Fall River (TV Series 2021) Poster


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Loaded with twists and turns and political insights.
Opinate31 May 2021
This is an impressive documentary that takes you on a journey into the Satan Worshiper hysteria of the Seventies, walks down seedy alleyways with pimps and prostitutes and turns the lens on the way police and prosecutors did business back then.

It is really well constructed snapshot of the underbelly of small town America, full of sordid personalities that worked on, stalked and patrolled the streets.

It is fascinating to hear the men in charge of the investigations condemn the young girl they used to frame various people: a girl who was suffering from rape and abuse. They have elevated her to mythological proportions of maniacal evil. They still talk about this (then) child as if she is an evil genius and they were putty in her hands. Later we hear those same officers making excuses for the pedophile rapists and brutal pimps that perpetrated the crimes in order to humanize them and belittle their involvement, "Yes, he sure was a funny character alright..." they said of the serial pedophile rapist in the area. Yet his victim is an evil manipulator.

A little time and distance (and a few women's rights movements) brings much clarity. Well, to some of us may be.

I highly recommend this doc series.
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Mixed Review
Astaroth2227 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While it's an interesting case, the documentary is all over the place, burns up time with too much filler, and repeats information mentioned previously. However, it was a pleasant surprise to see PI Chris Hayes talk like a normal person in front of the camera. That's quite rare nowadays.

Next, honestly speaking, Carl Drew is where he belongs and I can't see how anyone could have any sympathy for him. Regardless, I can say there's no doubt in my mind that Robin Murphy was on that roof. Her last interview sealed it. They might say she's a good liar but watching that proved she really isn't.
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chyrece-698915 September 2023
Moderately interesting, and full of what might be new facts for some. I was committed to watching the entire thing until the Covid piece where the filmmaker felt it necessary to interject his political opinions into the documentary. Although Covid had some bearing on the pace of the film, the filmmaker's passive aggressive statement on how it was handled via certain sound clips he played, had no place in that movie and added no value to the story. It had a lot of potential had the filmmaker stayed on topic and objective in their storytelling. After that part if the film I questioned how objectively snd factually the filmmaker had portrayed everything else in this documentary.
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Andy's daughter though... awful lady.
ememu-058521 May 2022
Intriguing documentary and quite disturbing. The only thing that made me incredibly irate was Andy's daughter. She makes me sick and seems like she's completely okay with her father being a disgusting abusive pedophile. You need help lady!!
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Complicated and intriguing
ecmarmon15 June 2021
Quick summary: A well produced documentary on a very complicated story. Police corruption, rampant sexual violence, brutal criminals, and satanic panic at its most extreme, who is telling the truth?

Overall, I thought it was very well done. Stick with it, it's all interesting but episode four is the Cherry.

I really only have one issue with this series. The constant excuses made for violent cruel behavior because of past trauma. I agree that Robin, Carl and a host of others in this story were horribly victimized in their past. I wish this hadn't happened to them, but it is not an excuse for victimizing others. Destroying other people's lives is not an acceptable "coping mechanism".
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Poor story telling
rustinscherer-145374 June 2021
Too many people giving conflicting opinions with little focus on facts and evidence. No one is believable. Hard to follow.
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Liked the first episode
JonanthanNewOrleans19 May 2021
A lot of footage and photos from back then, interesting and mysterious set up about weird murders.
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So much repeating
candescelso14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So much the same story told in every episode. It could have been brought back to 1 episode. Still no answers, very confusing. Who and why it all happend is still a mistery.. I fell a sleep a few times and find out I did not miss anything. The details told are the most shocking in the whole serie. It would be great if there came a real investigation with REAL answers. Still I think Robin is to long in jail. She should be released by now. Het punishment has been enough for what she did. Would like to know what the real role of Drew was. Is he a victim or just not. No answers at all. Next time better.
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truly astonishing
ricewithaspoon30 May 2021
Very intense this one.

Very Great: masses of original footage and pictures.

I was watching this in unbelief, the first 2 episodes not knowing whose lies were closer to factual truths.

You will see moral & emotional degenerates, incredible abuse, ignorance and the inexplicable actions and stance of police.

I don't know how to believe into something like a 'justice' system after this. It's shattering.

It left me sad, speechless, breathless, deflated. To hear Andy Maltaises' daughter defending him, hearing and seeing what various police officers/state troopers involved at that time have to say about it now .. ( .. Thomas Joaquim, Paul Fitzgerald, Alan Silvia?) The pain so many people have to live with because they were ignored, discarded by the police, prosecutors, D. A's... i have no words.

For me it ended up being - not so much about who had done what - but about the extent of corruption and abuse of power that led to this enormous pile of destroyed lives.

This documentary was brilliantly done.

Highly recommend.
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What is this supposed to be?
dingodad1 June 2021
Production and narrative is all over the place. No one is believable. Might have been able to expose police mistakes and ineptitude but the series doesn't take that approach.
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Better than IMDB Reviews Suggest
Erik-Movie-Reviews16 April 2022
This was an interesting Documentary and provided an accurate view of life in a failing New England Community in the late 70's / early 80's. There are many victims in the story as well as both minor and major criminals. It also provides a good historical and current perspective on the judicial process, typically favoring politics, optics, and sensation over the actual pursuit of truth or justice. For the average Defendant caught up in the judicial systems without wealth or influence, "Justice" is "Just Us" / Not them.

There are a couple of critical faults with the Documentary. First, the Film Maker mentions the coincidental nature of Robin Murphy turning in both of the people later convicted in what the Police believed to be completely unrelated crimes, but what he omits or does not clarify is that Robin Murphy is the only person who confessed to be present at all three Murders. Robin Murphy's confession about her involvement and presence at all of these crimes is clearly stated in the court transcripts and written legal appeals. In addition, the Film Maker edits the footage of Robin Murphy's Parole Hearing to seem like she is trying to set the story straight to prove Carl Drew's innocence and non-involvement in these crimes when in reality she is trying to recant her own involvement and confession about being present at each of these murders. When she was provided with the opportunity to tell the truth at Carl Drew's rehearing, she certainly did not choose to be honest or do the right thing. The Film Maker's desire for Robin Murphy's participation in this project clearly outweighed his desire to be factually accurate.

It is also interesting that Robin's admitted she was one of the last people to see Karen Marsden alive. Two people (young boy / now adult as well as Carol Fletcher, friend and neighbor of Robin Murphy) also claim to have witnessed Robin killing Karen. When Robin Murphy was confronted by these statements on camera, instead of denying the murder directly, goes into a long convoluted narrative about how she had never been on the roof where Karen's murder most likely occurred, as any skilled Liar or master manipulator would.

The Film Maker successfully provided Reasonable Doubt about the conviction of Carl Drew and should have ended it there. He also should have highlighted and emphasized that Robin Murphy knew all three Murder Victims, confessed to being present at all three Murders, had a history of violence, and as an aspiring Pimp herself, had a motive to strong arm independent prostitutes that didn't do what she wanted. It seems likely she was in fact present at all three murders and most likely played a significant role in each.

In the End, two lessons are learned, Leopards Don't Change their Spots (A Manipulator / Liar remains a Liar) and Ultimately Justice is Always Served (All three of the Incarcerated, were / are exactly where they belong).

Good Movie!
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This Could Be Condensed To 1.5-2 Hours.
What is it with all these filmmakers stretching what could have been a decent 1-2 hour feature into a nonsensical mishmash that repeats the same thing over and over and over, in slightly different ways, to make the exact same point?

My God, these services paying for this need to stop indulging this, too.

I'm not sure how many times it needs to be said, but apparently another time is warranted- STOP INJECTING YOUR POLITICAL IDEOLOGY INTO A SPACE IT DOES BOT BELONG!

The entire satanic panic was nothing but an incredibly stupid media, led down a path of pure manure by an 'expert' that should have never been given the time of day- sound familiar? Trying to force the entire Q thread into this is completely unnecessary and unwarranted- the boomer nutjobs that actually bought into the larp need serious psychological help. But here we are, hearing the same water-boarding of misinformation, by people with zero clue what most of America believes, trying to convince themselves that what they're hearing at their elitist cocktail parties is factually correct.

My God, you make yourselves look so incredibly stupid with this unbelievably ridiculous plot device and lose more than you could ever hope to gain.
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Great Story
ksims-mig2 September 2021
Tragic stories like these bring to light all the corruption and wrong doings of towns and the inhabitants that can be manipulated simply because they want to be.
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Not much respect for the victims
ncentia1 June 2021
Yet another documentary about murder that is gratuitous and seems to forget that victims are human beings with family who loved them. Images of actual bodies and human remains should never be shown in the context of entertainment, it's incredibly disrespectful of the deceased and their families. If witnesses/interviewees in their own words use derogatory and discriminatory language to describe victims and that's going to be aired then at least provide context of real understanding of their vulnerability from authoritative voices.

I only watched the first two episodes, I couldn't sit through any more. Messy story-telling that meanders and is not compelling. It was a mistake to construct the documentary entirely of talking head interviews when many of the people interviewed are not reliable witnesses. I've read that was a deliberate choice but it was a bad one. The documentary maker saw the bias and lack of credibility - but apparently didn't see that as a reason to shine light on clear truths. The result was a lazy response to a situation of bad information, a continuation of a bad representation of these stories and yet another time these victims were badly let down.

Alan Alves the "former detective sergeant, satanic crimes" is clearly only an expert at fabricating his expertise out of very little substance or knowledge. The satanic element is a major distraction to the documentary and to the truth of these crimes. Vulnerability, abuse, corruption and ineptitude should have been the theme. But there's no titillating marketing in that, is there?

If anyone wants to tell the story of a tragic death then they owe the victims a lot more than exploitation, they owe them recognition of their humanity, and above all truth.
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murplesn6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What this series highlights is the fact that an entire courtroom of prosecutors defence attorneys a jury and a judge were all manipulated by a 17 year old self confessed pathological liar...no one can fathom the truth because the entire conviction is based in her changing the truth at every interview...
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Too repetitive.
helpmerhonda-6993729 August 2021
The story is worth telling, but every episode backtracks previous episodes. We don't get a lot new from each episode.
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Interesting and mysterious
codygdietrich6 April 2023
One of the truly unique things about this documentary series is that when you watch it from beginning to end the people involved as suspects, witnesses, investigators or whatever the case maybe from the time of certain events in the late 70s/early 80s their opinions and sometimes stories changed except for two people: 1) the lead investigator who is now an elected member of Massachusetts House of Representatives and 2) one of the people charged with murder. Facts do not change, stories change. The standard of the U. S. justice system is beyond a reasonable doubt when the most evidence you have of a murder is a partial skull, in a time before dna how can you prove who it is let alone who killed them, where, when, how and why. It is an interesting documentary. I enjoyed seeing how different people in similar situations are talked about and judged, there are 3 pimps and 2 are described as being abusive and one is described as being a victim. Interesting how the pimp some describe as a victim because of past abuse is a suspect in multiple murders and yet one pimp who is viewed as abusive is the victim of past abuse. It was also interesting how there were reports of satanism and ritual killings and yet I don't remember any evidence to support that theory. It is repetitive especially the first two episodes but overall I found it an interesting documentary about people more than the crimes.
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Complete Horse****
madman-638624 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible documentary that is all over the place. All the people including the investigator and the defense attorneys are liars who themselves coerced past witnesses to changer testimony. The state trooper and Carey are the only remotely credible police. They used the idea of a satanic cult strictly to lure people in to watch. It's a bunch of murders and everyone guilty is locked up.
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Riveting documentary
eakogan13 June 2022
I was glued to my seat for the entire binge-watch. Like in every great detective story, the truth becomes crystal clear at the very end.

Plus, an atmosphere of New England of the 70s/80s is beautifully recreated. A pleasure to watch.
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madman-638624 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think the attorneys investigator paid off these "witnesses" to recant. Completely shady. It's a feeble attempt at activist documentary filmmakers. Everyone wants to be the next "Making of a Murderer" producer. Pure junk.
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By episode two I Iost interest
MidiHorrorReviews8 August 2021
I have little compassion for the criminals seeking so called justice!

This documentary is bias and just blatant in its portrayal of the victims. Half the people interviewed felt more like locals giving their two cents.

The criminals seeking retrial dont generally deserve it. They weren't good people and Robin Murphy especially still shows her character as a cold and deceitful witch.

The film is poorly constructed. I hated the way they told the story and the choices of some of the people they interviewed.

I feel bad for only the victims , who were disregarded in some ways. Disrespected by naysayers and local story tellers. Not at all given their dignity (in the case of their portrayal in this tedious 4 hrs ).

I'm not naive I get that they were involved in prostitution , but these were people's daughters, sisters, et. So this just boiled my blood somewhat .

Awful show. Don't support such awful bias on a very controversial case. Someone needs to make a REAL documentary film on the cases and facts.
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It's 2021, and true crime revisionist docs are HOT
djrhodeski22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting trend I have found oftentimes in the recent wave of true crime docs is that these filmmakers love to twist what we think we know about these cases in order to gain views and act like they're figuring out the REAL truth (see "Sons of Sam" as well).

Yes, James Buddy Day, the Canadian director, after his brief time studying the Fall River Massachusetts murders which happened over 40 years ago now, seems to have figured out the truth! Not the locals who were there and have been informed on this case for decades, they must be wrong.

Sarcasm aside, no, Carl Drew is not innocent despite Day's attempts to rewrite history and make his sweet $$$. Does it make for compelling content? Sure. Is it incredibly exploitative and disrespectful to the victims, their families, local law enforcement and reporters? Abso-lately. Shameful. The only "solid" alibi Day presents in Drews defense, the wedding photos, cannot actually be confirmed as having taken place at the same time as the murder. Consider me not sold.
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Nicely designed opening titles. The rest is a nonsensical, chaotic mess, filled with lies and a cast of thoroughly repulsive individuals.
Vassago25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Finding a criminal and looking for tiny specks of possible incompletesness in evidence (present in >80% of cases, because, typically, during the commission of a crime, there is rarely a film crew present at the scene to document its every step, and rarely a group of criminalists to immediately secure all material evidence) and ways of sowing possible doubts (possible in >90% of cases) is a very profitable and highly fashionable business nowadays, so much so that there are more pseudo-documentaries trying to sell a criminal's "innocence" than there are convicted criminals themselves.

What can a director who looks for such a business opportunity do, then? Why, dig for the cases where there is no doubt, and throw in enough "maybes" to suggest some! Better still, if one can add salacious, also fashionable phrases such as "Satanic panic", "religious mania", "fanaticism", etc., etc. - that's a guaranteed sale!

The director of this chaotically filmed, artificially stretched like an old rubber (there are four episodes; one would be more than enough, and every one repeats at least 15 minutes of footage from the other episodes, verbatim) attempt at making a documentary reached for an old US case, the series of murders in the town of Fall River, where three local street-walkers were abused, victimised, and savagely murdered, and a local violent pimp and drug dealer was captured and sentenced for one of the killings, with an almost equally unappealing street-walker who had the ambitions of being a competitive pimp (and who, by her personality and looks, reminds one of a double for Charles Manson's brutal cohort Susan Atkins) being sentenced as well, after providing testimony.

Those who know the case know that it is relatively simple, and involved mostly violence, drugs, and competition in street criminality. That would not be interesting enough to sell, so the director concentrates on another aspect of the crimes: The Satanic Angle! After all, he tells you, *everyone* knows that when a crime involves some satanic, occult, esoteric, etc., imagery or background, it is obviously false, it's a frame-up, it's a scandalous lie, all the culprits are beautiful little innocents, etc., etc. "Case closed!" - he screams. "The pimp is innocent! Just listen to his convincing testimony that I've recorded! The real culprit is, uh, uh... well, does it matter? That woman who testified against him lied, and I will suggest that maybe she is guilty, even though I will forget that some of the people whom I filmed in support of the pimp are also saying things that make it seem as if the woman is innocent as well, so, uh, uh, never mind! See, there's also this weird guy, and I will suggest that *he* is guilty, too, because he's weird, and weird is *BAD*! He's weird like the pimp is, but, uh, uh, it's, uh, a different weird! See, he was also an abuser! Just like the pimp! Uh, I mean, uh... here, let me reinsert some footage that you've already seen! Oh, and here is half an hour of video about the COVID-19 outbreak, which is absolutely related to the topic of the 1979 murders! How do you like that, huh? Huh? I'm so great!"

That's approximately the kind of chaotic, repetitive nonsense that constitutes this pseudo-documentary. (By the way, regarding the pimp's filmed scenes: most of his monologues consist of repetitions of the phrases "know what I'm sayin'?" and "and all that stuff", as well as its alternative "and all that sh...". Perhaps the director saw in him a kindred repetitive soul who also repeatedly and repetitively likes to repeat himself? Let's repeat... well, no, let's not be this mess's director, and let's *stop* repeating).

At any rate: in reality, the occult/satanic angle consisted mostly of the fact that the violent pimp would occasionally use occult imagery and babbling, drugged "rites" (which would make even the old conman, the self proclaimed "founder of Satan's church", Anton la Vey himself - real name Howard Levey - roll his eyes) as just another tool with which to intimidate and control the unfortunate women whom he exploited and abused. This was actually quite a common tool used by his likes at the time, and is found in a number of similar solved cases, such as the notorious crimes of Adolfo Constanzo and his Matamoros sect, or Robin Gecht and his "Ripper Crew" gang. In both of those cases, the figure of a psychopathic leader / self-claimed guru took on a group of much weaker, damaged followers, and, by using the guises of occultism, Satanism and esoterica as a means of dominating, influencing and manipulating those followers, he gradually made them fulfill his own desires and commit hideous murders, including primitive rituals and cannibalism. And, in both cases, the followers submitted to his commands, even though the leader himself was privately motivated just by his sexual deviancy and violent psyche, and treated the occult factor as just a tool of influence and manipulation.

However, there *is*, in fact, a seemingly innocent man in all this mess, and it is the fellow whom the director of this 40-minutes-stretched-into-4-hours oeuvre desperately tries to present as "The Real Killer" (TM). The man, after having something of a mental breakdown, made admissions of "religious visions" of one of the murders, which was enough to send him behind bars for it. Nothing in the evidence points towards him; in fact, everything that exists points *away* from him. The other accusation levelled against that man is that he was an abuser. Was he? Maybe - but all there is to support that accusation is the word of a professional, lifetime liar, and the liar's one-time close associate, who supports the liar's words (and who appears in the interviews as someone who comes across rather bizarrely, almost as if drugged or intoxicated). The victim's own closest friend and confidante, a woman of her age, spoke of the man in her own testimonies (both at the time of the murders and in the 2000s), and described him as "a little mouse", who never did anything hurtful or even offensive to the victim; the man and the victim had, in the testimonies of the victim's friend, a shared, accordant and relatively happy relationship (as happy as the life of two social outcasts, one of whom is a street-walker, can be, that is). Instead of the man, the victim's friend directed her own suspicion towards, unsurprisingly, the sentenced pimp and the sentenced street-walker. Of course, the victim's friend is completely omitted by this pseudo-documentary, as her testimonies go completely against the director's "subjective truth", in every aspect and detail.

The only real evidence against the man seem to be local people's recollections that he was the town's oddball when it came to dressing, and that he may have had questionable morals, which may have involved alcohol and/or drugs. Of course, the questionable morals of the sentenced pimp - a genuinely confirmed violent abuser, a known drug user and provider, and a manipulative sadist - do nothing to prevent the director of this mess from wanting to be his own desktop BozoBuddy, and to advertise his "innocence" by the means of selling this product-supposedly-similar-to-a-documentary.
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Trash as told by....
Boabhan26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to hear the conspiracy theories of toothless, blue eyeliner loving, former addicts, prostitutes and their lovable washed up friends this so call documentary nailed it. They threw a few creditble characters for a minute or two here and there. Basically nothing in the first 2 1/2 episodes of 4 on the actual crime. Just a bunch of of conjecture. I littery couldn't bear it any more when they spent more time describing a pedophiles belt buckle choice then they did talking about the victims and their families or the crimes committed against them. One of the people actually said on camera "So she was younger. People act like thats a bad thing. A 20 year age difference, so what? I have Aunt and Uncles that far apart that are still married." She was talking about a trafficked teen girl and a sex predator(her father). Can you say grooming. She made me want to puke. What a disgusting human.

Those who put this farce together barely even mention the names of the victims, with exceptions of one. Police negligence? Yes. At best the police officers actions or their total lack of action would be considered negligence, but more accurate description would be complete and total depraved indifference. Some even set on screen and basicly brag about suppling drugs, alcohol and having sex with young girls. They are trash cops, men and humans. They are the nastiest of nasty and give those who actually serve and protect a bad name. I don't care what the "times" are no human would not understand this was wrong.
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