Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (TV Movie 1997) Poster

(1997 TV Movie)

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Cute movie for your kids
musiqmmker26 August 2001
This movie is cute for one of those nights with the kids. It is a clean movie that the whole family can enjoy. Of course it is not the kind of movie you would see win any awards or get any real recognition but it is enjoyable and a nice movie for families to watch.
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Enjoyable family fun!
Entertainment-Buff30 July 2018
Enjoyable family film from Disney. I like movies of many different genres, from supernatural thrillers to the classics. This pleasant film reminded me of one of the Disney films from the 1960s with a simple premise. Good use of computer graphics to create a "giant" cockroach and a Daddy longlegs. Recommended for age 6 and up.
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Well, yeah, it was silly, but it was meant to be that way
Smells_Like_Cheese8 November 2006
The Honey, I Shrunk the Kids franchise was a huge deal and not to mention very famous. I loved Honey, I shrunk the Kids when I was little. It was an original story and had such an exciting plot! The sets were so amazing and the cast seemed like they enjoyed each other's company. Now Honey, I blew up the kid was pretty stupid, so I think they wanted to go back to the story that everyone loved.

Basically, Adam is a little more grown up now and the mom's are going on vacation to leave their husbands with their children. But when Wayne's favorite item is threatened for the garbage, he wants to shrink it and keep it, but he and his brother get in the way. But when the wives come back after forgetting to give some meds to their son, they get caught in the machine as well, leaving the kids in the house alone!

The plot is silly, but like I said, it was just a family film that I think some might get a kick out of. The original Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is the best, I think everyone could agree. The third one wasn't so bad, I would recommend this one at least over Honey, I Blew Up the Kid movie, it was at least a little more fun.

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Bored_Dragon7 November 2020
After a pretty good "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" (1989) and a mediocre, but acceptable sequel "Honey, I Blew Up the Kid" (1992), Rick Moranis returns in the third film to drive the last nail into the coffin of the franchise. The film only lasts a few minutes over an hour, but even that is too long considering the amount of original ideas it brings. "Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves!" only rehashes ideas from the first film in a slightly different arrangement, totally unoriginal, unimaginative and humorless, with predominantly embarrassingly bad effects. Except for Rick, all the actors are replaced, and if he had been smart, he wouldn't have replayed the role either. Acceptable for children, but not for parents, unless you are really interested in seeing fourteen-year-old Mila Kunis in one of her first movie appearances.

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Honey, I'm blowing up this movie
The_Light_Triton23 July 2014
While the 1989 & 1992 Honey movies were enough to be satisfactory, The 3rd and final one in the series just sucks the life out of the series and makes me want to lose my cookies.

In this one, Wayne Szalinski is preparing the machine for display at the Smithsonian institute. Unfortunately, He also has a little momento his wife wants him to rid - the Tiki man. After thinking to shrink the Tiki man with the machine after promising not to use it again, Wayne accidentally shrinks himself and his relative. and when their wives return home because of a bunch of potassium pills, they shrink too, and so begins a miniaturized adventure through the szalinski home.

Sadly, only one original cast member returned - Rick Moranis. And he looked like he didn't care at all. Almost every scene he did felt more phoned-in than anything. All the other actors are re-casts.

On another note, this was one of famous actress Mila Kunis's first roles, as a party girl. That's really all this movie really has going for it.

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This is not the worst sequel I have seen, but it was sadly pretty awful.
TheLittleSongbird27 September 2010
I liked Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Honey I Blew Up the Kid and the Disneyland 3D attraction Honey I Shrunk the Audience, but I didn't like this film. And part of the reason why is because I found it unnecessary pretty much. I wanted to like it, but I found too many problems in order to enjoy it. That said it is not the worst sequel ever like Home Alone 4 or Superbabies:Baby Geniuses 2, and Rick Moranis does at least try hard to still maintain the likable character he created in the other movies. But really, it is strictly direct-to-DVD, and regrettably it isn't good really...at all. The problems primarily lie in the predictable story, the leaden direction, the repetitive gags and the awful script, while the rushed camera work, lacking acting(with exception of Moranis) and forgettable soundtrack don't help matters either. In conclusion, for me this was disappointing and not recommended. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Not bad. Better than the second one.
TOMNEL8 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Stars: Rick Moranis, Eve Gordon, Stuart Pankin, Bug Hall, Allison Mack.

Well we've already shrunk the kids and sent them outside, and blew up the baby, I guess we might as well kill two birds with one stone and shrink the adults and show their adventures inside the house. This is a very competent and entertaining made for video Disney sequel that could have gone in the theaters. Some major problems with the film were it's obvious budget cost's, but it still looks good with an obviously small cost. In this outing, after Wayne, Diane and Wayne's brother and sister-in-law get shrunk they ride in a toy car, ride a daddy long legs like a horse, hide from a cockroach in a roach hotel, ride in a bubble, almost get eaten in sour cream and much more. Meanwhile the kid's think they're gone so they throw a party and the parent's learn how responsible the kids can be. It's a pretty good sequel that is a little too silly at times, but still thoroughly entertaining.

My rating: ** 1/2 out of ****.
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It's best to skip this entry...
MorbidMorgan10 June 2012
In 1989 Disney scored a surprise box office smash with 'Honey, I Shrunk The Kids', a fun adventure for all the family that placed a handful of miniaturised kids in a perilous and amusing thrill ride that showcased some truly amazing special effects. It's success led to a sequel in 1992, 'Honey, I Blew Up The Kid', a joyous effects-heavy romp about a rampaging over-sized toddler that although not quite on par with it's predecessor was nonetheless frenetic and entertaining. Then in 1997 came 'Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves', a direct-to-video sequel. By this point only Rick Moranis as wacky inventor Wayne Szalinski remained onboard. Marcia Strassman as his wife Diane is replaced by Eve Gordon and Bug Hall takes over the role of their young son Adam (their other kids Amy and Nick are mentioned but not seen). 'Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves' pales considerably in comparison to the other two entries. It seems overall to be very pedestrian with woefully inferior effects and a dumbed down script. The budget is shrunken dramatically and it seems to solely target the very youngest audience with it's heavy handed life lessons. Even Rick Moranis appears bored by the proceedings, turning in an adequate but tired performance. It's a shame that a series that had started out on a high had to end with a bargain basement clunker. It's probably best to skip this entry and re-watch the other two 'Honey' films instead.
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Oh Honey! We messed up the sequel!
dhvidrine-movie25 January 2001
You know I liked honey I shrunk the kids and honey I blew up the kid. But now the sequel to this cool and funny series of movies was a big flop! I was looking forward to finally see the sequel since the commercials made it look so good and cool. What was supposed to be a great piece of cinema turned out to be a crummy corny disaster. There was so many cliches and used jokes that no one in the theater laughed or giggled. Some people in the third row fell asleep and four and five others kids in the nosebleed section were having a pop corn fight so I watched them a couple of times while the movie was at its boring and slow parts. Anyway I watched the rest of it and it got so corny that people started to leave the theater in ones,twos fives and sevens! A sad ending to a great series!
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Now, this is a better sequel than the second.
maxnsam0530 October 2007
Once again, Rick Moranis stars as Wayne Szalinski, but, this time it's not kids that get shrunk. When Moranis hangs around the house with his long-time brother, Gordon, they decide to take the "Tikey-man" that Wayne bought just to have a little fun upstairs to shrink, so that Diane won't notice it anymore, but, after they shrink the ti-key down, something goes terribly wrong, and Wayne and Gordon have now shrunk down into a quarter of an inch tall of their size. Then, Diane with her long-time friend, Patty come over to see what the boys are doing upstairs and get shrunk down, too. Now, they can only hope that their kids will come and find them and restore them back to their regular size, but, in order to make them do that, they must make their voices full-size, so that the kids cannot see them, but, hear them.

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b-a-h TNT-629 December 2001
Yes, talk about bad sequels. Rick Moranis stars in this awful third sequel to the once-funny-and-entertaining "Honey I Shrunk the Kids". The concept basically plays the same way as the first film, but with the adults instead of the kids being shrunk and the inner house instead of the garden as the universe to explore. If you think this sounds interesting, think again. The movie is boring at best, right down an embarrassment at worst.

First of all, the continuity of the series has been completely flushed down the toilet. The only remaining actor of the first movie is apparently Rick Moranis. The actress playing his wife has changed, the actors playing the kids have changed, the ones playing the neighbors have changed... you name it. They try to make us believe this is the same family, but the results are puzzling to say the least.

Second, the story is a rehash of the first one, with not one bit of originality. All the few jokes (and there's barely any) and the dangerous situations presented in the movie are just copied straight from "Honey I Shrunk the Kids".

Third problem, the special effects. I'm sure this has been done on a smaller budget, but they are pathetic, way way worse than the ones appearing in the rest of the series. You're supposed to admire in awe these tiny figures exploring the huge domestic area, but you'll probably end up cringing most of the time.

Fourth problem, to locate the action inside the house is just boring. Only few things happen, and when they happen, they are not thrilling at all. The first movie was amusing because the kids were dealing with nature, the grass, and the bugs that live in it. In this one, the adults (which come up as rather boring, compared to the kids) deal with dust, a cockroach and a cockroach trap. Disgusting.

I don't know why the idea of releasing such a trite sequel to the already moribund series appealed Disney's executives, except maybe because they needed to cash in without spending five minutes thinking about something new. I'm warning you: leave this tasteless cash-in garbage where it should stay: getting dust on the shop's shelves.
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Great Movie
Swayze524 October 2000
I think Koolwiz is wrong. This was a great movie! The fact that Nick and Amy weren't there leaves a lot to the reality of family life. The older kids go off to college. Rick Moranis is not the only character left. Adam is there. Remember, Honey I Blew up the Kid? This one was great just like the other two "Honey" movies. If they hadn't got Rick Moranis to play Wayne again, then I would have agreed with KoolWiz. They got the actors as close to the originals as they could. However, they could have cast an actress with straight hair for Diane. But on the other hand, who says Diane couldn't have gotten a perm. I liked Marcia, but the storyline was not based around her, it was based around the characters.
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Honey, I think this film shrunk my brain
helpless_dancer15 April 2000
I guess I didn't just hate this show, but it didn't grab me real good either. It wasn't as good as the original, but much better than "Honey, I Blew Up the Kid", which was pretty dull. The race car scene and the bubble episode were fun, but I suppose I feel this horse has been run into the ground.
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Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves
jboothmillard20 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you liked the first two films, then I'm sorry to say you're not going to like this one. This is the really rubbish and unnecessary straight to video, probably TV made sequel. The still idiotic but nice scientist Wayne Szalinski (Rick Moranis) is still living with his family and he has his own company, Szalinski Inc. Unfortunately his wife wants to get rid of a statue, Wayne is so stupid he shrinks his statue and himself with his brother. Then he shrinks his wife and sister-in-law too. Now the adults have to find a way to get the kids of the house to get them bigger. Pretty much a repeat of the other two with only one or two new things, e.g. a toy car roller coaster, swimming in dip, etc. Pretty poor!
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Honey we're sick of sequels
andykleinendorst9 October 2001
After the Disney channel repeatedly played this movie, I finally watched it. (Of course I wouldn't waste my money on it) It was full of stupid inventions, that could've been thought up by a 5 year-old. Half of the inventions, are so unrealistic it's scary. The one that plays Jenny is very immature for her age, in the movie. Every time she says Ricki's name, she always yells out "Ricky King!" I mean how many Ricky's are there? Then she is telling someone that they are making a mess, in a high pitched, defensive voice. Then the other girls, try to act mature, they pretend that the Ginger-ale is champane. It's really stupid, how everything is not to scale at all. Like sometimes, their bodies will be the size of a button, then they'll fill up a race car. Another thing is that when he uses the Gum wrapper, that sounds like tinfoil, which is shouldn't. Overall this movie does not deserve to have a price tag on it.
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The First was brilliant The second was solid this is trash
MrMovieReviewer8 May 2020
So there's a reason this was straight to video.... It's trash The Kids from the first two movies have disappeared And the only one left is Adam the baby from the sequel who's now a teenager To cover for this they have brought in two irritating kids to replace the original kids in fact the kids as a whole are irritating as hell the wife has also changed for the worse the new actress she is bloody irritating as hell is hot .... The Neighbours are now Wayne's Brother and wife (Gordon and Patti) Patti is beyond annoying Gordon isn't that bad he actually does a good job Why they have revamped not just the entire cast but the characters is idiotic Just skip this trash honestly its straight to video for a reason

The First was brilliant the second was solid without being great this was trash

Facts are

People who were kiddies when this first came out have deluded positive memories of this crap are really the only ones liking this crap in this review section Skip this trash
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mwcanadian2 December 2019
Here's the thing, Shrunk the Kids was really good. Blew up the Kid was great. Shrunk Ourselves went backwards. It just wasn't as cute as the first two. The first one had the fun of them going through the yard, the second one had the fun of a giant baby...this one was just them inside the house while the kids party. It was ok for kids and people who liked the first two, I found it just ok.
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Franchise Crushed
view_and_review13 October 2020
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids was a blast. Honey, I Blew Up the Kid was a cinematic travesty. This, while terrible, was a skooch better than HIBUTK.

I don't need to say what happened because the title tells you all you need to know. Rick Moranis, wife, brother, and sister-in-law were all shrunk. The kids, now left alone, decide to throw a party. The plot, the acting, and the video quality was feeble. I think Rick Moranis et al were contractually obligated to do a third movie because it was that tepid. The movie was only an hour and fifteen minutes and it had a direct-to-video quality. This franchise definitely limped off the set.
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It was meh
mitsubishizero24 September 2019
I remember the trailer for this every time I watched Toy Story and as someone who never really cared for the trilogy I thought this was ok. It's harmless fun. The characters are kind've bland but still fun to watch. In an interesting twist the adults themselves get shrunk and they have to find a way to reverse the effect. While that's going on their kids thinking their parents are gone decide to throw a house party. This leads to them trashing the house and inviting rowdy boys who try to take over the party.

There's not much to say other than it recycles the same elements from the first two. The characters befriend a bug and learn not to judge a book by its cover. Another lesson that I thought was nice was when one of the guys try to kiss one of the girls which leads her to stand up for herself saying she's not like other girls. I thought that was powerful. Aside from that it was meh. The effects are laughably dated but still cool to watch. If you like the first 2 then you'll enjoy this one just fine.
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An Unusual End to a Series
gavin694231 December 2015
Wayne Szalinzki a wacky, absent-minded inventor, is back again but only this time he decides to use his infamous shrink machine just one more time.

This film has a few notes of historically interest: it was (as of 2015) the final film of Rick Moranis. It was the first film of Mila Kunis (who is almost unrecognizable as a child). And it was legendary cinematographer Dean Cundey's first directing duty. None of these things, unfortunately, make it a good movie.

I can't blame Kunis for this, as she probably auditioned based on her parents' urging. And Dean Cundey shouldn't be at fault. While not a great film, I don't think this was his doing.. it was more a matter of budget and a poor script. The story seems more appropriate as a television program, especially considering how much was ripped of directly from the original film.

Now, Moranis... I don't want to put this on him, because I like the guy. But clearly he must have read the script and saw it was crap. And if no one else was willing to come back, why did he? Was he obligated by contract? Maybe. I feel like if Moranis had dropped out, the project would have been shelved...
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Funnier than the First Two
sandlot199226 May 2019
This Disney movie and the first live action disney film release straight to video is still is one of funniest family films I've ever seen and way funnier than the first Honey I shrunk the Kids films as well as "Caddyshack" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". the story is good and the characters are okay in my book and yet everyone in the family will definitely laugh there heads off to this sequel.
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An inglorious ending.
filipemanuelneto18 January 2017
This movie is the last in the "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" franchise, and I really still do not understand why it was made. Of course, for box office money. But the truth is that it ruined the franchise, basically repeating the events of the first film, but in a more boring and uninteresting way. Rick Moranis looks dumber than fun in his character, Prof. Szalinski, the kids are no longer kids, they are stupid teenagers who, most of the time, deserved to stay tiny, tailored to their talent for the film. The professor's wife, honorably retained by Marcia Strassman, is now embodied by Eve Gordon, who decidedly failed to live up to her character. The machine has long lost interest to the public. "Oh, she did it again ..." says the bored audience watching the movie. Thus, this franchise dies without glory, after committing the sin that almost all commit, by the greed of the studios: not knowing the exact moment to finish.
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Very Good.
mum-615 May 2000
A must see movie. This movie is a good sequel to the last two. Introduces new characters and actors. Very funny too. I like this movie alot it is a good movie. A very enjoyable movie about the Salinskis and their cousins(Wayne's brother's family. Adds alot of fun. Go and see it, rent it, or buy the video. This is a very good movie.
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Good family film
eddmanrules16 June 2020
Good family film only down parts the special effects not brill especially years after the first shrunk film thought the effects would have improved and story not as good but still worth a watch and good light hearted family fun for all
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Too bad
mfellipecampos2 April 2021
Rick Moranis had three super jobs in his career, which were the predecessors, Querida I Shrunk the Children, Querida I Stretched The Baby and one of the best in which he participates, in this case, The Ghostbusters. Yeah, but even so, he intended to work but once in a film the series was already very tiring. In this film, however, it is much more childish than its others, this made the film fail well in terms of well produced or even very happy.

Film seen on the 1st to the 2nd of April 2021.
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