5 Centimeters per Second (2007) Poster

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Essentially an illustrated novella
cherold8 February 2014
For me, the difference between cinema and literature is that while the latter is fundamentally about words, the former should tell its story at least as much through visuals and movement as through dialogue. 5 Centimeters Per Second, however, tells its story almost completely through words. You could simply read the script and get the entire story.

For example, the first of the movie's three episodes begins, after a snippet of dialogue, with a series of read letters while you watch their receiver go about his day. The bulk of the episode is a train ride in which his anxiety over train delays is expressed mainly by hearing his thoughts about how anxious he is. Shut your eyes, and you wouldn't miss a bit of story.

You would, admittedly, miss some really stunning animation. This movie is absolutely gorgeous, with stunning backdrops that will take your breath away.

The story itself is moderately interesting, a slice of life contemplation of time and desire and feelings of loss.

But it's very slow. And while the movie has some emotional impact, most of it is contained in a final music video-style piece whose combination of lyrics and images would be almost as effective without the hour of story preceding them.

Most of the people writing reviews here find this movie deeply moving, and I do understand why. The situations are sad, the images are pretty, and a sense of melancholy hangs over the whole thing. But for me, it was too slow, too wordy, and lacked the things that, for me, make film so powerful.
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5 Times Overdramatized
nachtturne5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
5 Centimeters Per Second contains three short stories, connected by the main character and his childhood love-interest, essentially following their grow up. As many others already marked, the animation is simply gorgeous, and I can't add any more to this - Makoto Shinkai is indubitably one of the greatest animation geniuses of all time.

While the visuals are superb, the plot is mediocre at best. I'm an otherwise emotionally sturdy, level-headed guy, but I'm also an absolute sucker for romantic tragedys. This stuff - even the cheesier ones - can make my eyes wet like putting my head in a bucket full of red onion. With 5CPS however, my eyes remained dry and my heart remained... err... unbroken?

Each sequence is overshadowed by the immense despair of Takaki, longing for his never-fulfilled love to Akari. In the first episode, Cherryblossoms, it works well: my suspense built with Takakis during the train scene, and I felt soooo relieved when Akari was still at the station. It was sweet. During the sad goodbye, I was sure they were going to meet again, and that we're going towards a happy end. The second sequence then broke this expectation of mine. Instead of searching ways to stay in contact, Takaki goes full hopeless, writing emo messages to himself, while completely ignoring Sumida, a girl who fell in love with him. I GET THE VERY BLATANT MESSAGE, MR. SHINKAI! But come on: Takaki were in his 17-18's at the time. When did Takaki and Akari stopped sending mails to eachother? Why didn't they change numbers? And if Takaki was so goddamn in love, couldn't he visit Akari... like in the summer? If their love was truly impossible to be fulfilled, then this desperation of Takaki were justified. But I feel like it wasnt, and otherwise real and deep emotions regarding love felt like teenage angst and self-pitying. This organically carried on to the third sequence. Thats where realism finally kicked in: while Takaki was still deep in depression, Akari lived her life on, getting engaged and stuff. And when they met again at the intersection, I was so glad Takaki didn't run after Akari, but let her go - the only sensible thing he had done since sequence one.

Overall it's a good one-hour movie, and a must-see for the visuals. The plot however is very lacking in some aspects, making very hard to live up to the emotions 5CPS intended to induce.
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It moved me beyond words
dbborroughs26 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Three interconnected stories about love and loss and how some hearts change and some don't. Part one a boy goes to meet a girl who lies at the end of a long train ride. Part Two a girl in the boys new high school tries to attract his attention. Part Three years later. The tales are bitter sweet lovely and delicate. They are not perfect, but since they are almost tone poems of emotion its okay.

I missed this at the NY Children's film festival and had to wait for the DVD release...Oh man I thought it was tough for parents to explain the Girl who Leapt through Time-What would parents and young kids have made of this? I know the kids would have trouble processing it since their experience wouldn't allow for it and the parents would probably be broken hearted...mommy why are you crying? How do you explain this sort of emotion to a child?

As for me, I have no idea what to say... Similar and yet different to the directors Voices From a Distant Star, this is a film about distance and communication (or lack there of) and how the heart approaches what it yearns...

I am moved to somewhere beyond words. Echoes of my own life aside there is something about the emotion that moves you-why am I crying? I don't know. The wall against such things has been punctured and while the tears were never a torrent there was a few moments where they definitely flowed.

Its not perfect-frankly I don't know what it is, but it moved me...

Take my advice, and that of the song at the end-tell the person you love that you love them.


PS In theory the three parts of the movie can be seen separately...but in reality I doubt that they would work as well in parts- certainly the third one won't since all of the emotion come from the first two parts.
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Most beautiful movie ever
bencuska22 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
What you will definitely notice first is the animation. The drawings are beyond compare I have never seen such beautiful artwork in anime ever. This is 11 of 10 stars, not one less.

So, the plot. I don't think there is anything more beautiful in the world as pure, young love, everyone who was in love as a child can emphasize with that. No hesitation, no questions, just two souls melting in harmony. I fear as we grow older, most of us loose their capability of feeling that way, there is just to much stress and influence on us, what a pity. So... to the point; never has a movie (not just anime) projected this feeling of a young soul desperately in love more precise and moving than this one. I am a 26 year old man and I don't know when I cried the last time, but at a certain point in the movie I found myself dropping a big tear.

But beware: the movie is about chapter one. The second, still beautiful and honest, with a great metaphor and the very nice idea of changing the lead character, giving another angle on the subject, can just not compel with the first. And as many others, I did not like the last chapter either, but it is need to be said, that this plot does not harmonize with a good old fashioned Hollywood happy end, as most of the viewers would expect, or rather demand, I could say. This is a Japanese movie and Japanese movies take another angle on life itself. Just take it as it comes. This is definitely art.

If you are a romantic one, and open to art movies, this will become a piece of your soul. Honest thanks to the makers.
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I registered just to review this movie.
This movie blew me away - it was amazing. I can't tell you anything more other than it revolves around love, life and time.

This film is stunning you simply must watch it! Don't be put off if you're not interested by the end of the first episode because by the end of the third episode everything comes together in one amazingly beautiful package.

If ever a film deserved 10/10 this was it. If you have ever felt love you will adore this movie because it captures that feeling flawlessly.

This is the type of movie that was made by dreamers, for dreamers. By romantics for romantics.

This movie is pure art. Miss it and you're denying yourself something special.
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A Beautiful Experience
valentin-frank8 January 2011
This, for me, is quite probably one of the most touching animes that I have ever seen and one of the more heartfelt pieces of cinema that I have ever experienced. Basically, 5cm Per Second is a short movies split up into 3 episodes, the first one being 30 min, the second one 20 min, and the last one 15 min. Each of these three episodes portrays a pair of people and their relationship during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The story that it has is very simple and could be summarized in a few sentences but that is not the point of this series. The real point is the volumes of material that could be written about the emotion, feeling, and beauty that can found in this masterpiece. As you watch this, you will be able to distinctly feel for these characters and you will be able to connect with them as if you actually knew them because of how human and relatable they feel. You will be able to feel exactly the same as they do because in your childhood you will have felt precisely the same at some point and this connection comes through wonderfully. Only adding to this sense of wonder is what might by some of the better pacing in a series to date. Simply the way the characters progress and the way that it seemingly ends as soon as it starts will haunt you for hours or days afterwards. What strongly supports this anime is the excellent animation which stunning and the music, which while not jaw-droppingly amazing, still does not leave anything to be desired.

In short, do yourself a favor, take an hour out of your day to watch this beautiful work of art.
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Very pretty....but did I miss something?
xristoff932 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The art behind this movie is amazing.The design,the colours,the backrounds,the little details all top notch!But where was the plot?

We see two kids getting really close as friends,falling in love with each other and then facing the difficulties life puts in their way.At least,that's what you would expect after that slow first part.To see what happens next in that love story.Will it be tragic or things change in a surprising heartwarming reunion?But nothing....

After the struggle of meeting after a year of separation,Takaki moves away.You expect to see them thinking about each other,maybe experiencing temptations of falling for someone else,who's physically closer to them,but no....We don't see Akari anywhere.It's like this is not about her anymore.We see a very sweet young girl who falls for Takaki,but is very shy to confess her feelings,so he lets him leave the island without giving "their thing" a chance.He is obviously caught up with something,we see him texting so you think that Akari is on the other side of that cellphone and that,at the end of the school year,they would as planned meet...maybe?....But no...again!!He texts to nobody.He sits all alone,no friends,no girls,writing texts about dreams with a faceless girl,sending them nowhere and wastes all his time on this island.And we get to experience this in a very slow way.

In the end I wonder,what is this movie about?We do not end up with two lovers.We do not see their difficulties,they just move apart.We do not see what happens in their lives.And the few hopes I reserved for part 3,crumbled to dust in the end.Again we only see glimpses of Takaki in various different places and clothes and backrounds,on a balcony,in a station,on board a train,walking on a pavement etc.,and some even smaller parts with Akari.She suddenly wears glasses.Did she try to contact Takaki?Cannot be sure,we see her using her cellphone,speaking of the letter she wanted to give him back when they were younger but not sure.We are always moving back and forth,past-now,dreams-reality,thoughts-feelings in an abrupt way so it was kinda hard to keep track of what had actually happened...Did they ever meet again?No....

So despite their supposed great feelings,no effort was made,from either side,to meet again in contrast to what you have might expected.So they just let go of each other.Akari apparently got engaged,we see her wearing a ring and all,and Takaki ended up a loser.Dirty house,depressed,all alone,no job and all that for a girl he did not even try to find at any point during his entire life.Certainly life is what happens while you are too busy making plans,but still,after a certain age,using the given technology and keeping in touch,they could move closer to each other,they could try for the same(or close- by)high schools or universities or at least try some kind of contact,anything at all would be accepted by me.But none of that....

So did I miss something here?Was there a greater deep latent message behind all these slow mini-stories with the many and various backrounds,weather conditions and deep silences?I think not....I believe this movie tried to portray what happens when life gets in the way,when you are just not that lucky and the circumstances become almost impossible for your desires to become actual things and parts in your life.But it leaves too much stuff on the viewer.You have to assume they split apart and lose all contact,you have to assume all other things in between,you'll have to have similar experiences in your private life or seen or heard about similar stories in order to get it.Is it sad?Yes,of course it is sad...Because I assumed most of the story in a very sad way.Was there any romance?It's supposed to be a romance/drama story but for the most part we just see beautiful landscapes and people moving through time in silence.Silence can be quite deafening some times,but when a story consists mostly of silence,can be rather tiring to me.It gets a 6/10 from me.Because of it's beauty I am lenient.Besides that,I really like the second part.It displays perfectly how fears,shyness and lack of "perfect" moments can scar you for life,if you don't have the guts to "grab life by it's horns" as they say.A younger part of me could relate to the surf girl.I can say that it actually hurt me a bit.Other than that,I found myself expecting something that was never delivered.Too bad...cause there was a great potential.And before you hastily try to object,think about this...What do we know about the protagonists?What Takaki and Akira like?What are their dreams and desires for the future?What do they want to achieve?What defines them as unique personalities?What do they do or eat or drink or think before they sleep?Do we know any of these absolutely necessary things in order to have an image of a person in your mind that clearly separates them from everyone else?......The answer is again "No".....And that is certainly a really sad thing about this movie.

I am not sorry for my not popular opinion.To you,reviewer who said"I'm sorry for my unpopular opinion",don't be...
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Just a perfect piece of work
Julia_BH17 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, let me start by saying that this movie has touched me more than anything I've ever watched before.

The storyline isn't too complex but very realistic and that is what makes it so easy to feel connected to the characters. Many movies have those 'lucky circumstances', those unbelievably strange situations that are always nice to watch, because they are usually our fantasy-moments. However, deep inside we all know that those situations could never occur in real life, that in reality everything would have been so much more simple and probably sad. Sometimes we even find ourselves wanting to see the 'real-life versions' of the plots..

Well, in this movie there are no 'lucky circumstances', no happy-strange moments. This movie is all about real life.. Yes, it may be sad. Yes, there might be no happy ending like in those Disney fairy tales. But there will be something much better - a real life love story that will blow you away..

Recommended for all age groups.
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Beautiful colours and a trivial story
dedyta00124 March 2013
The plot itself is average and trivial. The story revolves around unfulfilled first love and a couple separated by time and distance. It seems to be a bit overdone in terms of its importance and the two main characters seem to make their life and relationship a lot more difficult than it really is. The whole story resembles those from the poems written in the age of Romanticism. However, it is not very appealing and genuine if we look at the mobile phones owned by the two main characters - they never use them properly to contact each other. Despite the plot which isn't any spectacular, the animation is very good. Maybe the characters are not anime masterpieces but the nature & surroundings are presented in a great detail and they have truly amazing colours - I haven't seen such a brilliant background in any anime I have ever seen.
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Great movie, greater emotions.
AndTheRoo2 September 2007
"The movie is named 5 Centimeters Per Second for the speed at which cherry blossom petals fall, petals being a metaphorical representation of humans, reminiscent of the slowness of life and how people often start together but slowly drift into their separate ways."

Beautiful. Absolutely an instant masterpiece by Makoto Shinkai. I enjoyed Voices of A Distant Star and The Place Promised in Our Early Days, But I never thought that he could pull off another great film.

Plot-wise, it has similarities with his previous works(Voices of A Distant Star), but it manages to create a different atmosphere here. Watching all 3 short stories consecutively, I'll have to say the final chapter was the best among 3. The pinnacle, however, is the first one. Second chapter is a little slow-paced, but it matches the movie theme nicely.

Can't have much complain towards the music. As usual, Tenmon proves he's got the talent with emotional piano pieces. The theme song is nice as well.

Animation & visual effects is stunning. Makoto Shinkai definitely gets a solid certificate to be one of the best visual directors out there at the moment.

Overall, a 9/10 for me. It's almost flawless, but nothing can be perfect, right? ;)
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Eyeful of tears and awesome artwork
nathanschubach28 February 2012
After some research into the world of Anime for films like Akira that focus on excellent, original artwork as well as storytelling, I came across this title. I found it online and was amazed. It was simplistic, pretty short, and including a handful of things I really like to see in animation movies altogether. The story was touching, and I wasn't receptive to the symbolism at first, but after reading some of the reviews, it makes total sense how the speed of a cherry-blossom's fall relates to drifting apart from one's origins and first loves.

I would have saved the chapter's endings and intros for the end, though. It works likes speed bumps, to me, and kept making me think I had time to divert my attention. Another gripe is that everyone draws these characters in the exact same way, no matter that the artwork was outstanding, from the effects to the space shuttle to the small details given to how a classroom actually looks. These gripes are not enough to tear down a piece like this by any means, though, and I would give it a solid 7 stars, mainly because I haven't watched enough Anime movies to relate them against others, but in the animation-movie category, it's definitely higher than average.
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If you can find it, it's well worth a watch.
huluvu38-116 May 2009
"5 cm per second. The speed at which cherry blossom petals fall." It looks like Makoto Shinkai has directed another little minimalist masterpiece. Bearing a distant resemblance to underground coming-of-age classics such as My Life as a Dog, 5 cm interweaves three short stories seen from the viewpoints of different characters. Each story revolves around a specific time period in the protagonist's life: his last days at primary school, graduating from high school, his early life as an adult.

Through the prism of an early sakura-blossom romance, the film primarily explores the themes of distance and loneliness, though it does so in a gentle way that is akin to recollecting your most beautiful sunrise memory rather than resorting to being dark and gloomy.

The music blends in very well with the movie, enhancing the emotional experiences conveyed, while passing almost unnoticed - as should happen in the best soundtracks. The animation is top notch and the quality of the drawings is just mesmerizing. You may often get the urge to pause the movie just to explore the richness of the tapestry.

If you can find it, it's well worth a watch.

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An interesting and heartfelt three-episodic sketch on love, distance, and loneliness.
akash_sebastian16 November 2014
'5 Centimeters Per Second' is an interesting and heartfelt three-episodic sketch on love (both two-sided and one-sided), distance, and loneliness. The thing which delighted and fascinated the me the most is the precision to detail in the crisp and clear animation; most of the scenes are spectacularly mesmerizing, and leaves you in awe of the beauty.

The first segment (episode) can been seen and enjoyed on its own as well. All three together form a different picture. The best thing about the movie is that it doesn't have any coincidences or lucky circumstances; it shows the way life actually is - lonely, brutal, and painful.
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It's pretty! And... that's it
ironmadi31522 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a pretty movie! The backgrounds were gorgeous and the animation was beautiful, I applaud the artists who worked on this film. However, in the plot department, 5 Centimeters per Second is sorely lacking.

Chapter one was good, I did enjoy the first part. Childhood friends who fell in love, but their parent's jobs keep them apart. It was adorable, and set up for a beautiful tragic love story. After seeing it, I expected the rest of the movie to be just that, a beautiful tragic love story.

But then came part two. Where did Akari go? They just stopped talking? I don't know, I think if they were really as in love as we're meant to believe they are, they wouldn't lose touch. But I didn't lose hope yet, this movie could still be good. Everyone encounters problems in their relationship, perhaps this was all leading up to a big dramatic reunion at the end.

And once again I was disappointed in part three. Takaki is still thinking about Akari even after all these years, so maybe he'll look for her or write her or something. But nope, he makes no effort to get in touch with her. Okay, so maybe it'd be awkward. It probably would be, they hadn't talked in who knows how long. But then they pass each other in the street, recognize each other, stop, and look like they're about to finally speak to one another again. Then, a train passes between them and they just walk away. WHAT? Most disappointing ending of all time.Maybe Shinkai was trying to say there are no happy endings, but damn.

In fact, I found the movie as a whole to be quite disappointing. It was a lot shorter than it should have been. It spent too much time dwelling on less important things, leaving not nearly enough time for things like character development and plot development. Maybe I'm being harsh, but I found that we never got to know Akari, we never even really got to know Takaki. The person we got to know most was Kanae, And she's only really relevant in the second part. We hardly got to see Takaki and Akari's relationship, so it was difficult to feel Takaki's pain and longing over Akari.

Overall, I found this movie rushed through things that deserved more time and don't really understand what it was trying to accomplish. Was it a romance? Clearly, but where it the romance? Where is the struggle to keep their flame alive? If Takaki loved Akari, why didn't he go after her at the end? They were best friends, he should at least have said something. I'm sorry, but I don't understand why people enjoyed this movie so much. I think is was a poorly paced plot with little development and beautiful visuals in attempt to "razzle-dazzle" the audience.

I apologize for my unpopular opinion.
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really really good, however, its just toooo sad
orozcosamuel123 May 2008
This movie is basically three separate chapters, each of them showing different degrees of separation between two people.

throughout the movie you'll see one of the best animation scenes in history. Its superb!!, images are incredibly neat and well done. In this department I would give the movie an 11 out of ten.

first chapter is absolutely flawless, its amazing, one of the best pieces of animation I've ever seen, maybe even the best. You are captivated by the characters amazingly fast, its fantastic. another 11 out of ten.

Second chapter is also very good but.. the first chapter is so perfect that you don't think much of the second one.

last chapter is good. actually it is PERFECT, it allows the movie to make its point. in other words, it ends the way it has to. I did not give this chapter a 10 ONLY because it made me really sad ( I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying this). I thought it was going to end in a completely different way.

Anyway, I recommend this movie a lot, just the animation and the first chapter makes it worth it. If you like the ending you could probably rank it as a 9.5 or ten.
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Features in Deep film
mr-dxxxx1 March 2008
Having viewed the previous two films of Makoto Shinkai,I am enchanted by these animations.It is a beautiful and a little sorrow story in the film,but you will find the story is depicted in a totally different way after finishing reading the novel of it.Especially the 3rd chapter:5 cm per second.

In the film,there are a myriad of description about Takaki,while few about Akari.Admittedlly,the plot is evolved in the eye of him.However,there are almost equal depiction about Takaki and Akari in the novel.I like the feature of Takaki,he is a industrious kid thought physical trouble(his health condition is not very good in youth)and changing of the environment(he always moves) give some disadvantage in his young days.Later he entered a Univ in Tokyo,and in his campus life he also had some beautiful affections with his workmate in some social work.So he undergo certain pain emotionally,but this makes him a more strong man.He is also a boy of achievement:in the novel,he work as a programmer in a big company,and he has considerable income.Although succeed in career,Takaki's emotional life is not supposed to be very perfect.He still care about Akari even after having worked for a few years,or even in relationship with his girlfriend.The reason why he is so confused in the film is that somebody is haunting around him.

But after the train passed by,the girl(she is supposed to be Akari) in the other side of the railway disappeared.Our actor know that she had pursued her happiness.Okay,let's him start a new life!
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Very beautiful anime, lacks a clear conclusion, but great as it is.
siderite22 July 2011
From the same guy that did Voices of a Distant Star (and with a slightly similar subject), 5 Centimeters per Second has beautiful animation and a melancholic feeling throughout. It speaks of the hopes of youth and the alienation inside one's soul as time passes. I liked all three chapters, although the last was really short and it ended with a sudden and badly chosen ending song.

As a fan of anime films, I highly recommend it, but it is not for everyone. There is no action, no sci fi, no definitive ending; just the thoughts of young people as the go through life. The feeling in the movie is strong and I've rarely seen something so introverted as this. But that is a good thing for me. Give it a try, it lasts only one hour.
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Love isn't always so pretty
KingProjector9319 January 2015
An hour long animated anthology, '5 Seconds'follows the lives of two youths as they grow up and grow apart over the course of three vignettes set at different points in their lives.

While the last few minutes devolve into a music video, '5 Centimeters' is a sweet yet truthful look at the nature of young love in modern society. Sometimes,much as we may not want to admit it, storybook romances don't always end 'Happily Ever After', and in a medium usually associated with such values, this is refreshing. Furthermore, despite the short runtime, the film is very slow burn and you get to spend a good deal of time with our characters and really get to know them, so you end feeling for them as they go through their trials. Of course, having a touching score, as well as colourful animation that compensates for its occasional technical limitation, and some pretty solid voice talent, certainly help out too.

However, this may not be a film for everyone: on top of the slow pace that may put off some, the ending feels really slapdash and more like 'hey, buy this song on our soundtrack guys!' It tries to end ambiguously, in keeping with the whole theme about the reality of romance, but it just feels more like the story stops and they ran out of money, rather than an artistic move (sort of like the ending of' Porco Rosso', where our pilots fly off and THEN.... we get told the entire ending in narration over a still of the town.) It just feels like, given how much they give with the characters, it needed a fuller ending. Not a happy one mind you, but just something more rewarding.

Still, it's an interesting curio from animation in recent years, and worth checking out for junkies and student of the form. It may not have the best destination, but the journey is worthwhile.
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5 Centimeters Per Second
MartinTeller30 December 2011
I could copy almost my entire review of THE PLACE PROMISED IN OUR EARLY DAYS, Shinkai's previous film. More Takahata than Miyazaki... check. The same wistful, nostalgic tone is woven throughout these three episodes of youthful romantic pinings turned into bittersweet adult reminiscences. Breathtaking animation... check. The artistic style is uncommonly beautiful, with extraordinary attention to detail, gorgeous color and lighting, and images that deftly evoke a sense of melancholy. If all anime looked this astonishing, I'd watch more of it. Satisfying human elements but oversentimental... check. I could relate to the feelings expressed by Takaki, Kanae and Akari -- surely there is something nearly universal about those unrequited adolescent yearnings that can resurface years and years later -- but had to roll my eyes a bit at all the tinkly piano and whispered voice-over. Where this film surpasses its predecessor is in its lack of a goofy sci-fi subplot. There is a rocketship involved, but it's a background element purely for metaphorical purposes. Without that sort of distraction, I was more easily charmed by the gentle rhythms, pleasant characters, and lovely visuals.
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A Beautifully Flawed Film
Bobby_Diesel30 December 2018
5 Centimeters Per Second is the first anime movie I have ever watched. At first I thought that this film was a masterpiece, but I began noticing some flaws.

However, there are some major positives in this film. The first major positive is of course the visuals. There is a reason this film is nicknamed "5 Wallpapers Per Second" it is visually stunning. Any shot from this film could be used as a screen saver. The soundtrack is also fantastic and is one of the best in anime. Besides these elements everything else is average or bad.

First off, the animation is not really impressive and tends to be average, though the animation of cherry blossoms falling is very impressive. The characters are really bad in this film. The characters literally don't have character, the audience does not really know much of anything about the characters to be invested in them. We know where they live, what they think about and the sports that they play, but besides that nothing. The most well developed character in this entire film is Kanae and she's only in one third of the film! The reason why we feel so attached to these characters isn't because we are attached to them. No, we are attached to these characters because we can relate with their relationship problems on a personal level. This is poor character writing. The film also relies too much on dialogue. It begs the question, what is the purpose of having so many good visuals when I can easily just close my eyes and get the entire story by listening? The plot/story isn't really anything special and the pacing is very slow.

I have ripped on this film so much, so how does it have a 6/10 score or in my mind a good score (above mediocre but lower than great)? Well I think the biggest factor that shines in this film is the theme. The theme or purpose of the film is really important for the target audience (teenagers and young adults). I don't think this film is necessarily great, but I think it is still a necessity to watch because of the lessons it teaches the audience.
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Fantastic scenes, Powerful story
tr_fanatic-228 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is subtitled "a chain of short stories about their distance" and I can think of no better way of summarizing it without giving away the mystery.

"5 Centimeters Per Second" can be classified as a love-drama film as it contains plenty of both.

I recommend this movie even to those that dislike anime, because if you watch just four minutes of the movie you simply forget you are looking at a Japanese-style film. The emotions are very powerful and you just cannot help but love the characters. It was very hard for me to give it 9/10 stars, but I felt like the second episode was missing something.

-- Story: "5 Centimeters Per Second" is composed of three chapters/episodes. Makoto Shinkai does a fantastic job at creating a story that immediately finds a way into your soul. Despite being an anime movie, there are no Sci-Fi nor any Fantasy elements. It is simply a reflection of life with it's struggles and obstacles, that come together in deep moments.

**SPOILER**The first chapter tells the story of close friends Takaki Tōno and Akari Shinohara and how time and space forces them to go their separate ways. After graduating elementary school the two keep in touch by writing letters and visit each other one more time before Takaki and his family move further away from Akari's town. Despite the two's mutual special feelings, they do not speak about them until their last meeting.

The second chapter introduces Kanae Sumita, a classmate of Takaki that falls in love with him, but cannot express her feelings to him. One day she notices Takaki staring into the distance and understands that he is searching for something far grater than her.

The third episode finds our character in very different situations. Years later, we see Akari somewhat happy, getting ready to marry a man, but still melancholic after finding an old letter of hers addressed to Takaki. In another place in Japan, Takaki has a job, but lives alone and cannot let go of his past memories.**/SPOILER**

-- Art and Animation: The environment instantly sucks you in and you find yourself immersed inside the same dream-like situation like Takaki Tōno. The movie has one of the greatest artistic presentations of it's genre. Many may shy away from the prospect of watching a movie that has love and drama as center elements, but the movie is worth watching for the art alone. Makoto Shinkai has created perfect environments, enhanced by light and details such as individual grass seeds moving in the wind.

The style of animation is fantastic. Takaki's simple gestures of frustration while waiting in the delayed train speak out better than any words.

--Characters and voice acting: At first glance the characters look like the average Japanese hikikomori (introvert), but it's hard to imagine any other characters taking part in such sweet and heart-warming situations. All the three (soon to be adults) find it hard to express their feelings which gives the viewer something to relate to.

The voice acting is relatively good. Although the fast-pace Japanese language may be hard to get used to, the actors' whispers and thoughts are able to send out powerful emotions.

--Music: The music, composed by Tenmon consists mostly of piano elements and also a song used for Episode 3: "One more time, one more chance" written and performed by Masayoshi Yamazaki. All these go extremely well with the melancholic atmosphere of the movie.

--Overall: If you like beautiful art and animation, plus a good story, then "5 Centimeters Per Second" is a must-see. Even though it is only one hour long, the movie talks about heart-braking situations and hidden feelings, things we can all relate to. Just make sure you have a box of tissues with you before watching. :)
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Felt like an incomplete story
sinhaabhinav-0049813 May 2020
Even though I love slow paced films but this one didn't gave me any experience or moment worth remembering
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So sad :'(
FlorianLaur24 April 2022
I can't understand the dislike many seem to have for this movie.

Slow pace? No conclusion? Did we watch the same movie?

Of course this movie doesn't race, it's a story about first love and communication and how we can end up regretting never having voiced how we truly felt.

The main character surely regrets never having told his first love how he really felt. She on the other hand (having a letter for him she didn't give him) seems to be ok now.

Kanae, the girl in the second story shows the other side to that. She loved him, but she knew she could never have the love and happiness she hoped for, because he loved someone else.

And so the movie is showing us how we often can't ever feel that love again like when we were first in love with someone. Life continues, we become bitter or our heart hardens, either to protect us from pain or because it mourns the loss of our first love so much it dies.

I think the movie shows this beautifully in wonderful animation, with lovely music and a story-telling and character development ability that is near perfect. This movie made me care for characters I barely knew at all and I could really emphasize with them.

Tears still run down my cheek as I write this. Definitely a great Anime that should make us all think...
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sunny-swat9999 March 2017
Expected a lot, turned out its just a story of real human persons with whole lot of disappointments..... yeah I know that's life. You are not getting any entertainment from it instead you might recall couple of your disappointments of your life while watching it. In the end the movie left you with nothing expect with sad empty feelings.

There is nothing wrong with the movie. Maybe I am the wrong one by thinking movie is a great piece of art to entertain people....

After watching "Kimi no na wa.", I thought "5 cm/s" will also be a great masterpiece. But I was wrong. It left me with an emotional state which is hurtful & its killing me.
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A beautiful 'slice of life' anime film
Tweekums12 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Having been impressed by Makoto Shinkai's earlier works and having heard good things about this I was keen to see it; having finally watched it I must say that I was not disappointed! While it doesn't feature the science fiction elements of those stories it has a greater emotional depth and the backgrounds are absolutely stunning; I can't think of any animation where they looked so good. The film is broken up into three episodes; each taking place at a slightly different time in the life of Takaki Tono.

In the first episode Takaki has formed a close friendship with Akari, a girl in his class. When her parents move she transfers to a school in a distant town it looks as if their friendship might be over but one day Takaki takes the train to visit her. Much of the episode takes place as he is on the train which is getting further and further behind schedule because of the heavy snow.

The second story takes place a few years later and Takaki is his final year of high school, he isn't the star of this segment though; that honour goes to Kanae; a girl in his class who has fallen in love with him but can't bring herself to tell him how she feels.

The third story finds Takaki working in a job he doesn't particularly enjoy and still thinks of Akari although he has long since lost touch with her, meanwhile Akari is preparing to get married. One day the two of them pass as the walk over a level crossing; Takaki turns to look as two trains pass; will she be looking from the other side when the trains have passed?

The story itself might not be deep but it is touching and beautifully told; feeling far more real than most live action stories. The imagery is stunning; it contains an incredible amount of detail including many reflective objects that I imagine would be a real challenge to create. If you are a fan of anime or animation in general this is a must see.

These comments are based on watching the film in Japanese with English subtitles.
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