Evils of the Night (1985) Poster

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Sad to see so many notable faces come together in this horrendous film.
Fella_shibby17 November 2020
I saw this for the first time recently. Even more shocked to know that this film is directed by the same fella who wrote the 1976 film Eaten Alive, which is one of my fav horror film regarding psycho n killer croc in a single film.

The beautiful Karrie Emmerson running around in her red panties is a soothing sight in this abysmal film. Neville Brand's footage n his character's death sequence is watchable.
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A Campy, Low-Budget Movie
Uriah4319 May 2015
A small contingent of aliens have landed near a resort area frequented by college students and have hired two auto mechanics to kidnap as many of these students as possible because they need their blood to stay alive. Unfortunately, these aliens have very little time before they must return to their home planet and the two mechanics named "Fred" (Aldo Ray) and "Kurt" (Neville Brand) are more than a little incompetent and seem to kill more college students than they bring in alive. Now rather than reveal any more of the story and risk spoiling the film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this picture turned out to be pretty much what I expected--a campy, low-budget movie. However, when I saw that it featured Tina Louise (as "Cora") and Julie Newmar ("Dr. Zarma") I knew that I had to give this film a try. Surprisingly, the movie didn't actually depend on them as much as I thought it would. Instead, what kept this movie entertaining was the presence of three lovely young coeds named "Nancy" (Karrie Emerson), "Heather" (Bridget Holloman) and "Connie" (G. T. Taylor) in various stages of undress. Naturally, there were other actors and a very basic plot as well but neither of these issues really amounted to much. In any case, while this movie clearly won't win any Academy Awards and has any number of flaws, I still somewhat enjoyed it and as a result I rate it as only slightly below average.
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A bit of this, a bit of that
Leofwine_draca22 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
EVILS OF THE NIGHT is an openly trashy B-movie flick from 1985. It's notable for featuring a bunch of ageing Hollywood figures (in some cases in their last performances), an untalented young cast of jocks and bimbos, and a plot which seems to have been concocted of bits and pieces of this and that. The first half an hour consists of one interminable sex and nude scene after another, with a little cheesy death thrown into the mix; copying the Friday the 13th franchise, it seems. Then there are a handful of bizarro medical experiment scenes in which poor old John Carradine shows off his arthritic hands and Julie Newmar shows off her incredibly long legs. Most of the later plot involves a couple of murderous garage mechanics, played by a couple more old timers, Aldo Ray and Neville Brand. Expect big hair, random laser effects, endless nudity, and some cheesy gore scenes.
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fun trash with an all-star cast
junagadh756 May 2002
"Evils of the Night" involves two extraterrestrial women (Tina Louise and Julie Newmar) who hire a couple of idiot rednecks to kidnap and kill 'teens for them, so that they can use the blood to prolong their race (or something like that). I saw this movie in a theater by a fortuitous accident when it was released in 1986: the print of the just-released "Nightmare on Elm Street" had failed to arrive, so the theater owners were showing "Evils..." in its place. My friends and I laughed the whole way through, and were delighted by the many familiar faces in the cast - we never thought we'd see Julie Newmar again! If, like myself, you enjoy following the careers of grade-B stars, you'll get a kick out of this obscure piece of low-budget gore/horror schlock.
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like a well shot porn movie, then becomes a horror film near the end
HEFILM2 August 2006
The weakest element is the alien thing, the alien ships are stock footage from Battlestar Galactica and Project UFO and there are only three shots of these ships.

Pretty cast and lots of things that seem to be building to porno scenes that then stop give this the things you'd fast forward to to get to the sex scenes feel of most of what's left.

Cast of fun and cheesy guest roles are mostly wasted in nothing or slightly silly parts--though all of them seem to try. As to the few porn actors guesting here and the rest, well they are pretty but they really do mostly define "porn" acting at its bad norm.

Film has no sense of style or comedy but the taste in attractive female and male flesh must be praised for what it's worth.

Aliens hang out at a hospital that seems to have no one else in it but the aliens, who are just girls in left over Flash Gordon outfits and John Carradine in a silver jump suit, playing it sober.

Aldo Ray and Neville Brand seem to be having some sleazy fun as the sleazes and they trap some of our young pretty non actors and torture them in what briefly becomes a bit serious and suspenseful.

Lots of flesh, not much sense, a fair amount of boredom, very Little blood, no real alien creatures, perhaps a great porn film that wasn't... or parts of a horror film which does kill some characters you'd not expect to have die.

Not much though really, the director has no clear sense of how to make a film and certainly not how to make a genre blending one like this. Re release poster art removes the large cartoon nipples that adorned the original box and poster art, a really silly badly done poster, now stripped of its most outlandish element. Shows how times have changed.
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Teen Lab Rats
bkoganbing16 December 2019
Five of Hollywood's legends get a chance to embarrass themselves in this brainless science fiction film where some healthy teens are captured and used as lab rats for experiments. John Carradine is our head alien scientist and he's assisted by Julie Newmar and Tina Louise.

Gathering subjects and there are plenty around with buff boys and gorgeous girls at a lake nearby. Also nearby are a pair of garage mechanics, Aldo Ray and Neville Brand who are in the employ of the aliens to bring subjects.

This movie is about as bad as it gets unless you are into scantily clad teens and if you're gay really studly boys. Funny thing is that 30 years earlier I would have looked forward to a film with those five in the cast.

Hope their paychecks cleared.
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Many chuckles to be had.
latherzap6 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
An absolutely absurd horror flick, featuring the always amusing Aldo Ray (Bog, Executioner 2, Don't go near the Park).

It begins with some young adults camping, and having lots of sex. Some are murdered and taken to a cheap looking hospital. Two women in '50s style scifi Jetsons outfits wander the halls. Three old aliens of human appearance (Carradine, Louise, and Newmar!) are there, mapping out their plan. They depend on fresh victims for their blood, and they are paying two idiotic mechanics (a gold coin each) to do the kidnapping.

It's a lot of fun. There's a ridiculous easy-listenin' song during a love scene, and other lousy 80s music (one which I suspect might be sung by the dumb blond character). Lots of bad acting, and Karrie Emerson looks hot in red! And, it features the time-honored line "gives me the creeps!". Do they say that in every horror movie???

Irrelevant trivia: at least 3 or 4 porn stars have bit parts in this movie. Even the script was written by a porn veteran. I would love to hear how this project came to be. I hope this gets a DVD release someday soon!
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Aliens. Nudity. Ridiculous.
michaelRokeefe7 March 2007
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Frivalous, exploitive, cheesy and extremely bad. Uproariously non-clever imitation of a '50s alien invasion movie...just real terrible acting, cheap special effects and a disjointed story. Enough already. Three obviously aged aliens played by John Carradine, Tina Louise and Julie Newmar hire a couple of dim witted mechanics(Neville Brand and Aldo Ray)to kidnap sex-crazed teens for processing into a youth-restoring serum. Unredeemable and the only thing memorable is the nudity, and that in default. No other actors to speak of in this farce except for porn star Amber Lynn; and she provides the most talent of all. If you like tossing back a few tall cool ones and laughing your ass off with a bunch of friends...this is the one you need.
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Ginger snaps
TheOldGuyFromHalloween322 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ginger and Catwoman steal a shuttle from the Battlestar Galactica and fly to Earth with John Carradine to abduct various bimbos and jocks and put them in a hospital where space-age lesbian nurses will perform experiments on them or something. The girls in this movie couldn't kill a fly with an A bomb. There are also 2 old redneck mechanics who are practically indestructible.

Still better than any movie of the past 20 years.
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So bad it's … beyond awful!
Coventry9 December 2009
My mates and I were hoping this notorious mid-80's horror junk would at least be amusingly awful, like "The Dark Power" or something, but instead this is really just a very retarded amateur film that isn't even funny when you're intoxicated to the nth degree. Tons of gratuitous nudity aside, there are absolutely no redeeming values to find in "Evils of the Night" and the impressive list of starring B-movie legends (Aldo Ray, Neville Brand, John Carradine, Julie Newmar…) are embarrassing themselves. Somewhere in the middle of a forest (?) there's a party beach where hormone-driven teenagers gather around for stupid pranks, foul play and unconditional sex. Two local dim-witted car mechanics kidnap the love-making kids and sell them to a society of aliens. The aliens, wearing futuristic outfits that appear to be stolen from Gary Glitter's private wardrobe, need human beings to increase their own lifespan with 200 years. "Evils of the Night" is nearly gore-free and purposelessly boring. The acting performances are terribly uninspired (especially John Carradine is pitiable and miscast as the lead alien) and the wannabe comical interludes are the complete opposite of funny. There's one fairly worthwhile sequence – involving an electric drill – but that's hardly enough to save the film. Skip it, regardless of how cool the DVD-cover looks.
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A porn horror movie without the porn?
BandSAboutMovies3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when you mix a teen sex comedy with a gore film? It's kind of like chocolate and peanut butter, one would think, but the results don't always taste as good. Witness 1985's Evils of the Night.

Three vampire aliens, Dr. Zarma (Julie Numar, who of course is the Catwoman, but is also a writer, real estate mogul and lingerie inventor), Cora (Tina Louise, who is of course Ginger from TV's Gilligan's Island) and Dr. Kozmar (John Carradine, who is of course skinny Dracula), have come to a college town to get the blood of young co-eds, which keeps them young.

There's also Neville Brand (Al Capone from TV's The Untouchables) and Aldo Ray (whose career trajectory goes from the highest of heights to the lowest of lows) as two old mechanics that are helping the aliens. As for the teens, we've got Tony O'Dell (Ferdy in Chopping Mall), Karrie Emerson (who was also in Chopping Mall), 80's adult movie queen Amber Lynn and "Raw Talent" Jerry Butler, who was also a well-known adult film star.

Director Mardi Rustam (who wrote and produced Psychic Killer and Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive) is the person to blame for all of this. If you're used to sex in the woods looking fake and feeling gratuitous, then this film will decimate your sensibilities. It feels like porn sex could literally break out at any minute, but the only penetration if when one of the girls gets drilled. With a drill. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Along the way, there are lesbian aliens, spaceships, axe murders, the Millenium Falcon on the poster for the movie, rings that shoot lasers, John Carradine in a space suit and more.

You can also blame Aquarius Releasing for this one, the fine (well, maybe not fine) folks who brought Dr. Butcher, M.D., Zaat, Deep Throat, Make Them Die Slowly (Cannibal Ferox) and Silent Night, Deadly Night to 42nd Street. They also released The Beyond as Seven Doors of Death, cutting out plenty of gore along the way to get an R rating.

Look, this movie is terrible. But that doesn't mean it isn't entertaining. The pathos at the end when one of the mechanics laments his dead friend are poignant. You could find a worse movie at 4 AM to watch.
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Even though Gilligan bungled every rescue, did Ginger prefer this? Oh well. Thanks for everything, Julie Newmar!
lee_eisenberg21 December 2005
My 10/10 rating of course only applies to the sorts of people who've decided that they like this movie even before they watch it (like me); for anyone else, this movie is a total zero. "Evils of the Night" has some aliens seeking human blood as the key to eternal life. And what luck! There's a bunch of horny teenagers camping out near a lake! When I saw the box in Movie Madness, it mainly caught my eye due to the casting of Tina Louise; after all, what man wouldn't want to be stranded on an island with Ginger Grant? Anyway, here she plays one of the aliens, and Julie "Catwoman" Newmar plays another. As for the horny teens, they're the kind of characters who horny teens are supposed to be in horror flicks: the boys are a bunch of sex-starved goof-offs, and the girls all have giant breasts. Will your sex drive get going while watching "Evils of the Night"? Let me put it this way: aside from making one think about Ginger Grant, probably a quarter to a third of the movie shows people having sex. And those girls were hot! Hubba hubba...

Some people may think that these kinds of movies are completely worthless, but I must disagree. "Worthless" in my opinion means that it pretends to be important but doesn't actually amount to anything. This movie doesn't pretend to be anything but nice, silly fun. Cool.
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Wacky soft core sex/aliens horror flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh3 March 2015
This wacky and exploitative sci-fi horror flick features John Carradine as an alien doctor who needs blood of horny teenagers,so he enlists for help two sleazy mechanics Aldo Ray and Neville Brand.There are also two sexy alien nurses and dumb/sexually active teenagers constantly hooking up including two porn starlets Amber Lynn and Crystal Breeze."Evils of the Night" has to be seen to be believed.The plot is weird and the acting of teens is diabolical.There is plenty of sex and nudity plus some nasty drill/axe violence during the last half of the movie.I can't say that I really liked Mardi Rustam's crazy film debut,but I certainly enjoyed Neville Brand and Aldo Ray performances.6 green laser rings out of 10.
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Insipid and dull; I feel worse about myself just for having watched.
I_Ailurophile16 August 2023
One may be inclined to ask "how bad could it be?" I did, and I knew the only way to find out was to watch for myself. I regretted this decision before even ten minutes had passed. This is the sort of horror movie that gives other horror movies a bad name. This is the type of abomination that makes one wish past awards could be rescinded, in punishment, from those recognizable stars who for some unfathomable reason are attached. This is the kind of rottenness that genuinely ruins one's day, and dampens otherwise enthusiasm for watching films at large, just for the fact of having sat down with it. For all those titles that are most commonly spoken of as being among "the worst ever made," more often than not the sentiment can only hold true insofar as those many other titles that are unquestionably even worse go unseen by the lucky majority of viewers; I've seen too many of those other titles that are unquestionably "even worse," and this without a doubt fits right in with them. 'Evils of the night' is pure garbage, and I feel worse about myself for having chosen to watch.

In a runtime of just over eighty minutes, all but three minutes of the first twenty are nothing but nudity and sex that are not only absolutely gratuitous, but which also count among the least sexy or baseline titillating such inclusions I've ever suffered through. Obviously this, and the very casting of certain buxom young ladies, was intended strictly to gain the favor of the twelve-year old boys who snuck into theaters, or whose creepy uncles let them watch R-rated movies and adult videos. For anyone who possesses the slightest modicum of intelligence or maturity, however, such inclusions - of more to come throughout the length - are desperately aggravating and tiresome. Meanwhile, any attempts at humor aren't funny. Any attempts at "thrills" or "horror" are duller than the plastic spoons that come with children's playhouses. I don't know which is more true: that the cast mostly wasn't even trying as they showed up just for an easy paycheck; that Mardi Rustam's direction is astonishingly devoid of any energy or earnest effort; or that the writing is more thin than even an electron microscope can discern. The dialogue is wretched. The scene writing is abhorrent. The characters are empty shells. The story is tripe. The plot development, such as it is, is witless beyond what words can describe.

If one were feeling generous to an unprecedented degree then I suppose one could go to an extreme and say that a couple scattered ideas somewhere herein were halfway to being decent, that the practical effects aren't bad, and that a fair bit of Robert O. Ragland's original music is unexpectedly flavorful and suitable for what this genre flick should have been. Yet if you think such limp, halfhearted praise (no more than one-quarter of a heart, realistically) portends sufficient entertainment, I would alternatively recommend first trying the experience of watching paint dry. If you think that the humble slivers of value 'Evils of the night' could possibly be said to boast are something that can only be found here and nowhere else, or that that value isn't stronger and more plentiful elsewhere, then I can only assume with all due sincerity that this is the first horror picture you've ever watched, and for that I am so, so sorry. Whatever it is that you're hoping to get out of this, what we have to endure to attain even a fragment of worth is far too ignominious to warrant such an insipid waste of our time, and such stupefying drivel.

I don't know whether I should feel sorry for those who got roped into participating, or despise those who contributed. One way or another, this is appalling dreck that I must in good conscience actively recommend against, and spread a warning far and wide. 'Evils of the night' is terrible, mind-numbing rubbish, and you're better off watching literally almost anything else instead.
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Another treasured discovery...
Sanguinaire3 February 2004
Right from the opening, depicting something resembling a customized mobile home floating through space, you know this is something special. A low budget space ship lands in the middle of the woods - this contains alien scientists John Carradine, Julie Newmar, and Tina Louise. Using a hospital as a base of operations, they set out to fulfill their mission; to gather blood platelets from young Earth people and send the stuff back to their home planet. Platelets, it seems, are the key to eternal life. They hire two mechanics (Aldo Ray and Neville Brand) to handle the dirty work of capturing unwilling donors. And what luck - nearby there are a group of perfect specimens on a camping trip...

First of all, the cast is amazing. Carradine and Newmar - no strangers to this terrain - actually manage to pull their roles off with style and dignity. Aldo Ray was probably used to this kind of movie as well, having already appeared in such things as Mongrel and Biohazard - while Tina Louise was `Ginger' on Gilligan's Island. Neville Brand had a distinguished record in World War 2, and afterward found his way into a major Hollywood career, specializing in westerns during the fifties - and notably played Duke, the embittered POW in Stalag 17. In this, his last film, he plays the role of Ray's lackey - and actually appears to be enjoying himself, even while unpleasantly ogling and pawing his captured female victims. Also worth mentioning is the fact that the victims and potential victims are not just cardboard cut-outs, and you actually like them.

Is this movie any good? Well, let me put it this way - it's dumb and cheap and sleazy - but that's exactly what it's intended to be. It would have been a perfect feature on the late, great USA Up All Night, as it's very much in that "style". For the people who consider that a recommendation, dive right in.
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nogodnomasters27 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Teens are kidnapped on a beach by mechanics to supply blood for aliens. The film used aging campy actors and adult film stars for the nude scenes. Typical 80's stuff. In fact they could have added the Amber Lynn scene from another film as it wasn't well connected. Connie (G.T. Taylor) and Heather (Bridget Holloman) were delightful. Low budget production.

Outtake reel include senior actors forgetting their lines.

Guide: sex and FF nudity (Amber Lynn, Crystal Breeze, Jody Swaffold + one more)
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Poor Neville
QueenoftheGoons28 January 2021
Neville was so sick when he made this. You can even tell its not him unloading bodies at the hospital. Usual trash of course, chicks that can't act, of course Ginger Grant again is well not a decent woman. I watched it for Neville, but like Vinnie in Edward Scissorhands, its tearful.
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Sleazie but sexy sci fi
vampi196011 August 2006
evils in the night is a bad movie but not poor,but it does have its moments.its kind of a soft core porno slash sci fi film,it does however waste the talents of great actors;John Carradine,Julie Newmar,Aldo Rey,Neville brand and Tina Louise(strike that Tina Louise is'nt a great actor)aliens kidnap sex starved teenagers that look like they wandered off the Friday the 13th lot.but john carridine is really wasted in this sleazy film as an alien.look for 80's adult star amber Lynn displaying her charms.there are a lot of goofs one is the spaceship,its 2 different spacecraft,one that looks like the shuttle from battlestar galactica. the other looks like a flying saucer.i know it was a low budget but thats just too obvious.Aldo Rey and Neville brand are buddies running a gas station auto repair shop,just don't take your Toyota there.if you want to waste about 90 minutes on a bad film this is it.don't expect close encounters of the third kind.think plan 9 from outer space with soft core porn.also in the movie is Fred Olen Rey's tough girl actress dawn wildsmith as one of the aliens.i give it 2 out of 10.just a little above being poor.
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Roast this pig
Tender-Flesh2 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if I'd call John Carradine "star power" but he's probably the biggest name in this film, and as such, he's underused as is the norm for his later films. Following in his timid wake are Julie Newmar, Tina Louise, Aldo Ray, Neville Brand, and at least four professional porn stars who were also making adult films around this time. I feel that having a porn star in a mainstream film where the actress gets naked is a rip-off. Most people want to see someone nude who they've never seen nude before, or maybe that's just my opinion. Now, on to better things besides bare bodies(I kid, I kid--there's nothing better here).

Can you ask for a stranger cast? Seriously, Tina Louise didn't perform in the Gilligan's Island TV movies, but she'll appear in this mess? I suppose it could have been a contractual issue, but I have a feeling she just didn't want to be involved with such a silly premise as Gilligan's Island. She's "too good of an actress..." Well, flash forward 20 years and things are slightly different, ain't they, Tina? This hodgepodge of a film boasts the aforementioned stellar cast and a moronic premise that is horribly executed. Two dirty old men mechanics work for aliens, and by aliens, I mean humans in weird clothes with glowing Cracker Jack rings that double as blasters and communicators. The grease monkeys, Brand and Ray, capture goofy teens who like to hang out near a lake during the summer. The teens are brought to a hospital at night, a hospital run by aliens(don't ask), where the kids get their energy sucked out by zero-budget machines(real hospital equipment meant to fool the viewer into thinking it's something from beyond the stars---ugh). The aliens are sort of vampires(nothing new to Carradine) who need the teen energy to stay young for hundreds of years. A slasher films in some respects, the scenes of the teens being stalked and molested by Brand and Ray are the best parts of the film(though one wonders what a battle ax is doing out in the middle of nowhere).

Ah, yes, the audio track. I firmly believe a 13 year old was responsible for handling this. 99% of the film's audio is drowned in echo and reverb, and the scenes with Carradine, Newmar, and Louise are barely audible in parts.

I can't find anything redeeming in this to recommend it, unless you have a thing for Julie Newmar, and you might, but she's looking quite haggard and out of place here. As I mentioned, Carradine is wasted in his role(probably needed to pay the rent that month), and Tina Louise should have known her bread will always be buttered on that isle of castaways.
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Total Crapolla!
lordzedd-312 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, here we go on EVILS OF THE NIGHT. Where should I begin, how about the poster. The poster shows two cool killer aliens attacking a half naked woman as they are tethered to the Millennium Falcon from STAR WARS! Also, the "alien craft" the "creatures" arrive in is the shuttlecraft from BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. If it wasn't bad enough, but they should the same shot in reverse when they left the Earth. The aliens looked nothing like the poster in the slightest, the aliens were just John Carradine, Julie Newmar and Tina Louise! The insane killers were two goofy mechanics. What the hell were Julie Newmar and Tina Louise thinking making this pile of alien dung? John Carradine I can understand, being typecast, he did a lot of crap I'm sure he didn't want to do near the end of his life. But Julie Newmar and Tina Louise, I hope they fired they're agents after this came out. Why didn't Universal sue, first this movie then SPACE MUTINY. What the hell were they thinking? My God in Heaven, if I owned the rights, I would drive the Production Company under and make sure all copies of the movie was burned. But that's just me. To top it off, the thugs were killed by the last survivor ala Friday the 13th, but the aliens escaped, even though they failed that's still crap. I give this whole disaster epic of a slasher flick the NOOSE!!!!!
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Things that go "hump" in the night .......
merklekranz3 February 2020
All the fun here is watching the fast fading stars, Neville Brand, Aldo Ray, John Carradine, Julie Newmar, and Tina Louise. The rest could be described as wanna be actors supplying nakedness and blood for the ancient vampire aliens. Almost everything about "Evils of the Night" is way up there on the dumb scale. For example, why do Neville Brand and Aldo Ray bother wearing masks while abducting the "blood donor teenagers"? I mean their names are sewn on their service station uniforms. Who builds a hospital in the middle of the woods, that is only available to the aliens for their blood letting and has no other patients? A chimpanzee could over dub all of the dialog, and come up with a better script. What you are left with is nudity and nonsense. I actually feel sorry for the senior citizen actors, and this 'schlockfest" certainly is a crime to be Neville Brand's last film. At this writing, Tina Louise and Julie Newmar are the only two still living, while John Carradine and Aldo Ray are also deceased. My favorite quote comes from alien Julie Newmar upon discovering the body of dead alien Tina Louise oozing what appears to be melted lime Jello "They have expunged her." - MERK
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More sexual activity than blood lust, and rather stupidly thrust in.
mark.waltz23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I would rather watch Julie Newmar and Tina Louise dominate the scenes given to the vapid, untalented younger non-actors in this lusty sexual comedy short on intentional laughs but long on them for the movie's grand awfulness. Newmar and Louise come with something along the lines of plan 9 from outer space, desperate for young blood to save their dying planet, or at least to youthen them. But how would that look for Carradine who looks old enough to have been around with plan one..

The less said about Neville Brand and Aldo Ray, the better. The years haven't been good to them either for their appearance or acting skills, so they're quite forgettable in doing the dirty deeds that Newmar, Louise and Carradine won't do. Both Newmar and Louise look great here, having been pals on Broadway with "Li'l Abner" 30 years before. Sad to see them relegated to dreck, though, even though it's watchable and harmless, although a scene with a power drill is downright disgusting.
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"Here we are, tied like pigs, ready to roast!"
Hey_Sweden10 May 2015
If this reviews' corresponding rating were based on technical prowess or filmmaking / story quality, it would naturally be low indeed. But it supplies a substantial amount of entertainment value. This is cheeseball crud at its finest. While on one hand this viewer did feel bad for the veteran actors involved (more to the point, it's sad that THIS was Neville Brands' final film), they help to make this fun. "Evils of the Night" is tacky, it's trashy, and it's downright silly.

The plot has a team of aliens - Dr. Kozmar (John Carradine), Dr. Zarma (Julie Newmar), and Cora (Tina Louise) among them - arriving on Earth. They manipulate two ceaselessly stupid and sleazy garage mechanics, Kurt (Mr. Brand), and Fred (Aldo Ray) into abducting as many of the local airhead oversexed college students as possible, to be used in biological experiments.

Since the victims here are so utterly pathetic (they sure don't do a very good job of trying to save their own worthless asses), one may end up rooting for the antagonists by default.

Add to this mix some painfully loud and peppy pop tunes, a respectable amount of female nudity, and the fumbling direction of Mohammed "Mardi" Rustam, and you get fromage writ large, a cheap genre item that's pretty hard to resist. Rustam had worked as a producer of 70s favourites such as "Psychic Killer" and Tobe Hoopers' "Eaten Alive", and this was his only feature length directing credit on a motion picture.

Newmar and Louise look quite good, as do many of their young co-stars. Carradine may have appeared in a lot of junk unworthy of his talents over the years, but the fact remains that even in stuff like this, he never seemed to phone it in; his performance is the most fun.

Buffs will note that two of the younger cast members, Karrie Emerson and Tony O'Dell, also worked together subsequently in "Chopping Mall".

Eight out of 10.
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Diverse Cast Makes it Worth a Watch
dave-145-51526630 July 2020
How they arranged a cast made up of classic Hollywood actors coupled with early-80s porn stars like Amber Lynn, I'll never know. I watched it for this reason alone, and enjoyed Evils of the Night for what it is.
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I couldn't quite wrap my head around this
BobbyHazardX15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If it would have committed to being something... anything, Evils of the Night would be way better. Instead it sorta wades around the waters of being a slasher movie, sci fi horror, and backwoods horror but really doesn't jump into any. The movie plays out but it's stuck in the mud which caused me to feel unfilled. It's too bad cause some of the characters were appealing. Everyone in the movie is quite nice looking and nobody ever gets unlikable. Tina Louise from Gilligan's Islan also somehow got mixed up with this. I guess she preferred doing something like this than ever playing Ginger again. You do you Tina, but I guarantee she never talked about it again. Aldo Ray, John Carradine, and Julie Newmar also pop up in important roles. I got to admit I didn't recognize Tony O' Dell from Chopping Mall as Billy (the guy in the beginning in the woods and the hospital) but I guess that's because he was a John Terlesky in this one. Karrie Emmerson his Chopping Mall Co star I did recognize. She had a final girl quality but again couldn't quite stick the landing. One thing I also liked was the effect of the spaceship. It's not ET or Close Ecounters of the Third Kind but it's pretty realistic, especially when it's landing and taking off. I'm guessing that was a miniature model? It looked good. You can do some good things with a modest budget. The lasers from the tacky rings on the other hand...

Evils of the Night isn't really worth watching unless you're an 80s completist or like to buy everything Vinegar Syndrome puts out. It's far from the worst 80s horror movie but it doesn't come together. Check out The Immortalizer or Without Warning instead.
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