Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (Video 2005) Poster

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Disgrace to Romero's Name & Series
graymdb23 August 2005
I wasn't having high hopes for this movie when I was about to see it. However, I also didn't imagine it could've been this bad. The acting was as if the cast was reading the script in front of you, the special effects was basically drying glue off on the skin and peeling it off (this was amazing to me when I was in kindergarten), and throughout the movie a whole bunch of philosophical nonsense is thrown at you. The movie was an hour and a half long, which could've been finished at an hour tops. This movie was more of a prequel to the Dawn of the Dead remake, rather than Day of the Dead because the zombies in this film also ran. I didn't like the fact that some of the zombies could talk also, and the idea of certain "super" zombies. This movie was a nightmare and should be avoided at all costs, DO NOT let the title fool you.

Day of the Dead 2: Contagium is a disgrace to Romero and all his works.
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A sad day for zombie fans
slake0929 August 2005
There are bad movies, worse movies and awful movies. Many of them are quite watchable, assuming that you know what you're getting into and are prepared.

Day of the Dead 2: Contagium isn't one of those.

This film is just plain lousy, as if no one involved in the production really cared about it. The special effects would make Tom Savini cringe in embarrassment. The dialog is dumb, the acting wooden. Many moments of extraneous "drama" are thrown in for no discernible reason. Possibly they wanted to form more of a plot than other zombie movies; if so then it was a failure. Long before you can get into the plot you're distracted by the guns that don't appear to be shooting, the too-obviously fake blood and the actors who can't seem to get into their parts.

Editing and direction? Nonexistent. Cuts between scenes are abrupt, without any kind of lead in whatsoever. Camera angles? Forget it. Anything at all redeemable about this movie? Nope.

Go watch one of the Romero movies. Even if you've seen it a dozen times, it'll be more interesting than this.
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A man, his thermos, lame actors, lamer cinematography, lamest zombies
leagueofstruggle22 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start? The prancing synchronized soldiers or the fact that after holding this film back an extra year they still couldn't add muzzle flashes to the weapons firing? The overuse of Karo syrup blood to cover the lack of any FX appliances or the dodgy zombies running, walking, dancing across the screen while the camera operator looks as if he's having a seizure? Dolleys, folks, with a budget like this they should have at least been able to afford a tripod for God's sake. At least they managed to add a CGI explosion for the beginning, even if it was the worst one I've ever seen to date. The opening 'gore' is, as I said, just ludicrous amounts of fake blood, I mean a lot, I suppose they expected since it was night shooting that no one would notice... I did. In fact only a blind man would miss just how awfully put together the precredit sequence is, and that blind man would no doubt comment on how horrible the foley voices are. After the wonderful credits we get a few individuals that may have been able to act when they were playing the scene live but... well how can you act when the editing crew can't sync up your voices properly later? Laugh as you see lip matching similar to a Shaw Brothers kung fu movie from the 70's. After some horrible dialog to 'establish' the characters, meaning giving them a quirk so we can empathize with them, or rather just to let us know what archetype Ana Clavell pulled out of a hat for each character we get to the mental hospital where extras 'act crazy' meaning they probably showed them One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and said, "Act like this!" We also get some expository dialog so we know the female counterparts are crazy as well and Emma is on Suicide Watch/ cut to across the street wrist scars rather than down the street. Why not have PLOT POINT flash across the screen a few times to beat it into our heads? We follow more dialog that is either horribly acted or badly written, wait it's both! Eventually a thermos of undead doom comes into play as one of the patients open a thermos found on a garbage detail and alas drops it to release horrible CGI! It was neither radiation nor the wrath of god that started the undead apocalypse! It was some idiot in a bathroom with a thermos and some bad computer graphics! I'm still waiting to see how this ties in to Romero's Day of the Dead... Oh wait! It doesn't! Telepsychic alien invaded zombie type people that share pain but don't sometimes. Hell, check Emma's sweet outbreak which is latex without any coloring! I can see how 75% of the budget went into special effects. You can also dig the guy that's so 'CRAZY' he eats vomit without knowing it! Hilarious! And above all CRAZY! You can also catch one of the actors squeezing pus from his infectious wounds or just pulling the latex off because he was tired of having the stuff on, your guess is as good as mine. Have I mentioned that I have yet to really see a camera held steady yet? We eventually get some backstory involving a Russian pilot with the actor playing him at least showing off what he learned in High School and a badly carved scar of a naked woman that sets off the apocalypse. In the current time period a meat loaf monster runs amok through the hospital and well, I hate to say it but the plot is linear and I'm making it sound more interesting than it really is. So far the best part of the film would be the hospital's head doctor's awesome bow tie... But... the characters are not really zombies.. they are extraterrestrial virus victims... Night of the Creeps did it better though. Upon reaching the zombie laden climax they break out a few appliances but still no blanks, muzzle flashes, or even squibs. Where did the budget go? Into Jim Dudelson's pocket? In the end, well they don't end it but rather tie up nothing at all and leave it open ended as if to supposedly allow it to tie in to Day of the Dead only it doesn't. If there is a God, he will somehow not allow Taurus Entertainment to make their money back via Blockbuster and Hollywood Video sales, unfortunately they will. This movie has such horrible direction, you have shambling zombies, running zombies, hyper-intelligent pan dimensional zombies and an ending worse than Umberto Lenzi's Nightmare City. This movie just screams amateur on so many levels. After all the hype and promises they did remove the promised zombie baby in light of Dawn of the Dead 2004's zombie baby, by simply cutting the ending off the movie.I applaud the efforts of Taurus Entertainment as the makers of the worst zombie movie ever. This made The Dead Hate the Living! look like an epic of Ben-Hur proportions. It made me pray that a few zombies from Zombie Lake would wander on screen or that Uwe Boll would make a cameo. By far the most amateur, weak zombie film ever produced in terms of plot, acting, special effects, and cinematography.

Burning this film would be an insult to fire.
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MetalChef124 January 2006
Zombie movies are by far my favorite, but this was absolutely horrid. I was starting to dig the explanation of the "virus," but it took forever to get there and then cut out before the conclusion of the movie. This is quite possibly one of the worst zombie movies I have ever seen. It may even be the worst horror movie I have ever seen (I think the remake of carnival of souls might still hold #1.) Stay as far away from this movie as you possibly can. The special effects were really cheesy. It might as well be called Night of the Comet 2. I'm not knocking Night of the Comet, it was great for its time and was supposed to have comedic elements and cheese as part of it. This was a serious attempt at a movie and an absolute failure. I am furthermore upset that the listing for this movie had George Romero's name attached to it. I scoured the credits and thank god it's not there. This film is a disgrace to the legacy that he has created for his fans. There is no reason to see this film. I watch bad movies for curiosity and I love a lot of bad horror films, but this is in an entirely different class. I feel precious minutes of my life were stolen from me. Please don't watch this film under any circumstances.
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Zappy66764 November 2005
I'm a huge Romero fan..........and I loved all of HIS Dead movies. If you see the behind the scenes on Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, Ms. Clavell acts as if her movie is the first greatest zombie movie ever made, and that she is the only one who thought up of the idea of making a great zombie movie ever!! Did she ever hear of GOERGE ROMERO---and HIS.......NIGHT, DAWN, DAY, AND LAND OF THE DEAD MOVIES?? Honey, wake up and smell the dead flesh!! This movie is a must see, she says!! The acting, edit, and direction sucked. Thank God George Romero had nothing to do with this trash. Chalk this one up with Children of the Dead folks!! It's just as good! My advice, if you see this DVD in a store, take the only 1 copy of this movie, and chuck it under the shelf!! They'll find it years from now when the store closes and moves all it's furniture out of the building! This movie not only ripped George off, but it sucked!! I'm burning my copy right now. I give it a big ZERO!!
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A shame
judaspriest25 September 2005
First of all, its a shame they use the title of a George A Romero movie and pretend this piece of crap is a sequel of it. Okay, they have the rights on the title, but this movie IS NO SEQUEL. ITS PURE TRASH. Second, I read some were that this one was shot on 35mm film! My god! It looks like a 1CCD miniDV!!! I believe that the producers are lying and saying that this was shot on film to make look the movie more important...but if this movie was shot on 35mm, it have the worst photography of cinemas history. Well, that about having a 8 million budget...yeah, sure. Zombie Bloodbath 3 have more production value than this one. All in all, a boredom, a piece of trash, a "8 million movie(hahah) were the guns have not flashes when they are shot. Avoid this one...
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Why do I do this to myself?
Beowolf200120 October 2005
I am a zombie aficionado. Unfortunately, most zombie films stink. This is pure and simple fact. So now I've watched Contagium (I refuse to honor it with a Day of the Dead sub title, since it doesn't deserve it and is in no way connected with George Romero) and The Dead Next Door in the same week. Well, thats about three hours of my life wasted. This was simply a crappy, bad film. While it had better production values than say, any Italian Giallo Zombie film of the 80's and left crap by J.P. Bookwalter and Todd Sheets in the dust, it was still garbage. The writers didn't know if they wanted to make a Romero type Zombie film or a Return of the Living Dead Zombie film, so the zombies bounce back and forth between the two. The lame opening tries to tie this craporama in with the Romero films, but don't buy the hype. Every Day Has a Beginning is simply a rip off of "Every Saga Has a Beginning" from Star Wars and tries desperately to sucker the viewer into believing this has something to do with the Romero Films, the five opening minutes of any of Georges epics are way better than this movie. While there are a few nice gore scenes, there is no logic or real continuity in the story itself, which kills the whole movie. Watch this crummy waste of time if you must, but don't be surprised when the credits roll and you scream "WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF? You've been warned!
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robbpastor22 October 2005
Save your time and just watch the last 5 minutes...what a piece of garbage! I can't believe that this movie costs as much as they say it did. My buddies and I could have done a better job with a camcorder, There are some good zombies, but not until the very end. This could have easily been a Troma movie! The acting sucked! The story line was weak and things just did not move along. I cant believe that I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching such a horrible piece of crap....A disgrace to the genre. It's disappointing because there was a great buzz surrounding this film. There is a website for Taurus Films (the company that produced and shot this piece of crap) and they are offering the chance to be in one of their films. This must be how they got everyone that is associated with Day of the Dead 2.
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A wonderful example of...
DelendaEst26 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
a cheap cash in on a now popular genre. It is obvious that Taurus wanted to cash in on the Dawn remake so they popped this out to make some money. This film should be avoided at all costs.

The film is in a sense a prequel to Day of the dead. It explains the apparent zombie outbreak to a Russian spy plane that crashes in 1968. Inside the plane are a dead pilot and some strange vials. The vials are brought to a military hospital where the patients and staff start getting a weird sickness. First off the outbreak should never be explained. The ambiguous nature of Romero's universe makes it work. When you explain it the story just turns into a cheeseball fest. From there a special forces team comes through and kills everyone, destroys the hospital and the vials except for one.

35 years go by and now the military hospital is a mental hospital. From here you have a horrible socio/political attempt to get the social commentary like the original day of the Dead. Unfortunately the film lacks Romero's touch and the acting is dreadful. The film is gory however but not at the same intensity as Savini's work. Check it out for the same reason you watched the Dawn Remake. it has zombies but it is no Romero.
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it makes me sad.
brain6019 December 2005
I heard this movie was on sale in a DVD store in another town an hour and half away from my place of residence. I was excited my friends. I drove said one hour and a half to find the DVD was on sale for 50 bucks Australian. I was a little disconcerted - but settled on the notion this movie must be some kind of gem at that price tag. I returned home and slipped it into my player with an eagerness only compared to the 13th birthday that i received optimus prime. What happened next was 99 minutes of absolute rubbish. I sat there scratching my head thinking - wha? Acting? gross. Directing? laughable. Storyline?.Whats with the stupid shiny little flower things popping out of the canister? sheesh. A complete and utter raping of Romero philosophy and ideas. Burn it, burn it, burn it.
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"Nice crap you're watching."
Backlash00711 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers

Where should I even begin with this one? Day of the Dead 2: Contagium is a flat-out terrible excuse for a zombie film with no ties whatsoever to Romero's exceptional Day of the Dead. In fact, the events of this film contradict everything in Romero's world. The movie starts out in 1968 Pennsylvania with a zombie outbreak. The year and place should be familiar to everyone reading this, but if it's not it is the setting for Night of the Living Dead. So were asked to believe that a Russian pilot delivering some sort of secret tampons filled with zombie hallucinogens is the start of the plague in Pennsylvania. However, the outbreak is cleaned up in this flick; it's stopped. Therefore Romero's entire trilogy, or quadrilogy now, never happened. If the outbreak is stopped then there is no Dawn of the Dead and certainly no Day of the Dead. So I ask you, how is this a sequel to Day of the Dead? It gets worse. After the first ten minutes or so, there are no zombies until the end of the movie! And the running time is 103 minutes. The writer and director (Ana Clavell and James Dudelson) have filled the time in between with an almost unwatchable drama that takes place in a mental ward. None of the characters here have any redeeming value. So it's a good thing that they all die. Everyone knows this is a just a cash-in project using Romero's title. So I urge you not to watch it. In fact, this may be the worst movie to rip-off old George. Lenzi and Mattei are better hacks than Ana Clavell, so if you must, watch one of their films. Even Children of the Living Dead was superior to this crap! Did I mention there were computer generated jeeps?
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Intensely Explosive and Emotionally Draining
jlthornb516 April 2015
This is a motion picture that demands to be seen. Intense, horrifying film that is a significant addition to the zombie genre. Inspired direction coupled with an imaginative script make for an often uneven but always terrifying motion picture experience. The make-up is some of the most creative ever done in cinema and is a vital element in some of the brilliant scenes both shock and entrance the audience. The performances are incredibly powerful and uniformly excellent as a cast of talented actors give everything they have to the overall success of what is essentially an ensemble effort. A relatively substantial budget is certainly reflected in the production values and special effects which will leave most viewers speechless. While this film is sometimes not accepted as an authentic entry in the Day of the Dead series, it is an admired stand alone film that offers a powerful story that is both unique and very well told.
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Craptacular fun, but no Romero flick by any stretch.
junk-mail-427 August 2005
Yeah yeah, we all know the story about the rights to the earlier Romero flicks, so it's no mystery how this gained the nomenclature "Day of the Dead 2." A better question is why? Because the only way this film should be mentioned in relation to the benchmark work of Romero is in the phrase "...and isn't nearly as good as what Romero can do." It's name is opportunistic cash cow milking, no more. Let's be absolutely clear, this is a Day of the Dead sequel in the same way that the American remake of Get Carter is an inspired and intelligent reappraisal of the original. Not at all, basically.

That aside, it's not a bad movie and is a fun way to waste an hour and a half if you enjoy zombie flicks. Competently shot, if uninspiring and far from inspirational. The writing is ho hum, introducing a pathetic and pointless alien DNA exposition (the whole point is you don't KNOW why there are zombies, you idiots! Cah!) The acting is TV level but enjoyable enough.

It rolls along nicely, gives you what you want and expect from a film about the undead, then stops abruptly and rather weakly. No real gut munching, but some nasty effects. It could well be an extended episode of the Outer Limits with extra blood directed by a film grad and his mates over a dull weekend.

All in all, it just suffers from the expectations of its name. Left as merely Contagion it'd probably get a much needed break from let down viewers. Forget everything you know about the supreme original trilogy, switch your mind off, and enjoy.
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The Difference is Night and Day
bobfingerman23 October 2005
Right off the bat I have to say that "Day of the Dead 2: Contagium" has got to be one of the worst movies I've stupidly sat through in years (though my thumb strayed to the speed-scan button a few times during interminable stretches of padding). I have a feeling this thing was made with some other title in mind like, for instance, plain old "Contagium", but the filmmakers were saddled with the tag-on "Day of the Dead 2" by crass marketing hacks. I'll give the makers of this drek the benefit of the doubt. But there is no doubt that they should never, ever make a movie again. As noted by other posters, "DOTD2:C" cherry-picks bits and bobs from other genre offerings and turns them into an emetic pile of poo. The acting ranges from awful to competent, but the writing and direction are heinous. That it was a labor that took years to realize boggles the mind. Talk about "why bother?" A must avoid on every level.

On a personal note: I made the double mistake of watching it right after George A. Romero's "Land of the Dead", which no doubt made "Contagium" even more toxic a shock to my system. It was like following a beautifully cooked piece of filet mignon with a dessert of dog vomit.
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Worst thing i have seen in ages
Eluyse29 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really know where to start. I guess I'm going to begin quite simply and say that this is some of the worst shi* I have ever seen. I don't know why I rented it, and I wish I at least would have downloaded it, seeing how I would prefer to spend the cash on buying dog shi* instead. It would at least have been money well spent compared.

After about 15 min. I wanted everyone to just die, including the directors. I don't know which is worst to be honest.. The scriptwriting, directing or acting. Normally when the script and directing sucks as bad as this I would give the actors the benefit of doubt and assume they were just given a bad layout and that they might have some talent shining underneath all the shi**yness. But when they cant even fake a cough or make me believe a bullet actually hit them…

So basically what you have is a medical facility for people with minor mental issues where later on you notice that everyone that's not in the main cast seem like they belong in a mental hospital for severe insane people. This also includes most of the people working in the facility.

I don't want to tell you anything else about the movie, and there isn't really anything else you need to know. Mental facility, struggling couple in love, bad doctor, nice doctor, bad guard, nice inmates, bad inmates, virus spreads, people turn into zombies, zombies eat people and finally in the end and not a minute too soon, everyone is dead (or at least I hope they are).

Yes, thinking back on it all now there was one scene in this movie I actually enjoyed. When it was over, and everyone died. I only wish they died sooner and that everyone that contributed to this piece of shi* would have been there and died too. I don't seriously want them to die of course, I am not a bad person. I just never ever ever ever ever want them to make or be a part of making another movie EVER again.

The only thing I felt like doing after seeing this piece of cra* was to write this so I could at least try to save someone else the agony of seeing it. Now that its done I'm going to try to erase it from my memory and have a shower to try to wash away the feeling of sitting 1 hour and 40 minutes rolling around in kitty loo.
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the greatest film of all time
joshua_the_director12 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I got a copy of this film yesterday for my birthday. It's really hard to get in Australia. I'd like to say first, I am the biggest zombie film fan I know. I know also I'm the only one I know that even knows about this film. I don't think I am going to tell anyone about it but hey I will let you guys in on some little secrets. This by far the greatest zombie film of all time. The people that made aren't at all no talent hacks but pure genius. The story line is breathtaking. It is the perfect sequel and prequel that raises the bar on the original. Man if you believe that then you are as stupid as the makers of this film. This film is horrible. This film has made me so angry. The only other film that made me this angry was that night of the living dead anniversary edition where John Russo went out a shot a whole bunch of new stuff and slotted it into the original cut. But at least John was a creator of the original therefore I guess is aloud to mess with his own work. Please could some one answer me this. What does this film have to do with the original day of the dead? It has the same name slapped on it but that's it. This film is an insult. The only reason I can see that this film has day of the dead written on it is because the sleazy filmmakers want to cash in on some one else's greatness. This film should have been called something completely different like 'zombie turd'. They really stuffed up cashing in on the day of the dead name when they turned out filthy nugget. The lighting is horrible. The characters are forgettable. The story line is so so so bad. These people have no excuses. When I saw they had $9000 000 to spend on this film I was disgusted. To think there are proper filmmakers out there that are struggling. I expect an apology from the filmmakers about this film.

A few things that bug me. 1) The zombies talking. 2) The mutant zombie that had a lumpy arm. He was so funny. 3) When they find the thermos that supposedly been in the bushes for 35 years it looks brand new. (come on that's basic art dept) 4) It had nothing to do with day of the dead and should be called something different. (zombie turd) 5) The sparkles that float out of the canister infecting the people. They were so bad.

All in all if this film wasn't called day of the dead and was shot on a budget of about &50 000 then the filmmakers could be forgiven. Why do these people want to make these Romero rip offs. Don't they know its pissing off the fans.
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Destruction of Cinema
musoshi27 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie signals the destructions of low budget independent zombie films...

When you think of it the people that produced this movie tried to do what Lucio Fulci did with his movie "Zombie" aka Zombi 2... He named the title so that it would get attention, trying to make people think its a sequel to Dawn of the Dead, they did the same thing with this movie...

Lemme start by saying that no one should see this movie, if you are in a store and you see this movie on the shelf, "Oh, Day of the Dead 2!" don't get curious and pick it up, don't look at the back of the film case, don't look at the cover... Run away, arms flailing, screaming! And if you own this movie for god's sake burn it. I bought this movie, out of curiosity, in Best buy one day. After i watched it, instead of taking it back i broke the disc in half, burned it, and plopped the remains in the trash(the destruction of the DVD was more exciting than the movie, and it was worth the 15 dollars i paid for it, just to get the satisfaction to destroy it.

This movie takes everything you'd expect from a zombie movie and totally craps all over the genre, if i may call it a genre(and I will because zombie movies deserve their own slot.) The make-up in this movie is horrible, it looked like clay and silly putty, and the organs/intestines in the movie are obviously made of foam rubber. The acting is horrible, when this movie opened i thought they were living in the hospital due to mental retardation, not because they were crazy, or had "anger problems". The special effects in this movie are horrible, i love how the opening is set in 1968, but they're using weapons that hadn't yet been released. And not only are they using "future guns!" but the gun don't fire at all, they person holding the gun acts like there is recoil, which they do very badly.

I am a classic zombie freak, I think zombies should Walk, not run; lust, not think; and moan, not talk... but this movie goes against all of that. The zombies run, the zombies think, and the zombies talk(though the acting is so horrible all you'll here is moaning, when you're laying on the ground crying. BTW, this movie is as much a zombie movie as "childs play" it's more like 28 days, though i hate to compare them, the people aren't zombies so much as they are mutants.

BTW, even the title is messed up, the disease isn't a contagium, a group caught it, in the bathroom >.>, and they are infected, but they interact with everyone in the hospital, yet no one they interact with catches the virus...

I feel bad about writing this, because the scores don't get any lower than 1. this movie wasn't awful, it was a freaking mess from start to end, a train wreck you couldn't help but look at. If someone invites you to their place to watch it, never talk to that person again, they led you down the path of unholy, horrible, movies.
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Its all a matter of opinion
lunachild28 October 2005
Now, I know I'm gonna take a lot of flack for liking this movie, but oh well. I thought it was funny. I love being able to watch first a movie that scares the living crap out of me and then one i can laugh my butt off to. Yeah, the acting sucked, my 10 year old can do better make-up effects with play-doh, and the plot line was so holey that i swear it belonged in church, but if we cant laugh at a cheesy movie, then why does Rob Schneider and Adam Sandler continue to make movies. Of course, if you are too anal to enjoy watching cheesy movies from time to time, stay outta the horror section of the video store, cause for every 1 great horror movie, there are like 50 cheesy ones.
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This film is OK !
atodd-622 February 2007
This is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be !! I found it to be quite decent actually and there are far, far worse horror films out there. The actors were OK, plot a little thin but the gore was pretty good. Considering the low budget and the fact all the actors are relatively unknown, there are worse ways to spend a hour and a half ! Go on, give it a try. It may not be the best Zombie film ever but its not the worse either. Troma make far worse efforts ! It gets a bit slow in the middle and could maby have been a bit shorter. Overall, a decent low budget, no brainer flick ! I give it 5/10. Not an academy award winner but OK nonetheless
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Simply rubbish
Spoonhui10 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't believe this film deserves a star because there is no point in rating a film with no plot, terrible actors, rubbish director, appalling gore, Just plain and simply shocking.

There is only zombies in the last 10 minutes of the film and 4 minutes at the start. Simply Auwful

If you ever buy this or rent it just send it back without watching it it is crap

This film contains a high amount of useless gibberish and the plot line wanders from being in an asylum to a blood research lab.

Unfortunately the trailer looked good but trust me the most fun in this film you'l have will be seeing the credits at the end.

GENERAL 1. The beginning of the film yields a solid start with good camera work and picture quality so you know it's not NTSC-TV so at least it doesn't look like you're watching Cribs or Pimp my Ride. But from now on the plot wanders from a bunch of guys who are mentally challenged to a handful of people who are researcher's in a asylum

VERDICT 2. Don't bother looking at DVD, cassette and VHS Don't bother watching this crap unless your given it for free plus free cash handout.

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Ouch! My Brain!!
bryandeth31628 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If I were George Romero, I would personally hire a fleet of lawyers and simply sue over the fact that they took the title of one of my movies and ruined it with this...this sorry excuse for a movie.

If I were running this site, I would have this movie in the bottom 250, and have it ranked worse than that Kelly Clarkson, Justin Guarini movie...yes friends, this movie is just that bad.

The movie opens with some very good action. In this movie we see the military has begun experimentation with these vials look like tampon applicators, that seem to have the ability to bring the dead to life. The fact that the military rushes right into the installation after the viral outbreak blasting anyone that isn't in military fatigues in the head was pretty cool, minus the fact that there was no smoke coming from the gun, no bullets being discharged...well you can't have them all I suppose. In the beginning we see a lowly hospital worker steal a vial and hide it in his trusting thermos only to be shot and killed.

Fast Forward 37 years later...

The military complex is turned into a mental hospital (with no gates to prevent escape mind you). One of the doctors (who lives with his patients) takes a group of guys on work detail and they happen to find...yup you guess it, the thermos from 37 years ago. After trying to open the thermos to no avail for a while, it finally opens and when the tampon applicator opens, it looks as though Tinkerbell is infecting all around with this virus. People start to show signs of being sick, and when a male orderly attempts sexual assault of a patient, he gets bitten and the fun really begins...or lack there of.

While this movie has loads of gore, even it won't save the terrible plot, the horrible acting, and the annoying plot holes. Like the original zombies having an almost Borg like connection. One gets hit, the others feel it, what one sees, they all see. One gets shot, they all have marks baring the gunshot. Or, how about the son of the worker who stole the evil tampon applicator who at the beginning it's indicated that he's a young child (1 or 2 years old) he shows up seemingly knowing everything about everything. How does he know that?! And how is he able to just walk into a highly restricted psych ward with no identification? Especially when the head physician ordered that wing shut down, and the orderlies armed with orders to shoot to kill anyone coming out of that ward? And of course, the zombies sit there, have conversations and wisecrack. I'm sorry but that should only happen in the Return of the Living Dead series because that series is for fun (except the excellent third one where its' full on serious).

All in all, avoid this movie like the plague. This is the worst movie that I have ever seen in my life, and I've seen Showgirls! I give this movie a 0.000001/10 *please note there is a 0.000001% margin of error.
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What were they thinking?
chrisgiant12 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The name inspires so much more than this film offers. I mean what the hell were they thinking even calling this film Day of the dead 2. Thank the high heavens that Romero didn't endorse this piece of wannabe trash!

The story goes: Back in 1968 a Russian/Soviet plane is shot down and crashes near a military facility in Pittsburge USA. The pilot survives and is immediately taken into custody. Upon further inspection of the planes cargo (an experimental chemical), the interrogators coax the pilot into revealing that it's a virus actually produced in the US for release over Russian soil. Discovering this they leave the pilot alone with his contraband for a brief period of time (Big mistake)!!! As he is soon placed into guarded quarantine after being seen to open one of the small vials. Whilst there an extreme metamorphosis accrues, his body dies and he has a sudden craving for human flesh. Before you know it the whole base is awash with the walking dead and then (As usual) the troops arrive to dispatch all involved. All except for a worker at the base hospital who steals a vial of the deadly agent, hides it inside a thermos flask and drops it in some long grass (after becoming a zombie and being shot). Cut to present day and the base now being used as a mental institution, which is soon turned into hell on earth when three patients discover the flask.

Now heres the rub, the acting is possibly the worst I've seen in a very long time (even the zombies) and the story is just terrible. The only redeeming feature (I use the term loosely) is the make-up effects, but I'm afraid even that can't save this awful addition to a great horror genre!

Other zombie fans be warned this film has nothing to do with the Romero movies. THANK GOD IN MY OPINION!
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Much better than expected...
xtrospawn23 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, with all the negative reviews blasting this film, I was expecting a real stinker. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Maybe people were ticked off by the fact that the filmmakers had the audacity to call itself a sequel to Romero's movie. But if you allow yourself to forgive them for that, you'll actually find a lot to like here. Gore o'plenty, above average acting, a decent storyline. Only a few things were subpar. First was the lackluster direction. Second was the lackluster music score. And third was the fact that the guns didn't emit a muzzle flash when fired. But other than that, all fans of zombie movies should check this gem out. I just wish the filmmakers had named it something original.
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It was definitely not a Romero/R.O.T.L.D. Class of film, it was still quite enjoyable for me.
sbaillie-0809015 September 2019
I liked it when I first saw it in 2005, and I still like it now.
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very bad movie
Fezz_Head25 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing i noticed in the beginning scene was,no muzzle flash(sparks from gun).second thing Was this a love movie or a zombie movie???and in one scene when the guy turns off all the lights,you can see the cameraman. the gore was nothing i ain't seen,so please do not do not do not.I recommend a real Romero film. film.attention director of day of the dead 2.leave it to Romero. oh and the actors,who were they?they were like bad actors see dawn of the dead (remake) i saw that 8 times when i rented was so good i bought i have to write 10 lines :(day of the dead 2 was bad:(

:(i hate day of the dead 2:(

please do not see this movie

please do not
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