Doctor Doctor (TV Series 1989–1991) Poster


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from another Doctor, Doctor fan
tenonceb46 April 2006
I just rediscovered this series due to having to transfer the videos I taped off USANetwork on to DVD. Doctor, Doctor is one of those rare TV series which still works 10 plus years after its production. Some of the humor is tied to pop culture at the time, but if you were alive then, you can pick up on it.

The show had a good balance of zaniness and pathos. Matt Frewer as Dr. Mike Stratford played the character as not a total goof ball, but as a real person in extraordinary circumstances. As hard as it is to imagine, Mike Stratford was the straight man for all the craziness happening around him. Much like Frasier Crane would later do for his family and friends.

I am hoping this show would find some sponsorship for a DVD release. The humor is mild but intelligent, but not too high brow. Stand it up against most shows today and the present shows should curl up in shame. A true classic, CBS should be ashamed of itself at canceling this show. It could easily had had the life of a show like Frasier. But this only says Doctor, Doctor was ahead of its time.

P.S. Am very chuffed, I found some original recordings I made at the time the show first aired on CBS. I don't have all the episodes, but I think I have most of them anyway.
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Excellent show - give us the DVDs!!
hazegrae20 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the funniest shows ever. Loved the sheer comic genius of Matt Frewer. Excellent scripts and supporting cast. Can it *really* have been seventeen years ago? It says something about the wonderful quality of the show that so many people recall it after so many years.

My favorite moment (potential spoiler): Matt Frewer making a date. (Woman, referring to her work schedule): "I get off in two hours." (Matt Frewer, leering at her as the elevator door closes to separate the two): "That's okay: I've been working out."

Honestly, when will this be available on DVD? Give us the ad-lib outtakes too!!
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One of the Lost Treasures of the Eighties Warning: Spoilers
This was a show that was able to touch upon relevant social and medical issues and combine these situations with what has to be some of the most inspired and insane comedy seen on television. It was obvious that they allowed Matt Frewer (Dr. Mike Stratford) a wide degree of latitude in his improvisations, as was evidenced by the genuine and often hilarious reactions of his cast-mates.

One of the hallmarks of the show was the Providence morning show where Dr. Stratford had a medical segment. One of the best scenes the first season where Dr. Stratford and the program's host, Hugh Persons, are discussing the effects of whiplash. Using a child's doll, Dr. Stratford demonstrates the effect of whiplash by thrusting the doll forward and then violently backwards ... and the head flies off the body of the doll. Dr. Stratford then closes the segment by placing his head on the doll's body and manipulates the arms to send the segment back to Hugh, who is desperately trying not to pee his pants laughing. Later in the episode, Dr. Stratford's colleagues go to enter their staff lounge, only to find Dr. Stratford, with maniacal concentration, holding the headless doll's legs and making it appear to run towards it's head where the doll kicks the head for a field goal.

All I can say is please, please, please, please get this on DVD!!!!
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Matt Frewer's comic talents
sagewiz30 November 2004
This series stands along with Fawlty Towers as the most hilarious and short-lived series on television.

As with Max Headroom, Frewer was far ahead of his time and the show's humor and situations (i.e. his gay brother) were too controversial for 1989 audiences.

I think Frewer's talents have been grossly under-exploited and all of his work since, has been good, but has not provided a good vehicle to exploit his strengths. (The ad-lib outtakes seen on a CBS blooper show in '89 were outrageously funny!!)

Given the right situation he would be one of the comic geniuses of our time.

I keep hoping to see a DVD set or a run on cable so I can tape it.
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Surpassingly Surprising Wit
karpath-221 May 2006
If you wanna know how to make the day's journey a little lighter, yet no less serious, then tune in to an episode of Dr./Dr. The problem rests where most problems lie, the show was abandoned by its parent before the children could save this plateau for honest living. What I mean is, this production and the specific actors in it had true chemistry. They bounced like phenomenal electrons off each other, off the reoccurring themes of human emotion, and finally off syndication. Why..? They were just that good. But "good" is a relative, right? So, you'll just have to check an episode out...someday...if that day becomes available. And decide if those factors of comic genius, innocuously inoculative, are subtly striving in your veins to find a wiser person. And, of course, they will. All you really need...
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four doctors form a practice in provincetown. one of them is a practicing loon
milhous4517 October 2006
frewer was genius casting for this role, and the rest of the cast worked just as well. if you like madcap, you will like 'doctor, doctor.' unfortunately you will never see it unless someone issues the series on DVD. or even VHS. anyone heard anything? netflix/amazon does not have DVD, amazon does not have VHS, at this writing (2006 oct 7), though i keep looking. all i have are deteriorating tapes on my deteriorating VHS. (insert small suppressed whimper here)

frewer was just as good in 'max headroom,' btw, but be sure you see the American version, especially of the pilot. the British version was pretty leaden, but the American pilot chase scenes rock.
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Bring it back!
summerstwilight1 October 2009
Please, please, please bring this show back, even if it on late at night. I never minded that when it was first shown in Australia. It got shifted around from here to there, but I was so addicted to it that I'd often stay up to watch it even when shown at a ridiculous hour. I really wish I'd kept some episodes. Sadly, they have gone astray. Such memorable scenes, e.g. the vampire bat. Silly, but so funny. And great episodes, e.g. the adoption dilemma. Again, so funny, but also thought provoking. The quartet of doctors worked in perfect harmony, with the supporting characters adding to the chorus. I desperately want this show on DVD. It would be great comfort TV.
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SnoopyStyle9 August 2020
In Providence, Mike Stratford (Matt Frewer) has a medical clinic with his three college friends. Dr. Abe Butterfield is married to Gail with son Justin. Dr. Grant Linowitz is the money obsessed one. Dr. Deirdre Bennett had two dates with Mike and mostly bad relationships. Mike lives with his gay brother Richard Stratford and they are both disappointments to their surgeon father. After writing his first novel, Mike gets a job as the on-air doctor in a local morning TV show.

This is fun. Frewer is most known as Max Headroom during the 80's. He's a tall goofy guy. The show needs him to have a girlfriend. They keep throwing out Deirdre for the spot but the two would never fit. In the first season, they do have Holly Fulger who has the personality to do the job. She should be the nurse which would open up some romantic possibilities in the office. Faye is an one-note character with no romantic potential. In the third season, they add Anne Ramsay but do nothing to develop a romantic story. All in all, the show needs a little sex to spice things up. The easiest pairing should be Grant and Pia. They are the perfect superficial duo and would be hilarious together. I do like the four friends together and Frewer's wackiness. It could have added another dimension but it never gets there.
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The best TV show in CBS' Witness Protection Program
pentax121017 October 2003
CBS has been the number three network for a long time and a major reason for that is their poor use of excellent shows. Doctor, Doctor is a prime example of that. This sitcom was hidden at 10 o'clock on (I think) wednesday night after a full night of bad programming. This was however the funniest sitcom ever. Where shows like Friends entertain me and make me laugh out loud, this was the only show to ever make me laugh so hard that tears ran down my face. This show was taken off the air after only a short time in CBS' Witness Protection Program, so I never saw a rerun of any of the episodes, but I can still remember whole scenes. Matt Frewer came to do this show shortly after the Max Headroom craze he started and this was where his comedic skill really showed through. This show will never be on DVD and I will never get to see any of these episodes again, because the same genius that took this show off the air has thrown these tapes all the way to the back of the vault, where they will never be found; but I will never forget the scene where Matt Frewer's character was on the news explaining what happens in an accident that causes whiplash. He had this little girls' doll and was showing how the accident makes the head go back and then forward which is what causes the injury. The thing is that the dolls head came off in his hand. With a news anchor sitting next to him wondering how to get him to just shut up and the cameras on him he proceeded to try to put the head back on and "professionally" finish his segment. It didn't work. The next segment (when I finally was able to control my laughing) showed him in his office with the doll trying to figure out how to put the head back on and obviously feeling like an idiot because of what he had done on live TV. He then gets too frustrated with the doll and drops the head on the table, and next he uses the doll to kick the head off the other side of the table. It is of course impossible to explain a visual joke well, but the tears started coming down again.

I'm remembering all of this after seeing this scene once 14 years ago. It says something either about the quality of the show or the state of my mind. I think it's the show. My dream DVD list includes this series, but I guess I'll only keep the part that's in my head.
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My Very Favorite TV Show
ddoll7 September 2004
Doctor, Doctor was a short-lived comedy series from 1989 and I still remember it quite well.

I'm still waiting for this show to make it to reruns. It is my all time favorite TV comedy series. I used to have gasp for air from laughing so hard at this show.

Never before or since have I found such deliciously funny dialogue. Of course, having the very comical Matt Frewer starring in it helped too. He was just perfect in the role of the bizarre main character (a doctor).

I would definitely purchase it should it ever make it onto DVD. Has anyone heard rumors of if/when that should happen?
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Dumbest thing CBS Ever did
reallymadpenguin18 June 2003
I, unfortunately, have really poor quality copies of the episodes on VHS and I wasn't able to get any of the original summer replacement episodes, but I have to say this was the funniest sitcom I ever saw.

This was one of those rare shows where you got the feeling that the actors raced out of bed to get to the studio because it was just too much fun. They managed to combine some serious social issues with the outright insanity of improv in a way that did not stretch credibility. I especially liked the interactions between Dr. Stratford and his brother Richard. Richard's open homosexuality was a source of some of the most cutting, and honest, brother to brother humour I have ever seen. Even by todays "Will and Grace" gay humour standard, this stuff still far-and-away exceeds it in wit and spontinaity.

Matt Frewer has never really seemed to capitalize on his amazing talents, and more is the shame. While the show centered on him and his amazing energy, none of the other characters seemed like set dressing. Each of the supporting cast seemed to draw energy and inspiration from Frewer's antics and together they were (and in my mind still are) the best comic ensemble ever to come out of TV

CBS cancelled the show because the then president of programming said his wife thought is was stupid and didn't understand the humour ... you may notice they have gotten a new president who actually has that network back on track
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I, too love this series & watch my old, crummy VHS copies. Does anyone know if it will air in the future?
judith-3014 November 2003
Along time ago when I wasn't as good with my VCR as now, I taped a lot of these shows. Probably at least 30 of them. They were recorded off regular TV (not cable) at the slow speed - and look like it. But, I still drag them out about once a year to watch and just crack up.

Why doesn't some "TV Executive" (whatever) pull these and air them again? I realize 15 - 20 years ago they were ahead of their time (gay brother; a reviewer of plays with HIV, etc.) but I think the 'general' public has caught up by now.

Maybe it could be slipped in between, i.e. the 3rd hour of news about the rain in Los Angeles and one of the five zillion reality shows!

Or, release the entire series on DVD - I'd pay up to $250 - ANYONE ELSE?
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"Maxx Headroom" gets his own show
Shazzer3025 February 2004
Matt Frewer, best known for his "Maxx Headroom" Coke commercials, had a great series going with "Doctor, Doctor". I was pretty young when it was on, but I remember my Dad and I used to laugh and laugh. It was one of those shows he'd anticipate watching (a big deal, as he's someone who regards watching T.V. as a huge waste of time). If you have an opportunity to see it, you should. Personally, I'm emailing networks that air reruns and suggesting DD. Funny stuff. Makes you wonder: how does a great show like DD get canceled, yet insipid tripe like "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance" is a huge hit. To quote Sideshow Bob, TV has become a "chum bucket". Bring back shows like DD and let's obliterate 95% of "reality" shows.
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A fine series
tpeg-210 November 2000
This is an excellent series. I'm too young to have remembered the first run, but now that it appears on the USA Network in re-runs, I can see what all the fuss is about.

Matt Frewer is excellent in his portrayal of a wacky doctor. Yet, he's not as goofy or lame as the stereotype may suggest.

A good word to describe this series is certainly "manic," but in a very good way. Here's hoping USA keeps running the repeats.
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Miss it and want to find it again
weekley-22 June 2000
I loved every second of this show, and hated how the network just kept bouncing it around until it died.

My favorite episode was when Dr. Mike's Dad was getting a divorce and Dr. Mike was dressed as a clown.

And who could forget the way he messed up deidre, erm deedree I mean diedri's name all of the time.

Classic comedy the likes of Lucille Ball and Robin Williams.

If anyone knows how I can get tapes of the series episodes please let me know.

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I really miss this show
brinchatt21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have several episodes of "Doctor, Doctor" on VHS...about 16, It think. I didn't even know it ran for nearly three seasons. Does anyone have any idea when this wonderfully funny show will be released on DVD? It was truly "Must-See TV" on CBS. I just found out it was canceled because the head of the network's wife thought it was silly and didn't understand the comedy....heck, she probably didn't like the fact there was an openly gay character on it. This show was definitely the "Will and Grace" of its was truly, rolling on the floor, laughing your a** off" comedy. I want it on DVD. OK, IMDb says I don't have enough lines in my comment, so I will write more. Matt Frewer was the star of the show, and it revolved around his relationships with his brother, mother, father and his medical associates at "Northwest Medical Partners" in Providence, RI. Hey, you know a show has to be good if it was set in a city like Providence, instead of New York or LA. After all, there are many more cities to set shows in! And, did I mention I would love for this show to be on DVD?
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Agree with the other comments - the greatest show that practically never was
ojnor24 April 2006
pentax12101 hit it right on the head. I still clearly remember the night my wife and I watched the "Doll" episode as it came to be known in our house. We laughed so hard we were crying. Our sides hurt for days. We were on the floor, literally! It was the funniest television scene ever. Nothing from Seinfeld, Cheers, MASH, All in the Family or The Dick Van Dyke Show can top it, and I have greatly enjoyed all these shows (and I'm showing my age as I did not need to watch them on Nick at Night).

CBS in its infinite bureaucracy and mediocrity canceled this show so quickly. As soon as anyone hears of a DVD release, please send me an email. I have only bought three other TV shows, Star Trek, Monty Python and The Prisoner, so you can see that I don't generally buy TV shows. But I'd be willing to plunk down good money to be rocked by this great show again.
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Doctor Doctor on DVD?
david_shuff1 August 2006
Currently, I am a film school graduate who works as a courier in between film jobs. Not long ago, I made a delivery to one of the execs at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment who had a bunch of TV series DVD's on his desk and mentioned that I'd really like to see "Doctor Doctor" on DVD. I mentioned the rabid fan base of the show, and how they tried to cancel it three times in three seasons, yet the show went on. He wasn't sure if it was one of their properties. That night, I did some net research, and found that yes, they do own it! I called that exec the next day and told him about it, and he said he would pass the info on to the right people to pursue it. So voilà everyone, Doctor Doctor Season One may yet be forthcoming on DVD! The long wait may be over soon!
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Question about kissing scene
carolinermartin16 May 2007
I loved Doctor Doctor as well! It was super funny and paved the way for characters that humorously are out of place. Which is much like how my life is. I am writing an Art History paper about Kiki Smith and her sculptural works that deal with AIDS and bodily fluids. As an entertaining side note I wanted to describe the scene when a female doctor kisses someone with AIDS. She did it to prove that she could not get AIDS. Can anyone give me more information? Who were the characters, when did this happen? Do you remember the news coverage and how it was made into a big deal before and after it happened? I think this Web site is the only place to look for such random information.
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