Power Rangers in Space (TV Series 1998–1999) Poster


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the best save the original
lisawea2 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly do not believe that any PR title since this one has been this good. This show was unpredictable in a very good way. The main evil character was more than tolerable: she was intriguing. Astronema and Andros were given equal time in the spotlight an were equaling captivating characters. this show and it's characters were all played a few shades darker.

It does take awhile for the Red ranger to warm up to his new teammates but he does and it works well. also astronema can't be taken seriously at the start. I will admit that Andros' search/obsession with finding his sister does get tiring at times but seriously, can you blame him? Sidenote: Despite votes to the contrary, Darkona was the only really predictable character there was and Ecpliptor was cool. Check it out.

(ok I honestly cannot write this comment w/o possible spoilers so here it is)This show also holds what I believe is the only conversion of an evil character to a good one since Tommy. And though ecliptor was quote "evil, built that way every cubic centimeter" he is shown to have a sense of Honor. Having "evil" characters who have their own agendas was a fantastic idea and worked really well.

The action scenes/morphed scenes were pretty bad but that's a PR trait. I would have to say that "A ranger among thieves" "Survival of the silver" and "the secret of the Locket" are easily surpassing the 2-part finally as my favorite episodes. Think what you will, that's just how I see it.
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Power Rangers in Space review
renegadeviking-271-5285689 November 2021
Well, I've now watched Power Rangers In Space. This series is often seen as the best season out of the originals and there's a reason for that. It's really good. Now, I have a lot of thoughts on the season, but I want to start by saying that overall, it is incredible for a Power Rangers show.

The season features five Rangers with unique colors, visors, and weapons which are all big pluses in my book. All of those help the Rangers feel unique both in and out of their morphed states. Just like previous Rangers before, the veteran characters were also a lot better in this season. They no longer had to merely replace a hole left by their predecessor. This is the closest to a clean slate we would get since the show started before Lost Galaxy.

The season has a very strong start with the villains gathering for a party to discuss their nefarious plots. We get to see old villains like Rita and Zedd, King Mondo, and we see Divatox is there after being summoned at the end of Turbo. We are also introduced to this season's main villain Astronema. There's also a cloaked figure who turns out to be the Red In Space Ranger spying on the villains. Eventually, he is found out and after some flashy fighting is able to escape on a cool hoverboard called a galaxy glider. Meanwhile, the old Rangers end up aboard a strange spaceship that ends up belonging to the Red Ranger, Andros. After resolving some trust issues, the original four are able to eventually convince Andros that they're Power Rangers and he needs their help and they become the other four In Space Rangers with TJ as Blue, Carlos as Black, Ashley reprising Yellow, and Cassie returning to Pink. The first two episodes are probably the strongest start to a season yet.

We then start having problems. Throughout the season, the main episodes that continue the story are actually really good usually. However, the more filler-esque episodes are terrible. "Shell Shocked" was a crossover with Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation and is horrendous. There are even a few where the Rangers return to Angel Grove High School even though who knows how long its been since they took off in the shuttle and no one seems to bat an eye when they see the ex-Turbo Rangers return after being missing for a while. There are a lot of these episodes that just are either bad or meh and it's a bummer. One episode that isn't great that I still love though is "Always a Chance." I'll be honest, I really don't like Carlos very much. However, this episode sees Johnny Yong Bosch returning and that's still really cool to me. Seeing him morph into the Black Mighty Morphin Ranger even though it could destroy him is still an incredible moment to me.

The villains are typically pretty good in In Space, too. Astronema is good and I like the struggle we see in her as she finds out that Andros is her brother. That is an interesting story and I like how they develop that and then program her to be evil in order to get her to be the villain for the rest of the episode. Ecliptor is a pretty cool general figure, too. I like his design. Darkonda is a good villain too. I hate him, but he's a good villain. Also, the Quantrons are freaking amazing! The best foot soldier to date. They look amazing and their weapons are the coolest! Sadly, Elgar is in this season, but luckily he's in and out. Dark Specter is fine, but the fact that he looks like Maligor from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie is a little confusing and his voice is a little on the ridiculous side. Finally, the Psycho Rangers. They are incredible in my opinion and really help the season. They're evil Power Rangers that Astronema is able to use to drain Dark Specter of his powers as she orchestrates to take over as the biggest bad. The constant threat that the Psycho Rangers present as being able to easily bring the Power Rangers down really creates a sense of danger not really present in many parts of previous seasons.

Overall, I think the overarching story is great, the villains are mostly fantastic, and the Rangers have grown to be cooler and deeper. However, there are problems. I already talked about how bad some episodes are, but I just really want to bring up "Carlos on Call" and "Andros and the Stowaway" as terrible episodes. I am especially annoyed at how Carlos takes Silvy into space without her having any kind of protective gear. No air or anything and she gets to go to the moons of Jupiter no problem. What? "Andros and the Stowaway" is just full of an annoying alien creature. I also am very confused about the Megaship. Somehow, the space shuttle the Rangers take to find Zordon is compatible with the Megaship in order to create the megazord. Wow, that's extremely lucky. What if it had been a different shuttle? Can it just use any space shuttle? I also don't like how it takes until the Mega Voyager for the Rangers to get individual Zords, but I do like the Mega Voyager a lot. It's weird how underutilized it is in the season. They get it and then will still constantly not use it.

Let's also talk about Zhane, the Silver Ranger. I remember loving him as a kid. I still love the Super Silverizer. It's a cool weapon. Zhane the character is even ok although he's not in it very much and after a couple episodes ends up just popping up when it's very convenient for the Rangers. Sadly, most of his lines are delivered either blandly or annoyingly.

One last gripe I have is the structure of the last few episodes. "The Impenetrable Web" is really good at establishing how much trouble the Rangers are in. The Mega Voyager is basically destroyed and the Delta Megazord is destroyed. This really puts pressure on the Rangers. However, the next episode, they're seemingly just doing normal things again. In the end the Mega Voyager is destroyed by Tankenstein, but most of the episode just feels out of place with the sense of urgency and danger we're given in the previous episode.

The final two episodes though are absolutely fantastic leading to a moment where the Rangers have almost lost their powers and the citizens of Angel Grove resist Astronema and led by Bulk and Skull stand up for the Rangers. This is a very moving moment. Then, the Rangers (minus Andros) reveal themselves to the citizens and morph. Bulk and Skull then lead the citizens in the fight against evil. HOLY COW! AMAZING!

I greatly enjoyed a lot of the more horror inspired elements brought into In Space and the heightened levels of suspense and danger that it brought to the table. With the Psycho Rangers around, the Rangers couldn't use their communicators, morph, and at one point even talk! In addition, "The Barillian Sting" is one of the episodes that I remembered from childhood. It stuck in my mind because of how terrifying it was. Also, on a more technical level, it was interesting to see the show use 30 frames per second on some of the shots, typically on the Megaship. I noticed it right away and it took me back a bit. I just wish they could've used it a bit more.

So, where does In Space land on my ranking? I think I have to give in and recognize just how incredible it is. I think I might like Zeo more on a personal level, but I think it truly does deserve the top spot.
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Believe The Hype
Pyro_Pizza7 January 2021
When I set out to watch all of Power Rangers I heard a lot of hype about this season. About how good it was, and how great the stories and characters are. I'm here to tell you it's all true. This season is amazing and easily one of the best in the series. A must watch for any fan of Power Rangers, and a great season to introduce new fans to the series. Highly Recommend this season.
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Great story lines and characters
purplestripe6626 August 2006
Power Rangers In Space has the most developed story line (in my opinion) of any PR series before or since. Although it was presumably intended for a younger audience as previous PR shows where, In Space was more appealing to an older audience as well. This is perhaps the insight of the writes that many of the children who had watched the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers had continued to watch the show and would now desire more developed plot lines. The characters are far more complex than in previous Power Rangers series. The villains, for the first time are shown as beings with real lives, complex thoughts, fears, and dreams instead of single-minded cliché's who live only to destroy the Power Rangers and take over the world. The rangers too show more feeling and are put in more situations that require such emotion than in previous PR series. Overall, Power Rangers in Space is insightful and thought provoking.
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Unquestionably the Best Written Power Rangers Season Ever.
dpospisil78013 June 2010
This season took a darker turn compared to previous seasons, especially the cringe-inducing Power Rangers Turbo. This was originally planned to be the final season of Power Rangers, as Turbo's ratings were extremely low. As a result of that, the producers put out all the stops to make In Space an grand finale. In my humble opinion, they succeeded. The villainess Astronoma can actually be taken seriously, and the Rangers actually have some really strong villains to fight, both physically and in character! The only negative things I have to say about this season is that it ended the classic "Zordon" era, (although Lost Galaxy and Time Force were very good,)and that Melody Perkins' acting wasn't very good (though she did get better over time.) There are only two bad episodes in the whole season: the laughable TMNT team-up, and the one where Andros had to protect a baby alien. Overall, PRIS is worthy of praise, and one of the few Power Ranger seasons that can actually be taken seriously with a straight face.

Overall Rating = 9/10 (Excellent)
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Quite easily the best Power Rangers season ever made!
I loved the MMPR series; it was cheesy, but a nostalgic classic of my childhood. Power Rangers Zeo and Turbo weren't nearly as good as the first three seasons, but they're both decent and enjoyable. Personally, I think that this is easily the best Power Rangers season made on television. Sure, it ended the Zordon era, but it doesn't matter. The story lines and the concept are very compelling and the two-part finale is very emotional which I'll admit I did shed some tears out. The characters are likable and the villains including Astronema, Dark Spector and Ecliptor are menacing. The morphing sequences are great and the music is pretty good too, but I think the strongest aspect goes to the megazord fight sequences. They're fantastic to watch just like the other megazord sequences from the previous seasons.

Overall, I still love MMPR, but PRIS surpasses it as the best season ever made on television. This deserves a thumbs up from me!
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Best Power Ranger series ever!
Tenchi6458924 April 2003
I've liked Power Rangers up until Turbo... had I known that the following series would make up for it, I would have continued watching.

This has one of the best (If not, THE BEST) plot of all Power Rangers series!

I'll admit that I liked pretty much all incarnations of Power Rangers, but in retrospect, MMPR was kind of hackney, Zeo just didn't do anything for me, and Turbo was just terrible. Of course, now they've made things more plot oriented with the help of this series.

The Andros/Astronema subplot was great.

This series also had a great ending 2 - parter, "Countdown To Destruction," which was very well - done.

If you don't like Power Rangers anymore, at least give Power Rangers in Space a chance... after you see that, try watching the rest and notice a pattern of well - directed, well - scripted action.

(For the whole family, anyway.)
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Greatest Rangers Ever!!!!!!!!!
Joker22529 November 2006
Power Rangers In Space clearly is the best installment in series of all time and deserve another season its brilliant. The Acting Is A one and the cast is good with the mix of incredible story telling and skilled directing made this installment untouchable. Space deserves another run and possibly a film of these superb power rangers installment they should set an example of how power rangers are supposed to be grade A. Power Rangers in Space brought the series to the height of its power only it was short lived the series since space have taken a drastic shift for the worse that may be a Irreversible Synopsis under Disney. From the beginning to the end space left you on the edge hungry for more and more of the superb story telling that made them so unique from the others all in all space is by far the most dramatic and real rangers of all time. Space is forever missed and they deserve another run
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Power Rangers Goes to the Dark Side (In A Good Way)
donmccullen-117 November 2002
Beginning with this Power Ranger series. Power Rangers moves more towards some serious story writing, although it does not show up at first.

Four of the five turbo rangers team up with a space power ranger named Andros who has witness the great evil that is about to come upon the whole universe. Andros is not crazy about his new partners at first but the eventually make a great team to fight this great evil headed by the Dark Spector. His number one servant is Astronema an evil young women who Andros discovers to be his long lost sister who was kidnapped by evil forces and groomed to take part in the universal scheme of the Spector.

Now the stakes have risen for the Space Rangers. Save the universe and save Astronema from the evil she has become.

Power Rangers In Space gets to a rocky start it does pick up the pace and leads to a great climax at the end. Future Power Ranger series will try to out due this one.

Best one to do it? The 2001 PR series "Time Force."
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Excellent series
storm12-16 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing a disappointing Turbo season, Power Rangers in Space is perhaps one of the best seasons to ever come out. Every about this show just settled in. TJ, Cassie, Ashley, and Carlos were out of the shadows of Tommy's gang and they can finally show themselves as true rangers. Also, Andros really makes a real good impression as leader of the rangers. Even the villains make good impressions. Astronema becomes a great villain...twice, and Ecliptor is perhaps the best general in any ranger series. Also seeing the cameo appearance, including Justin/Blue Turbo ranger, Adam/Black ranger, and even the Ninja Turtles, make the show very exciting. Also, the season finales are not only the best ever, but also probably the best episodes of Power Rangers ever!
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Power Rangers Blasting Off
hellraiser71 August 2015
Out of all of the "Power Raingers" series this is my favorite one. In a way this show was sort of the final bow to the original "Power Rangers" saga or what some would all the Zordon era.

What I really loved about this series was that it was taking the next step in the franchise by actually having a good and developing plot line as well as characters that develop and struggle both physically and psychologically. It was a risky move but a great move and believe it or not it was one I was waiting for the franchise to make.

The effects and the fights with them are cool as usual. Along with the music and the theme song was good, slightly unique from the original. But what really made this stand out was in the characters and story.

I love that this show goes a dark direction and at some points takes a really unfun turn, that was another risky move and it was a good one. It was something I never expected in a "Power Rangers" show because most of the time they always win, but here they don't always win. Which I felt made the conflict between both sides seem more equal, you really felt at times things could go either way or shift the balance. This really made me care whether the Rangers won or lost because it really felt like it mattered.

The characters are great, four stand out the most to me. Andros believe it or not, he's my favorite Red Rainger because I felt he was the most emotionally conflicted. He is not just overly burdened in protecting both earth and the galaxy but also the fact that Astronoma whom is one of the main villains is his sister makes it all the more complicated, and really makes you feel for this guy, it really shows how much loss this guy had to endure and your worried how much more he might have to endure.

Ashley she's my favorite Yellow Ranger. The actress that plays he is hot and has the persona to boot. Really like the chemistry between both Andros and her it was genuine, I like that she's a bit of a rock to him. I like that there is this suspenseful build up in the budding romance between the two, I was constantly hopping one or the other will come out with it.

Zane is cool, I like the fact the actor sort of looks like a young Brad Pitt which is cool just seeing the possibility if Brad ever did a Power Rangers show. The guy's got a lot of energy, he is capable of command, tough, he's got solid charisma. Even liked that little subplot with him actually having feelings for Astronama/Carona in a few episodes which I found both funny and kinda sweet; I'm down with that I myself am attracted to bad girls, and both have a solid back and forth. I wish they did more with that which I'll admit is the only weak point in the show. But that subplot might have caused an imbalance in plot lines so I'll let it slide.

Astronema/Carona I really like, she's probably my favorite Power Rangers villain because the most three dimensional. Really liked the actress that plays her she's cute and kinda hot, she definitely look great with that purple wig on in the latter episodes. She got a lot of menace and charisma, but despite what she does I don't hate her. Because I knew she wasn't entirely doing it at her own free will, she's really a puppet in someone's scheme which makes her somewhat sympathetic because her own life has been stolen from her and that also all the more reason you want the good guys to win.

Power Rangers in Space blasts off and flies high.

Rating: 4 stars
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I love this season!!!
xgray-0387323 September 2016
This season still holds up to this day. The acting is alright, the action is great, and the story elements for the second wave of the former Turbo Rangers, now being the Space Rangers are perfect. The Psycho Rangers are still my favorite group of Power Rangers villains, Astronema, Ecliptor, Darkonda and Dark Specter are also among my favorite villains among this season. And yes, Bulk and Skull's story-arc finally comes to a close, in an epic way.

I would highly recommend this season, for only newcomers that would want to know more about the existing history of the earlier seasons of the Saban-era. But, if you'd already seen the previous seasons before in Space, then you would feel more appreciated to respect and honor the established history from 1993-1998.

Overall, I really love this season!!!

A perfect 10 out of 10.

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Disney, get off your butt and release this on DVD already !
lexiguy4 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I fell in love with this show and Melody Perkins when they both premiered back in 1998. The first time I gazed upon Melody Perkins, I fell in love with this woman. That hair, those eyes, that nose, the breasts, the hips, the butt, the legs. Wowza! If this woman turns lesbian, humanity is doomed. We'll all on this miserable little planet be spared some beautiful children out of her. With the right man. I'm anti-semitic. I know, I live in a small hick town in America that nobody's heard of and I'm anti-semitic. You all reading this might think me a redneck and you're right. I'm not alone. There are millions of white men who will never set foot in Hollywood, yet one Jewish actress, like a Jennifer Jason Leigh, catches their eye. Reminds you of Ralph Feinnes in Schindler's List, huh? If Melody's Jewish, I'm down. I simply can't love another woman on God's green Earth. I know I'll die an old man without getting some, but I speak the truth. Back to the show. The Power Rangers have a bunch of adventures in outer space. Their arch-enemies are Astronema and Ecliptor, who work for a metaphor of Satan in the form of Dark Spector. A conflict arises. Astronema and Ecliptor disobey Dark Spector, who has his other henchman Darkonda torture them with a spiked spinning tool,converting and brainwashing them both. Now with circuity on the sides of their faces, the now obediant Astronema and Ecliptor unleash the Power Ranger clones The Psycho Rangers on the heroes of this show. I'm not to going to say any more. I don't want to spoil the fun for those who haven't seen it. The show turns up once in a blue moon on Toon Disney. Check the listings for TV. Disney, get off your butt and release this on DVD(they own the rights), before DVD goes the way of Beta, VHS, and the 8 track tape. Otherwise, we the fans will be in we want this on homeownership so anytime we can watch it hell. Adam West's Batman, anyone? Back to Melody Perkins. Melody, if your reading this, I sent my address and phone number to you in the mail thru your talent agency. Will you marry me?
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Better Than Before
wesjordao55721 April 2002
In 1993 almost everyone liked the Power Rangers, but then everyone started to hate it when they started adding new things. I liked Power Rangers ever since it first came on TV. Now Power Rangers in Space is even better then the last shows (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo). The episodes are better and the show is even darker. I think if everyone who hates the Power Rangers should give them one more chance by watching Power Rangers in Space.
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Pretty good season
FinisherDude27 May 2020
I'll admit I had a good time watching this. It's better than most shows I saw so far (on Jungle Fury as we speak), overall the story is great, good characters and good writing. I pretty much like most of the episodes in the show, the show is actually fun to watch. I recommend watching if you starting to watch Power Rangers
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Best since the original Power Rangers!
ShelbyTMItchell23 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Probably one of the best shows of the series. As I thought it has definitely been credited for saving the Power Rangers franchise. Space was to be the last PR ever. But it saved the show thanks to great story lines as well as mostly original footage and not Japanese footage. After the Turbo Rangers of Ashley, Carlos, Cassie, and TJ lost their powers and kid ranger Justin stayed behind to have time with his dad. They meet the first part-alien/part-human ranger in Andros, no last name. Trying to get his sister Karone, now the evil Astronomia(Great villain since Lord Zedd and/or Rita Repulsa), back to the good side. Andros doesn't accept them at first preferring to work alone but ultimately learns teamwork. The earth rangers learn space from him as Andros learns about the earth culture he is unfamiliar with at first. Great season and great story lines that saved the franchise!
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Second best!
bandit_92131 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second best Power Rangers ever, second only to MMPR. The story plot is amazing. Many say that Tommy was the greatest Power Ranger ever, but I think Andros is. I mean, he saved the entire galaxy! I especially liked Countdown to Destruction. This came out when i was about 7 years old so, at first I really didn't get Countdown to Destruction. But as I got older and read some of my older cousins' DC crisis on infinite earths comics, i realized Countdown to destruction did the same thing for power rangers that Crisis on Infinite Earths did for DC. This was the last great power rangers. After this everything just got boring.
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Power Rangers as Space Opera
bffishe-665681 April 2019
Power Rangers in Space set itself apart from previous seasons in pursuing more nuanced and more adult-themed story lines. As others have mentioned, the villains in this season did not so easily fit into caricatures of "evil" that were presented in MMPR, Zeo, and Turbo. The writing as well as the production quality in "In Space" very much exceeded that of previous (and subsequent) seasons. I actually felt connected to all of the ranger characters, and there was, of course, no shortage of handsome men in the cast - Selwyn Ward, Justin Nimmo, Roger Velasco. But Astronema's story arc perhaps provided the most intriguing element to this season.

Power Rangers in Space aired in 1998/1999 when I was about 11 or 12. At this age, it really wasn't considered "cool" to like the show anymore - but I watched it any way. In Space's more intelligent writing made it incredibly enjoyable to watch. I continued watching with the next season Lost Galaxy but kind of lost interest in subsequent seasons. The themes just became so tired and the production became garish in a way that couldn't even manage to be campy in manner similar to the Mighty Morphin seasons.
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The Best
spaceran26 December 1998
Power Rangers In Space is the first PR series where there is a real plot. EATHAN claims it sucks. But obviously, he doesn't know what he is talking about. This show is the best. Great action, great plot.
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Best Power Rangers ever!!
cmd-2552719 May 2019
Its not close, this is the most well put together season. This installment of power rangers is so deep, with multiple storylines, plot twists and shifts, character development both for hero and villain and a slue if villains some fresh and some familiar. No other Power Rangers season comes close to this masterpiece!!!
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Improvement Over Turbo
jeremycrimsonfox31 January 2021
While Power Rangers Turbo was a failure due to being more corny and containing a lot of elements that made fans angry (like a kid becoming a ranger and the infamous Passing The Torch two-parter), Power Rangers In Space is seen by most of the fandom as the series that saved the franchise. Beginning where the final episode of Power Rangers Turbo left off, four of the Rangers (Justin staying behind due to moving away from Angel Grove) have blasted off into space to Eltar, the home planet of Zordon. Meanwhile, Divatox is attending a party with the villains of the past two seasons, alongside Astronema, a new villain, as Dark Specter, the grand monarch of evil, and the official main antagonist for this series, has announced Zordon's capture and is draining him of his strength. However, there was a spy in the form of Andros, a human from the planet KO-35 who is also a Red Ranger. The other rangers meet him after their shuttle docks with his base of operations, the Astro Megaship, and with some convincing, Andros gives T.J., Carlos, Ashey, and Cassie new morphers to aid in the rescue of Zordon.

Adapted from Dejni Sentai Megaranger, due it being electronics-themed than space-themed, Saban had to do a lot of their own scenes to make it fit (which would also be done with Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, which was adapted from the nature-themed Seijuu Sentai Gingaman). The final Power Rangers season of what is known to the fan base as "The Zordon Era", not only does it fix some of the problems Power Rangers Turbo had, but it also ties up some loose ends. Justin is replaced with Andros, who serves as the new red ranger leading the team (although Justin does return for one episode to help out), and Bulk and Skull are still comic relief, this time, being joined by Professor Phenomenus, an absent-minded professor who is on the search for alien life, and is a perfect replacement for Lt. Stone, as he also gets into hilarious misadventures with the duo. Also, appearances of allies and villains from Mighty Morphin', Zeo, and Turbo, also make appearances (one episodes has Adam, played by Johnny Yong Bosch, return for an episode as well, and even morph into the Black Mighty Morphin' Ranger for a while).

The show has some good episodes with good morals (one episode, The Wasp With A Heart, shows a monster that is not evil, but is being forced to destroy the Power Rangers by another one) and while it does have some stinkers (like the crossover episode with Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, a show a lot of people want to pretend never existed in the first place), but it did introduce some new concepts that would show up in future seasons (the most prominent being the Battlizer armor, as well as the ideaof evil rangers who don't become good in the form of the Psycho Rangers, who have a story arc near the end of the series), along with a more serious setting and better writing, and Power Rangers in Space is a good way to end a saga, as well as save the franchise from cancellation.
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Easily Top 5 Favorite Power Rangers Shows.
bradgranz-7756621 September 2022
Power Rangers In Space is a pretty great show with some pretty great performances from Christopher Khayman Lee Tracy Lynn Cruz Patricia Ja Lee Selwyn Ward Roger Velasco and fun over the top performance from Melody Perkins.

And even though they ain't in it a whole lot I still did enjoy scenes with Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy and I thought they were pretty funny together.

I also thought the action sequences were pretty entertaining and I thought 2 part series finale was awesome, especially the score by Haim Saban.

Now if you don't mind a few scenes with outdated special effects and a few scenes where buildings look like toys.

I think you will enjoy this show especially if your power rangers fan.
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Ques Lewis story power rangers in space
lewisques8 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My favorite power ranger is pink ranger is Cassie so beautiful and kind Iam so ready for in a relationship with her she is pink ranger i need a morph my favorite color is red join team ranger so happy right now my little brother Justin join two and Carlos TJ Ashley you are my team leader save the earth.
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Arguably the best season as of 2003
Hephaistion20 October 2003
For veteran Ranger fans, this series was the culmination of six years of an entire universe in itself. Following "Space", future seasons would be separate series in themselves, connected only to previous seasons by guest appearances of previous Rangers for one or two episodes.

"Space" was the final bow to the legacy of the early '90s. The powerless Turbo Rangers (minus Justin, gratefully) form the last continuous link to previous seasons by teaming up with Andros, who is by far one of the best written Red Rangers ever (aside from 'Whole Damn Show Tommy'). The brief appearance of a new Silver Ranger (a colour many fans had been waiting to see since Gold Zeo) added some new spice to the lineup.

But solid storywriting is what made this series come out on top. The writers were able to link the past with the present, give the villainess Astronema a deep connection to the Rangers instead of a paper cutout evil bitch role, and made viewers develop sympathy for both the good and evil sides. Spry and sweet Karone, once out of those ghastly coloured wigs, won the hearts of many fans as a villain of real substance who was worth turning good, akin only to Tommy. For a childrens' show it was an incredibly dark moment to see Karone manipulated into her cyborg form, no doubt a bow to the Borg of Star Trek, but still chilling.

The series also tied up all the loose ends of the past by reuniting all previous villains under a mastermind, Dark Specter, who not only desired to rule the universe but also bore vendetta against his own henchmen. The final episode arc saw the restoration of the universe and the elimination of all previous villains with one of the greatest sacrifices of the Ranger saga.

With the possible exception of "Time Force", no future Power Rangers series could ever rival "Space" in terms of depth or intrigue. With the Space Rangers left the legacy.
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Melody Perkins is a remarkable astronema.
gabethedinosaur8 March 2021
Melody was brilliant as astronema . Disney choose the perfect actress for power Rangers and that incredible makeup and hair was just outstanding. I hope Disney does a power Rangers in space backstory of how Karone got separated from androse.
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