy but me and my husband David like to go we live in Yonkers and we decided "what we would today" i don't know what to do, a little bit of this, go with the wind. I said to myself "there always something happening in the city. The city that never sleeps. Something always in city keeping you busying. Someone talk to or dancing. So I thank you good folks for making my night interesting. Without you my life would be dull.
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Great movie
havenrick9 September 2015
This was a fantastic movie. Simply my opinion that does not have to agree with others. I don't care what anyone else has to say.....negatively.....I liked it. Not everyone finds that "true" someone. Most of us, I believe want to....but won't admit it to others or ourselves for whatever reason. I love "overcoming obstacles" and people doing as "they" want, not as others want them to. Live your own life. Highly recommended. I can't say anything else without ruining the movie for you if you haven't seen it. Disregard any preconceptions that you may have from reading a negative review. Use your own....heart. Sit down and enjoy.
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