Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (2020) Poster

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God, how I want to believe...
phillipbrowning27 September 2020
It's a pretty darn well made documentary but, sadly amidst allegations of Dr. Greer being labeled a fraud over some incident involving flares, my heart has sunk... I thought he was one of the good ones. It does make sense though, despite the respect I have for the hard work and effort he's put into the Disclosure project, I cant help but sigh and roll my eyes at his claims of making UFOs appear from willing them forth with his mind (how impressive!). I'm sorry, but I can only suspend my disbelief up to a certain point. I'm still a 100% believer in the existence of aliens and UFO's visiting earth, but I am unfortunately an abysmal 10% believer in Dr. Steven Greer. And it is for everything I have stated above that I cant in good conscience give this albeit, well made documentary a score higher than a 6. It was entertaining at least.
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dr greer is ok in my book
Retrocu16 April 2020
I have just watched the film. it is ok. it is good. i mean instead of watching some stupid superhero movies you should watch this.
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Eh, I don't know.
themfs28 May 2020
It's ok. Maybe if I was high or a seasoned super-sensitive meditator that understood all of what they were explaining, I might be able to relate. But...(I think) they stated that the government has craft that looks like/performs like UFOs. What if all (or, at least, some) of the things they saw was the aforementioned craft?? Regardless, I want to party with these cowboys...
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Greer cripples UFO credibility for good.
luigiterra10 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I´ve been a big fan of The Disclosure Project, and when the film Unacknowledged was released, I watched with a kind of disappointment how it all drifted towards a quasi-spiritual personal mumbo jumbo project. It was, however, possible to ignore most of the embarrasing stuff and focus on the actual documentation parts pertaining UFOs. This time, Dr. Greer has gone completely off the rails. Babbling away about his own magic psychic abilities, a godlike power to summon and send away UFOs and aliens, and nutcase claims about his friends being "assassinated" because of what the know.

It also turns out that the US gvmt almost routinely abduct people in Skunk Works built UFOs, where various disabled people act as aliens. This as a tool to manipulate nosy politicians etc. The subject of government funded projects for building precise copies of alien craft and tech is emphasized in the movie. Yet, everything Greer and his companions experiences, is the real thing. I guess Greer can tell because he sends his "mind" into the "ships" to check things out.

It´s just too much to mention. I don´t know if Greer&Co. does this only to make money of simpletons and loonies, or if it´s an actual insight into a completely twisted and delusional mind. Probably a mix of both.

UFO phenomena in and of it self is mind blowing and exciting. The documentation is there, undenied. We are free to explore it in a constructive way. Sadly, Greer and his peers burns to the ground, with this one single travesty of a film, the credibility and curiosity having been carefully built up around UFOs over decades. What could have been a contribution to an open and interesting approach, is drowned by the ridiculous stream of words from the lawyer guy, and of course Greer´s banalities about meditation, consciousness and him self as a sort of christ; he is the chosen one, and we can only fully communicate with aliens through Greer as a proxy.

Oddly enough, Greer also insists that UFOs need telepathic help from us to find where we are so they can show up when summoned. In the next sentence, Greer informs us that the UFO´s represent technologies and evolution "maybe millions of years ahead of us". Still, they supposedly pilot their crafts personally, with control sticks etc, and need Greers help to find Blue Ridge mountain. Not a single time through this massive, uninterrupted or challenged Greer promotion video does anyone even hint to the possibility of UFO´s being some sort of drones, multi-dimensional visitors or other. Instead, they are obviously contained well within our old fashioned understanding of the universe and physics, blazing through space with speeds many times faster than the light, etc.

One thing is for sure: anyone who in the future wants to discredit everything that has anything to do with extra terrestrial phenomenon, need only point to this "documentary" to win the arguments. Courtesy of Dr Greer and his annoying little sect. Sorry for any typos, not my native language.
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He doesn't say anything new. But thats not a bad thing.
souljustice26 November 2020
Everything in this documentary is old news to anyone who has the ability to understand themselves and this world. If it comes off as mumbo jumbo then you are not paying attention to what he's saying and you are not ready to hear whats in it. Theres alot of shills on this website trying to discredit the whole feature before even getting a chance to see it.

Don't listen. Watch for yourself and make an informed decision.
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Too much BS Not enough FACTS
RipRap13 December 2020
I have lost my respect for Dr Greer. I used to be a follower of his work and I have read everything that I could find of his work. BEWARE of his salespitch to $ELL his books and films and CE5 Trips. I have sent emails, texts and letters to Greer and his staff over the years, but I have yet to receive a response.
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The true enemy aren't Extraterrestrials
ivymaynz4 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was incredible, my thoughts and intuitions confirmed, but also shocking to know how dangerous, destructive and manipulative the American government and media is, trying to convince us that Extraterrestrial are a threat to our civilisation, I was so angry to see that footage of any American air strike attack on a UFO, Who do they think they are putting humanity in danger like that, attacking an innocent craft knowing there intelligents and technology is far superior to ours, America trying to dominate space, like they try to dominate and rule the world, I believe these aliens have been visiting our planet for as long as humans have existed, surely if they were a threat they would of done something by now, instead they see us as these reckless dangerous damaged species, at war with each other, of course they aren't going to trust us. I appreciate Dr Greer's movement, to put the power in our hands, the people of this planet, to make sure acceptances and peaceful loving contact with Extraterrestrials is implemented, I certainly would, if I ever get the privilege of ever witnessing these incredible species, a space war is the last thing we need.
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Stupid New Age Garbage.
jtmace9 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out interesting enough, then halfway through... BAM new age mumbo jumbo. "If we just meditate then we can fly, and teleport, and dematerialize."

So stupid.
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Watch it, try it.
e-elyze22 January 2021
I was so skeptic but I ended up having 20 sightings in one month after several tries. They exist. Try the protocole if you don't believe it.
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ferguson-614 April 2020
Greetings again from the darkness. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, one must respect the dedication to the mission of Dr. Steven Greer. His documented research into extraterrestrial activity dates back more than 25 years, and he has briefed every president since Bill Clinton on the topic. This is the third documentary for Dr. Greer, including SIRIUS (2013) and UNACKNOWLEDGED (2017), the latter of which was directed by Michael Mazzola - also the director of this current film.

Mr. Mazzola divides the film into 3 chapters: Blood and Treasure, The Crossing Point of Light, and A New World. However, the film's structure matters little, as this is mostly another opportunity for Dr. Greer to present his research, his beliefs, and allow others to comment. Dr. Greer is the founder of the Center for Study of Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), and he was also behind the 1993 Disclosure Project, which persuaded the government to release previously classified documents pertaining to UFOs and extraterrestrials.

Of course, Steven Spielberg's 1977 double Oscar winner CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND remains quite popular today, and the title to Mazzola's film refers to what CSETI categorizes as the 5th kind of alien encounter: proactive human communication with an extraterrestrial. In support of this, Dr. Green spends a good amount of time explaining his group events, where believers gather to experience these encounters. It's at this point where much of the film focuses on Universal consciousness (ESP, meditation, etc.). The parameters of pure heart and peace are said to be necessary for group meditation cohesion. It's very similar to the idea of "attraction" - if we think about something, that thing is more likely to appear or happen.

A quote from a physicist opens the film, and numerous quotes are highlighted throughout courtesy of intellects, scientists, and spiritualists. Scientific analysis is provided and we hear from some brainy talking heads, including Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former astronaut. Attorney Daniel Sheehan gets plenty of screen time as well, and does his part to fit right in with the line-up of articulate, knowledgeable experts who offer up their commentary. These are not the wild-eyed types we see on local news or lesser documentaries. These are folks with actual experience backed by video and photographic evidence.

Dr. Greer asserts that since "no human has ever been harmed", we can assume the extraterrestrials are not here to cause damage - an easily debated point. He also claims that these aliens are up to a billion years ahead of us, though he never explains the math on that. Actor Jeremy Piven seems an odd choice as narrator, given his propensity for roles as a fast-talking smart-aleck, but a montage of video from around the globe (the most recent from December 29, 2019) lends credence to Dr. Greer's claim that the collective conscience has a relationship to the physical world. He has also accepted that skeptics will always exist, and that he will be ridiculed for his work and beliefs. If nothing else, perhaps the film will open up a few minds to the possibility.
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Basically an advert for his holistic scam
hazyboi4 May 2020
Starts well then turns into an hour of him preaching for you to contact aliens before the evil government does and when you go online to learn how he just trys to sell his books and courses. If he meant what he preached for the reasons he gave, he wouldn't charge money. I guess that's how they get you. Felt letdown as unacknowledged was really good.
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I didn't want it to end
dannair21 November 2020
If you're someone who meditates or are aware of Hindu, Buddhist scriptures then you might understand what is being discussed here. However if you're someone who only believes in the information given to the body by our 5 limited senses, then you may just dismiss this as fake. Definitely an eye opener.
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Somewhat Fascinating. Would have been wholly fascinating without annoying Jeremy Pivins
luketaylorlt3 January 2021
Very cool doc. Not just about physical UFO's and ET's. Goes much deeper into connectedness of consciousness which is a rarely explored aspect of the phenomena. Definitely recommend watching it. Be prepared however as Jeremy Pivins continual misplaced emphasis in reading the copy and overly affected fake voice is so annoying it pretty much saps all the pleasure from the experience. He's terrible at narration. Please choose someone else should a sequel be considered.
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His app ruins everything he stands for
cavemanchefzach17 October 2020
The ad to download his $10 app at the very end of this film really left a bad taste in my mouth. And really goes against everything he says he stands against. The black opp government programs keeping it a secret for their own financial gain. And how we need to bring this to light. And then asks us to pay for an app to be enlightened. Lolol. Wow! Is all I have to say. Ruins everything I was believing up until that very moment. What an idiot I am for going that far in the movie. He should be ashamed of himself. This is all BS. To make him money. Or else he would give the app for free. Dont be dumb and pay $10 to make this jackass rich off of our imaginations. Great work Greer
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Good For Him ...
TheHigherSpace20 July 2020
If you can convince people to pay you a lot of money to buy your books, courses and then go meditate with you (to contact aliens!) then good for you. I respect cult leaders so much because I can't even begin to understand how they do it. That earns this "documentary" the second star ... If you can take money away from morons, do it all day everyday, it's good for evolution! This greer guy is doing us a service! (yes he is destroying every last bit of "maybe" in the minds of people skeptical about UFOs, but still, Kudos!)
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This is a film about consciousness, with a hint of UFOs.
joetulgan30 June 2020
I am a Greer fan, as I have been following him since 2001, and the Disclosure Project is very convincing. I enjoyed his recent film Uunacknowledged, so of course I had to see this.

This is a film about the theory of collective consciousness, and how it is used to communicate with ETs (CE-5). I love the movie and have watched it three times. I find it inspiring, and to me, that is enough to say "yes, it is a great film." I have been expanding my spirituality, so this helped shine science on what is happening in my brain.

If you are looking for a "convincing evidence documentary" on the subject of UFOs, you will enjoy this, but the proof is not here.

Watch "Capturing the Light" the story of Dorothy Izzatt. Now that is the best evidence.
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Excellently features science of consciousness and CE-5 evidences
jemife-590045 May 2020
Featuring the science of consciousness and the practice and results of CE-5, this is a perfect second follow-up for his movie Sirius, 2013 (after Unacknowledged, 2017). The mentioned official app for iOS and Android you can find under the name CE5 Contact. Here are the CE-5 protocols (from Kosta Makreas, former friend of his and cast member in Sirius, 2013):

1. Do this ET Contact any time, anywhere that is convenient, comfortable and safe for you.

2. Choose the place and the people you believe are compatible, respectful, and enthusiastic about this coordinated effort. You can also do this alone. NOTE: How you approach your CE-5 Experience is CRITICAL. If you have an attitude of fear, deep skepticism, hostility, close-mindedness ... chances are good you will fail at making contact. Bring your goodwill, love, joy and openness to the experience. The ETs will "pick up" on your noble positive vibrations.

3. Link heart-to-heart with members in your group. Circulate the love energy (coherence).

4. Imagine a sphere of love at the center of your circle with each of your hearts connected to it. Project this column of love energy high up into the sky as a brilliant vibrant beacon to our Star Friends.

5. When you go into meditation, in your imagination link up heart-to-heart with all of the other Global ET Contact groups who are joining in all over the planet. -Then with love also include our Star Friends as you invite them and guide them to your location. -You can guide them to your location by projecting your consciousness out to them and visualizing how to travel from the location of our sun in our solar system to our Earth. -As you approach it in your imagination, zoom in closer and closer to your specific location on the surface. -Show (visualize) the images of where to find you to them!

6. Mentally and with your heart, ASK our ET friends what you and we can do in cooperation with them to bring about a healing for our planet Earth. Invite them to take more of a part in our Human affairs, recognizing that it is nonetheless Humanity's responsibility to solve its problems - they need to be asked, from our point of free will.

7. Remember that ET Contact can come in many forms. It may be a sighting of a Star Craft, a lucid dream, a telepathic message, a touch on the shoulder or knee, weird electrical phenomenon with communication devices or lights, and so much more.
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DNA altered beasts
mystuffhere5 May 2020
What I don't understand is, if, like Greer says, the DNA altered humans are actually jealous of his freedom, why don't they just kill themselves? Then they'd be free of the burdens of the physical world. Right?
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Started off decent
allyncards21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was a good start, but when he went to meditation to "Bring ships on" it really lost me.

All the photos at that point seem to be fakes. How can theyball be meditating AND seeing objects? Like then one producer of CE5 said.. "I was drinking coffee and then saw the ships". Didnt know you could drink at the same time you are meditating at the same time seeing objects with a camera.

The events, all the photos are on the ground and have random lights appear. With all the explanation of how good our technogy is to fake these things, I cannt bring myself to believe Rays of light at ground level are aliens. Thats just bonkers. The photos of actual "Alien healers" Looks just like a guy with a camera on himself.

None of these show proof, just another form of could be, couldnt be. If it didnt cost 1000s of dollars to go out to these events, I would believe it more. Seems like a marketing scam. Like the other post said, random quotes and hoaxes that have been completely debunked are shown here as real. Lost a bit of respect for Greer.
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Thank you for being here. We're all in this together.
CuckaOccurs11 April 2020
Let me start this by saying, everyone has their own perception and opinion of things. Information is just that, what you do with it, is up to you. With that said, I have spent my entire life aware of the fact that there's something going on behind the curtain and that we're not alone. I have spent the last decade or so trying to make other people aware of it as well. Dr. Steven Greer's work is something I have been following for a some time now. In fact, I have a copy of every byte of media he has ever produced. This documentary is simply a must see for everyone on this planet...including those who don't want the rest of us to watch/wake-up. Perhaps all they need is a change in perspective to see that what they've been doing is in fact insanity. Perhaps, once you watch'll realize, what you've been doing, is also in fact insanity. The simple truth is, once you know, you have an obligation to let others know...otherwise you are just as much a part of the problem. My motto is: If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem... The only way our species is going to as one. If you don't believe in the power of thought...just search up what happens to random number generators during large public events.
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Interesting but illogical
dhg-3830510 September 2020
Some of the footage and information is good. But about 3/4th in it focuses on how to summon aliens through a methodology. The information ignores blatant questions like, "How often does that work?" Giving the sense that if you go out and do this (and publicly share that you've done it), you'll be talking to aliens.

This documentary is really reaching to a far stance on our current cultured stance on aliens. It's really enveloping to watch with an open mind, but apply logic to it quickly dissolves the meaning it's trying to describe.

It's just not true. Otherwise we'd all be summoning aliens every night. And if that's not the meaning this doc was trying to define, then why was it presented that way? This is, all most likely, to promote the author's book sales.
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A bigger con than the one they are tying to portray.
cliffwislon-6284312 September 2020
No credible information, no facts, this guy is just another con artist praying on the weak and gullible.

Time and time again we see the US Government dragged across the rocks for their conspiracies to control the world. I have news for all Americans, you don't control the world, you never will do.

In other claims he uses language such as "when I briefed the presidency" like hes an insider on the payroll, the reality is he probably sent an email.

He also claims ET's have technology "millions of years in advance of ours" im sure they might, but does somebody want to explain why they just fly around (mainly above America it seems) and make no contact, are they a bit shy?

Apparently deep underground in the American deserts (but only in America remember!) There are space ships and dead ET's being hidden.

So they fly around and crash sometimes and don't collect their dead, they just quietly observe us like an ant nest.


Skip, skip and double skip this, maybe waste your money on a pyramid scheme, America loves those also.
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Must see!
flashyflasch5 December 2020
Great documentary!! Watched it twice now and I'm going to watch it a lot of times more. It was lik taking first breaths for the first Tim in life. I think everyone must see this one (and other documentaires by Dr. Greer) so they can wake up and see what is going on in the world. Watch with open mind but alway stay critical and think for yourself. Wake up! Thank you so much Dr. Greer for everything you do to wake up the world. You make it a better place.
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Truth mixed with money grubbing.
tinabarden-5978713 July 2021
Meditation is key and I've always believed in E. T.'s or multidimensional's. Greer may have found the key, as its true that when mass prayer or meditation happens, it can change things. Unfortunately, he is trying really hard to become part of that 1% and get as much wealth as he can. He isn't on a mission of peace, he is on a mission to pad his pockets. If he really were an "ambassador," he would be passing on his knowledge for free. These people are paying upwards to 3,500 bucks to sit with him. That doesn't include airfair, accommodations, food.with just 10 people, he pockets close to 35,000 for 28 hrs a week. I get charging for books as you've got to pay to get them printed and what not, but this dude is only out for himself and like most humans, will take something special and destroy it. Oh, the doc was alright. Mediate on...
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Top of the cuckoo chain
nordones14 June 2020
These people are OUT there. What a ridiculous wannabe documentary... Hard pass.
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