The Lodge (2008) Poster


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The tagline says it all
chrichtonsworld26 April 2008
What is the use of watching a thriller if you already know what is going to happen. Well,there could be some surprises thrown in that make it worth wile. Apart from a couple of creepy moments this movie has nothing interesting to offer. From the start you know how everything will play out. This could have been just fine if this movie delivered on other fronts. Apart from one element there are no redeeming factors. I can't talk about this element without spoiling the movie. But it does gives a bizarre twist on matters. Warning: Don't expect too much from this twist however since it is the most ridiculous twist I have seen. Some explanation could have made it more acceptable. Is this movie a waste of time? If there is nothing on television and you have nothing better to do than you won't be sorry. As long as you don't expect too much.
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Generic and Average Thriller... Decent But Forgettable
gavin69422 June 2008
As with many other horror stories, things seem to go wrong when you put any number of young people in the woods. With "The Lodge", this is no exception. A young couple, away from the world and set on a non-stop drug-fueled and sexually-charged romantic getaway, have rented the eponymous lodge. But plans go awry when they encounter the caretaker (soap opera guest star Kevin McClatchy), a friendly but seriously deranged woodsman.

There is much good that can be said about "The Lodge". For a film that is starring and created by completely unknown people, I was impressed with the final product. The writer (Deb Havener) went through extra effort to create a background for the characters (drummer from a rich family with a music degree, for example). The directing is solid, although I question why there are so many shots of the fields (it seems some shots and the opening credits served no purpose other than to stretch out the length). Music, lighting and all the technical aspects were of a respectable quality (not Hollywood, but at least straight-to-DVD).

The two male leads are on opposite ends of the spectrum in the talent department. The young lover was nothing special... he could have been anyone and have been played by anyone, I just had no reason to care about him. The caretaker, on the other hand, was dynamic and menacing. At times I felt he was creepy, at others I felt sorry for him, as he appeared more lonely than sadistic. The range and diversity of his emotions would be hard to put in one character and remain consistent, but yet this was achieved flawlessly. If there's one redeeming factor of this film, it's the caretaker.

On a side note, this film raises questions about relationships that I'd like to touch upon (sorry, horror fans). We are clued in early on that the male lead plans on proposing to the female lead, and we have to give him credit for choosing a beautiful locale and a gorgeous woman. But yet, the constant fighting makes it clear they may not be ready for long term commitment. What is the message here? Are we saying that marriage proposals are good and can solve problems? Are we saying that stressful situations can draw people closer? As I often opine, didn't "Speed" teach us anything? The biggest problem with "The Lodge" is the sheer blandness. While there is a fair level of success in creating a creepy atmosphere, at the same time we are rather limited because there are only three key characters. Unlike other horror films, no one can die here or the film has to end prematurely. So the suspense has to be drawn out as long as possible, which works at times and fails at others. Time is also filled with countless sex scenes that go nowhere (sorry, guys). And if you want gore, you're not going to see much here (low body count equals low blood flow).

I found "The Lodge" to be enjoyable and watchable (which, these days, is more than I can say for many films). But there was nothing here I haven't seen in a dozen other films. I give Deb Havener credit for the development but her plot writing needs work. For another story involving two people alone in a rented room, see "Vacancy". The sheer intensity of that one makes "The Lodge" look like a Lifetime Network film. And that's not good.
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More a Made for TV than a cinema
mindcat4 January 2009
I know how difficult it is to make good and reasoned thrillers these days. It seems all the good plots and ideas are long ago taken.

Yet, although this film was formula in some ways, it did escape some of the non sense of a slasher and chase, kill em all dead and bleed em dry blood feast.

It always amazes me how stupid some people can be. For example, they rent a lodge, talk on phone to owner before, and are not greeted by him when they arrive. Bad MOON rising? Then the poor couple find nothing amiss with no key, an open door and finally a kitchen as if somebody had just run away from frying eggs and bacon?

Come on, any average intelligence person would smell something very wrong from the get-go? Further they are careless with the cells, careless with their travel bags and act as if they are so dumb, Darwin and the audience is there hoping an ax will fall and out of the gene pool they'll be.

However, on the bright side, this film was dumb and unrealistic, but at least when somebody is dead, they stay dead.

Please don't buy this flick at the video mart, just rent it for a few good laughs.
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an-473327 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I made an account to review this one lol, it's that bad. Well, it had a few moments in the first half that will make sure you watch the rest of it swirl down the toilet. So the boyfriend is face down in the barn while the girlfriend bludgeons the bad guy, okay got it. One down, one creepy girl to go. So they leave the barn full of things that could be used as weapons... empty handed... to go back to the lodge just to be overpowered by some little brat who is half the size of the guy the girfriend just beat to death. Creepy girl is walking after the running girlfriend keeping pace while dragging a 100lb iron fireplace rack, catches up and swings that thing like it's made of balsa wood as the adult lady kickboxer cowers in fear. WOW.
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movie category: the dumb genre
charliesparks7 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Either this was written and made by three 15-year-olds or they were targeting the double-digit IQ audience and spending the minimum required to somehow show a profit at straight-to-video. It's a cynical attempt to get some product out there without too much effort or creative ability.

There are holes in the script large enough to fly a dozen jumbos through. The acting is ordinary, but not helped by the stupid script, so I wouldn't condemn these unknowns, who probably worked for peanuts. But pay peanuts and... you get flicks like this.

Then there's this attempt at a twist ending that's so ludicrous you wonder if perhaps it was supposed to be a satire all along!

Maybe I got the maker's ages wrong, they could be younger - whatever, they're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer, pardon the expression.

Avoid if you've got any taste and a life.
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Certainly DON'T believe the box cover tag lines!
Humph7120 January 2019
Tedious, suspense free and not even remotely scary. Nothing you won't have seen done much better in countless other 'alone in the woods' creep fests.

Full of plot holes, predictable to the point we were playing 'spot the next scene' rather than caring about the movie any more.

Some pleasant countryside scenery footage to pad out the film, and the dodgy caretaker was reasonably well played but otherwise nothing here to recommend.

One thing for certain, it has nothing in common with The Shining or Cabin in the Woods. Go and rewatch them is my suggestion.

Also what was the point in repeatedly telling the audience that the main character is a kickboxer and then we don't see any evidence of it?! Odd. And probably the most mysterious thing in the film.
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Just wasted 1 hour and 23 minutes of my life!!
nigelbroome13 September 2016
About as far away from the shining and cabin in the woods as you could possibly get. Terrible acting, unbelievable story line and just poor start to finish. I'm still annoyed that they could compare these films to this rubbish, completely misleading and and an outright lie.

The make up was so amateur it was laughable, I really do not understand how this rubbish can get produced and sell in a shop. I genuinely feel cheated and ripped off, there should be tighter controls on the information given on the DVD box. For instance rotten tomatoes gave it 9% so how could they then endorse it?

Do not waste your time watching this film.
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Utterly abysmal
saint_sophie2 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Couple Michael and Julia spend a romantic weekend away at a lodge in the picturesque Rocky Mountains. They meet the caretaker, Henry - and instantly we sense there's something not quite right about him, judging by his peculiar mannerisms and actions. Therefore we are left with the premise of this couple being stuck in an isolated house in the middle of nowhere accompanied by a weirdo janitor who seemingly has a taste for venison and Julia's underwear - so something good is bound to happen, right?

Wrong. A problem with this movie is that it has exhausted every cliché in the horror film book: young couple, isolation, strange man with ambiguous background. The entire film is bland, monotonous and contains absolutely zero tension and suspense. We are introduced to the dishevelled, ghostly 13-year-old girl Desi halfway through the movie, and it is never explained who she is or what she's doing there. The only purpose she seems to serve is an accomplice to Henry's murderous antics. Stuff basically 'happens' and there is no feeling of anticipation, no jumpy moments, no character development. The movie ends in the most cringeworthy, predictable way imaginable - so much that it was almost laughable. The acting isn't too dreadful as horror movies go, surprisingly - but that isn't enough to salvage this utter disgrace of a film.

It's a great pity, as the front cover of the DVD and the plot outline look and sound fantastic. But don't be fooled by this. "A nerve shattering classic horror"? "The Shining meets Cabin in the Woods"? A tad bit of over-flattery there. Do yourself a favour, don't watch this movie, and watch (or re-watch) The Shining instead in order to appreciate what a good horror classic should accomplish.
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OK Kids, stop playing with the Handy-cam. It's past your bedtime!
bob_meg21 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I think we need a new MPAA classification for movies made by filmmakers of "questionable" qualification. Maybe "A" for Amateurish? "The Lodge" would be a prime candidate. To even classify it in the ranks of independent film is an insult to fledgling movie makers everywhere.

The biggest showstopper is the script, which is flat-out horrendous. The capsule summary of the film goes something like "Lovers Michael and Julia set out for a romantic getaway that takes a turn for the worst after they meet the creepy caretaker." Yes, that's just about it, folks. There is precious little setup or exposition --- you know...the part where you build suspense? --- it's pretty much straight into the stalk-and-slash mixed with badly done gratuitous simulated rape and bondage scenes. It's more like a home video shot by a horny couple who want to skip the "boring" stuff and go straight to the tie-up games.

The villain is nothing more than your standard pervy psycho, there's a ravaged half-nutso waif he uses as a sidekick/henchwoman, and a couple that alternate between too-boring-for-words and dumb-as-rocks.

Some classic jaw-droppers: 1) Julia looks up at an ordinary attic door and says "WHAT'S THAT?" Her beau responds: "Creepy!" 2) After an clock radio has gone off in another room, Julia says: "Alarms just don't GO OFF for no reason!" Ah, yes they do, if they were set by someone else the day before. 3) Julia uses a cigarette lighter in the car to burn the villain...too bad she never activated it to heat it up. The list goes on, but I'm getting bored just regurgitating the info.

The ending is beyond laughable, sloppy, or incoherent. Perhaps a mix of all three? Oh, and another thing kids? DON'T put everyone who helped fund your Junior College film project down as Associate Producers (there are at least 30). It's more than a little embarrassing, but sadly, par for the course here.
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Generic to the Nth degree...
natashabowiepinky14 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
You turn up at a remote lodge for the week with your girlfriend of three years, who you plan to propose to. When you arrive, the place is in a complete state of disarray, and you're 'greeted' by the alleged manager who seemingly has no idea about your arrival, has a completely different voice to the one you made the arrangements with on the phone, doesn't know anything about the surrounding area when you ask him about possible hiking routes and is covered in head to foot with blood (His excuse was he was cutting up venison). You don't leave immediately. I suggest you have mental health issues.

There's no suspense here... We KNOW the bloke is a headcase, but it takes to the discovery of a dead body and the lady's stolen, freshly-sniffed undergarments for our intrepid couple to figure out all is not what it seems. Then they find a rather disheveled little girl, who they think is in trouble... but she turns out to be the madman's daughter. Captured as they try to escape, this is when things (finally) kick into gear as the couple suffer various indignities before the not-so-happy ending rears it's ugly head.

This is horror done on a strict budget... an EXTREMELY slow build up, rationed shocks and complete idiotic behaviour from every participant. The sadly underused Mandi Kreisher as the spawn of the psycho is the only interesting character, and there isn't much else of note apart from the Hotness of Ms Elizabeth Kell (Shame when she opens her gob though). It is content to bask in it's own mediocrity, ready to pounce on unwary customers at the pound shop. You have been warned. 4/10
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pleasantly surprised me
movieman_kev16 September 2008
A couple, Julia and Micheal, have their getaway weekend at a mountain luxury cabin upset when Henry, the creepy caretaker, takes an unnatural interest in them in this tight well-acted little direct to DVD thriller. I had little to no idea or expectations for this movie when I first started watching it. But as the story unfolded I found myself pleasantly surprised. Not at the story, because that's fairly generic, more at the execution of it all, which I found to be fairly slick. The film starts off slow but does a great job of building up tension and that kept me interested until the end (which admittedly falters a tad). I wouldn't have a problem recommending this to anyone.

Eye Candy: Liz Jones is topless in the pre-credits sequence

My Grade: B-
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**Nothing You Haven't Seen Before**
sweet_traditions21 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Loved-Up young couple go to the remotest most faraway place called "The Lodge" for a solitary weekend of sex and not a lot else. Won't spoil anything, but very early indicators suggest all is not right and they should turn around and get out of there! But of course they don't! In comes Mr Caretaker, who seems pretty amiable, but you're not quite sure about him. Quite a slow start and dark too (light-wise!) but before you know it, they're running for their lives and I'll leave you to watch the rest. If you're over 25, then you've seen it all before and don't expect too much from this film. There are some jumpy moments (and disturbing ones too, if you're faint of heart) but if you're a teenager then, apart from a couple of not-so-nice scenes, this will possibly have you reaching for the cushions to hide behind. Standard Remote-House-In-The-Woods type stuff, but if you've got nothing better to do then it's worth a watch.
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The Only Good Thing... The Lodge View
Poptart_Psycho5 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea on where to start with The Lodge, there's many more wrongs then rights with this film. Is it the cliché "Why are you doing this" lines or the predictability. Most movies have a basic plot nothing to exciting but executed well this unfortunately wasn't.

The Plot... So basically Micheal wants to surprise his partner Julie by taking her to a nice lodge. When they arrive they believe someone else is living there it turns out to be the caretaker. Julie starts to find him a bit creepy but Micheal shrugs it off. Its only when the couple go walking in the woods they find an abandoned car with bloodstains they get suspicious. Runing back they try to find their phones of course they have gone and the phone lines have been cut. Whilst hunting they come across a tied up young girl they try to escape with. Cliché enough she turns out to be on the caretakers side and the movie becomes a cat and mouse thriller.

No its the not the best movie made, I wouldn't say its worth a buy but if its on TV its watchable. For the hardcore horror fan its one you would be okay about missing
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It's a horror to watch
stack-118 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A good horror movie should contain at least the following ingredients, suspense, shock, nudity, gore, an insane character, and if you're lucky a good plot. None of it in this movie. The beginning of the movie is worth an 8, from then on it's all down the hill. First of all, the begin credits makes one insane, text, 5 seconds movie, text, movie, text, and then movie finally begins. Almost made me stop watching this movie. Then 20 minutes of boredom, no suspense, no sex (to be seen anyway), no killings, nothing. Would you hire a lodge for the weekend with your girlfriend, while the one who rents it to you stays in it during that weekend as well? Not me. Finally the horror starts, the guy gets tied up, and the girl gets raped. Well, you have to assume that, because you can only hear her scream, sort of, but it is not shown. Not that we need to see such a thing, but it would be nice, if at least we saw the madman shred her t-shirt to bits. None of it. Even worse, her t-shirt gets never stained with blood or dirt, it keeps clean until the very end of the movie. Needless to say that the only one who gets killed is the madman, who claims to be killing people for 16 years already, by the wounded girl. Even the last scene didn't save this movie. No plot, no nudity, no suspense, a bit gore, and just a little bit insanity. That's the real horror of this movie, a complete waste of time. Don't bother to watch it, even it is a rental. Don't say you weren't warned. Shudder...
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This movie sucked a$$ all the way around!
wterrel28 January 2009
This unbelievably bad little piece of $hit, flick pi$$ed me off even though I only paid a dollar to rent it. Trust me when I say, a dollar was too much. This film contained it all.................stupid script, crappy acting, lousy cinematography, and an asinine "surprise" ending that was more laughable than scary! The absolute only reason to watch this trash are Elizabeth Kell's amazing, incredibly beautiful breasts. Otherwise avoid this stinker at all costs. Not sure what normally passes for entertainment with some of these other reviewers, but my guess from their praises of this movie is that it must feature either Teletubbies, Smurfs and any creature repeated being bludgeoned with an over-sized mallet. Wake up guys (and gals). "Direct to DVD" should have been the tip-off (as it should have been for me). However I won't make the same mistake.
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My Review
joemamaohio3 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Young lovers Michael (Owen Szabo) and Julia (Elizabeth Kell) decide to take a weekend off at a remote lodge, run by the eccentric Henry (Kevin McClatchy). They think it'll be the perfect weekend, until things start to go wrong. Soon they discover that Henry isn't who he says he is, and they find themselves in a struggle to survive.

Basically "The Lodge" is just another run-of-the-mill horror flick where you have 1) a desolate location; 2) some good looking young adults; 3) a sub-par story; 4) even more sub-par acting, and 5) the feeling that you don't particularly care who survives. It's easily forgettable, and instantly regrettable.
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The Wrong One
scythertitus18 February 2020
Went looking for the 2019 movie, found this one. It's already wasted enough of my time so I'll keep it short: it's bland and has nothing to offer, genuinely watch anything else.
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nightmarish weekend in mountains, pretty disappointing for viewer
CaligulaAzrael9 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This one is just another B-class, low budget horror movie. It's quite disappointing, specially for someone who likes this type of stories. Here we've got a couple, who goes on a weekend trip to a house somewhere in the mountains. What was planned as a peaceful rest from living in the city happens to be a true nightmare with a dangerous psycho in a leading role... The problem with this film is that there is no suspense, no tension. What's more unpleasant: it isn't also gory. I cannot see any good reason for giving it a try. It's a kind of movie that you can watch on Thursday evening in TV during the break between making tea and making love to your girlfriend/wife/dog/apple pie. It's not even boring. It's just completely not interesting.
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One of those low budget, single location, get them in one room and try to kill them, "In the vein of" films
firebird7478-223-61979021 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
All I kept thinking of as I watched this movie was the line in the commercial that spoofs horror/triller movies, "Why can't we just get in the running car?!"

I will give them credit, they got people to put up money to get their movie made, which isn't easy to do. They followed the standard formula...keep your locations to a minimum. Keep your characters to a minimum. Some times it works. Some times it doesn't. In this case it doesn't and the reason for me is the script.

We know why Michael is bringing Julia to the lodge and it is done nicely and subtly in one quick shot. But, there is no rhyme or reason as to why the killer is a killer or why his child is as well. No background at all.

What burned me is the dialog. I don't know why Michael would brag to a perfect stranger about his girlfriend's sexual prowess, as an example. Too much talking during the stalking process. The less said, the better, especially with all the "Why are your trying to kill us" clichés.

Still, it gives hope to aspiring film makers that they, too, can get their film made. Stick to the formula, but come up with a better script.
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Really intense great little movie
I really didn't expect a lot from the movie but I was quite surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I thought the actors were really great and realistic.

The location suited the scenes really well and I think it's worth renting. I liked that there was only four characters. I had an idea what the film was about but there were a few surprises and I felt tense a lot of times. There wasn't an insane use of blood and over dramatics. The script was creepy and intense throughout and there wasn't unnecessary violence like you see in the typical blood and gore horrors. I would recommend this movie to those that like thrillers and minor horror. It was very entertaining.
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Did you notice something....anything?
picassovegas-912-7241505 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My review is going to be simple and swift. From the first ten minutes when you notices the caretaker was in your lives He was always there and just plain creepy. You should have noticed something was wrong. the second thing seems to be no urgency to escape or getaway. If your life is at stake you would fight with every bit of strength you had to survive. No seems to really care about their own life ... spoiler you knock the hell out of that little girl you break her leg or you tie her up. Stupid movie.
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Disposable thriller without too much worthwhile
kannibalcorpsegrinder20 September 2012
While staying at a remote countryside lodge, a man and his girlfriend's planned weekend of carefree sex is halted when they learn the mysterious handyman has more on his mind than fixing up the place and must escape from his murderous clutches.

Predictable, barely worthwhile effort that has pretty much everything we've seen in these types of films before and nothing at all new or original to this. It plays out pretty much as we expect it to, the ignoring of the obvious signs to continue on partying, the failure to recognize when they're in danger, and most of all it takes about an hour before he snaps and turns psycho, so there's nothing at all that's going on for the majority of the movie before the ending, which instead of dealing out torture, revolves around chasing, beating and running away, leaving little blood and gore involved as well. Still, this could've been quite fine, with a fine setting and some sleaze that had the finale chasing around the compound been a bit more enjoyable. A major letdown in most regards.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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Another bad film with 'The' in the title....
impossiblehim2 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Average looking woman goes to a Lodge with below-average looking boyfriend, presumably to have sex. For the next hour we see the couple have sex, talk about sex and wonder about the lone man who they're sharing the lodge with. The lone man then proceeds to do weird 'sickening' acts such as smelling the average looking woman's knickers. Were then treated to yet another 'lets tie the woman up and torment her' type of scenarios....we also have not so shocking 'could this be incest' moments when the lone man suddenly has a daughter type tagging along to help him in his deeds. The film seems to go nowhere and has no tension at all.....there is no real category for this's not thrilling, it's not scary, it has no gore and the ending is just as bad as the rest of the film. This is one of those boring, long-winded films that pretends to be a shocker but fails to deliver on every count. Avoid at all costs.
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Weak acting and directing that lacks punch spoiled what could have been THE horror movie
welshtrekker13 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think a spoiler exists here but I checked the box anyway in case. So on the film - I see it time and time again, a great story hampered by some horrible acting and a director who films like an amateur. Not saying the director is an amateur, but much of the angles lacked the impact that a film like this really needs. Maybe it was budget but a good director can spin a camera into a wonder device for great shots no matter the budget. OK, so we have a couple who rent out a lodge (a very beautiful lodge btw), and discover the caretaker has a chilling surprise in store for them. The premise is good, not original, but it should make for a tingling experience. The psycho caretaker theme should work every time but sadly here, it is not the case and it is not the writer (the story that is, screenplay needs a lot of work..) but the filmmaker and actors at fault. Indie films are where the best films start, and often shame the big budget Hollywood productions by showing that a low budget does not equate to a terrible movie. Here sadly, it is not the case.
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OK to watch but don't expect much
dan-martin-330 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of the movie is a good one but pretty typical of a b type thriller movie. If you don't mind the ridiculous premise of a screener killer and a 15 year old killer this one is for you. I found it hard to get past the fact that 2 adults could not defend themselves against a little girl with basically no weapons at the end as stupid. This is the perfect movie for teenagers to watch for the scare factor but overall pretty bad. There was hardly any gore shown and the acting is sub par. I guess the best part about the movie is that it was only 1 hour 24 minutes of wasted time on my part and the location that it was filmed is quite nice.
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