Skinwalkers (2006) Poster


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Dukes_Sheep13 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I originally gave this 3 stars and then changed it to 4 stars. I did so simply because the acting wasn't that bad nor was the film quality. It's just the story line that annoys me.

I HATE books (and scripts) where the author has characters do things that are stupid just because they are too lazy to figure out a way to advance the story plausibly.

This movie had enough of those spots that it was just irritating.

1. Bad werewolves interrogating good werewolves with torture. Why? Feed them human flesh per the story line and they join you willingly.

2. Why is it everyone in the movie carries 47 guns, rifles, a couple thousand rounds of ammo and no one can hit anything? 3. Wait. A good werewolf was captured and held hostage by the bad guys overnight then rescued with no opposition. Don't you think as you are strapping in for the night that it might be a good idea to strap them in first? 4. The savior is not a savior in the classic sense and killing them prior to the 13th birthday wasn't really necessary.

And it goes on and on. Stupid move after stupid move.

Total waste of time and money and should have been released straight to DVD or sold to the SiFi channel to add to their collection of bad movies.
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a long episode of Buffy the Vampire Sayer
callum528 May 2008
Skinwalkers is the story of a group of werewolves hunting a child who they must kill before he turns 13 because according to legend he will end the werewolf curse if he hits his birthday. Rhona Mitra is his mother, who only learns about this when the werewolves descend on their little town.

There is absolutely nothing original in this story, but both the male and female actors are gorgeous and the fight scenes are good, especially an early gunbattle involving a tough revolver wielding grandmother. The production, however is lacking and looks more like an episode of the week than a big screen flick. The music is even worse.

Even with the tiniest amount of scrutiny, the plot has big holes and at one point you will be yelling at your screen about how a group of people can be so dumb. But in the end its mildly satisfying....and did I mention everyone looks amazing.
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I gave it a solid 5 out of 10
Brian3aw15 March 2008
Well, I just saw "Skinwalkers" and I find it kind of a "OK" movie, you can actually watch it while doing something else or having a conversation with the person next to you or even checking your emails ! you won't miss much if you lost track of what's going on ! and even if you felt like you lost a line or two, just think of any line that can work for the situation and here you go ! you got your own movie ! I'm not saying it's a bad movie, it's just not the best werewolf movie in the world (is there such a thing anyways ?! ) and it's not - by far - the best horror movie either ! So, if you're looking for something to kill time with, here's your movie, if you're looking for something else ! well, keep looking !
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Another Disappointment to the Werewolf Genre
mike1324121 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Tonight I had the opportunity to get a sneak peak at the movie "Skinwalkers;" a new film by creature effects guy James Issasc's. He is probably best known for his work on "The Fly" and "Enemy Mine." I had heard about this film a few months back when I had the pleasure of attending a screening of "Alien" at the wonderful Arclight in Hhe creature effects were supposedly a twist on the usual werewolf film. So when a ticket for this film passed my way, I jumped at the chance.

The story (which I was in the dark about before) is about a 12 year old boy caught in the crossfire between two warring werewolf clans. One consists of werewolves happy to feed on humans, while the other camp believes they're cursed and are trying to find a way to become fully human again. They look to a 12 year old boy, who was prophesized (never made totally clear by who) to have something within him that would cure them of their terrible burden. But the catch is he has to live until his 13th birthday, and while that seems simple enough the werewolves who want to remain that way don't want to see that happen. Three days prior to his 13th birthday, the moon turns red, signaling that the prophecy is going to come true. So the whole movie is basically this race to keep him alive to break the curse.

Stating it simply the movie unfortunately is not very good. I've seen the standard werewolf films, like "The Howling" and "A Werewolf in London." Both of which I thought were great for different reasons I won't get into here. Then I've seen ones I really didn't like…ehem… "Cursed." So I was hoping for a lot here knowing that Stan Winston was involved. The problem with this film is it has trouble finding itself. You don't know if this is supposed to be serious, or one big joke. Parts that are not meant to be funny are funny because they're so absurd, and then parts that are meant to be lighthearted leave you confused and wondering if you just missed a laugh.

The acting was very mixed across the board, but no one hit any major high notes with me. I had a hard time seeing Jason Behr, who plays the leader of the "we love to be werewolves gang," as being very villainous. Elias Koteas, who leads to good guys, was fine in the role but his performance was just bland and didn't stand out much. Then you have Rhona Mitra, who I loved on "Boston Legal" and on "Nip/Tuck." She was perfectly fine, if anything I thought she was too good for some of the annoyingly badly written lines she was uttering. The child actor was just that, a child actor, 'nough said.

I was hoping that the creature effects if anything would be the highlight, but even those left something to be desired. I was looking forward to a great transformation scene, something akin to "A Werewolf in London." So I waited…and waited…and was left empty handed. The transformed werewolves did look somewhat different then ones I'm more accustomed to. As opposed to simply being big dogs, these were more human in appearance. Imagine Michael at the end of "Underworld" but much harrier, and there you go. The female werewolves were probably the most different then anything I'd seen before. Usually you can't tell a female werewolf from a male one. But these kept a more feminine figure when they transformed, and their faces became more elongated then the males. Point being, it was very easy to distinguish.

Even though I didn't have high hopes for this film, I was still hoping the creature effects would save it. But they weren't enough to carry this film to the end, and had I paid for it I would have felt cheated out of $10. There wasn't anything that distinguished this film from any others similar to it that I've seen. So my recommendation when this film hits a theater near you is rent "A Werewolf in London" and be thankful for it.
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Worthless werewolf crap.
BA_Harrison30 November 2007
Horror fans are idiots.

Or at least I think that is what the makers of Skinwalkers must believe. A werewolf movie which makes up its own rules and mythology in order to suit its weak story, and tries to detract from its sheer awfulness with some shoot-outs and a couple of babes, this absolute mess shows complete contempt for fans of the genre.

Throwing the audience straight into the middle of a storyline from the outset, director James Isaac confuses viewers for the first 20 minutes, and then spends the rest of the movie's running time dishing up sub-standard lycanthropic hogwash.

In Skinwalkers, according to an ancient prophecy (that old chestnut), a half-breed boy will have the power to end the werewolf curse once he reaches the age of thirteen (at the stroke of midnight, of course!). With only days to go before his all important thirteenth birthday, a gang of nasty lycanthropes, who wish to remain as they are, set out to kill the boy. Fortunately for the lad, a small group of good werewolves, who wish to become human again, risk their lives to protect him.

Had the makers of this wolfish cack bothered to dish up some decent looking beasts, or perhaps some effective gore, then maybe I would be a little more forgiving. But since we are treated to some risible make-up, very little in the way of splatter, and absolutely no transformation effects, Skinwalkers genuinely deserves the lowest rating possible.
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BMovieScreamQueen1331 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Mediocre to say the least, Skinwalkers is a relief to the weary eye when surfing through bad television. However, under normal circumstances when you are allotted the privilege of watching B rated movies, Skinwalkers is nothing more than your typical werewolf flick, filled with predictable twists and an even more predictable plot. The movie raises more questions than answers them, leaving the audience to fend for themselves through the thicket of possible explanations. The character build up was virtually nonexistent, and the history of not only the unconvincing characters, but of the origins behind their lycanthropy disease is muddled and never explained. The werewolves themselves looked so alien, that halfway through their performance you find yourself waiting for one of them to point dramatically to the moon with glassy eyes and recite, "E.T. go home." The supposed and exalted "cure" for the werewolves is a lot less remarkable than anyone would have ever expected, and leaves the audience feeling cheated as it was the bait at the end of the line that kept us watching. The ending immediately becomes a scene that leaves little to be desired, and gives the audience nothing more than an unsatisfied mental palate. The conclusion of the movie seemed to come and go so quickly (just as any hope of it being any good within the first ten minutes), that we wonder if the director simply needed to make a clean break from his own movie because he had a deadline to meet. The movie lacked originality and planning, but with a title like Skinwalkers (which had absolutely NO relevance to the movie whatsoever) what else could we have expected?
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Not the worst movie ever, but painfully bad.
dingocropla1 December 2007
This movie did not entirely lack plot or decent actors or even special effects. Unfortunately, what the movie did not lack was mediocrity. None of the acting was good, not even for a second. I'm glad I got bored and looked up the spoiler before I got to the ending. Generally if a movie has nothing going for it, they throw in gratuitous something. If they would have made it gory or over the top it would have had something going for it. It really has nothing going for it, unless you are a were-tard.

It is not worth watching unless werewolves are your thing, and probably not then either.

Not the worst movie ever (see Sublime or Legion of the dead, those were real stinkers.
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Well the acting scared the hell out of me ...
burninghoof5 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
!!! This comment contains spoilers !!!

What to say about this movie ... I wouldn't say its a really bad movie but definitely not worth going to the cinema. It was the first movie in a halloween marathon.

It had a phew good parts (funny) Like Nanny pulling out one bad BIG gun out of her purse and the 12 year old boy who flirts with a nurse at one point. But the real thing that scared the hell out of me was the acting, seriously the kid gets bitten in his neck by a grown werewolf, blood flowing like a river and then just watch how the kid acts ... and then his mom asks if he's OK.

All in all, it should be entertaining on a movie night at home but not worth seeing in the cinema ...
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Another movie to add to the junk pile.
Sal_G3 August 2007
This movie is yet another example of the Hollywood money machine churning out movies that are designed to make cash over quality. Even though there is nothing new and nothing at all original about this movie, it was nicely packaged and sent out anyway.

The characters in the movie are shallow and unexceptional. As a viewer, I was left with no emotions about any of them whatsoever, except for one. The mother, played by Rhona Mitra, was irrational up to the point of being acutely annoying.

The disastrous script had the characters acting strangely at times, doing things that belied the essence of what they were meant to be and how people in their situation might have behaved. The script was so completely slanted that I won't even comment on the acting as this wouldn't be fair or accurate on the actors.

Overall, this movie was a huge waste of time for me. It didn't even fall into the 'mindless action movie' category that I can sit through when I don't wish to focus on anything in particular.

My thoughts of this movie summed up into one sentence would be: "Bad guys in leather jackets on motorbikes with guns.... and they're werewolves!" *cringe*
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I tell ya... We get no respect... Or regard... But no respect...
s2dio2 August 2007
Werewolf movies are always difficult to make. They touch on an area of mythology that has so many facets, it's impossible to please everyone.

Everyone from Asia to the Natives of North America have tales of shape-shifting humans, and for some reason wolves became the go to animal for it. Stoopit sheep farmers...


I honestly liked this flick... I won't go so far as to say it's a must see, but it was entertaining and had just enough bite (see what I did there? classic comedy).

It's extremely difficult to sell a werewolf movie to someone who doesn't dig them in the first place.

They're nothing like vampyres. They aren't sexy, they aren't stylish, and they hardly ever keep a loft in a New York high rise.

Werewolves are the blue collar creature. They're always running, fighting, and sweating for everything they need.

And this flick does just that...

They start the clock running from the outset and establish that a single boy holds the key to the destruction or salvation of a race of werewolves, loosely based on the Native myths of Skinwalkers.

1 group attempts to protect the boy, while the other... Well... Wants to eat him.

Along the way, a few thousand rounds are spilled out of big shiny guns, and stuff gets blown up. There's enough sweat, hair tossing, and growled lines to keep any action fan happy. There's the mandatory martyr, rebel, desperate mother, and hot chick (even though she definitely loses some looks when she changes, werewolves ain't sexy). There's even the loving Grandma figure.

Turn off your brain, and pop some corn... You'll enjoy this flick if you don't read much into it.
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really bad film
doit6134 December 2007
This movie is about a bunch or werewolves trying to track some kid down and kill him, already not the best plot but still some potential to be cool....unfortunately the small amount of potential was never realized. I read the other user comment which compared this film to Underworld and Van Helsing, I thought to myself "hey, looks like im in for a treat tonight", this was not the case at all. I was surprised because usually the user comments on this site are pretty good, I guess this is the exception that proves the rule. This film is really badly written with almost no special effects...kind of like a bit of talking a few surprises and people running and shooting, really a pretty bad film. I do admit that I fell asleep a few times during this film so my description might not be 100% on the money but I got the gist of it i think....ugh
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Not bad.
darma_knox10 August 2007
All these people are seriously hating on this movie. Either they haven't seen it, or they're just hating to hate. It's seriously not that bad. It's entertaining. I've been saying this all day; as soon as someone asks what I thought, I say, "Take it for what it's worth." Can anyone say the last perfect horror/scifi movie that they saw? Nope. It's fun. It's got pretty people in it. And the effects are pretty damn good too. It's good. The premise is about the native American idea of skinwalkers. The idea differs a bit in the movie, but you get the jist of it. There are a few funny parts, that aren't meant to be funny, but it's ENTERTAINMENT. When you take a few mediocre actors, and put them in a movie like this, I don't know what you're expecting. It's done well. If there was another movie to compare it to, it would probably be something like 'An American Werewolf in London,' or 'Interview With a Vampire.' All that I kept thinking while I was watching the movie, is how cool it actually would be, to be able to live forever. Or, more so, how it would be to have INCREDIBLE strength like this. People take this way too seriously. You watch a movie to escape from reality, right? Otherwise you'd be watching documentaries all the time. And honestly, that would just be a bummer.

Don't hate y'all. It's bad for your complexion.
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Good Enough To Make Coke Shoot Out of My Nose
One_hand_clap10 August 2007
Okay, I saw this movie at the matinée show and no coke didn't shoot out of my nose but it would have had I been drinking coke. I've been waiting for nearly two years to see this thing and let's just say I was a little disappointed.

No, it's not that bad but I was expecting there to be a lot more violence. I still really liked it for the most part but I guess the R to PG-13 re-cut affected that? I liked the Werewolves and wouldn't mind owning the Stan Winston made one. Though I have no idea where I'd put it? Garage? There are plenty of fight scenes to whet the appetite, though, like I said they aren't that graphic. The hot girls in this are definitely very hot. I have this weird thing for Rhona Mitra, perhaps a tad unhealthy.

The look of the movie is very good. There's some very cool shots at night and the final scene is pretty damn sweet.

The plot is fairly straight forward but adequate for a movie of this type. No big surprises, nothing that will change your life, or change the way you look at Werewolves.

The acting is okay, not great but okay. Believable enough.

I'd say this movie is worth seeing and you could bring you kids if they are like, ten or above. It's not too scary for them I think.

Overall, it's like a B-. If you love the monster movie genre this should fill you up for little while.
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Wow just wow
bsdooley12 August 2007
Not in a good way, who ever made any good previous comments about this movie is in desperate need for entertainment. If you want to see a better movie about this subject I highly suggest Michael J Fox's role in Teenwolf. Not only were the costumes better, but the story as well as the special effects. Yes there is a few attractive girls in the movie that do nothing but become hairy and use the same makeup job from Dusk til Dawn. Honestly how is a movie like this made and even put into theaters, no one should ever be subjected to this kind of torture. Some might think that I am being harsh but I am just trying to save your money for renting a good b movie instead.
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gaus1721 February 2007
Skinwalkers will smooth the itch of werewolf fans. Despite having some flaws in the story, like empty towns full of werewolfs, the action will make up for it. Directed by James Isaac, The story is about a 12 year old boy caught in the crossfire between two warring werewolf clans. One consists of werewolves happy to feed on humans, while the other camp believes they're cursed and are trying to find a way to become fully human again. The chase scenes and guns are superb. The movie is a lot of special effects but otherwise a good one to go and watch with a friend or a girlfriend. This movie does not compare to the werewolf classics in the past as far as story line, but it does a good job showing that not all werewolf's believe in the werewolf philosophy of biting people and taking names.
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This movie was only an hour and 20 minutes for a reason
bjt5515 August 2008
Reading the plot for this movie got me really excited, and the preview helped confirm that. I was HEVILY disappointed in this film! While the idea was good, this movie just dragged on and on and on. I laughed after I looked at the short running time once the movie was over. Watching this was almost like watching a 90s jean claud van dam movie or something. Cheesy dialog as well as action. Thats right the fight scenes weren't even good! What I did like a lot about this movie ws the cinematography, it was excellent. The Idea in intself still is pretty cool, it just wasn't done very well. This movie was almost like 90s jean claud van dam movie meets john carpenters vampires. In fact if you haven't seen Joh Carpenters Vampires go watch that instead haha.
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You can just forget about this movie! Trust me, you won't miss a thing...
guiver31 July 2007
This is not even a werewolf movie, I really cannot say that this is a horror or a thriller, nothing scared me. Bad plot, very poor character creation, the critics won't ever bother wit this one. On one side we have monsters who doesn't wont to be monsters, on the other ones who are proud to be blood-seekers. But why? What makes them want to be humans? No one knows! What is a werewolf, just some makeup, and roar?! I'm not fooled. The thing that they counted on, was the cast. Ronha Mitra and Elias Koteas are not enough for me. This is a second class production, that will be seen in low quality theaters. I wanted to give it a "2", but there are lots of awful movies that need my 1s and 2s. Go see "Underground", at least there is some special effects in it.
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lackluster werewolf flick
Buddy-511 August 2009
Incoherence and stupidity are the hallmarks of "Skinwalkers," a cheapjack horror film about two packs of werewolves (one good, the other evil) who are hiding out in Middle America and doing battle over a young messiah figure who, it is prophesied, will bring an end to the curse on his 13th birthday. The problem is that the bad werewolves want to stay just as they are and, thus, are determined to find the boy and destroy him before he can effect the change.

What with its pistol-packing grandmas, its too-cool-for-school, sunglass-wearing, motorcycle-riding lycanthropes, its ludicrous gun battles, and its supremely amateurish writing and acting, "Skinwalkers" plays more like a parody of a zero-budget horror movie than the actual thing. Perhaps that explains why the movie provides far more laughs than thrills in the course of its running time.
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Disposable lycanthropy at best...
MrGKB5 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
...and turgid film-making at its least, "Skinwalkers" adds nothing to the canon beyond, perhaps, the concept of a pack of werewolves owning a mobile, armored self-restraint chamber. As is almost always the case, the fault rests primarily with the script, credited to three people--both at the beginning and end of the film!--a sure sign of meddling by the suits putting up the money. Somehow, though, I doubt the original screenplay was much better. This one involves two warring packs of shapeshifters who are focused on the impending thirteenth birthday of one of their own and what may or may not occur (beyond an anomalous and illogical "red moon") when he attains that benighted age. It's not the concept so much that rankles, though, it's the execution.

In a word: pedestrian. In two words: utterly forgettable. Director James "Jason X" Isaac should stick with effects work; either his directorial abilities are limited to fx/stunt sequences or he hasn't the artistic chops to surmount a script-by-committee. His ability to elicit quality acting performances is definitely suspect, since none of his cast acquits itself with anything approaching distinction.

I know nothing of the genesis of this project, nor do I care to. The resultant mess doesn't merit the effort. "Skinwalkers" is make-work of the most disappointing order. The viewer can only take comfort in knowing that it did so poorly at the box office that the sequel it so blatantly sets itself up for will likely never see the light of the next full moon. We at least have that to be grateful for.
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Do not go and see this movie
rusticginger7 November 2008
On the back of the DVD is says that this movie is gory and one to see - well don't, the make up is terrible, the plot could have been much better if they were able to work out how the Lycans die and kept it more to what we all know instead of making it up and ending up with too many inconsistencies (8 bullet gun and she runs out on 6, and it wasn't even silver!) and where was the gore we were all hoping for. The best part was the ending, considering all the CGI we have these days the movie could have been much better, the actual storyline was not a bad one (cursed side and loving it the other with the boy stuck in the middle waiting to turn 13) it was ruined with a lack of gore and anticipation, some sex scene that I have no idea why it was in there (just for the directors to see a bit of Boob action I guess) and a general lack of ability to keep the audience interested. Do not go and see this movie!
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Skinwalkers: A B-Movie with a little bit more.
viviewages10 August 2007
Skinwalkers are actually from Navajo mythology. They are supposed to be people who put on the skin of animals and take on the attributes of said animal. Well, that's not really what "Skinwalkers" the movie is about. It's about werewolves who are in an argument that's been raging for centuries.

What if some werewolves didn't want to be werewolves and other werewolves loved being werewolves? That's the basic premise for this B-movie avalanche of gun fights and claws called "Skinwalkers." It starts off quickly and never stops moving. There's plenty of action and hot bodies and the occasional Werewolf wearing Levis. The cinematography is good and gives the movie nice a look especially in the night scenes. There's a huge battle at the end that is very fun.

Overall, I'd say this is not a great movie but fun enough to see it on the big screen. Also, they are giving away one of the Skinwalkers from the movie or something. That's cool.
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Evidently, werewolves are horrible shots.
M&J24 August 2009
I just saw the opening sequence. It involves a shootout in a small town between two groups of werewolves. And I have to say, it was so bad, it made me laugh. It was like a town of Mr. Magoo's trying to hit the broad side of a barn.

The fight begins when the bad guy and a good-guy, who also happens to be a little-old-lady, unload unnecessarily huge handguns a mere 10 feet from each other. They shoot a half dozen shots and only manage to graze each other. Then, a whole town worth of good guys pours out with handguns, high powered rifles, and machine guns. In an attempt to hit 4 bad guys who are basically standing in the middle of the street. Bullets fly, and even though the main bad guy is standing completely stationary behind a glass and wood door, a whole town can't hit him.

The funniest part is when some lady in the back of a truck gets out a machine gun and empties it at the bad guys and manages to hit NOTHING! Worst shootout ever. Then I gave up on the movie.
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Kudos to Skinwalkers
itchybutt_stinkyfingers19 December 2007
When I first observed this movie on the wall at the local video store I was reluctant. Too many ignorant attempts at the creation of werewolves by directors who don't understand the myths behind werewolves have made me cautious when it comes to these type of movies.

I'm a big fan of werewolves and vampires but only when the folklore behind the two is handled properly. That's why I'm a fan of this movie. (You won't find any vamps in this movie.) First of all, there's originality in the plot. Instead of any number of bloodthirsty animals running around killing everything in sight, we get to see the humanity of the creatures.

Secondly, you still recognize the human likeness of the person once he/she has transformed into a werewolf. Too many movies portray a werewolf as only a wolf...just some big, furry animal with no humanity about him. That's not a werewolf.

For us guys, it has plenty of action and eye candy. Natassia Malthe, Sarah Carter and Rhona Mitra are some beautiful women. The plot keeps moving from the beginning and you won't have time to get bored.

This movie didn't make a big splash in the theaters and I'm sure some will say it's not that good. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and hope to hear of a sequel in the future.
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Flawed, Corny but Entertaining
claudio_carvalho30 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In accordance with the Navajos' legend, a thirteen year-old boy will finish with the curse of the Skinwalkers, a.k.a. werewolves. The half-breed boy Timothy (Matthew Knight) is raised by his human mother Rachel (Rhona Mitra) and protected by his Skinwalkers relatives since he was born. His grandmother Nana (Barbara Gordon), his uncle Jonas (Elias Koteas), his cousin Katherine (Sarah Carter), her boyfriend Adam (Shawn Roberts) and their friend Doak (Lyriq Bent) have kept the secret about his bloodline and neither Timothy nor Rachel know the tragic curse. A couple of days before Timothy's thirteenth birthday, a pack of evil Skinwalkers that had tasted blood leaded by the evil Varek (Jason Behr) chases the boy while his family protects him.

"Skinwalkers" is an entertaining werewolf movie, but with a great flaw in the plot and a corny conclusion. There is an inconsistency regarding the origins of the evil Varek: apparently he was human and has been transformed in a Skinwalker after the attack of an evil one, when his brother believed he had died. However, all his family is Skinwalker, therefore he should be a Skinwalker before the attack, otherwise how could his son be half-blood? The commercial conclusion with a happy family together is corny and a huge disappointment. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Skinwalkers Amaldiçoados" ("Skinwalkers Cursed")
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Boring plot with bad acting and CGI effects
dth_blade2 November 2008
This movie is boring. I thought it was going to be like Underworld with two fighting clans both trying to create a super monster. I wasted an hour and a half of my life watching this.

The werewolf costumes don't look anything like a wolf. They just have sharp teeth and are hairier. And they don't talk, they just roar. I could tell my dad to stop shaving for a month, buy some fangs from the Halloween shop, and grunt like a gorilla, and he would look like the werewolves in this movie. I saw scarier things while watching Scooby Doo.

The plot is nothing new, either. 2 packs of wolves. One wants to end the curse, one doesn't. They fight, and the good guys win. Waaaaaaaay too predictable. There is no twist in the story. No big secrets. No surprises that change everything. You could guess the whole movie after watching the beginning.

The ending isn't anything spectacular. It doesn't go out with a big bang. Nothing happens to the boy. He doesn't turn into Superman and save everybody. He doesn't get any super-powers that everybody says he should have. He just... stays the same. You could feel that at the very end, the director probably said "Lets finish this. I need to go home." This movie is boring. The plot is boring. And the fight scenes are terrible. If you want a good movie that has monster against monster, go watch Underworld. It has a better plot.
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