"Supernatural" Lazarus Rising (TV Episode 2008) Poster

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13 years and i still can't stop thinking about castiel's entrance scene
imogenesgreene24 March 2021
Castiel is by far the best character they ever brought onto this godforsaken show. he is the reason i watched 11 more seasons.
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angelgoss3 December 2020
One of my top favorite episodes. Castiel is by far one of the most amazing characters I've ever met.
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A good introduction for a great character
CubsandCulture1 March 2020
This episode is when the show fundamentally shifted (for a few years) from a weekly case of the week procedural to an melodrama that has an long term, multi faceted plot. Neither version of supernatural is really worse than the other but this episode more than seasons 1, 2 and 3's openers grounded the season in a ongoing story. It also beefed up the religious content of the show much more so than prior forays into the material. This is indicated something different but good was coming for Sam and Dean.

Of course the introduction of Cas is iconic. Re-watching it today and it struck me just how *cinematic* this episode is. The scene in the gas station and the final scene in the barn are some of the best visual story beats in the show's entire run.
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amramirz-8335922 November 2020
Will have to go down as one of the best episodes simply because of castiel's entrance at the end of the episode.
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the most glorious, magnificent, legendary character ever created.he is a heavenly and divine character
vildansozen21 November 2020
Cas' mission was to save Dean Winchester. And he did. He saved him from hell. He saved him from angels, demons, Leviathans. He saved him from his own self-hate and self-loathing. He saved him in all the ways imaginable. "Dean Winchester is saved." Cas experienced true happiness by 1) confessing his love to Dean, 2) making Dean realize how wonderful, caring & loving he is and 3) saving his life one last time. Find me a better, purer and more selfless character.
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The Angel On my shoulder
ulrikekalb20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best Season opening episodes! Fantastic! The reveal of the Angel Intervention was one of the best moves of the writers! Castiel is such a great character...
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Will you send me an angel?!
sarinamoradi28 December 2020
Now that the show has finished for a month and half, I still come back and rewatch some episodes and this is for sure one of the greatest episodes in this long running show. I really love to compare Cas in this episode with what he became; and then think about the journey he went through in 12 seasons. Misha and the writers did a perfect job for Cas's character development. Castiel, you are loved and remembered forever...
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Castiel saved Supernatural
iuagcs20 November 2020
Misha Collins's portrayal of Castiel single handedly saved Supernatural and allowed it to run as long as it did. His entrance in Lazarus Rising is, and will always be, the best entrance and introduction to the best character created. Thank you so much, Misha.
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Best character introduction ever
emilyandrews-2732321 November 2020
Castiel played by Misha Collins had the most wonderful character entrance of anything i have ever watched. The episode as a whole was very well done.
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A beginning of a new era
zombiehigh1819 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dean is back. yes of course he would be back, otherwise it would be a Sam only show. I like Sam but I don't think he would be that interesting without his brother and the same for Dean without Sam. (Supernatural is about two brothers, one is just not good enough)

I'll just skip the recaps and jump on the high points directly:

1- Dean crawling out of his grave scene was fantastic.

2- If any other had been through what Dean had been, he would come out broken and freaked. But not Dean, the man is a fighter and ah he still likes Busty Asian beauties.

3- The scene when Dean went to Bobby's was very well done. I liked Bobby's facial expressions when he saw Dean as well as the whole making sure it was really Dean thing.

4- It's interesting since Dean understands that Sam might have done a deal for him and knows that it's what he would have done himself, he is still angry at Sam for that probability.

5- Though I like the brotherly reunion I deeply think there is something really wrong with Sam.

6- Dean and Sam don't lie please, Dean sure remembers Hell, and Sam, I know you thought it was your car but you don't mess with the Impala, That's not good and tell the truth about Ruby. All in all please for the hundredth time please stop lying to each other.

7- Meet Pamela the psychic. She is a good add to the show with likable persona but it was sad what happened to her.

8- Sam is now exorcising daemons with his mind (He is really powerful after all)and he says he doesn't use his B stuff!. Yeah right. Dean is going to be way too angry.

9- I have nothing against Genevieve Cortese, I liked her on "Wildfire". I really miss Katie Cassidy, I liked her far more better as Ruby. The new one just doesn't feel the same.

10- Angels are in and daemons are freaked!. That makes you wonder how big would this go? And what work do they have for Dean?

Outstanding season premier, Don't miss this.
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angel who is a divine being
sahinmertfirat21 November 2020
He was an angel, warrior, hero, hunter, father; he knew pain, loss, disappointment, friendship, love, and happiness. And he died without any chance of a peaceful life. He died without saying goodbye to his friends and son. He died without ever hearing "I love you".
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The strong new beginning to Dean Winchester
Red_Identity9 September 2010
Lazarus Rising brings us back into the world of Supernatural, of course, with clever new scenarios under way.

Many wondered what the writers would have in store for Dean after the amazing finale to the third season. No worries, since this remains the best season opener of the first five years. From the moment that we see Dean crawling out of his grave, we know that we are in for a bigger season. The introduction to the new story lines involving a higher power is certainly to raise questions, but the writers are to be congratulated for risking it and finally bringing some religion-based faith into the show, what most supernatural-themed shows are afraid of. One can only predict what will happen in what is the show's strongest season.
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Introduction of the character that ruined SPN
mystifay22 November 2020
Until 15x20, that is. Still, Cas, Misha and and his crazy fans who see him as some kind of overlord, pretty much ruined SPN for over a decade.
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Hell was a journey for Dean, but it brought him heaven (castiel)
kaganfatih21 November 2020
And also the chemistry between jensen and misha the harmony is beyond great
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Supernatural top 10 episodes?
lukebernstein329 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Great season premire. Probably one of the best. When dean woke up in that grave after being dead 4 months it really changed the show forever. Also I think this episode is when Dean definitively becomes the main charector. Both Sam and Dean are the main charectors but Dean stole the show in this episode. Ironic since his charector died in the season 3 finale. This episode changed everything like I said. Dean was dead and decomposing for 4 months and them he's brought back by everyone's favorite angel Castiel who is introduced in this episode. Angles are inyriduced in general. The show changed forever. Dean came back from the dead after 4 months. Making the idea of death mean literally nothing forever after that on the show. No death is perminant and can be undone. at least for Sam dean and Castiel. Even when Sam died in season 2 it was only for maybe an hour. Not to long. Nothing quite like this kind of ressurection of dean had ever been done until this episode.
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Castiel Rising🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🙏
guttchps1 February 2020
I binged watched the first 7 season, This is in my top 10 of of favourite episodes, Castiel make his debut and Dean gets as helping hand out of hell
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The Epic Return of Dean Winchester
hotcountry_chick23 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Of anything that I have seen on TV, I believe that the opening ten minutes of "Lazarus Rising" were among the most epic moments. From the moment Dean emerges from his grave to the ear piercing shrieks, the intro to "Lazarus" was amazing. But I digress. Let's start from the beginning.

"Lazarus Rising" opens with flashes of what is revealed to be Hell, followed by Dean gasping for air. He has awakened in his own coffin. Moments later, he manages to crawl from his grave, only to discover that his gravesite looks like a nuclear bomb had just gone off. What happened? Who rescued him? Has to be Sam. The next few minutes follow a confused Dean as he breaks into an abandoned gas station, stealing some much needed supplies (and a copy of Busty Asian Beauties - guess some habits die hard),where he learns that he has been dead for four months. Again, he is interrupted by the fore-mentioned shrieks. What is going on? To be even more confusing, there is a strange, hand-shaped welt on his left arm. As Dean struggles to piece together what has just happened, he heads out to reunite with a shocked Bobby, determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.

"Lazarus Rising" is a brilliant episode, complete with the typical angst, laughs, and brotherly love that is synonymous with Supernatural. Bobby and Dean's reunion was both touching and funny - when Bobby splashes Holy Water in Dean's face, to check to see if he is a demon, Bobby's practical (and hilarious) response is: "Sorry, can't be too careful." Sam and Dean's reunion is beautiful - the viewer can see first the angst as Sam retaliates against what he believes is a supernatural being, followed by hope as he allows himself to believe his brother is back, then grateful relief as the hug. A touching moment, and definitely the best "Winchester Hug" I have seen.

The acting is also great in this episode, including Ackles', as he is taunted by this ear-piercing noise which follows him around. You can see his angst as he tries to deal. Jared Padalecki is also great, revealing that Sam is not quite the same person he was before his brother's death (it is here that a secret is revealed about the time he spend hunting alone). Jim Beaver's joy in seeing Dean again is genuine, as is his explanations of the countless bottles of booze lying around his house ("these past few months haven't been easy, you know," he says softly when Dean inquires about the liquor).

All in all, this was a great episode that made me laugh, cry, shudder, and just stare in awe as the great Castiel is introduced in one of the most epic intros I have ever seen. Excellent episode.
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God Command
claudio_carvalho12 May 2010
Dean returns from the afterlife in hell six feet under in a grave and he walks to a gas station in the middle of nowhere. He steals an old parked car and drives to meet the skeptic Bobby that believes first that he is a supernatural creature. Dean thinks that Sam had made a deal to release him and they drive to Illinois to meet Sam that tells that he had not succeeded in bringing Dean back. The trio drives to meet the psychic Pamela Barnes to seek the answer and she organizes a séance to conjure who saved Dean. He finds that a being named Castiel saved him, but Pam becomes blind when she sees him. Then Dean and Sam go to a dining where the waitress and the owner are demons. Dean discovers that they are scared and also do not know who saved him. During the night, Sam sneaks from the motel room to vanquish the demons and meet Ruby that is using another vessel. She tells that no demon took Dean from Hell. Meanwhile, Dean and Bobby conjure Castiel in a barn prepared with many supernatural traps. When the overwhelming Castiel appears, he tells to Dean that he is an angel of the Lord and God has a plan for him.

The beginning of the Fourth Season could not be better, with a stunning episode. The creepy return of Dean in the grave is impressive and the conclusion with the unexpected revelation of Castiel is totally surprising. Further, the unknown Traci Dinwiddie is a very sexy and beautiful woman and I hope to have the chance to see her again. Jen Halley is also a gorgeous woman in the role of a demon. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "A Ressurreição de Lázaro" ("The Ressurrection of Lazarus")
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You don't think you deserve to be saved
ellakblue1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Castiel waltzed into that barn, knocked Bobby out in one hit, and read Dean like a picture book. Name me a more iconic character introduction--nay, a more iconic character.

The buildup to the ending reveal is just incredible. And Dean's constant doubting that it could be anything other than a demonic force...it's such a good re-introduction to his character after season 3, and really boils his character down to it's essentials. The gas station scene...mwah.

This episode's hype can be diluted a little bit if you allow the following seasons and poor writing to influence it, but I can still enjoy it as its own, separate episode--the beginning episode of an alternate universe Supernatural where the writing remained strong and creative, where characters actually developed over time, and where the cinematography remained pretty.
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Keep My Grave Open
ttapola12 April 2011
I had read about Season 4 being great, but I had to wait for it for so long it felt like the start of a completely new series. You see, something went very wrong with Supernatural here in Finland. Season 2 finale aired mere two weeks later than in USA, but first we had to wait for Season 3 until April 2009 and for Season 4 even longer, until April 2011. Very ironic, considering that as the series increased in quality, it became less and less a priority for the broadcaster. Well, I actually bought first Season 4, and in time, Season 5, as a UK DVD set, but watched them both so voraciously I could not make myself take breaks to write reviews. This was too good. Now, reviewing episodes as they finally air on a weekly basis seems doable.

Season 3 sure ended on one of the best cliffhangers of all time. Sure, sure, there was never any doubt that things would *remain* in that state for long, as Supernatural, for all it's greatness in Seasons 4 and 5, is still not brave enough to change the Format of the series for longer periods of time than maybe an episode or two. Contrast with Farscape, for example, which went waaay off-Format when... ah, anyone who's seen it knows what I am talking about and anyone who hasn't, should see the series.

Anyway, this episode being a mystery episode, I won't go near spoilers. I do not need to. Lets just say there are *many* WTF moments, starting from the first scene and ending in the last. As far as season openers go, this is pretty much unbeatable, with only *some* Pilots rating higher. In hindsight, it is easy to point out that for observant viewers, there are many little hints of where the series is going. I am thinking even the color of the car seen briefly in the beginning is a clue!

While this is flawless, it is *not* worth a full 10/10. Why? Because, let's admit it, there are even mightier episodes than this ahead, there is no denying it. Rating this 10/10 would diminish their stunning impact. No, this is "merely" a 9/10 - still enough to mean this beats *literally* over 99% of all episodes of all series ever made. (Bear in mind the number of *all* episodes can safely be said to be millions. Some of them are not even found on IMDb!) This is the one where Supernatural becomes a force to be reckoned with, showing that after a wobbly, episodic start - no doubt at least partly due to network suits' well-known fear of serialized storytelling - the series is finally confident enough to plunge deep into Mytharc storytelling. And every thing seen in this episode tells us it is going to be EPIC.

And here's the best bit: when show-runner Kripke's planned Mytharc ends at the climax of Season 5, Supernatural does not "do a Lost" - it delivers. Sure, the end is not definite, because if it were, there'd be no Season 6, but the amazing hit streak that begins here makes debating the justification for Season 6 (no doubt at least partly the suits' fondness for cash cows) an obsolete matter. So, if you are trying to decide whether to invest your time on this series or not, I can assure you, investing in it will be rewarded. You will not feel cheated at the end of Season 5.
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John 11:11- Like Lazarus, Dean rises from the dead!
jrichard-8865626 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Supernatural goes into season 4 territory and like any show that surpasses 2 or more seasons, I believe it is more important than ever to introduce a hook, and boy did the writers do just that. Obviously it cant be Supernatural without Dean Winchester and the episode starts with Dean clawing his way out of a dirty grave. Being buried for over 4 months time, he slowly makes his way to an abandoned gas station and chugs water like he just got out of hell, well lets face it he did! Next a supersonic like sound wave shatters everything in site leaving dean a bit bloody from window fragments, which later we find out it was the angel Castiel trying to speak with dean in his real voice! The rest of the episode focuses on emotional reunions with Bobby and brother Sam, in comediac moments of disbelief that dean is back and both throwing punches at poor resurected dean, like he hasnt suffered enough right? Overall its a good episode, some scenes do draw on a bit and get a tad boring, but the introduction of angels and gods existance is what i think is still keeping the show fresh and exciting!
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dsd119 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Once again a terrific episode. This episode was incredible to watch, seeing Dean come back from hell was amazing. Was the angel that came for Dean watching over since they started hunting. Is he a good or bad I would like to know. The explosions in this episode were highly recommended. Now back on earth Dean is ready to fight again. Will Bella ever come back. Will we see her again in later episodes. How did Ruby manage to come back after that black demon stuff came out of her body. Seeing her again was interesting. What will happen to Bobby's friend will we see her ever again. There is so much I want to know. Also every scene I saw was enough to keep this show running. How did Dean lose his memory. Why can't he remember anything that happened in hell. What the demon woman told him in the diner about what he did in hell, was it true. This episode gave me a lot to question. This show is getting better and better. After season 4 I would like a season 5. Please keep it coming.
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Dean is back
shwetafabm9 June 2020
The opening few minutes are so gripping, the mystery of what happens and what will happen is set in the episode with the introduction of Castiel. Also Sam's been upto something. Strong revelations. I am rewatching the series so a lot of that shock factor is missing, i did remember the opening and the diner and the psychic so i am guessing i was floored then, i can imagine one would be, it packs a lot.
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Good episode.
mm-396 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Creepy show. I like the grave scene. What happen to Dean is awful. I remember watching the episode Mystery Spot where the Trickster says Dean will be the death of you and that Sam is the Travis Bickle of this world. If anyone has seen Taxi Drive 1976 they will know who Travis Bickle is. Travis Bickle is a whacked out guy who does misleading and violent actions. We get the feeling Sam needs to be stopped. Dean is right Ruby is up to no good. Unless there is a plot twist I believe Sam is up to no good in the end. A showdown is unavoidable. Good episode. I give the season opening a 8 out of 10. No writers strike so we can see a whole season this year.
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Very dramatic introduction to one of Supernatural's finest characters Warning: Spoilers
One fine Thursday, a writer for Supernatural needed an angel character but didn't know what to name it. So, said writer searched "the angel of Thursday" and lo, Castiel was born!

One of the best episodes of SPN of all time, "Lazarus Rising" refers, of course, to the man Jesus himself raised from the dead, exactly as Dean rises from the grave in episode 1 of this season).

Castiel is my favorite SPN character, and we know we are in for a memorable episode every time he appears. And lucky for us in the audience, the writers recognized a great character when they had one, and Castiel is in every one of SPN's seasons from S4 to the final episode in S15.

Castiel is the prime mover for most of SPN's better episodes, He turns into an amazing and compelling character, and it would be hard to imagine anyone else playing him other than Misha Collins does to near perfection.

Castiel is a type of angel known as a "seraphim" and he has many incredible abilities. Since he is a formless entity, he needs to inhabit a "vessel" (i.e., a human body) every time he chooses to interact with humans. He has the power to teleport himself anywhere on earth in the blink of an eye and he can (and often does) disappear and reappear at will. He is completely immune to every weapon that would kill a mortal human including knives and guns. And not only can he instantly heal a human of any wound or ailment merely by touching them, he can even bring people back from the dead.

And Castiel has the actual ability to time-travel, (although he says it "isn't easy") and can even take humans with him along for the ride. There is very little Castiel can't do and even less he doesn't know, and he has been around since the dawn of time. And he is usually there when needed by Sam and Dean to dispense endless wisdom and knowledge about angels, demon lore, spells and curses, and almost anything pertaining to the supernatural. And this episode is where Castiel makes his first appearance - and what an entrance it is, too!

The writers chose a very dramatic way to reveal its very first angel character and there is no sweetness or light about it. The first indication Dean gets that he is in the cross-hairs of an extremely powerful if not omnipotent entity, is when he suddenly hears a deafening beep that nearly floors him (later we learn that this is Castiel's natural angelic voice, and he is trying to talk to Dean, but his voice is unintelligible by humans).

The next sign we are in the presence of an extremely powerful being happens during a seance when, at Bobby's request, Pamela the psychic demands the entity reveal itself. But after being warned by the entity NOT to do exactly what she is doing, Pamela has her eyes burnt out when it finally appears.

Castiel's reveal takes most of the episode and it is masterfully done. It is notable in being one of the few times Dean is in the presence of something so powerful he is truly humbled by it. But after enduring several angry insults from Dean, the newly manifested Casteil warns him: "You should show me some respect. I pulled you out of Hell and I can throw you back there."

Season 4 has several don't miss episodes and "Lazarus Rising" is just the first of these.
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