Liquid Sky (1982) Poster


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One of the Weirdest Films That I Have Ever Seen
claudio_carvalho17 March 2012
In New York, a small flying saucer lands on the roof of a penthouse seeking for heroin. In the apartment, the cocaine addicted model Margaret (Anne Carlisle) is a promiscuous bisexual androgynous woman that lives with her lover, the drug dealer Adrian (Paula E. Sheppard). Margaret has sex with many partners asking for cocaine in return.

The aliens discover that the sensation of the orgasm is equivalent to the heroin and they suck the brains of Margaret's lovers, killing them first and then making their bodies disappear. Meanwhile, a German scientist is chasing the extraterrestrial beings and arrives in a building in front of Margaret's apartment to observe the creatures.

"Liquid Sky" is one of the weirdest films that I have ever seen. When I saw this low-budget cult-movie for the first time in the 80's, I remember that I liked it a lot. However, now I have just watched it on DVD I have found the plot dated and the image needs to be restored. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Liquid Sky"
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Best Way to Dispose of Your Enemies Ever
MicheBel13 January 1999
Sure, there are parts of this movie that are cheesy...the spaceship, for example. But many of the shots are visually stunning, like that night sky. And there are some painfully difficult-to-watch parts. But all is redeemed by the way our heroine takes her revenge. Just remember: before Thelma & Louise became our feminist anthem, there was Liquid Sky. And her solution was much better. If only things worked that way!
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80's Personified
jfgibson7320 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Eighties New York New Wave scene. Here it is, in a perfect time capsule. You can watch Boogie Nights or 200 Cigarettes if you want, but they can't recreate the atmosphere that this film lives and breathes.

It is a low budget movie, which will put some viewers off. The story jumps around and can be confusing, which will bother even more. Put on top of that the odd music and disjointed visuals, and you have an acquired taste of a film which is loved dearly by a cult following and reviled by anyone with preset notions of what a movie should be.

The story follows Margaret, an aspiring model, over a day or two as she goes clubbing, gets high, and prepares for a fashion shoot. Meanwhile, aliens are setting up camp nearby, searching for heroin. However, it is explained in a subplot involving a German scientist, that the aliens have found a substitute for opiates: a chemical in the brain produced during sex. And so, Magaret's sexual partners begin to die to feed the aliens.

I think it is worth noting that the actress who plays Margaret gets a writing credit on the project. For me, it gives her performance another dimension. It is unusual storytelling, but remains a fascinating document for those who allow themselves to be transported to another time and place.
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This is a weird, wonderfully bizarre film....
cakewalkk26 June 2001
What a wonderful film. Bizarre, yes! But in that bizarre way that keeps you coming back to see it again and again. "Liquid Sky" is a low budget, many times cheesy, take on science-fiction, including sci-fi's penchant for social commentary. However, this film is so over-the -top, so visually primitive and so different and funny in its premise that it cannot help but endear itself to you. (Caveat: there are some brutal moments in this film, including several rape scenes; however, these events more than fit into the story of the film and do not appear to be gratuitous at all.) The whole "Punk/New Wave" sensibility that pervades this film reminded me of the humor found in "American Werewolf In London" .... (I mean a Jewish werewolf, what a wonderfully brillant comic juxtaposition.) Same here in LS with Punk/New Wave types and aliens both looking for drugs of one kind or another -- how terrifically different that is from the usual Invasion of the Body Snatchers/X-Files-colonization schtick to which we have become all to accustomed.

Visually stunning in a primitive, low-budget, indie sort of way, with an intriguing storyline and wonderful actors that carry it off.....A definite must see for those who love the bizarre. You will not be disappointed....SEE IT TODAY!!!
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Truly weird film totally early 80s
ddooks113 March 2020
I was in HS when this came out. We somehow convinced our English teacher to take us to see it as a field trip. Needless to say we were not asked to write anything about the movie! 🤣🤣

I definitely plan to watch this again soon for nostalgia reasons.
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Cult classic
Chris_Docker17 March 2004
I could watch this film again and again for the fabulous retro costumes alone. It is a low-budget sci-fi about aliens in a miniature flying saucers that home in on a chemical released in the brain during orgasm which is akin to heroin. There's very little aliens-action, but lots of psychedelic photography, a cunning rhythm that sucks you into the world of Warhol-like druggies, freelove-devotees, artists, fashion designers, experimental musicians, OTT models, and bisexuals. Liquid Sky is a gem (and also contains perhaps the most realistic lesbian sex scene I've ever seen!) S*d the make-up unless is at least as wild as Ziggy Stardust, leave your gender attitude at the door, embrace existence as rocket-fuelled experience, and tune in to Liquid Sky.
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This is a good movie
CHendri8879 May 2001
In my opinion, this is one of the more interesting movies made in the last twenty years. It has the quality of being both cheesy and profound at the same time. What I mean by that is: Although the visuals and "special effects" (if you even want to call them that) are obviously done in the Ed Wood-like low budget way, the dialogue is incredibly realistic as is the portrayal of the human relationships. Anne Carlisle's portrayal of Margret/Jimmy and Paula Shepperd's Adrian are especially poignant. I find myself empathizing with all of these characters at various points in the film. I also liked the fact that the director (and Carlisle) linked (even if it was indirectly) all of these characters' lifestyle choices and use of drugs to painful family baggage. I guess I feel that most films don't make this connection clearly or if they do, it's done in a hokey, almost put-downish way. What else? I like portrayal of the New York punk/new wave scene circa 1980. I also like the anti-hippie sentitment in some of Carlisle's monologues. When I first saw this film at 18, I found it incredibly disturbing. I still do, but I appreciate its realism and I actually find this film much less offensive in terms of violence than something like the remake of "Charlie's Angels" last year. It's sad to me that most people in this database give this film a 5/10 rating. Sorry, but I have to disagree with you big time.
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Not a very good movie.
peefyn3 January 2016
I can see what the fuzz is about, but this movie did nothing for me. Reasons for this might be that I was not born yet when this movie was made, I am not a part of any underground/subculture and I have never been to New York.

What I did like was the looks of it, at times. They have played around with fashion and punk styles and made something that is at times very iconic. The soundtrack was interesting, and I appreciate it for being ahead of its time. I also liked some of the progressive opinions that Other than what is previously mentioned: this seems to me as a badly made movie. The actors are giving very poor performances, for one. You can say that it was intentional - but that does not make the performances any less forced or annoying. The acting makes this feel like a cheap porn. The plot is probably not to be taken seriously at face value, and while I can appreciate it being used to make a statement on certain lifestyles - it just doesn't work. And it's told in a way that is almost demonstrably unengaging.
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Me And My Rhythm Box
loganx-29 May 2010
The time is the 80's. Everyone is either A. on cocaine, B. a rapist, or C. a model. Those who are class B and C. are also class A. Everyone is dressed like extras from "Flash Gordon" with more fish-net, and all the music comes out of a Casio. Two androgynous bi-sexual models named Adrian and Margaret compete in the New York fashion underground for who is cattiest bitch and the most stylish a$$. Both characters are played surprisingly well by the same actress, to heighten both the androgyny of "the scene" at the time, and the repetition. Margaret is the main character, described by her male incarnation Adrian as " uptight WASP c*#t from Connecticut.", bookending the film, but being largely absent from its mushy middle. Amidst the usual backstabbing, s*^t talking, runway stomping, and sexual assaults (virtually the only kind of intercourse the film displays) visitors from beyond the stars have also taken an interest in the sordid little events.

These aliens live in a tiny, largely invisible UFO, positioned on top of our heroines apartment where they can observe the events inside through a heavily pixilated color blur that resembles Chris Marker's invented film style "The Zone" from "Sans Soliel" or the heat vision the Rasta-lizard of "Predator" views the world through. This psychedelic point of view is repeated throughout the film, as the aliens are the most constant though silent narrators. Their interest in the Manhattan fashionista junky set comes from the same reason that so many are/were attracted to such places; the sex and the drugs. Human orgasm produces more chemical reactions in the brain than at any other time in life. The brain becomes the body's dealer, and the body explodes, shivers, and shrivels back to down to size, patiently awaiting or screaming for it's next fix. For tiny aliens the only drug in the universe better than our cum-chemical's, are these fluids when they come from the opiate riddled brain of a junky."The ancient Egyptians weren't afraid of euphoria", says a drug addled screen-writer in one of the films many inter-connected sub-plots.

Thus aliens begin turning up at the fringes of "punk sub-culture" where the junk-cum getting is good and no one cares if people go missing. "New Wave" models are the next evolutionary step forward (for one they have more money drugs). So the junkies wait around to score, and the aliens wait for the junkies to score with each other. Unfortunately there is no way for the aliens to extract these chemicals without killing those they take from, which to Margaret who is often being raped by whoever is spilling their seed, it's as if God himself has suddenly taken an interest in her life. Not enough of an interest to stop her from being raped, but enough to make the bodies of the bad men (and women) disappear after they have done their business. It doesn't take long before she realizes that sex with her leads to death. "Margaret: I kill with my c^*t.". This new sexual power gives her both confidence (to get revenge on those who abused her), and a renewed sense of alienation (what little sexual release and connection she did have is now impossible).

"Campy" is something of an understatement for describing "Liquid Sky", a film drenched head to day-glo toe in nihilist attitude, decadent fashion, disturbing sex, and surreal black humor. But also this campiness and seeming lack of "content" and seriousness make enough room for the moments of sincere cultural insight and emotional pathos to stand out in ways that would seem truly alien in a John Waters or Dusan Makavejev flick (two filmmakers "Liquid Sky" is indebted to).

The ending of the film once Adrian and Margaret's feud has come to a literal and figurative "head" (couldn't resist the pun…I'm a bad person) is also surprisingly and even unnecessarily sad and vulnerable than would be required of something this "tasteless". Imagine if at the end of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" Brad and Janet had a serious talk about their changing sexuality, or their stifling childhoods or something. And now imagine that scene being successful.

What would it be like to come to New York in the 80's from the suburbs? What would it be like to suddenly be surrounded by a never ending race for sensual pleasure and aesthetic perfection, where the tongues are either in your mouth or barbed, forked, and spitting venom at anything resembling "sentimental", or "soft"? What would it be like to thrive in this environment? Would it feel like being food for alien creatures, or would it feel it like feeding them. In a world built around the sexual image, would sex feel liberating, or just like another way to be used. "Liquid Sky" is an absurd pageant, but one not based completely in irony, it's cynicism is hard one from experience. Margaret's inevitable "falling in love" with the UFO, feels like a tragic romance, not a schlocky b-movie. The movie contains both styles in the end, and finds a parasitic way of letting one feed the other to make both aspects stronger. Who is top and who is bottom in this scenario is up to debate.

"Liquid Sky" is more of an "attitude" than a film, and I know how cheesy that sounds, but divorced from this attitude the performances fall flat. Devoid of the music the scenes would fall flat. Devoid of the humor the dialog would fall flat, and devoid of the dialog the film would fall flat. If any one part of this film were to be altered the rest would fall into chaos like a game of Jenga.

As it is they all balance each other out in "cult classic" bliss, which may indeed be more style than substance. Of course Adriane might say something like "substance is for ugly people who lack style", and who am I to argue.
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Different But Very Cool
paybak6926 November 2000
This film in my opinion, is one of the weirdest films I have ever seen in my life. But, it is one of the coolest. Despite the bargain-basement effects, and cheesy spaceship (that looked like two dinner plates on top of each other), the film had a lot of good parts. I especially loved the "Me and My Rhythm Box" performance by the drug dealer. Ms. Carlisle did a good job on both Margaret and Jimmy, her two characters. She's also not to bad looking for a woman who kills with her.....nevermind. All in all, its an enjoyable film. Filled with the early 80's underground New York New Wave scene. Check it out. Don't Miss It.
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One of the worst films of the 1980s
jwpappas13 June 2003
Its easy to see why this early 1980s relic remains so obscure & why it did poorly here in New York City upon its initial release: it's sub-amateur CRAP!!! This is one of the most irritating movies I've ever seen & the #1 source of irritation is the AWFUL & tinny pseudo new wave synth score which repeats the same 4 notes over & over & over for the nearly 2 hour running time. In attempting to make a statement about 1980s American nihlism the Russian emigre filmmakers (perhaps the Iron Curtain was a good thing) make the fatal error of not knowing a thing about NY where their low brow & low rent scifi/comedy/sociological screed takes place. Streets & landmarks are misidentified, the New Yawk accents are straight out of a bad cartoon (someone unironically says "boids") & their depiction of the early 1980s NYC club scene is so laughably way, way WAY off the mark that it seems as if the filmmakers had never set foot in North America, let alone NYC. The acting is sub-porno, the grainy cinematography is just above 7-11 security cam video, the sound is muddly & apparently the budget was so low that they couldn't afford an editor. I say that because this tedious & grating turd not only drags itself to nearly 2 agonizing hours, it also includes actors just about to hit their marks & looking off camera to get direction. The cast is ugly & uninspired, the movie looks like a 1970s education flick & its easy to see why nobody connected with this overblown freshman film student mess has ever worked on another film.
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A sci-fi story set in the New York of alternative lifestyles
mmillington55411 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
People I've shown or lent this film to on video tend to polarise into two groups - those who loathe it with an intensity bordering on the pathological (and see some of those comments on this site), usually finding it either incomprehensible or repellent; and those who find it fascinating and truly original.

The second group tend to watch it at least twice and usually more often than that. It is not a film that makes imminent sense on the first viewing. The narrative is so multi-layered that it takes two viewings to appreciate the connections between scenes and characters.

It is a film that you have to work at. And it is no less valuable because of that.

If you don't like it and can't make sense of it, then the loss is your own.

For those prepared to suspend belief it is a rare masterpiece of originality. True, the acting is patchy, but like the actors in Warhol films they do not seek to portray common or garden social characters that we recognise from everyday life, the stuff of mainstream cinema; but are personalities constructed at the extremities of social existence - the exceptions, misfits, and exiles. This makes them interesting in themselves.

The science fiction antecedents to the film probably lie in the literary work of William Burroughs as much as in film history. The same social actors are to be found - people searching for something on the edge of reality, where sex and drugs are pursued and traded, all in the name of obsessive self-interest or self-oblivion. Burroughs characters are often as repellent as the characters in this film. Often for the same reasons. The film centres on the ultimate in self-obsessed, self-absorbed, selfish humanity.

The same can be said for the alien invader. In fact the alien manifests all the same characteristics as the actors in the hip New York crowd. All are obsessed with their own personal needs and ambitions to the exclusion of all else. But whereas the humans are mortal and have an inconvenient habit of dropping dead, murdered by the alien at the point of sexual orgasm, the alien itself lacks physical form. It devotes its life to expanding its own consciousness. Heroin will do but a chemical secreted by the human brain during orgasm is even better.

This is no conventional science fiction film with a monster from out of space. The monsters are also the humans. The aliens are already amongst us.

All of this makes it sound like an argument in favour of the repellent view of the film. It isn't. It's intellectually challenging and morally demanding, true. But it's also visually stunning, original in concept, and an interesting social document on the post-punk fashion scene in New York at the time it was made.

Occasionally, very occasionally, a film is made that transcends the ordinary, everyday reality of commercial cinema. Even commercial science fiction. This is one of those very rare films.

Everything about it is unique. The characters, the dialogue, the music, and the social and economic context combine to create a world-view of extreme existence taken to its ultimate limits by the arrival of a creature from outer space. The creature somehow manages to extend the boundaries of existence of those already far, far out there on the very edge of social reality. In the closing scene the main character tries to become at one with the creature. We can only speculate as to whether she succeeds.
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Fantastically Terrible, Must watch to believe
robnero19 June 2020
I remember this movie from the 80's. I was 14 years old. There have so many movies that would say lines or have a certain aesthetic that would remind of this, but I could not remember the title.There were even movies called TEETH and UNDER THE SKIN that reminded me of lines and scenes from this movie and set me on a search for years and by chance, I just found it today in 2020. Set in the 80's, it looks like a Bowie nightmare. The script, directing, acting and music is so bad, that you almost think it is intentional. And yet, It is mesmerizing. With the worst intro music and effects, A UFO lands atop a building in New York. An astrophysicist from Berlin has been following this phenomenon for some time and arrives there to study the aliens that have arrived. We learn they seem to be wherever heroin and sex are rampant. But why? What are their intentions? We follow a woman and a man (same actress a little Billy Idol Bowie, Aimee Mann, Annie Lennox, Darryl Hannah) as they circuit the party/model/club scene and revelations are made. (this makes more sense telling, than watching, trust me) It is filled with fantastic 80's fashion, some of the worst of 80's music, poetry/rap a slew of colorful characters rivaled only by the clothes they wear. It's worth the watch for the memory of seeing it. A lot of sex, profanity and abuse, but all done so badly, it's comical It is a classic cult film for us rare film watchers. I love it and I hate it.
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Stupid and dull
preppy-35 February 2007
A tiny alien spaceship lands on top of a New York apartment looking for heroin. The apartment is occupied by a former model now a drug addict Margaret(Anne Carlisle) and her abusive lesbian lover. The aliens discover that a certain pheromone is produced in the human brain during sex that is similar to heroin. Margaret basically discovers she can have sex with people...and they're vaporized by the aliens for the drug.

That synopsis may not make a lot of sense...but neither does the movie. This was a HUGE hit with the college crowd back in 1982. It played to sold out houses and lasted months. I was in college back then and went to see it. I found it a stupid dull movie that thought very highly of itself. It's just full of unpleasant people who seem to be constantly drugged out or looking for drugs. There's an especially irritating subplot involving a Jewish woman and a German scientist. It's supposed to be funny (I think) but I just found it pointless--kind of like the whole movie.

In some ways this is interesting. They completely caught the fashions, music and feel of that era--but the ridiculous plot, cruel characters and pathetic acting make this a real chore to sit through. The only bright light here is Carlisle. She's not good but she's better than any of the other actors and she plays two roles--one a male! I tried watching this recently at a revival theatre--I walked out. It was even WORSE than I remembered it! A boring, pretentious and unpleasant little movie that has deservedly slipped into obscurity. Skip this one.
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A rare glimpse of USA New Wave
tagomago727 July 2004
Liquid Sky!!

Wow, tough to say a simple few words about this movie. Liquid Sky is a rare film as it documents a time period in the USA when "post-punk" and "New Wave" were truly still underground. Liquid Sky is so easily compartmentalized into gay/lesbian cinema or a "cult classic" when it truly stands alone as a document of an era criminally under represented.

Roger Ebert who in my opinion really understands good cinema, gave this movie strong local press support in Chicago when it played at the Three Penny art Theatre in Chicago. The 3 Penny was across the street from the original Wax Trax record store on Lincoln Avenue which was another "power spot' of this post-punk/early new wave underground in Chicago. Ebert gave this movie a thumbs up and I think 3.5 stars upon the initial release. Ebert understands "dark" cinema which I think few see.

There are few movies in all of cinema that leave you with a "feeling" that Liquid Sky does at the end. By taking you correctly, intelligently into a world (Underground Clubs, Drug Scenes) that do exist, that few see. Donnie Darko is to me "in the ballpark" of the way Liquid Sky makes you feel at film's end.

The musical score (using the then very rare and expensive) Synclavier sampling keyboard was way ahead of it's time by perhaps 20 years. That along with the strong performances, is what makes Liquid Sky not just "weird' or "freak cinema" but something actually special.

If you were part of the New Wave or Post-Punk "underground" of 1981-1983 you will nod your head to what I am about to say: Liquid Sky is just about the ONLY movie that captures the "feel" of this period.

The rare Anne Carlisle! She-popped in with this magical tour-de-force performance and then basically disappeared from cinema. The only other easily obtainable performance of Carlisle is in the Miami Vice episode "Yankee Dollar" where she appears in the last 10 minutes of the episode as the wealthy heiress trying to save her husbands company via an illegal deal.

The DVD review! Wow!! The fact that some people really cared about this movie is seen in the DVD extras. The fact that just the movie made it to an official DVD is enough , but the extras where a huge shock. Actual beta video footage of test run thoughts of scenes. An initial opening 10 minute sequence that was edited to provide a different plot opening to the movie. TV spots, etc..

To use the word "cult classic" then every rare film like this should be treated to such extras on a DVD.

Not for "kids" , but I give Liquid sky a solid 10 out of 10 on the IMDb scale!

While some may see this movie as weird, the movie actually displays a real "truth" of what that scene was like 1981-1983 (minus the aliens of course). Watch Carlisle's monologue while putting on the make-up in the last 15 minutes of the film. You will not find a more "honest" speech about what happens when a girl moves from the country to depths of the inner city underground scene.
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If you have the time and want something to think about, try it!
wolfpak765-397-33685718 June 2017
I watched this movie on a recommendation of a game I was playing as an example of the setting. I watched it another 3 times because I couldn't figure out why they wanted me to watch it. Frankly, I hated it.

However, over the years I've pondered this dark comedy as much as any film I've seen including "A Clockwork Orange", "Brazil" and many other acclaimed dark comedies. I've found myself quoting it and even discussing it with friends.

Based on that, I'm going to give it a 7 as I think it is due more credit than I originally gave it and I think it is worth an adventure if you have the time. It speaks a lot about society and there is a lot more to it than face value. I don't love it but I do think it was valuable time spent unlike the 3 episodes of "2 Broke Girls" that I was subjected to.
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I am crazy about this weird, beautiful little film!
KeithFromKC4 November 2006
I saw LIQUID SKY at a Midnight Showing here in Kansas City, back in 1983 or 84. I was in my late teens and just discovering Independent and Foreign films. A true cinematic oddity, this was a far cry from most of the schlock I was paying to see at the multiplex at that time. To each his own, but I LOVED LIQUID SKY! It's everything a Cult classic should be. The cinematography and use of color are incredible and has the Empire State building ever looked as majestic on screen? In retrospect, I also think the film is a harbinger of what was to come in the mid-late 80's. It's look at excess and style over substance more or less defined that period in time......and despite the crazy hair and Day-Glo makeup, Anne Carlisle is simply stunning.

About two years ago, I bought the DVD from and although the packaging and overall quality could have been better, I was just glad to finally have a copy of the film in ANY format. Until that time, the only place in KC I could find Liquid Sky, was a beat up copy on VHS from my local Library(!). I probably checked that tape out a dozen times, just to show friends, many of whom, despite what you might think of us simple folk (alleged) here in Middle America, absolutely loved it's warped charms. The film made New York and it's hip, arty inhabitants seem as if they were from another planet. They were no less strange than the killer Alien, or whatever the hell that thing in the film was.

I am curious to know what ever became of Anne Carlisle and Paula E. Sheppard. There is almost zero information about them anywhere in Cyberspace. I did want to join in to say, after viewing the film again last night on DVD for the umpteenth time, that I am crazy about this weird, beautiful little film. It as if an 80's equivalent of Andy Warhol's Factory pooled their money and ideas together to make the coolest low-budget film ever. It captures everything that was fascinating about Independent film in the 80's. A visual experience that is colorful, bizarre, risqué, dark, smart and yes, even funny. I can see how this film would divide people, but if you like it, that's cool. If you don't, well, that's also cool. That I still have it etched in my brain over 20 years later, to me, says a good deal about Liquid Sky's unusual appeal.
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Punk & New Wave = Bowie retro
macabro3578 May 2003
I'm really surprised no one has created a website devoted to this film, yet.

I saw this one back in 1985 on my old Sony Betamax of all things, bringing back pleasant memories of watching Paula Sheppard shooting off her filthy, slutty mouth, being abusive to all those around her. (laughs)

This is one 80s period piece with an early synth soundtrack that sounds like a cross between late-analog and the beginnings of the digital revolution. Would be worth owning if it didn't get so monotonous at times.

The plot concerning aliens being attracted to heroin and orgasm is pretty funny and original, in my opinion. It's so bizarre that I admire the filmmakers for even having the originality to do something like this in the first place. A real statement about the (early-80s) NY loft art scene. And those people had class compared to today! (laughs)

Besides, there's no way a film like this could be made today and keep it's charm. I'd be drowned in boring cgi and computer graphics making it look like stale, cheap bread.

The DVD is only a slight improvement over the videotape, however. Except for the additional unused scenes, the film looks like it was taken from a washed-out videotape copy. You can even see the VHS (or Beta) tracking ripples appear on the DVD when the end credits appear. Couldn't they find the original film materials to use? The additional unused scenes that the DVD supplies as an extra, look so much more clearer that the actual film itself.

There's also the bonus of rehearsal scenes that were taped prior to the film being film. Unfortunately most of the rehearsal tape is now lost forever. It was recorded on old Betamax tapes that have deteriorated quite a bit over the last 20 years, reminding us all what an unstable medium videotape is when it's placed in storage.

I give this one a 7 out of 10 for having the charm & the balls to even be made in the first place...
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Does it get any worse?
RUBBERSOUL-218 July 2001
OK, so it attempts to be deep and loaded. Save your money, wait, save those two hours of your life for something better like an Olsen Twins movie or a Kathy Lee Gifford/Gallagher double bill concert. Seriously, instead watch a student film, or Eraserhead or something else that doesn't attempt to be groundbreaking, but is. At least watch something that has one artistic success, say story, dialouge, acting, visuals (this movie is the first I've seen be successful at making film look like bad video), f/x, content, or anything. It'll have one more success than this piece did. One good thing about this movie is that it might give us aspiring filmmakers hope, that our product can make it, no matter how different it may be. As you can see by the other reviews, it touched many a person. They must think shrimps are more important than duty. Watch the movie and you'll get it, OK.
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an overlooked low-budget gem
phantom2-23 September 2006
i first saw liquid sky when it came out and was so intrigued i went back to see it four more times. hadn't seen anything before like it, and haven't seen anything like it since. given that it's obviously a no-budget production by non-actors they do an incredible job. c'mon, anybody who doesn't laugh at the interaction between the scientist and sylvia just has no sense of humor. and there are other priceless moments... ordering shrimp, the look on everyone's faces when jimmy vanishes, "i can't have all these bodies", and best of all: "delicious, delicious." there's more creativity in liquid sky than in a whole summer's worth of Hollywood blockbusters. a lot of it is ugly, some is dated 1980s scene stuff, but it's undeniable and there's not a false note by a single performer. anne carlisle's performance(s) is utterly convincing and it's a shame it's been overlooked.
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That's really quite a world that you showed me.
haildevilman4 November 2010
Herion influenced.

So why did it look like a bad acid trip?

Artistic (hah) view of self-obsessed models in NYC during the (very) early 80's. This film is so dated it's almost a crime. Unfortunately only people alive in that era will like it.

Pint sized Aliens land on a ledge in Manhattan and give a local model a won't say it. However she uses it a lot and doesn't seem to be to upset by it.

The male and female leads are the same person. Anna Carlisle doing double duty here. Not hard to tell really. The technical specs are very amateur.

Paula Sheppard might be recognized from "Alice Sweet Alice." She almost steals the film with her OTT monologues. The rest of the cast were just there.

A 100% Russian 80's NYC.
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kailego28 September 2004
What the hell is this crap? Slava Tsukerman should be shot, as should his wife and Anne Carlisle for scripting this terribly acted, terribly realized film about the sexuality of the worst-constructed characters in the history of low-budget films. Camp factor = 10! When I saw Barbarella, I thought to myself "THIS is one of the worst movies I've ever seen, apart from Jane Fonda being in it", but yesterday I saw this trash. The flimsy subplot about aliens hunting for heroin destroyed what was left in the social commentary on the post-punk phase of the early 80s in NYC. Anne Carlisle is the least believable actress I've ever come across, and the 80s punkish campness of it all made me want to set fire to the screen.

NEVER see this film, EVER.
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A study in hate, sci-fi style
Lunar_Eclipse_Scoping23 December 2001
After years of trying to locate this film on vhs I finally bought it from a used vhs retailer a couple of years ago. Upon my initial viewing of the film, I was a bit disappointed. I didn't dislike it, I was just a bit let down. Yet I couldn't get the film out of my mind. The images, the acid dialogue, and especially Anne Carlisle. . . A couple of viewings later, I suddenly came to an unexpected conclusion - I loved this movie! Rarely does my opinion of a film change from tolerance and mild fascination to pure amazement. That's probably because everything about Liquid Sky is so different from ordinary films, even I was a bit disoriented at first, and I'm a true fan of cult and avant-garde films. It presents hatred as such a way of life, even the people who are "friends" in this film hate each other, the contempt for humanity is so second nature, yet it's never "loud" about this . . . everyone just quietly hates everyone around them, and vocalizes it so quietly and precisely-without shouting-that it takes you by surprise! The visuals are excellent, proof that you don't need a big budget to make a superb sci-film - even though Liquid Sky is much more than mere sci-fi. It's a haunting look into the lives of some unforgettable characters. Another unique aspect of the film is the way it alternates very quickly between two or three different scenes, each with different characters. The first time I watched it I didn't really enjoy it because of this. That's another reason Liquid Sky must be watched more than once to fully appreciate it. The film has its flaws, mainly because of some mediocre acting, but Anne Carlisle has huge screen presence in both of her roles. See this immediately if you haven't already, but give it time to sink in. It soon became one of my five favorite films, and it may appeal to you as well if you have some patience. My score: 9.5/10
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Ignorant Art...with a pulse
caspian197817 May 2004
A look back into the underground world of sex, drugs, and being an alien in the capitol of the world, New York, New York. The Punk area of the early 80's, pre AIDS and post Nixon. Liquid Sky is one heck of an education if you can sit through it. The acting is as awkward as its direction. The story is original but far from timeless. It has found its place on the shelves of your local video store, but far from being a great movie. It has stood the test of time for capturing the mindset of the generation that treated the world like they were aliens. In conclusion, Liquid Sky has been remade several times by other half-cocked film makers from NYU and USC
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The worst film I've ever endured
The Gelf19 May 1999
When I went into the cinema there were about 80 other people with me. By the time the end credits rolled there were about 5. The only reason that I didn't join the other 75 was that I had got in for free; if I'd paid I would have demanded my money back.

Many films are so bad they're good, however Liquid Sky is one of those rare films which is just plain bad. The music is appalling (cheesy early eighties synths -- probably bad at the time, but particularly grating nowadays), the plot stupid (pretentious art-house nonsense), and the acting abysmal.

If you've really got nothing to do and are thinking of paying to watch Liquid Sky, try painting a door and watching it dry: it won't take as long, won't cost as much, be more interesting and involve slightly less wood.
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