"Star Trek: Voyager" Bride Of Chaotica! (TV Episode 1999) Poster

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Silly change of pace episode, but fun
bbigham-113 January 2011
If you like your ST episodes dark and serious, skip this one. It's a completely silly plot that is surprisingly fun if you'll let your hair down enough to enjoy it. Perhaps it's a generational thing: I *remember* those old Buck Rodgers type serials and this episode recreates the feel of those shows perfectly. No, it doesn't make any sense, but if you can suspend your disbelief enough to go along with time travel, wormholes, the Q Continuum, etc., then wink wink along with this one. They'll get back to blasting enemies quickly enough!

One thing is for sure, I'll bet the actors had fun with it, especially Mulgrew. I mean what serious-minded adult woman hasn't at least once in her life wanted to be (or at least play) a character like Sheena of the Jungle or Arachnia, bride of Chaotica!
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Death Cannot Hold Chaotica. Ha! Ha! Ha!
TondaCoolwal6 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can see that this episode gets die-hard Trekkies in a tizz. That's what comes of taking popular sci-fi too seriously. Being simply a Star Trek dipper, I found it a wonderfully refreshing change from the usual, often po-faced, offerings. Also, being the age I am, the old 1930s serials, repeated on tv in the fifties and sixties still hold fond memories for me. The Captain Proton holodeck simulations were always a good idea, and I understand that this extended session was due to a fire which rendered the Voyager bridge set unusable. Briefly, Tom and Harry are working on the next Captain Proton episode when a photonic (light-energy based) alien civilisation tries to make contact with the holodeck characters which also appear to be photonic. Unfortunately those characters, based obviously on the Mongonians from Flash Gordon, are belligerent, and war ensues which puts Voyager in danger. The conflict is resolved by utilising many of the staple serial conventions including main villain Chaotica's continual desire for a new bride to rule the Universe at his side. Captain Janeway ably fills this role as Arachnia Queen of the Spider-people. Dressed in a tight-fitting gown with a wildly exaggerated collar and with the aid of a pheremone love potion she seduces Chaotica's henchman and lowers the lighting shield enabling Proton to destroy the death ray, apparently killing Chaotica in the process. However, the closing serial credit suggests, like another sci-fi villain, Chaotica will return. The black and white serial sequences are wonderfully realised in 1930s style. And I did suddenly notice that they were shown in 4:3 projection. As mentioned above many familiar serial practices were employed such as the way into the impregnable fortress being via underground caverns. The re-use of the same sets to represent different locations and the use of secret weapons suggested by on-screen processing effects. The costumes looked very authentic. A mixture of Roman and oriental and, as ever, Proton's captured secretary Constance Goodheart, had to be dressed as a handmaiden, tied up awaiting Chaotica's pleasure. Inevitably her dialogue consisted solely of screaming on cue. Watch it and enjoy it. And stop taking things so seriously!
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Far out.
thevacinstaller23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is clearly a labor of love for the buck rogers serials from the 1930's and you can see that in the construction of the episode. I was a generation (or three) removed from that time period so I think the impact is lost a bit on me but that's not to say I cannot appreciate what they were doing here ----

The highlight is Janeway going on all in on camp. She's always hitting for the fences in any scene she is in and it's a lot of fun watching her performance here.

It's a bit of a history lesson in the evolution of sci-fi ---- I am sure Roddenberry watched stuff like this in his youth and it no doubt had impact on elements in TOS.
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You won't go into outer space, but you might love the Camp.
johnjohnson685101 May 2012
What a fun, campy episode this one is! It takes place on the hollodeck in a black and white parody of a 1930's Buck Rogers serial. A photonic alien life form from outside of Voyager has accidentally gotten into a battle with Paris's hollo-nemesis, the evil Prince Chaotica. That battle is holding Voyager in a subspace riff, and it's losing power. So members of the crew dress up and ham it up in the hollodeck.

It's a snappy little script, full of jokes and asides, and Janeway is particularly enjoyable as the vampy Queen Arachnia. The story is also highly self-referential, and not all viewers may enjoy that. It's a story about a story, and brings you in full consciousness that you are watching human actors pretend they're in space. You won't go into outer space with the gang in this one, but you will get that feeling like when you're watching a fun play, when all the actors are having a good time and the audience is in on the joke. I love it when series do episodes that are far outside their norm. If you like camp, you'll love this little episode. If not, then you might want to pass.
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You're either willing to have fun or you're not and I suggest you just have some fun
harveymarosehope15 December 2020
It's fun! Don't take it too seriously and don't take yourself so seriously you can't enjoy it. Just like the X-Files, every good scifi show has its silly episodes. If you can't enjoy it, that's a personal problem. 😉
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Buck Paris Across the 5th Dimension
deronboyd14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Actually, this is a pretty fun, lighthearted episode. Yeah, we have yet another holodeck malfunction plot device, but once you suspend that disbelief, it's easy to tell that the cast was having some fun with the split roles, and the writers keep the dialogue fun and snappy.

Paris and Kim play their Buck Rodgers knockoff serial heroes, where Kim reveals his true motivation for playing along, saving hot holodeck chicks. But as Voyager gets pulled into a subspace quantum gravity techno-babble situation, cross dimensional beings mistake the fantasy of the holodeck for Voyager's reality, and find themselves at war with Chaotica, the Merciless, or something like that.

Naturally, the only solution is to play out the holodeck fantasy to its conclusion, and the hilarity ensues.

Kate Mulgrew obviously has a lot of fun throwing herself into the role of the Arachnia queen, and even the Doctor plays an amusing President of Earth. And they stay pretty true to the melodramatic serial style of the old '30's Sci Fi. Kick back, enjoy a little fun in what's usually the dreary, foreboding Delta Quadrant for a change.
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Perfect Morning Start
sales-3087816 July 2021
Any show that can make me smile and laugh at 5:50 AM before my coffee is even ready, gets a 10. I don't care about it not fitting into the ST protocol, I loved it. Starting my day with a laugh is the start of a perfect Friday.
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Photon creature is a cool idea
entryword19 November 2019
In the meanwhile the captain's performance is funny too
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A one-off but so fun!
Hughmanity24 January 2021
This is clearly a WTF episode for Star Trek, they just go off the rails for the sake of entertainment. But what entertainment it is!

Great sets and costumes and fun roles for all the crew involved. Janeway cosplay is fantastic and the Doctor was born to act.

What's more, this episode was earned with several brief scenes in the Chaotica holodeck program in previous episodes. Trek was so episodic that seeing a continuity setup like that was impressive.

Funny how halfway through the episode Tom Paris talks about how he'll never go back to this holodeck program of his. It's like he's telling the audience, "don't worry, we won't ever put you through this again" which also worked to set my mind at ease and allowed me to just enjoy the ride.

Loved this episode and never want to see it again. 😀
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There Were a Lot of Episodes
Hitchcoc5 September 2018
When one considers the task that the writers have to try to stay fresh each week, it's easy to understand why one of these throwaway episodes shows up during a season. The little boys, Harry and Tom, seem to have to engage in this juvenile stuff. Tom has this thing about the past, especially when it comes to technology, and Harry is looking for girls. There is a certain charm here. I watched old episodes of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon, so it is fun to see this rendition of those guys. What always got me was that the characters were given their appearances by a raid on the costume shops. Emperor Ming in the Flash Gordon series had henchmen wearing medieval armor and angel's wings. It's as if they raided the used costume shop of the Metropolitan Opera and took whatever wasn't used. Anyway, I did enjoy Janeway in this. Now back to the "serious" stuff.
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Diabolical deeds on the holodeck
Tweekums3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
At the outset it looked like this may be just another holodeck gone wrong episodes where crew members are trapped and threatened by rogue characters and no safeties active. This episode was actually a novel twist on that idea... While Tom and Harry are taking part in the "Captain Proton" game Voyager passes through an spacial distortion and finds itself unable to move. Aliens come through an anomaly in the holodeck where they meet the evil Chaotica, these aliens are photonic so see the holographic characters as real life forms who can be harmed by the simulated weapons in the program. One of them is killed by Chaotica's henchmen and these aliens start a war against Chaotica's evil empire. The crew of Voyager can't shut off the program so are forced to enter the program and ensure that Chaotica is defeated. To this end Captain Janeway takes the role of Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People to infiltrate Chaotica's fortress and disable his lightning shield to enable Captain Proton, Tom, to defeat his death ray.

Unusually for an episode of a modern programme it was almost entirely in black and white, it also didn't fall in to the trap of taking itself too seriously but left its tongue firmly in its cheek with cod dialogue and the camp look of old serials such as "Flash Gordon". It was a lot of fun to see the reluctant Captain Janeway dressed up as Arachnia.
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Pretty fun, but kinda meh
beanslegit16 February 2021
This is another episode that doesn't advance the overall plot whatsoever, and voyager is full of them. That's one of the biggest problems with the show really, the hard reset at the end of most episodes is a little unsatisfying.

So photonic aliens invade the holodeck because to them the holograms are real life, and biological beings are fake. Ummmm ok...

If you want some decent laughs here and there and can handle the camp of Captain Proton & Co you'll have fun with this one. I certainly did anyways even if there's a few irritations here and there.

Like how exactly did Paris and Kim get back to the bridge from the holodeck??? Oh yeah, it happened off screen don't think about it. Lol
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This is supposed to be "Star Trek"...not "Lost in Space"!
karacter12 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILER) Many enjoyable things in life are best enjoyed in small doses- chocolate cake, for example, is wonderful as a dessert or occasional treat, but most rational people would quickly tire of it...plus get a little nauseous...if they were eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

That's the trap that "Bride of Chaotica!" falls squarely into. Momentary glimpses of Tom Paris' "Captain Proton" adventures have been a welcome relief from time to time during the course of Voyager's many hazardous adventures, and have provided a welcome chuckle or two before we get down to some serious space drama. but an entire hour devoted to the camp humor and over-the-top performances of the "Proton" characters is simply a bit too much and after awhile becomes annoying rather than amusing.

There is a fine line between excellent satire and just plain silliness, and this installment quickly strays into the latter and stays firmly there. There is supposed to be a serious subplot involving a previously unknown race of photonic aliens (REAL Star Trek stuff) but, unfortunately, this is "lost in space" (pun intended) as an unending barrage of sight gags and campy dialog destroy any possibility of dramatic tension or interest in the plot or characters.

I'm sure that this story probably looked great on paper, and no doubt the principle actors had some fun with it, but we've seen far too many "we can't shut the holideck down" episodes not only in "Voyager" but in ST:TNG and ST:DS9 as well, and the idea has long since worn out its welcome, so lets move on already (but kudos to the production designers for some affectionate, faithful, and highly detailed "Buck Rogers" style costumes & sets).
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Voyager at it's finest.
deanpodbury2 July 2019
The episodes of Star Trek that break the mindless "norm" and allow the actors out of their uniforms are always the best. This being the best of the best.
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Polarizing Episode
rhqb-6189510 October 2020
You're either going to love it or hate it. This is an episode that doesn't take anything seriously. It's completely insane, random, full of plot holes and downright corny but it makes me laugh and therefore I give it an 8. I'm a hardcore Treky but I like to party too, even in the 19th century. Lighten up a little and have some fun. That's what this episode is about.
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Captain Proton: Not my cup of tee...
faith_hope_love_887 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've never considered myself a fan of the Captain Proton-holoprogram. In fact, it's way too silly for me to enjoy. So when I realized this was going to be an episode pretty much all about that I confess I didn't cheer out of joy. Although I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. Some parts of it where actually interesting. I liked the part about the fifth dimension and the photonic beings that appeared in the holodeck, although I would have liked to known more about them and seen the crew explore more about how they live and such. As it was here we pretty much just got to know they existed and that they can't read "real" people as lifeforms. It was also kind of fun to see Captain Janeway agree to participate in the Captain Proton-craziness. But other than that I mostly just endured the episode and smiled awkwardly a few times.

If you're not like me and want to see all the Star Trek: Voyager-episodes and also don't really like Captain Proton you might want to skip this one.
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Stupid but kind of fun...
planktonrules26 February 2015
"Bride of Chaotica" is a dumb episode...but it works because it never tries to be anything but cheesy and dumb! It begins as several other episodes have begun--with Paris and Kim in the holodeck playing Captain Proton! However, after they leave to go back to work, something totally unforeseen happens--the holodeck remains on and subspace beings enter it. Unfortunately, these beings think that the evil Dr. Chaotica is real and begin an all-out war against this holo-menace! In the process, they disable Voyager and it's up to Paris, Kim and the Captain to enter the holo program and straighten all this out.

To call this episode anything other than silly old fashioned fun would be difficult. Obviously the show was based on the old Flash Gordon serials and it's clearly a homage to these old serials. Well worth seeing.
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Oww my eyes
hamiltonds22 September 2018
In my opinion painful to watch but so funny as well its one of those episodes thats is required as a brief break from the main story line
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Entertaining fun
snoozejonc23 September 2023
Voyager is trapped is sub-space and attacked by photon aliens.

This is a fun tribute to camp sci-fi serials with great art design and enjoyable performances.

If you take Star Trek (or sci-fi) seriously you might struggle with the concept of Voyager characters performing in a Flash Gordon style production. I personally find it quite enjoyable, especially the performances of Katie Mulgrew, Martin Rayner, Nicholas Worth and Robert Picardo as they deliver the over-the-top dialogue and mannerisms. Others like Tim Russ and Jeri Ryan function very effectively as deadpan foils to the madness.

The production design is excellent, particularly the sets, costumes and use of black and white to make it feel like an authentic old fashioned sci-fi serial.

For me it's a 7.5/10, but I round upwards.
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What the hell is this?
phenomynouss6 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
At about 15 minutes in to the 45 minute episode, I realized I had been watching this episode... and I had no idea at all what the hell was happening. At first, I saw that Tom and Harry were apparently stuck in the incredibly tedious "Captain Proton" holodeck simulation, for yet another malfunctioning holodeck episode.

So I figure it's going to be about the incredibly tedious adventures of Captain Stupid and Harry Kim, so bland and boring he doesn't get a name or stupid title.

Then all of a sudden Tom and Harry are back on Voyager's bridge, without any explanation as to how they got there, having apparently got out of the holodeck.

So on Voyager there is a plot involving pure technobabble. I do not know at all what the hell was going on, just technobabble and apparently getting stuck in somewhere somehow.

Meanwhile, a pair of aliens dressed as sleazy 30s gangsters appear, but are from another "dimension" where they are all photonic lifeforms, and they cannot detect Voyager or carbon lifeforms.

They then start a war on Chaotica, the bad guy in the Captain Proton thing, where their own soldiers die for real.

The explanation given is that these are essentially MIRROR aliens in terms of holographics. As in, they are photonic lifeforms and view carbon lifeforms as artificial and unreal as we do holographic lifeforms.

The whole idea is made more stupid by its stale, boring, generic, lackluster execution. This is probably one of the worst Voyager episodes because it's just not at that Season 2-ish level of Voyager of "So unbelievably atrocious, you have to see it to believe it" like "Treshold" or "Tattoo" It's just boring
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Captain Janeway to the rescue
tomsly-400156 January 2024
This episode is a lot of fun with great set pieces and costumes. Most of the story is in black and white because it takes place in Paris' holodeck series of Captain Proton, which is some kind of homage to the early Sci Fi movies of the golden Hollywood era.

Although this episode is a little whacky, it isn't complete nonsense. The premise of the story sounds plausible. Voyager is stuck in some subspace fold which makes it pierce into another dimension. The inhabitants there are photonic life forms. Since their dimension also cuts through the holodeck, the holographic world of Captain Proton and the dimension of the photonic life forms are suddenly merged. And since holograms are also photonic beings, they now pose a threat to the photonic beings in the other dimension and are even able to kill them.

Of course, as always, just shutting down the holodeck isn't working. And since Voyager is still stuck, the only solution is to help those photonic beings defeat Chaotica within the simulation.

Mulgrew does a good job impersonating a queen and overacting as it was often done in those old Sci Fi movies like Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon. Both visuals, acting and dialogue really immerse the viewer into this story.

All in all a well done episode that 25 years later still has a special charm due to the cinematography, the sets and costumes. I think, although it is a different kind of episode, it still fits well into the Voyager canon.
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Skip this one
taraangel-4096021 May 2020
There have been a lot of episodes in the series that haven't been great. But honestly Bride of Chaotica! is just plain stupid. I wish I'd read a review that advised me to skip it.
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cbuerry5 January 2020
Arguably one of the most stupid episodes ever. I've been re-watching this series and this is the only one I've truly disliked. Don't waste your time.
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gongpongwong12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Captain Proton - stuff in Voyager is my personal Jar Jar Binks of Star Trek... I never liked black and white (movie or still image) and this wannabe nostalgic B-movie Tom-is-such-an-old-earth-aficionado - stuff is just so displaced and lame it makes me attack the skip - button (and then soon hit quit). This goes so far as that I lose all interest in the actual story when there is more than a minute of Chaotica and Proton.
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