Miracles: The Canton Godfather (1989) Poster

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A Miracle of Moviemaking
It is the 1930's, and naïve country boy Kuo Cheng-Wah has just arrived in Hong Kong. A violent gang war has broken out over the city, which he finds himself in the middle of. After a gang boss bequeaths him his empire, Cheng-Wah opens a nightclub, featuring the sultry singer Yang Luming as star attraction. Meanwhile, Madame Kao, an impoverished street seller, needs Cheng-Wah's help if she is to convince her daughter she is a lady of means. So begins a madcap tale full of action, comedy and romance sure to leave audiences spellbound.

Directed by Jackie Chan and based on Damon Runyon's short story 'Madame La Gimp,' 'Miracles' is a heartwarming, exciting comedy both fun and fast-paced. Runyon's source material had been adapted for the screen twice before by Frank Capra, in 1933 with 'Lady For A Day' and 1961 with 'Pocketful of Miracles,' but Chan's version is by far the most memorable. Combining clever dialogue with strong characterisation and witty set-pieces, the screenplay brims with comedic inventiveness. The narrative is consistently engaging, full of humorous misunderstandings, idiosyncratic characters and hilarious action that would have made Buster Keaton proud.

As is the case with most Chan fare, the film features stunt work and fight choreography that is awe-inspiring. The martial arts world's answer to Fred Astaire, Chan's incredible physicality is on full display, and the rapid-fire action will leave you breathless- when you're not laughing, that is. A sequence in a rope factory has to be seen to be believed; so incredible are Chan and his Stunt Team. Furthermore, the aspects of the narrative involving Madame Kao are handled brilliantly, bringing additional humour and drama to proceedings, while the musical numbers interspersed throughout harken back to the glory days of Hollywood musicals.

Moreover, Arthur Wong's lush cinematography gives the film a richness and fluidity largely missing from Chan's previous pictures. Making expert use of tracking shots and long, single takes, Wong fosters a sense of realism and immersion. A one take shot at the night club is most impressive, swooping over the heads of the audience from the stage, up into Cheng-Wah's office; plunging the viewer deep into the glamourous world of the film.

Eddie Ma's grand production design drips with textural richness. From the bustling streets of Hong Kong, to the velvet and gold rimmed nightclub, to the dusty rope factory, all the locations are detailed and visually interesting. A stunning feast for the eyes, Ma, art director Sai Kan Lam and set decorator Yiu-Kwong But have faithfully recreated 1930's Hong Kong, with a wry, Runyonesque slant. In addition, Lai-Fang Chan and Sun-Yiu Cheung's costume design is intricate and evocative; adding to the personalities of the characters and their world.

Jackie Chan stars as Kuo Cheng-Wah, opposite Anita Mui as Yang Luming and Ah-Lei Gua as Madame Kao. Charismatic and charming, Chan is brilliant in the role, clearly relishing the chance to play an old timey 'Guys and Dolls' style gangster. His terrific comedic timing- combined with his martial arts prowess- is incredible to behold, while he imbues the character with interesting little quirks- like flipping a hat before putting it on- that make him all the more compelling. As director, stunt coordinator and actor; Chan impresses greatly.

As does Anita Mui, demonstrating her considerable comedic, and vocal, talents. She and Chan share a great chemistry that makes watching them together a joy, while her classy performance of the song 'Rose, Rose I Love You' is close to unforgettable. Ah-Lei Gua brings a touching vulnerability to her role, making her compelling and sympathetic. Additionally, Bill Tung is hilarious as a conman Cheng-Wah brings into the fold, while Chun-Hsiung Ko and Lo Lieh make for excellent villains. Also worth mentioning are Wu Ma, as Cheng-Wah's mentor Uncle Hoi, and Richard Ng, as bumbling Chief Inspector Ho, who both give memorable, humorous performances.

In conclusion, Jackie Chan's 'Miracles' is a funny, heartwarming comedy that does justice to its source material, Damon Runyon's 'Madame La Gimp,' while also paying tribute to the work of Frank Capra and the Golden Age of Hollywood. Showcasing Chan's innumerable talents and vision, it is exciting and entertaining, featuring many pulse-pounding action sequences, striking cinematography and a fine score. Well-acted and fun for all the family, it really is a miracle of moviemaking.
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Sweet, sweet movie!
rutt13-120 June 2001
This is terrific! One of his most lush, great looking, and well-directed (by himself) films, "Miracles" is engaging, charming and absolutely likable! The humor's perfect, along with the setting, and the cast is wonderful! The fighting, though less prevalent, is in my opinion some of his best work! This one pays great attention to story and detail, and not only is it very entertaining, it's really pretty beautiful to look at, as well....
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Now that is one lucky rose...
paul_haakonsen18 February 2016
This 1989 Jackie Chan movie differs from most of his usual movie in terms of being less action-filled and having less slapstick comedy in it. This is one of the more 'serious' of movies in his career, although he did manage to put in some comedy elements here and there.

Jackie Chan directed "Miracles" (aka "Qi ji") himself and also starred in it alongside with Anita Mui. The two do have good on-screen chemistry together and do compliment one another well throughout the course of the movie. However, Bill Tung (playing Tung) and Richard Ng (playing Captain Ho) were also really good throughout the movie and added a lot of charm and humor to the movie. I didn't even realize that Biao Yuen had a cameo in the movie until after I checked the full cast list on IMDb, nor did I see Simon Yam as a police man either.

There is, of course, martial arts, stunts and action throughout this movie, as it is a Jackie Chan movie after all. But it is not as prominent a key element to the movie as seen in most of his prior and later work. And with this being a Jackie Chan movie, the action, martial arts and stunts you get is of course excellent and so well choreographed and equally well executed.

The story in "Miracles" is about a newcomer to Hong Kong in the 1930's who is hustled out of his last remaining money. He reluctantly becomes a mafia boss and finds himself trying to do good in a world run by criminals and hoodlums.

I will say that the story was good, although the movie felt a bit too long running at two hours and nineteen minutes. It could have used some trimming down here and there. But all in all, it was enjoyable and a good wholehearted Jackie Chan movie.

The cast in "Miracles" was quite good, with a handful of some very familiar faces (as listed earlier above), especially if you are familiar with the Hong Kong cinema. The cast ensemble did perform well in their given roles and characters.

I think that with this 1989 movie then Jackie Chan also established himself as being capable of branching out to other genres than his all too familiar martial arts action comedies. And that was a good achievement.

All in all, "Miracles" is an enjoyable movie to watch for fans of Jackie Chan and newcomers alike. And for us who are a fan of the traditional Jackie Chan movies then "Miracles" was a much welcomed breath of fresh air and a foray into new territory for the beloved action star.
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Chan's favourite of his films is technically superb and charming but drags far too much
DrLenera18 October 2004
Miracles is Jackie Chan's favourite amongst his movies ,and the one in which he invested the most time and care. The result is, technically, a triumph. The convincing sets, lavish costumes and graceful camera work really hold by western film standards, while the fight scenes boast choreography that is just incredible to watch. They are more like musical numbers than martial arts fights, but the level of invention is just staggering, particularly in the scene where Jackie has to make his way down some stairs, fighting heavies as he does so, and the end battle in a rope factory.

However, elsewhere the film has problems. It attempts to juggle several plot lines with mixed success. The 'gangster'part, with Jackie as a crime boss, generally works well, but Jackie's relationship with singer Anita Mui almost disappears from the film and the Frank Capra 'A Pocketful Of Miracles'copied story is dwelt on at such length and so slowly that the middle of the film drags terribly, with endless dialogue scenes that could have sometimes been shortened or cut without harm to the film {or course, there is a shorter version of this film, but with some of the wrong bits cut}. At least there are some great laughs, such as gangsters and their 'molls' trying to be respectable rich folk, and the Clouseau-like Richard Ng's police captain.

Miracles is certainly not one of Chan's classics like Project A, Police Story or Drunken Master 1 and 2, but there is still a lot to like.
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A Different JC Movie
leekandham27 March 2002
It is well known that 'Miracles' is one of Jackie Chan's favourite

movies, mainly due to the artistic freedom he got to make it.

We're all accustomed to Jackie Chan movies in the style of the

high octane martial arts action thriller, but up until this production

Jackie had little chance to show off his cinematographic skills,

often criticised for being very one-dimensional in his movie

making. 'Miracles' was the answer to all that.

Having secured the largest budget in HK movie history for this film

(which was yet still extremely modest by Hollywood standards),

Miracles was produced slightly differently from HK films we're

used to. The result was a lavish set with excellent costumes, and

most of all, flowing, extravagant shots throughout the film.

Unfortunately though, the storyline is a bit weak.

This is certainly not the traditional Jackie Chan movie we're used

to, but it is nice to see Jackie show off some of his other skills in

movie making, and that he's not just an all-action hero.
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Not Jackie Chan's best film, but still worth a watch
rde28 January 1999
The first thing I noticed about this film is that it seems to star everyone who ever made a movie in Hong Kong; I seemed to spend the entire movie going 'oooh, it's Yuen Biao!' (or whoever). Plotwise, it's typical early Jackie Chan; frenetic action sequences punctuated by high farce. As in a lot of his early stuff, the farce can be a bit excruciating, but not so much that you'll feel obliged to hit fast-forward. The action sequences, while interesting, aren't as spectacular as in his later movies; the movie seems to try to be more of a plot-driven movie (and much as I love Jackie Chan, these aren't really his strong points). If for some bizarre reason you aren't yet a Jackie Chan fan, you'll probably want to check out Armor of God or Project A first. If I'm preaching to the converted, you'll find Oiji merrily passes an hour and a half, but it's by no means a masterpiece. It's got Anita Mui, though. She always makes a movie watchable.
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Spectacular action but a little long
udeaasykle17 May 2004
I first saw this movie when i was young and now as an adult i saw it again. Fist off, i am a huge Jackie Chan fan. He is in my opinion the best action star on the planet. And the action in this movie is breathtaking. With that said i think, and this is just my personal view, that the movie is a little too long. Over two hours for this kind of movie is too long. But this movie is still very good. The scenes are big and gorgeously made, this is a beautiful picture and when you have that, then add Jackie Chan and a couple of the best fight scenes ever you got yourself a pretty good deal. Everybody know that the fight scenes with Jackie is always good, but in this movie they are really really spectacular. Jackie Chan himself says that this is his favorite directorial effort. Although you think the movie is a little boring at parts the action itself is absolutely worth it. I rate this movie 7/10
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Different, but great
AwesomeWolf7 December 2004
I recently picked up a full, subtitled copy of 'Miracles', and I must say that the original is better than the dubbed version I had previously seen, and that version was also around half an hour shorter than the original version. The dubbed version cut out some not-so-important scenes, but things still got confusing at times, and some very funny scenes which did not make into the dubbed version, and at least one of the fight scenes was significantly edited in the dubbed version.

'Miracles' a very different movie to most of Jackie's work. There is the trademark Jackie Chan action and slapstick, but fights and action sequences are not as frequent as they are in his other movies, as 'Miracles' is more about Jackie proving to critics that he can make a movie with extravagant sets and costumes, and complicated camera shots (Who can blame him? James Cameron did the same thing, but 'Miracles' is a both an enjoyable and a good movie, while 'Titanic' is neither).

The movie is funny, and the action (what action there is) is excellent, and even the acting is great.

9/10 A great movie. Check it out if you're a Jackie Chan fan, but make sure you get the full, subtitled movie (should be about two-hours).
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Jackie Chan is the Godfather of Action Comedy
hrkepler11 May 2018
'Miracles' (I actually like the Australian version title 'The Canton Godfather' more) is quite different from usual Jackie Chan's action choreography movies. It is more situation comedy in 1930s Hollywood fashion, but in Jackie Chan's sauce. The magnificent action and fight scenes are still in, but this time the film concentrates more on simple storytelling and comedy with lavishing set pieces depicting 1930's Hong Kong. The film is over two hours long, but it doesnt' drag as the pacing between action scenes is nearly perfect. Jackie Chan's comedic timing and use of slapstick is as masterful as his martial arts skills. Might not be Chan's best movie, but it is still very enjoyable. Sweet but not sticky. And every once in a while it is nice to see one of your favorite heroes doing something little different.

Plus - Jackie Chan himself considers 'Miracles' his best directorial effort.
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One of the Jackie's best movies.
shadowdancer77725 December 2006
The movie is absolutely great.The story , fights , stunts - everything is great.And of course this movie have a great cast.Jackie and Anita Mui great movie duet.In this movie you find a really interesting story with great play of every actor on stage.Action , humor and stunts - all in one piece.If you ask yourself "it is really that great" - YEAH IT IS !!!!!!!.It really looks like everybody in this one work really , really hard.If you search for great movie - you find it here.I don't need to tell you anything else because this is absolutely must have movie for everyone not just for Jackie's fans.One more time - watch it , love it , then watch it again.
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Not one of Jackie Chan's most consistent movies, but there's a lot of good stuff here
Jeremy_Urquhart8 March 2022
Jackie Chan makes a gangster movie, a farcical romantic-comedy, and a martial arts movie all in one, to mostly successful results. Cutting between those genres keeps things interesting, but it's also a bit of a shame that there's like an hour in the middle with no action, and that after the first act, the gangster/crime element becomes pretty underplayed.

Still, it's a good watch, and it's interesting and unique among Jackie Chan's filmography. Plus the actions scenes that are in here do really deliver, particularly the one early on in the tea-house/restaurant, and then the climactic fight with all the ropes, too.
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My favorite Jackie Chan movie
nasnueho5 June 2022
My favorite Jackie Chan movie.

It's simply a beautiful story with no one really actually gets hurt.

It's a wonderful story of respect, friendship and community. And the best part is the music and songs.

And I think the best part is that Jackie Chan is not a cop in this movie. I've watched dozen of Jackie Chan movie growing up but this movie is different. It's miracle.
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A more mature and reflective Jackie Chan film
Leofwine_draca28 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This atypical Chan-starrer is one of his attempts to do something different from the normal, so instead of a kung fu-led thriller, we're treated to a lavish melodrama set in the '30s world of gangsters and exquisite clubs. Fans expecting Chan's usual hijinks will see that the actor retains his brand of slapstick humour throughout, but it's drama, pathos, and romance which fleshes out the rest of the plot, not action. There are about three decent action sequences in the entire movie, all of them quite brilliant in Chan's own inimitable way, but the first two are over very quickly and the last one feels tacked on, arriving at the end of a lengthy film where most of our spirit has been taken out of us already. Saying that, this climax in the rope factory is very good and a treat for those who've watched the rest of the film.

The all-star cast is very good indeed, the plot is simple but there are many characters to enliven it and many imaginative situations. Chan is fine as always, ably supported by the late Anita Mui, looking extremely gorgeous here. Veteran performers Bill Tung and Richard Ng provide strong supporting roles with their comedic turns as the fake husband and police chief respectively. The film is awash with cameos from the likes of Yuen Biao. The script is very good and the locations and camera-work excellent. Although the story is very slow-paced, the gentle nature of the comedy and farce and the pleasant characters make it hard to dislike. Not one for action fans, this is instead a more mature, thoughtful and engaging Chinese affair.
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Too much, but not enough...
Libretio7 May 2005

Aspect ratio: 2.39:1 (Anamorphic)

Sound format: Mono

1930's Shanghai: A naive country bumpkin (Jackie Chan) is appointed leader of a shady criminal gang and helps an impoverished flower-seller (Gui Yalei) to convince her unwitting family that she's a wealthy society figure with important political connections. Hilarious complications ensue...

Eager to dispel the notion that he was little more than an action star, Jackie Chan directed and co-wrote this sumptuous 'homage' to Frank Capra's POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES (1961), distinguished by its high profile cast and breathtaking cinematography by industry veteran Arthur Wong. Beloved by Hong Kong movie fans worldwide, the film's mixture of period detail, balletic action (among the best of Chan's career), uproarious farce and slapstick comedy is undeniably entertaining, but it's also something of a mixed bag. The emphasis on pratfalls and comic complications serves to dilute the basic storyline, and the running time is excessive. But as spectacle, it's hard to beat: The late and much-lamented Anita Mui emerges from Chan's shadow to camp it up as an old-fashioned chanteuse (get a load of her Busby Berkeley-esquire musical number!); the fight scenes are timed and filmed with jaw-dropping style and precision; and Wong's camera swoops and dives over some of the most eye-popping production design this side of a Hollywood blockbuster. Also known as BLACK DRAGON, THE CANTON GODFATHER and MIRACLES.

(Cantonese dialogue)
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Glossy 30s style kung fu gangster movie.
modius3 January 2002
Before Miracles (inspired by Pocketful of Miracles and other films), Jackie had already done several movies set in the early 30s, including Project A and the sequel Project A II where Jackie homages silent movies and recreates stunts by Buster Keaton, etc.

In this film, Jackie creates a film that would let him be recognised as a first-rate director. Miracles is a story of Jackie who gets involved with a local triad gang, who's boss dies proclaiming Jackie to be the new boss. The film follows Jackie's exploits and his quest to make the gang into a non-criminal type gangsters mob.

The film has fantastic camera work and wonderfully detailed in all costumes and the set design. The story is a mis-mash of action and a warm hearted story of Jackie and his relationship with a Lady who sells Roses, and how he buys a rose every day for luck.

When the rose vendor learns her daughter is coming, she breaks down - realising that her lie of her living a grand life will be exposed - and soon Jackie and his mob try their hardest to help the vendor any way they can.

Although this is more story and well acted out script, the film seems slugglish and when action happens its over too quick. Fortuently Jackie throws in some typical comic moments and homages to several silent films as well.

Action fans may be disappointed with the lack of gun-toting gangsters or the lack of tommy guns blazing or lack of kung fu, but the film isn't meant to be for that, its a story based movie.

The film is excellent to watch, but probably not all that great for Martial art fans as it has a lack of genuinely good fight sequences, bar two (one being when Jackie is tested as the new boss and the other being at the end with Billy Chow).

Overall a good movie, but did it really need so much money to be spent on it?

Overall: 6/10.
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A real treat
Leofwine_draca6 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This atypical Chan-starrer is one of his attempts to do something different from the normal, so instead of a kung fu-led thriller, we're treated to a lavish melodrama set in the '30s world of gangsters and exquisite clubs. Fans expecting Chan's usual hijinks will see that the actor retains his brand of slapstick humour throughout, but it's drama, pathos, and romance which fleshes out the rest of the plot, not action. There are about three decent action sequences in the entire movie, all of them quite brilliant in Chan's own inimitable way, but the emphasis here is very much on farcical humour and a lengthy and complex masquerade. Saying that, the climax in the rope factory is very good and a treat for those who've watched the rest of the film.

The all-star cast is very good indeed, the plot is simple but there are many characters to enliven it and many imaginative situations, all of which are so fast paced that the two hour running time simply flies past. Chan is fine as always, ably supported by the late Anita Mui, looking extremely gorgeous here. Veteran performers Bill Tung and Richard Ng provide strong supporting roles with their comedic turns as the fake husband and police chief respectively. The film is awash with cameos from the likes of Yuen Biao, Lo Lieh, and seemingly half of Hong Kong's acting talent. The script is very good and the locations and camera-work excellent. Although the story is very basic, the gentle nature of the comedy and farce and the pleasant characters make it hard to dislike. This is instead a more mature, thoughtful and engagingly comic affair.
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hamzaarifshuja14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film! I would have to say Jackie does his best directing and acting ever. The story is simple and at the same time strong. Every minute is worth watching in this. It never left me waiting for something to happen, like a fight. I just watched it with joy scene by scene. Chan's acting is so well done when he is naïve, confused, angry, etc...This film would still be worth watching without the fights. This really shows how good of an actor Jackie really is. He is not just an action star. But the film is not a drama, and so it doesn't really call for out-of-this-world performances. So, the acting is kind of a special bonus. You also get great performances out of Anita Mui and Bill Tung.

The plot and acting acting are only half of it though. The fights are ever so good. First one, Jackie must prove he is good enough to be boss in a fight with two men. The next scene not to long after that is a fight at a restaurant where Jackie fights off many foes. He uses the environment a great deal. Watch him hop around tables and a spiral staircase and fend off opponents with chairs and other props found in the area. This sequence had to have been perfectly planned, it was much like a dance. Then next fight is interesting. With several rickshaws scattered around the street...with Chan's brand of action, you can probably predict what happens. Well, if you haven't figures that out, he fights using rickshaws. Then the super rope factory fight. What can I say, it's just hell' a good.
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5 out of 10
dragon ma young5 July 2001
the only late 80s chan film i didnt think was awesome, Miracles tells the story of a country boy who gets involved with some gangsters and helps a flower lady. i personally loved it, but i wouldnt recommend it because it only has a few fights, and only one is even noteworthy. see it if you dare, but if you dont like it, dont blame me, i warned you.
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Jackie Chan's work from the Heart.
marioxavie12 April 2002
If anywhere, it's here that you'll find where Jackie Chan's heart is. A true masterpiece of cinema. Many would dismiss Jackie Chan as just another action star and director but this film is where he stands as a humanist as well. A tribute to the 1930's era films when the heros acted from the heart.
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Don't expect a miracle.
OllieSuave-0078 September 2014
This is a movie directed by Jackie Chan that is some sort of a variation of Frank Capra's "A Pocketful of Miracles," where Chan plays country boy Cheng Wah Kuo, who accidentally becomes the head of a gang and purchases a lucky rose from lady Madam Kao (Ya-Lei Kuei) everyday for good luck. While battling a rival gang, Kuo tries to do a good deed for Madao Kao during her daughter's visit.

This film is great for its all-star cast and luscious 1930s setting, and while the story starts off with an exciting rival gang battle, the rest of the movie really drags on and on, with really nothing too suspenseful or eye-catching. All the hype about hiring singer Luming Yang (Anita Mui) to build up business for Kuo's nightclub to the gang concocting plans to help Madam Kao connecting with her daughter Belle (Gloria Yip) is just a bunch of all-talk and running around, not much substance or excitement to the plot.

I maybe got a few chuckles out of the movie - for everything else, I was just bored to tears. The movie was just too long and it appears that much of the film's elements including the huge cast were thrown in for, as one reviewer puts it, window dressing.

The action scenes were limited and the final battle was pretty boring. If you want to watch an exciting and captivating Hong Kong movie with an all-star cast, go with 1986's Shanghai Express" or 1991's The Banquet rather than this.

Grade D
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What a Movie
ebiros210 November 2011
I didn't even know that Jackie made this movie for a long time. Lavishly shot with all star cast. This is one fantastic movie.

Kwok (Jackie Chan) arrives in Hong Kong looking for a job. Within hours, he's swindled of all his money by Tung (Bill Tung). Lamenting his misfortune, he meets the rose lady who's selling roses. Kwok buys one rose from her. Next thing he knows, he's involved in a gang chase. The chase has the boss fatally wounded. He murmurs in his last breath pointing to Kwok that "This man is the new head". Overnight, Kwok becomes the boss of a crime family. He declares "No more crime and killing", but the old habits die hard. Kwok is called in by Tiger - an another gang boss for negotiations. Each time he goes about his business, he buys a rose from the rose lady to give him good luck. One day, he doesn't find the rose lady. He searches for her, and she's in distress. Asking her why, she confesses that her daughter in Shanghai is getting married to a wealthy man's son. But she's been telling her that she's rich which is so far from the truth, and is afraid that when the groom and his father gets to Hong Kong, and sees her, they will cancel the wedding. Kwok has an idea to make the rose lady look rich, and invite all of other gang bosses and make them act as dignitaries in Hong Kong for the wedding party. But two other rival gangs, and inspector from Hong Kong police is about to foul up the whole plan.

There's action, romance, and lot of feel good scenes in this movie. The story telling, and timing things happen can only be experienced in Jackie Chan movies. The actors all perform better than usual attesting to Jackie's ability as a director. The choreography of the fight sequence is one of the best also.

Anita Mui plays the role of Ming - a singer for Kwok's club, and Kwok's love interest. She's great. Her talent will be missed.

This is one heck of a movie, and one of the best movie Jackie Chan produced in the '80s.
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Zargo25 June 2003
Mr Canton and Lady Rose (or whatever you want to call it) is indeed Jackie's personal favourite out of the looong list of flicks he's featured in. It's definatly the story and the characters that director Chan is interested in, with the action being kind of forced and even out of place when it appears. If Jackie had the choice it's unlikely there would have been any action at all, but Golden Harvest weren't going to let him make a movie without his usual manic action.

Therefore, Mr Canton and Lady Rose is somewhat uneven, and as good as the final battle is, it just seemed to be padding out a movie that's already longer then his usual, and had little relation to the actual plot. It's a good plot though, I really found myself caring about what happened to lady rose and her daughter. Mr Ho is given a little too much screen time however, particularly towards the start.

Me Canton and Lady Rose is a little self-indulgent, a little uneven, and a little long and slow to get going- But it's definatly a lot of fun, and despite these critisisms, I recommend it to every Jackie Chan fan.
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Jackie Chan's favorite film of his
donbendell26 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Most Hong Kong film fans know how influenced Jackie Chan is by films from Hollywood's "golden age." Some elements from these movies have crept into many of Chan's own, such as Project A and its' sequel. This movie, however, is not just inspired by those films from years gone by, and perhaps that is why it tends to divide Jackie Chan fans so much.

The movie's plot (most of which is derived from a Frank Capra film called Lady for a Day, which was remade in the 1960's as Pocket Full of Miracles) centers around Chan, who plays a immigrant coming to Hong Kong. He meets up with a kindly old flower seller and decides to buy one -- and just narrowly misses being hit by a car. The car is full of gangsters and Chan helps fight off a rival gang. The gang's leader mistakenly makes Chan his successor and the story is off and running. Chan tries to make the gang go legit by opening a club and things seem to be going well, until Chan learns that the flower seller (whose wares have seemed to always bring him good luck) is facing a crisis. Chan enlists the aid of his gangster buddies to hatch a plan to save the day.

I will admit this movie has its' share of faults -- a somewhat overlong running time, hammy acting, a cheesy music score, a script too convoluted for its own good, a few too many characters in the mix, and a sugary-sweet ending. However, I found quite a number of good things in the film as well. The movie, for the most part, is fun. It doesn't take itself too seriously and that feeling rubs off on its audience. There's also a nice bit of outright comedy, mostly coming from Richard Ng as a bumbling policeman. Anita Mui delivers a wonderful, almost Bubsy Berkely-esquire song-and-dance number. The action (even though there is not as much of it as in most other Chan movies) is done quite well. Some of the cinematography is quite good for a Jackie Chan movie; supposedly a crane shot of Anita Mui entering a hotel room cost more to shoot than many of Chan's early films. Lastly, it was nice to see such a wide range of stars in the film -- everyone from old-school stars like Mars to more contemporary people like Yuen Biao and Amy Yip.

This isn't the usual Jackie Chan fare, but if you're willing to try something a little different, give this film a chance. Despite the bad word of mouth this movie has gotten, you may just be pleasantly surprised.

(As a side note, this is Jackie Chan's favorite film of his.)"
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On of Jackie Chan's Best Movies
The-Sarkologist15 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie actually have numerous titles - this is only the most common one. The other titles are: Singapore Sling, Chinese Godfather, Canton God father, and Miracle. This movie I saw a while back and thought that it was quite dull. Now this time I suddenly got all of the jokes. I thought that it would be funny, but the jokes were lost in the translation. Either it was a very bad translation or I were not paying attention because there are a lot of jokes in this movie and they are quite funny.

The reason I gave this movie a 9 was because it was based on a Frank Capra movie, Lady for a Day. This is not a bad thing for Jackie Chan makes it well known that he is influenced by the old American comedies, especially comedians like Buster Keating. In fact, the more of his movies you watch, the more you will see that a lot of the comedy is developed through excellent timing (and can be quite clever slapstick). This movie though is more of a Capra style, which can be quite farcical at times (as I have seen in Arsenic and Old Lace and Mr Smith goes to Washington).

I will not delve too deep into the themes of this movie as I wish to save that for the original Lady for a Day (if I can find it). Need I say that a lot of the themes have probably been brought over to this one, and quite successfully I will hazard to say, seeing that I have not yet seen Lady for a Day. In any case, this movie is in itself a brilliant movie, and also goes to show how good a filmmaker Jackie Chan actually is (even though it was copied from an earlier film, but there is nothing wrong with that if it is done right).
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Quite boring crime comedy
SkullScreamerReturns13 June 2022
To me this was one of the most boring Jackie Chan movies I've seen. It's a mixture of Hong Kong comedy and American gangster drama. Most of the movie is talking, and there is a lot of comedic elements too but I didn't find it very funny. I feel like the movie cannot decide whether to take itself too seriously or to be funny.

The movie starts promising with Jackie's character accidentally being chosen as a gangster boss against his will. That's a hilarious setting but it doesn't really pay off. The movie is too long and nothing relly interesting happens. A few fight scenes but not enough.

Only for biggest Jackie fans.
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