Enter the Eagles (1998) Poster

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Fairly enjoyable actioner
HaemovoreRex8 May 2007
Corey Yuen directs this martial arts/action outing set amid the architectural splendour of Prague.

If you've seen any Corey Yuen film before then you'll no doubt know exactly what to expect here; lots of close up, quick edit fight scenes and imaginative wire aided stunts.

Interestingly, the quick cut/edit style is a fairly recent cinematic phenomena. The advantages are obvious; Highly complex combinations of moves (which may well be impossible to film in single takes) can be created via fast editing of smaller combinations of moves or sometimes even single moves. Another advantage and one which Hollywood has keenly exploited utilising this style has been that big name stars who are, shall we say politely, not exactly gifted martial artists, can be made to look good via the same (trick) technique.

Why am I talking about all this?

Simple, it's because I really loath the said style!

For me personally, I want to see more naturally fluid fight scenes, unaided by editing trickery! If the actors can't do it for real then don't bother to do it all all!

But enough of my ranting and back to the film in question…is it any good? Well, aside from some of the aforementioned fighting scenes, the film is actually fairly entertaining stuff. There's certainly never a shortage of action and there's even a pleasant splattering of gore. It's especially great to see the legendary Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez on screen again although even his moves have suffered the editing treatment (and Benny is one chap who most certainly does NOT need any help in fight sequences!)

Overall, whilst far from essential viewing, there are certainly far worse ways to spend an hour and a half of your time.
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Shannon Lee does OK but that's it!
chrichtonsworld27 March 2007
There were too many things wrong with this movie to give it a higher grade. I liked it to view it once, but probably will never watch it again/ Shannon Lee made an impression on me and I am not talking about her skill as a martial artist. I could not see if she really had the moves. The fights she had were edited too fast and most of the time it is obvious that she is replaced by a stuntman. I do think she is very athletic. For the most part the action she and the other actors are part of is decent, but not really special. Why did they make this movie? It is average at best. The only reason is to introduce Shannon Lee as an action star. The fights she has in the movie couldn't convince me if she is trained in martial arts like her brother and of course her father (Bruce Lee). But wikipedia does state she has studied Taekwondo, Wushu and Kickboxing. Shannon Lee seems to be adequate as an actress and is an attractive woman. Michael Wong is in this and like many of his films he is brilliantly unimpressive. I think perhaps I owe it to Corey Yuen to watch this film again. But it seems to be real hard to get a copy of this film. Once I do I will revisit this review.
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Flawed But Action Packed And Fun!!
Movie-Misfit23 March 2020
Straight of the bat, why the hell they decided to dub over a cast who's first language is English (all but Jordan Chan and Anita Yuen), is beyond me. It makes no sense at all...

From Golden Harvest and director Corey Yuen comes the Hong Kong action debut of Shannon Lee, daughter to Bruce of course. And just for fun, you get moments of her father shining through, such as certain moves she pulls off during fighting, and even the fact that her dead husband is called Bruce. Yes, it's as ridiculous as the overall film!

Set in Prague, the film opens with the ugliest bunch of gangsters ever committed to celluloid, with one team led by Michael Wong and the other by super-fighter, Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez. Director Yuen Kwai tries too hard to make the introductory scene of the film slick and stylish, resulting in dodgy edits that don't help kick things off well - although I did enjoy the chained, burning, jeep action...

Thankfully, it gets better!

It doesn't take long for the cinematography and edits to calm down somewhat and as we are introduced to Shannon Lee's character. Within seconds she gets her debut action scene against Brit-kicker Mike Lambert, which is a lot of fun and typically impressive of the Yuen's choreography making Lee look more like Jackie Chan than her fast striking father.

As much as I love them both, the introduction and terrible dubbing of Jordan Chan and Anita Yuen starts the downfall of the film for me. Brought in as the comedy element, which I'm sure may work in the Hong Kong version using their original language, they come across as idiots for the most of it (mostly due to the horrendous dub in this version)...

Wong is his usual cigar chomping, stone-faced, self hardly offering any excitement except for a few gunfights here and there. Of course, it's all about Shannon Lee's breakout role as an action star, and she certainly gets the higher percentage of it - impressing in her moves as well as stunt-work and gun-play. Yuen Kwai and Yuen Tak certainly did a good job in making her look like a genuine action star!

While the film may be paper thin on plot, and the comedy as weak as a kitten, And Now You're Dead has something about it that makes you want to keep watching. The action (both in martial arts and gun-play) is the films saving grace and there is plenty of it, including a ladder-on-a-helicopter stunt inspired by Police Story 3 that is good fun after an impressive, lengthy shoot-out. We certainly can't deny Kwai's talents as an action director and this definitely delivers in that department.

After a death of one of the team members on the one hour mark, the last 30 minutes takes a mature turn leaving most of the comedy behind for an all-out, action-packed, fight filled finale on a (badly CGI-ed) blimp with Lee versus Urquidez, which is fantastic. It's great to see 'The Jet' back in some Hong Kong styled action!

Overall: Overly flawed but action packed and great fun, And Now You're Dead gives HK action fans what they want, along with some unintentional laughs...
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Am I the only one?
martincee20018 May 2005
Hi, this is probably slightly off-message, and I had the luck to see this movie theatrically (good fun, appalling CGI airship, dumb dialogue, very well shot). I actually like Michael Wong but it seems he is not particularly liked by the HK movie community as a whole, but to them I say see 'Beast Cops', which is a superb HK movie but which doesn't seem to be particularly well regarded. What I have to ask is am I the only one who thought that Shannon Lee was quite unbelievably sexy? Turned me on like a light-switch! OK, she's not exactly classically beautiful or sylph-like but Hell's Teeth! She was / is one truly sexy woman. And the tight, black togs.....

Mind you, I once had a girlfriend who looked a bit like her so that might be colouring my feelings but - lordie! - she pushes my buttons! MC.
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Mostly bad, but a little bit good
Curtis G.30 July 2001
I'm not sure what HK movies the other reviewers have been watching, but Enter the Eagles is nowhere near the top of the heap in HK action. Michael "Fitz" Wong should be glad he can get acting jobs in HK, because he couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag in English. Shannon Lee looks good and is a fantastic fighter (even better with the leg fighting than her dad), but her acting skills are also sub-par. In fact, all the English dialog (90% of the movie--even more than in Gen-Y Cops) is so bad that I switched to Mandarin audio just to spare myself the misery of the bad dialog delivery and the redundancy of the English subs. Sure, there are some decent gunfights (but nothing we haven't already seen before) and good cinematography, but the cheesy visual effects really spoil the action.

That said, it's worth the price of admission to watch Shannon and Benny "The Jet" Urquidez go at it. Spectacular, and almost worth watching the rest of the movie for.

Finally, you might notice some scenes that seem "familiar" to you, notably a shootout at an outdoor market (think Matrix) and Fitz diving out of a helicopter wearing black fatigues (think MI:2). Guess someone thought at least a few things in this flick were worth ripping off.
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A shame to Bruce Lee's legacy
TheHeck1 February 2006
The movie has a good start portraying an interesting and strong Shannon Lee and introduces two very simpathetic side characters through the first half. But later something happens and all the sudden Shannon turns into this straight faced, second hand bad girl and the movie gets lost in it's own context. The second half lacks any kind of charisma and is full of clichés, bad acting, a horrible plot and even worse stunt coordination. Not to mention the horrible actors they chose for the chechen mafia gang.

"Game of Death 2" was bad and clownified Bruce, but his daughter tops it making an even bigger embarrassment of herself than the double who played Bruce Lee back then. I truly believe that she can do much better than this and I hope she participates in a better production next time.

If you are a real hard core action fan and don't care about quality go ahead and see this movie. I was personally looking forward to it but just got terribly disappointed.
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ironsidev22 September 2000
This is a great movie for any fan of Hong Kong action movies. Asides from it's little plot, the weak drama and bits of comedy antics, the movie is action packed with gun-fighting and martial arts action. Kept me entertained from beginning until the end. I thought Shannon Lee was awesome in the movie.

Having an action director like Corey Yuen is what keeps Hong Kong action going strong. This modern action film is highly recommended!!
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An overlooked gem
chowyunpat7 August 2003
I guess some of the naysayers about this movie have seen a different movie than I did, because this movie to me was filled to the brim with the hyperkinetic off the charts excitement that Hong Kong action movies have been famous for. Once the action starts it has a breathless place that never lets up for a minute and it has everything a Hong Kong moviephile could love some well choreographed and bloody shootouts, some dangerous eye popping stunts, and some manically hair raising mix ups. I have seen this movie in the Chinese movie store for some time and finally decided to rent it and did I get my money's worth. This is a great example of the action films Hong Kong used to make in its heydey. They had no artistic intentions other than to provide a mindblowing, hyberbolic opiate for the retinas. You can have your arty-farty plotless Wong Kar Wai films and sit there and be pretentious, but I would rather watch a film like Enter The Eagles and have an intoxicating good time much like I would rather have a sweet wine, over that dry flavorless crap anyday because when I drink wine I wanna get a buzz and enjoy getting there and not sit there sipping some expensive crappy tasting wine marvelling at how great the bouquet is. The Dragon's daughter is awesome and gets in a dust up with the Benny the Jet that is close to on par with the classic fisticuffs between Jacky and the Jet. She is just spectacular to watch in action whether she is firing a gun or unleashing her fists of fury and seems to have capture some of the charm and charisma of her father, she has a very likable screen persona and its a shame that she didnt make more movies like this.

The film isnt perfect though, I found some of the drama while adequate, just seem to be by the numbers and the sequence with the blimp was the only other complaint I had. The acting was from good to fair and Micheal Wong is compentent for a change. I find it interesting that this film didnt have a US release like Gen X Cops did, especially since most of the film is in English.

One more thing people, the glory days of John Woo's heroic bloodshed days are over, so you might as well get used to that fact and stop being so jaded because watching this film was a blast and to compare to a John Woo film isn't fair, it may not be art, but it's damn fine entertainment and better than a lot of the crap that Hollywood has been putting out lately. You can have your arty-farty plotless Wong Kar Wai films, but I take this

I give this film 7 out of 10 stars because it was highly entertaining and fun despite it faults and plus where else you gonna see Shannon Lee shoot people and kick some ass? That alone was worth the price of rental. If only Hong Kong would have a made a film with Brandon Lee and Shannon Lee together. Oh well, its nice to dream.
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A Must See
mashor29 August 2000
I've seen tons of HK actioners, and this one is right at the top of the genre. The action scenes are as exciting and kinetic as anything you've ever seen in any action movie. The kung fu is spectacular, the pyrotechnics eye-popping, the stunt work heartstopping. The editing is perfectly paced, heightening the tension and complimenting the fluid camera work. This film is directed by old pro Corey Yuen, whose resume is stuffed with some of the best work of the genre, including the Jet Li vehicle The Legend of Fong Sai-Yuk. If there is one thing lacking in this film it is the presence of a three-dimensional character, though Martin, the male lead, comes closest to it. This movie is full of archetypes rather than characters--the sexy killer, the goofy thief and his bitchy girlfriend, the cackling villains. That said, Shannon Lee has a terrific screen presence; she's great with the fighting, the stunts, and the guns. When she's onscreen it's hard to take your eyes off her. She's that good. Why isn't this woman a major star?
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A Must-See!
Smooth Operator24 July 2000
I don't think most of us would tend to apply the term "must-see" to action films, but I was very impressed at how good this film was and it deservedly gets the "must-see" stamp from me.

Mandy played by Shannon Lee (daughter of the late and great Bruce Lee and sister of the late Brandon Lee) is recruited by Martin, a professional thief to help pull off a diamond heist at a museum for a criminal syndicate, and get rewarded handsomely for it. Little do they know that another pair of thieves (Lucy and Tommy, a pair of lovebirds), who were spurned earlier by Mandy and Martin to get in on the deal, are also planning to steal the diamond.

How each pair of thieves plans out the heist is a thrill to watch. Things go awry, as Martin and Mandy unknowingly find themselves a step behind Lucy and Tommy.

You'll find yourself rooting for these thieves as they find that they need each other to stay alive from the crime syndicate, who are not happy at all that the diamond is not in its hands.

Action fans will not be disappointed, as there's a healthy dose of gun battles, martial arts, and hand-to-hand combat sequences.

What is surprising is that, it's not just the action that carries this film, but the romance and laughs (and I don't mean your typical one-liners prevalent in action films) that sneak in.

It's not easy to root for bad guys, but we get to see the human side of these thieves and the chemistry they develop.

A great film and one NOT to miss!

9 out of 10
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Like father, like daughter
david.thomas4122 February 2001
Solid Hong Kong action movie which would be less interesting but for the presence of Bruce Lee's daughter (as I'm sure she hates being introduced) Shannon. She certainly has the moves and seems to have picked up much of the charisma, plus there are a few cool visual gags which serve to point out her famous heritage (there's a really neat bit where she tears out a bad guy's hair and blows it away, much as her dad once did to Chuck Norris}. Shannon's final fight on the airship is magnificent. Well worth checking out if you can find it.
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If you can get a hand on this film, see it!
RIKARDofRYA24 October 1999
WOW! This movie is the best HK-movie I've ever seen (except for some Jackie Chan-movies). The acting is great, and Bruce Lee's daughter shows that she wants to keep the family-tradition, of great martial arts. And there's a lot of expensive action scenes. I gave it 8/10.
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Disappointing and a turn off..
replica13 January 2003
I found out about this movie on the internet - it looked good -

Shannon Lee, a Golden Harvest Production,Benny the Jet as the bad guy, directed by the same guy that did the action scenes in Romeo Must Die, so hell I'll give it a go. Well, to put it mildly, this is a very disappointing film - first off it is dubbed and the dubbing and overall sound are terrible. Secondly, Shannon Lee copies many of her fathers trademark moves, and other actions from his movies - i.e. ripping of hair into hand a'la Chuck Norris fight scene from 'Way'. Even the action is poorly done - it is way too fast, so you cant see what the hell is going on, & the story and plot has more holes than the Titanic. The end fight scene between Lee & Urquidez is OK. Shannon Lee is better, and deserves better, than this loads of old cobblers.
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Heroic BloodShed with the Heroic, but plenty of BloodShed
modius11 January 2002
It seems Hong Kong movies and John Woo/ Ringo Lam films have influenced everybody these days and now it seems even Hong Kong movies have become influenced by the heddy days of heroic bloodshed for which Woo is credited for.

Shannon Lee and her gang are major jewel theives out to rob a diamond (think The Pink Pather but with Kung Fu), but they are also in contention with street pickpockets wanting to hit the big time.

With lots of action underscoring and a lack of characterisation on any of the main characters, its action all the way. Shannon has no personality except when she smiles with her eyebrows. She looks like a Xena meets Trinity.

The main good guy is over the top and sometimes saves the films with his outlandish remarks. The action never lets up, and although some of it is remarkably dull or very similar to Police Story III or other movies, there is a refreshing pace to the film.

Shannon and Benny Uriqudez have a good fight in the end die-hard-in-a-blimp sequence, but it pales in comparison with the Jackie Chan fights with Benny the Jet.

Shannon makes a good effort of being a gymnast-cum-diamond theif who can do quick kicks and quick side-on gags at her father (Bruce Lee) by doing the same things her father does (ie. rip off hair, do that thing with his nose or doing warcries), unfortuently it makes the film, and shannon very silly, she shouldn't be copying Mr Lee, she should do what she wants to do and leave history to Judge Bruce, not silly side on gags.

There are plot silliness to the film, and although a fun film to watch, it isn't the best of Hong Kong Cinema, give it a miss.

Overall: 3/10
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it is ok
pde12 June 2002
Saw And Now You're Dead with English dubbing! Peeeuuw! stinker!the dubbing that is! But the action is quite ok. Martial Arts mixed with gun play can't be bad. Well the acting, oh boy! Shannon Lee is a very bad actress, but a great martial artist! Michael Wong acts bad as usual. But Anita Yuen is good! but misplaced in this flick.

The best that can be said about this flick is: Some great action martial arts stuff, and the finale between Shannon and Benny the Jet! Boy he can still kick ass!!!!! a finale that is tough to forget. But then again when Benny enters the screen he lights up the screen. 6 out of 10.
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The most clean-cut HK ACTION FILM EVER SEEN.
iunicorn10 August 2000
Accidentally bought a VCD copy, and I am so surprised by its careful plot, careful handle of the scenes, and also with great smashing martial arts by Shannon Lee. With great acting skills displayed by Superstar Michael Wong, this film looks COOL. A good film to watch, really. You can relax and enjoy its stunts. Lots of things to be learned from this film by all professional film-makers, and certainly it is better than any action directors that you can imagine. Best Direction. For myself I watched it three times in a day. And certainly it is a collection item for any serious film buff. You need to watch it, mate!!!
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