Cheerleader Massacre (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Wynorski disappoints for the up-teenth time
movieman_kev1 April 2005
Stop me if you hard this one before, some cheerleaders, their coach and a couple guys are trapped within a cabin in the woods when an unseen killer kills them off one by one. Shame on me, after I totally wrote off Jim Wynorski after the horrid "Busty Cops" (it was a long time coming as his last truly good film was 1990's "Hard to Die"), I still for some reason got my hopes up for a supposed sequel to "Slumber Party Massacre". Sadly even my mediocre expectations were not met. This outing is not nearly as fun as even the three previous films in the franchise (and yes I'm including SPM 2, that should tell you something) Furthermore how can you have a slasher film with this little gore??? I mean Come on now!!

My Grade: D

Eye Candy: Ricky Ray gets topless; April Flowers and Charity Rahmer show boobs and buns in a shower scene (April gets nude again later in the film), and Tamie Sheffield gets topless and bares buns
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Craptastic Slasher Flick
PoisonKeyblade28 February 2007
Cheerleader Massacre was supposed to be the fourth installment of the Slumber Party Massacre series; if that's what they were doing (which it is considering ONE actress from the original returns in a small cameo role), they have failed miserably and made, by far, the worst installment of the 'quadrilogy'. Cheerleader Massacre seamlessly combines bad acting, a horrible plot, a dumb killer, dull and boring deaths, boring scenery, and hideous camera work to make it one of the worst films ever made. Did I already mention how bad it was? Don't get me wrong: this cheesy and retarded excuse for a horror film is nowhere near as bad as Napoleon Dynamite, but it is undeniably a horrible movie.

Cheerleader Massacre is an exact polar opposite of the original Slumber Party Massacre. Stay away by all means! This movie is utter garbage!
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Big chests in small vests, chocolate sauce, and moviedom's crappiest rickety bridge.
BA_Harrison9 January 2008
I've never expected too much from a film by trashy B-movie director Jim Wynorski: a silly premise, some cheapo effects and a bit of nudity from some busty babes, and I'm usually fairly happy.

Well, Cheerleader Massacre delivers on the former and definitely the latter, but unfortunately is a tad light when it comes to the splatter. And when a film has the word 'massacre' in the title, and scrimps on the gore, then Houston, we have a problem.

Wynorski's movie centres on a group of cheerleaders who, along with their teacher, mini-bus driver and a couple of guys, become stranded in the mountains during a snowstorm. They make their way on foot to a deserted mountain retreat, where they find food and shelter. And a crazy killer who wants them all dead! From the outset, good old Jim ensures that his film features plenty of scenes loaded with T&A, and includes the obligatory shower scene, along with numerous other moments in which tasty women get nekkid (including a spot of raunchy softcore sex and a very gratuitous three-babes-in-a-hot-tub scene). None of the women look young enough to be cheerleaders (and are never even seen in their outfits), but who cares about such details when they're all too willing to strip off in the name of art?

I do care, however, about the movie's numerous lacklustre deaths. With such an extremely lurid title, I had been hoping for some inventive bloodletting to go with all of the bums, bush, and boobs; instead, practically all of the killings occur off-screen or feature next to no gore. Only a silly post-decapitation scene (achieved with cheap-as-chips CGI) comes anywhere near to delivering the goods.

Still, if you're feeling in the mood for some titillation, or a bit of slasher silliness minus the grue, then, at 82 minutes, at least Cheerleader Massacre won't be too much of a waste of your time.
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Laugh at B movie
elnocko112 May 2004
I didn't have high hopes for this movie when I started watching it, and I was still dissapointed. The actors who are supposed to be teenagers looks more like they passed 30 and are getting old fast. The season shifts from summer into winter into summer into fall into winter again, all in the same day. The mountain can't be that high.

They tell stories and you see flashes of it, where they say it's snowing, but when they show it, it's sunny. And of course since this is a B movie there are lots of nudity to try to keep the viewer watching when the scripts falls through. After only a minute the first breasts are flashed, and it follows that mood though the movie. Watch this movie if you want to laugh at a really bad movie, with a stupid script that has got all the cliches of a horror movie.
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Not Good Sportsmanship
jamhorner24 January 2008
This movie was one of those movies where it completely fooled me into thinking that it was a cheesy 80's slasher flick, based on the cover, but it wasn't. It was quite possibly one of the worst slasher films that I have ever seen. The picture on the cover did not match any part or scene in the movie; in fact it didn't involve a chainsaw. Not even the tag line fit the movie. The film is about a group of cheerleaders and two potheads who escape to a desolate cabin, in the cold woods, for a weekend getaway. However, things get extra chilly when they start to get murdered by an unknown killer. At the same time, the local sheriff's department is hunting down a dangerous killer. I'll name the problems in a list.

1. The Acting. Boy was it cheap and horribly bad. It felt unnatural and it seemed as thought it was very scripted. None of the actors seemed as though they tried to perform with good intentions and therefore they seemed silly and tired. There was bad acting by all the characters in the movie, so I won't point out specific people, but I wills say that the stoners did a horrible job, as well as the police and the cheerleaders, which is not a surprise.

2. The Plot. This story had set up a perfect storyline for good ol' fashion slasher flick, but instead they peppered it with plot-holes, useless and unnecessary scenes and an overall stupid back-story to the killer's intentions. There were major plot-holes including how the killer killed the last victim so quickly and yet still be there in the group of girls when it happened? The ex-con virtually served no purpose in the movie aside from being a useless plot device. There was random and unnecessary sex and nudity sprinkled throughout it, even for a b-movie or my taste it was a bit too much. As for the killer's intentions, lets just say it was stupid and it makes no sense as to why she / he is killing young girls. Plus, there was also some very predictable kills that I saw coming about 30 miles away.

3. The Technical Side. The lighting was okay, it certainly wasn't the worse lighting that I've seen in a movie, but there were points where it was supposed to be dark but it looked more like the afternoon. The house seemed darker with the lights on, then with the lights off. The camera work was average, it didn't have any good establishing shots or amazing pans or zooms, thought it did get the job done is building some suspense with it's framing.

Overall, this movie, in the sense of plot, character development and performance, was a huge disappointment and a waste of my time. What I thought would have been a great slasher flick turned out to be one of the worse movies that I have ever seen. The acting was really bad and wooden, there was hardly any sense in the plot and there was no emotion to this film. However, the technical aspect of this film saved it for me, because if the camera work or the lighting was bad, then I would have turned off the DVD player and popped in something else. I would recommend this movie to those who enjoy really cheesy b-movies as well as those who follow cult classics, because this movie certainly is. I would partially recommend this film for those who enjoy 80s slasher flicks. But for me, this movie was pitiful and utterly horrible.
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Some Kind of Movie..
maydel30 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I go to blockbuster, pick out a random movie, got this, and yeah.

This... was a good sexual porno.. the quality kind of sucked, and it kind of gave me a damn headache. To me, this movie was good for its sexual things, but not as much for the horror and suspense. It was ... magical...

The suspense.. not as good as I would have expected. I wanted to be at the edge of my seat hoping to jump up in fear, but instead I lay down on the couch and didn't see much.

The quality.. not really good at all. I mean, if you pay close attention, during when the people are on the COLD mountains, their barely wearing anything. It doesn't make much sense too.

So if your looking for a crap, not really suspenseful, and a pretty much sexual movie, you've got this.
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Another 80s slasher franchise ruined, thanks Wynorski!
Coventry30 August 2016
Admittedly the subject title of this user comments is somewhat misleading and overly dramatized, since you can hardly refer to "The Slumber Party Massacre" (of which this film is a belated fourth entry) as being a great or even remotely significant 80s horror/slasher franchise. The 1982 original and part 3 released in 1990 were reasonably entertaining flicks, but the first 1987 sequel is beyond retarded and the overall series is forgettable and mediocre at best. Still, the fact that producers of the new Millennium keep reviving long lost franchises like these clearly shows that everyone in the horror industry nostalgically craves back to the simplicity and lusciousness of the wondrous eighties' decade… In the hands of talented and ambitious directors this can lead to enjoyable and adequately made homage/throwback movies (like "The Final Girls", "The Sleeper" or "Bloody Homecoming"), but with someone like Jim Wynorski in the director's seat, it's bound to be a senseless and incompetent piece of garbage! Wynorski nevertheless made a couple of decent movies himself during the 80s, like "Chopping Mall" and "Not of this Earth", but since the mid-90s he devoted his career to unleashing approximately 5 – 7 inferior pieces of crap per year (!) and their only reason of existence is showing copious amounts of gratuitous nudity and soft-core.

"Cheerleader Massacre" superficially looks like a mindlessly fun slasher with gory massacres and plenty of nudity provided by fresh and voluptuous B-movie starlets, at least based on the DVD-cover and the brief synopsis on the back, but in reality this film delivers … not much of anything. Some of the babes in the cast go topless or spend a long time in the shower, but the sexiest ones incomprehensibly remain dressed and run around the sets clueless and for no particular reason. Heck, they can't even properly get referred to as "cheerleaders" since they never wear their outfits or practice with pom-poms! Was that really too much to ask for, Wynorski?!? The gore and bloodshed is seriously disappointing as well. Apart from a headless corpse at the front door (realized with lousy special effects) and a weak electrocution (realized with even lousier special effects), this "massacre" is tame, boring and frustrating. What else is there to mention? The idiotic script, perhaps, that is full of dreadful clichés and predictable twists. A handful of bimbo cheerleaders, accompanied by their busty female coach and a couple of dim-witted stoner guys, head out for a tournament on the other side of a snowy and isolated mountain region. As a matter of course their van breaks down just before nightfall, so they have to seek shelter in an abandoned cabin where they indulge in booze, sex and dumb campfire stories. And yes, evidently, there's a maniacal killer at large in the area, but is he/she really responsible for the number of corpses that are piling up? Of course not! I don't even understand why the script assumes they can mislead us with this red herring, as the first murder is committed while the girls are still in school; dozens of miles away from the place where they spend the night. It's a common problem for stupid movies to assume that the audience is equally stupid, I guess. Brinke Stevens, starlet of the original 1982 "Slumber Party Massacre", is dragged into the movie, only so that her testimony and flashback archive footage can fill up an additional few minutes of running time. Unlike her, I personally prefer not to waste any further time on this dud… Avoid, that's all I can say!
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No thanks
Leofwine_draca9 April 2022
Another slice of generic trash as a group of cheerleaders go to the obligatory cabin in the woods only to find themselves bumped off by a maniac. Jim Wynorski is an old hand at this sort of thing but fails to muster up any energy or drive for a straight-to-video dud. The horror is laughable and inevitably the only emphasis is on the endless nudity. No thanks!
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Cheerleader Massacre
Scarecrow-8813 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Like CURSE OF THE KOMODO was for the creature feature genre, Jim Wynorski's CHEERLEADER MASSACRE is a straight-faced parody of slasher movies, such as SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE. A psycho, who has escaped from his padded cell,(..he was sent to the loony bin thanks to killing eleven people)is working across the mountainous backwoods countryside of Bobcat County attacking anyone within his reach. A van load of cheerleaders, their teacher, two equipment hands, and the driver are on their way to a contest when their vehicle runs out of fuel while taking a supposed short-cut to avoid having to turn back. Luckily the group find a cabin up ahead, but fall prey to a killer who attacks each victim one by one. The psycho loose in the county couldn't have killed one girl because she was in the cheerleaders' locker room while he was elsewhere which means someone among their own is the culprit. Meanwhile the sheriff of the county and his deputy pursue the whereabouts of their psycho, while also trying to find the location of the missing cheerleader squad.

Shot cheap on video, Wynorski does what he can with the limited budget having to find clever ways to assassinate characters off-screen without the luxury of properly effective special effects. In other words, lots of melons were stabbed, the sound effect used to let us know that certain victims whisked away into the darkness by a black gloved hand died savagely. Wynorski incorporates a scene from SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE regarding Brinke Stevens' character Linda, her being pursued by a killer with a drill(..that killer and Linda both wound up dead, but I guess Wynorski wanted to connect his film to that one, albeit rather poorly)..still it was nice to see her, even if it was a glorified cameo. Tamie Sheffield, as Ms Hendricks the teacher of the students in trouble, has a long bathing scene in the shower soaping her naked body and fake breasts. The girls who make up the cheerleaders are a bit unconvincing, because their obviously in their twenties. Aging soft-core porn stars Samantha Philips( a police officer who is attacked by the psychopath she's searching for)and Nikki Fritz(..a hiker who is victimized while jogging across a dangerous bridge)surprisingly don't have to strip. Wynorski vets Bill Langlois Monroe( Sheriff Murdock) and Melissa Brasselle( a detective who assists Murdock on his case)contribute to the sub-plot of the search for John Colton's serial killer McPherson. Interesting enough, the McPherson story serves as a McGuffan as, in truth, the meat of the film is devoted to the cheerleading group and their perilous situation. I'm not sure if slasher fans will embrace this movie because it takes too long for the kills to flare up and when they eventually enter the picture, the violence isn't potent or shocking enough to satisfy.
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I've seen tons of bad movies, but this is one of the worst!
guyfromjerzee17 October 2005
A movie like this makes me appreciate the work that professional actors do. I think movie-goers, in general, are a little too hard on professional actors and are ready to bash them for the most minuscule reasons. Just watch a couple minutes of "Cheerlader Massacre," and trust me, you'll change your views. A razzie would be almost a compliment for these no-talent actors. But then again, it's a Jim Wynorski film. Wynorski is a popular director of these ultra low-budget B-movies (having worked with Roger Corman on many an occasion). The problem with this movie is it actually tries to develop a plot. And when you have actors delivering lines like they're reading letters off an eye chart, how am I supposed to care? In Wynorski's "Bare Wench 2," he didn't try to develop a plot. He simply tried to make a softcore porn/goofy takeoff on the "Blair Witch Project." It was fun and it was titillating. "Cheerleader Masscare" is no fun. There are a couple obligatory female nude scenes, but they are few and far between. So it's not even worth enjoying on an erotic level. I must say, the worst scene is the one where Nikki Fritz walks across a bridge that's about to collapse. First of all, her character didn't have to walk across that bridge. Second of all, as the bridge starts creaking, rather than try her best to run across, she just stands there and acts helpless. And top it off, we don't actually see the bridge collapse because the filmmakers made this for a budget of 2 dollars!!! Unlike a lot of B-horror films, this one's actually boring. And that's what makes it the worst of all bad movies. One of the few bright spots was Lunk Johnson, who's probably the most natural actor in the film (though certainly no more than halfway decent). He was funny in "Bare Wench 2," and had some funny scenes in this movie too.
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Wanton Hilarity
awklien15 January 2009
Don't be foolish enough to take this film for face value, it is clearly an abomination as far as legitimate cinema goes. This movie is also however a masterpiece of the poorly made, soft-core porn, horror variety. How can you possible go wrong? Do what I did, get really bored and make sure no one with you is a pretentious ass without a sense of humor. Next, pop this bad boy into your DVD player and blaze. After 20 minutes, hit play and prepare to laugh your ass off like never before. This will however only last about an hour or so before you pass out from inevitable boredom. Never take a movie like this too seriously and you cannot lose.
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Julie (Lisandro) Corgill's rack is the highlight of this grade Z movie
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki31 October 2007
Amusing enough throwback to late 1970s early 1980s slasher movies, with lots of good looking (albeit young) girls, scantily clad and large breasted, who end up hiking through the wilderness and eventually hold up in a remote cabin during a snowstorm after their van runs out of gas. They begin the usual drinking and f**king in this luxurious and fully stocked cabin, before being sliced and diced by an unseen killer. The ever present clichés notwithstanding, this is actually kind of a funny little Z-movie, a hybrid of slasher flicks and soft core porno, with the requisite nude/ shower scenes featuring mostly porno chicks in their first and only horror flick and a couple of gory killings thrown in so that this can actually be called a "horror" movie. It can't always rise above the microscopic budget: with its home video quality look and feel to it despite some occasionally inspired camera work, and the bouncy girl on the footbridge was clearly only about 8 feet off the ground, while trying to appear to be 200 feet in the air. The final resolution about the killer's identity is far from surprising or convincing, and is probably the biggest letdown. The biggest mystery about this movie: why are the opening credits shown in front of two Christmas tree angels and a flashlight?

It's certainly no classic, but it's slightly better than some people here have said, and the deleted scene on the DVD, which was taken from an unfinished project, along with Julie Corgil's bouncy 33Ds, make this worth the rental price alone.
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mr_pivac198521 April 2011
When Jim Wynorski first announced he would be doing a new sequel for my favorite series of all time, the "Slumber Party Massacre" series, I was ecstatic. I had been waiting for a new installment for literally years. So, production began and very small bits and pieces on the shoot and the actors involved were released until the shoot wrapped. Then, the announcement of a title change. No longer would this new sequel be titled "Slumber Party Massacre IV," but "Cheerleader Massacre" instead. I was a bit disappointed, but having a different title would be a very small price to pay for a film I had waited so long to happen. I was still extremely intrigued and on the edge of my seat to see it.

Maybe a month ago, some very advanced copies of the film were released to some extremely lucky viewers, who got to see the film months before its release date. A few reviews leaked on the net and judging by them, I began to become apprehensive on Jim Wynorski's "Cheerleader Massacre."

Tonight, I got to see the film for the first time in full length and I am still scratching my head. As I read in another review, "Cheerleader Massacre" is definitely NOT a new installment in the "Slumber Party Massacre" series, but a slasher flick all on its own. And a bad one at that.

Before I get into the specifics of the film, let me first state what an enormous fan of Jim Wynorski's films I am. I always thought him to be a true camp genius, with a winner almost every time. Yes, his movies are made on shoestring budgets and don't contain the most top-notch acting around, but they're fun nonetheless. They are what they are: campy movies you watch when you want to have a good time. From "Sorority House Massacre II," to "Hard to Die," to "Chopping Mall," Jim has produced the goods on more than one occasion. One of the reasons why I was excited that this film would be his latest project.

"Cheerleader Massacre" does not (in my opinion) reflect any of the films I had seen this director/writer create in the past. Firstly, the production was extremely inexpensive and the film was actually shot on videotape, something I had never seen Jim do before. The actors were mediocre, to say the least, and the story is almost laughable. The killer is also extremely stupid and reminds you more of your cuddly old grandpa, rather than an escaped lunatic.

Of course, the film is littered with female nudity. This is a Jim Wynorski movie we're talking about, folks. But some of the boob-shots seen here almost seem like they were done for time. There is an extremely long shower scene, containing the cheerleading coach, that seems to go on forever and it greatly reflects a shower scene in Jim's "Sorority House Massacre II." The girl even bathes herself almost in the exact same way.

"Cheerleader Massacre" is also extremely clichéd, to say the least. The opening scene is literally something we've all seen in HUNDREDS of past slasher flicks. A guy and a girl making out, on the verge of consummating their relationship guessed it. They're hacked to pieces.

Brinke Stevens, who I've never really considered to be a tremendous actress in the first place, also gives one of her stiffest and forced performances in her small cameo. We're talking' possible cue cards here. She recalls some incidents her character endured by the killer seen here twenty years ago to the police, while footage of the original "Slumber Party Massacre" plays. Why was footage from the original film used if it was definitely not a new "SPM"? I have no idea. There is also two explosions seen in this movie that I am almost certain were recycled from other films.

Not only does this film recycle FOOTAGE from past films, but it also recycles the scores from other films as well. Some of the music used in "Humanoids from the Deep" (which was also recycled prior for "The Coroner") can be heard throughout the entire film. There are at least two more as well that I cannot identify, but am certain have been used before.

After sitting through this film's horrendous acting, ridiculous story, non-existent gore/special effects, and camcorder-like quality, I am having some serious concerns toward Mister Wynorski's career. Has the man who delighted audiences with films in the past finally lost his niche? Only time will tell. Oh, and let's not forget his newest film. A new installment in the "Sorority House Massacre" films, now titled "Final Exam." I think I'm seeing a pattern here...
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Average slasher
Katatonia9 April 2003
I'm a huge fan of the Slumber Party Massacre and Sorority House Massacre films, so i was expecting a little more from Cheerleader Massacre. It's not a bad film, but not a great one either. The first 10 minutes i was thinking "this bites" but it did get progressively better. There was a horror/slasher movie released back in 1987 called "Cheerleader Camp" which is still the better of the two.

My main complaint with Cheerleader Massacre is the acting, most of the performances are hollow and seem really fake. I really expected better acting quality from a Jim Wynorski project. I also think that this was shot on Digital Video, it just does not have that "Film" look. And i could have done without the erroneous flashback to a scene from Slumber Party obviously looks like it really is from an older movie, and most of us have seen it before anyways. Brinke Stevens was only in the film for a minute or so and i don't really understand why it was included. It did nothing for the story, never followed through with it and simply didn't make much sense in the long run.

I haven't yet viewed the film with the commentary track on the DVD, so perhaps it will shed some light on some of those above problems. There is a deleted scene in the DVD which is worth the price alone, i guess it was cut from the actual film (major frontal nudity) so they could get an R rating.

All in all, Cheerleader Massacre is worth it for fans to see it once. Some people will like it more than others.
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decent mindless slasher film
manicgecko10 April 2006
Hmmmmmmm - cheerleader massacre. Let me think - high school girls get sliced up, except the cute one survives. Got it. Next movie.

I was actually surprised this one was made in 2003. I really thought they quit making these movies in the 80's. This was truly your run of the mill slasher movie with teenage eye candy, dumb male horn dogs, even dumber male adult, and hot teacher. It continues on the list of dark and stormy night and abandoned cabin in the woods. We have seen it all before.

However this one had a few interesting plot twists that places it above the normal me-too slashers, so if you have got a few brain cells to fry and 2 hours to kill - you could do worse.
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The ladies are hot, the film is not...
TheLittleSongbird3 September 2012
There for me are far worse movies than Cheerleader Massacre, but in all honesty that is not saying very much in the film's favour. The ladies are very good-looking, but the acting on the whole is so forced and fake that it is one of those cases that they were told to just exude sex appeal and not bring much else. It doesn't help that their characters are so clichéd(I was actually expecting that from reading the plot-line), unlikeable or so poorly written, or that the writing is so shallow and full of meaningless fluff when it could have been developing the characters. The film even manages to look cheap, the scenery is okay, but the camera work is frenzied and the gore effects crude. The music is loud, generic and over-bearing, but if there was a worst element it was the story. Cheerleader Massacre did have potential to work, provided that it was executed well. Was it executed well? Was it hell! It is full of lazy exposition where we know nothing about the characters or their motivations, and was so predictable that I couldn't have cared less who the killer's identity was. The slasher parts are undermined by the camera work and a complete lack of atmosphere, suspense or tension. Which made me all the less surprised by the ending, which was contrived anyway. So all in all, even with the sexiness of the ladies this slasher is a stinker. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Well, at least I can say that they really tried.
Boba_Fett113820 February 2008
I have seen more than a couple horror/erotic crossovers and I can tell you that this movie is not the worst the genre has to offer. If you have seen a couple of Jesus Franco films you'll know what I mean.

Of course it has got a silly script, poor actors, bad production values and a serious lack of gore. But at least you can tell by looking at this movie that they have put some serious effort in it all. Not that it really makes the movie great but at least it makes this movie a better watch than you would perhaps expect.

Problem with these horror/erotic movies crossovers is that they are not scary enough to please any horror fans and not erotic enough to make this movie effective on that field.

This movie is part of the Slumber Party Massacre franchise but yet the movie doesn't really follow any of the stories from the previous movies. At least not in the way things really occurred. I mean a girl who died in the first movie suddenly now has survived the attack and reappears in this movie. The killer is also supposedly the same as in the first movie, which also seems highly unlikely since he had his hand chopped off and got completely pierced.

The movie is at least not as boring as the two previous Slumber Party Massacre movies. The movie is fairly well paced and offers plenty of interesting moments.

Of course not a great movie but really not the worst the genre has to offer either.

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georgebobolink19 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
On my continuing quest to find the worst movie of all time, my friends and I stumbled upon this little gem. It is hilarious through and through, especially if you don't know (like we didn't) that it's a semi-sequel to another horror series.

I won't bother going into the plot except to mention that everyone complains about the horrible snowstorm that was coming (it was equivalent to the characters just screaming "FORESHADOWING!" at the camera and waving their arms), and, in some odd twist of fate, the snow storm ever occurs. Budget problems, I guess.

Add that to a magical front door that is opened or closed depending on what scare effect the director wants to create and the electricity being cut off until the gym teacher decides to take a shower with lots of soap. I'll admit it; I had trouble breathing at points.

The only actual decent part of this movie, as it turns out, was from the original Slumber Party Massacre movie. It's so much funnier now that I know that.

*SPOILER* The end, where it is revealed that the slasher did it because her drunk friends stumbled in on her and a female friend making out and then the friend driving into a train or something is probably the funniest psycho killer origin ever, heightened by the fabulous use of blurring and stock footage. I'm glad all of the slasher's friends forgot the incident completely until a flashback was necessary.

Run, don't walk, to pick this up and see the hilarity. Of course, the continuity editor should be given an award for all of this, if only they weren't stuck in that horrible snow storm...
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"Based on a joke once told by Jim Wynorski"
pyromanticways19 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Based on a joke once told by Jim Wynorski"... that's what I've read at the end of the closing credits. Well, Mr. Wynorski gotta have an awful sense of humour then! This film is terrible, really. I loved the first two chapters of The Slumber Party Massacre series; the third film was quite useless, but completely watchable, compared to this piece of crap! There's not even a Driller Killer and the plot, the acting, the characters, the locations, the events... everything is boring, absurd and laughable. The only good reason to watch this turkey are the girls: if this film were a porn, I think it would have worked really much better! The film lacks gore too: the first scene (the one in the tent) could be bloodier and the scene with the headless guy knocking at the door lasted one second! Some moments of slight thrilling can't save a nonexistent plot. Buzzy (Lunk Johnson) seems to be the only real actor here: I found him the only bearable character in this movie! Oh... there's a nonsense part with Brinke Stevens, who performed "Linda" in the first Slumber Party Massacre: the police bother her to know more details about the killer; but what we get is only some footage from the first film! Not a dialogue, neither a monologue, or anything from this still-traumatized grown-up girl, who's forced to revive the worst 30 minutes of her life (as she says), giving us no clues at all about the murderer!

Watch at your own risk.
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Should have been better.
TroyinIA3 May 2005
Originally harped as a sequel to "The Slumber Party Massacre" series, this film falls flat on it's face with a new title. First off, if you are going to include the word "massacre" in your film's title, you better deliver. This one certainly does not. There is no gore, no on screen murders and no chainsaw, as the box art would lead you to believe. Instead, we get a paper thin, overdone plot about a group of cheerleaders who get stranded in an abandoned cabin on the way to a football game, only to be offed one by one. Again, this film could have been OK if the gore quotient was upped a bit. Why directors, especially those doing direct-to-video flicks, are afraid to show ANY gore is beyond me. Now, I am not a huge fan of excessive gore, but come on...why else would anyone rent a movie called "Cheerleader Massacre??" Besides that problem, the film suffers from a shot-on-a-home-video-camera cheapness. It looks cheap, sounds cheap, and the actors aren't all that good. It tries to throw us off track to who the killer may be, but even that fails. The ending ends up being a ridiculous mess. Folks, if you run across this film, walk away and go find the original "Slumber Party Massacre." 2 out of 10.
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Please, no sequel!!
OcalaAnthony8 July 2003
Ok. I'll admit it. I'm a huge fan of b-movies. Back when Michelle Bauer, Linnea Quigley and Brinke Stevens ruled the roost. And back then, even the bad movies were still good. Unfortunately, this is a bad movie that is just plain bad. Even a small cameo by Brinke Stevens (reprising her role as Linda from "Slumber Party Massacre" 21 years earlier) doesn't help this one out. A group of cheerleaders take refuge in a fancy cabin after their van breaks down. A psycho stalks them one by one, catching them in various states of undress. Bad script, bad direction and horrible acting make this one plain bad! Skip this turkey and go rent "Slumber Party Massacre." 1/2*
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What a treat! This is a cinema classic!
l_cronkrite2 December 2006
I've seen a couple of films before, but nothing that compares to this. It really stands out in a class of it's own. The camera work is unique in style, and the colour grading work is second to all. Sorry, I mean none. I particularly though the lighting on the chocolate sauce-breasts-bath-threesome scene was very innovative. Using normal bathroom lights was a stroke of genius. This fine example of modern cinema knocks French art-house, Venezualan documentary and Hollywood blockbuster all neatly into a cocked hat. You will not find a subtler blend of slasher B movie, soft core porn in any other movie. My favourite bit by far was when a frightened student asks a policeman "Are we safe?", to which he responds with a grim silent shake of the head. Well reassured Mr policeman, well done! Brilliant. I'll watch this over and over again, and probably recommend it to friends. I would think this is on most film studies degrees syllabus. If not - why not!
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Where are the cheers?
nogodnomasters21 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
These cheerleaders didn't do a whole lot of cheering in this movie, nor were they ever dressed in cheerleader outfits or waved around pom-poms. These girls seemed a bit old for HS cheerleaders. Tammie Sheffield does have a bit of a Denise Austin horsey voice to her, if you like that kind of thing. This was more of a religious movie, as cleanliness is next to godliness, and these girls like to take showers and rub soap all over their dirty sweaty chests. The deleted scene consists of 3 girls in a tub pouring chocolate syrup over their chests and then licking it off. It has a certain straight male appeal to it. This is done in the classic 1980's style where beautiful women (minus clothes) fill the screen and we had to guess who the slasher was between the shower and sex scenes. Not quite Slumber Party Massacre, but then what is?
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Someone said "average"?????
adrianobettel22 July 2022
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's incredible that in 2003 it's still possible to release movies with such amateur quality. And there's nothing bad with being amateur, but here everything is done with zero neurons working. Such a waste of time!
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