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D'accord. "Powerful and disturbing Gothic" is right.
Grand9 December 1998
We were still talking about this three days after seeing it. So many questions are left unanswered that it is easy to see why studio executives chickened out and didn't hype this as a major theatrical release: they probably decided that Little Boy Blue it is too challenging to the "lowest common denominator" mindset which THEY have created among American movie-goers.

One wonders if Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds would have been released by an American studio nowadays; we think probably not -- some idiot would think that American audiences wouldn't understand, appreciate or care to see a movie which leaves ANY questions unanswered at the end, let alone one which leaves open as many questions as does Little Boy Blue.

Bah! Make a challenging movie and the audience will rise to meet the challenge. Little Boy Blue surely ranks among the most intellectually challenging movies of all time; decades from now film students will probably be writing dissertations about the cryptic symbolism of the book kept in the clothesline pole or the name of Jimmy's dog! This is not to suggest that the movie is an all-time great, but it certainly works on many more levels than that of Ryan Phillippe humping someone in the station wagon.

A Ryan Phillippe movie which forces the viewer to think! No wonder he found it so challenging: directors have had him playing blond pretty boys for so long that he probably had a difficult time portraying a character who is as savvy and insightful as he himself is in real life.
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Unsettling Family Squabbles, Teen Angst, Surprisingly Gripping
museumofdave27 February 2013
This fascinatingly dark film is a minor gem, teetering on the edge of film noir, a grim tale about a family with more secrets than a sixth grade school kid; as part of the set up, the viewer is lured into thinking this a simple teen angst film, with unhappy. misunderstood Ryan Phillippe gloomy, moody and in need of a girlfriend; close attention, however, reveals much more going on with his dysfunctional family than first appears, with more than one twisted secret to be uncovered--and one is a stunner! Incredibly vivid photography captures the seedy side of trashy lifestyles, a local bar not unlike a joint from Twin Peaks, the squalid insides of unkempt trailers and the edge of a scummy country pond where the kids play; all the actors are especially committed, and two young actors bond in amazingly vivid ways with older brother Jimmy (Phillippe)--this odd film not what one expects, but it delivers some creepy answers to the title's choice: Little Boy Blue.
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JThomas-222 December 1999
This movie is not Hitchcock, but it is really good filmmaking. I loved the twist at the end and the acting was really well done - not great - but well done. Ryan Phillipe is really talented and I thought he gave a very good performance, in a difficult role. I have recommended this film to many of my friends.
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Haunting family study and mystery
Mike S-316 March 1999
Little Boy Blue is a difficult-to-review dichotomy of a movie. It continually pairs brilliant film-making with portions that one would expect from a straight-to-video release.

The movie starts off quickly establishing its heavy sexual content and unusual family relationships. The alcoholic, Vietnam veteran father played by John Savage is a fierce, detestable character meant to be feared by all but his inexplicably devoted wife played by Kinski (what does she see in him?). Savage's character is effective but could have given us more understanding of why he became who he is.

Savage spares no family member his brutality and cruelty. Oldest son Jimmy (Ryan Phillippe) receives even more denigration than his two younger brothers. The tension as Savage and Phillippe both realize that Jimmy's now reaching the age where he may be able to stand up to Savage and therefore threaten his dominance over the family is brilliantly played.

Phillippe's performance is light-years past any of his others. He steals the movie with his torn-character-- wanting to escape his hellish father, but fearing what will happen to his mother and even more so his two young brothers if he leaves. This debate is layered even more into his relationship with his girlfriend and the possibility of leaving for college with his great baseball talent.

Jimmy's desperate need for love and yet difficulty of being able to love after his nightmarish upbringing makes for captivating viewing. In one sense, though, he has already found it in the wonderfully-shown love he has for his two brothers. It is one of the most tender brother relationships one will find on the screen and clearly the heart of the entire movie.

The mystery and plot-turns are much more hit-and-miss than the relationships. Some are well-conceived and timely unveiled, but others make one scratch his head and wonder what was the point of that? One wonders if too much was left on the cutting room floor or if the movie was dumped into video stores with little thought.

Such instances include the dramatic recognition by the mail-carrier of the police patrolman that leads to ... nothing. In fact, the mail-carrier's role seems to be too large for such little payoff. And what is the point of the forced-statements at gunpoint by Mrs. Knight?

Overall, the role of the police in the movie is the least-developed. Various implications are made in vague, unfulfilled ways. Are the police attempting a cover-up or are they simply negligent in their investigation? And why all the time spent on Nate Carr's attempt to get in on more action at the police department?

Little Boy Blue has more flaws than one would like, but it so perfectly handles the complicated relationships at the center of the story that you can't help but love this movie. It will at once move you to tears of sorrow, fits of empathetic anger, and hopes of peaceful love.

A warning, though; this movie is full of sex and is worse in that regard than most R-movies. However, this is central to the plot and not superfluous.

Here is the irony: many go to see Phillippe's body in cheaper, low-brow movies. They will likely miss this one-- which surely shows more of Phillippe than any of his others-- but which for the first time shows the possibility of a coming actor. And, in at least my opinion, finally puts Phillippe in a quality movie-- one you won't soon forget.

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Texas Gothic
Lechuguilla27 January 2011
Although interesting in retrospect, the film is made confusing in the first half owing to a difficult plot structure. Character motivations and relationships are not at all easy to figure out. A youthful Jimmy West (Ryan Phillippe) lives with his mom Kate (Nastassja Kinski) and dad Ray (John Savage) in their trashy trailer in rural Texas. Ray and Kate run a country-western bar. Two little boys also live in the same trailer. The plot gives the impression of a dysfunctional family, but the situation is actually worse than it at first seems.

This is one of those films that can be frustrating because so much remains hidden from the viewer. Explanations do come at the end, for the most part. So the viewer will need to be patient.

The main problem here is a script that needed a re-write or two. After all is revealed, I still didn't understand the motivations of Kate. A major character, one that doesn't show up until well into the film, probably needed to be introduced a little earlier in the plot. And though the two little boys are cute, too much plot time is spent on them relative to the film's underlying message.

Yet, the story premise is fairly unique, and quite stunning. Color cinematography is properly dark, consistent with the dark, menacing tone of the story. Lots of close-ups, even extreme close-ups, stress the importance of character over action. Attention to detail in production design and some good Tex-Mex music add authenticity to the contemporary setting.

Casting is acceptable. Overall acting is above average. I really liked the performance of Shirley Knight. And John Savage gives his usual intense performance.

"Little Boy Blue" conveys the message that people aren't always what they seem to be. And their secrets can negatively impact the lives of those around them. Despite some plot problems in the first half, the film is worth watching both for the acting and especially for the film's underlying premise.
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Good performances, okay story, mediocre film.
=G=23 February 2002
"Little Boy Blue" tells the story of a rural Texas trailer trash family with an abusive Vietnam vet patriarch (Savage), a teenaged son (Phillippe) who has sex with the mother (Kinski), and a pair of young sons. Laboring over one dysfunctional moment after another, this dark and ominous drama manages solid performances from a solid cast while it squanders everything on the setup and then sprints to the end in the denouement. More could have been made of the "hook" which comes off like too little, too late. A good watch for those into dark dramas about dysfunctional people and families.
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A little confusing, but it is all good.
Hunky Stud26 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't plan to write a comment, but two years have passed since the last person who wrote one for this movie. So here I am. I got this tape from a local library which was donated by a patron.

I have to say Ryan Phillippe looked really cute in this movie. The environment that his character Jimmy lives is really trashy, but he still looked cute with his sparkling innocent eyes. His presence certainly added some extra points for this movie.

I didn't read the brief description on the tape box, so I didn't know what this story is all about. To me, the movie has some confusing points at the beginning. Jimmy didn't call that guy as his dad, so I wasn't sure what their relationship was. Did Kate and Ray actually work or own that bar? Was Jimmy forced to have sex with Kate all the time? How did he become the father of those two boys without remembering? Why were there boxes in Ray's bedroom, etc? Somethings just don't make sense, how can that rich girl and Jimmy go to the same high school since they live so far apart. And why would she pay attention to him since he is so poor. And she actually went to his trashy place, tried to have sex with him? Beyond that, this is a dark and entertaining movie. It has the mystery all the way to the end, it kept me interested. I am sure that there are still people like them who live in the US even today. They have the mundane life.
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Sub-Par Southern Gothic
gbheron9 May 2001
"Little Boy Blue" is a poorly executed attempt at southern gothic. Set in white-trash Texas, "Little Boy Blue" revels in the stereotypic gothic behaviors; drunkenness, cuckoldry, incest, kidnapping, and general father-induced family violence. And of course, there are the deep, dark, family secrets that slowly ooze their way to the light of day. Sorry to say that the crew making this movie pretty much missed the mark, in my opinion. I know I'm in the minority of other IMDb commentators, but I feel that everything about the movie is sub-par; directing, story, and acting. A possible exception being John Savage in the role of the brutal, scarred father. This plows much of the same ground as "Lone Star" but to much less effect. Granted the plot to "Little Boy Blue" contains many more sordid crimes and secrets, but maybe that's part of the movie's problem. There's certainly better in the genre.
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A surprisingly complex, well-written, and well-acted drama.
Everwas24 February 2001
The primary problem with most non-mainstream films is that they fail to adhere to some of the basic cinematic elements that make films work. True, they are often interesting and provocative, but they fail in the larger sense that the film itself (not just the subject matter or content) fails to succeed for viewers.

That is not the case with "Little Boy Blue." For once, a novel premise and provocative content combine in a well-written screenplay that leaves the viewer fulfilled instead of disappointed. This film far exceeded my expectations in all areas, including the believable yet powerful acting in all of the major characters.

My major problem with the film was that the early part of the film didn't deal with (or even allude to) the overriding premise that really comes to light in the final third of the film. Additionally, the Doris Knight characterization seemed a bit unstable and her motivation in the final scenes is hard to pin down.

Still, a highly recommended film.
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Mysterious thriller
khatcher-213 September 2003
Anything which invites my intellectual capacity to keep itself geared up and working is well worthwhile, and is precisely where this film scores: you have to be well tuned in, especially in the early stages, to follow where everything is leading. In this respect, this is no ordinary film in what would be called the `noir' or thriller genre. `Little Boy Blue' is too far off the run-of-the-mill productions of this kind, precisely because it delves into psychological aspects of what some may call a dysfunctional family. Under Antonio Tibaldi's taught and intelligent directing both Ryan Phillippe and Nastassja Kinski give the best performances I have ever seen them in. But both are topped by a splendid John Savage, veteran of Viet-Nam and now alcoholic, whose reading of his rôle is simply splendid, well controlled, and in the end very convincing.

The mysteriousness which pervades in this thriller is due to it not being a straightforward dishing up of countless other similar stories dreamed up for less exiguous viewers: tactical discontinuity heightens sensibility and forces you to take note of what is going on - or at least, the part of what is going on that the film shows you. Do not get me wrong: there is no incongruity. The telling of the story is practically faultless, such that the directing and interpretation rise to the occasion.

One can argue the pros and cons of the plot, probably because the film does not follow simple formulas and models which might well make more than a few viewers lose track, but there is no denying its mysterious intentions. Surprisingly few voters on IMDb, and my vote is a little higher than at present.
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I'm with Joe on this one...
flodigarry1 June 2000
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is pretty well-acted, but the story is not original and the plot twist is not exciting.

To begin with, the story is some patchwork version of just about any of the more "shocking" plot devices you've seen in soap operas: mistaken identities, incest, murder, skeletons in the closet, etc... The only difference is that this soap opera is set in "Trailer Park, Texas."

spoilers to follow

As for the "plot twist," it's no twist at all for it revolves about something that anyone should see coming.

Throughout the whole movie the police are investigating the murder at the bar. The action involves Phillipe, Savage & Kinski, but we keep hearing about the investigation. You HAVE to know there's going to be a connection. And you HAVE to know that Savage's character is going to be proven the villain; there's no other option.

Furthermore, the reason that this movie isn't good at all,is that none of the character work comes to anything, which is to say this: The acting is fine and very believable, creating some very full, 3-dimensional characters. However, all of it is undermined by the cheezy plot device that most all the other comments on this page praise as the "marvelous plot twist."

Bluntly put, we know that Ray West is a bad man; we know that all the characters are affected negatively by him; he's already enough of a monster. Consequently, there is no need to turn him into a literal monster. It undermines him as a character, and it undermines everyone else.
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Pretty impressive movie.
Streetwolf9 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is for the adult audience, the actors do a wonderful job portraying each role, I do wish it was a little longer, but it was well thought out and very good.

The beginning of the movie is shown to the very end, where a couple in the 70's are heading towards Texas with their baby, and they unfortunately end up picking up a soldier on his way home.

Summary: The seemingly normal couple Ray and Kate West live in the outback somewhere in Texas with their 3 sons, the adult son Jimmy is a great baseball player, but doesn't seem to want to do anything in his life except be around the younger boys, who he is extremely protective over. As the movie progresses we see that there are plenty of secrets hidden within the family when Jimmy is forced to have sex with Kate at gunpoint by Ray.

At first the impression I got of the movie was that Jimmy would no doubt kill his father one day for putting him through that form of incest, but as the movie continued it started to make more sense that it wasn't entirely incest, but more a very disfunctional family who suffer from Ray's war "wounds" and are paying the price of what he had gone through.

Ryan Phillippe does a superb performance as Jimmy, the tortured and hurt young man, who wants to be with his girlfriend, but has deeper issues concerning his family. John Savage, again another excellent performance, after seeing him in Dark Angel I must admit the bad guy routine really suits him, but I wasn't really fond of Natassja Kinski's acting and character. She still ends up being the devoted wife, who loves her husband even though he puts her through hell. How weak. The younger cast, the two sons were great, really good acting!

I'd give this movie a fair 8/10 with a question mark, being we live in this day and age wouldn't a mother try to protect her sons even if it means leaving her husband? (Or shooting him? Hello?? He has a gun in the house, doesn't anyone else know how to use one?!)
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Last shot of movie?
vacaville9568824 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am confused about the last shot of the movie. The close up of the rusted container. Did that have some meaning? I found the movie interesting and disturbing. The acting was well done. After reading many of the comments on this movie I agree there are many questions left unanswered. I assume that was the director's intent. Or as one writer said the result of questionable editing. I would recommend this movie to my friends but with a warning that it is hard to watch. I think it might actually trigger some post traumatic stress in someone who has been abused. Please respond if you have thoughts about the last shot of the movie. Thanks
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Gritty- yet clumsy and in the end, goes nowhere
dilbertsuperman23 May 2006
Little boy blue is a blonde haired young man who lives with his trailer trash family out in the middle of nowhere, down south. His mom works at a bar and his dad does the classic haunted dysfunctional Viet Nam vet role. THere are random stabs of violence and the macabre but it's not cohesive and the movie has little impact because it's such an unlikely story that was attempted to be told for no particular reason that I can fathom.

I don't think they had any idea on how to shift gears in this movie and as such the shifts are extremely clumsy.

The way this story is told is inept and dull and the editing is poor with the pacing of the scenes. This is a pointless plot that can't seem to represent any of its' plot elements believably.

One thing I noticed that was funny:

When a woman is being questioned by police she is given Texas beer and she asks for Sam Adams instead. In the next camera shot she is drinking Heineken and there is no Texas beer or Sam Adams anywhere in the room. Bizarre.

Ryan Phillipe is the main character and he's pretty annoyingly androgynous here, I was kind of hoping his back street boys character would die painfully. He does a much better job in "Five Fingers" and "Igby Goes Down".
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Blue Boy Comes Of Age
jess-1210 August 2000
A boy named Jimmy West (Phillippe), who longs for a better life, learns some harsh realities about his existence. After years of dealing with an abusive and sexually disturbed "father" (Savage) and being protector to his "mother" (Kinski) and younger brothers, he is given a chance by his wealthy girlfriend to get away. The only problem is, guilt, love and fear for his family makes him stay. Upon realizing Jimmy is growing up and has been snooping around where he shouldn't, his father decides its time to reveal some startling news to him. The shocking news makes Jimmy more desperate than ever to tear himself and his family away from his father before something worse happens. At the same time, a woman named Doris (Knight) appears in town, and she reveals to the police why she is searching for the West family. The police lend their help, but she ultimately takes matters into her own hands when she shows up at the West's trailer. The ending is not at all what one would expect and many questions are left unanswered, leaving the viewer wishing for more explanation.

I was sorry to see that this movie was not highly publicized because I thought the acting was intense by all. Having forgotten that I first saw Phillippe (along with John Savage) in "White Squall", this was really the first time I saw him in a leading role and, might I say, what a performer he is. As for Savage and Kinski, one of the reasons I watched this movie was to see them together again as I had enjoyed them so much in "Maria's Lovers". It was nice to see the chemistry still there. Admittedly, some of the sex scenes are a bit harsh and you need to see this movie more than once to really understand it, but don't let that stop you from seeing it at all.
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OMG such good actors in such crap
phd_travel28 February 2019
What on earth were fine actors like Jon Savage, Natasha Kinski, Shirley Knight and Ryan Phillippe doing in this distasteful story? Shocking. The plot is so awful. Forced incest murder they use white trash as an excuse to have a garbage story.
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Dark, Disturbing, & Strangely Haunting
marks-245 October 2001
If you're in the mood for lighthearted escapism you've got the wrong flick. If on the other hand you'd like to be entertained with a great dark/disturbing story with plot twists that are done in very original ways, "Little Boy Blue" will more than satisfy!

Everyone in this picture did a superb job and I do mean everyone, writers, directors, music, lighting, sets, etc. Ryan Phillippe does more than hold his own in this dark tale in fact he shines!

This is a disturbingly haunting movie that I've watched several times, and I don't do that often. So, if you like your entertainment on the gritty side of reality snag this one for your library.
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Loose ends abound
klc-1617 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film for the acting.. Philippe and Savage are very convincing and creepy. And the two young kids are very natural.

HOwever... there are so many loose ends that I can't really give it more than 5, even if it held my attention til the end.

SPOILERS!!! It takes three cops to move the Volkswagon van... how did Savage manage that all by himself? Why did the mother stay with a man who was Savage (pun!) and violent? There is absolutely no reason given for her to love him or be supportive. Background should have been added to this.

The two kids have just lost their mother and father, but they don't seem to be at all upset about it. They go to sleep in the cop's car and when they wake up it's as if it were just another day. On top of that, when they go to see Philippe in the hospital, he is covered in blood, almost half dead, and again their reactions are far too calm and controlled. This isn't the fault of the actors, rather of the direction and writing.

Since when would a woman whose husband is killed and her baby stolen ONLY go to the military and no-one else for 8 years?!! There was absolutely NO scenes in the movie where we got a sense that the mother EVER spent any time looking after the fact, except as a plot device, her existence didn't seem to matter at all; She's just THERE... to f*ck or to hand out beers, but we never get the sense of a CARING woman towards her children... except to Ryan.

The mailman and the young cop seem to be added as afterthoughts, mainly for Philippe to give us some information...but even though they seem suspicious neither of them really get developed.

IN the end, the film intrigues and disappoints in equal measure.
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Like it or not, you'll remember it
paranoidcentral13 July 2002
Little Boy Blue had me transfixed the entire time, wondering about this and that, and the final climax is startling and surprising. You think you've got it figured out, but then something (rather, someone) comes along and everything gets turned upside down.

I watched this three days ago and still can't get it out of my head. It was, as far as I can remember, the most disturbing movie I've ever watched and when I started doing some math in my head the next day, I got very, very queasy. I think this film was well acted and well made, even though certain things could have been improved. When the movie finishes you might get caught, like me, stuck between wanting to watch it again with a fresh perspective and being too hesitant to re-watch some of those scenes.

John Savage is convincing in his role as the father, you try (it's not a big effort, but it's there) not to sympathize with him and I feel you'll succeed since he is one twisted fellow. Ryan Phillippe is the title character and the story's center, but he doesn't have as much to say, it seems, as other characters. He perfects the role, though, he does an excellent and very truthful job of it. The mother, well, I disagree with the actress' portrayal of her, but I understand it. I think it should have been different, though. You sympathize with her too much and when the movie's over with and you start 'doing the math', like me, you might be left feeling quite a bit less sympathetic. Oh, and the two boys do a fantastic acting job. Those are some good child actors there. The plot is full of twists and keeps you hooked, but it does drag on a little if you're convinced you know what's going on and there's no surprise or point in watching other than to be wigged out. Believe me, it pays off. But you won't be able to figure out what's what until it's over, and then you still might be wondering about certain motivations, and well, numbers.

It isn't for the faint of heart. My mother, I know, would have a heart attack if she watched it. I recomend it, if you've got a strong stomach and a bit of patience. It's worth watching twice (kind of like The Sixth Sense, how the movie is in a new light on the second viewing), it'll have your wheels spinning. If anything can be said about's unique, original and interesting...and certainly affecting.
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hdtgm material
sinead-v11 April 2022
So for whatever reason somebody put this movie in a Stephen King collection, I wasn't familiar with this title but figured it could be a short story and decided to just go in blind. I kept wondering when I would have that "ahhhh, there's Stephen" moment as I watched, it didn't come. After the credits I googled and saw many other people did the same, I'm not mad I watched it as Ryan was looking fine and I like bad movies.
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The Most Amazing-Underrated Film Ever
PeterPie31 August 1999
I am a huge fan of Ryan Phillippe. He has been my idol for forever (visit my website on him: Anyway, I was in Suncoast one day and it was on sale, so I decided to buy it and check it out. It was the best choice of my film-oriented life. It is such an amazing film. It captures modern-society so well, its frightening. Everyone gives amazing performances. At times disturbing, but realistic. The realism is what is the scariest part about it. Everyone says that about "Blair Witch", but come on, who HONESTLY liked it. If you find this video in the store, buy it or rent it. You will not regret it.

P.S.- This movie is a very shocking and disturbing movie. It is aimed at an adult audience.
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not very good
MarcelB-27 March 1999
I didn't like this movie. There were a lot of elements that could have been left out. Like why did they bring in his great pitching if they weren't going to tie it in more at the end? Or why did that lady make them say those weird things before they were shot? And come on, how long was he underground before they found him?
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Modern day Southern Gothic
blueapples24 September 2006
This is one of those Southern Gothic flicks involving family secrets in a small town with characters and events that make your skin crawl, yet you just can't stop watching. About halfway through you'll think you've got it all figured out but one or two of the revelations towards the end will probably take you by surprise.

Ryan Phillippe does an outstanding job, showing that even early in his career he was more than a pretty face, as does Nastassja Kinski, who I guess also shows she was more than a pretty face. (As for John Savage, he can probably phone in this kind of role by now.) One quirky aspect of the script is that various characters will be just about to learn something important when the scene will cut away .. leaving you, the viewer, in the dark. It comes dangerously close to being an annoyance, but the upside is that this allows the final act to spring its surprises all the more effectively.

I appreciated that the ending was more hopeful than I'd expected, partly because I thought I'd figured things out but was proved wrong. Had this been directed by someone like David Lynch it would probably have been a masterpiece. Nonetheless, even if it doesn't rise to that level it is certainly a film that holds your attention and keeps you guessing until the end. More than a "B movie" .. maybe a B+.
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This movie is frankly, not good.
Movieman-13311 October 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Contains minor hints/spoilers

I must say, the other reviews here are misleading. This movie is very bad. It is not thrilling and it doesn't make much sense. Why did Ryan's girlfriend stop by the pond and drop the fish there. Why did they make such a big deal about a fish. What about the pitching and the secret places that

were hidden and concealed with a baseball. What really happened with the death of that man from the beginning restaurant scene. What was the significance of Jimmy being called Little Boy Blue? Why in the world did that "mother" stay with that evil man. What were reasons and motives? Why did Phillip and that lady have sex while that evil" father" watched. Why did that lady have those ridiculous saying while she killed that innocent blonde. Come on, the characters aside from Ryan were one dimensional and the film looked and felt really cheap. And what did Ryan feel about his relationship with his "mother". Did he know the truth about his real mother. And how long did he spend there underground. What will Ryan do now. I don't think that mother blonde had one intelligent line, one revealing line, or one interesting comment. Her only talent might have been her so- so looks. The film is slow moving and not very gripping. It is not that disturbing either. Watch this movie only for an appealing performance by Phillipe(and the sex scenes involving him), but not even he can save this dud. No wonder why it is so unheard of and unpopular. 5 out of ten. Hugely dissapointing.
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Takes one's breath away! Original & Heartfelt.
AdaDee25 January 2000
A real cinematic gem that unfortunately got little notice. Start with a total evolving original story by the writer, a director not afraid of hurting his chances with a big studio film and portrayals by John Savage & Ryan Phillippe, and this film adds up to one movie one might find hard to forget nor would one want to. "Little Boy Blue" blows the lid off of conventional story ideas and keeps one on the edge of their seats. It's unpredictable, scary, even funny at times but oh-so rewarding. It's kinda like "Blue Velvet", "The Great Santini" and that tv movie "Something About Amelia" from many years ago. I recommend it not only once as a rental but maybe two or three times because each viewing seems to show you a little something extra to put the pieces together in this suspenseful drama. I still can't believe hardly no one's heard of it in this day and age. I recommended it always to friends. Note: It has a couple of young characters but it's not for l
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