Baggage Claim (2013) Poster


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Absurd Premise Too Ridiculous To Get Past
larrys322 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Paula Patton is so sweet and beautiful that it's difficult to not like any movie she's in. However, I found the premise in this rom-com fantasy to be so absurd that I couldn't get past it.

Patton portrays Montana Moore, a flight attendant for Trans Alliance Airlines. She's been a bridesmaid 9 times but never a bride, while her domineering and annoying mother Catherine (Jenifer Lewis) has already been married 5 times. She's constantly pressuring Montana to find a man to marry, and now that Montana's younger sister is engaged the pressure is ratcheted up even further.

So what's the game plan, so Montana can "get a man" in thirty days, by the time of her sister's engagement party? Why, of course it's to flag all of her ex-boyfriends who are flying for the holidays and match Montana up with their flights. For this she will get the help of her two friends and fellow flight attendants Gail and Sam, ably portrayed by Jill Scott and Adam Brody. At least, they provide some much need comic relief here.

Of all the "hunks" she will meet on these flights, I liked Taye Diggs the best as Langston, who's a smarmy and egotistical politician, and who still has a caveman mentality. While Montana is trying to meet all these potential suitors, she maintains a strong friendship with William (Derek Luke), whom she's known since elementary school and just happens to live next door to her in their apartment building.

As noted by a number of reviewers you can guess which way this film is going and it doesn't disappoint in that regard. Overall, this movie, written and directed by David E. Talbert, based on his book, despite some funny moments and a feel-good ending was way too contrived and predictable for my liking.
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OK IT WAS PREDICTABLE but i dint want 2 see a serious movie
mikevonbach21 January 2014
this was kinda a feel good film it made me feel good . i saw lots of attractive people no guns no drugs no cops with guns no bad language. Now i love sum gun fights naked strippers fast cars gang bangers with tattoo's.But does anybody want to drag themselves threw the mock at the films all the time? NO! So the review of this movie is rated AS A CHICK FLICK.If you want to have a good time with a nice soft female and maybe get some wine in her and some Chinese OR TY food.This film may get a guy layed.Save this flick for the nite when you want to go sensitive and show em that a real guy can bend without breaking.HAVE FUN AT THE MOVIES...
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Watch it for the eye candy that's Paula Patton.
blanbrn3 October 2013
"Baggage Claim" is one of those typical romantic comedies that's predictable you have the girl meets a guy in an unexpected way and falls in love. And true it has plenty of one liners and funny lines to entertain a viewer and it's filled with sugar and spice love scenes to enjoy. As it was a nice eye candy treat seeing the sexy Paula Patton in scenes of sexy lingerie like colored bras. Anyway the story is typical Paula is Montana a flight attendant who's still single and she feels tough when her younger sister is getting married so she starts a plan it's 30 days to find a husband or bust! And this involves trips on airline flights as she sets up meeting after meeting with her past boyfriends to try and reconnect for love in the air! As Montana is tired of being the oldest that's not married! It takes a surprise love twist at the end anyway it's to predictable still watch it for the sexy eye candy scenes of Paula Patton.
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Pretty bad...though a beautiful cast.
aprilhaynes23 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So many problems with this movie. I wanted to like it--I love so many of the stars in it, and some of them have done such AMAZING work in the past--but, alas, this one fell flat on many, many levels.

Plot/screenplay: Just awful. Just unrealistic and awful. For instance, Jill Scott's character is supposed "best friends" with Paula Patton's. In what world does a best friend NOT know you're dating someone for a few months? (This from a scenario near the start of the movie.) Juicy ridiculousness like this peppered the movie. I don't have time to list it all.

Acting: Unfortunately, this movie was built around Montana (Paula Patton). And she wasn't able to deliver. I like Patton; she's beautiful and has had acceptable performances in a few other movies she's been in. Her voice is amazing (I think she has a solid future in voiceovers). However, in this movie, she always seems forced and unnatural in front of the camera. Like, really bad. Like she's trying to act, but not managing to pull it off. And maybe this was because the screenplay was just. so. awful. that it would've been impossible for ANYONE to act well in it. All the other characters had better lines and were more realistic with solid performances.

Really, the movie wasn't funny, either, and had about five minutes of heartwarming endearments (scene reliving high school).

Don't waste your time. I wish I could say different.
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To predictable, to corny and just too bad.
demetriocoffman10 October 2013
I love a good romantic comedy but Baggage Claim in nowhere even near that type of movie. It seemed more like an corny SNL skit that lasts over an hour. I had the movie already figured out in the first 15 minutes and had to endure the rest of the flick. This plot is just one notch above that goofy Soul Plane from a few years back and a few below Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail. A better script, more realistic characters and a more serious touch the movie might be average. Paula Patton is beautiful as always that you can't deny and Ty Diggs is an accomplished actor but they need to move on into some more serious roles. My advise is don't waste your time on this one. I still can't believe I didn't walk out.
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cinematic_aficionado17 October 2013
A story about baggage, the emotional type that people carry for not conforming to society's norms. The film deals with the concept of marriage, how we all are made for it and the attractive leading lady has somehow not tied the knot though keenly looking for her Mr Right and though she went far, she seemed to miss what is good and near. Whilst in the quest, she discovers her no-no's in men and how once someone is an ex, it is best he stays an ex.

Ultimately, the question has to arise: do people marry because they want to and are committed to it or because they have to?

Whilst it offers a charming and pleasant experience it is not inventive as a story, succumbing to the rom-com principle of Mr & Mrs perfect live happily ever after. Not a bad experience for viewers who go in couples.
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A waste of a movie for such good talent!
kayceeroy14 November 2013
I have no idea whether or not Paula Patton actually read the script before signing up for the role, but this movie certainly does little to nothing but justify her talents. If you've watched her in Deja Vu, then this movie will strike you as the lowest she's ever sunken in her movie roles. The storyline is very weak to say the least. You can literally guess what will happen from one scene to the very last, including the credits. I felt sorry for actors like Trey Songz. If he is serious about acting, this may not have been a good movie to make his first impression in. The movie's attempt at humor was also poor. There was only one joke the audience laughed at in the whole movie. I am not surprised the movie was pulled out from the theaters in my neighborhood after only a few days. It is one that belongs to the DVDs.
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Stake a claim for this one when you can, its a nice, funny romcom
inkblot1118 April 2014
Montana (Paula Patton), a flight attendant, is approaching thirty and has never walked down the aisle, as they say. In contrast, her mother has been married five times and fails to understand why her older daughter can't get a gentleman to pop the question. It IS hard to see why this flygirl hasn't had her share of offers, for she is beautiful and witty. Yet, men have let her down time and time again. In fact, another guy just deceived her on a vacation to Florida. Turns out this man was married and expecting a child, as Montana glimpsed on a clandestine trip to his house after he thought she left town. Horrors! The only honorable male in her life is a William (Derek Luke), who has been a pal since high school. Will lives across the hallway in their Georgetown apartment building, with his fiancé. No matter, he is always there to lean on when Montana needs him, as his fiancé travels frequently. But, on the day Montana's younger, college-aged sister announces her own engagement, things go into high gear. With the help of two fellow attendants, Montana jets off after former boyfriends, hoping to find a match with the best one available! Is this really a good idea? No! Romcom fans, claim this one soon. It has a great-looking and funny cast, lovely sets, gorgeous costumes, a clever script and a lively direction. Patton, especially, is one very beautiful actress. Naturally, a happy ending completes this winner. What are you waiting for?
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A weak story resting heavily on weak humour
jonathan_lh9529 October 2013
By Jonathan L Hermitt

After watching this movie, the only thing that should be "claimed" is a refund.

Director-writer David E Talbert provided a creatively idle rom-com starring Paula Patton (Montana Moore); as a flight attendant who under the pressure of her mother (Jennifer Lawrence) and the wedding engagement of her younger sister (Lauren London) somehow finds herself in a position where she has to locate and bring a fiancé to her sister's rehearsal dinner in thirty days. In doing so, she uses her friends to set up an arguably illegal "spy network" to find out which of her ex- boyfriends are taking which flights- so she can manipulate herself aboard and hopefully start again with these men.

She wears the long, straight rom-com hair of ignorance with the smile of innocence which I like to call a ritual of rom-com. The story was naturally predictable adhering to every single rom-com textbook story model and so heavily resting on weak humour. Alongside the contemporary traditional female friend and gay male friend duo (similar to Devil's Wear Prada) it's one large equation for mediocre...if that.

I'm not particularly familiar with Talbert and this is the first film I've seen of his, regardless, in this film it's strongly indicative that he's chosen quantity over quality.
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Derek Luke is strong, and the film's only real asset
vincentlynch-moonoi26 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There are things I like about this film, and things I don't like. Derek Luke is terrific. He's a wonderful actor who should be getting more recognition. On the other hand, Paula Patton...well, I'm not so sure. There were scenes where I thought she was quite good, and other scenes where her acting simply seemed sloppy. Her biggest problem -- a sometimes annoying voice. I was not impressed with Ms. Patton.

The supporting cast here, though not "strong", was decent. I like Jenifer Lewis, who plays the mother here. I usually like Taye Diggs, but frankly, I felt this role was beneath him. It was interesting to see Trey Songz as a potential suitor here, but I was not particularly impressed. Also interesting to see Djimon Hounsou in a romantic role, although I feel he is better in serious roles. Adam Brody has a decent role here...nothing too deep, but pleasant.

The story...well, kinda pleasant, but maybe silly. A stewardess feels she needs to get married, and uses her ability to fly to look for husbands. While all the time the man who is meant for her, she is overlooking. Well, you know the ending.

To be honest, there's really only one reason to watch this film -- if you're a fan of Derek Luke.
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Sloppy and anodyne
Prismark1015 October 2018
Flight attendant Montana (Paula Patton) is about to turn 30 and just broken up with her boyfriend as he was cheating on her. Her sister is engaged to get married soon and her 5 times married mother is pressuring her to get married.

Egged on by her friends, Montana has 30 days to get proposed by one of her ex boyfriends. Her coworkers conspire with other airline workers and airport staff to fly on planes where her ex-boyfriends happen to be there. This include a rising conservative politician, a hip hop artist and a businessman. However right under Montana's nose is her best friend Bill.

This is the kind of dumb film that gives romantic comedies a bad name. It is not funny nor romantic and hopelessly predictable.

Do you really want to allow your mother pestering you to get married, someone who failed with her own husbands? Why do you want to reconnect with your ex's? There were probably a good reason why you broke up with them in the first place. In fact why does Montana want to get married? She could just live with someone and see what develops. The film has an awful misogynic undertone.
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Girl Remeets Boys
superwomanproductions14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although predictable for me, because this so resembles aspects of my personal dating life, it was fun to watch a romantic comedy with an ensemble cast. I know personally I could relate a great deal to the storyline and I'm sure many other women, and some men, can as well. Many of us have had similar experiences in life; always seeking to make others proud of us based on their criteria of how we should live, not being fulfilled in our lives because we feel we need a spouse to be happy, overlooking the person who has been there for us through thick and thin, sending ourselves on searches for the "right" one for us because we believe they must exist, even going backwards to try again with those who didn't deserve us the first time. It happens. All of it. And it all happens in Baggage Claim. In the end, being able to make a decision for your own life and waking up to the love in front of you is the moral of the story. Whether you like the movie or not, or like Paula Patton or not, sometimes movies are made to make us think, not just for us to criticize. David E. Talbert was making several points in Baggage Claim, all of which someone, somewhere can benefit from and leave the theater with a smile, knowing they are not alone in their dating dilemmas.
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Baggage Claim teeter totters between your usual romantic comedy and trying to stand out a bit. The end product though has it be the usual rom-com, but with a black cast.
Amari-Sali13 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, films like these I solely go see because they have a black majority casts, and they don't require trekking to a little theater in NYC which is hard to get to. But, while I like most of the people in the casts, no one in the film really has that name which on its own makes this a go to. The film features a lot of B-list celebrities known for their supporting roles in other features, be it Paula Patton's Mission Impossible role, or everyone else's role in some black film or TV shows you saw a while ago. Still, surprisingly they make for a good mix and bring in quite a few laughs.

To begin, we have Paula Patton's character Montana, who really is this sort of generic Reese Witherspoon type lead, with a tan. We follow her as she goes from man to man doing what her mom, Catherine (Jenifer Lewis), has done since her first husband died, minus marrying them. You see, like Catherine, Montana is searching for any semblance of love she can find and while she isn't as bad off as Barbara in Don Jon when it comes to her perception of romance, she does seem to be very much invested in the idea of the white picket fence dream where she has a husband, two kids and etc. Thing is, she is a flight attendant and doesn't have the best taste in men.

Most of the movie in fact deals with her remembering why she broke up with a lot of guys she has met. All of this is done through stalking the men, something usually guys do in films like this, and as you watch her remember why she isn't still with some of those guys, this leads to the comedic side of this romantic comedy. We begin with Graham (Boris Kodjoe) who has Montana as a mistress; Damon Diesel (Trey Songz) who maybe renowned, but relies on being Tia Mowry's mistress to get by; Taye Diggs' Langston is a Black Republican, which naturally means he is made to look bad; then you have Djimon Hounsou who plays a man named Quinton whose only issue is that he doesn't want to get married.

Now, there is one man I didn't mention and it is because I sort of liked and hated the relationship. Mr. William Wright (played by Derek Luke) I liked for his and Montana's relationship had 25+ years on it. They knew each other since elementary school and grew up together; went to prom together, though he with another date who left because she was jealous of Montana; and now they live across the hall from one another and have a bond which for most of the movie borders between brother and sister or potential lovers. Their relationship aside though, I must also praise Jill Scott. Those who know of Jill Scott know that she comes off very earthy and sweet, but her music is sometimes as naughty as you can get without getting a parental advisory label. In this film though, though she still maintains that sweetness most fans of her know, but she lets her sexy side out and is flirtatious, comical and for most of the movie seems to be one of the few with any type of sense despite how silly, and perhaps ghetto, she may seem. Let me also say, damn near the whole casts deliver at least one funny moment per character and, in Scott's case, sometimes per scene.

Which leads to me talking about the issues with this film. Personally, while Patton is cute, I just don't find her appealing as a lead since she doesn't make you feel attached, or perhaps it is better to say sympathetic, to Montana. The reason for this is, Montana seems to be in that weird mindset where she needs to have her life set by 30 and acts like without being married, or having the potential to get married, she isn't loved. We see this with how she handles Quinton who she has a conversation with all through the evening to the next morning, has everything she wants, but she can't deal with him not wanting to be married. Also, I am the type of person who likes seeing male and female friendships which can be platonic and though you from the start see William and Montana are end-game, you also wish that perhaps they could just be good friends and that is it. Most of all though, I have to say that while as a romantic comedy it was a decent movie, I just wish stalking would stop being a staple of these movies for that is how she finds all the men mentioned, outside of William. She has her co-workers find their flights and then rushes to get on them to "accidently," tee hee, pop up and reacquaint herself with the various men.

Overall: Either see it at Matinée prices or rent it

There is really no need to rush to see this movie. This is nowhere near the level of the Black romantic movies of the 90s/early 00s, and it isn't funny enough to make that a selling point either. And while I do like some of the points made dealing with how Montana is as much looking for love as stability, and how her mom, through 5 marriages, has always been trying to relive her first love, as a whole I don't think I would call this the type of movie I would want to pay all that much to see. It, in essence, is average and doesn't try new things or even explore the topic of African-Americans in relationships. It basically uses the standard formula of looking for love in all the wrong places, when the guy you need is right in front of you, but this time around there is a Black majority casts.
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Hackneyed, badly acted tosh
timlittle3 June 2019
This is a shocker. How anyone can relate to this (assuming there are people so desperate to get married before they reach a certain age) is a true mystery. The storyline is ludicrous, the dialogue preposterous and the acting (with a couple of exceptions) dreadful. Patton's performance, which consists of over exaggerated facial expressions and throwing her arms about, becomes so irritating that the reason she can't get a man to hang around becomes abundantly clear. I watched some of it on a quiet TV night. I didn't get to the end - because I didn't all.
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juaelz29 September 2013
I don't know what movie the critics were watching, but the ratings were totally unfair. The audience and I found the movie to be very funny. David Talbert produced a funny, relevant movie. See it with your female friends because they will find things in it are so true. Nothing can be more funny than the truth. So don't take the critics word for this movie see it yourself.

Paula Patton, Adam Brody and Jill Scott were so funny. I expected Adam to be funny because of his work on 'The O.C.", but Paula and Jill were pleasant surprises. Jennifer Lewis delivered another excellent performance and Taye Diggs understated performance was dead-on for his character.
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The Movie With The Worst Ideas On Relationships Of All Time!
isantistao24 August 2020
This movie is not only horrible, but it promotes horribly unhealthy ideas about relationships. It is about a woman who has a toxic relationship with her mother, who has an unhealthy relationship pattern, and makes her think she needs to jump into any marriage she can possibly get into asap. It is absolutely disgusting. There is literally nothing good about this movie. It has no redeeming characteristics what so ever. It is not entertaining or enjoyable. It is absolutely cringeworthy. And whats more is that it is the type of movie that is socially damaging by promoting these types of bad ideas about relationships. Shame on these film makers.
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No one will claim this lost baggage of a movie
cekadah8 October 2013
This movie is so chock full of 'so been done' romance cliché's and boorish plot predictability the challenge to watch it to the end becomes the only reason to watch it.

Every character can be found in a multitude of "i want a husband" chick flicks. The bossy mother, the overly ambitious younger sister, the goofy but charming best friends, the good looking but totally lacking in personality ex-boyfriends, and the embarrassing situations the lead character finds herself in, and then the long time old friend.

I will admit there are a few (too few) funny moments to discover. But having to peel the indigestible layers away to find these moments is just plain tedious. Sadly I am compelled to just give 1 star.

The ads state it's a comedy - and thats the only funny part of this movie.
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It's the 21st century. No one needs a man or a woman to define them.
ja-191-28046517 July 2016
Playwright David Talbert directs this so called romantic comedy starring Paula Patton as Montana Moore, a lovelorn woman and flight attendant desperate to find true love. After finding out that her little sister is getting married, Montana becomes obsessed with finding a man. So obsessed that with the help of her friends and fellow flight attendants, she tracks down all of her ex boyfriends to see if true love blossoms. Frantically flying from one city to another eventually leads her to her best friend William (Derek Luke)as they realize they're feelings for each other in the end.

Aside from the all star cast, there are so many things wrong with this film. For one, the plot is so unrelatable and cliché. There's a scene in the beginning where Montana runs through the airport saying "According to my mother, you're not a lady unless you're married on or before your 30th birthday. You're not a woman until you've had at least two kids". If I watch one more romantic comedy that consist of mindless, pathetic dialogue like this, I'll scream ! Why would a beautiful woman, a good woman who could clearly have any man she wants spend so much time chasing down ex flames who a) weren't right for her and b) clearly show the same reasons as to why she broke up with them or vice versa in the first place.

The directing is poor. David Talbert, writer and director of several wonderful stage plays resorts to using corny clichés and weak dialogue to carry the film along and it just doesn't work. It's the same old plot of the lonely girl/guy putting themselves in stupid and unnecessary situations to seek love and romance. Oh and of course there's the case of the pretentious and even more desperate, proud, loving mom who due to her own snooty, high standards, pressures her daughters into believing that a man is necessary to have to prove that you're a woman, a role that Jenifer Lewis, as talented as she is, continues to play very well.

The acting is mediocre. Paula Patton, Jill Scott, Derek Luke and Adam Body are all good actors. Yet, its unfortunate that the acting wasn't up to par. In addition, the wacky performance by several co stars such as Trey Songz and Tia Mowry do not do the film any justice.

The film would've been better with an original plot and better dialogue and acting.
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Give it a chance
anajo-2304925 February 2020
I stumbled upon this movie one rainy evening on TV. There was not much to do so I gave it a chance- had zero expectations. Yes, at some moments it is cheesy but somehow it keeps you intrested. Its cute. The acting is actually pretty good so I'd say if you don't expect too much give it a chance
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zerprosa4 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What I've learned from the movie:
  • I have to be married to be completed
  • Men and Women can not be friends
  • No matter how horrible my Family is, I should always be nice to them
  • I can't speak out
  • I should never gain some weight
  • I am a disappointment to my family if I don't marry a men

For real: it's sadly one of the worst films I've ever seen. I wish could give this a better rating, cause I freaking loved the cast.
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"Baggage Claim" can claim the baggage of many other rom-coms, but the journey is still enjoyable.
dave-mcclain3 November 2015
The romantic comedy "Baggage Claim" (PG-13, 1:36) is the entertaining story of a single 30-something woman looking for Mr. Right and dealing with serious pressure from her family to find him – right now.

Montana Moore (Paula Patton) is a flight attendant who wants to settle down, but her search for a husband has been impeded by the demands of her job, her high standards, and the occasional two-timing boyfriend. When Montana's younger sister announces her engagement, Mo feels the pressure, especially from her mother (Jenifer Lewis). Mo's well-meaning co-workers and friends (Jill Scott and Adam Brody) hatch a plan to use their airport contacts to let Montana know when one of her old boyfriends is flying somewhere (since "everyone flies during the holidays") and get Mo on the flight for a not-so-chance encounter. After all, one of her exes may have blossomed into the man she's looking for.

Mo has 30-days to find a great date -slash- potential mate to take to her sister's rehearsal dinner - to satisfy her own goals, and to get her mother off her back. Mo's 30,000 mile odyssey leads her to encounters with former suitors played by, among others, Taye Diggs, Boris Kodjoe, Trey Songz and past Oscar nominee Djimon Hounsou. All the while, Mo's childhood friend (Derek Luke), who lives in the apartment across the hall, is there to encourage Mo and just be a friend when she needs one.

The story's path may be predictable, but the journey is still pretty enjoyable. The major characters are charming and funny - especially Mo (although Patton does have a tendency to overact at times). There are a number of laugh-out-loud moments and the movie has some important things to say about family, friends, life and love. What's "B" stand for? "Baggage Claim", that's what.
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Cheesy story but shows girls mentality and their life style very well
babak-nourani17 December 2015
It is an OK movie. But it shows very well how women are desperately looking for a husband and getting married and constantly worried about their age and their expiry date.

It shows very well how girls treat the nice "just friends" guys and expect them to get services while having sex with all the guys in the town.

It can be a very good example to those "nice guys" who put women on pedestal and have no idea of how desperate they're and how girls plan to find a husband and how they use stupid guys like the staff at the airport and the housemate guy to get to the rich guys.

It was a great example of what guys should NOT do when dealing with women.

The movie reminded me the advices from Professor Tom Leykis a lot. If the guys follow the rules of professor they will get good results.
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Movie Rating
alycia-woods21 October 2013
This was a really good movie. Go see the movie and don't let any negative opinions color your decision for the movie. The love story was beautiful and it just kept you laughing throughout the movie. From beginning to end it was funny. It was a real love story compared to a lot of other so called black love stories. There was no "aww he hits me and I still love him", or "baby mama or daddy drama". It was almost like a fairy tale. The movie had magic to it. This is something that I would love to see from more of our African American movies. I honestly don't know why the rating is so low. Well I have an idea, one that I'd rather not go into, but the movie was excellent. Please go to see it. Well done Mr.Talbert.
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Decent Acting
Bluesradio6220 December 2019
Definitely a sappy movie about a frustrated lady. .always the bridesmaid but never the bride, and her search for her perfect mate among her exes ..among them is a entertainer with a certified crazy business partner/girlfriend and a politician who needs eye candy for his candidacy, and the global world traveler who wants a travel buddy. Definitely highlights some of the perils of modern relationship and totes a true truism which is you have to love yourself before you love someone else .. Fortunately Mr. Wright is out the way she had some great friends that help her reconnect with old beaus. .Good acting and likeable characters.
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blah blah blah
Cocadoll6 October 2013
The only reason I gave this movie 4 stars was because of all the beautiful black people in it (plus the really cute gay guy). The acting was up to par. But there was no originality, no spark, no genius. You can guess everything that's about to happen even the big twist at the end, called it! And you've seen every funny part in that movie already on one of the many trailers. All in all if you want to support a black cast then see it they all did their jobs well & it was nice seeing Christina Milian. But if you want to see something new, funny, & say "aahhhh" or even get the same feeling you got when seeing "Serendipity" or "Love & Basketball" then pass this one up.
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