The Demolitionist (1995) Poster

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Cult Horror Actors: the Movie
Kastore30 January 2006
Decent B-scifi/actioner with a fast pace and definite comic book sense about it. The most fascinating thing about it is that nearly every single scene has a well-known face from the late 70s/early 80s horror genre. Kurtzman called in a number of favors from actors he had worked make-up on in various films for this one. Nicole Eggert is in top physical form and rather pleasing on the eye as the heroine, and Richard Grieco is gloriously hammy as the villain.

The flaw that really got me was that "The Demolitionist" (a title which is never actually used in the movie to describe the "Lazarus project") had a pair of guns that fired hundreds of rounds per minute, yet the bad guys only got a few wounds even at point-blank range. I suppose if you can get past this minor detail, it's worth a quick viewing.
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Can't help but wonder what would have happened if PM made a movie like this and cast Cynthia Rothrock as the heroic avenger
tarbosh220005 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In the future, Metro City is overrun by crime. While Mayor Grimsbaum (Tyrrell) attempts to make herself look good in the midst of this epidemic, most of said crime seems to be masterminded by the Burne Brothers, Mad Dog (Grieco) and Little Henry (Vasquez).

On the eve of their electric chair execution, Mad Dog escapes and reconnects with his old gang in the city. Undercover cop Alyssa Lloyd (Eggert) infiltrates Mad Dog's gang, but is recognized and then assaulted and left for dead. However, thanks to Professor Jack Crowley (Abbott), Alyssa is regenerated and then put into a nifty skintight black Kevlar suit. After singlehandedly lowering the Metro City crime rate, Alyssa Lloyd is rechristened "The Demolitionist". Though, to be fair, if you're looking for buildings to be demolished, Alyssa isn't really your gal. Anyway, the final battle between The Demolitionist and Mad Dog inevitably materializes...who will demolish who? Or...whom?

Starting with the obvious, The Demolitionist is a low-budget cross between Robocop (1987) and Darkman (1990). Or, more in our wheelhouse, it's better than Robo-C.H.I.C. (1990) but not as good as Cyclone (1987). We believe the Darkman comparison is especially apt, because director Kurtzman - an associate of Sam Raimi thanks to his being the "K" in the KNB EFX group and having worked with him in the past - really seems to be Raimi'ing himself in here. Perhaps the closest comparison, really, is to Raimi's short-lived M.A.N.T.I.S. TV series. The Demolitionist has a very similar plot to that, but instead of Carl Lumbly in the super-suit, it's Nicole Eggert.

Further comparisons could be made to Barb Wire (1996) and Point of No Return (1993), but that's just it: there's almost endless movies we could compare The Demolitionist to. Lack of originality in a comic-book movie like this isn't, alone, such a bad thing, but The Demolitionist is missing the wit and sense of pacing that a Raimi movie has. We have to wait a long time for her to really become "The Demolitionist".

On a more positive note, the idea of Nicole Eggert as a supersoldier who wants unending revenge on her enemies is a strong one. She walks away slowly from an explosion, which is good, and her Revenge Outfit is pretty cool, but are her guns so high-powered they cause a pinkish chalkdust to arise from her targets? What's that all about?

One of the best things about this movie is the cast. It's chock-full of B-movie names we all know and love, and there's even a cameo by, you guessed it, Bruce Campbell. As if the Raimi comparisons needed further enhancing. It would take too long to list everyone involved, but one Rosey Brown as Big Frank steals the movie despite his brief appearance.

As much as we enjoyed watching Nicole Eggert take on this type of role, we can't help but wonder what would have happened if PM made a movie like this and cast Cynthia Rothrock as the heroic avenger in the shiny black suit. We can only imagine the result would be stronger than this, because The Demolitionist has a junky look to it that does it no favors. It really shows what a low budget DTV product this truly was, but that should have been easily sidestepped by the cast and behind-the-scenes makeup dudes who masterminded this whole misadventure.

Featuring the end-credits song "Demolition" by Paul Blubaugh, sadly The Demolitionist will never boast an endless series of sequels, a TV show, a toy line, a comic book, and mass-market pop culture appeal. We assume that's what the filmmakers were going for, but it's missing a certain "it factor" that would cause it to be the latest superhero sensation. But, then again, not everything can be a Green Lantern (2011).
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Cheesy and campy mid-1990s action sci-fi...
paul_haakonsen28 May 2022
Granted, as I sat down in 2022 to watch the 1995 action sci-fi movie "The Demolitionist", I wasn't harboring much of any expectations to the movie. I remember watching it back in 1995 on VHS even, because my brother had purchased it, as he was a fan of the ladies from the "Baywatch" series. However, I have to admit that I couldn't remember anything from this movie, aside from it existing.

At first glance, then I feel that "The Demolitionist" from writers Brian DiMuccio, Anne Kurtzman, Robert Kurtzman and Dino Vindeni felt somewhat akin to the 1996 movie "Barb Wire", which also starred a former "Baywatch" star. But putting that aside, then I will say that "The Demolitionist" was watchable, albeit a rather cheesy and campy action sci-fi movie.

Perhaps the storyline was good back in 1995, but in 2022 it felt cheesy and campy, and not really a very well-thought through storyline and plot really. But hey, it makes for some brainless entertainment, and that counts for something.

While the storyline was mediocre, then I have to say that I found the cast list to be rather impressive. There were some very memorable 1990s performers popping up in this movie, with the likes of Nicole Eggert, Bruce Abbott, Peter Jason, Sarah Douglas, Heather Langenkamp, Richard Grieco, Jack Nance, Tom Savini, Nils Allen Stewart, Derek Mears, Greg Nicotero and Bruce Campbell himself.

The effects in the movie were actually fair enough. Not effects that have aged all that well, but they still are passable today.

"The Demolitionist" is probably a guilty pleasure for a great many viewers out there, probably former fans of "Baywatch".

Ultimately, then I am rating "The Demolitionist" a four out of ten stars.
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From the minds of FX wizards KNB
DigitalRevenantX72 May 2012
Plot Synopsis: In the not-too-distant future, the mayor of Metro City introduces a law banning all guns in the city. Her mortal enemy, Mad Dog Burns, escapes from Death Row & stages an unsuccessful attempt to kill her. He then exposes an undercover police officer, Alyssa Lloyd, & kills her. A police scientist resurrects her as an invincible zombie warrior, gives her weapons & a motorcycle & sets her loose on Mad Dog & his gang.

Film Review: It is probably an unwritten rule that any genre film directed by someone who is better known for producing visual effects is going to be a dud. The Demolitionist comes from the mind of Robert Kurtzman, one of the founders of KNB EFX Group, a prominent makeup effects company. Following in the footsteps of Chris Walas (THE FLY II), Gary J. Tunnicliffe (WITHIN THE ROCK), Bob Keen (PROTEUS), the Brothers Strause (ALIENS VS. PREDATOR: REQUIEM), Tom Savini (the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD remake) & the late great Stan Winston (PUMPKINHEAD), Kurtzman tries his hand at directing.

Of those films, only three actually stood out from the pack. Savini's remake of NOTLD was the best of the bunch, while not beating the original, it was still a good zombie film. Within the Rock was a passable monster film that had the indignity of having half its plot stolen by a certain Michael Bay flick the following year. And the most notorious of them all, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, despite all the crap poured on it by practically everybody, was slightly better than the first AVP, mainly by delivering on the action that the original failed to do (although its biggest mistake was not having a fully-fleshed out plot & having the monster attacks being shot in the dark).

Which brings us to the $62, 500 question: is The Demolitionist a good film or is it a bad one? Well, to be honest, the film is one of the shoddiest genre actioners ever to come out of the 1990s. I don't think it even had a theatrical release. Anyway, the film has a slightly interesting premise – female cop is killed by a wanted terrorist, resurrected from the dead as a cyborg zombie super-warrior, goes after the bad guys with a vengeance. But the poor script does it no favours.

The Demolitionist does have the occasional moment where it looks halfway promising – Richard Grieco conducts a business negotiation between his police mole & a guard dog – but the poor plotting, atrocious dialogue & under-cooked action scenes conspire to weaken it considerably. Not to mention the fact that the visual effects, despite being produced by a top-shelf EFX group, look very cheap.

On the acting front, the performances range from the okay to the very bad – Richard Grieco overacts wildly (though you can't fault him for not having any fun) but the real worst actor here is Susan Tyrell – her relentless mugging of the stage causes any scene with her in it to collapse to the ground in a heap of flames. Look out for Tom Savini as one of Grieco's fellow gang members & Joe Pilato (Captain Rhodes from the original DAY OF THE DEAD) as a drunken gangbanger.
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Entertaining Robocopy
augustian5 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My interest in The Demolitionist was aroused on discovering that the UK BBFC had cut nearly four minutes from this film before granting its 18 certificate. What were the scenes that were too outrageous for British sensibilities? What were the cinematic threats to civilisation as we know it? In eager anticipation I pressed the 'Play' button.

Comparisons with Robocop are inevitable. Both films are about cops who die and are re-animated by the use of modern technology although Nicole Eggert's Alyssa Lloyd is kept going by regular doses of Prof. Jack Crowley's (Bruce Abbott) blood-substitute plasma. With her high-tech armour and armoury, she pursues Mad Dog Burne (Richard Grieco) and his criminal biker gang, engaging in the requisite shoot-outs and explosions. There is humour in this film but of the unintentional kind; her guns never run out of ammunition and despite the film being set in the future, the police cars look as if they came out of the 1950s.

I think that the BBFC cuts are as follows (but cannot confirm). There is a torture scene when Alyssa's cover is blown but it doesn't compare with Reservoir Dogs. Mention is made by one of the gang members about "ripping her tits off" but dubbing over this would solve that problem. A young girl is menaced by Mad Dog Burne in a bank raid but comes to no harm. I would guess that the cuts would be re-instated if the film was to be resubmitted but you can never tell with the BBFC.

This film was entertaining and fun but not a patch on the original Robocop. The acting by some of the cast was a bit over-the-top and the special effects left a lot to be desired. A few squirts of tomato ketchup would have been more convincing as blood than the red powder. Finally I disagree with the run time. The cover of my USA-R rated VHS says 100 minutes but the film actually runs for only 93 minutes. I give it 3 stars.
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Predictable "Robocop" rehash.
gridoon8 August 2001
A tired, second-rate "Robocop" rehash. Deadly predictable, too. You know what will happen in almost every scene. Basically the whole plot is: woman gets murdered, woman gets "ressurrected", woman seeks vengeance on those who killed her. Nothing more than that. The movie is not exactly bad, it's just so.....forgettable (and, as others have mentioned, what's with that red powder that we see instead of blood when someone gets shot?). Nicole Eggert is the sole redeeming element. (*1/2)
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Cheap Robocop rip-off with a ton of star cameos
Leofwine_draca18 June 2016
An atrocious, total rip-off of ROBOCOP, from start to finish, mean-spirited and excessively violent. This film has a recycled plot, a lead actress from BAYWATCH, and not much else - just senseless action, shooting and a couple of linking plot scenes. The poor production values mean that it looks cheap throughout, and there isn't much in the way of good action choreography to recommend either.

All it does have going for it is some excess violence (just what I like to see) and a parade of cameo appearances from numerous '80s horror movie stars! These include Bruce Abbott (RE-ANIMATOR) as a stuffy doctor, Heather Langenkamp (A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET), Dan Hicks (Joe from EVIL DEAD 2), Reggie Bannister (the PHANTASM series) Joseph Pilato (Rhodes from DAY OF THE DEAD), Tom Savini (FROM DUSK TILL DAWN) and finally everyone's favourite shemp, Bruce Campbell (THE EVIL DEAD). Phew! In this case, the film is worth watching just to see if you can spot all of them. If you're looking for solid entertainment, however, then I would advise you to look elsewhere...
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One of the worst action sci-fi movies ever made
George_Bailey18 August 1999
Yeeesh...a rating of 4!? What's with *that*? This is one of the most hilariously terrible action sci-fi movies ever made, my friends and brothers. Lets talk about effects. Yes..the blood is actually *smoke powder* which seems to leak from the villains once they're shot. Terrible explosions and pyrotechnics, including inexcusably horrible gunfire effects. The acting is terrible, and will haunt your nightmares. You have been forewarned, comrades. Be wary!
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what does being alive really mean?
webmaster-6251 January 2006
What does being alive really mean? If it means that the blood pumps around your veins, your lungs suck in air, and your eyes help you to aim your gun to blow away your enemies, then Alyssa Lloyd is certainly alive. But in dying and being brought back did she lose something important along the way? Alyssa Lloyd (played by Nicole Eggert) is the Demolishionist, a police officer brutally murdered, and brought back from the dead in true comic-book form. Every night she is forced to undergo horrific scientific procedures which keep her alive and deadly.

The scientist seems to forget that his prize specimen was (and still is?) a woman, with very human feelings.

This film has been likened to RoboCop, and there are some superficial similarities, but Demolishionist is a lot darker, the humour has more 'edge', and the final scenes bring the narrative to a brilliant conclusion!
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What an incredibly bad movie
descolada9911 November 2000
This movie has no redeeming value. If it is a satire then why did they plan sequels? Only good satire has sequels, and then rarely. The effects are bad. The guns she uses never have to reload. She's impervious to grenades. The acting is some of the worst ever captured on celluloid. It's just plain bad. I wish I could give it a negative rating.
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Great genre-movie, a must see for fans
Tall Man13 December 1998
This was a real gem! A small movie that really made the most of its budget. It was a great thrill-ride and a lot of fun. I have to admit that the basic story is a total ROBOCOP rip-off, but still the movie knew exactly how to play the story and make it into something genuine and fun. There were a few scenes that were a dead-on copy of the original ROBOCOP and I would have rather see the makers give it an original twist, which they shamefully didn't. Nonetheless this is a great movie with tons of in-jokes and funny cameos. Especially Tom Savini and Bruce Campbell are absolutely brilliant. There is also a lot of sick twisted humor in the movie that gives it the stuff to be a cult movie. The best thing in the movie tough is Nicole Eggerd. She makes a much better super-hero than her Baywatch ex-costar Pamela Anderson did in Barb Wire. The biggest difference; Nicole can act! Next to that, this movie has the balls to be dark, in stead of sexy. Great directional debut by KNB-EFX-master Robert Kurtzman too! An absolute must see!!!
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Over the top...flashy...mindless...glorious
Perception_de_Ambiguity31 October 2009
Recently I noticed that for some reason I seem to be really into mid-90's action B-movies, or maybe I just got lucky with the ones I saw. A few days ago I watched 'The Demolitionist' which can easily be written off as a Robocop rip-off and while the basic idea certainly is taken from Robocop it is very much its own film.

The psychological main conflict is that the resurrected female cop (who still has full control over herself) isn't comfortable with the fact that she is dead yet functioning better than ever thanks to her new high-tech blood. It's the kind of film in which every single character is morally degenerated and capable of anything, they all just have different motivations and enemies.

It's totally over the top, which goes for the performances as well as for the visual style. Half the movie is shot with tilted camera angles and other crazy perspectives, the light often is extremely artificial looking (usually blue).

It's mindless and the moment is more important than the whole but it does have a story and a sense of progress which keeps the ball rolling until the end (where it eventually falls apart, unfortunately). One interesting touch is how bullet impacts are visualized. Instead of blood spurting a fine red dust comes out of the guy who gets hit, so that he goes down in a red cloud. Cheap? Well, it's expressionistic.

Most interestingly I found out that all those mid-90's action B-movies I like have a common staff member - supervising sound editor Patrick M. Griffith. If you liked 'The Demolitionist' I guess I can recommend other films I enjoyed as much and in which making this man happens to have been involved: Mean Guns, Retroactive, Omega Doom, and Death Machine, which are all much better enjoyed in their original aspect ratio but can be difficult to find this way on purchasable data storage devices.
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Robobabe - Robocop on a budget
Jester22221 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this for first time in many years today.

It hasn't aged well but it's a fun nostalgic film.

It blatantly rips off Robocop (even to the point it has a potential tape scene filmed with shadows against a wall like the famous Robocop "Let the woman go or there will be trouble). I guess it's ok as Robocop was in turn a rip off of comic book lawman Judge Dredd.

Great seeing guest actors from Phantasm, Day of the Dead, F13th's Jason, Evil Dead and Reanimator (scientist with zero back story or character development) show up. Even the FX guys have a scene in the elevator.

The gorgeous lead does a great job and is almost convincing as a badass female 'Punisher' type character. Athletic and attractive.

Grieco as Mad Dog (the main villain) brings a vast amount of Ham and cheese to every scene he's in. At one time he was a sex symbol I guess, but he was well past his sell by date in this. Podgy and receeding hair. Kinda cringe. Guess he came cheaply. Savini should have played his role Speaking of Tom. Tom Savini plays Mad Dog's right hand man and is always a pleasure to see. Even in those awful 90's suit with HUGE shoulder pads. Awful. Ha ha

Script is poor, unoriginal and budget is low. But the design team did a good job on the costume.

What the hell was going on with the squibs!? The bullet wounds are meant to shoot blood out not pink dust!? Every single person that hot shot just had clearly pink dust come out of the squib holes!?

It looked comical. At the very least it should have been red. Were the people in this world just dust bags?? Fail.

Bruce Campbell is always welcome in any film and he steals the scene he is in briefly. Probably as a favour for Kurtzman who directs btw.

It's an ok film. No classic. Has a small vult following. Mainly for the cameos I reckon.

If they had filmed the final scene that they planned and storyboard it would have ended far better rather than the rush job it felt like.

It was supposed to be a cool sword fight between Alyssa and Savini character but funds ran out so they just shot him and dust came out. Ha ha.
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Poor Copy of Robocop
Baron_Samedi3 June 2000
No real acting, plot holes large enough to drop a planet through, and special effects about a decade out of date are the high points of this movie. Our "hero" lives through nanites that have replaced her blood. She has barrel-less machine pistols with an unlimited supply of ammunition and a fire rate that a video game would envy. The black comedy that made Robocop entertaining has been replaced with gimmicks and bad acting. This movie makes the Power Rangers look like high art. I caught about 10 minutes of it before I went to sleep a few nights ago and was curious, I'm glad the movie was a $0.50 rental so I didn't waste too much money. Avoid this movie, if you want a cop shoot-up, stick with Robocop.
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Overall, not a bad film but not that good either....
pdk24 January 1999
Overall, not a bad film but not that good either. Shades of Robocop here, a bit of Borg technology there, but I thought it failed to gel into an enjoyable whole. Richard Grieco was nasty, but not nasty enough. The mayor was a joke. The acting on the whole was below par. The heroine wiped out the bad guys too easily (doesn't she ever reload?). She should have at least been stabbed or shot a few times to show her super quick healing powers in action. No chance of that though with her armour. I guess given a low budget they didn't do too badly, but the outcome was merely average. Watch out for the grisly ending!
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Come On, now, people!!!
dreadful-221 November 1999
Look, this film is a SATIRE!!!!! Get It???? It's a CAMP FILM!!!! It was done *beautifully*! Nicole was GREAT, Great, Great, and so was the rest of the cast, especially the Mayor and her "accomplices. The whole feel of the film was exquisitely "dark" and "ominous", and is so effective. I have watched it several times, and i recommend all to view it again, in the light of a SATIRE. Then, you will really appreciate what this film accomplishes! And, enjoy the heck out of it!

BTW, it was originally supposed to be the 1st in a series, but unfortunately was insufficient in the box office to justify a sequel. That's a shame. Watch it again, you'll see, it's addictive!
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Cybernetic Menstrual Cycle
DavyDissonance29 August 2019
Some female cop is murdered and is brought back as a cyborg to avenge her murder. As anyone can guess, Demolishonist is the feminist equivalency of Robocop except it is vastly cheesier, cheaper and doesn't have the spark that Robocop does which is no surprise to even a brain dead moron. This is the whole aspect of "making a female version of" garbage and you'll see quite often in movies and comics and it's only purpose is to please fat, ugly feminists so they can feel empowered. "Look at her kill all those men. Yay!" Still, Demolitionist is a fun piece of caca with some decent action and a nice "so bad it's good" vibe. My only real complaint is it looks like a "made-for-TV" movie the way it was shot. But, overall, it didn't ruin the film. So if you like Robocop on the rag or movies with a cyberpunk theme, then this is worth a go.
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Offers some fun for cult movie followers.
Hey_Sweden10 March 2024
Nicole Eggert of 'Charles in Charge' fame plays detective Alyssa Lloyd, working undercover in the gang of rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth criminal mastermind Mad Dog Burne (Richard Grieco, '21 Jump Street'). Her cover is blown, her partner murdered, and she's tortured and left for dead - only to be biologically engineered into a super-human super crime fighter by "professor" Jack Crowley (Bruce Abbott, "Re-Animator") and his "Lazarus" project. Clad in a form-fitting, sleek black outfit, this super-human cop comes gunning for revenge.

Decent comic-book nonsense is obviously derivative of "RoboCop", but it works fairly well as a B level variation on that more famous futuristic action flick. There's lots of gunfire, a fair amount of low-budget atmosphere, and a good score by Shawn Patterson - not to mention some real eye candy shots of the sexy Eggert.

The principal value with "The Demolitionist" is a first-rate cast. Any aficionado of low-budget genre flicks will have a high old time playing Spot the Familiar Face - including an amusing surprise cameo (albeit uncredited) by a longtime veteran of this kind of thing, right near the end. Eggert does a good job as the heroine struggling to retain her emotions & humanity, while Grieco is obviously having fun as the greasy bad guy.

You could do a lot worse than this. It makes for agreeable (if unmemorable) entertainment for a Sunday afternoon.

This marked the directorial debut for veteran effects notable Robert Kurtzman.

Six out of 10.
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Cheesy Low-Budget Robocop Ripoff That's Actually Fun!
jasonisageek15 October 2016
If you're in the mood for a fun low-budget, cheesy sci-fi/action Robocop ripoff, then boy do I have the film for you. It won't blow your mind or anything, but if you're into this kind of stuff, then The Demolotionist will make you happy. I mean, look at this cover. It's incredible. Just judging from that cover alone, if this was the type of film you were in the mood for, I can guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. The Demolitionist will deliver the goods and then some.

Essentially just a female Robocop ripoff, this film seems to revel in it's cheesiness, never taking itself too seriously. Everything is over the top, from the hammy acting, to the dialogue, to the cartoonish violence and the bright neon lighting. Some may be put off by some of these things, especially the pink powder squibs instead of blood when victims are shot, but I actually quite enjoyed it for all of these reasons. In fact, it's when the film tries to be serious that it starts to fall apart. Luckily these scenes are few and far between, and the film recovers.

I have to assume that the hamminess of it all was intentional, because there's just so much of it, but in a really fun and entertaining way. So if that sort of thing turns you off, then maybe this isn't for you. But if it doesn't deter you, then I can tell you're in for a great time, with quite a few surprises as well.

For starters, the casting in this is just insane. I don't even know where to begin, but pretty much every few minutes you'll see an icon pop up in a bit part, and then there's the main cast, all notable cult icons. Again, it's insane and I spent more time picking out all the familiar faces than paying attention to the actual plot, which like I said, is just Robocop but with a female instead.

Something else that surprised me was how well this was made. When you go into these types of films, you have to expect it to have a certain low-budget quality, and this one does. But what surprised me was how good everything looked for the most part. There are moments where certain sequences or shots have a professional quality, like something out of a big budget film. And then the remainder of the film definitely puts a lot of style in every shot. I wouldn't say it works all of the time, but when it does work, it adds something to the overall experience.

I've only seen 2 other films with effects wizard Robert Kurtzman as director. The first being Wishmaster, which I absolutely loved, and the other one being the ultra-low-budget horror film The Rage, which I disliked so much that I couldn't even finish it. So while the cover of this one just screamed awesome and attracted literally every one of my senses, I was still on the fence about whether I would actually enjoy it or not. Kurtzman fell so hard from one picture to the next that I found it hard to work up any real excitement over this. But that cover man. It's amazing. I was in. What I didn't realize until now was that this was Kurtzman's first film as a director after co-founding KNB Effects Group. I had always thought Wishmaster was his first film for some reason, but that would be false. This film was made 2 years before Wishmaster. He does show some promise as a filmmaker, especially with his one and only big budget film Wishmaster, but I don't know how much of that was attributed to his DoP or Cinematographer. Sadly, he never built on that promise as The Rage clearly shows his decline in style, substance, and quality.

Moving on. There are several area's where the film does falter quite a bit. First and foremost, when it tries to be serious and throw emotion at us. Another area would be that a lot of the action sequences just aren't choreographed and edited very well. And much to my surprise, the film isn't gory, or even very violent. Yes, there is a lot of action in here, but it's all very cartoony and silly. In fact, I don't even recall much blood at all. And lastly, there was this annoying thing that kept happening with nearly every shot. The camera angle would be set, and whether it was a still shot or a tracking shot, it would begin to slightly tilt towards a dutch angle. It happened so often that it became a constant annoyance, and sadly, it ended up ruining some rather stunning shots where it would have been better without that happening.

All in all a very fun experience. Deeply flawed, yet there's so much to enjoy that you can easily overlook a lot of this low-budget films shortcomings. I guess the best way I can describe it is that it's a hot mess.
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I think another guy was behind the scenes
azspd-089282 September 2017
I know his name isn't on the listing of producers, if the content was any indication, it sure should have been a Roger Corman production. If you like his work, this is a good choice for you. I'm willing to bet that he could have done it for a lot less than the 1 million that this cost.
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A fine, fine film
Bassismymiddlename14 April 2006
Oh yes, I remember long ago when I starred in this film, as my portrayal of the dastardly Swamp Rat surely won the praise of many fellow actors on the set. Yes indeed, it was this cameo appearance that would lead me on to great, great things in the future. Yet I digress, as far as the quality of this film goes... I would have to say it is no less than brilliant. The acting? Superb! The plot? Simply magnificent! And the special effects? They will blow your mind! I wont reveal the clever twists this movie entails, but I can say there are many unexpected surprises involved, believe me, I was on the set! But let me just say this: if you thought Robocop was good, wait until you've seen "The Demolitionist"!
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