Haven (2004) Poster

(I) (2004)

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A Nutshell Review: Haven
DICK STEEL18 January 2007
It all boiled down to one Friday the 13th night.

Haven takes place in the Cayman Islands, paradise on Earth, with beautiful beaches, friendly people, and of course, being the ideal place to stash cash, ill gotten or otherwise, free from taxation. In its seedier side, to paraphrase from another movie, weed is the currency, openly passed around in nacho chip bags. This movie ditches the idyllic moments, to peer beneath the veneer, of hell on Earth instead.

I like movies which have many characters, each with their own objectives, but being led by unseen forces as they relate to one another, and events bring them to within striking distance. They might belong to distinct story arcs, but given the geographical proximity, their lives, their decisions and the consequences all become intertwined.

There are three clear arcs in the movie, but the characters involved flit seamlessly from one arc to the next. You have the corrupt businessmen looking to escape the law at Miami, an affair, a daughter who hooks up with drugs and the wrong company, a sly thief of sorts, two star crossed lovers, a hot headed brother, good friends, and gangsters. On its own, they could be short stories. But when narrative style takes on the fragmented, non linear approach to spice and disguise an ordinary story, that's what you get in Frank E. Flowers' Haven.

Perhaps what will put bums in seats is the presence of Orlando Bloom, though the M18 rating would have restricted his girly groupie fans here from seeing their cinematic idol on screen in a role which is similar to what Tom Cruise did in Vanilla Sky, sort of. He plays the role of the Romeo in the star-crossed lovers arc, as Shy, son of a fisherman, still figuring out the meaning to his life, and having a lack of ambition which worries his girlfriend Andrea (Zoe Saldana). Parental disapproval gets into play, and the rest is a spiral downwards for both lovers and their relationship. Some say Bloom's role is intense, but there isn't enough room for his character to justify that.

And sadly, that was just about the better story amongst the three. In reality, all three could have been extremely short, as the scenes, though intercut with each other and had some overlapping moments, don't really contribute much to the characters or stories. You could have cut off half the fat, and still the story would hold water. One saving grace would be the score and soundtrack though, accentuating the illusion of paradise.

But this is not to say Haven's a really bad movie. It just had enough story elements to cruise along in auto-pilot, and in the process offer nothing groundbreaking stylistically, or earth shattering in having any twists and turns to the plot. Breaking up and juxtaposing a linear plot does not disguise the fact that it inherently needs a lot more oomph.
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Choppy seas don't always mean a rough ride
theyearofthebengal20 June 2005
I am glad to hear that this film will finally be released, albeit on DVD. I saw 'Haven' at the Toronto film festival and have been awaiting it's release ever since. I did think that the film was a bit choppy, which was mildly distracting, but that the overall ride was great. In following up his critically acclaimed short 'Swallow' with 'Haven', his feature film debut, Frankie Flowers proves that he is more than capable of writing and directing a full length film.

While it is a difficult task to jump back and forth in a timeline, from sub plot to sub plot, while keeping an audience interested; entertained; and able to follow, I believe that Flowers has done a splendid job despite sacrificing some of the continuity for stylistic shot making. Tarantino has tried, despite box office success, somewhat in vain in this regard for years. Movies such as Magnolia have come along and disappointed and perhaps the only film in recent years to truly excel in this style was Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's '21 grams'.

With strong performances from an ensemble cast of well known Hollywood stars and unknown local talent, 'Haven' is well acted from start to finish. Orlando Bloom leads the way with an excellent performance as the going nowhere fast 'shy', and proves that he can portray a modern day man between timepiece and fantasy blockbusters. Dare I say he would be better off, from an acting portfolio sense, taking on more of these roles.

I highly recommend 'Haven', especially in this age of over the top; special effects no plot movies. I hope that Flowers continues to be given opportunities to hone his craft and I look forward to his next piece.
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Entwined Lives on a Friday, 13th
claudio_carvalho17 November 2007
In Cayman Island, the daughter of a powerful man - Andrea (Zoe Saldana) - and the fisherman Shy (Orlando Bloom) are in a deep but secret love, hidden from Andrea's parents. When Andrea's father sails in a fish-trip, they have a night of love at Andrea's home; however they sleep and are surprised by the arrival of her family in the morning. Later, Andrea's brother Hammer (Anthony Mackie) throws acid on the face of Shy and spends four months in prison. In Miami, the dirty businessman Carl Ridley (Bill Paxton) is chased by Federal agents and escapes with his teenage daughter Pippa (Agnes Bruckner) to Cayman Island trying to reach his lawyer Mr. Allen (Stephen Dillane). Pippa meets the small time thief Fritz (Victor Rasuk) sleeping in her room and he invites her to go a party. Before leaving the condo, Fritz sees Carl counting lots of money. Fritz owes money to the dangerous drug dealer Richie Rich (Razaaq Adoti) and tells him about the fortune Carl has. Along a Friday 13th night, their lives entwine in a chain of tragic events.

"Haven" is an entertaining movie, with a complex non-linear screenplay with many characters that have their lives entwined. There are many credible sub-plots and considering the running time of 99 minutes, the situations and characters are very well-developed. The direction and acting are great, there are many beautiful locations but the screenplay is really top-notch. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Haven"
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Great ensemble piece
terrywdhs14 September 2004
I just got back from a holiday in Toronto where I had the pleasure of attending the film festival there. One of the films I ended up seeing was Haven, which I knew very little about beforehand. What an absolute gem of a movie it turned out to be. Similar in structure to Amores Perros, the tale unfolds from different perspectives. All actors played their parts well but there were three who deserve special mention. Victor Razuk as Fritz and Zoe Saldana as Andrea are definite names to watch in future. However, Orlando Bloom was the real genuine surprise here. I don't think I have seen a more heartbreaking performance all year. The disintegration of his character - Shy - provides much of the emotional centre of Frank E. Flowers gripping first feature length movie. He is a director who is going to be talked about a great deal in the years to come. All in all , I would have no hesitation in recommending this powerful, though somewhat dark movie, to any discerning film-goer.
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shorenuff2426 February 2007
I'm not sure why the previous reviewer felt the movie needed a "present day" title...that would have defeated the purpose of the artistry and use of the flashback. I think most people prefer not having a movie mapped out for them.

This movie has a gritty quality and leaves an impression of a lack of resolution...which, to me, is the sign of a realistic movie. It was actually a story about loss of innocence in several ways. And innocence is something you can never get back, no matter how hard you try. Haven beautifully emits that feeling of futility and devastation when you realize things will never be the way they were before...when things were good...when life was beautiful.

Did it have some flaws? Sure. But overall, great cinematography, nice blend of multi-linear stories, solid performances, and an impacting plot.
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Amusing, not memorable
Ryu_Darkwood31 December 2007
The thing with Haven is that it doesn't quite chooses which genre it wants to be. Is it an amusing gangster-flick in the line of Reservoir Dogs or Snatch? Or is it a panoramic view on people's lives like Magnolia or Crash? In both genres it fails to be overly convincing. For a gangster-flick it needs more action; for drama the characters are too superficial and uninteresting.

I still enjoyed the mellow atmosphere of the Cayman-islands, created by the typical soundtrack and the atmospheric shots of turtles, domino playing old folks, water skiing youth, etc. The story unfolds itself on a funny and unpredictable way. The camera-work feels a bit amateuristic with annoying coloring and shaky shots.

Overall, it's a nice movie to watch, though not very memorable.
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Too dreadful for words...but I'll give it a shot anyway: one fruitless attempt after another to be clever in this wanna-be movie.
Panterken12 September 2007
First let me explain my rating-system. I consider a 5 a movie that's somewhat watchable, a 6 is already a good movie. I gave Haven a 3 because the soundtrack was good and the acting wasn't horrible. Now over to the bad stuff...

I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone. Usually in my reviews I try to say something like: 'this movie isn't recommended for people who don't like slow-developing plots' or 'it's not for people who want the plot wrapped up neatly in the end'. But I can honestly and objectively say this movie was just one of poor quality. The biggest problem is the plot itself. The storyline is multi-linear, characters are being followed and they're all supposed to be connected in one way or another through an event or multiple events. Examples of brilliant use of this method is seen in Amores Perros, 21 Grams, Crash and Magnolia. In these films the story lines have similar prominent themes and the characters are all connected physically. Every character adds more elements to the story until we have a complex web of story lines, constantly crossing paths and having effects on one another. I know this sounds confusing but watch Amores Perros and Crash and you'll know exactly what I mean. Haven makes one fruitless attempt after another to be clever until all we end up with is an unsorted mess of scenes thrown together in a wanna-be movie. That's the best way to describe Haven: it wants to be a lot of things but ends up being rubbish.

The thing that irritated me even more then the gimmick mentioned above was the chronologically scattered framework that was used. I feel like they realized the plot and characters of their attempted intelligent film were overly simple, and they tried to jazz it up with a chronologically scattered framework to fool people into thinking they're watching something clever. I heard the story was chronological at the premiere of the Toronto film festival and then they re-edited the whole film to create the flashbacks. That's not the way to write a story with a scrambled up chronology. You have to actually write the script like that (with chronology switching from the start of your story) or the storyline will be a mess. The storyline has to flow naturally, even if you use chronology like that. A prime example a brilliantly written script that uses the same technique is Memento. The technique used actually adds something to the suspense of the story.

Nope, don't waste your time on this. I usually only write IMDb reviews for films I like but this film was just too dreadful for words, I felt it was my duty to stop another human being from seeing it. I don't see why anyone should see this movie. It's certainly not to be entertained and I hardly think anyone would be enlightened after seeing a film like this.

3/10 and I'm being generous.
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Should have flushed out a few more characters & general thoughts
luvin_lyfe1116 January 2007
I really wished they had flushed out joy bryant's character, Sheila, more. She was the assistant having an affair with bill paxton's character. we just got a glimpse of it. also they should have flushed out Patrick's (lee ingleby) character more. He was Shy (orlando) British friend. We saw that he had homosexual tendencies and cared for Shy. Andrea kind of called him out on that in the car and we saw him try to kiss Shy on the dock in the end but that was it. We don't know much more about him. I think they would have both proved to be interesting subplots but maybe the movie was too full already with multiple story lines. i think the movie was an okay film, interesting, intriguing and certainly different but it fell short in a few areas, became to cliché at times and too shallow at others (as a west Indian girl, let me tell you their accents were HORRIBLE). i wish it was a bit more well thought out but i absolutely loved the dramatic/sad ending. too much Hollywood glitz and glamor out now a days. it was nice to see that someone in Hollywood actually believed the layman viewer could appreciate something more than fairytale endings and delusional "happy" love. bravo! all in all, i say give frank flowers a break. the movie was okay. what do ya'll think? agree? disagree?
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Pretentious and miserable...
Pepijn-219 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What a horrible movie. It's pretentious and wannabe cool, but the video-clip style editing and constant jumping in time just serve to annoy and confuse. The main problem is the depressing story though. It's about miserable people who all end up miserable, with no redeeming features such as an interesting character study or something like that. It appears to be an attempt at having many seemingly unrelated plot lines coming together at the end like a jigsaw puzzle, but the connections are so tenuous and arbitrary that that aspect falls entirely flat.

Utterly pointless, except for people who enjoy watching misery. The three out of ten is purely for the location, which slightly redeems the movie as something to watch for the pretty pictures.
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It's not perfect, but it's good.
mbmhiimp1 January 2007
I don't understand why all the critics thought this movie was hard to follow. It would be nice if they didn't all assume that the "common" people were idiots. While this movie was not Oscar quality, it was entertaining, and sometimes that is just what you want from a movie. I thought it was well written and well acted, unlike some of the recent Oscar nominated films I've seen. People who are considering watching this film should do so with an open mind and not base their opinion on what the critics have said about it. I think if you liked "Crash" you will like "Haven" also. Give it a try and make up your own mind, that's what it's there for.
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Poorly shot, badly edited.
drorz8 September 2007
I just so it on DVD now.

An OK script goes to waste on 'inspirational' camera shots which are copy-cat & sloppy. The editing is so bad, there's little point to discuss it. While some of the acting is decent, the accent of the local Caymenees is hard to understand some of the time, and harder still to believe it comes off real. Some plot-lines are meant to be connected in a clever way, but we have seen too much of this before, and some parts are so generic-made it's painful. There is no promise from this film - no new actors, nothing to carry this film even to be a has-been; it is a never-was.

Hopefully, we'll see no more work from the makers of Haven.
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"Traffic" with a touch of Quentin Tarantino
Tiedyedaisy14 September 2004
I saw the second screening of this film, at the Toronto Film Festival. It reminded me a little bit like the film "Traffic" with a hint of Quentin Tarantino. The movie threads together multiple story lines and shifts back and forth through time.

Bill Paxton has a great performance as a shady business man who escapes with this daughter to the Cayman Islands.

Orlando Bloom's character is the most endearing. I found I could relate to his character the most. Shy (Bloom) was the classic boy from the wrong side of the tracks, who is completely in love with the rich girl, Andrea (Zoe Saldana).

Zoe Saldana has a great performance as well. Her character goes from a sweet girl who makes a complete 180 turn to a druggie /(how to put this politically correct) very easy girl.

Overall I really enjoyed the movie. Frank E. Flowers did a really great job with his debut. The story was really intriguing and the setting was beautiful. A really well done film.
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Diluted by subplot
prpless23 December 2006
The main plot of "Haven" has a lot of things going for it. An involving plot, genuine dialogue, interesting characters, and great performances, especially by Bloom, who delivers the performance of his career so far. Flowers does a fantastic job overlaying this onto a beautiful portrait of his native Cayman Islands. The major flaw is his attempt to combine this with a subplot that doesn't measure up. Paxton is mediocre, and his part of the story lacks any appeal save for Fritz, who could easily have been used as part of the main storyline. The combination of the two plots seems completely forced, they only overlap with a few minor roles and scenes that have little impact on either. This causes the staggered timeline to be superfluous, and the conclusion fails to bring them together, leaving you wondering why he bothered with this device at all. Overall entertaining and worth watching, it could have been much better had the subplot been done away with, or maybe had it been fleshed out and made to connect to the real story in a meaningful way.
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-- Gratuitous Multilinearity --
andrewjohnwallace14 September 2004
A very different movie than any other...the closest thing you can compare it to is Tarentino's "Pulp Fiction" but only because of it's multi-linear story.

The cinematography rocked. The acting was superb. The sound went unnoticed, so good work guys! But...

Usually in a movie like this, the multi-linear loose ends will cleverly tie together in the end showing why these particular characters were being followed. But it never did this. Bill Paxton and Orlando Blooms timelines ran almost totally autonomous from one another; crossing paths but never changing the outcome of the other. It was merely a gimmick. The first rule of film making...everything has to have a GOOD reason.
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Pulp Fiction goes to the islands
mrisman12 September 2004
I saw this film at the world premiere last night at the Toronto Film Festival. It was a crime drama told in the non-linear style made famous by Tarantino. What really made this movie stand out from like-themed movies, was it's setting in the Cayman Islands. The culture of the Caymans is evident in every shot, every frame, and it give an entirely fresh perspective on subjects we've visited before.

Frank E. Flowers does a fantastic job of keeping the story coherent as we alternate between two timelines, set four months apart. The acting is strong and the entire film has a distinctive atmosphere.

The crowd seemed to love it, but then again, the entire cast was present and the audience was quite excited (especially by Orlando Bloom). Still, a very good movie. It seemed like it may have been a little long, perhaps ten minutes or so, but that really came from trying to establish the Caymanian culture, so it's understandable.
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Not Too Bad
Shoequeen137720 July 2007
I decided to rent this movie to see if Orlando Bloom had any talent with being someone other than an action hero with a sword. I was surprised when his performance in Haven was pretty good. I actually felt for his character. The story line was impressive and it was nice to watch a small film with a good story that wasn't filled with tons of big name actors. At times it was hard to follow what was going on within the time frame. Some of the film was four months prior to the two key days in the film. There were some points in which the story was predictable but hardly, and there are some characters in which I couldn't figure out their actions. But Frank E. Flowers did a great job for such a young man, and Orlando Bloom deserves a well earned hats off for his performance.
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Non-linear converging stories, very entertaining...
Indyrod21 October 2007
From the producers of "Crash", this non-linear narrative style movie takes place in the Cayman Islands. Orlando Bloom is caught in a forbidden love affair with an island black girl who's family is dead set against it, threatening not only the affair but his life. Bill Paxton is a rich American who has to flee Miami with his daughter because the feds have caught up with his money laundering in the Caymans. He relocates there quickly but soon becomes involved along with his daughter in some of the nastiness involving the locals. The movie shifts back and forth in time, sometimes repeating scenes towards the end, as all the action and finale happens on a Friday the 13th. Pretty good story, I enjoyed it very much.
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csl65622 September 2008
I have to say, I just saw this movie for the first time last night, and I think it portrayed the Cayman Islands as some drug infested little island. I am a descendant of the island and I am appalled to see that is how the island is being represented. Everyone in the movie spoke with a Jamaican accent and used phrases that are only used by Jamaicans. I cannot believe the Cayman people allowed this movie to be made and degrade this beautiful island where tourist goes to with their families for vacations. If I did not know better this would not be anywhere I'd want to go. Everywhere has drugs and crime, but this movie suggested that everywhere you go on the island that's all there is, the partying and the drugs and the killings. This Island is more than that and those who live there and depend on the tourist to survive should remember that. I vote this a ZERO.

A Cayman Island Descendant.
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Crash Landing
wes-connors22 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Writer/director Frank E. Flowers makes "Haven" in the disjointed, jumped-up style resembling his production team's more successful "Crash", which is supposed to be this film's selling point. But, "Haven" only emphasizes what goes wrong with this type of picture. Instead of fresh, it's frazzled. As the story lines wobble around, the cameras leave a relatively engaging Victor Rasuk (as Fritz).

Then, reminding you of "Crash" connections, the film's hooded "Romeo and Juliet" storyline takes hold. "On the idyllic shores of the Cayman Islands, Shy (Orlando Bloom) and Andrea (Zoe Saldana) share a secret her parents can never know - they are in love. But a night of passion leads to the discovery of their secret and a devastating act of vengeance by Andrea's brother (Anthony Mackie).

"Meanwhile, a shady American businessman (Bill Paxton) has fled with his daughter to the Islands to avoid federal prosecution, only to be drawn into a dangerous web of deceit. As lives intersect and truths are revealed, a chain reaction of violence is set in motion that will determine whether love can survive the fall of paradise," according to the DVD sleeve's synopsis.

It all ends by… stopping.

**** Haven (9/11/04) Frank E. Flowers ~ Orlando Bloom, Zoe Saldana, Bill Paxton, Victor Rasuk
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just awful
jaybob21 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I had written a review of this travesty of a movie.

There was absolutely nothing worthwhile in it . I agree with the last reviewer its too much nose candy.

They use a hand held camera to the extreme, I have seen better hand held camera work on "youtube."

The acting is second rate by a well known cast.

I will not insult them by naming them, same for the director & writer.

This was filmed on the beautiful Cayman Islands,It should have been done on the Santa Monica beach, that is how much it looked like the Caymans.

Rating * (out of 4) 25 points (out of 100) IMDb 1 (out of 10)
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Flowers' Film Blooms
tranquility_girl13 September 2004
I also saw the world premiere of Haven on Saturday at the Toronto film fest and all I can say is that I was completely blown away by it. I don't know what I was expecting when I went into the theatre but what I got was something that kept my interest peaked through out the entire two hours and had me filled with questions until the very end.

Every actor involved in Haven was perfectly chosen and held their own with spectacular performances. Personally, I think that Bill Paxton is at the top of his game right now and Orlando Bloom is just to die for as Shy, a young fisherman on the Island. Zoe Saldana had me in tears with her performance and I can't wait to see it again when it finally comes to theaters. I think it's fair to say that Haven will put Frank E. Flowers on the map and he has earned it with this movie. Unbelievable. I loved it.
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Frustrating and violent Romeo & Juliet-ish story set in the Cayman Islands
juneebuggy18 October 2014
This is one of those movies that makes me mad because I had to struggle through it and then was left with a non-ending. It's a Romeo & Juliet-ish story following a young fisherman (Orlando Bloom) and the daughter(Zoe Saldana) of a powerful island family, who fall in love much to the displeasure of the girls brother.

It's an okay drama that ends up being very frustrating as I have no idea what happened to anyone, it just ends with no resolution. Does Shy get his girl? Does he get caught? Does he die fishing on Friday the 13th? What about Bill Paxton, did he get away with the loot? Did his daughter stay on Cayman?

Anyways. I had been curious to see this since it takes place in the Cayman Islands and I lived there for 4 years. This version of CI however is very different to my experiences while there. It was fun to see some familiar sights but I never did see any Caymanians just Jamaicans and other ex-pats playing the part. I also had a hard time believing these characters were in high-school. Red Sail sports is transformed into a fishing charter. 09.13
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Kirpianuscus28 January 2024
The story is not exactly impressive but correct crafted.

The slick manner to tell the story represents the basic good point of film. Reasonable acting, good job of Orlando Bloom, interracial romance and some drops of Romeo and juliet, Cayeman stories and a ball of destinies .

Difficult to define it more than an ordinary thriller but the good intentions and part of nice work of director are good reasons for not define Haven as waste of time.

Indeed, significant part of story is reduced at sketches, well constructed or, more exactly, enough for a not bad work , offering to viewer kicks to reflection, in honest - precise way.

In short, decent film.
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Too much nose candy went into this picture
rowmorg23 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The director somehow forgot to TELL A STORY, and he overlooked to DEVELOP CHARACTERS. Incredibly, the action got all mixed up in the editing suite and no one was straight enough to sort it out. That's my guess. What else happens when a bunch of stoned young men get together to make a movie on Grand Cayman? The leading lady was set up to have turned sixteen that very day, when Orlando Mister-Twickenham Bloom pops over to make love with her. Trouble is, she looks about twenty-five. Bloom gets acid thrown in his face by her charming brother, and oh-so-luckily his face is wrinkled up, but both his eyes survive perfectly! The movie started like an international James-Bond-type suspenser, but later turned into a lackadaisical picaresque tale about an ordinary boat-polisher and his burning passion. Yawn. Couldn't be bothered to find out what happened, there was no end for it to happen in.
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Only watched it to see Orlando-BAD film-SPOILERS
CKCSWHFFAN6 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As stated in the title, I only watched the film to see Orlando. He looked great EVEN after the acid on part of his face bit.

He did do a good job with his role.

But, the film??..

I was so confused. Jumping back & forth, repeating bits.

Start the film with Orlando & the actress from Pirates 1 then we do NOT see him again until over 25 minutes later.

Bill Paxton I have never liked & he could not act his way out of a wet paper bag.

Left hanging at the end of the film.

Yep, she turns 18, has her boyfriend spend the night with her so she turns into a whore on drugs. Hey, dummy-YOU COULD HAVE LEFT HOME YOU KNOW IF YOUR FAMILY TREATED YOU THAT BADLY.

I am glad I did NOT buy the DVD, I only watched it on TV. Even with Orlando to look at it would have been a waste of money.
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