Carnosaur 2 (1995) Poster


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When "Jurassic Park" meets "Aliens"...literaly!
Boba_Fett11381 May 2012
And I was actually glad and surprised that the first movie wasn't being as much a "Jurassic Park" ripoff. It probably only didn't because it couldn't, since it was released a couple of months before "Jurassic Park" hit the theaters. This movie makes up for that though, since it really doesn't have an original idea of its own in it. It even more blatantly is ripping off James Cameron's "Aliens".

It even isn't being subtle about it. It doesn't try to conceal that it 'borrowed' heavily from "Aliens" and pretty much steals entire scenes, dialog and characters from that movie. Really, if you have seen "Aliens", you have seen "Carnosaur 2" as well already! The story even progresses in the exact same way.

But oh well, I still have to give the movie that it at least is being better to watch than the original. The story is much easier and pleasant to follow and it at least has some half decent characters in it as well.

Another thing that had been improved were its effects. The dinosaurs are better looking and more threatening this time around. It really prevents the movie from being ever becoming a truly ridicules or horrible one as well.

Really, it isn't anything too uncommon for a movie to ripoff another one. Especially not for low budget movies like this one. And out of all the "Aliens" ripoffs that are out there, this ons is not all that bad and actually at times quite good and enjoyable.

Not original by any means obviously but it at least is a watchable enough, cheap, little movie, that is far better and more pleasant to watch than the original as well.

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Nothing special, but not bad for a dinosaur-movie sequel
Phillemos20 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Take "Aliens." Replace the far-flung planet with a military base in the middle of Nevada. Replace the xenomorph Alien creatures with Velociprators and a Tyrannosaurus rex. You now essentially have "Carnosaur 2." That's not to say this a bad movie or that Roger Corman & Co. should go to jail for plagiarism. Every movie is derived somehow from an older movie. For all the talk about plagiarizing "Aliens," nobody remembers that the original "Alien" was sued by the creators of the old '50s horror movie "It! The Terror from Beyond Space" because they felt like the essentials of "Alien" were lifted from their movie. "Carnosaur 2" is your basic "mosnters-run-amok" movie that doesn't do anything to distinguish itself from any other "monsters-run-amok" movie. The characters are goofy and you can tell pretty early in the flick who's going to make it and who won't. But for what it is, "Carnosaur 2" is an entertaining watch if you have nothing else to do, or if you're with friends and you want to play "Mystery Science Theater 3000." It's not quite as dark and gloomy as the original "Carnosaur," and has absolutely nothing to do with that movie either. But I give it a 5 out of 10.
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A very "Alien-like" sequel.
FoxWithaCamera19 April 2000
This movie is for those with patience. It can be very tedious at times. They seemed to have wanted to go with suspense but fell short. Somehow Dianne Ladd's rubber puppet dinosaurs have ended up in a government mining facility in Nevada. And a very rag-tag crew of computer repairmen (and woman) just happen to be there at the time. From there, the movie follows a very Aliens type synopsis. The Velociraptor dinosaurs have improved their looks considerably since the first movie, but their movement is incredibly stiff. The same T=Rex appears in this film. Like the first, this movie is for those that like cheesy films with low production values.
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Made-of-movie movie
ltnmaverick11 December 2001
I admit I went into this movie expecting cheese (having been previously warned a few years before) but I never expected what I saw could both be good and bad.

The story doesn't really go anywhere, and the characters are almost strait from Aliens. A team of people (nobody I've talked to seem to know who or what they are) are sent into a government research facility to get the place back on line, though the government apparently forgot to ask why it was off-line to begin with. People die, choppers crash, and all kinds of things happen, but if you try to spot the scenes reminicent of Aliens, then it actually becomes kinda fun (be sure to add in the "get away from her, you B****" line near the end).

As far as acting goes, not too bad. It just would have helped to have something of a plot or dialog. A must-see for B-moviers, just for the laughs.
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Wow, actually better than the first (by better I mean more laughable also)
emperor_bender8 December 2008
So after the Muppet dinosaurs were killed in the first movie, they came back for seemingly no reason whatsoever in this movie. Only this time, they make bell sounds when they're about to have a victim suddenly appear in their mouths! This movie's plot was actually not half bad though. But the movie was still laughable.

Plot: Chucky's dinosaur cousins attack people and a team is sent in to start up the place where the people all died the first time again.

There are some gory kills here as well, as the people here like the first movie are plastic dolls held together by red gum. Also there are toy helicopters! 5/10
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Was Spielberg involved here?
scooterinsure4 March 2006
Evidently someone involved in this production has created multiple email accounts to vault the Vote scoring up to 3.6/10. Believe me: This movie rates a 1. Or a fraction.

I have a Love/Hate thing going with this type of movie. On the Hate side movies such as Carnosaur 2 are Z-quality: they pillage clichés without conscience; the special effects don't fool a four-year old; the filming set is often an "underground facility" or "molded plastic cave" to conceal a lack of "site location" budget; the actors are no-names except for one or two spiraling has-beens fresh off the dinner theater circuit; and the plots are ridiculous retreads or riffs conjured on the set.

On the Love side: Such movies are unabashedly pure in their lack of production values, star power, and talent. They are beautiful things to watch and their badness should be admired. An ultra-bad movie like Carnosaur 2 is a lot of fun and hilarious if you have a couple of minutes during channel surfing or if you're stoned at 2 am or having a party.

Little known fact: The special effects were pioneered in the groundbreaking Barney the Purple Dinosaur series. If you look reeeeeeally close...OK, even if you look from a can see the rubber Carnosaur suits squish up from the guys inside or the obvious camera angle placement to make the 2 foot tall model the size of a forklift...or the rubber toes bending in awkward boneless ways...or you name it.

God bless the Sci-Fi Channel for breathing life into these silly, ultra-low budget horror and sci-fi flicks. Long live the B-movie!
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Carnosaur is back for more and the audience is heading for the exit
JM249 August 1999
Well, I'll give this movie a break since it was by a different director. In fact, all 3 of the not-so-thrillogy movies are by different directors, which says a lot for the film. Anyway, the film. Somehow the diabolical dinos (about 2 species. Count 'em. 2.) have escaped death and now are kicking around in a secret base in the Nevada desert. A few attack some guys who have nothing to do with the secret base, and the 3 Stooges' equal to a SWAT team is called in. Lotsa blood, bile, and other wonders of the human body follows. The "climax" (Although I could barely call it that) involves blood, bile, and things blowing up. Afterwards, the ending involves blood, bile, and things falling down things. An all-around terrible flick that could easily made it to Mystery Science Theater 3000 if not for all of the blood, bile, and wooden acting.
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This is pretty bad
megoobee7 January 2006
Have you seen Jurassic Park? Have you seen Aliens? Guess what, you've seen this movie already. I won't tell you what parts were ripped off from the previously mentioned two movies (you'll need to suffer through the movie too) but you'll recognized them quite easily. The special effect for the "dinos" are pretty bad, I guess the "dinos" special effects team came cheap. The special effects for the death scenes were pretty good, with various people being relieved of certain body parts. Keep an eye out for the female team member toward the end of the movie; poor thing never had a chance. While the "dinos" are pretty fake, you may still want to keep the little kids away as some of the death scenes are pretty gory.
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It Was bad but still enjoyable
patrick-green8 May 2006
I saw this movie late one night on the sixth (french) channel. Most of it was awful but there were still a few redeeming qualities to it. The actors were rather pathetic, typical dino fodder I'd say and all they did was swear and moan about the ugly lizards attacking them. But they were PROFESSIONAL dino fodder actors. Indeed, they were very entertaining when getting dismembered and chomped by the dinosaurs. The gory scenes were not bad either. The dinos, on the other hand looked cheap and stiff, for they were puppets!! Yes, puppets, my friends, shown in full view struggling on their stiff, fat legs to get at the actors. Luckily for them there is still the ambushing tactic, ideal when in an underground mining/scientific/whatsitsname facility. Some elements of the plot reminded me vaguely of Aliens though... Things I learned from this movie: -Plastic mattresses are quite common in underground whatitsname facilities, they are a life saving device for crumby actors falling from ludicrous heights. -We humans are so dumb we have forgotten what to do when attacked by a shuffling, fat velociraptor, which is, to run like hell or hide. -Cloned velociraptors and tyrannosaurs look nothing like their prehistoric ancestors who were lithe, mighty and sleek-looking. Clones are fat, stiff and fake-looking. -A tyrannosaur cannot smash through an elevator door, especially when this one is made of metal mesh. -Dinos are extremely annoyed by Wagner's music, especially Flight of the Walkiry. -Dinos can unrig a booby trap better than any old soldier. -A man being shaken around in a T-rex's maw looks a lot like a plastic dummy.
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TCurtis919229 February 2020
"CARNOSAUR II" (1995, Morneau) is a surprisingly star-studded low-budget film inspired by "ALIENS" (1986, Cameron). Funnily enough James Cameron wanted to make "Jurassic Park" and he said it would have been "ALIENS but with dinosaurs", so perhaps "CARNOSAUR II" isn't far off what we might've gotten from Cameron (except the effects, sets, soundtrack, directing, props, story, etc. Would have been miles better...) had Spielberg not gotten his golden mits on the rights.

I don't know if this is better than "CARNOSAUR" (1993, Simon) because that would be like comparing apples and oranges. This second outing is definitely more mainstream and more watchable but with the same gore value. The raptors aren't as detailed as the deinonychus from the original but there are more of them and the Rex is just the same. Big, jerky and unforgivingly hungry.
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Better than the original but...
BandSAboutMovies26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie went into production before Carnosaur was even done. That's how it works in Corman world, because this was going to be a big direct to video success. It's still Aliens with dinosaurs and ends the same way as the first one, as a T. Rex battles a forklift.

What starts as a nuclear meltdown turns into a storage facility packed with cloned dinosaurs. Along the way, you'll see the boom mic, tape marks on the floor and puppeteers in frame, but the dinosaurs are a little better as the team had a week of post-production this time.

Director Louis Morneau also made some other sequels, like Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead and The Hitcher II: I've Been Waiting. Michael Palmer, who wrote it, also was behind another Corman sequel, Watchers III.

You can make fun of these down and dirty sequels all you want, but the crew worked 16 hour days for 18 days in a row, which is a huge effort to deliver a movie under budget and way ahead of expectations. So if some things go wrong, well, so be it. It's incredible that any movie gets made.
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A fun movie, These Dinos Have BITE!!!!
djeb200426 February 2009
Well I must say that I did really enjoy this movie. I know this thing is no where near perfection, and I'm not judging this movie based on that. I am a big movie watcher and I must say that I was able to sit through the movie all the way through and stay pretty interested to see what was going to happen. I was actually impressed with the dinosaur affects. The velociraptors were actually pretty cool looking. These dinos looked more vicious than the ones in the first one did. It gave the Carnosaur title more meaning i think. I did notice the tyrannosaurus was the same from the first one, but this movie used it more which i think that was a plus. Overall the acting was mediocre, I thought John Savage was pretty good. The nice thing about no name or mediocre named actors is you don't really know who is going to die. You may get an idea, but you still watch to see how its going to go down. I would recommend this movie if your bored and nothing is really on TV. It is definitely worth watching. It is much much better than the first Carnosaur and even better than the lame Carnosaur 3. I would say this is the best of the serious. Even though its got the alien like plot but another fun factor is that the team going in there to repair the plant aren't armed to all living hell with guns. I'd say this movie learned a little from the first Carnosaur and then watched Aliens and was like, "hey, we can make a dino sequel!" I give this movie an 8 out of 10 simply because its better than the first and way better than the 3rd, but a fun movie overall and if your disappointed then you'll be only losing a buck at family video lol.
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Better than the first
Samiam31 February 2009
Carnosaur 2 is the best entry in the series. If you ignore the rubbish dialog, this film might come across as decent for a (very) cheap horror flick. Compared to the original Carnosaur, this one is a masterpiece. The gore is less severe and obnoxious, The creatures are shot in a such a way that for most of the time they don't look too rubbery. Most importantly however is the fact that the plot is far more coherent than the original, Part of it has to do with copying almost directly from the well written screeenplay of Aliens. For a cheap budget, the set design is pretty good and gives the movie a dark, industrial feeling. The acting is stiff and unrealistic, but again, next to Carnosaur it is acceptable. I would not recommend this film to everybody, only to extreme horror fans.
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Well, someone obviously loved James Cameron's "Aliens"...
Coventry25 December 2023
You can say a lot of (negative) things about "Carnosaur 2", but not that it blatantly imitates the first film. "Carnosaur", from 1993, was a splatter horror flick about scientifically engineered dinosaurs running amok in a small town, whereas the sequel is a harshly violent 'send in the military cannon fodder for a mission that is guaranteed to fail' Sci-Fi movie. It's like Ridley Scott's "Alien" versus James Cameron's "Aliens", but on shoestring budgets, of course. Speaking of which, director Louis Morneau and writer Michael Palmer obviously were massive fans of "Aliens". The narrative structure, macho mercenary characters, kills, and a handful of iconic battle scenes are clearly and shamelessly modeled after the 1986 Sci-Fi landmark.

Is it original? Not exactly, no. Is it entertaining? You bet! Although less fun than the first "Carnosaur" (in my humble opinion, at least), the sequel also guarantees blood-soaked massacres and heavy artillery. My favorite moment: a tough-as-nails female mercenary sees her arm chewed off by a T-Rex, but she courageously continues to fight it until the critter also tears open her stomach.
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* *1/2 out of 4.
brandonsites198123 August 2002
Exciting non-related sequel about a crew sent in to repair an underground basement and to find out what happened to the original crew that is now missing. There they run into a group of super intelligent dinosaurs that are smarting then the crew themselves that then make the crew lunch. Better effects, some genuine surprises, plenty of scares, and a good atmosphere make this a fun outing, but it is sorely missing Diane Ladd's demented performance.

Rated R; Graphic Violence and Profanity.
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Laughably bad
duce12228 March 2003
Carnosaur 2 (1995) D: Louis Morneau. John Savage, Cliff De Young, Don Stroud, Rick Dean, Ryan Thomas Johnson, Neith Hunter, Arabella Holzborg, Guy Boyd. Simply one of the worst films ever made, this cheap non-sequel to the Jurassic Park rip-off CARNOSAUR contains some of the worst dialogue ever uttered in a film, as well as another collection of cliched characters and scenes. This time, a top secret operations team of some kind enters a top-secret military installation to search for a missing crew. But surprise! They get trapped and battle against hungry, vicious, man-eating dinosaurs! They might as well have just called the film `2,' for there are about 2-minutes worth of dinosaurs in the entire film. What we get instead is a bunch of lousy acting and incredibly inept special effects when the dinosaurs actually do appear (Boy, do they look fake!). Laughably bad. RATING: 2 out of 10. Rated R for graphic violence and gore, grisly images, and profanity.
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These guys should just quit while they're ahead.
UnratedX9 April 1999
The deadly dinosaurs are back for revenge, and everything sucks twice as bad as before. This one still has cheap special effects, cheap acting, and cheap everything else. If you see this one sitting on the counter of your local video store, just do yourself and I a favor and ignore it.
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God dammit i need to burn my eyes out now
patrick10108525 September 2006
Sweet Jesus what the hell did i just watch. if you want to watch one of the worst made, worst acted, worst overall job on a movie, then you've come to the right place. Carnosaur 2 features NONE of the same actors, directors, or even writers of the first one. i watched carnosaur 1 and it has no relation to this movie at all (another crappy movie by the way). if you want to rent a horrible movie to laugh at, then this is a great one for doing so. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD ANYONE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH PURCHASE THIS PIECE OF CRAP. it has a replay value of about, oh, lets say, none. my favorite part by far was when you could clearly see the outline of a person walking around in the suit when he is about to kill the token black guy at the beginning of a movie. unnecessary cussing and absolutely zero plot add to the fun. i am so looking forward to watching carnosaur 3.
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"We can't just lie down & become food for some prehistoric Iguana." Blatant Aliens rip-off...
poolandrews13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Carnosaur 2 starts with a special team of underground engineers headed up by Ben Kahane (Don Stroud) being hired by military defence bloke Tom McQuade (Cliff De Young) to fly into a Government uranium mining facility to fix it's apparent electrical problems. The helicopter pilot Joanne Galloway (Neith Hunter) fires the engines up, Tom, Ben & his team consisting of Jack Reed (John Savage), 'Monk' (Rick Dean), Sarah Rawlins (Arabella Holzbog) & Ed Moses (Miguel A. Nunez Jr.) board & they all fly off deep into the Californian desert where the facility is hidden. Once they get there they discover the place completely deserted apart from a traumatised teenage boy named Jesse Turner (Ryan Thomas Johnson), they question him but Jesse is in shock & refuses to say anything. The team find widespread damage throughout the facility & soon discover that it has been overrun by genetically created Dinosaurs who slaughtered all the workers & proceed to kill everyone in the team. With the helicopter pilot dead & the chopper blown to pieces the team are stuck at the facility which is crawling with flesh eating Dinosaurs...

Directed by Louis Morneau & produced by Roger Corman Carnosaur 2 is a massive Aliens (1986) rip-off much more so than the original Carnosaur (1993) was a Jurassic Park (1993) rip-off, the script by Michael Palmer basically is Aliens but with the setting changed. Lets detail the similarities shall we? There's the isolated complex that has had everyone running it slaughtered except for one child. There's the unruly bunch of outsiders including the selfish & uncaring company man whose only bothered about money. There's a scene in which a monster is waiting in the back of the getaway vehicle & attacks the pilot causing it to crash, Carnosuar 2 even has the shot of blood splashing on the windshield. There's the way the survivors have to barricade themselves into the facility & even check blueprints of the buildings on a computer while discussing what to do. There's the plot development that something has happened to the facility & it will be destroyed by a nuclear explosion in a short amount of time just to add to their problems & force them to make a daring escape. There's the scene in which the cowardly character is trapped in a corridor with the tough one who is injured & they find themselves surrounded by Dinosaurs at which point they light some dynamite & hold it together as it explodes killing lots of Dinosaurs allowing the hero & teenage brat to make their escape. There's the electronic facility voice who warns of impending danger & starts a countdown. Neither can we forget the climatic fight between the large Dinosaur & the hero who uses a huge yellow mechanical crane. Every single aspect, idea, theme, character, set or situation could be seen as ripped-off from Aliens, I'm surprised James Cameron hasn't sued & I think Cameron deserves as much credit for the screenplay as Michael Palmer. On it's own Carnosaur 2 is average entertainment, at least it moves along at a nice pace plus there's a fair amount of Dinosaur attacks & on screen action. I've sat through a lot worse.

Director Morneau is no Cameron even though he tries to be. Even the lift they use looks exactly like the ones in Aliens right down to how they open with that mesh type grill. The film feels very Aliens & looks it. The special effects are slightly better than the original but that's because the Dinosaur scenes are quickly edited & they only appear on screen for a few seconds at a time. Again it's a mixture of hand puppets, mechanical models & guys in rubber suits, none look particularly convincing. There is a funny scene when the obligatory black guy has a mini boxing match with one of them! The gore is toned down compared to the first film, there's a gory bit when someone has her arm torn off & her guts pulled out but apart from that it's mostly just a bit of fake blood splashed around.

Techncially Carnosaur 2 is OK, it's not the most polished film I've ever seen but it's competent most of the time. The acting wasn't great, no one stood out & I thought most of the character's were bland & dull.

Carnosaur 2 is basically Aliens set on earth with Dinosaurs instead of aliens, it's as simple & straight forward as that. It's an alright way to pass 90 odd minutes but it's nothing original or special. Sequences from Carnosaur 2 were edited into Raptor (2001) & was followed by Carnosaur 3: Primal Species (1996) which is the final Carnosaur film to date.
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Vagina eating dinosaurs and Z-list movie stars? Oh has success written all over it.
ekim19823 February 2009
Similar to the first film, Carnosaur II is a b-movie gorefest intended to capitalize off the popularity of Jurassic Park. Featuring no actors of any notoriety (other than Miguel Nunez...guess he REALLY needed work), this film is a forgettable flop that centers around a boy genius of some sort who has to disable a facility that's mass producing hungry dinosaurs. The raptors are featured prominently and the Rex is limited to a few shots due to a major malfunction with the robot (a rather impressive feat, to build such a huge robot for such a pointless movie). The ultra-gory death scenes start happening in rapid succession, culminating in what is probably the most memorable of all: a secretary of some sort is pulled through the roof of an elevator. A raptor sizes her up, painfully bites off her arm, then...goes straight for the pubic mound. Don't believe me? Rent it or watch the clip on youtube...the Raptor dives right in to the poor girl's genitals and feasts away, ultimately tearing out her uterus. Oddly enough, the girl makes rather orgasmic noises throughout the entire affair...apparently she's a b-list porn star according to some sources, which may explain why.

The ultimate rip off death features a female helicopter pilot, bringing the evac chopper over to the troops, only to be ambushed from behind. As the Raptor tears her apart, her blood showers the window as she struggles and flails her arms...I'd almost swear the scene was just ripped from Aliens and spliced in! If the idea of genital-eating dinos and low budget gore fests is your thin, go ahead and give it a won't be disappointed. Otherwise, if you have any self respect or any iota of respect for the film industry, just ignore this movie's existence.
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One of the Worst Dinosaur Movies of All Time
EugeneandSasha5 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First off this comment is more of a review and contains a lot of spoilers. This movie is called Carnosaur 2. But there are almost no actual Carnosaurs. They are all raptors and the only Carnosaur comes out at the end for 2 minutes and get's killed by a kid with a fork lift. Need I say more? When the woman gets her arm ripped off, it's slow and she screams as if she was pinched. The blood is the wrong colour and the blood isn't leaking but it's sticky! The Raptor looks very fake and when it kills the first dark-skin guy it slaps him twice then kills him. The acting is extremely poor and is very cheesy. The kid is annoying and is a crappy actor. The blood is sticky when a workman gets his head bit off and his legs are still moving. I can't believe how bad this movie is. In the beginning when the raptor comes, you don't see it and all you see is some people throwing them selves on tables and screaming. However to some degree its funny because of how bad it is and is actually quite entertaining and for that it doesn't get a 1/10.

My Rating: 3.6/10
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The best in the trilogy.... and why is that?
swedzin4 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Why did I say "The Best in the Trilogy". Here is the explanation: This movie, is no more, no less a horrible and disgraceful copy of James Cameron's "Aliens" (1986). When you saw "Aliens", you can easily see it again in some different fashion. And here it is. The story is very, very similar. Even characters… Well, where to start, a group of technicians arrives in a giant power plant, or mine, or whatever the f**k is it, that happens to be a large nuclear reactor, and of course, we expect it to go boom… The place is crawling with raptors that enjoy to kill everything in their way, including one large (laughable) T-Rex (OK, In "Aliens" we have a bunch of drone aliens (raptors) and a big, nasty bitch – the queen (T-Rex)). The characters were also the same Jack Reed (John Savage, who… how the hell did he get here?), is a fine mixture of Corporal Hicks from Aliens (there played my Michael Biehn ) and somewhat of Ripley (Sigourney Weaver), next we have Tom McQuade (Cliff De Young), a similar character to Burke from Aliens, and then we got Jesse (Ryan Thomas Johnson), a mixture of Newt and Ripley from the "Aliens", why Ripley? Because Jesse kills a T-Rex with a forklift on the end of the film, just as Ripley pushed out alien queen from space ship, The character of 'Monk' is no one else, but Hudson (Bill Paxton from "Aliens"), who makes jokes and get most scared when the things go out of control, other characters as Moses is a original, by the looks of things, but he did a bypass on the large doors, just as Hudson did in "Aliens", and by his looks, he bears a resemblance to Pvt. Frost from "Aliens". Ben Kahane (Don Stroud) is of course, Sgt. Apone and the girls (oh, I left the girls for the end, how rude of me… but I don't give a damn, frankly, my dear), first Sarah Rawlins had nothing to do with "Aliens" character, so it's free to say, that she is quite original, but gives us a resemblance to Pvt. Vasquez… maybe for a moment, or not, but she dies like Hudson... in gore and pain, and finally we have Joanne Galloway the pilot, very similar to "Aliens" pilot Ferro, also a female pilot, that dies in the same way. Killed off behind the pilot chair inside the aircraft. So much about those things, there is a lot more to say about connections between "Aliens" and "Carnosaur 2". In short… one big "copy/paste". The acting, atmosphere, script, special effects (especially gore and dinosaur effects), are just plain funny. The dinosaur puppets are the same and their movements are also the same – Lame! And for the end, guess what? I do recommend this film! Watch it, it is funny and entertaining, more different that the original, or the even more funnier "Carnosaur 3". Enjoy!
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Carnosaur 2 is Aliens
thanasis-milios15 February 2014
Whereas the first was a Monster-on-the-loose in a small town kind of movie, this one is much more of a cramped low-lighted enclosed-space survival horror along the likes of the video game Dino Crises. To start off, I want to To start off, I want to make it clear that Aliens is one of my all-time favorite science fiction/horror movies, and this movie is Aliens. It's as if they took the exact same script but turned Ripley into a male, Newt into a male, set it at a facility in the desert instead of another planet, and replace the aliens with Raptors, and then you've got this movie. I am not kidding when I say it's the exact same movie as Aliens. Even some of the dialog is word for word the exact same. And you know what? I'm fine with that, because it ended up making for a damn entertaining movie. I always say that if you're going to rip something off, rip off something good.
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"C2" is a surprisingly good sequel with a solid cast, considering
kclipper16 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Movie fans usually scoff when they hear the words "direct to video", since a film would not fall into that category if its budget and production values were capitalized on by major studios, but sometimes a few of these little flicks can become hidden gems due to an experienced producer such as Roger Corman, and a cast that puts their heart and sweat into it regardless of its profit or notoriety.

The sequel to the campy B-movie, "Carnosaur" is obviously inspired by the big box office hit sequels of yester-year such as "Aliens", Terminator 2, and "Predator 2". Creators use the technique of not introducing the identity of the creatures for the first third of the film, and the creature stalks its prey through corridors and ventilation ducts, disposing of the cast one by one in gory ways. This time, the head of US Defense, Cliff De Young hires a mercenary squad of hotheads to investigate electrical malfunctions at a classified military mining facility that happens to be inhabited by the prehistoric monstrosities that killed off the whole staff as a result of their shady genetic experiments and cover-up of nuclear weapons. Now the cast must either fight or become lunch. Sound familiar?

By now you should know what to expect. The dinosaurs look just as plastic and fake as before, but an energetic cast of underrated character actors including John Savage, Don Stroud, and Rick Dean keep it lively and entertaining. Combined with some witty dialog and nice directorial touches, C2 should be a crowd-pleaser amongst B-movie genre fans thats up to par with if not better than its predecessor. Its followed by another sequel, Carnosaur 3: Primal Species, believe it or not.
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If it had a larger budget, it could have been good...
pcast99-128 May 2011
I'm not sure why I bothered to watch this movie after seeing the first one, but I thought it would be better given a few years to better the visuals, but i was WAY wrong. The dinosaurs were the same crappy, rubber puppets used in the first film, although they did seem a little more gruesome.

The plot seemed okay but what would dinosaurs be doing in a facility in the middle of the desert, with no explanation of who put them there or why? Most of the actors I'd never heard of except Fred Savage, and he was the only actor who even seemed to try.

I have to admit that if this film had a large budget, the visuals could have been better and the movie might have been better, but this ultimately was a stupid and pointless sequel.

And one other thing, DO NOT believe the reviews on the front cover, I don't know how much the produces paid them to say this film was everything Jurassic Park should have been, but that was probably where most of the budget went to.
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