Waking Up in Reno (2002) Poster

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petera212 January 2005
Just caught this film on cable. I noticed the cable TV guide gave it one star. While certainly not a great film, giving it only one star is a bit harsh. Granted, I wouldn't have wanted to sit through two hours of such a movie, but it breezes by in a relatively enjoyable 90 minutes or so (if even that). I must say, as an American I kinda cringe to think of how "Waking in Reno" must satisfy every unflattering stereotype about Americans in the eyes of Europeans. The four characters are about as Red State as you can get (one of the Arkansas accents is done with remarkable aplomb by British actress Natasha Richardson). Richardson and Charleze Theron, the two female leads are none too tough on the eyes (which the men will appreciate). And Billy Bob Thornton give his usual interesting performance (without a doubt the most intriguing actor in America today). Swayze is just so-so, but not much is demanded of him. Not much is demanded of anyone or anything, for that matter, by this harmless, and quite funny, bit of fluff. Make a note to catch the wry commentary and numerous deadpan jokes about redneck culture (the script could have been written by Jeff Foxworthy). As it is, I believe one of the writers is a childhood friend of Billy Bob's from Arkansas (no doubt Thornton's presence in the film, as well as that of big time stars like Theron, was as a favor to the writer/childhood friend of Thornton). The movie reaches it climax at a Monster Truck show. That alone should be all you need to know about the setting and plot. I give it a recommendation to catch on cable/satellite if one of your movie stations is carrying it, though there are probably better things to spend your money on at the video shop.
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Gosh Them Hillbillies Are Dumb!
boblipton24 September 2019
Billy Bob Thorton is married to Natasha Richardson. They're Arkansas natives, and he has a Chevrolet franchise. They're best friends with Patrick Swayze and Charlize Theron, who are also married and from Arkansas. Together they take a vacation to Reno, where they discover that Ms. Theron is pregnant by Thornton.

Hahahahaha! By the time this particular comedic bombshell was dropped, I was pretty tired of this foursome, stuck as they were in the cultural 1970s, with references to TV shows and Ms. Richardson's fondness for Tony Orlando being as highbrow as they got, since Thornton has nixed a sidetrip to the Grand Canyon. In other words, they were White Trash, and I was wondering: this is the Third Millennium. We can't make fun of Jews or Italians, or the handicapped or fat women -- fat men are still okay, so long as they're fat White men -- or Chinese or..... well, almost anyone. So why is it okay to mock people from Arkansas, given Hollywood's sensitivity to every other group?

I like old movies, and have no problem with making fun of people from Arkansas, nor Jews, nor WASPs, nor any of the innumerable classifications of people. But I also think that in order for a movie to be funny, it needs to have more humor than some mildly absurd hairpiece on Mr. Thornton and a sense that these people aren't au courant with whatever was the hot cultural trend in 2002. What a strange and useless waste of four talented performers.
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comedy without any working jokes
SnoopyStyle13 June 2016
Couples best friends Darlene Dodd (Natasha Richardson), Lonnie Earl Dodd (Billy Bob Thornton), Roy Kirkendall (Patrick Swayze), and Candy Kirkendall (Charlize Theron) from Little Rock decide to go to Reno. Darlene and Roy don't know that Lonnie and Candy are having an affair. Lonnie dominates Darlene. Candy and Roy are trying to have a baby.

It's a comedy without any actual jokes. It might actually work as an indie drama but it's obviously trying to be a comedy. It doesn't work and the movie is lesser for it. I can't blame the four actors if the material isn't there. The writers Brent Briscoe and Mark Fauser are better known as actors. The writing simply doesn't have it.
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all said and done, I had a great time with Waking Up In Reno.
billybrown4111 April 2003
I waited on this one for a long time and now that I've finally seen it, I'm happy to say that it was worth the wait. While you may have to be from the South to fully appreciate the humor, I think it's enjoyable enough for just about anyone. I went in expecting light-hearted fun and I got just that. I loved all of the characters and found myself wishing that I was riding with them in that red SUV sipping a Pabst. Good to see Patrick Swayze again and Billy Bob really should do more comedies. Charlize Theron's accent was very convincing as was Natasha Richardson's. Well worth a watch (or six) and I will be buying the DVD.

"I was thinking about going down to the lobby and teasing that rattlesnake."-Lonnie Earl
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Very Disappointing, For Such a Cast
claudio_carvalho18 March 2005
In Little Rock, the redneck couples Lonnie Earl Dodd (Billy Bob Thornton) and his wife Darlene Dodd (Natasha Richardson), and Roy Kirkendall (Patrick Swayze) and his wife Candy Kirkendall (Charlize Theron) decide to travel together on vacations to Reno to see a Monster Truck Show. Candy wants to get pregnant of Roy, but is having an affair with Lonnie. Once in Reno, Candy finds that she is pregnant, while Roy's doctor advises that he is infertile, based on the results of his sperm test. The inevitable quarrel happens between the four travelers. "Waking Up In Reno" is a very disappointing movie, specially having such a cast. The result is not balanced, oscillating from a comedy of bad taste to a dramatic romance, but without any explanation for Candy cheating her beloved husband. The accent of the cast, probably from the region of Little Rock, is terrible to be heard. Maybe some of the best attractions are the beauties of Natasha Richardson and Charlize Theron, in a comedy that rarely made me laugh. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Seu Marido e Minha Mulher" ("Your Husband and My Wife")
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"She's On Her Deal, Y'Know?"
hokeybutt2 April 2005
WAKING UP IN RENO (3 outta 5 stars) Dubbed by the filmmakers as "a redneck 'Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice'", this is an enjoyable little movie... very funny at times but also treating its characters as real people with real emotions. Billy Bob Thornton is Lonnie Earl, a used car salesman married to Darlene (Natasha Richardson) but who has had a recent fling with her best friend Candy (Charlize Theron). Candy's husband Roy (Patrick Swayze) is desperately trying to get his wife pregnant but suspects his sperm may not be working. While on a vacation in Reno to renew their wedding vows, the foursome's relationship comes to a head when Roy's non-existent sperm count is confirmed the same day as his wife's pregnancy and everyone notices Lonnie Earl's shifty eyes upon hearing the news. While amusing and likable, the movie isn't quite as good as it could have been... and it often seems to be setting up future situations (like a suddenly-ignored attraction between Roy and Darlene) that never come to fruition. (I was expecting much hilarity from a scene of Lonnie Earl's attempt at eating a 72 ounce steak in one hour... but the scene winds up being mostly uneventful.) The actors do a great job though... particularly Thornton, whose skill at blurting out totally insensitive and inappropriate lines is unsurpassed, i.e. "She's on her deal, y'know?" And I will take any excuse to see the lovely Mrs. Liam Neeson (Natasha Richardson) on screen!
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Film falls flat on it's face
rosscinema9 October 2003
When this film plays on television you might want to save about 90 minutes of your time and change the channel. There's nothing special here that you need to see. Story is about two married couples from Arkansas who go on a trip together to Reno. Couple number one is Lonnie Earl Dodd (Billy Bob Thornton) who is a car dealer and having problems with his marriage. His wife is Darlene (Natasha Richardson) and she has a low self opinion of herself and they haven't been intimate in a long time. Lonnie has been sleeping with Candy (Charlize Theron) who is the wife of his best friend Roy Kirkendall (Patrick Swayze). They all drive to Reno and the four of them stay in one luxurious suite. Roy and Candy have been trying to have a baby and finally Candy discovers that she is pregnant. But Roy phones his doctor in Arkansas and finds out that he's sterile. Candy and Lonnie admit their affair and now the whole trip is in chaos. This film is directed by Jordan Brady and he's made a few other low budget films but this is his first with a cast this impressive. Unfortunately Brady doesn't show much comedic flair but you can't lay all the blame on him. This script is just not funny and one of the glaring problems is that the characters are all written down to a sitcom level. Just because they're all from the south doesn't mean that they have to be naive and idiotic. Thornton's character doesn't have the sophistication to tip the bellboy more than a dollar. And Swayze's character is called stupid and dumb by everyone throughout the film and one of the rare good moments comes when he asks everyone to lay off of him for at least one day. Penelope Cruz pops up as a prostitute and it's a totally worthless and pointless cameo. She barely speaks more than 3 or 4 lines! I think she was fulfilling an obligation to Harvey and Bob Weinstein who are executive producers for this film. The only person who actually isn't to bad is Richardson. We watch her become more confident in herself but this plotline in the film is very obvious and cliche. All of these actors should know better and it's hard to figure that they all read the script and liked it. It's a complete waste of time for these actors but at least they got paid. As for the viewers, your not getting paid so skip this one!
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If only
WelshGoat27 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched the movie for the first time I was left thinking that this film could have been so much better. It lacked the crucial cliffhanger moments that make a good comedy/drama great. Having said that it does have a great central cast and all four main characters do their best with what they've got. Richardson and Theron make a great job of being Southern white trash. However, none is overly stretched and with a better script this could have been a truly memorable offering. But then again who could resist Theron shouting, "I'm ovulating, I'm ovulating," even if she was sticking a thermometer in her ear at the time!
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Unfunny on the whole
antoniotierno6 May 2017
Four very boring characters, an extremely unfunny road trip and drama that's not as convincing as a daytime soap opera. The main problem here is the character's credibility on any level, as none of the them are believable at all but they're simply unoriginal stereotypes from every hillbilly comedy. Patrick Swayze, Charlize Theron and Natasha Richardson work with Thornton but it's unlikely they'll be sending him any signs of moonshine after such an assignment with one-note characters. Most if the reviews, professionals and amateurs, have agreed with this film's assessment. " It gets hot and you get a rise and if you don't knead it they get old and stale," you may enjoy the cracker barrel philosophy and crude humour. So a disappointing story and production, in spite of the very good cast.
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better than average redneck comedy - Waking Up in Reno
arthur_tafero3 October 2019
This film is not for the thin-skinned. If you have had an unfaithful partner of either sex; and over 50% of us have according to statistics and divorce rates, the film might appear to be a bit insensitive to marial infidelity. That is not the most important part of the movie, however. The most important part of the movie is that it is pretty funny, and that is what counts the most. Morals are in the eye of the beholder. Some would call this a film about two brothers and sisters who take a trip to Reno. Of course interchangeable sex between brothers and sisters is perfectly normal in redneck country. This film is actually a redneck version of Bob, Ted, Carol and Alice, a sex film made in the early seventies. Fun to watch as long as you ignore the moral issues of "love".
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Just stay away from this thing
Rodneyrea698 December 2017
The main idea of the film is that "Roy,honey, l love you. No, l mean, l really love you. But, recently, l have let your best friend bang me for a while but l swear l never moaned or screamed. Honey, l love you and we will also have a baby soon no matter who the father is...." This film is that crap. Cheating has become something inevitable in American movies. what a shame...
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Grown up 'American Pie'
GraniteQuarry7 October 2004
I found this film on satellite one night, hadn't heard of it so sat down to watch - and spent the next 90 mins laughing!! Great lines delivered deadpan by a great cast, never thought I'd hear such witty banter (definitely very crude at times!!) said by such a cast. I especially enjoyed the lines from Patrick Swayze, I haven't seen him in anything in years since the 'Roadhouse' days and he made me laugh bigtime, do more comedy Mr.Swayze!!

Not a brain teaser or Oscar winner by any means, but definitely worth a watch if you want some laughter.

My rating - 8/10.
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Decent little comedy
iwatcheverything22 October 2003
Here you have something that is missing lately. A feel good comedy that does not have a huge significance and still can make you laugh. The acting was even pretty good for them to fake they were from Arkansas. The comedy was a more subtle kind but it still made you laugh out loud. I do think the end was a tad corny but hey it didn't hurt the film one bit. Check it out next time your at the video store.
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Oh My... (spoilers)
TheOtherFool22 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen some crappy movies in my life, but this one must be among the very worst. Definately bottom 100 material (imo, that is).

We follow two couples, the Dodds (Billy Bob Thornton as Lonnie Earl and Natasha Richardson as Darlene) and the Kirkendalls (Patrick Swayze as Roy and Charlize Theron as Candy) in one car on a roadtrip to Reno.

Apparently, Lonnie isn't too happy with his sex-life, so he cheats on his wife with Candy, who's despirately trying to have a baby. Roy, meanwhile, isn't too sure if his sperm is OK so he's getting it checked by a doctor.

Now, I had read the back of the DVD, but my girlfriend didn't, and she blurted out after about 20 minutes: 'oh yeah, she's gonna end up pregnant but her husband can't have any baby's'. Spot on, as this movie is soooo predictable. As well as boring. And annoying. Meaningless. Offensive. Terrible.

An example of how much this movie stinks. The two couples set out in their big car towards Nevada, when they are stopped by 2 police-officers, as they didn't stop at a stop-sign. The guys know each other and finally bribe the two officers with a case of beer. Not only is this scene pointless and not important (or even relevant) for the movie, it takes about 5 minutes! It's just talk and talk and talk, without ever going somewhere.

I still have to puke thinking about the ending though. Apparently, Roy ISN'T having problems down there so he IS the father of the child. How many times does that happen in the movies... try something new! The cheated wife ultimately forgives her husband and best friend for having the affair and they all live happily ever after. Yuck.

Best scene of the movie is right at the end, with a couple of shots of the Grand Canyon. Why couldn't they just keep the camera on that for 90 minutes?

One would expect more from this cast (although Thornton really tries), but you can't really blame them. Writers, shame on you!

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enjoyable movie
jimakros11 July 2003
I enjoyed this movie.The chevy suburban is nice and you wish you were taking the trip with the cast.All four leads are very natural and believable.Swayze is very likable in this role.Charlize Theron is drop-dead gorgeous and sexy in this,and for any of her fans this is absolute must.The script is okay and funny enough,with some good taste satire of the characters.The flavour of roadside america is attractive without turning into a travel guide.All in all,a well done movie for what it is, doesnt pretend to be anything more.
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Someone should have woken up the director... (Possible Spoilers)
mwendel26 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far one the most pathetic and under-achieving movies I have watched in some time. Natasha Richardson, Billy Bob Thornton, Patrick Swayze, and Charlize Theron play one of the dumbest foursomes I have ever seen in a movie. This was in no way their fault whatsoever. If anything I would have to give them some extra accolades for giving these characters any depth at all, seeing as how they were not given much to work with.

If these characters had woken up in Reno they would have in the least swapped mates and made themselves truly happy. I mean these are four of the most clueless characters I have ever seen. In some ways their backwoods, child-like behaviors make them a bit more appealing and humorous, but they learn nothing in this story - except whose best friend slept with who's husband/wife. After all the arguing and reactionary behavior ceases, its go to the monster truck rally, and then go home, where magically everyone kisses and makes up like nothing ever happened.

It's preposterous and so silly that it's painful. I did find myself waiting for the end to come, which when it did was completely unfulfilling. This movie is just a lame duck with a loaded cast. What a waste.
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Waking Up in Reno is just what the doctor ordered!
tbills218 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Natasha Richardson (gorgeous smile & too sweet) is Darlene Dodd and she's just not real good about leaving home./Billy Bob Thornton (devilishly handsome smile) is Lonnie Earl Dodd (married to Darlene) and if you can't trust old Lonnie Earl Dodd then you can't trust anybody./Patrick Swayze (beautiful smile & so bright) is Roy Kirkendall but hell he can't find that husband of Darlene's nowhere who's probably up to no good. Charlize Theron (great legs!) is Candy Kirkendall (not married to Lonnie Earl) and you're damn right she sure as hell feels dirty!

Waking Up in Reno is really funny and super sweet (& super smart) and super duper sexy it really hits home with 4 epic (as good as it gets) stars that is so underrated (5.5???)!

Charlize (the most atomic beautiful blonde ever...) is the most beautiful atomic blonde ever (sorry, Marilyn). Charlize shows her butt in her underwear, a bikini, just a towel, in her jeans (Shania!!!!, I mean Natasha and Charlize dancing to Shania!!!!!) and her pajamas./Patrick (super sweet, God I love him) & BBT (super cool, God I can't stand him) are both charming and really (as much as I care), really sexy plus Patrick goes swimming (shirtless!)./Natasha Richardson is the most beautiful woman ever. I love Natasha Richardson. As all-time pretty as Theron is (The Atomic Blonde!!), Natasha is simply (& incredibly) irresistible and I absolutely love Natasha Richardson (and her whole family) she's the sweetest and just to die for. Sweet Natasha getting in the pool in her one-piece in this is the hottest (most supremely discounted!!) sweet & sexy movie moment ever (it really is). Waking Up in Reno (with Patrick Swayze and Natasha Richardson) has the two most sweetest (& most beautiful) persons who have ever died too young (again, sorry, Marilyn). It's endless pleasure & amusement & joy seeing Pat & Nat acting onscreen together (in this). I want to be with Charlize (the hottest blonde ever!!!) but Natasha makes it soooooo close. 7 outta 10!
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How do you know you're a redneck?
=G=30 August 2003
Well, you might be one if you think "Waking Up in Reno" is a drama. A critically slammed comedy about two married redneck couples from Arkansas who take a road trip to Reno, this corny flick is Razzie material. With enough star power to bring some credibility to an awful screenplay and script, this film doesn't really work and you only have to listen to the director/writer's track to see why. I got more laughs from watching Theron seriously describing of the film in the extras section of the DVD than I did watching the film. Among the more notable offerings during the 1.5 hour run are Thornton eating a 72 ounce streak in 1 hour; Cruz playing a prostitute for a heartbeat; a giant mechanical monster that eats cars at a monster truck show; and...and, well, that's about it. The rest of the time it's a sort of worst of Jerry Springer review. Best saved for broadcast. (C+)
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Not a Swinger movie as it looks. But funny.
afterdarkpak13 September 2020
It sure is a comedy one, some good laughs and typical comedy performance. the cast is also really decent, charlie, bob , natasha , patrick.

Although the ending seems nice n happy because its a comedy movie, if there is some sense or reality ending then it would not be comedy movie.
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RetroStylistic18 April 2003
What an absolutely crappy film this is. How or why this movie was made and what the hell Billy Bob Thornton and Charlize Theron were doing signing up for this mediocre waste of time is beyond me. Strong advise for anyone sitting down to catch a flick: DO NOT waste your time on this 'film'.
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To Swayze or Not to Swayze!
PredragReviews24 November 2016
If you are looking for easy, adult, laugh out loud entertainment, this is the movie. It is a light hearted comedy and the story lines have been "done to death" but these 4 actors put a fresh spin on these otherwise "trite" characters. Billy Bob Thornton is just brilliantly funny. You want to hate him but you can't. To see Patrick Swayze playing what we think is a not too bright person was fabulous. He did an outstanding job. I have never seen him in a roll like this. The talents of this cast take this story and make it enjoyable and entertaining. This is Jerry Springer meets Road Trip and the result is a ball of fun!

If you like your laughs big, fat and dumb, then you'll probably like this one. There were a few good one-liners that gives this one re- watch value for some. The sex scenes, however, are nothing but tease and may leave you frustrated. Actually it is rather fun hearing Swayze talk with a southern accent. Tony Orlando is good in his small role. Overall, it's a great film that offers great comedy, but at the same time, it offers us true pictures of the human condition that can strike close to home.

Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
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Even Billy Bob can't save this turkey
caa8218 June 2008
Being a fan of Billy Bob Thornton, and the diversity of his skills, I noticed this movie listed, and was surprised I hadn't heard of it.

I'd traveled more than usual during both the period it was being filmed in 2000, and when it hit theaters more than 2-1/2 years later (that passage of time is the first clue all was not well with the production).

Now Patrick Swayze can't act for sour apples, but Thornton has more than enough ability to make-up for the difference between them. And Charlize Theron is someone whom it would be a pleasure to see, even if it showed her watching paint dry.

Being curious, I checked this site's production info. It made a whopping < $600 per screen its opening weekend, and just over $400 each, after its month's theater run in latter 2002. Overall gross was $261K, which I'd doubt could cover cast and crew's hotel and food for a week on location.

The story is pretty benign, and even the use of the usually interesting locale of Reno is as dull as the rest of the goings-on.

It's something like several SNL bits all pieced together, none individually too great at all, and the overall presentation even worse.

Whatever, the expenses for this production had to be considerable - even if all worked for less than their usual fees - so the one thing which made it a barely tolerable opus was the quality of the filming and Billy Bob's present (albeit understandably somewhat laconic here , compared with his usual work.

Think of the three superb, totally diverse characters he portrayed in "Sling Blade," "Bandits" and "Bad Santa," and you know he realized this work was below standard, long before the viewers had the opportunity to confirm this. One star for him, even here, and one because production was better than, say, the typical "Lifetime" flick.
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Laughed out loud!
two_mules6 November 2002
Waking Up in Reno doesn't seem to have done too well at the box office, but since I always see Billy Bob Thornton's movies, I took a chance. I was very pleasantly surprised. As a lover of roadside Americana and having traveled Interstate 40 more times than I care to recall, the humor particularly hit home. I can't see how anyone wouldn't find the simple, white-trash humor funny. But it wasn't rednecky or dumb, there were a million good lines in the movie. Billy Bob, as usual, was flawless. The plot was simple enough, it was the nuances and details that made the movie so much fun. This is one I'll definitely add to my home library when it's available on DVD. I highly recommend it. It takes a LOT to make ME laugh out loud, but I laughed through the whole movie.
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One unforgettable road trip.
michaelRokeefe16 November 2003
Absolutely hilarious comedy about two Arkansas couples who find adventure on the road as they head to a monster truck show in Reno. Strong language and sexual content. Charlize Theron and Billy Bob Thornton are outstanding. Patrick Swayze and Natasha Richardson round out the foursome that takes a look at the USA in a Chevrolet. If you are a Thornton fan you won't be let down. Theron always slays me. Why is other's misfortune so much fun to watch?
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Cute movie with heart...
LilsZoo211 April 2003
While not Oscar worthy material for any of the four accomplished actors here, Waking Up in Reno must have been a hoot'n a holler for all players. How refreshing it must be not to worry about how this might affect their future work. The characters are a delight from their "trailor trash" mentality to their hillbilly accents and you really begin to care about them right away. Thornton and Richardson are the married couple with difficulties and by evidence of some long awaited affection they are truley in love and just need a good bump on the head to remind them of who they are and want they want and need. Swayze and Theron are the younger couple with Life's road ahead of them and if a vaction to Reno to watch a MONSTER TRUCK RALLEY is anyindication it's going to be a doozy of a ride. It's predictable and got all the angles of a T-Square which is where the humour lies and if you don't take yourself or your problems too seriously you'll laugh as I did. Which is what I think the movie is about anyway. So, sit back and enjoy a heapin' helpin' of Southern Fried Humour with a side of grits and don't be surprised if you find yourself coming back for more.
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