Savage Dawn (1985) Poster


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Savage Dawn is a disappointing missed opportunity.
tarbosh2200027 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ben Stryker (Henriksen) is a former soldier who rolls in on his motorcycle into the dusty ol' Western town of Agua Dulce. He's a man of few words, and lets his short spiky blonde hair do the talking. Or, failing that, he's pretty handy in a fight. He goes to see his wheelchair-bound buddy Tick (Kennedy), and his son (?) Danny, and reconnects with his old girlfriend Katie (Udy). But breaking up all the fond camaraderie is the notorious Savages biker gang. They come to the quiet town and start raising all sorts of hell. Led by Pigiron (Forsythe) and Zero (Jones), their growing presence in the town is pushing the residents to the breaking point. Even the local bar-mistress, Rachel (Black) has taken up with Pigiron, and no one, from the Sheriff (Gordon) to Rev. Romano (Lynch) can do anything about it. That's when Stryker is pushed to do what he does best: Stryke. Will he drive the Savages out of town forever? The first thing you'll notice about Savage Dawn is the amazing cast. Lance Henriksen is very good as the sly Stryker (who's also a byker) - another in a long line of men named Stryker or Striker that we've seen over the years. He makes a nice addition to the Stryker family. And because he co-stars with William Forsythe and the movie is about bikers, this can be considered as a sort of precursor to Stone Cold (1991). But here they're at odds, in Stone Cold they're buddies. But this is like a dry run for that, and in our opinion Stone Cold is the better movie. Karen Black was in Hostage (1987) with Wings Hauser, who was...Striker. Coincidence? George Kennedy put in a sympathetic performance as Tick, and fan favorite Richard Lynch is on board as the creepy reverend. Claudia Udy of Nightforce (1987) and To the Death (1993) gets into a catfight with Karen Black, and Mickey Jones plays Zero, as opposed to Wash Pot. We think he only plays dudes with nicknames. Lockdown (1990)'s Elizabeth Kaitan has a small role, as does, supposedly, Sam Kinison (?) and with all this star-power, you can't go wrong...right? As we've mentioned too many times before, we invented the phrase "Lone Tiger Syndrome" to describe the incidences when you get suckered into watching a movie because there are a lot of names you like or recognize in the cast, but then the movie itself is not that great, and you realize that having a lot of talented actors on board doesn't mean the writing and directing is good. Too often the scales are tipped too far in one direction. We believe that is the case with Savage Dawn - a movie with a lot of filler that doesn't live up to its potential. Which is a real shame, because it was SO CLOSE to being a winner: Henriksen is cool as the renegade "good biker" with all the great lines, George Kennedy has a rocket launcher, and there's even some surprise Punchfighting, but here are the problems...

The movie is too long and too slowly paced, which might be more tolerable if it didn't primarily take place in one location. It seems the majority of the film takes place in basically a backyard. The choppy editing doesn't really help matters, and, to add insult to injury, Claudia Udy has a very unflattering hairstyle. All this movie would have needed is a snappier running time, and more Stryker mowing down baddies. Then we'd really have something. But the movie is bloated and sabotages itself at almost every turn. But at one point there is a fruit-cart fistfight, as opposed to a fruit cart car chase, so that's something different. And stunt genius John Stewart of Action USA fame is here as "Blood" and behind the scenes as stunt coordinator. Plus the score is by Pino Donaggio, but somehow all these elements never work together to make a forceful statement.

As for the Image DVD, it's an obvious "needle-drop" job (for those that don't know, at least in the world of CD's, fans use that term to mean when companies don't go back to the master tapes, don't remaster anything, or do anything technical to improve matters, they literally just "drop the needle" on the original vinyl and then release that as a "finished" product - too often that is done in the world of DVD as well) - it's basically a rip of the VHS, complete with tracking lines. Luckily, we don't care, we're die-hard VHS watchers, but others out there might take issue with that. It's also highly unusual for a company like Image to release something like that. What happened? In the end, despite some worthwhile moments, Savage Dawn is a disappointing missed opportunity.
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Rare B grade action movie of the 80's
m_roberts_073 September 2012
I just got this on DVD and watched it. The plot has been done to death, nothing original here. Lance Henriksen does well with his character known as Stryker who is a bad ass war veteran. Stryker comes to town and has a run in with the local bikie gang who eventually over take the town so he goes out on a rampage and starts beating the living crap out of them all. The movie could have been fantastic if was a bigger budget. There were plenty of fight scenes but the choreography was slow and somewhat boring. I love good action movies with lots of fights but I have to say I was disappointed with this one.

I'll give Savage Dawn a 4 put pf 10 just for the efforts put into the movie from the lead actors mainly Lance Henriksen and William Forsythe who eventually move on to become decent actors since they made this movie together. Apart from that I will sadly say Savage Dawn doesn't have much to offer for the die hard action fans.
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It's garbage, but it's amusing, reasonably fun garbage.
Hey_Sweden28 August 2020
A word of advice to those that haven't seen this one: do *not* take it seriously. As written by Bill Milling and directed by Simon Nuchtern, this mid-80s update of '60s and '70s biker flicks is pretty damn stupid. But it's a pretty funny kind of stupid. Milling & Nuchtern throw in everything, *including* the kitchen sink, for the sake of a good show. A rich variety of B movie perennials and a heavy dose of chaotic action make this a hoot to watch. Millings' dialogue is often absurd, and his characters are a bunch of cartoons.

Lance Henriksen stars (although George Kennedy is top-billed) as a bike-riding loner who comes to the small Southern town of Agua Dulce to visit his old friend Kennedy. At the same time, other strangers arrive: a bunch of trouble-making bikers who paint the town blood red. Kennedy, who's good at making homemade weapons, Henriksen, and assorted townspeople bring the fight to the bikers.

Punctuated by atmospheric music from ever-reliable Pino Donaggio, "Savage Dawn" offers up plenty of violence, and doesn't seem to ever concern itself with being logical or probable. Henriksen and Kennedy are effective heroes, while a strutting William Forsythe plays the main heavy (he and Henriksen were on the same side six years later in another biker-themed favourite, "Stone Cold"). Forsythe does look like he's having a great time. Karen Black has a particularly ridiculous role as a town harpy who *hates* the place and throws in with the villains the first chance she gets. Sam Kinison makes his film debut in a priceless role as a Born Again barber who annoys the hell out of a biker named Zero (musician / character actor Mickey Jones). Richard Lynch has a change of pace role as a simpering, impotent preacher / mayor. Other familiar faces include Lewis Van Bergen, Leo Gordon, Michael Sharrett, and Claudia Udy.

One highlight (or low point, depending on your sensibilities): a catfight between Black and Udy that seems to go on for days.

Six out of 10.
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Foolishness, bad acting, and zero plot ....
merklekranz12 November 2018
George Kennedy is in a wheelchair, and builds rocket grenades in his barn. Lance Henriksen is the bleach blonde hero, but vanishes for long periods of the film. Karen Black mumbles her lines throughout. Richard Lynch plays a priest with impure thoughts and lusts after biker chicks. William Forsythe is the gang leader who steals a tank, to add to the ridiculous mayhem. The movie basically has no plot, just a series of explosions between poorly choreographed fist fights. Despite the intriguing cast, "Savage Dawn" is one to avoid, even for fans of the actors. It is on a trifecta DVD with "Drug Traffikers", and "Caged Fury", which I have not yet viewed, but they will have to go some to be worse than "Savage Dawn". ....... - MERK
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Born to be Lame
Coventry27 February 2020
"Savage Dawn" is a major disappointment and I can't possibly recommend it. But of course, you'll ignore this statement, as well as the low rating, and watch it whenever you have the change. And I don't blame you; - I would to. Everything about "Savage Dawn" just seems so damn cool! It's biker-exploitation from the mid-80s, with a terrific small-town setting and a downright phenomenal ensemble cast, so how can it possibly be bad, for crying out loud? Well, in all honesty, I don't understand myself. In spite of the enormous potential and all the right ingredients present, Simon Nuchtern's film is an underwhelming and incompetent mess. The director somehow continuously undercuts the pacing himself, Lance Henriksen's tough-guy character is made out overly and unnecessarily enigmatic, most of the iconic B-movie stars are sadly wasted, the action & violence footage is dull and - quite frankly - the symbolical "hell" never breaks loose. Henriksen is supposed to be a former Green Beret. George Kennedy, his old and crippled buddy, manufactures rocket launchers in his basement. Richard Lynch is a priest but primarily a sexual deviant. Karen Black is a treacherous tramp. The town's deputy is a bare-chested cage fighter and has a dwarf as sidekick. What a wonderfully twisted range of characters, and these are just the townspeople, mind you! How can a film, in which people are run over by tanks and blown off their bikes by missiles, be so tedious? Cult/exploitation fanatics can only get frustrated by this type of films.
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Savage Yawn!
angelsunchained31 December 2004
Talk about a bore-snore. This 3rd rate biker film was putting me to sleep as soon as the opening credits came on the screen. The shame is that the cast included many fine actors, among them-George Kennedy, Karen Black, Leo Gordon, Richard Lynch, Lance Henriksen and William Forsythe.

A take off of the Western classic, High Noon, this is basically the story of a former U.S. army green beret (Henriksen) trying to get someone to help him rid a one-horse town of a gang of creepy bikers.

Everyone tries, but the script is on grade-school level. Sad to see academy award winner Kennedy in such a comedown from his out-standing performance in Cool Hand Luke.

If you have trouble sleeping at night, this would be a perfect movie video to'll be sleeping in no time!
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I remember falling in love with that silver-gray Suzuki.
sullivanradley7 September 2004
I saw SAVAGE DAWN -- for the first, and, sadly, last time -- when I was 14 years old (I'm 32 now); my cousin and I rented it on tape from Southern Star (a cool, now-defunct video store that featured movie rentals and, in the back, a couple of pool tables, a pinball machine, a couple of arcade games, a jukebox, and some tough-looking, pool-playing locals (who were not unlike the bikers in the film) -- and it was a place that turned a blind eye when a horny, gore-obsessed teenager wanted to rent an R-rated picture). SAVAGE DAWN was cheaply made (which was one of the things I liked about), featured lots of guys on motorcycles (another thing I was crazy about) and one bike in particular -- a cool-looking, silver-gray Suzuki GSP1000. I remember a fantastically gory scene -- maybe it wasn't visually gross, but in my mind it was -- where a guy is (taken off his motorcycle, I believe, and) impaled on the teeth of a huge hay-rake. I recall a couple of seedy scenes that really warmed my pubescent loins: (1) where two slutty-looking gals approach a guardhouse (to a trashed-out, post-apocalyptic fenced-in compound) and commence to entertain the guards with very vulgar, yet sexy, forms of distraction; and (2) where the wayward (maybe alcoholic) priest (was this Henriksen?) succumbs to the beautiful, naked upturned breasts of a young temptress. Sadly, I loved it all!
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Who threw out the welcome mat.
lost-in-limbo16 February 2007
Ben Stryker an ex-green beret stops off at a little town called Agua Dolee to visit an old friend Tick Rand. Soon after riding into town on his Suzuki and settling in. A motorcycle gang known as 'The Savages' who's led by tyrant Pigiron invade and finally take over the place. Stryker doesn't want to get involved, but that changes when he friends become the actual targets.

Is there anything good to say about this scuzzy item? Tough call, as the only fundamental reason to watch this low-budget car wreck is for the tremendous b-cast the crew managed to get hold off for this project. While I don't think it's a complete botch job, it's not terribly good either. Now what a cast! Lance Henriksen (being the main character, he strangely doesn't have top billing, but the final one), Karen Black, George Kennedy, Richard Lynch, Bill Forsythe, Mickey Jones and Leo Gordon. Now what went wrong with this scummy low-budget bungle. The shallowness of the material is too one-dimensional that it heavily borrows ideas from better movies (namely Mad Max) and comes up with a complete mess of ideas that just don't gel and could have been better thought out. The clichés that are used can be manipulated into a good viewing, despite being predictable, but "Savage Dawn" seems to let it skimpily rush all by without letting the viewer soak it all up. The cast are mostly wasted in nothing roles. A bleached-blonde Henriksen is capably solid and even with his commending presence that provides an enigmatic glow to his character. He doesn't get up to hell of a lot and sometimes goes missing in action. Too much sideline action, but when he did kick some bikers' ass, the good times flowed. Karen Black's hissing performance is a very odd one and is all about the screaming and cursing. Although she does get into one memorable catfight with Claudia Udy's flirtatious vixen character Katie. A wheelchair bound George Kennedy roams around aimlessly until the final assault and Richard Lynch looks embarrassed as a wayward priest / town mayor in a very redundant role. An on edge Bill Forsythe simply chews it up as the head honcho of the notorious biker pack.

The junky story (written by William Milling and Max Bloom) has that cheesy comic book getup and very much is influenced by the western genre. Just look at the villains for that. How they came up with their names is mystery. Maybe they drew them out of a hat. It's pretty second rate material that more often moves onto one lacklustre scene after another. Unfunny comical elements are chucked in and as well a bit of sleaze. Tacky exploitation that doesn't get gritty enough and the deaths are quite laughable. A clumsy script is filled convoluted details and unbearable trite. Simon Nuchtern's spotty direction was by the numbers and tepidly laid out. One or two intense scenes can't makeup for its tortoise-like pacing and many cack-handed stunts. The cardboard sets had down 'n dirty look, but lack that organic sense. The gravel-like cinematography by Gerald Feil was better handled when the main focus wasn't on the town, but on the desolate backdrop (like the beginning and ending climax of the film) with some neat camera touches. Pino Donaggio's clunky music choices are drowned out by its own incompetence.

"Savage Dawn" is a forgettable quickie midnight movie that's a definite misfire for most part. There are better and more convincing exercises of the same ilk out there.
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"I Don't Dance!"...
azathothpwiggins26 July 2021
In SAVAGE DAWN, Lance Henriksen stars as the mysterious Ben Stryker, drifting righter of wrongs. Returning to his old stomping grounds, Stryker reunites with his friend, Tick Rand (George Kennedy).

Oh no!

Serendipitously, a hellish biker gang, including the gigantic "Meatrack" (Charles Hyman) and "Pigiron" (William Forsythe) rolls into town. They're called The Savages, and they're one of the most colorful, hyper-violent gangs since Billy Jack took on the Born Losers!

True to form, The Savages start bullying the locals right away. Can Stryker and Tick defeat these unwashed ogres before they wipe out the entire populace?

When Stryker opens up his arsenal of kung fu, the war begins!

Action-packed and sublimely bananas, this movie delivers the goods! Henriksen is at his best in this nearly non-stop fight fest!

Co-stars Karen Black as Rachel, and Richard Lynch as the slimy Rev. Romano...
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The reign of terror is about to end
JakeRfilmfreak7 May 2024
Savage Dawn is a 1985 action film that centers around a war veteran who goes to battle with a ruthless biker gang that invades a small Arizona town.

This is a movie that definitely would not be considered a classic in any way, but definitely is a decent action flick by cheesy 80's standards. I'm a fan of both Lance Henriksen and William Forsythe so I was very interested in checking this movie out, and I have to say, I was not disappointed. The characters are over the top border line ridiculous, and the plot is typical action dribble you've seen more than enough times, but I still loved it. Although it comes off like a corny 80's film and has some pretty subpar dialogue and acting, it still has plenty of action and fun moments that make this movie overall entertaining.

I thought it was a great film, but I also like these cheesy beat em up action flicks. If you haven't seen this before, I'd recommend checking it out.
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Eight on the fun meter!
kwmikedmoore9 January 2020
Awesome Guy movie! Everything you would want and more from a mid Eighties action flick... While being more low budget that most Hollywood films this didn't feel like it, while the acting wasn't gonna gain any awards it worked! Just fun, grab some beers and friends kinda movie! A must watch for anyone who enjoys some cheesy action from the eighties
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Enough Mindless Action to keep you watching
thedrunkenrabbit25 March 2022
A drifter, loner and ex military badass "Stryker" visits an old friend in an odd town and encounters a Biker Gang who are bent out of shape in destroying the town. Plenty of trashiness, senseless villains who just want to cause havoc with that 80's over-the-top flare. Don't watch with any expectations except to kill some late night movie time, but It has plenty of cheese to keep you watching even if you don't try. Despite the mediocre script, and moments you will laugh at some dialog, William Forsythe still shows his acting chops here early in his career playing the bike gang leader and of course Lance Henriksen holds his ground.
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An enjoyably trashy piece of biker exploitation schlock
Woodyanders15 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Rough'n'tumble, laconic, no-nonsense former Green Beret Vietnam veteran Stryker (a typically fine performance by Lance Henrikson) goes to visit his old soldier buddy Tick Rand (the always affable George Kennedy) in a small Arizona desert town. Unfortunately, a gang of ferocious bikers led by the vicious Pigiron (William Forsythe snarling it up with his customary rip-snorting brio) are terrorizing the community. It's up to Stryker and Rand to put a permanent stop to these nasty no-count hooligans. Competently directed by Simon Nuchtern, with polished cinematography by Gerald Freil, a decent smattering of gratuitous nudity, a funky, syncopated score by Pino Donaggio, well-developed main characters (there's a nice chemistry between Kennedy and Henrikson), and a handy helping of raw violence, this grungy biker version of the classic Western "Shane" makes for an entertainingly scrappy affair. The cool cast of familiar B-feature faces helps matters a whole lot: Karen Black as two-bit floozy barmaid Rachel, Richard Lynch as lecherous weakling priest Reverand Romano, Claudia Udy as Tick's tough hottie daughter Katie, Leo Gordon as the gruff, but ineffectual sheriff, Mickey Jones as evil Harley hound Zero, and wildman stand-up comedian Sam Kinison in a funny bit part as an obnoxious born again Christian barber. Good, low-brow fun.
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A cool movie about motorcycle gangs.
jeffman5200125 July 2005
Savage Dawn, I think is an awesome movie, a great cast like Lance Henriksen, William Forsythe, George Kennedy, Karen Black, Richard Lynch, Mickey Jones,and a small appearance by the late Sam Kinison make this 1985 movie really rock.

The film starts out with Stryker,riding his motorcycle on his way to see his friend Tick Rand at the small town of Agua Dulce, Texas. They talk for awhile. Later they are at a bar which has a contest where they have a fight. A motorcycle gang ride in,it is the "Savages", led by Pigiron, the Savages start trouble and they turn the town into their own playground. Later,some of the people fight back. Stryker doesn't want to fight,Tick does help the people. Stryker does show up to help out.

This film is a very awesome action flick.
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Savage Prawn
helfeleather14 August 2002
The evil bikie gang in this movie were called the Savages, hence the title, but Minor Nuisances would have been a better name for this sorry mob of weak actors trying to look dangerous. Whenever they wanted to kill someone, they generously rode their bikes very slowly so that their intended victim could easily avoid them or push them off their bikes. Their leader had a bad limp, but still thought he could take on the hero and win. As for Karen Black, she didn't seem to know where she was for most of the film.
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Pretty Bad
Ozzy19777 October 2000
This is the typical bad late night movie you would expect to see on cable. The movie is about a man who comes to town to save it from a bunch of bikers who have taken over. Some parts were pretty comical, but as far as biker movies go there are a bunch of them out there that are far better than this garbage. You know it's bad when you actually start rooting for the bikers.
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