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Exactly what it claims to be
mstomaso9 September 2005
This movie is summed up by the most intelligent line uttered by one of its principal characters...

"I feel like I am in a bad episode of The X-Files"

...Alien Species is a schlocky formulaic alien invasion film with decent special effects, a lot of mediocre action and decent acting, which is so poorly shot, and so uninspiringly written, that it reaches new lows. And don't get me started on the hideous sound track! This film could easily be lost among many of the early Sci-Fi Channel fiascoes. There are a number of CGI shots involving space ships, an impossibly globe-like earth and urban explosions straight out of Missile Command (complete with disappearing flame and temporary damage).

Before I waste what little energy this film's review warrants I'll let you in on the plot. Aliens are invading the earth for no particular reason and everybody on earth is so freaked out and terrified that there is no military response and general panic and desperation predominate. A couple of prisoners are being transported to jail and a flying saucer knocks them off the road, after they pick up a few stranded victims of an automobile accident (including a famous astronomer and UFO expert of course!). One of the criminals turns out to be an innocent man and easily the worst actor in the film, but fortunately he doesn't speak until about half-way through (the X-Files comment being one of his first multi-word lines). Anyway, you get the picture.

As usual, I handed this a 2 because its harmless - since I reserve single star ratings for bigger productions which pose serious mental health risks such as "Tin Cup" and "Runaway Bride". My advice - enjoy this if you're like me and have to see every bad sci fi film ever made. Otherwise, don't waste your time.
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Noisy, Pointless, Shoddy, Direct-To-Video "Inependence Day" Crapfest
Steve_Nyland18 September 2006
Surprisingly, a number of things came to mind while watching ALIEN SPECIES, Peter Maris' empty skulled direct to video ripoff of the equally idiotic INDEPENDENCE DAY, mostly because the film is so vapidly uninteresting that it served as an opportunity to engage in free-form speculation for ninety minutes while things got blown up while bathed in fluorescent green lights:

1) I am in awe of Charles Napier. He may not be as endearingly grandfatherish in appearance as Peter Cushing or have a spry, mischievous old coot thing going on like John Carradine. But like those two legends Napier has made a career out of making the ridiculous seem perfectly ordinary. Usually he is cast as a cop or military officer who always has that glint in his eye that says he knows more than he is letting on, playing the fool to keep everyone at arm's length. My favorite Charles Napier scene is from Fred Olen Ray's DEEP SPACE where he dons a Scotsman's kilt and takes up the bagpipes after an intimate dinner. His date asks "What, is that supposed to make me want to sing or something?" to which Napier matter of factly replies "No, it's supposed to make you want to take your clothes off." She does.

2) The "hero" in this movie comes across as a dirtbag who has a haircut that makes him look like at least two of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Which two I am not certain since they usually only wear socks and their underpants on-stage, and as such I have never really gotten a good look at them.

3) Actress Jodi Seronick Golden is indeed the best thing about this film: She is spunky and speaks with excellent enunciation, looks great splattered with alien blood while running around in a torn business suit and has a cute little nose. She deserves better than this.

4) I do not miss Will Smith at all (in fact, there are only white folk in this ID4 ripoff, which sort of misses the point why that giant bag of hot air actually kind of worked: We are ALL doomed, not just the white suburban punks & techno nerds) but the film could use an appearance by Brent Spiner without his "Data" makeup on. Without that white pancake base and ping pong ball contacts, he looks creepy.

5) The kook 9/11 Truth theory idiots have nothing on the whacked out techno paranoia conspiracy allegations spouted by homogeneous white suburbanite nerds in this baby. Maybe if they didn't look like members of Garbage or Curve I could take it more seriously ... Actually, no, I couldn't.

6) Computer grapics animation & special effects should only be made by people who's work does not look like it was recorded from a video game. It is one thing to make a movie that inspires or resembles a video game, but to get the process backwards requires such a willingness to look like such a moron that it us unacceptable.

7) Usually I praise a film with the audacity to ignore any kind of "suspension of disbelief", has no remorse about it's ultra-low budget and sticks to it's subject matter without ever look up from the gutter once. The problem here is that this film is pilfering global threat topics and doesn't have the good sense of a movie like ZONTAR, THING FROM VENUS to just have people sitting around and talking about it. By trying to show us instead the movie crosses the line from just being vapid & amateurish to having the gall to think it would be able to hold a candle to the sight of John Agar sitting on a Naugahyde couch looking concerned as the deaths of thousands are described to him.

8) The movie appears to have been intended to be the first part in a two-installment story, with no mention of whether or not part 2 was ever executed. My suspicion is that somebody had their Powermac taken away.

9) The film seems unsure at times if it is a parody or just a low budget ripoff, resulting in the film's most interesting scenes. You aren't sure if you are supposed to be laughing at the idiocy or poking your friends in the ribs to make sure they get the joke too. It is a disorienting viewing experience: Are we supposed to be taking this seriously? I hope not, but if so, what was the point of it?

10) The film has an affection for colored neon lighting that is used as a substitute for atmosphere. To be frank, the most unnerving scenes were ones set inside of a car with the principal characters attempting to have a conversation. It was like listening to a bad "X-Files" episode, which amazingly is referred to in dialog in what may be a rare instance of the film's self awareness showing.

11) At one point during a moment of crisis inside of the abandoned warehouse level from "Half-Life", one of the characters sweeps the area with his shotgun, at one point aiming it directly at the pretty head of Jodi Seronick Golden. Good thing it wasn't really loaded and they weren't really being attacked by space aliens or she would have been toast.

ALIEN SPECIES can be found on a new 50 movie/12 DVD box set called NIGHTMARE WOLRDS. It can be found there, but just why you'd go looking for it is a matter for you to decide.

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Alien Species
Scarecrow-8813 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Hideous science fiction regarding a city's attack by alien invaders with lousy acting, painfully groan-inducing dialogue("I'm gonna send them a greeting courtesy of the human race" or "Not to worry. With the information I have stored we can create a weapon to kick some serious scaly butt."), below par (..not very)special computer effects, and a group of characters you could care less about. Basically a Grade-Z rehash of Independence Day with a large circular mothership which enters the sky of Earth releasing smaller attack vessels which blast or kidnap human beings. The plot centers on deputies, carrying two convicts, who pick up a professor, his granddaughter, and assistant accidentally wrecking their van when an alien vessel nearly smashes into them. They find a cave, hoping for shelter until morning, discovering that within it's belly contains the aliens harvesting their captured humans, embodying them in cocoons. It becomes a fight for survival as the humans attempt to escape through the bowels of the cave, searching for a way out, while the aliens follow behind, with evil intent. Meanwhile Sheriff Nate Bridges(Charles Napier, given star treatment despite being in the film for maybe 7 minutes tops)attempts to salvage a devastating situation culminating as alien vessels attack his city without an end in sight. It will take ingenuity and courage in order to uncover a means to combat their alien enemies.

Hoke Howell(..a Fred Olen Ray regular)has a rare serious, straight role as Dr Chambers, the revered scientist who has tried to contact others regarding the possible threat of an alien race. Marc Robinson, as the convict who must become hero as the lives of their group hang in the balance, is stuck with an endless supply of corny one-liners("We're not in Kansas anymore" or "There goes the neighborhood") as he downs men in rubber suits with a shot gun that barely ever needs re-loading. Murky, downright ugly photography(..the film takes place mostly at night, or in the damned cave)and laughably unconvincing aliens(..right out of Invaders from Mars;they had an excuse, director Peter Maris doesn't). The filmmakers were ambitious in scope..but the budget wasn't enough to compliment their ambitions. Not worth your time, unless you are a masochist who enjoys agony.

The aliens are both little green men with massive foreheads and giant creatures with sharp teeth(..and lights that blink). When the monsters are killed, they vaporize. Even by 1996 standards, the special effects were weak. A major problem I had was that director Paris spends way too much time with the deputies and foul convict, exchanging profane insults with another..I wanted the aliens to blast these irritating characters. Included in their own sub-plot, two scientists, students under Professor Chambers, watch in horror, tapping away at keys, peering into their computer monitors as the alien ships tear away at buildings and vehicles below with lasers..their work room has a large window overlooking the city. The attacks aren't as grand or impressive as they ought to be.
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Bad bad bad bad bad bad movie
junk-monkey31 January 2005
This movie has nothing going for it other than some adequate SFX; the alien ships are OK - about the level of first series Babylon 5. Other that that it is a total stinker with nothing to recommend it at all.

Why is it that, in utter crap movies like this...

...the aliens are capable of building faster than light space ship and zapping entire cities to smithereens in moments but are reduced to skulking in caves, shambling along at half a mile an hour and grabbing people's ankles?

... American cars explode so easily? You just have to sneeze on the buggers and they go up like a roman candle.

... nerdy boy college types when presented with an alien artifact he has never seen before, ripped from a dead aliens wrist, can "download its data" onto his laptop in seconds whilst under fire, when most of us have trouble working out which way round a USB plug goes in?

Where did that loaded bazooka come from in the last scene? Hunky hero ran to get it out of the car but it was nerdy boy's car. Do nerdy boy college types always just happen to carry loaded anti-tank weapons around with them? The dialogue is pathetic. The "plot" (hah!) is thuddingly obvious and paper thin, and to call the characters and acting "wooden" would be generous.

It does however contain a hilarious alien kidnapping. If you accidentally buy this movie watch it up to the point the girl gets sucked out of her bedroom window - then turn it off and put it on eBay.

(Some of the comments here are about a different film. "Alien Terminator" (a Troma 'Alien' rip-off) made in the same year was released as "Alien Species" in Britain).
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1 & a half hours of hell...
themibjc-214 August 2000
Well what a load of rubbish this film was, a plot written by a 12 year old, wooden acting, a 'rubber' alien, in general a bad rip off of the classic space monster movie 'Alien'.
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I love movies like this
socratesone18 August 2004
I love movies where I can honestly say that I would have done a better job directing. Seriously. I'm not Mr. "Oh, I can do better than that" usually. But I think my dog could have directed this movie better, and I don't have a dog. Doesn't make sense, does it? Neither does the director's strategy for making this movie.

This is one of those movies that must have a budget of about $10,000 and you wonder "where did the money go"? I can only assume that the explosions in the film were an accident, since nothing else in the movie works, especially the plot. I also think that the actors in the movie were not only not trained in the art of acting, but deliberately taught wrong as a joke.

In this movie, you expect a hard-core sex scene to come on at any moment, not because of any sexual tension that has built up, but because the movie looks like it was shot by the same people who brought you anal whores volume seven. They should have paid the actresses an extra $50/day to score some crack and act while high. At least that would have been interesting.

To sum up, only see this movie while drunk with friends. Recommend this movies to none but your worst enemies, and see a good movie directly after this to avoid having the badness of this movie contaminate you.
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Alien faeces
Bezenby12 October 2015
Man, this is a bad one, except sometimes when it's one of them 'almost' good ones. But mostly bad.

Basically aliens invade the US in really bad CGI spaceships (almost as bad as the CGI in Alien Blood!) and it's up to some scientists to...well they don't do much at all except avoid getting killed.

Also, Charles Napier's here as a cop for a change and two of his buddies are transporting prisoners and then pick up some other folk and then everyone ends up in a cave where all the aliens are. That's the plot.

After that we're in standard nineties Alien rip off territory where out characters try to remain alive while rubber suited monsters (and zombies!) try and kill them. To be honest this actually improves the film as we can stop watching those awful UFO effects and the actors stop bickering and get to fighting some aliens.

This could have almost been on those enjoyable bad films due to the poverty of the production (it looks shot on video!), the bad acting and the daft effects, but there's an air about the film of it all being a bit half-arsed, which is reflected in the non-ending.

You'll know if you'll like this within about ten seconds of it starting.
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Imagine if Independence Day had been made for $5,000...
Red-Barracuda23 September 2016
Alien Species is a very cheap knock-off that was clearly surfing the wave caused by the massive blockbuster hit Independence Day (1996). This one was also released the same year as that one so that gives you an idea how fast it must have been devised, filmed and distributed. The speed of production shows, as this is a very shoddy and cheap effort, whose title also alluded to the previous year's sci-fi hit Species (1995). Well, it cannot be accused of not covering its bases that is one thing for sure. I quite enjoy rip-off films though so this was, if anything a slight plus point for this one and, in truth, Independence Day was a monumental load of gash and this minuscule budget movie was no more painful to watch. Just horrible in a different way.

Huge alien space-crafts arrive in our orbit and attack immediately. Various human survivors wind up taking refuge in a cave which turns out to be the base of these extra-terrestrials. Lots of alien-invader based stuff happens off the back of this, including explosions and cow theft.

Despite the budget, this one actually stars Charles Napier in an admittedly uninteresting role but it was still good to see him here nevertheless. It also sports some effects of the giant spaceships that were half-way decent. But in all other regards this is bargain basement stuff to the max. Its soundtrack was so tinny and awful it is hard for me to believe that this could have sounded remotely acceptable back in 1996. Sadly, this music is pretty relentlessly played throughout the movie as well. Its director is Peter Maris who I was already aware of on account of his debut movie being the sleazy thriller Delirium (1979) which made the infamous British video nasty list back in the early 80's. It was a good film though, quite significantly better than this one that is for sure. This one is also notable for ending on a very strange and ambiguous bit of dialogue that frankly posed more questions than it did any answers but, really, that's the least of this movies problems.
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BandSAboutMovies5 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Max Pointdexter has hacked into a NASA probe and is watching images from space, which is totally what most guys use the internet for and also, this was 1996, so imagine how slow the load time was. He also somehow has an attractive woman in his room and just keeps worrying about UFOs, which I guess is what you do if you're in MUFON, right?

Look, were I making a UFO movie, I may cast Charles Napier as a sheriff, but I would not make the movie about him on the trail of several criminals. I would concentrate on, you know, the aliens. And the UFOs. And the invasion.

Obviously, everyone involved with this saw Independence Day or at least saw the script because a good chunk of this has Max on a laptop - the smallest laptop you've ever seen - typing against reptilians. Somehow, he also has someone who can get him high end military weapons because he pulls a bazooka out of the trunk of his car which seems like a decent enough weapon against little green men.

Oh yeah - the hot scientist's name is Holly Capers.

Holly Capers!

You get cows getting kidnapped by UFOs before blowing up a farmer and his farm real good, just after we watch his daughter sneaking some loving from her boyfriend. There's also a long scene where Holly saves her cat just as her house explodes and you know, I'm totally on board with that. Cats over aliens forever.

Someone literally says, "Why do I suddenly feel like I'm in a bad episode of The X-Files?"

Director Peter Maris also made 1979's Delirium, as well as Land of Doom and Terror Squad. Writer Nancy Newbauer also worked with Maris on the movie The Killer Inside. Maris seemed to bring back several of the same actors for his films, as David Homb, who plays one of the convicts, was in his video game Phantasmagoria and The Survivor. Also in this: Hoke Howell, who was one of those "I know that guy" guys, as well as the writer of movies like Click: The Calendar Girl Killer, One Block Away and B. O. R. N.
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beneath incompetence
grizzledgeezer18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The /film itself/ is a spoiler (ie, something that spoils things, such as the viewers' mental balance), but as I describe how the heroes are able to avoid being killed by the aliens, I've marked this review with a spoiler alert.

The portmanteau title -- "Alien" + "Species" -- is supposed to confuse potential viewers as to the provenance of this gobbler. Of course, "Species" is pretty bad, so if you're trying to ride the coattails of another film, you should at least pick a good one.

"Alien Species" suggests what Ed Wood Jr might have churned out on a decent budget. The script is nothing but quadruply recycled clichés and shopworn "humor" thrown together as rapidly as the writer could type them, without the charm (???) of Ed Wood's amusing non-sequiturs.

I especially liked the way Our Heroes find a remote control that shuts off the force field surrounding the alien ships -- at which point they can be destroyed by what is (relative to the ships) small-arms fire. (Bright aliens, these.) It resembles a tarted-up BIO-BUG remote control. There's no explanation of why the dozens of alien ships don't just gang up on the humans and (as Dr Crab would say) "reduce them to icky grey slime".

The 1996 special effects are, surprisingly, not at all bad, even by current standards. The result is that they make the rest of the film look even worse than its already low, low level of quality.

If you want to avoid brain damage or digestive convulsions (that's the polite way of putting it), avoid this film.
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To big a project for the available budget
Henry-1725 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For those who may have missed it: In 1999 Earth was attacked by monstrous aliens! Randomly they destroyed entire cities with their spaceships, killed and kidnapped people and tried to conquer our world. The War of the Worlds was on fire! But, to our luck, there were some upright fighter, people like you and me, who stood up against this eerie encounter of the third kind and stood in the way of the invaders. They had figured out how to destroy the spaceships of the aliens, and in doing so, save the freedom of mankind, at least for the next few years. But they could not destroy this alien seed of horror permanently... ALIEN SPECIES is a mix of countless set pieces from well known (and lesser known) science fiction movies, a potboiler in which a motley group of stereotype protagonists has to defend themselves against a seemingly overwhelming threat, and thereby, incidentally, save the world. The sterile atmosphere of the film is mainly due to the fact that it was apparently shot with digital equipment, and it is in many scenes reminiscent of an episode of a cheap TV series. Of little help in terms of a compelling production are also the very cheap CGI effects, the unpleasant, inept actors, the annoying music and endless, boring dialog scenes. The whole project was probably a little too big for the available budget. Some films ALIEN SPECIES shamelessly uses as "inspiration" are CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, INDEPENDENCE DAY, ALIEN SULLA TERRA (!) and of course ALIEN. The open end of the film intends a sequel, which is announced in the end credits: "Coming Soon: Alien Species 2 - The Invasion." Fortunately, until now this seems not to have been realized.
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You will love this if you're a fan of B-movies
Cador13 September 2007
Bad acting, bad special effects, plot holes that you can drive a mack truck right through. All that, and Charles Napier too.

I give this a 9 out of 10 on the B-movie scale; I was thoroughly entertained. You have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy this. I can't believe this gets a 2.4 on IMDb while there are clearly worse movies out there that score considerably higher.

It actually reminded me of "Planet Terror" from the Grindhouse double feature by Robert Rodriguez that was released earlier this year.

You can get this movie on a 12-disc set (total of 50 movies) that is titled "Nightmare Worlds" from Amazon . com.
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The bright side? It could've been worse.
KennethEagleSpirit23 January 2007
This is NOT that bad of a sci-fi flick. Certain aspects of it are OK. Charles Napier is a good actor, but comes across as a bit over the top in this role. Hoke Howell is OK in his role. The rest? So so at best. Although I do give Jodi Seronick extra points for at least being able to act when she screams or cries and for being a fox. Now, as for whats left ... Plot? Its there, kind of. Earth is invaded. Continuity? Well, there was that horrendous storm that they all had to contend with during the first part of the movie that I never really saw any good evidence of. Special effects? They run from being pretty good and reminiscent, I think, of the last season of the original "Battlestar Galactica" and the TV mini series "V", to being REALLY bad. Certain shots of the galaxy look more like an out of focus photo of popcorn and juju beans laying on the theatre floor. And there is that one explosion involving an alien fighter/saucer in which the use of Fourth of July fireworks, literally, is evident. Dialog and scripting? OK for the most part, terrible in spots. Example: Max, when asked how he found them, replies that he jumped in the car to look for them. Cool. The next time I'm looking for someone and I don't know where they are I'll know exactly what to do. Jimmy Hoffa will be so proud. Sound track? Again, so so. Plausability? OMG! Examples: Max, when asked where the bazooka in the back of his vehicle came from, says he found it on the side of the road and picked it up in case of an emergency. AND he downloads alien info onto his laptop from an alien contraption that must've been in some way compatible in less than a minute! Maybe Mircosoft has outlets in spots I'm unaware of. Anyway, with all it's bad points I still found enough bright spots in it, principally the special effects and the passable action sequences, for the thing to be mildly entertaining.
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Failed TV Pilot with Laughable CGI Effects
Flak_Magnet10 September 2009
I suspect this movie was actually a pilot for a TV show that never got picked up. By this measure, it is far from the worst I've seen (e.g. "Recon 2020," "Battlespace," etc.), but still a distant cry from your average sci-fi picture. People searching for a serious movie will be taken aback, as the picture's laughable CGI effects, muffled sound, and questionable script place it square in unintentional comedy territory. Essentially, the filmmakers tried to create "Independence Day" on a budget of about $200,000 or so. I have to applaud the effort, because these people really did a lot with fairly little, but the kind of blockbuster movie they wanted to create just couldn't be done for that kind of money. As another reviewer has noted, this movie is included in the Mill Creek "Nightmare Worlds" 50-pack, and it is just as bad as you are probably imagining. Picture an attractive cast pretending to be terrified by "Nintendo 64"-level CGI flying saucers and spouting lines like "lets give these alien bastards a going away present, courtesy of the human race." Despite its crappiness, though, "Alien Species" is decently entertaining, and we got several good laughs out of it. The girls are all cute, the make-up effects were surprisingly above-average, and the dialog is full of cheesy one-liners and character clichés. Perhaps most importantly, the CGI, (at least until you become adjusted), is pretty consistently funny. Veteran bad movie watchers should get some decent laughs from this unique piece of early CGI-era garbage. All others should run in fear!
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"There you have it folks - death, destruction, despair..."
classicsoncall18 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I just checked the film credits for the two principal female characters in this flick. Ashley Semrick (Stacy) appeared in two movies, nine years apart, while Jodi Seronick (Carol) only has this one. Just goes to show what a picture like this can do for your acting career.

But let's not get too carried away. This is NOT the worst picture ever made and doesn't come close to cracking my Top Ten Worst List. For that, you have to go into "She Gods of Shark Reef" territory. Still, there's no way a picture like this should have even been attempted as late as 1996. Seriously, who came up with the idea of transporting convicts in a prison van (no barrier between the cops and the bad guys by the way) and putting it smack dab in the middle of a sci-fi flick?

However, if you pay attention, you can have a great time of cataloging the amount of sheer nonsense found here. Like the endless supply of aliens and ammo during the entire cave sequence, the cuts and bruises that come and go on the faces of Carol and Stacy, and the sudden appearance of a grenade launcher pulled out of the back seat of Max's car just before the final confrontation. Really? My candidates though for the most inane single element in the film come down to convict Towers (Marc Robinson) adjusting the rear view mirror trying to outrun the aliens, and Stacy replying that she 'pushed the wrong button' while Max was trying to get a bead on the spacecraft. Oh yeah, and a close contender was when Towers asked Stacy to hold the antenna thingy a little higher, and she went a full arm length. You think it helped that much?

But you know, films like this do serve a purpose. They absolutely bring out the best in IMDb movie reviewers, any single one of which is more entertaining than actually watching the picture. How much time we could all save if we just read them first.
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Recipe for the Incomprehensible
Hitchcoc5 March 2007
There are certainly a lot of explosions and death in this movie. A rip off of the movie Independence Day. There are incompetent police officers transporting prisoners, one of whom is a nice guy, wrongly convicted. It's the usual gang of people thrown together, having to form a united front against an overwhelming force. These are the bad guy aliens. They are ugly, sort of like Hollywood corpses from movies like Poltergeist. Somehow, they have mastered time travel, built awesome machines, and yet haven't conquered drool and slime. Anyway, there is lots of running through caves where it's hard to see. There is plenty of nerdiness to go around (ala Jeff Goldblume), but unlike its predecessor, this doesn't even have the bases revenge motive working for it. The heroes really have no place to go or any plan, other than to keep alive. The special effects are fair, but it's just a rambling mess.
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Utterly Dire
Stevieheuge24 April 2004
Usually any B movie with at least a little gore, and some lingering gratuitous nudity is worth a look, but man! This is the worst script, worst acted piece of nonsense ever. Some B movies can be loved because they are so bad, they're actually really good - see 'Hybrid' by Fred Olen Ray for an example of this - but Alien Species goes so far down the pipe that its just not funny any more. The only funny thing about it is the lead guys ridiculous hairdo.

Atrocious waste of good film, that i would have happily used to wipe my buttocks with.

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Don't even waste your time!
blairman-323 April 2009
This movie is bad. And not "so bad that it's good". It's just plain bad. What a terribly hacky piece of crap!

Charles Napier is the top-billed actor. For the combined three minutes we see of him in this film, I suppose he's good.

Bad acting, bad writing, cheesy special effects. I can't believe this was made as recent as 1996. It's like one of those really bad sci-fi flicks from the 1960s.

I got this movie on a DVD set called "Nightmare Worlds" for $17.00. There are 50 movies on this set but, for some reason, I still feel I paid too much for this one movie.

As far as acting goes, the best of the cast was Marc Robinson, who plays the hero Towers. At least he has some kind of realistic expression, but he really wasn't given the best material to work with.

I'm not one to tear apart movies. As a matter of fact, it's just not what I do. But I feel I must advise people to not even waste a speck of your time on this.

I don't mind low-budget sci-fi movies, but it has to be done with lower expectations. The filmmakers here were trying to make an "Independence Day" ripoff on a D-movie budget. The aliens all have phony-looking costumes that wouldn't scare six-year-olds. More human-looking aliens would have worked better.

The fact that they have to mention "X-Files" to make this seem relevant is insulting to viewers.

There were also too many characters that the movie didn't need. Why did we need the woman "scientist" with Max at the beginning? She didn't do anything. The same with the granddaughter of Dr. Chambers. What the heck was her importance. For that matter, what did Carol do? She was supposed to be the assistant to Dr. Chambers. I didn't see her assist.

The character of the prisoner that got killed was put in just for that, and nothing else. Towers was the only important prisoner.

I can see having two policemen driving the prison bus, but Barnes was annoying. All the time. That didn't serve the story, it just makes you nervous.

The fact that the military was not even mentioned until near the end is silly. We never see military.

This is a prime example of a movie that tried to do too much with too little. And so much doesn't make sense and isn't given reason!

I give this a 1 because they won't let me give a 0.
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But what about that song in the movie... "Hold On"?
divaleftvegas14 August 2007
"Hold on, we're worth fighting for, I know we can make it to the other side, Hold on!" Wow - now that's powerful. If ever I'm the last underground resistant force against alien species that take over the earth and steal cows, I want to hear that song I tell ya! And, wasn't that chick singer's voice comforting yet powerful at the same time?! You know, I actually own the music video to that love/battle anthem and I'll tell you what - that band "Trilogy" does a purdy darn good job themselves at taking care of those pesky rubbery invaders. Anyway, just wondered why nobody mentioned it. Signing off for now, "that chick singer", Lisa Morgan. Y'all "Hold On" now, ya hear! ; )
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so bad it's... really bad
JamieWJackson15 January 2015
This is a bad movie. There are many things wrong with it and not much right. Here are the few bright spots:

* Attractive female leads

* Occasionally decent (albeit incoherent and inconsistent) effects/props/sets

* Plot holes and cheesiness so extreme that you will get some laughs at the movie's expense

Um... that's about it, really.

I won't list the shortcomings. That includes pretty much everything else, and others have done that already. I will note one thing nobody else has yet: Charles Napier's character inexplicably vanishes from the plot roughly halfway through the film, leaving us wondering why he was there in the first place. He gets enough screen time in the first half that we think there's a purpose to his existence. Oops.

The beauties in this should have gotten more work; its badness wasn't their fault. Lana Parilla did that silly alien spider movie (nearly as bad as this movie) early in her career, and she makes a fine "evil queen" in "Once Upon a Time" now.

Basically, if you enjoy bad movies, or are simply obsessed with seeing all sci-fi movies ever made, knock yourself out. Otherwise, this is not for you. If you do watch it, under no circumstances attempt to take it seriously. The modest amount of enjoyment I derived from watching it came mostly from laughing at it.
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Amateur hour
Leofwine_draca25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
ALIEN SPECIES is one of those independent sci-fi/horrors of the mid '90s which seems to have been inspired by the usual likes of ALIEN as well as THE X-FILES (which is name-checked at one point). It was shot entirely at night and consists of a half-dozen people running around in the woods while pursued by aliens (guys in rubber suits). Early scenes with UFOs and cattle abductions contain some of the most laughable Playstation 1-era CGI effects I've seen in a while, which is amusing enough, but mostly this is repetitive and boring and too dark to make out. Charles Napier cameos early on, but the most fun I had comes from seeing PHANTASMAGORIA's "Don", David Homb, in a very similar role (and I swear he even wears the exact same outfit as he did in that famous video game).
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nogodnomasters18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is an MST quality film, not worth watching. The film opens up with a prophecy about the future of a space invasion that takes place in 1999. While looking at a still photo of a distant galaxy, Max and Holly spot an invading armada attempting to be undetected. The science was really bad. The aliens attack major cities, but must leave their attacking ship to go on foot in a cave in small town USA.

Appears as part of some Mill Creek larger collections.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Brief side breast.
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A well done, entertaining film undeserving of review ratings
midge5613 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know where these vicious reviewers came from but I've seen some horrendous schlock films get better reviews and better ratings. Even the worst of the worst were not defiled like this group of post XGen reviewers looking for anything they can trash. Especially if it was from their parents generation.

This movie doesn't deserve the treatment it has received from this group. In fact, it looks like an organized trashing effort from someone who has a personal bone to pick who gathered his friends to help attack this movie. Anarchistic shallow mentality by their own declarations of intent.

The story is good. The film & sound quality are clear. The camera-work is professional. The editing has good continuity. The screenplay & dialogue are well done. The dialogue has depth. The Actors all deliver their lines well. There is Entertaining riveting Action from beginning to end. The special effects & alien technologies are well done. Even the ending song & performance were worthy of a top 10 hit record.

I don't see the problem these neophytes are complaining about. The only weak points would be the need for better lighting on the night scenes and less screaming by the females. While the characters prevailed at the ending it was clearly left open for a series or sequel.

This movie is just as good as the acclaimed "Species" and certainly as good or better than the sci-fi schlock produced over the past 15 years.

These reviewers are just being nasty for means sake because they thrive on destruction. What kind of true Sci-fi fan would trash Independence Day? Consider what kind of people are posting these unfair, rotten reviews. These attacks are unfounded & undeserved. They must find pleasure out of trashing an undeserving film. A power play to satiate a need to bully. Certainly not genuine sci-fi fans.

Check out the reviews on The phantom planet or the war of the planets for review comparisons. Those were far worse productions with far less criticism.

This was an enjoyable film. Maybe not a great film but quite well done & holds your attention throughout. It has a lot more depth to the alien attacks than most major films with high ratings.
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Though dated, if you enjoy sci-fi and B-movies, it's definitely worth a watch!
talisencrw21 April 2016
I may have been up really late at night, but I didn't mind 'Alien Species' at all. Its craftsmanship for such a cheap B-movie production was pretty good (although the special effects looked like they were created on a Nintendo or Sega Genesis, and then grafted onto the film), the script was interesting enough in the realm of 'alien hostile takeover' movies, and its pace never lagged for a second. While watching it, the film's ending was very ambiguous, as if this had been planned as a pilot film for a TV-series, or at the very least, a feature-length sequel.

I loved the work of veteran character actors Charles Napier and Hoke Howell (the latter died shortly after the film's completion, and the death is mentioned in the end credits). Their consummate professionalism gave a classy sheen that the film otherwise didn't deserve. It's definitely worth a watch, though, to fans of both B-movies and of science fiction.
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Terribly written movie
jakster-8421310 February 2024
Terrible. This has terrible CGI and terrible shootings. This is the worst movie in the 90s. The 90s has bad CGI along with the 2000s and this has got to be the worst movie ever along with other sci-fi movies that have terrible terrible CGI and terrible designs for these characters, in other words, this has probably not a good movie and nobody should see this movie and this should be in the mystery science theater 3000 for some reason or an Elvira movie macabre and this should've been reviewed better if it would become a b movie instead of a movie And it would've been never copied Independence Day.
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