Jane White Is Sick & Twisted (2002) Poster

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Clever Concept, Poor Execution
foggy-918 June 2003
Not a bad idea...take a character so wrapped up in TV that she sees her life as just one big TV show...but aside from the cutaways, and the opening credits, the execution never seemed realized. There was a really great Terry Gilliam riff, SNL cut image, Simpsons riff, etc., but it ends up just coming across as a gimmick compared to the actual story. Combine that with poor production values (LOTS of one-take scenes), and you get an unenjoyable movie. The DVD, however, provides a commentary worth listening to for aspiring filmmakers. Colin Mochrie and Debra Wilson have enjoyable cameos, but Wil Wheaton is an anchor on the whole movie.
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This movie is SICK AND TWISTED!
coreysjunk5 May 2002
After seeing JWIS&T at the Phoenix Film Festival, I wasn't quite sure whether or not I liked the movie. It was soooooooooooo OVER-THE_TOP and STRANGE! But my stomach musles were sore from laughing so much. I guess it accomplished its goal. It made me laugh. A LOT! Jane White is SO FAR over the top that it makes Ace Ventura and Scary Movie look like Ghandhi in comparison. JWIS&T is full of memorable characters from Kim Little's Jane White herself to Chris Hardwick's trailer trash shirt sporting neighbor to Colin Mochrie's not-so-gay male-fetish guru. If the movie itself isn't funny enough, the outtakes during the credits are the funniest I've EVER seen. Will Jane White ever win an oscar? Not a Chance! But neither will Austin Power 1 - 2 or 3! This one hellava FUNNY MOVIE!
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86 minutes that I'll never get back
tracyt18009 May 2003
I guess I'm just not an "indie" kind of guy. I went into this movie thinking I would love it. I'd heard (mostly on the internet) that it was really funny.

I almost laughed a couple of times but never quite made it.
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I Begged for it to End
Exit_of_99c_Special16 August 2005
I am a fan of terrible movies. I love horrible films. Somehow, I think this film was made to appeal my type of person. Did it? No. The main character plays a girl that is not sick or twisted, rather mentally retarded and useless.

As the movie description says, Jane White tries everything possible to be on the Gerry Show (Jerry Springer show except with Laverine & Shirley's Squiggy). She believes that Gerry is her father, so the film documents her journey from cheap set to cheap sound stage set. Some of the cast you might lose respect for after seeing this.

Sadly, other than the bright orange tights that Jane wears, there was nothing in this film to enjoy. For those who could careless about bright orange tights, then there is nothing for them to enjoy.
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Very "out there"
KGitt4449825 August 2003
I wanted to see this movie for Danica McKellar ever since I saw a photo of her character. She has done a bunch of small stuff recently, but none of it's on DVD.

Anyway, she only had about 2 minutes screen time (counting the bonus stuff), but it was worth it. "Winnie" she is not, here.

Her character appears on a Jerry Springer show equivalent as a gum-smacking, stretch-pant wearing, sexually starved wife of a black man who thinks he's the son of God. He then proceeds to french kiss Maureen McCormick's character, who is wearing a plastic bird on her head.

Alley Mills was a welcome addition as the alcoholic, smoking mother. Again, not "Norma Arnold" at all. She had a good sized role and was great.

The movie is definitely "out there". I'm not one for goofiness or silliness, but this made me laugh a bit, regardless.

Worth renting at least - and buying of you are a fan of Kim Little, Wil Weaton, or even Alley Mills. Lots of other TV people in supporting roles.
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Apallingly bad ***Spoilers***
Avatar-716 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first, I got it. OK? It's not one of those deals where the reviewer just didn't get it. I got the gags. I caught the little things like screech in drag, and Larry from Three's Company wishing Suzanne Somers a speedy recovery. I know what they were going for. I followed the movie. It just plain sucks. I'm sorry, there's not a nice way to put it. It sucks.

It's not that it "wasn't my thing". It wasn't a thing at all. It was nothing. Up until now, the worst movie I'd ever seen was Superman IV. This movie makes Superman IV look like "The Godfather".

I wasted 86 minutes of my life on this. I could have been cleaning under my toenails, or counting backward from 1000, or any of a million other things that would have been less painful and more productive. If you rated this movie higher than a 2, seek help immediately. If you see it in the video store, RUN!

(I give it a 2 because nothing with Colin Mochire can be all bad.)
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Maybe I would have liked it more if I understood the TV references...
peterdfinn12 July 2009
Jane White Is Sick and Twisted is an independent comedy about a girl named Jane White, who is obsessed with TV so much that she thinks her long-lost father is talk show host Gerry King. She decides to try and see him.

I really wanted to like this movie, but I just couldn't. It was stupid, and I didn't get a lot of the TV references.

I'm giving this movie an additional star because Kim Little did a really good job playing Jane White. But other than that very good performance, Jane White Is Sick and Twisted is really stupid and boring.

Not recommended.
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lupin8919 June 2004
The very idea that a group of people came together to produce this script bewilders me as both an audience member and a semi-rational person. I saw this flick at a film festival a few years ago and was stunned at it's inadequacy. The jokes are stale and forced, the plot directionless and the pacing tiresome. To further my confusion, this stinker has an all-star, B-list cast. That means that these producers either have a lot of very uncritical actor friends or entirely too much disposable income. If you are planning to see this thing; don't. It's not campy enough to be a cult hit, and is entirely too self-involved to be a farce of itself. It's just a truly bad movie.
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I am so disappointed...
flight_angel7725 March 2005
First of all, I was excited to finally being able to watch this movie. It looked funny enough, and it had two of my favorite comic actors: Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood of Whose Line? fame. I thought them being so funny, it deserves a chance. After watching this crap film, I realized I wasted a good portion of my life (and my pay). All it basically was was Kim Little running around like an idiot while Colin and others watch. The movie itself was a cheap attempt to be a parody of itself and other shows. (sigh) I was disappointed but I don't blame Colin and Brad, I blame the talentless people who put it together.

A Dollar Store rent at best.

(Go Colin and Brad! ; )
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Great B-movie spoof!
marsflicks15 April 2006
This a totally low budget indie film that spoofs people's desires to appear on talk shows. The supporting cast is full of great comedians, and the title character gives a wonderful performance as a naive girl who seeks attention from her fictional father. Wil Wheaton (the annoying, nerdy kid from Stat Trek: TNG) is actually really funny - mostly because of the bad-quality/nerdy/Elvis-combo wig he wears. Which leads me to the costumes - the "fashions" sported for this movie are apparently very deliberate, and they're as obnoxious as they are apt. For the warped individual who enjoys b-movie spoofs, this film is for you!
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Jane White is unfunny and boring
renickmarsh11 August 2009
Jane White is sick and twisted is about a semi retarded girl who is addicted to TV and tries to get on a Talk Show she believes is being hosted by her long lost father.

Interesting idea for a movie, but the idea never generates into a watchable movie. There's obvious borrowed material from shows like Reno 911 and Saturday Night Live, but not even that can save this boring, poorly acted, unfunny turd. Usually with bad comedies, who can at the very least enjoy the characters, but this so called movie has such poorly developed characters, it's actually somewhat painful to watch. Half way through, I had to fast forward to the end just so I could see the music credits. I actually enjoyed some of the music in it, but I couldn't even enjoy that part, because the ending credits were so unintelligible and bad. Thanks for nothing.

If for some reason you have to watch this stink bomb. I suggest downloading it off a torrent site. Don't give any money too the people responsible for this circle jerk.
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Funny Scripts and Funny Actors Make Funny Pictures
inturnaround19 August 2003
"Jane White is Sick and Twisted" isn't the easiest film to describe. I guess the best way I've so far been able to articulate is that it's like the theme song the the old MTV game show "Remote Control":

Kenny was unlike the other kids REMOTE CONTROL TV mattered, nothing else did... REMOTE CONTROL Girls said yes and he said NO! Now he's got his own game show!

Yeah, it's kind of like that, except Kenny is a teenage girl and she didn't get her own game show. Oh, and Wil Wheaton is in it. But the quizmaster of 72 Whooping Cough Lane manages to make a pretty interesting movie.

See, Jane White is a teenage girl who is obsessed with TV. This is apparent from the imaginative opening sequence featuring parodies of more than a few TV show opening credits. She aches to be on her estranged father's talk show which is pattered after Jerry Springer. Jane, a naive sort, decides to become a closet transvestite prostitute so she can earn her way onto the Gerry Show.

Jane White is played by the uber-cute Kim Little with hyper-energy and just the right sort of sparkle. She's able to convince the audience that she really does live in this TV dream world and it helps the film tremendously. Otherwise it would be little more than an obscure TV reference festival. She also makes you like Jane. The script by itself doesn't really make you want to like her, but Kim Little helps you like her.

Wil Wheaton plays her boyfriend Dick. Jane loves Dick because she thinks he's a serial killer. Dick loves Jane because they both have braces and she gives him money to save his car, Betsy. Wil obviously has a lot of fun playing the over-the-top character. This is some of the best work I've seen him do. Anyone, who with full knowledge of how silly he looks, wears the wig he wears in this film deserves my respect.

Jane and Dick's relationship is really what drives this picture. Both of them are quite insane, but for different reasons. Jane lives her life in TV reruns and Dick...well, Dick has a major problem with people going to the bathroom in the desert due to a tragic deer in the desert accident. You know, that old chestnut.

The rest of the cast is filled with cameos by various TV stars of yesteryear and improv superstars of today. You'll see Debra Wilson (MAD TV), Maureen McCormick (The Brady Bunch), Alley Mills and Danica McKellar (The Wonder Years), Eric Lutes and Andy Lauer (Caroline in the City), David Lander (Laverne and Shirley), Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood (Whose Line is it Anyway?) and Dustin "Screech" Diamond (Saved By the Bell). Each cameo is a little surprise when it happens and adds quite a bit to the TV references in the film.

The music to this film is tremendously important to its impact. I know I was singing the "Jane White Show" theme after the credits. The songs, although by different artists, sound stylistically similar and add to the stylized atmosphere of the film.

"Jane White is Sick and Twisted" is a hilarously fun retarded "Bonnie and Clyde" adventure ride through TV. It's a lot of fun and lends itself well to repeat viewing. I got quite a few references on the first go, I'm sure I'll find a lot more on the second. If you're a classic TV fan like me, then you'll want to get yourself a copy of the film.

The DVD contains several fun extras including inteviews with the cast and a commentary track with the director David Michael Latt, Kim Little and castmember Chris "MTV's Singled Out" Hardwick.

The Good

-Kim Little and Wil Wheaton. Little is wonderful as the naive yet headstrong Jane White. Wheaton shows us just a little of what he can do when given a chance.

-Colin Mochrie has a standout cameo performance as Mr Barney, the not gay (okay, but like pinky's worth of gay) customer of Jane. He knocks his scenes out of the park.

-The Music. When no one is saying anything, the music says it for them. It, too, is loaded with references to pop culture and is well matched with the action on screen.

-Dick's monologue about the tragic (yet, in retrospect hilarious) death of his father and Jane's final words about setting a course for adventure.

The Odd

-Wil Wheaton in claymation. How long before this gem is sold on eBay?

-Screech in drag. 'nuff said.

-It's a full length movie about television. Ironic yes, but I like it, too. (I'd love to see this as a TV show...something along the lines of a Fernwood 2-Night, maybe?)

The Funny -There are several throwaway reference that made me smile in recognition. For example, Mr Barney lives on 704 Hauser Street. So did Archie Bunker.

-Kids who swear. C'mon, you know you laugh, too!
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One of the worst films I have ever, or will ever see
thefield18 March 2004
Forgive me for taking what looks to be a zero budget indy, and holding it up to movies of higher budgets. Frankly, the movie plays out like the worst that any student filmmaker have to offer. Painfully unoriginal, uninspired, and unfunny. Remember one of the opening sequences of `Natural Born Killers'. The one taken from the point of view of Juliette Lewis? In that scene, she visualized that her life was part of a sitcom, complete with laugh track. Pretty inspired. Now, imagine someone ripping off that concept, and making a 90 minute movie from it that's devoid of any creative thought, or even a basic understanding of comedy. Everything in this movie has been done before, and been done infinitely better. Throughout it, I just couldn't help thinking to myself, why the hell am I watching this? I felt myself becoming psychically older. I felt brain cells dying. Life didn't seem so bright anymore. Yes, this movie was done on a `low' budget, but let's call a spade a spade, I rented this thing based on the recommendation of what must be either people involved in the movie, or people so desperate for entertainment, that sniffing glue must be a viable entertainment choice for them . There are no hints of talent are to be seen anywhere. Avoid this like the plague. Zero out of 10 stars. But on the positive side, they did a nice job with scene transitions.
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Outrageously funny! Great cast! So much fun!
abfiner31 October 2001
I saw this movie at a screening in L.A. that a friend invited me to and the movie feels like a Saturday Night Live movie done right. The cast is great especially the kid from Star Trek (who knew he was funny?), the guy from Who's Line... as much fun as you would expect and everyone else is recognizable and great. Although, I hadn't seen the woman who played Jane White before she was just teriffic, amazingly funny and twisted. There were some really funny moments mocking TV and our obsession with it. I don't know when it's coming out but, if you get a chance see this movie!
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nonadeplume32025 August 2022
I am not only terribly embarrassed for the 'actors', Wheaton I'm looking at you, I am mad at myself for wasting my time.

I implore you to not watch this... unenjoyable mess.
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Funny little film with lots of surprises..!
traceyddr6 September 2002
I saw this film and laughed alot. If you are like me and were raised on tv you'll die when you watch this film. Who hasn't gotten lost in the tv world? Well Jane White saw the line and leapt across it. One hell of a film you should check it out.
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whoselinefreak14 August 2003
My thoughts: I've been wanting to see this movie for a long time, if only for the fact that Colin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood are in it. Kim Little is superb as Jane White and somehow makes you want to know her, although she is as sick and twisted as the title claims. Wil Wheaton is hilarious as the over-the-top, oddball Dick Smith. I personally loved Colin as Barney and Brad as the homeless guy. They both did a fantastic job. But maybe I'm a bit biased.

Final Rating: * * * * * Go out and buy the DVD. NOW. Leave the computer. Stop reading! Are you still reading? I told you to go and buy it!
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The Best Comedy Out There! SUPPORT THE INDIES!
filmfiend38429 July 2003
OK...the good: JANE WHITE herself. Funny, funny, funny! Can't wait to see her in more stuff (no, I'm not related to her...yet [I can always dream, can't I?]!). The lead actress was great to watch and see what she's up to next.

Don't get me wrong...I expected funny things from everyone else, I just had never heard of Kim Little before - so I didn't know if she could hold her own. She can.

There are a lot of great moments in this film - especially anything with Burger in them.

I don't know...I haven't laughed this hard in a looooong time. Studios beware! The independents are coming!!!!! And for those that think this film is stupid - fine. But look at what this guy did for NOTHING, and then go watch one of those crappy studio million dollar films. If you don't support films like JANE WHITE than all we are left with is KANGAROO JACK.
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Stupid but Smart!
QTsAngelGurl29 January 2002
Everybody who loves a good comedy, stupid or smart, see Jane White is Sick & Twisted!!! If U love a stupid comedy, you'll love this movie because the characters are totally brain-dead and that makes them absolutely hilarious.....If U love a smart comedy, you'll love all the television parodies, U gotta see it more than once to catch all of them. The acting is great, Kim Little plays less than half the age of herself which is perfect for the character, Wil Wheaton was so funny he had me practically on the floor, not to mention he was adorable! He was perhaps my fave character tied with Colin Mochrie, who was also manically funny.....Seeing him in his character's place is hard to imagine but that's what makes it so funny!!! The script actually teaches a little bit of a lesson which makes it extremely good but makes U bust up laughs so hard that you'll be crying and getting a stomach ache at the same time! The directing is great 2!! David does a great job at directing it in a different way I've never seen before and having a TV parody in most every scene change....If U love a good comedy and love to laughing (and who doesn't unless your like a Hermit or something) see this movie if U get the chance!
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Positively Hilarious!
wiley-115 January 2002
This is an excellent movie, though not for the faint of heart. Could become another cult favorite as some other movies about transsexuals, transvestites, and transgendered. It was at times completely hilarious to the extreme. It has seemed to me that portraying a alternative lifestyle person has become the way to really prove ones worth as an actor/actress. Some have even been deemed of award-winning value, tho I have long since given up on second guessing who/what will win any particular award. I have tried to include these films in my personal collection but alas there are now so many of them that I have had to confine myself to those that I actually think are the best of such, and this is one of those. I suppose it will be found on the shelf somewhere between Pink Flamingos and Rocky Horror.
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It rocks!
cyberplaya9991 March 2002
I just got back from the "world premier" and it was awesome! Good quality, and funny stuff. Had the audience rolling and laughing. Notable actors as well. It's Screech's(Dustin Diamond) come back and he pulls it off admirably as a transvestite motel owner. Plus, the director and star are the two nicest people i've met from Hollywood!
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So good!
radiostarr998 April 2002
Another wonderful independent film. I had the opportunity to meet the Jane White herself, the amazingly talented Kim Little. She is awesome and totally makes the film a success. David Latt did a wonderful job with this film and it's one I feel will reach cult status. I can't wait for the rest of the world to find out how wonderful this film is.

It really says something about the importance of television in today's media driven world.
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I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats!!!
jenkemoulaw11 April 2002
This movie is a pure delight. Full of fun cameos and great TV trivia. The performances are excellent and it is nice to be able just sit down and enjoy a film without getting smacked on the head by some Hollywood agenda. This one is destined to be a midnight movie classic and/or great fodder for a new drinking game of "name that TV parody."
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Not your typical indie film but definitely worth seeing!
poshua6 March 2002
Jane White is obsessed with television, especially the "Gerry Show" (a rip from Jerry Springer). She believes that Gerry is her father and the only way she can meet him is to use the next episode's theme (ie: a closeted transvestite prostitute) to be a guest. The movie had me laughing at loud so bad that I would have been embarrassed if I was the only one laughing. Luckily, most of the people around me were too. I say "most" because this movie may not be your cup of tea. If you enjoy ridiculous spoofing, then you'll love this one. Plus, you'll be amazed at the number of television actors that were cast, including Dustin Diamond, Winnie from "The Wonder Years," and Chris Hardwick from "Singled Out." I saw it at the Texas Film Festival and thought it was very good. It doesn't look like your typical million-dollar blockbuster, but that's what gives it its charm. "It's a Jane White Show."
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the producers are kicking themselves right about now...
princessjenifer4 December 2004
The creators of this movie were clearly tring to offer something alternative and different, motivated by the nonconformist, art student indie crowd...(and I emphasize "trying")...trying much, much too hard.

This movie is the biggest waste of time EVER, and it's so clearly, desperately obvious that the writers had intense dreams of this becoming a cult classic long before filming ever began. YOU CANNOT DECIDE A MOVIE IS DESTINED TO HAVE A "CULT FOLLOWING" BEFORE IT'S EVER EVEN SHOWN TO AN AUDIENCE. It's just wrong, people. It's not fair. Jane White is such a blatant rip-off of films that were actually cool, and it upsets me deeply that there are people in this world oblivious to that fact. In addition to all this, the cameos of former child actors and such is almost heartbreakingly depressing. Oh, Winnie Cooper, you shold have ended it on a happy note, with the Wonder Years. The absolute worst aspect of the entire movie (with the exception of the poor acting, done on purpose to give the film more of a "B-quality" feel), are the DVD extras. I don't even know why I looked at them, after fully loathing the movie for over an hour and a half. But, unfortunately, I did. The extras actually include a list of "sick and twisted" games, including a drinking game, for Christ's sake. God help us all. Like anyone in the world is willing to watch this movie over and over for the sake of getting drunk. A word of advice: Get drunk BEFORE viewing this film. It won't make it any better, but at least you'll be drunk.
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