Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot (TV Movie 2001) Poster

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I enjoyed the mini- series!
macpherr6 March 2001
Finally a series about the Kennedy women that had a new perspective. "Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot" was enjoyable, well cast and nice photographed series. Like most Americans I am also fascinated by the Kennedys. Every time one of them dies I mourn. I like fashion, and have always wondered about this Marilyn Monroe story. Although it is still only rumors, the series showed that "Jackie" Jill Hennessy ( Molly, Law & Order) was very aware of the situation. We all know the facts around Camelot, but how their wives kept all having babies, how the family was back them, and how the women acted towards each other was added by the women was well covered by the series. I specially liked Jill Hennessy's portrait of Jackie. I liked Jackie a lot and when she died it took me weeks to recover. Even though I never met her!!!!!!! Lauren Holly (Beautiful Girls) as Ethel was also good. I hardly recognized Lauren as "Ethel Kennedy." In the series Ethel was the sanguine type, that kept speaking her mind every time and went around apologizing. " Joan Bennett Kennedy" played by Leslie Stefanson (As Good As It Gets) is someone that I hardly knew anything about, except that she and the Senator were divorced. I enjoyed the series, and if you have the chance to watch you might enjoy it also. I am looking forward to a mini-series on the children's of Camelot.
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I actually found the movie captivating!
Izzi_Hep31 August 2005
I was flipping through my telly and I stopped upon seeing Jill Hennessy in dated attire on the Hallmark Channel. After a few minutes I realized she was playing Jackie Kennedy and I kept watching... Lauron Holly popped up on screen soon after and I took a liking to the characters at once. The next day I watched the second/last part of the miniseries. I thought it was well acted and it gave depth to the Kennedy women (I haven't read the book) that I had not previously seen (except Jackie). I loved Jill Hennessy in it, we see a Jackie post-JFK. I cried my eyes out when JFK was shot.. Hennessy's best part of the series.

The guy actors all seemed the same to me... they had that kind of "every-man" face... I guess that was the point. If you like seeing shows about strong women, you'll like this, but I didn't follow the historical accuracy of it, and I didn't get such a sense of 60-ies in it (prob coz the series spans over 30 years) except for the change of clothes. If you watch it with an open mind, ready to enjoy yourself, you'll like it, if you take it too seriously you might not.
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Interesting casting
phd_travel25 September 2012
There have been a few Jackie centered TV movies so it's interesting to see something about Joan and Ethel. The subject matter is of course fascinating and the scenes are interesting to watch. Especially how they all react to personal tragedies.

The casting of the three famous sisters in law is interesting. Firstly Jill Hennessy as Jackie. Her face actually bears some resemblance to Jackie so when she is made up she does look like her. But her voice is a bit too low and forceful for Jackie who had a "Babykins" voice. Lauren Holly as Ethel gives a forceful crass personality to Ethel. She is way too pretty and svelte. Leslie Stefanson is a good fit for Joan. Joan has a more regular face than the other 2 so she was an easier actress to match physically.

Not bad.
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Long Live the Republic
parryisle37 May 2001
One of the wonders of the past century in this country has been the adoration of the Kennedys which has been the equivalent of the fuss some nations display over their royals. Personally I do not think most people realize how inept J.F.K. really was. He claimed to have written "Why England Slept" which was actually written by old Joe's friend at the New York Times, Arthur Krock. He also accepted the Pulitzer for "Profiles in Courage" which was written for him by his "good soldier", Ted Sorensen. Khruschev has so little respect for him that he took a chance and placed nukes in Cuba. J.F.K. finally got them removed but the public did not know we had to take our nukes out of Turkey to complete this deal. This movie does show some part of the alleged "Camelot" and the lives of the Kennedy women. Jackie is shown with her love of money and Ehtel is portrayed as being a bit more stern than most of us had always believed. The real victim in this is Joan who comes out as being overwhelmed by the entire scene in Washington and Cape Cod. There have finally been some great books printed on this era and maybe we are blessed as a nation to have survived the Kennedys.
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the lives and milestones of the kennedys
ksf-212 November 2023
This film probably should have been called the gossip and affairs of the kennedy men, and how the wives stood by them. Lots of actual historic milestones here and there, but much more time spent on the seedy underbelly of the times. Marilyn monroe, the assassinations of two kennedys in the 1960s. Ted's chappaquiddick "incident". Amusing to hear jack kennedy talking about "cuber"... referencing the bay of pigs fiasco. A few actual, but more awful, fake new england accents come and go. I grew up in massachusetts, so I had known about every one of these stories, good and bad. But I guess the newer generations, as well as people from other parts of the united states may not have known some of these details. The kennedy family certainly had more than its share of success, early deaths, and tragedies over the years. Directed by larry shaw, probably best known for desperate housewives.
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It is Very Good: Better than most
Jennifer20055 February 2005
This film is not as bad as the previous review states. It is very interesting. Jill H. does a great job of letting the audience in on the fact that Jackie O's voice changed from breathy to normal depending on her surroundings. She was shy and egar to please so it showed up in her voice. The other actors did very well in showing the complexity of the real life people they were playing.

It is like a soap opera but so was the lives of the Kennedy's. They have endured assassinations, sexual scandals, failed marriages, loss of children and loved ones, and power, wealth, success. That sounds like a soap to me. Like anything though, if you want to get a real perspective on what it was like among the Kennedy women read the book this movie is based on. I read it before I saw the film and it was a little annoying to see how they tweaked some of the incidents. For example the beginning where Ethel pretends to not want to kiss Jackie on the cheek after Jack wins the election. In the book she is very cold to Jackie. Its a very awkward moment in front of the entire family.

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Understanding The Clan Kennedy Women
Kennedy6323 August 2007
'Twas truly a marvelous experience to take in all the familial dynamics of the leading ladies of one of the US's great dynasties. Ethel's character being so brassy & foot-in-mouth outspoken was a personality I hadn't imagined. Jackie being so fond of Grandfather Joe was a surprise. Rose is exactly as I imagined her. Joan is more talented, and according to this show, has been under-credited for the successes of Senator Edward (Teddy) Kennedy.

This docudrama is a lengthy one that I could have watched for many more hours. There is so much public knowledge of the Kennedy men so there were few surprises with the exception that I had forgotten two things: Senator Teddy Kennedy had been in a near fatal plane crash and broke his back in numerous places during a campaign; Senator Bobby Kennedy was already deceased at the time of Teddy's Presidential career damaging car accident that took the life of Mary Jo. (In hindsight, since the Kennedy brothers who ran for the US Presidency were both assassinated, I now view that tragic car accident as the blessing that kept Senator Edward Kennedy alive to this day and a senior member of the US Senate).

The tensions that were brought forth between the women reveal that Jackie, the in-law, was oft times the glue that held them together and kept them close. It's time to know more about the rest of the Clan Kennedy women--the younger ones. I am left with wanting more. To me, that's the sign of a very well done docudrama.
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The curse of Mordred continues to befall Camelot.
mark.waltz3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Far from perfect but enjoyable, this isn't as much a story but a study of the three Kennedy wives trying to maintain dignity among family tragedy. They're all political wives, one of course a first lady, and two are widowed as the result of assassination. Brash Ethel (Lauren Holly) is like an acerbic Greek chorus, recalling how when she first met Jackie (Jill Hennessy), she played a joke on her, and Jackie responded by leaving her big dinner party early. Along with the obviously more fragile Joan (Leslie Stefanson), they seem to create a bond as they adapt into the big catholic family so it was a surprise to me when Ethel indicated that she could tell that Jackie didn't like her very much.

The men are pale imitations of the real brothers, and at times, they sound more like they're doing James Cagney impressions rather than performing the parts of Jack, Bobby and Teddy. Harve Presell is great but doesn't get a lot of screen time as Joseph Sr., and gets to show the fatherly relationship he had with Jackie. I would have liked to have seen more of the religious but tough Rose who seems constantly to be looking for something to peck at concerning the daughter-in-law. She's funny in a very subtle way that would make me want to see her earlier life, especially her own dealings with a cheating husband. The brief appearance of a badly cast Marilyn Monroe almost made me shut this off, but thar travesty ends as quickly as it began.

Representatives of LBJ, Lady Bird, Aristotle Onassis, Peter Lawford, Nixon and others seems to just be a bunch of name dropping, and the historical flow from one incident to another doesn't seem like anything you couldn't just see in newsreels and read in history books so it's much more interesting to see the three very different women's relationships, both the good and the bad sides, perhaps a bit too personal, but making for good drama when the focus is there. The two assassination sequences (as well as coverage briefly of Martin Luther King's) seem to go on far too long, making me feel intrusive on the poor Jackie and Ethel. There's nothing really remarkable about this that hasn't already been done or written, but outside of minor flaws is not horrible, perhaps just a case of not good enough to capture the family on film.
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This movie was Amazing!
KreeBee10 March 2001
"Jackie, Ethel, Joan" was one of the greatest mini-series I have ever seen. I especially loved the actresses picked to play the parts of Jackie, Ethel and Joan. Lauren Holly showed what a truly versatile actress she is, as did Jill Hennessy. They were amazing! I've never seen Lauren Holly in a role like this she was so funny and the real voice of the family. Jill Hennessy was great as Jackie she resembeled her so much and her acting was phenomenal, she really got everyone into the character and the pain Jackie went though. This was the first time i saw Leslie Stefanson in a movie and she was great! I never knew much about Joan Kennedy and she just showed a lot of feeling, she showed that Joan cared too much and that probably led to her and Ted divorcing. The men in this movie were great too, especially Bobby, he was so strong and it showed me a lot insite to a time when i was not born and i really enjoyed it. This movie was so amazing that hopefully they will sell it on video, because i would watch it over and over.
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A great opportunity badly missed...
HansWind8 January 2012
I can't recall having ever given any film, mini-series or TV series a '1' out of 10 before... and sadly I can't here. There is just barely enough good here to warrant a '4'. However, if ever any production deserved it, this one probably does. The casting is, for the most part, abominable. The acting is generally stiff and unsure. The attempts at accents are atrocious and laughable. The portrayal of Marilyn Monroe is bizarrely comic at best and insulting to both Monroe and the audience at worst.

Jill Hennessy does have a few solid moments as Jackie, but not nearly enough to carry this painfully disjointed soap opera. Lauren Holly's Ethel would be more believable in a trailer park than Washington and Hyannisport. Leslie Stefanson's Joan is interesting and is easily the best of the three women's portrayals.

The portrayal's of the Kennedy men are all weak and unconvincing. The only plus with the Kennedy men is that they are not on screen very often.

Historically, it runs wild with rumor, innuendo, supposition and ignores many facts as they have been recorded by serious and knowledgeable historians. Sadly what could have been a tastefully done classic instead just reeks of the two-bit paperback hacks who wrote this tripe.

I will say that the 2nd half of this mini-series is distinctly better than the first half. Unfortunately, by the time the 2nd half rolls around, it's way too late to save it overall.

Another issue it has that seriously detracts from it coming across as a quality production is a very strong sense of being constantly 'rushed'. It literally speeds from one tragedy to another with no opportunity for the viewer to take in any real sense of sorrow. Oddly enough, despite my feeling that this isn't a very good production as it is, I think it would have probably benefit from an additional 90 minutes. This would have allowed the viewer a real chance to get to know and empathize with the characters.

One exceptional line does rise above all others in this otherwise dismal program and it is delivered by Charmion King (as Rose Kennedy): "Great men have great flaws. It takes great women to accept them." This is as close as this film ever comes to being anything close to great.

For those who want a strong, clear sense of some of this subject matter with first rate acting, writing and true 'Camelot' style, watch 'Kennedy', the 1983 production with Martin Sheen and Blair Brown. Sheen is very strong as Kennedy and Blair Brown is nothing short of brilliant as Jackie. The supporting cast is exceptional. The only serious weakness of that production is Vincent Gardenia's over the top portrayal of J Edgar Hoover. This is now available on DVD.

In closing, all I can say is that with this much incredible material how could those involved have made... this?
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babygirl263823 July 2001
I now own this video along with JFK and A woman named Jackie. I find these stories very interesting and this one was just as exceptional. I do agree with another viewer that the actress portraying Marilyn Monroe could have done a better job (the one in A Woman Named Jackie was great) the rest of the performances were Fantastic!
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This movie is a prime example of
MarieGabrielle17 June 2006
what a bad casting director can produce. Daniel Hugh Kelley as JFK ranks up there in the worst 5 imitations of JFK, attempting a Boston accent, attempting charm, attempting charisma, and achieving none of the above.

In fairness, this is TV, and Jill Hennessey more than balances out his poor performance as Jackie Kennedy; she looks and acts very much the part; if you are a fan of hers you may still be able to enjoy her in this film.

Lauren Holly plays Ethel Kennedy as a brash, crude, ugly American. I can honestly say I don't know if she really was like this, but it almost seems like defamation of character. Calling President Johnson a "crude redneck" after learning her husband will not accompany him as Vice President in the White House- please- The script seems almost subversive.

Harve Presnell is believable as elder Joseph Kennedy, and there are some interesting scenes between him and Ms. Hennessey, the only redeeming performances in this TV movie. Leslie Stefanson is also touching as Joan Kennedy, and Matt Letscher looks the part of Ted Kennedy as a young man.

The worst casting (besides JFK), was of Marilyn Monroe. Sarah Lafleur is a bloated blow-up doll, and portrayed as a brainless alcoholic. She looks nothing like her, and cannot act. Also the character portraying Ari Onassis is a pale example of what the Greek shipping-magnate must have been like.

This is a four hour TV movie, and if you like Hennessey, tune in toward the middle. The rest is not worth watching.
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Behind every great man...
Robert_duder29 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I am most definitely one of the world's biggest Kennedy fans. I am sure that I own every series, movie, documentary about the Kennedy family (anyone who has a list of Kennedy movies please email me and make sure I have them all.) I finally got the opportunity to watch this 2001 mini series focusing on the Kennedy women, Jackie, Ethel and Joan and on a lesser extent Rose the matriarch.

The mini series follows the lives closely of the Kennedy family for the better part of 3 decades from JFK's presidency to Ted's defunct run at the Presidency in 1980. However it follows the events of their lives from the perspective of the three wives and how it effected them and how they played a part in it.

The movie jumps around a lot and it takes more than half of the time to really get a feel for the pace of the film and what it's aiming to do. The film aims to be less of entertainment than it is a chronicle, and recreation of the major events of the Kennedy family from the point of the women. What role they played, their personalities etc. The men have all been done to death but who has really shown the women? I know this is the first Kennedy film I ever saw that really went in depth into Joan Kennedy.

The casting was done (in my opinion) in an attempt to capture the best possible most realistic looking person they could find. Director Larry Shaw really puts forth an incredible effort to recreate scenes and the look of famous pictures and events possibly better than any other I have scene. Although actor Daniel Kelly who played JFK doesn't look all that much like the late President, there are certain angles and shots used that are downright startling as to how much he looks like him. Add in the fact that they recreate the death scene of Bobby and use word for word speeches and announcements and also work to recreate news footage with the actors as opposed to the real people.

Jill Hennesey is quite possibly the best Jackie I have ever seen. She portrays her brilliantly and looks a lot like her. She comes across as a strong, independent, woman and not the quiet laid back, always calm woman that she is often portrayed as in the past. I think Hennesey's Jackie is much more accurate. Leslie Stefanson gives a powerful portrayal as Joan Kennedy. Strong, yet afraid, withdrawn, stressed, and misunderstood. She was definitely a sore thumb to the Kennedy brood. The real brilliance here is Lauren Holly. She absolutely floored me as the rather harsh Ethel Kennedy. She is very brash and outgoing, loud and obnoxious and nails the voice. I thought for sure she would disappoint me but for certain this was the performance of Holly's career. The men were all well casted in particular Ted Kennedy played by Matt Letscher. Basically despite it's rather rapid time line and it's jumpy story this is one of the best recreations out there I have no doubt. It didn't get the critical acclaim that it should have. I am somewhat biased being I love all things Kennedy but I will forever have this one in my top favorites because of the performance of these women. I think they perhaps assumed too much when it came to their roles in certain situations but you have to assume to make things believable because none of us were there and I think Shaw did a decent job in his assumptions. I liked that he never focused on just one of the women which is easy to do being Jackie was really the forefront of the Kennedy women. Instead he took each women and showed the critical events in their lives and the lives of their men. Overall a great mini series. 9/10
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MissyBaby12 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! I can't recall exactly the first time I saw this Mini but I finally caught it in time to tape it one day a couple of years ago and I watch it all the time. Jill, Lauren and Leslie hit the nail on the head with their performances as Jackie, Ethel and Joan. Absolutely amazing.

I've got to say, at certain points in the story I had to get up and go outside and walk around, or stop the tape and turn on the news to remind myself that I was in Scottsville and not Washington or Hyannis Port! HA!

(spoiler) The scene when Jack is assassinated kills me. Just breaks my heart in two. In every movie or mini about the Kennedy's that scene always makes me cry. This particular mini made me cry the hardest. (With "A Woman Named Jackie" I just sat and stared. Then when it was all over, I started to cry.) I remember sitting on the edge of my bed one night watching that scene and when she took off her ring and it wouldn't go on, oh I cried and cried. The funeral is so beautiful. Every time I see it I feel like if I move a muscle or do anything that will take me away from the screen or anything like that that I am disrespecting President Kennedy and his legacy.

This is one of the best in my opinion. Lauren Holly surprised me with her acting. Usually when I heard her name I thought "Dumb and Dumber," you know? But now, I see her as a serious actress with A LOT of potential. Leslie was incredible as well. I'd seen her in "The Mirror Has Two Faces" and something else, I can't remember it at the moment, but with this film I was blown away. She got it right. And Jill, oh Jill, Jill, Jill! I am a Crossing Jordan FANATIC! I have it Season Passed on my TiVo so seeing her as Jackie Kennedy! WHOO! Talk about a 180! She was absolutely incredible. She looked GORGEOUS too! (spoiler) There is a line somewhere when they're remodeling the White House when she says "Oh I have terrible handwriting." That line, for some reason, runs through my head at least once a day. Don't ask why.

All in all I'd give "Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot" a 9, simply because I haven't seen a film yet that is a full 10. I'd say the only flaw....hmm....well, not seeing anything about Arabella, the first baby Jack and Jackie had, they acted as though she was never a part of the picture. But she was born, and died, around the time Jack was being elected to Senate, so I can understand it not being in this film. And maybe not seeing more of the assassination, the actual assassination. I did, however,(spoiler) really enjoy watching Leslie as Joan in that sequence. She did an amazing job with the whole panic look. Lauren was incredible. Playing the supportive Etthy. She was so great in that scene.

Great film. Ab Fab! Loved it!
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A waste of a good opportunity
Rosie-921 May 2001
Television mini-series are usually poor quality, and this is no exception. The acting is below average and therefore unconvincing. The domestic dramas are played out like 'Young and the Restless' without any understanding of the complexities of such events. Worst of all, the pacing is so frantic that it's difficult to feel involved in the potentially riveting story.

Perhaps part of the problem is in the very nature of the set-up - the Kennedy women simply aren't as interesting as their husbands as they were only bit players in the most interesting events in history. The Cuban missile crisis, for example, must have been a fascinating and horrifying event to live through. Yet seen through Jackie's eyes, it barely sustains interest and is over in five minutes because she barely had anything to do with it.

'The Women of Camelot' is only tolerable because the Kennedys were such an interesting family who played such a significant role in American history in the sixties. No doubt there is a better film to be made of their experiences, one that doesn't turn the story into a cheap and dull soap opera.
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Dramatic and relatively true to life
lenaofthecity5 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Jackie, Ethel, Joan: Women of Camelot was mostly historically accurate and not at all boring. Most of the performances shone (though I found the actress portraying Marilyn Monroe poor) especially Jill Hennessy as Jackie O. The important events from Kennedy history were for the most part accurate, except for one. (Slight spoiler). JFK was shot on a cold, rainy, November day but the show portrayed the shooting as happening in summer, on a nice day. The lead actresses were excellent, though the supporting roles were unstable. All in all, I give it a 9/10.

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Badly Miscast
jac9160419 November 2007
I tried to watch this last night as I had read the book.

I don't care for Jill Hennessy but decided to give it a chance.

She just doesn't have the looks or class of a Jackie Kennedy.

I would rather have seen Jennifer Love Hewitt in the part.

The actress that played Marilyn Monroe was unattractive and was nothing like Marilyn and was insulting to her fans.

I couldn't finish the film and I don't like to do that...but it was really bad.

The scene where they showed JFK in hospital on the slab was long and drawn out and not needed.

It was one of the worst book to film adaptions I have ever seen.
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The Best Kennedy Miniseries I've Watched So Far
syd990729 July 2022
I found this on the Roku Channel and Jill Hennessy is spot-on as Jackie Kennedy. Much MUCH better than Katie Holmes in the Reelz channel's The Kennedys miniseries. Hennessy exuded the style, class, grace and elegance of Jackie Kennedy. Lauren Holly as Ethel Kennedy was over-the-top, but from what I've read, Ethel was wild, brash and fun-loving. The actress who played Joan was good as well. Everyone in the main roles were excellent. However, the weakest link was the actress who played Marilyn Monroe. She portrayed Monroe like a caricature, and that was annoying. But this is the best miniseries about the Kennedys I've seen so far.
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