The Cave of the Yellow Dog (2005) Poster

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beautiful film and music as well
whiteroom23 September 2006
boring?? yeah, I think some people may feel this way.Perhaps they just watched too many Hollywood films and get used to the pace and storyline. I didn't watch Lassie Come Home so I have no idea what's the similarity between the 2 films. ( I doubt it) But this film is great. I got this film on DVD (Japanese release) and watched it with my mom and sister. We all love it. It's the atmosphere in the film that attracted me.

Yeah,it may not have the strong storyline, however it's the simplicity that makes this film great and touching. By the way, the music in the film is excellent! This film reminds me some of Iranian films regarding children and animals I've watched. They may not live a wealthy life but they do cherish what they have.
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Good foreign language cinema suitable for children
paulmartin-230 October 2006
Following The Story of the Weeping Camel, this is another instalment or chapter documenting a nomadic culture gradually disappearing in Mongolia. By telling the story from a child's perspective, it is very observational, and captures little details that may seem passé to those within the culture, but fascinating to others.

The cinematography and music are both quietly beautiful, creating a nice atmosphere. There is much warmth in the depiction of family life. The film skilfully avoids sentimentality. Like the just-released Offside, the characters are all non-professionals, adding authenticity.

For what it's worth, my five year old son loved it and gave it 10/10 stars.
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Spending time with the Batchuluun family in the Mongolian steppes - a simple, endearing family story
ruby_fff25 November 2006
Off the bat, the film title "Cave of the Yellow Dog" is poetically applied (it could have been "The Adventures of Nansal and Zochor"). You'd notice the little dog that 5-year old Nansal found is not exactly 'yellow,' hence need not wonder about its color - simply be an 'invisible guest' to the everyday living of the Batchuluun family of five. Namely our little 'heroine' Nansal (Nansa), eldest of the three children, mama (Buyandulam Daramdadi) and papa (Urjindorj), little sister (Nansalmaa) and baby brother (Batbayar). There's also an older woman (Teserenpuntsag Ish, reminds me of grandmothers) with sage and 'caringness': her age-old wisdom felt as she told Nansal 'folkloric' tale and asked her if "one can have one grain of rice rest on the top of a needle." "Impossible," little Nansal answered her own curiosity about life after death. "That's how hard it is to become another person in the next life."

It may seem the film is at its own leisurely pace, absolutely no hurriedness. Everything so naturally happens. There is dramatic moments of suspense, brief as it may: will there be danger? When I heard Mama's heeded words to Nansal about her little brother, I can see she's quite distraught and distracted by Zochor being left behind. What an ominous-looking flock of vultures.

It's fascinating to watch the ritual of moving, which is a Batchuluun family activity where everyone chips in. Filmmaker Byambasuren Davaa ("The Story of the Weeping Camel" 2003) artistically shows us the integral process of dismantling the portable tent (yurt) they live in, spoke by spoke. Looking at the tent site from above, focus of the square slot insertions in the top ring for each rod - it takes concerted effort, indeed. The girls rolling up the rugs, packing off the little furnishings they have (even active little brother has a hand). Mama also has to round up the herd of sheep. Papa yoking up the cows to five carts full. Writer-director-co-producer Davaa knows how to convey the nuance and cultural sensibility of the Mongolian nomads. Little things and family togetherness sure mean a lot.

The editing language (how the story was told) optimizes close-up's, nature/landscape scenes vs. dialog. The implied plot progression with words heard off screen, followed with facial expressions on screen, especially Nansal's emotions, be it joyous or sad, come through lucid. For example the ending treatment - you'll like the way it's presented. It's not obvious - what we saw moments ago and what we get to see eventually suggests what may have happened in between - the outcome of things yet so fluidly natural. An effective cinematic storytelling. Heartwarmingly' we'd smile at how cleverly the expectation fulfills. Filmmaker Davaa is gentle and creative, full of patience and humanity. She has a charming way of delivering an endearing human story putting us at ease to accept the flow of things.

This may not have the high drama of Hollywood's "The Yearling" 1946, the fun and solid companionship in "My Dog Skip" 1999, the collie star in "Lassie, Come Home" 1943, or the child acting genius in the Swedish "My Life as A Dog" 1985 - but the premise of a little girl and her beloved stray dog somehow has an intrinsic mix of family values and parent-child lovingness irresistible.

The film is of German production, hence the title aka " Höhle Des Gelben Hundes, Die."

11/26/06 'Previous life. Next life. Present life.' Hints of philosophical drifts in Davaa's second 'docu-narrative' - Still thinking about "Cave of the Yellow Dog." At one point in the film: "What were you in your previous life?" little Nansa asked her mother. Remembering the beginning scene: we see from afar Nansa and her father burying their family dog. She is inquisitive, and papa said to her that 'no one really dies, just become something else in the next life.'

We're fortunate to be able to follow along with Mongolian filmmaker Davaa and her film crew (from Germany), capturing the family spirits of this five-member unit. They are not actors but truly the Batchuluun family. Cinematography is remarkably beautiful delivering the Mongolian grassy plains and vast sky. (Reminds me of "Close to Eden" 1991, a Russian film also with Mongolian landscapes and nomadic life.) And the music is wonderful, at times have strains liken to Philip Glass (as in filmmaker Godfrey Reggio's cinematic montage pieces). There's a peacefulness to it all - seeing nature and humanity so integrally co-exist.

If you'd like to spend some 'quiet' non-stressful time at the movies, try "Cave of the Yellow Dog." Check out the official site ''. From 'Director's Notes' we can gain insights to how Davaa came to create her film and the thoughts behind the stories she wanted to tell, including the tale about the fable of the Yellow Dog.
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esmt21 November 2005
Beautiful and moving. The story is simple, a girl who wants to keep a stray dog and a dad who refuses, because he believes it might have grown up with wolves . As you will see, a great movie does not need explosions and special effects (if you are into movies with violence and action, it is definitely not for you). There are no actors in this film, just simple people. It is not an ethnographic documentary or a guide to life in the is just a film about humble people who live differently and who can be happy without the modern comforts. It has won a number of awards: Golden Starfish Prize, KODAK Award, Artemis Records Original Movie Score Award Hamptons 2005.
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a beautiful little movie!
kunsangchoezom31 July 2005
Its a beautiful, quiet movie about the scenic Mongolian nomad life. It very well befits as, but not only as, a children movie as it doesn't contain any violence or sexual hints. Its above all a praise for a life close to nature and enchants with its depiction of the nomad family life and breathtaking landscape views. The story of the heroine of the movie, a little girl, is quietly told in a manner that Hollywood productions have almost exclusively unlearned. Movies don't need to cost 80 million dollars to be a lasting memory. This little movie has an odd strength to it, probably drawing it from the old Mongolian culture it themes to depict.
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An Underlying Sadness
sheilacornuk7 July 2006
Critics seem to have missed an important underlying message of the film: the life of the nomads is incompatible with the modern world and it is inescapable for this particular family, no matter how much they may want to move on. From the moment the returned child builds up the heap of dried dung to resemble flats we know she longs for the town. The parents talk of moving there when their daughter returns to school, but the father cannot earn enough to support them. His herdsmen friends talk of the number of people already gone. There is a lot of symbolism here, of which the melted scoop is only one, as well as spoken hints of a fate that traps people within it. As the older sibling tells the baby, 'You can't play with God.' (or, apparently, alter fate)The basket becomes a prison - literally, when the girl places it over the dog at one point - and the world of the steppes is dangerous, full of wolves, vultures and even storms. For all it's picturesque scenery and domestic charm, this is a redundant life, for which any political change will come too late; only the children will have a chance to leave - the symbolic yellow dog(s) of the wise woman's story, which the parents will need to sacrifice.
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Life and times of a contemporary nomadic Mongolian shepherd's family
roland-10427 December 2006
Byambasuren Davaa, a Mongolian ex-pat filmmaker living in Germany, here follows up his 2004 documentary masterpiece, "The Story of the Weeping Camel," with another tale about the daily lives of a real nomadic shepherd family – the Batchuluuns – that live on the isolated Mongolian veld.

"Weeping Camel" featured an intense drama, chock full of suspense, when a postpartum camel rejects its albino newborn, thereby threatening its life. "Yellow Dog" offers no comparable crisis or suspense. It is in fact more than anything a sweet children's story. The older daughter, Nansal, who's around 9, finds a stray pup to dote on as a pet. But her father, Urjindorj, wants the dog – Zocher - lost pronto, fearing that it was raised by wolves that might show up and slaughter the family's goats. Will Nansal get to keep her beloved pooch? There is a brief yet dangerous turning point in this story, one that modifies Urjindorj's attitude.

The story, which, like "Camel," also provides allusions to the supernatural beliefs of these people, takes place over a summer, and, as autumn draws close, we have the opportunity to witness the step by step dismantling of the family's commodious yurt and its furnishings, as they prepare to migrate to more propitious winter grazing land. It's a far cry from car camping. (In Mongolian & German) My grades: 7/10 (high B). (Seen on 12/09/06)
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loig728 July 2006
Quite simply, "The Cave Of The Yellow Dog" is a wonderful film: it is heart-warming, life-affirming. It is simple, touching, unpretentious, with a documentary quality to it (how do people live there); it came as no surprise to see on the closing credits that this is a genuine family. Very probably non-professional actors (how could the small children act?). I saw it twice in two days and on second viewing, one can appreciate its subtle construction, how small details pave the way for slight plot twists: more going on under the surface than it originally looks like. For instance the reason behind the father's reluctance; the mixing of dogs and wolves; the people's economic conditions; the (potentially dangerous) presence of vultures in the background, and so on, all of which get to play a part at some later stage. Just go and see it, this film is an utter breath of fresh air. Beautiful ethnic music as well.
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cave of the yellow dog
mossgrymk13 October 2020
Yes, it's kind of a slow paced, Mongolian Disney movie, but it sure is fun to be transported to the harshly beautiful, sheep herding highlands of this most exotic and faraway of places (at least to a denizen of the Pacific Palisades!) and spend time with a real as opposed to an acting family, (although the gal who plays Nansal is one naturally talented young thesp). Give it a B.
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This is a wonderful film
hrv8062 September 2006
I loved this film. The story was slight and simply told but not, as so many people seem to suggest, cutesy, sentimental or manipulative. A little Mongolian girl makes friends with a puppy she finds in a cave; Her father wants her to leave dog where she found it - little girl struggles to keep dog. Dog turns out to be mans best friend after all. Everybody's happy. And Why not?

This film is so beautiful - the rolling steppe, the vast and broody skies, storms, lost children, marauding wolves - lots of excitement - car chases and people screwing and exploding bombs with bits of bodies flying about are not the only excitement available to us thank God.

It is exciting to see a mode of life so totally different to our own and portrayed so honestly and without any moral squint at all. I was enthralled from start to finish. The scene where they take down the yurt and pack up their belongings to move to new grazing - wonderful music by the way - was perfect. And although the film suggested (never preached) that this way of life might not endure for too long I, for one, felt that in spite of the hardships and unrelenting battle with nature involved in their lives, going to work in McDonalds could never be seen as a tempting alternative.

Go and see it.
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Western Mongolian Family With No Script...
fwomp29 July 2008
Picturesque and unbridled, THE CAVE OF THE YELLOW DOG is Mongolian in the extreme. More of a stream of consciousness in terms of style, The Cave of the Yellow Dog's director, Byambasuren Davaa, gives us her second feature length film that has the look and feel of a wayward docudrama but gives us a story that materializes by happenstance (her first being the well-done STORY OF THE WEEPING CAMEL).

Watching the extra features on the DVD gives one the insights you'll need to understand Ms. Davaa's style of filming. No script. No actors. Just real people doing real lines ...for the most part. The only "story" that weaves its way in is that of the yellow dog and his cave, revealed by an old crone who lives near our Mongolian family's current location.

The family is the Batchuluun family, a husband, wife, a mischievous (and very young) son, a young daughter, and another daughter — the eldest — Nansal. It is Nansal who we get to know best as she returns from school in "the city" to her family's nomadic grounds in mountainous western Mongolia. The panoramic shots of the surrounding countryside are achingly beautiful, with fiery sunsets, Grand Canyon-sized valleys, and hillocks of grazing lands mixed with flowering blooms. The topography is often more interesting than the story itself, which meanders hither and thither; from children playing working the farm to finding a not-yellow dog in a nearby cave.

The puppy that Nansal finds is the culmination of what should have been the film's central point. Her obsession over the dog and befriending it causes a rift between Nansal and her father, who doesn't want the dog to attract prowling packs of wolves to their homestead and their goat herd. Nansal loses interest in everything but the pup, even going so far as to not pay attention to the family herd and, eventually, to lose sight of her young brother whom she's supposed to be keeping an eye on. When Nansal stumbles upon an old lady living in a distant yurt, she learns the story of what can happen when someone finds a dog in a cave (although the old lady's story-dog was yellow and Nansal's is black and white ...and named Spot.) ... I won't say anymore, though, for fear of giving away what could be considered the "plot." Getting back to the extra features...

Director Davaa all but admits that they really had no plan on what to film, just taking it day-by-day and letting the story unfold as it may. So what became an actual plot developed by accident, which I find a bit irritating and refreshing. What if the plot hadn't developed and all we'd gotten were glimpses into the life of a western Mongolian family? I can't help but think that this would've been disastrous for the film. But, thankfully, the story DID come through and we get something unique and pretty darned original.
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A beautiful Movie!!!
JeanPaulJ25 October 2005
This is one of the nicest movies of all time... It is not really a drama and not really anything in fact. This movie just cannot be classified... All I can say that there is some sort of humor in this Movie. Little, very little but it shows how Mongolians perceive our new ways of life for them, and how they cope with some of our things that we find perfectly normal and ordinary but they find is the coolest thing ever! I hope that you will enjoy this movie as many of us in German-speaking nations have over this movie. Maybe that thsi will come to America and maybe Southern and further northern countries of Europe. Just remember: This is a story about the life of the last true Mongolians of the Steppe.
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Breathtakingly beautiful film
massaster76014 December 2006
I must confess that I was unfamiliar with director Byambasuren Davaa's work before I sat down and watched The Cave of the Yellow Dog-Director of The Weeping Camel- so I have no measuring stick to compare against't this film. Even though, Cave stands well enough on its own.

The Cave of the Yellow Dog centers around Nansaa, A little girl in a family of five nomadic Mongolians. Her father is a sheep-herder, while mom helps with the care taking and feeding of her her family. One day Nasaa comes across a small dog hiding in a cave, which she quickly names Zachor (means Spot) and takes home (altough her father is most displeased about it) From then on the film centers mostly on the three children in the household, and Nasaa's relationship with the dog. This film is pure simplicity, in terms of plot, and is mostly about people living in a basic, if not normal, world. Far from the everyday rat-race of most people's lives.

Those of you who are fans of gorgeous, lush cinematography, won't be able to find fault with this film. The landscapes portrayed in Cave are of the Mongolian Highlands and are amongst't the most beautiful ever captured on film. I was constantly blown away by each successive shot. I really can't go on enough about how awesome the cinematography and landscapes are in this film. It really has to be seen to be believed.

The acting is especially well done, especially when you factor in the extremely Young age of the three children in the film (god knows how long it took for the director to capture many of the scenes). Mom and Dad (as the film never really lets you know their names) also did great jobs in portraying the lives of nomadic peoples.

The score is almost as beautiful as the landscapes featured in the film. The music features traditional sounding oriental flute and violin music, which sounds very melancholy and heart-wrenching.

My only reservation is that, I think a lot of people will find this movie boring, as it has a very slow pacing. And now there is no action or explosions in it. The film actually looks very low budget, as if it was shot on a digital camera. But why it may lack a huge budget, this movie has a big heart, as well as a very relevant political message.

So if a good family story is your kind of thing, or your interested in seeing achingly beautifully filmed shots of the Mongolian Highlands, or if you just want to bring home a movie your significant other won't complain about, absolutely see this film.

My rating 9 out of 10 (Worth Owning).
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Would make a camel weep
mmunier8 March 2007
Sorry about the summary but those who had the good fortune to see "Weeping Camel" may see something in it. if you're into meditation perhaps this could be a very helpful addition for your practice. Just sit, relax let you mind wonder along the story. Especially if you have the privilege to have been in contact with rural setting and the benefit of a long life and can remember the days where things were simple, natural yet not so easy. I think then you'll enjoy that journey with this nomadic family where everyday life is moving together with the change of times with unavoidable anxious feeling for the invasion of a modern world. I too remember life with 15 milking cows in the East of France, and even earlier on "minding" grazing cows somewhere in open spaces as if time would stand still and i'd never grow older than 10! But here the story is seen from the young children eyes, their loving and concerned parents and older people who seem beyond concerns and more resigned to the grandeur of life. Some comments speak much of symbols in this story. Yes they are, but only if you want to take notice of them, else let yourself go with the gentle tide of the story. It needn't to be too intellectual unless you enjoy the extra. I hate giving points but feel that most would enjoy this work. MB
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Sublime return to Cinema and the Source
rolotomasi_70-398-33661922 November 2014
Its not often I am moved enough to write a review for a film. This is not because of a hardening of my heart but rather because of the lack of 'cinema' and 'film' out there, and the subsequent plethora of 'movies' and pernicious 'entertainment'. Of around the 250 'films' I see a year maybe one catches my heart and tugs it to such an extent that I cannot but write something about it. Accordingly, it is not I who is doing the writing, but the film that writes through me, through its power, its force, and its essence. The Cave of the Yellow Dog is one such film, and having just been mesmerized by it I cannot believe it has taken me almost a decade to discover it, but, from the other perspective, I am overjoyed that I did finally discover it. Perhaps the reason for my discovering it is that I am in Kazakhstan teaching (and learning!), and was curious as to the cinema around the region. The other reason is that I am in the energy capital of the country Atyrau, a washed out hole of a town, infected by the rape of the earth and the desire for greed by ignorant oilers and the like, most of whom come from the west, North America, and Europe, and are the complete and utter antithesis of the Mongol family being filmed in TCOTYD. In spite of Atyrau's status as the new Houston, it is possibly the most cobbled together hotchpotch of buildings and roads that I have ever seen in a life thus far of travelling and thinking. 'Spiritually unsympathetic' to coin a phrase by the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky comes to mind, and that's being generous. The earth around the city is to all intents and purposes dead. Nothing grows on it; it is, after all a huge building site, primed for construction as the barrels roll out and the money rolls in. The water table has been plumbed to the point of surface saturation whenever it rains; the great Ural river has been infected with the disease of man, which he calls progress. It is all rather bleak and grim. And then you have the great glass castles of the oilers themselves: monuments to the fallen: Tengizchevron, Mobil, Exxon and all the others; ignorant violators who have clubbed together to do this place over. The pain of the earth is tangible, it's blood being sucked by these vampiric monstrous outsiders, all rationalising their actions in terms of bringing 'civilization' to an otherwise 'backward' place. And so, to The Cave of the Yellow Dog which reminded me - re-mind-ed the great self that is not 'me' but the great souled 'I', that man is a perversion of the human: man is the human minus the humus, the soil, the land. I need not go into statistics of soil degradation, of deforestation, of the deliberate desiccation of the soul for the sake of pathetic costumes, and pitiful masks… for the sake of cosmetic appearances. What The Cave of the Yellow Dog has as a film is depth, but it is a lightness of depth, not a profundity, and it is this lightness that drew me in from the very first scene. The simplicity of it all (yet within a deep complexity) of a family eking out a harmonious existence on the great Mongolian steppe, is overwhelming.

There is within this film a searing soulfulness: these are not children being exploited for making movies; these are simply children being filmed as they are. It is wonderful. The animals, as they are, the family as they are, the land, as it is. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! And that is to say nothing of all the beautiful things that are made by loving hands and not machines: their clothes, their furniture, their yurt itself.

The family play themselves, the word play itself being operative here, as there is no work, no toil or coarse superfluous labour as we have come to know it in the west, but simply endeavor, and the play of song and dance. Everything done here is essential, and of the essence. The music, too, is quite sublime and will draw you out of your manufactured identity into a wider more spacious self that you perhaps never knew was there.

Words cannot do it justice. It is a film, like the great steppe itself, which cannot be explicated, but can only be lived, or at the next best, watched with an open heart. It made me think of how people have lost their way as human beings living with the earth and not against it, and how, in the west, the hand-made has also become a commodity, like time and space, like being and experience itself. The photography and the land is exquisite; the patience of the people involved evident, but then patience is no big deal when you are one with the land. In Atyrau, sadly, there is no one-ness, little harmony left, as the new younger and more seduced civilization enters the sauna of need, greed, and fear, all the while sucking the life right out of them.

Civilization is a slaughterhouse, but here on the great steppe, in the cave of the yellow dog, civilization is nothing; and it is this nothingness if attended to sensitively and intelligently enough that will bend your soul back into shape.
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Elegant, honest and transforming
Farrell_at_IMDB14 February 2007
Through the lens of a native from Mongolia and the mindful hearts of the people in the story, one is transfixed by the dignity of the this world. As an American, I have never experienced such simple artistry in a film.

The children are extraordinary in their candid roles. The natural family dynamics work so much better than most theatrics. It took tremendous courage to follow real people in their daily lives in order to create a story; proving that plot and special effects often get in the way of artistic subtleties.

This is a film treasure because it captures the heart in an effort to open a window to a fading way of sustainable life.
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A Must watch movie for the Holiday
tsotko29 November 2006
Great Mongolian Cultural experience. I thought the subtitles were little weak and some of the words were translated incorrectly. Other than that I have nothing to complain about the movie. I don't know why? When they translated the dogs name into ZOCHOR, when the girl clearly calls the dog " Tsookhor" which means Dalmation ( the girl called her dog as DALMATION because of the brown spot on the dogs head). And before she gave name to the dog she only called her puppy. But the subtitle says LITTLE ONE.

I laughed through out the movie, because I understood Mongolian. Half of the audience were Mongolian in the theater when I watched the movie and they all laughed and enjoyed the movie. It reminded me of my first theater movie experience in the US. I did not understand anything and I found the movie so boring, when other people were laughing their ass' off. But still it's a must watch movie and I hope that you would enjoy.
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Very beautiful and incredible.
Mightyzebra29 December 2007
I am the only member of my family who likes this, beautiful, peaceful, slow-going (in a good way) film. My brother found it SO boring that he rates it 2 out of ten. I've met no-one else who's seen AND liked it a lot. That's why I'm so glad that the lowest rating for this film on this website is 7! It's about a little girl who lives with her family in Mongolia and how she finds a little dog in a cave. She names the dog Zachor. Unfortunately, her father has heard tales about dogs that work with wolves to kill cattle and sheep. When he finds the dog, he thinks that he works with the wolves. Nansaa the girl must do something! Sure, there's not much excitement or anything like that, but it's not particularly boring! I recommend this to people who would like something new, subtitled films (it's in Mongolian with English subtitles), dogs and not too much humour (there's a little but not much which I like). Enjoy! :) P.S With all the new normal kid's films such as "Open Season" and "Barnyard" (and even the "Shrek" films) with basically the same storyline, it's nice, especially for people who enjoy calm films, to have something like this! I wish they would make these kind of films more often!
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Mongolian nomads show how a family can work together
bobgeorge117 November 2006
The story as such is simple. A Mongolian girl living a nomadic agrarian life with her parents and younger siblings finds a puppy. She wants to keep it as a pet and her Father wants it to go lest it attracts in the wolves who will eat their livestock. It's a disappearing world. There are hints at democracy coming - and we all need to have that. The Father mentions the possibility of moving to live in a city. Throughout the whole world there must still be more people struggling with that dilemma of whether to stay and live off the land or join us internet scrutinising city dwellers. A film like this makes one think who has the better deal. It's a real tough life for the Batchuluum family. Their spirit is inspiring. The director Byambasuren Davaa has surpassed her earlier film of the Weeping Camel to show the struggle for survival in the Mongolian plains. The director had the family just be themselves and so it was not scripted but it is so well crafted and becomes a tale. But where did that puppy come from and how long can this culture withstand the pressure and allure of global social conformity?
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Simple life
tamala758 May 2007
I first saw this movie at the outdoor cinema of La Villette last summer (every summer in the parc of "la villette", north of Paris, they show movies on an inflatable giant screen, people lay in the grass after a picnic or can rent transat chairs and blankets). It was just magical seeing those Mongolian landscapes while the Parisian sky was changing colors from blue to red and dark blue, and feeling the grass and earth beneath. This movie is so simple and things just seem to happen naturally like if you were sharing the life of this very touching family. The scenes with the kids are particularly sweet, makes you want to bury under a warm blanket... especially when the night wind cools you (definitely need a blanket if you lay in the grass to see a movie!).
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A little girl's a little summer adventure.
Reno-Rangan15 February 2014
One of the rare movie about the people most of us won't know their culture and lifestyle. This is a Germany-Mongolian jointly produced and Mongolian's Oscar submission during the year 2005. The movie about a small Nomad family who live in the grasslands of the Mongolia.

The story follows when a young girl named Nansal returns home for summer vacation. Soon she finds a strayed puppy in a nearby cave and brings it to the home. But her father is against the idea of keeping it around. So Nansal hides it from him and provides required facilities. As the dog was raised in wild it finds hard to fit in the human surrounded condition. After some incident the dog will be left behind by the family, but his heroic effort makes them to realize his worthiness.

It was a dog movie, but the dog did not exactly ruled the movie. They showed it just as a small part of the story which comes now and then, more like a reality. Actually, it was told from the girl Nansal's perspective. Her little adventure in the summer. There was a story where an old woman tell to the girl, it was really good, a meaningful proverb.

The family in the movie was a real nomad family. They were not professional actors, but they gave the best performance. We can't call it a performance, they just executed what they do in their daily life, but this time in front of a camera, that's all. And the director and his crew captured it in the camera very well. They also captured the beauty of grassland of Mongolia.

Due to this movie I came to know a little about the people called Nomad. It was more like a documentary than a regular cinema. The place where the movie shot was breathtaking. A perfect art movie from all the angles. A good relief movie and gives a watching satisfaction if you are fading up watching plenty of commercial movies.
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Two thumbs up!
i-hate-dotss10 December 2011
Two thumbs up for this movie! Never before have I seen so many heartwarming images in one film. This is a beautiful glimpse into the obscure nomadic life that city dwellers will seldom have access to. The cinematography of the movie is nearly perfect, capturing the very essence of weather changes that governs this kind of itinerant lifestyle. The director surely has an attention for details - something that is evident in each frame of this movie. I would also like to put in a few words about the acting. It was as naturalistic as it gets. No wonder that the cast of the film was an actual nomadic family! Especially, the children and the eponymous 'dog' of the film were the very epitome of cuteness! I would recommend this to everyone, who is passionate about simple yet beautiful cinema!
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thisissubtitledmovies5 September 2010
The director of The Story Of The Weeping Camel takes a different look at life in the Mongolian wilderness, having previously followed a family of nomadic shepherds and their camels to award-winning success.

Whether or not you've seen Weeping Camel, this story stands proudly as a parable of life's possibilities and limitations, and how we must all come to terms with them – wherever we live. Yes, the plot is fictional but the family – and their environment – is real. Nansal's natural performance is particularly impressive at such a young age – her resourcefulness and charm bestow an irresistible screen presence. And, for their part, the parents contribute a nicely judged supporting role, revealing just what it takes to bring up a family in the wilderness. And the dog? Oh, yes, he's cute. You can see why Nansal wants to keep him.

A delightful, fascinating and thoughtful docu-drama that will stay with you long after those dramatic mountain scenes have faded from view. CS
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Left Elbow Index
eldino336 January 2010
Simply put, THE CAVE OF THE YELLOW DOG is a beautifully made movie by Byamsuren Davaa. Unlike her previous film, THE STORY OF THE WEEPING CAMEL, which was also a very good movie, THE CAVE OF THE YELLOW DOG is polished and professional. And, most importantly, it tells a story in a compact and focused manner. It is a tale of a bucolic nomadic lifestyle in Mongolia during a time of change. This idyllic live is challenged by neighbors moving to cities, windmill power, plastic bowls, a motorcycle, photographs, and other trappings of the industrial world. They are confronted by the borders of modern nations which have little tolerance for nomads who cross borders where once there were none. They are even prompted to vote by an impersonal loudspeaker mounted on a speeding jeep. The irony is that nation building is a constant threat to nomads around the globe. The family is well aware of the benefits of civilization. Their oldest daughter goes to school, and their youngest daughter would like to live in the city because "People can pee inside their houses there." Byamsuren Davaa says that one purpose of the film is to present a way of life on film. She certainly does this, and in a rather objective manner, mostly because industrial film making does not fit the agrarian schedule of daily reincarnation. Best line from the film: "You're not supposed to play with Buddha." The Left Elbow Index considers seven variables in film--acting, production sets, artistry, plot, film continuity, dialogue, and character development--on a scale of 10 for very good, 5 for average, and 1 for needs help. The artistry, plot, and film continuity are above average, with good use of color, scenes balancing nature, and change over time, and the seamless use of animals. Dried dung, sheep, and survival skills are part and parcel of agrarian wealth--are are so presented. Lighting and camera angles are excellent. Acting is average (the family is a real family, not professionals), as are the production sets, most of which are exterior. The dialogue is functional, keeping in mind that the wind and the music are part of the dialogue. Character development is not a factor, except that the audience gets to know each character better as the film progresses. The characters, however, do not change. The LEI average rating for this film is 7.14, raised to 9.0 when equated with the IMDb scale. While watching THE STORY OF THE WEEPING CAMEL, one wonders how things would work out for the the little camel, one is not part of the action. However, with THE CAVE OF THE YELLOW DOG, Byambasuren Daava seduces one into wanting to be more than a dispassionate observer. Perhaps an old poem by Ogden Nash explains: "In Tibet there lives a llama/Has no papa, had no mama/ Has no wife and had not chillen'/ Has not use for penicillin/If you watch the Philco, mama/ I think I'll go and join that llama." I don't think I want to go to Tibet, but Mongolia would sure be a nice change. I highly recommend this film.
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Beautiful unfable
imdbusrr26 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
this is my favourite film.

Remember Yertle the Turtle? Gertrude Mc Fuzz? The Sneeches? These are fables, their moral payloads gently, because humorously, delivered. Such a story is the Cave of the Yellow Dog, in which it isn't good to cherish the artificial above the real, or to elevate caution above love, or to worship the modern over the tried and true, or to be overbearing or ill-tempered when you can be patient and polite. It is suggested that we look deeply at whatever comes along in life, believing in the benefits that the unrolling before us of the red carpet of fate may bring. We are asked not to look at life short-sightedly, thinking only of profit and loss in the immediate situation, but to take a more long term, big picture view of the meanings of events in life. The sub-themes used to carry these concepts are, beyond the apparent domestic issues, those of death and of reincarnation, weighty themes indeed. And yet they are plumbed so delicately and gently that we practically never even notice that we are being given important ancient lessons in life that have global application in this time of human-caused environmental crisis.

I don't believe in fate, but even though the film could on one level be seen to promulgate the notion of destiny, you don't have to subscribe to that or any of the other ideas, to be moved by the love and reverence for the reality of the ordinary in the lives of the family of characters.

I've said my comment contains spoilers, because it would surely spoil the film for me if, not yet having seen it, i were to read this. If you haven't seen Cave of The Yellow Dog, please forget and ignore all you have read, and just allow the film to wander cherishingly through the green plains of a beautiful land.
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