Good Advice (2001) Poster


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A good tip is not always good advice.
michaelRokeefe22 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Entertaining romantic comedy. Ryan Turner(Charlie Sheen)is a suave stockbroker that loses his job for accusations of insider trading. His lovely girlfriend Cindy(Denise Richards)leaves him for free flowing money. She also walks out on her job as an advice columnist for a small, near-broke newspaper ran by the alluring Angie Harmon. In desperation Ryan secretly takes over Cindy's column. By the time Cindy returns hopefully to make up with Ryan; he has already fallen in love with her former boss. The supporting cast includes: Jon Lovitz, Barry Newman, Estelle Harris and Rosanna Arquette. Sheen is quite charming; Richards and Harmon are very easy on the eyes. Arquette to me was irritating. My advice is to invest some time watching this funny romantic comedy.

NOTE: this movie led to the marriage of Sheen and Richards.
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You screwed my wife. I screwed you back.
lastliberal17 January 2009
Sometimes you just want to sit back and laugh, and who better to give you those laughs than Charlie Sheen. He is a ladies man just like "Two and a Half Men", but this time he screwed the wrong woman and lost it all.

After future wife Denise Richards leaves him, he has to find gainful employment. He sneaks his way into writing an advice column.

Estelle Harris was hilarious as the editor's (Angie Harmon) secretary. Harmon was funny, too.

Jon Lovitz gives plenty of laughs as his best bud, and who knew Rosanna Arquette could be so funny? Paybacks are fun and funny.
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Not bad, but altogether lame and forgettable
mattymatt4ever31 July 2002
"Good Advice" is one of those amiable romantic comedies that won't make you want to cringe, but it just doesn't leave a lasting impression. It's fairly entertaining, there's some good laughs, the acting is good, but it doesn't quite make it past the "OK" mark. There's only one distasteful scene involving a so-called artiste squirting paint out his rear end and a running gag involving butt cheek implants, but other than that the movie is done in good taste. Charlie Sheen is always fun to watch, Denise Richards is hot and Angie Harmon is even hotter. Even Estelle Harris (George Costanza's Mom on "Seinfeld") has a nice little supporting role. I'm pretty sure this didn't get released to theaters. I can see why. It looks like the type of flick that would go straight to video. As a matter of fact, for straight-to-video standards it's pretty decent. But for regular standards, it's only halfway decent. The actors give it their all, but the writing could've been a lot sharper. The premise is original and with talented writers, this could've come close to reaching its comic potential.

My score: 5 (out of 10)
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Better Than I Expected
BuckinghamAlice22 June 2005
Charlie Sheen is so lovable as Ryan in this movie! This is one of his best movies, of course after the epic Major League and Hot Shots. He's plays well with Denise Richards, although she was painfully wrongfully cast as Cindy. His subsequent relationship with Page is much more entertaining. I enjoyed Page's secretary and all her one-liners and blatant innuendos directed at Ryan. Charlie played the fallen business man very well. I adored Rosanna Arquette and still maintain that she is the only talented one in that family. Her relationship with her plastic surgeon husband was so funny... perhaps even more funny than Charlie's desperation. This film is a must-rent!
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Except for the immorality
LittleLouLou-26 May 2006
If you can get past the immorality and a little language, the movie is pretty watchable. The acting was respectable, especially liked Angie Harmon and Rosanna Arquette. Don't recall the actor's name who played Rosanna's husband, but he was quite fun to watch, as well. There may even be a few lessons to be learned, as far as honesty and integrity... lessons to be learned by the viewers, that is, as I don't believe that, even in the end, the main character really caught on to them.

We don't find very many movies on TV here in Saudi Arabia that we can last through the first ten minutes of, but we managed to stay tuned to all of this one, so I guess that says something for it :)
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Pretty decent for a DTV
smatysia7 March 2004
Pretty decent for a direct-to-video. Charlie Sheen, Jon Lovitz, Rosanna Arquette, and Denise Richards put in amusing parts here. I hear a lot about Denise Richards, but I think this is the only thing I've ever seen her in. Oh, and so did Estelle Harris who I'm really not a fan of. But Angie Harmon definitely stole the show. With that soft accent, and rumbling voice, it's good to see her get some film work. Hopefully she'll get some better roles in the future. I'm not going to whine about it (too much) but this is yet another major male-bashing film. Imagine a movie that said "Don't be a wo-man ... be hu-man!" and you can imagine the difference that the P.C. police would see. Overall, it's decent, light entertainment. Grade: C+
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Funny movie
newleaf3 June 2002
This movie isn't going to make anybody's Top 100 list, but it's consistently entertaining. It has a comic plot, a good-looking cast, and they didn't forget to keep it humorous. If you're looking for examples of "Important Cinema" to impress the teacher in your film class, look elsewhere. But for some good laughs after a rough work week, this one is just fine.
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AWFUL -- avoid at all cost
scifisexstar21 March 2005
Good Advice is built on sexist and ageist stereotypes. The attempts at humour could only have been more obvious if accompanied by canned laughter. The jokes are cringe-worthy to the point where it is embarrassing to hear. The dialogue is at best predictable and clichéd. The "story" is syrupy, unbelievable and littered with plot-holes large enough to drive a truck through.

This film is obviously aimed at an immature, naive audience -- the only group that would be able to enjoy it. Avoid this garbage at all cost if you have any taste whatsoever. It isn't worth gambling the 93 precious minutes of your life that would confirm my opinion.
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A Cable Classic
ray-2805 October 2005
"Good Advice" doesn't try to be anything it is not, and knowing its limitations makes it a good watch.

Charlie Sheen plays a disgraced stockbroker who was set up and loses his job, then his girlfriend (Denise Richards), who leaves him and the country, as well as her job as an advice columnist, behind. Sheen's character is desperate for money so he takes over the column under "Dear Cyndy's" name. Richards gives an over-the-top performance as the super-hot golddigger whose column wasn't making waves, or money. Sheen takes the job more seriously (since he needs the money), and the movie focuses on his evolution from a Type-A jerk into a new-age sensitive man in touch with his feminine side.

As with any movie of this type, the plot and ending are pretty easy guesses, but the key is in the performances, and the entire cast is strong. Jon Lovitz plays the loyal friend (a plastic surgeon), while Rosanna Arquette is convincing as his materialistic wife and Cyndy's emotional support. The characters are more like what you'd find in real life rather than Hollywood, in that they weren't niced up the way many who move in the world of fiction are.

While I wouldn't be moved to see this film in a theater (it went straight to video), if nothing else is on cable, I might give it another watch. The movie has enough staying power to ensure that you'll be able to find it on cable for many years to come.
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cute movie
Nathan_Fisher3 June 2002
Good Advice is a movie I accidentally turned on one night on HBO and was intrigued from the first moment on. I thought this was a very good role for Angie Harmon, as a strong, yet vulnerable woman. Charlie Sheen was very charming as usual, but I like movies such as this with character evolvement.

Not very deep, not a profound plot, but a good rental with the girlfriend one Saturday night. Very entertaining and cute romance.
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Beautiful people, and not much more.
rpavly17 January 2002
I don't know who to blame, the timid writers or the clueless director. It seemed to be one of those movies where so much was paid to the stars (Angie, Charlie, Denise, Rosanna and Jon) that there wasn't enough left to really make a movie. This could have been very entertaining, but there was a veil of timidity, even cowardice, that hung over each scene. Since it got an R rating anyway why was the ubiquitous bubble bath scene shot with a 70-year-old woman and not Angie Harmon? Why does Sheen sleepwalk through potentially hot relationships WITH TWO OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY ACTRESSES in the world? If they were only looking for laughs why not cast Whoopi Goldberg and Judy Tenuta instead? This was so predictable I was surprised to find that the director wasn't a five year old. What a waste, not just for the viewers but for the actors as well.
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Really Very Enjoyable
irishcoffee63011 August 2003
It takes a lot for me to enjoy a romantic comedy I usually don't. But "Good Advice" is one of the few that I would recommend. It is funny! The whole movie too. This is so well written and directed that there is not a dull moment anywhere in it. The actors are ALL perfectly cast with Charlie Sheen, Denise Richards and Barry Newman especially so. What is really good about this film is that the writers concentrated on the humorous storyline about the lovelorn column deception and not pad it out with unneeded romantic scenes between the two main characters. The film reminds me of those type of "frothy" comedies they made in the 1960's (without the heavy sexual humor that this film has of course) and because of it's unique blend of comedy, light romance and pathos the makers ended up with a witty highly entertaining movie.
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Good Advice — A light romantic comedy about a guy hitting rock bottom and redefining himself
AvidClimber28 December 2012
Good Advice is the sort of movie you can see over and over and over. I know I do. It's easy on the eye, charming, slightly insightful, positive, and entertaining.

Charlie Sheen's acting is a bit pinched, though, but it's still good. Most character are a bit over played, but in line with the comedic tone of the film. I love Angie Harmon's character, I find it so cute and charming, in lots of little ways, but I suspect she might be at the edge of what she can do. Still, can't help rooting for her.

The advice column itself is quite insightful, and well written. If a columnist could write with such a voice, it would be popular indeed.

See it whenever you want to be lightly entertained and see a cute relationship.
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So Mr Sheen can act, it appears
FatPhil3 November 2003
An amusing little romp. Spoilt by a few absurd characters, perhaps (the Shermans, Iris, and Styne) Sheen the younger keeps the film away from just zaniness. Given that Sheen's normally into zanier roles, this is a suprising one for him, and he pulls it off perfectly, he certainly went up in my estimations as an actor after seeing this.

The film as a whole? schlock romance - you'll probably love it (I didn't so much) corny sexual references - you'll laugh (I groaned) bad guy gets stung happy ending - not as well done as trading places, for example.

Don't expect wonders, and you'll not be disappointed. A fun Saturday night movie.
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Surprisingly good
Corkyman14 December 2001
Ever see a movie that was way better than you expected it to be? (For example, "Fools Rush In" with Matthew Perry) Good Advice is one of those movies HBO will probably show over and over, and I'll watch it every time it's on! Ma-Sheen turns in a great performance, as does Jon Lovitz, and Angie Harmon is as gorgeous as ever. A fun movie, any day of the week.
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Fun movie. Angie Harmon was great.
kae_cool21 January 2002
I enjoyed this movie. It was a bit dull in the beginning but as the movie went on it got better and better. I thought the advice that was given in the column in the movie was fantastic. Charlie Sheen was also very good, and I thought Angie Harmon was awesome. I really like her. It's too bad that Rosanna Arquette and Jon Lovitz had to be in the movie. I don't like them at all and it seems to me that other actors could have just as easily been cast in their place. Overall though, I'd say that this is a good movie and I'd recommend it.
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A fun movie that turns out to be a lot different than it first seems.
malthus23 October 2001
As was shown by the number of people getting out of the theatre at the preview I attended, this movie starts out a bit dull. Ryan loses a lot of money because he tries his hands on a bit of insider trading that turns out to be a setup to ruin him.

Landing in a burn-out/depression, he moves in with his girlfriend Cindy. Cindy writes a column for a local 'feminist' newspaper. But Cindy is an insensitive, callous, m*****c bitch. And it shows in her writing. Her editor is just waiting to fire her, but can't due to contracts and the fact that the newspaper is all-but-bankrupt (and thus can't pay the legal bills for the suit Cindy threatens to file).

When Cindy leaves Ryan for a Brazilian emerald-magnate (whom we never get to meet), Ryan suddenly has to pay the bills again. Posing as Cindy (and saying she is sick and will work from home), he endeavors to write her column. At first with abominable results, being the sexist womanizer he is.

With a little help from his close friend and, unknown to her, his friends' girlfriend, Ryan improves little by little. Eventually becoming quite sensitive to the problems posed to him. As a bit of a sub-plot, he does develop a bit of a crush for the newspaper's chief editor... Who still thinks he is Cindy's boyfriend.

The turn-around in the beginning is the best thing that happens to the movie, saving it from being a dusty wall-street movie. And I hope it is symbolic for Sheen's career. He's not half bad in this role, although he is helped a lot by some of the other characters. Charlie could do worse than take on some more of this sort of work.

"Good Advice" is a nice comedy to fill an evening. nothing exceptional, but good entertainment.
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Surprisingly Good!
thedailyintelligencer24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie Sheen delivers an understated performance as a down-on-his-luck stockbroker. The cast includes the lovely Angie Harmon, as well as Sheen's future wife, Denise Richards.

The supporting cast is awesome, featuring John Lovitz and Rosanna Arquette, as the lead's best friend and his outspoken, yoga instructor wife.

After a stock investment goes awry, Sheen's character struggles to make ends meet, eventually taking over his ex-girlfriend's advice column in a bid to stay afloat.

Will Charley redeem himself and find true love? Will Angie Harmon's character discover that her star columnist is an imposter?
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Good Advice...Don't Watch!
flmrvwr25 April 2002
This film is mediocre at best. Angie Harmon is as funny as a bag of hammers. Her bitchy demeanor from "Law and Order" carries over in a failed attempt at comedy. Charlie Sheen is the only one to come out unscathed in this horrible anti-comedy. The only positive thing to come out of this mess is Charlie and Denise's marriage. Hopefully that effort produces better results.
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Delightful surprise
jerrydoerr26 October 2002
I'm happy that I hadn't read the negative review on this site before I saw the DVD on the video store shelf -- otherwise, I would have passed over a good movie. I knew nothing about it before seeing it on the shelf, so perhaps my expectations were low. True, it was not Academy Award material, but it was a good romantic comedy -- cute and funny. And that was the unanimous consensus of the 2 females and 1 male who watched it together. Give it a try!
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Great cast........great movie...
merklekranz14 December 2008
Charlie Sheen totally redeems himself from being an uncaring, narcissistic, loser. In the end his character morphs into a sincere relationship orientated winner. As he learns his lessons, you will first abhor him, and finally admire him. Special mention must be made of the incredible casting for this movie. John Lovitz, and Rosanna Arquette shine, and their performances are truly hilarious. Creative artists may never seem the same, delivering the company mail is nothing but chuckles, and plastic surgery rules. "Good Advice" is an undiscovered film that would be perfect for mixed company. Highly recommended. - MERK
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Not positive
ill_behavior19 May 2003
Any film with the word "Good" in the title is opening itself to lame criticism immediately; good advice would be to stay away from this film, ect.

Good advice would be to stay away from this film.

Charlie Sheen could be the next Leslie Nielson, if he sticks to spoofs. This film, and others like it, are in no way believable, or funny, and even if they are meant as fantasy and pure entertainment, they aren't, they're just rubbish. Good advice would be not only to stay away, but to not even look at the box, waste of time and talent.
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Hilariously funny
i-brix17 October 2005
I bought the DVD at the local video store and nearly passed it up: after all, there are never any good movies in the sales section, are there? Well, this one definitely is good.

The Story: Ryan is a Wall Street Broker and a real big asshole (as his friend states: "huge would be an understatement"). But after losing his job and his girlfriend leaving him for a richer guy, he has to pay the rent somehow. And the only job he can lay his hands on is writing his girlfriend's "Ask Cindy"-column. And after dropping all his machismo the column even turns out successful.... (But before the end of course he still has to get his revenge for losing his job and also to get a new girlfriend. Wouldn't be a comedy otherwise, would it?)

While not the very best of movies, it is very and funny and also has a few memorable quotes. I personally liked the way the camera followed Ryan's butt several times which was quite refreshing to all the times a camera drops down a woman's neckline (even though my husband pointed out the camera did follow Page every time she leaned forward to get up from her chair).

For me, the movie was actually rather hurtful: I like to clap my hands or slap my knees at scenes which I really like. And after the movie, my hands hurt!
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A nice Sunday afternoon movie.
essrickardo17 December 2001
I was pleased with the ending. This is good movie to watch when you just want to kick back and relax and watch a decent movie.

The secretary added a lot of humour to the film. Charlie Sheen's character showed that men can be caring and understanding. That lovely editor in the movie showed that successful and intelligent women can be caring and forgiving. (big stress on the forgiving).
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Light rom-coms not in Sheen's makeup
SnoopyStyle27 April 2014
Ryan Turner (Charlie Sheen) is a womanizing hard driving stockbroker. The big publisher CEO Donald Simpson double-crosses him by feeding him false information taking revenge for sleeping with his wife. Ryan loses his clients, his money, his job and even his broker's license. He is forced to live with his self-involved girlfriend Cindy (Denise Richards). She had enough of his poverty and leaves him. Without any prospects, he takes over her badly written advice column for her paycheque. He must pretend that Cindy is still writing at home to her boss Page Hensen (Angie Harmon). At first, he's just as bad as she was. Eventually he starts trying. His best friend Barry Sherman (Jon Lovitz) and wife Cathy (Rosanna Arquette) aren't the most stable. When the column starts to get traction, everybody wants a piece including Cindy and CEO Simpson.

This is not a good movie. Charlie Sheen is not light rom-com material. If you question this notion, check this movie out and you'll see. The story is nothing to write home about but it's not that bad either. The setup is awkward. The jokes aren't funny. I didn't laugh once. Jon Lovitz and Rosanna Arquette come closest to being funny. Charlie Sheen just isn't that guy. It's not a bad thing. Most actors can't do everything.
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