Dimples (2008) Poster


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and the eye's have it
movieman_kev14 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Frances (Madeline Zima, currently spellbinding on "Californication") is on the way to a camping trip with a few friends when a sudden bout of uncontrollable vomiting (which might or might not be due to Ectasy) forces them to stop at a secluded run-down gas station, which in turn sets forth a string of unfortunate events. Soon Frances is distracted by a little girl whom she follows to a house that holds some sinister secrets. Now an unseen monster is after her friends as she tries to help the strange little girl.

I was willing to go along with the film up to a point, but the ending pretty much ruined the whole experience for me and was handled better in film's such as "Session 9", "the Devil's Chair" and others. Still Madeline Zime is always a joy to watch on screen so it wasn't a total loss. It just wasn't a great choice to waste an hour and a half on either.

My Grade: D+
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Save yourself the trouble...
TankerKiryu27 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first of i felt like writing an hour and a half worth of complaints about this movie, as a payback for the loss of time it caused me...

But then i realized it wasn't worth the trouble, not that i would run out of arguments to describe how bad it is.

Low budget, OK... But in this movie, the budget is far to be the only thing that's low.

Possibly the worst movie ever made, no plot, mediocre acting, constant nonsense, minimalistic dialogs and the list goes on and on. Though the biggest frustration has to be the awful attempt at making it worth the watch with the ''final twist'' which has been done over and over before.

I have seen it all, and by that i mean the movie i didn't seen is not out yet.

This being said, save yourself the trouble (and the pain) and simply do something else, anything is better than watching this really.

As for comparing the acting with movies such as ''The Ring''... Come on let's be serious for a second there... There is no way this pathetic attempt at horror cinema can be compared to such a masterpiece.

I watched the first 44 minutes thinking what the hell is up with this, waiting for something to happen even though i was already falling half asleep and pretty much got the point. Then i came on here out of boredom and annoyance to check user reviews and oh god... All those comments stating how amazing this movie is, i couldn't believe it...

Then i saw the ''Keep away'' comments so i wanted to watch the end out of curiosity and yes, it definitely is an insult to the horror movie community. I actually had to register to make sure nobody else would get fooled.

As a previous poster said, i rated it 1 because there is nothing under. This would deserve to go way below.

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Stay clear!! Lousiest horror movie I've ever seen!
kakistoz27 September 2008
This is definitely the worst horror-movie I have ever seen! Absolutely dreadful acting, I'm actually embarrassed on the actors behalf to think that any actor would sink so low as to allow this shoot to be shown to the rest of the world.

I only recognized two or more actors from earlier. You would think that previous acting would've counted for something but it really doesn't apply for this movie. At all.

Believe me, I saw this movie all the way from the beginning till it's end and I actually gave it a shot due to earlier horror movies I've watched that turned out to be better than predicted. I've seen A lot of movies in every genre and I can safely guarantee that you can trust my word when I say that this movie is a total waste of time.

To sum it all up: The storyline is unoriginal from every aspect, pretty damn mainstream, seen it all before. The actors were very vague and uninteresting, lousy acting and their lines didn't actually help. Those lines could just as well have been written by a 10 year old, that's how bad they were. Every scene was badly thought through, and the balance between the duration of the various scenes were set all wrong and gave the wrong effect and impression for the entire movie.

If I were to choose something even barely tolerable about the movie, then it would be the person behind the camera. Did a bang up job with the filming of some scenes, but unfortunately was the effort overshadowed by remaining lousiness of this "made-outta-pocket-o-pennies"-budget movie.

Final words/Words of caution: Stay clear! To put my opinion in another way; Ever seen Hatchet? Well, Hatchet was better, and that was a lousy movie...! Exactly. Now imagine how bad this movie is...
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Nothing Cute About These Dimples
deharvy30 May 2009
Some comments left by Knatreesha_21 could have been enough to inform you about the overall lack of quality you'd find watching this movie, but this movie was so bad, I felt the need to reiterate just how bad it really was. So, how bad was it? For one, and as mentioned, the acting was absolutely horrible. None of the characters portrayed anyone that would actually exist. The dialogue was boring, senseless and predictable. There was some acting that was actually so bad, it made you laugh; and this wasn't even considered a comedy. From the start of the movie, nothing made sense. 30 minutes into the movie, you are still wondering why nothing relevant has happened and where the story is going. It was as if they were trying to mix American Pie with some cheesy horror flick. You watch, only with hopes that something would be revealed; but by the time the movie ends, you realize that you lost an hour and a half of your precious life that you can't get back. It's a painful feeling, the realization that you actually sat there and watched the entire thing. It actually upset me so much, I went straight to bed; even though I had a few other movies lined up. So, how bad was it? I wasn't even registered on this site until today. I felt the need to register to let everyone know just how bad this movie is. So, how bad was it? It's called Dimples but there is no reference to dimples other than a stupid teenage scene where a boyfriend is doing a video of him and his girlfriend being together. The dialogue goes like this, Boy: "Let's call this video Dimples." Girl: "But I don't have any dimples." Yep, that's it. Nothing more. So, really, how bad was it? Trust me.... you don't want to find out for yourself.
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thanks or nothing kesjd
Knatreesha_2129 September 2008
I decided to watch this movie after the review that kesjd gave and if I could ever meet this person well lets just pray I don't because I wasted over an hour of my life watching this catastrophe of a movie. This movie was beyond terrible. There was no plot, no sense whatsoever, very poor acting for people who have been acting a long time, did I mention that this movie made no sense whatsoever. At the end I was like WTF. Nothing was made clear at the end of the movie (nothing). Please avoid at all cost. The only reason I am giving this movie 1 is because there is nothing below like minus something. I swear the person (kesjd) had to have been paid to say something positive about this movie.
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Awful Movie. Keep away
Xorpion22 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Awful. Truly Bad!

It would be a crime to recommend this one. Got fooled by the name and some stupid reviews.

Absolutely no twist, exceptionally poor acting. LAME LAME LAME!

Nothing seems to be fine - music is bad, voices sound distant. Story just makes you impatient. I was really hoping to see something big towards the climax, but there wasn't any at all.

Apparently I was happy to see the credits roll as I could not have tolerated the boredom any further.

Keep away from this movie!
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Another unsuccessful attempt...
varnaboy11 October 2008
I agree with some of the comments about this movie. The film is full of clichés and bad acting. At moments the plot and the acting of the actors are so illogical and just ridiculous. Some moments I believe were meant to be very psychological, strong and powerful. Instead they are naive, boring and amateur. The movie bears resemblance to a great horror flicks from the 70's like " The Texas chainsaw massacre" , "Tourist trap" , "Hills have eyes" , etc... Well very obviously this is another unsuccessful attempt to make a scary movie, and today's ran-out-of-ideas horror directors are hoping that the 70's horror movies golden mine can be always used. Sorry guys but it's not working!
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Very Creepy.
tiltbomb4 October 2008
This film went places i did not expect it to go. It seemed typical on the surface, but really wasn't. As well, the over all ambiance and tone of the film was very creepy, well made. The acting was great for a horror film ( i know that sounds strange, but I have come to expect horrible acting in horror films) The cinematography was nice, a little to hand held for me at times, but that seems to be to "go to" aesthetic for horror films, well films in general these days. It worked in parts, but when things settled it did get a bit annoying. Nevertheless, the film flowed well kept me intrigued and ended a bit abruptly, but the TWIST i never saw coming. Left a definite impression.
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Lopsided Critiques.
puntball29 September 2008
The critiques here seem a bit lopsided. I saw this film sometime back at a screening a friend invited me to. I did not know the filmmakers personally, but I liked the film. I heard that they released film was a "different" cut from what I saw so I checked it out again and actually liked this cut better. I thought it was a strong effort the first time especially for a first time feature film director and a very interesting low budget horror film to boot. The acting was not bad, especially for a genre film. Madeline Zima's character, at times, could be a bit drab, but there were reasons for that in the story and she pulled it off. The characters surrounding her were well performed and not over the top as you see quite a bit in horror films. The scares were plenty, but not so many that you know one is around every corner. Now DIMPLES is was not the best film I ever seen by any means, but it was solid low budget fare at the very least. Some parts I felt more explanation was needed,but I did not see the twist coming and the ending (very untypical for horror) left me thinking about it for days. Some of the low grades and harsh comments here seem to have an ax to grind. I alway find it amusing when a film is bashed by someone who only has that one comment in their comment history. Plus when they attack with seathing relentlessness. At least that is what I feel. Now, let me repeat Dimples is not an award winner by any means, but is not a total stinker either. I am a filmmaker myself and I hate to see decent efforts get unfairly trashed...Now if you one a gore fest with no thinking involved, you wont like Dimples. But if you want a bit on the mind, I think you will...Cheers!
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I liked it.
first_time_movie1 October 2008
I liked it. I have bias in that I really like Madeline Zima, but it was different from most horror movie cheese fiestas out there now a days. Don't get me wrong, there are some good scares and kills and some parts that are a bit corny, but it had a psychological element i dug. It does give you answers, but leaves some things up for interpretation. I know that makes some people angry these days (as seen on this site) but I like movies like this. The ending left a definite impression on me and got my mind thinking. I felt the acting was overall good, the film was shot well, written solid and had some really funny parts too. I enjoyed all 90 minutes of it and it moved so fast. I think this is a movie you like better when you watch it again, although I only watched it once. recommend this film.
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Good if you do not want to be spoon-fed
chestermcgovern23 November 2008
I heard about this flick through a friend and grabbed it the other night. Watched it with a friend and he thought it was alright, but I liked it,especially for a low budget horror film. I thought the acting was not spectacular, but I have seen plenty worse. It definitely was not bad. There was some very funny dialogue, some good jump scares, some alright gore (low budget)and a cool/different story. I thought anyway. There is a psychology here that I liked quite a bit. It also was shot well. The twist through me for a loop and I didn't seeing it coming. I think this was a good effort. I recommend it, especially if you don't like to be spoon fed and want something a bit different to watch.
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Excellent movie if you like horror films.
kesjd19 July 2006
"Dimples" is a very creepy movie and that's why I like it. This movie is well thought and well written. The actors were perfectly chosen for the film. In case you haven't noticed, most of them have been acting since they were kids. They all did a great job.

I especially love the actress (Summer Davis) that played the little girl. She was really good! Her acting is a lot better than the girl from the "Ring."

"Dimples" is pretty creepy himself. He's scarier than all of those characters like Freddy and Jason. I will definitely buy this movie. This movie is meant to be seen over and over again, especially on Halloween.
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Little slow, but well worth the wait.
seandogg-12 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love Madeline Zima. I think she is not only very beautiful, but a good actress. So maybe I am a bit bias...but not really...if I think a movie is horrible I would say so. AND Dimples is not horrible by far as some people seem to think on here. I agree with the lopsided critique comment as in I can see why. Dimples is steeped in creepy foreplay before it gets too a ton of action. I liked that...some people don't. I felt the movie was well made, paced with precision and was shot great and the acting was STELLAR in comparison to most horror mumbo jumbo. Sometimes I watch horror films and think, "shoot I should be an actor" and I could be possibly the worst actor in the world. I can't even lie to my cat. But in fact, Dimples had some good acting period...no matter the genre...I felt. Not just from Madeline, who I agree was one note, but I do agree that was the part. That was the character. Some of the performances were muted, but again they seemed real to me...not just caricatures of people, but people. Once the action kicked in there was some great scares and some stuff that still kept your mind cookin. What I appreciated was that there was not just wall to wall jump scares like most horror has nowadays and the gore was not so horrific as to be almost horror pornographic. Anyway, just my opinion of many. I have and would recommend this film. I also loved the twist in the end. Have fun!
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