The Humanoid (1979) Poster


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Boo, George Lucas! Hooray, Humanoid!
Coventry16 December 2009
Try and forget for a second that this film only got released in 1979! Personally, I'm 100% convinced that it was, in fact, George Lucas who totally ripped off this brilliantly plotted script and even shamelessly copied the costume designs and set pieces of this genuine Sci-Fi milestone to make his own insignificant and overrated – but perhaps slightly better marketed – "Star Wars"! Seriously, THIS should have been the Sci-Fi hype of the past century! This should have been the film that spawned numerous sequels, imitations, merchandising and millions of obsessive and nerdy fan-boys all over the world, damned!

Of all the blatant rip-off's that the Italians made during the late 70's/early 80's period – and the amount of them is really gigantic – "The Humanoid" is most likely the most blatant of them all. The intro scrolling over the screen at the beginning, the main villain wearing exactly the same helmet as Darth Vader (though with an S&M mask underneath) and the robot is R2D2 with a doggie makeover. Thank God they didn't do an imitation of C3PO! The Han Solo on duty is Richard "Jaws" Kiel and it's immediately stated clear why this guy should only play roles that are completely silent. Cult siren Barbara Bach plays an evil queen who needs the blood of young women to safeguard her beauty (nice little Countess Bathory sub plot, actually). She allies with Darth Vader number two and with an evil professor who's working on a new and indestructible type of cyber-warrior called The Humanoid. Who other than Richard Kiel would be the more ideal Humanoid prototype, so thus the evil threesome turn Golob's (that's his name) spaceship into confetti and he emerges from the lake again as their retarded minion. With his superhuman strength, Darth Vader number two can finally conquer the throne of Metropolis. How about that plot, huh? Actually, I'm not quite sure if my little summary is fully accurate, as I was too busy laughing most of the time. "The Humanoid" truly is God-awful but immeasurably entertaining exploitation trash that you simply cannot hate. The funniest thing is that this idiocy was actually made by an ensemble of people that should know better, like director Aldo Lado ("Who Can Kill a Child"), special effects supervisor Antonio Margheriti ("The Virgin of Nuremberg"), composer Ennio Morricone ("Once Upon a time in the West"), writer Adriano Bolzoni ("Your Vice is a Locked Room and only I have the Key") and lead actress Barbara Bach ("The Spy who Loved Me"). The special effects and costumes are tacky from the beginning, but the plot gradually grows even more imbecilic as we move along. The variant on the lightsabers are … lightarrows! The entire special effects team must have brainwashed for two whole days over the question: what other medieval piece of armory can we turn into a futuristic fantasy weapon without George Lucas suing us? "The Humanoid" is the purest form of entertainment, especially if you have the chance of watching it with some fellow trash fanatics and whilst under the influence of mild narcotics.
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mediocre watchable Italian spoof salad
r-c-s22 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
well, we all know the music is awful. John Barry did a superb job -in comparison- with his score of STAR CRASH. Muzak, not music, plus a ripoff of the EU "anthem". Acting is negligible, although i've seen much worse. Bach & Clery were hot at the time, but perhaps it's not enough. Marco Yeh is the most stereotypical Chinese out of the bad taste jokes, with super slanted eyes, and plays some buffoon dressed like young Luke Skywalker, who can charm and subdue individuals pronouncing mantras crafted by someone on an acid trip. All in all, it is not the wreck many purport it to be, all taken into account. SFX aren't this bad. Troopers look just out of the VISITORS series, yet years in the future. Planets -the usual desert thing ala Star Wars 1977 - are decently pictured. The robot dog...agh! They did a much better job in Galactica: here we have a demented portable fridge. Kiel at his best...waving hands, sleepwalking and acting like a complete retard. I am against cheap nudity in non-porno movies, but here Bach & Clery ought to have saved the day i guess. Hey...Bach & Kiel in 1977 were starring a major Bond movie and Bach was second fiddle there, but things change, right? Easily watchable, unpretentious spoof salad.
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Embarrassing Italian Star Wars Copycat
Filmfandave8 July 2015
THE HUMANOID tells the story of two brothers of noble titles, one good named the Great Brother; the other evil, who are fighting against each other to become the sole ruler of planet Metropolis. The evil brother Graal (Ivan Rassimov) gets the support of the insane Dr. Kraspin (Arthur Kennedy) to create a new army of invincible soldiers called humanoids. To prove that his chemical invention really works, the doctor tests it on the pilot Golob (Richard Kiel), an unsuspecting human from another planet whose plane happens to land on the deserts of Metropolis. Golob is turned – in a very ridiculous way – into an indestructible soldier that doesn't speak but possesses superhuman strength and lives under the doctor's control. Commanded by the evil Graal, Golob charges into the city where the Great Brother lives to kill him. When Golob's brain-washed mind is neutralized by a little oriental sage living in the city named Tom Tom, he turns side and befriends everyone, including the person he is assigned to kill. Heading back to Graal's headquarter to destroy him, Golob leads his band of new ally. Following a decisive battle that destroys Grall and the doctor, Golob regains his human side and reacquires his speech. With his newly-befriended comrades, he decides to live on the planet, which is then called Earth (no more Metropolis as that's what shown on screen!).

That is not the whole story, there are other characters and subplots that are not worth telling as they do not add anything to the main plot!

THE HUMANOID is a Star Wars copycat and a mega-waste of budget that doesn't have any of the elements that have made Star Wars a timeless classic. Here you see similarities that you see in Star Wars – from vehicles, places to characters: Star Destroyer (even following the exact sequence of how it is shown in Star Wars!), Land Speeder, laser guns that shoot red beams, lots of Darth Vader look-alike (since they are portrayed not only as the leader but also guards), Princess Leia wannabe (she's called Barbara and sexier), a kung fu fighting Luke Skywalker, a robot dog (a substitute for R2D2) and a little oriental Obi-Wan Kenobi! Even the opening sequences mimic those of Star Wars!

Richard Kiel's performance in "The Spy Who Loved Me" and "Moonraker" must have immensely impressed the producers that he was given a similar role here – doesn't speak, just snarls and looks dumb.

This cheesy Italian sci-fi yarn could have been a lot better. Sadly, it lacks the creativity that would have made it into a fun B-movie. The STAR WARS-inspired characters, vehicles, and scenes show lazy film-making. Adding insult to the injury, the plot and directing are as uninspired.

All in all, THE HUMANOID comes mildly recommended and is strictly for lovers of B-movies.
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A fine addition to Bad Movie Nights....
darkdayforanime20 May 2004
....Which is pretty much the only occasions I'd watch this film.

Honestly, this film is one long collection of laughable clichés. More than Star Crash, and that is a feat of some magnitude.

The incredibly poor special effects. Yes, it was 1979 and this film was a low-budget spaghetti sci fi flick, so I suppose we could forgive it for this. Almost.

The incredibly laughable reuse of models and costumes from other sources which shall remain nameless to protect them from comparison.

The painfully repetitive soundtrack, more like a collection of notes strung together.... I can't believe Ennio Morricone was responsible for it.

The stunning range of Richard Kiel's acting. He must have been getting mightily sick of playing the invincible, monstrous giant by this stage. Normally nobody would play the role better, but his rampage through various faceless soldiers is so stupid as to elicit more laughs than fear.

And then there is Marco Yeh as Tom Tom.... It doesn't come as any surprise to me that this is the only production to feature him listed on IMDb.... At least he didn't have to wear the stupid costume Ivan Rassimov was made to suffer.

But gawd is it funny as hell....
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The Italians made some fine movies
THE HUMANOID is one of the most entertaining movies ever made. Aldo Lado has supplied me with some of the most bizarre and twisted images you could never imagine. You know you're in for a treat when the main character is named Golob, played by a bearded Richard Kiel and he's got a robot-dog in his crappy spaceship. You somehow can't go wrong from there on.

The Tom Tom character is also doing his to make THE HUMANOID one of the ultimate Italian science fiction epics, beware his excellent wisdom. Barbara Bach and the gigantic Kiel was quite the team in the Seventies, and as always she's looking hot in this; "The story of Golob turning Unfriendly and Unstoppable". I love Golob and his dog, I wish to see more of them. Why weren't there any sequels?

Ahhh! The glory of Italian Cinema of the Seventies and Eighties continues. These directors and screenwriters seemed to have no limits in ripping off the Hollywood big-seller. There's still plenty of somewhat obscure masterpieces to be discovered, I'm glad I found this one.
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Candidate for the greatest cinematic failure of all time?
Aylmer20 May 2000
I am not sure how they could eve manage to make a STAR WARS cash-in even worse than STAR CRASH... but they did! Aside from the goofy special effects and silly dialog, there's still plenty of other lameness in this flimsy and tired Italian/Israeli STAR WARS ripoff to keep even the most hardened viewer scratching their head with astonishment (when not passed out from sheer tedium).

The "villain" played by Ivan Rassimov has to be one of the biggest pansies I've seen as a cut-rate Darth Vader complete with cut-rate costume. His grand quotes comes on with such banalities as "keep them away from the missile" and "so you have come to battle me at last, princely hero!". He also really cracks the whip around his cronies with the likes of "you failed to kill the girl so you are stripped of your command for 100 days!". Wouldn't most villains kill their own men for disobeying them? No wonder the ragtag group of Leonard Mann, Corrine Clery, Richard Kiel, an Asian boy and a robotic dog destroy his entire army so easily... and his death has to be the lamest ever filmed... "ack, my blue screen is dying!"

Despite its lack of any script or enthusiasm, THE HUMANOID actually had enough budget to afford a dynamite cast, from Arthur Kennedy to Barbara Bach and Massimo Serato. Even better is the crew, featuring some heavy hitters such as veteran director Enzo G. Castellari to handle the action scenes, gore guru Giannetto De Rossi on makeup, special effects wiz Antonio Margheriti on miniatures, and maestro Ennio Morricone on the score. The only problem here really is that all these great people totally phoned it in. This film not only looks cheap, but is a real snoozer, owing largely to Morricone's shockingly awful "sleepy spacey music" which never stops! In what must have been some effort in experimentation, the music has no tune or melody to it; just random sounds as you'd hear on a late-night PBS "Space Tour" in the 1970's.

The only explanation for this film failing so hard to thrill at all has to do with all involved actually being aware at some level how cynical of a cash-grab the whole thing was. Really who hadn't seen STAR WARS at this point, and who here really thought they were making a better (if not even semi-competent) film? Evidently no one.

What a turkey.
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Cheap & cheerful Star Wars rip-off.
poolandrews21 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
L'umanoide is set in the distant future where Earth is now know as Metropolis & is ruled by the Great Brother (Massimo Serato). Lord Graal (Ivan Rassimov), the evil brother of the Great Brother, escapes from a space prison & sends his men to steal a rare substance called Capitron from a research institute on Metropolis. Together with the evil scientist Dr. Kraspin (Arthur Kennedy) & the power hungry Lady Agatha (Barbara Bach) Lord Graal intends to use the Capitron to mutate ordinary people into invulnerable humanoids with which they intend to conquer the known Universe. Dr. Kraspin uses the Capitron on a friendly space pilot named Golob (Richard Kiel) who he then fits with a control device, now a hulking invulnerable humanoid Golob is sent to Metropolis to kill the Great Brother before a bomb loaded with Capitron is exploded in Metropolis' atmosphere turning all of humanity into an invincible army of humanoids...

More commonly known as The Humanoid amongst English speaking audiences this Italian production was directed by Aldo Lado although on international posters (& the version I saw last night) the director is credited as George Lewis which is a rather obvious & unsubtle attempt to make him sound like George Lucas who of course directed Star Wars (1977) & which The Humanoid is a fairly blatant rip-off of. The only slight disappointment & oversight on the makers part is the title The Humanoid, how can you have a blatant Star Wars rip-off & not have the word 'Star' in the title? From the moment The Humanoid starts it sets it's stall out with the scrolling text that gives a little back-story while disappearing into the distant space or the very next shot of the huge triangular spaceship thing rumbling over the camera. There's the desert like planet, the strange 'Force' like power that kid has, the bad guy Lord Graal wears a Darth Vader helmet & matching quilted costume, there's a cuddly little comedy relief robot dog as well as a basic plot to take over the Universe. It's all here, the design of the costumes & spaceships is lifted straight from Star Wars, the character's are copycats & there's even a direct lifting of a scene as the hero blasts enemy fighters down from his own spaceship in gun turrets that are the same as those on the Millennium Falcon. The script is incredibly silly & childish, it doesn't even make that much sense either with a rather flat & plodding story. It needed a bit more life & energy really, everyone goes through the motions as you would expect & apart from the unintentional laughs the film can actually drag at times. One character is called Tom Tom, but he doesn't seem to give out driving directions.

To be fair to The Humanoid the special effects are generally alright, some of the close-up shots of the model spaceships look crap (they look like plastic models with light-bulbs sticking out) but overall the optical & model work is alright. A lot of the space background shots look they are are static pages from a book as the camera doesn't move that much. Now, I have to ask the question what use is that robo dog thing? Seriously? What possible function does it have? It is the one aspect that looks really bad as it wags it's areal like a tail & makes funny noises every so often. The costumes are OK, they certainly don't look that bad or dated although the heavy black S&M overtones of Lord Graal's costume is a bit unnerving at times. The laser gun battles also look pretty good although there's no Lightsabre's here, no, Lord Graal just shots blue bolts of electricity out of his hands but it's close enough I suppose. Look, while models aren't as detailed as those in Star Wars & the costumes look a little generic The Humanoid is a surprisingly decent looking film. Personally I think a lot of the effects shots are more impressive than a lot of low budget CGI computer rendered crap seen these days.

The IMDb says The Humanoid had a budget of about $7,000,000 & while I don't think it was quite that high I am pretty sure this did have some money spent on it & to be fair it does show. It's just a shame about that robot dog. This is quite hard to find these days, the version I saw had a Columbia Pictures logo before the credits & I doubt they are that interested in doing anything with it. Apparently filmed in Italy & Israel. The acting is pretty flt although the dubbing doesn't help.

The Humanoid is a decent attempt at recreating Star Wars on a smaller budget & has it's moments, I certainly wasn't bored by the visuals & action at least even if the story did get a little tiresome by the end. Not a bad effort really although still a silly & sometimes unintentionally funny piece of sci-fi nonsense.
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Star Wars meets Monkey
originalveghead21 December 2014
As an undiscerning child of 8, still high on fumes from Star Wars and consumed with a voracious appetite for anything to do with spaceships, laser guns, and cute robots, the TV-aired trailer from The Humanoid produced the desired effect: I nagged myself and a friend into being escorted to the local cinema by my dad. Through those eyes, the movie provided a suitable fix, despite feeling a little flat over all. But hey, it had a cute robot dog, space ships and lasers all the way through! Thirty five years later things appear very different. In fairness, the technical quality of the DVD copy I purchased is pretty poor but it's clearly not an official release. However, there are some details in the extraordinarily poor production values that with even with the most generous and forgiving attitude I can't ascribe to anything but a cynical disregard for quality by the director. Another spectacular facet of this movie is how many scenes appear to be nothing more than Sweded versions of identical scenes in Star Wars. The recipe for this entire project can be summed up as:

1> Select some iconic scenes from Star Wars.

2> Reproduce them using funds from coins found down the back of the sofa.

3> Wrap a vague plot around them - don't worry too much about the details.

4> Fill the gaps with mystical nonsense - if it is spouted by an Asian child then it becomes all the more reasonable.

5> Season with a liberal sprinkling of cleavage and nipples to taste.

Overall it's worth watching for the lulz, and as a cultural artifact which demonstrates how desperate everyone was to cash in on Star Wars at the time. Watching that pathetic robot dog attempt to emulate R2D2 as it hobbles across the dessert is really quite tragic.

In keeping with the tone of the previous reviews, it has to be said that I will re-watch this classic of terrible cinema, which is more than I can say about The Phantom Menace.

P.S. "Star Wars meets Monkey" is an entirely accurate summary of this movie that sadly I can't take credit for. A friend of mine described it thusly after watching chunks of it on You Tube.
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Great climax, but the rest of this Italian Star Wars rip-off is oh so trashy
Leofwine_draca4 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
They say that familiarity breeds contempt, and that is definitely the case with this unassuming rip-off of STAR WARS, one of many similar Italian films spawned in the late '70s in their rush to make a quick buck off an American hit. Characters, subplots, effects, costumes - even the opening scrolling text - are ripped off wholesale in this predictable sci-fi outing, and it's a wonder that George Lucas didn't sue - but then again, I guess this wannabe "epic" wasn't exactly on wide release in the cinemas back in those days.

Aldo Lado - the director previously responsible for such acclaimed gialli as SHORT NIGHT OF THE GLASS DOLLS and WHO SAW HER DIE? - is the man helming this puerile trash, and is seemingly unable to invest his scenes with any dynamism or energy whatsoever. However, there is one exception - the all-out action finale, which is basically a huge shoot-em-up between good guys and bad, with plenty of effects and madness going on to make it hugely entertaining. It's a shame it only lasts for ten minutes of the ninety, because if the entire film had been in this over-the-top and action-packed vein then it would have at least got a four - or even five - star rating. As it is, THE HUMANOID is a plodding, paceless, and even lifeless affair with cardboard-quality effects and unremarkable plotting which serves to waste the talents of a well-known cast.

As in STAR WARS, there's a bunch of good guys all teaming up together to fight off the bad, and these include Princess Leia-wannabe Corinne Clery as the female lead and supposed love interest, although this film is definitely lacking in cheesy romance. Clery was a minor Italian actress of the period who later went on to star in Antonio Margheriti's equally tacky YOR - THE HUNTER FROM THE FUTURE. Here, she's totally unmemorable, apart from the one brief interlude in which she falls in a pool and her white dress suddenly becomes see-through - this, and another brief moment of nudity equal the film's sex content.

Leonard Mann (who he?) is the totally unremarkable Luke Skywalker clone, a square-jawed curly-haired fresh-faced action star who is, quite frankly, pathetic, and the worst member of the cast. Then there's Richard Kiel, fresh from the success of MOONRAKER and taking a major role as a good-guy pilot who gets zapped by evil forces, mysteriously loses his beard, and becomes the old sticky-out-jawed hulking brute we all know and love, throwing people through windows and against walls as he goes on a short-lived rampage. The odd thing is that when he jumps into a pool, he returns to his old lovable self complete with a beard, seemingly grown in the space of only two minutes! Then there are the pair of somewhat respectable actors who really don't deserve to be seen in this mess. The first up is the always-beautiful Barbara Bach, as a big-haired evil spare vampiress who, like Ingrid Pitt in COUNTESS Dracula, is forced to have the blood of young women in order to retain her youth. Then there's Arthur Kennedy as an evil scientist whose diabolical plan is pretty pathetic. Exploitation stalwart Ivan Rassimov (DEEP RIVER SAVAGES) is Graal, a bad guy who costume so resembles that of Darth Vader that you wouldn't be able to spot which was which in an identity parade, but at least Rassimov is hidden behind a mask for the entire film to spare him the embarrassment of being seen - let alone heard, as his dialogue is frankly ridiculous.

The biggest surprise is that the "old sage" role taken by Alec Guinness in STAR WARS has been replaced by Tom-Tom, an obnoxiously twee Chinese boy played by the unknown Marco Yeh! I don't know who thought it would be "clever" to replace the old with the young, but this annoying kid just takes the biscuit as he patronisingly deals out advice to our heroes. Shoot the little git! Finally, we have old-timer Massimo Serato (THE WILD, WILD PLANET) as the "Great Brother", a minor good guy role, and he inexplicably disappears halfway through anyway.

As well as the undistinguished efforts of a familiar cast, there's also a worrying amount of familiar names in the crew of the film as well. Aside from director Aldo Lado, the usually stylish Enzo G. Castellari is credited as the second unit director, Antonio Margheriti contributes miniatures and effects work, goremeister Giannetto De Rossi is on hand with the makeup effects and Ennio Morricone, of all people, contributes the awful synthesiser music which is one of the film's lowest points. It's a shame that the combination of all this raw talent couldn't have been channelled into a beter film, but I guess everybody has their off days and somehow everyone's off day happened to be when making this film! Elsewhere, we have lots of tacky models flying about in a supposed space (they were wise to concentrate on ground-level action for the finale, is all I'll say), plenty of laser beams and shooting which is just about on a level with that in STAR WARS, a rubbishy robot R2D2-wannabe which is so bad it has to be seen to be believed (a scene in which this robot squirts robo-grease over the ground, causing all the bad guys to fall over, is the saddest in the movie), loads of enemy soldiers being decapitated in a row, bows which fire glowing blue arrows instead of light sabers, Rassimov shooting blue lasers out of his hands, too much shoddy back projection and poor blue-screen effects work, and a neck-breaking (I guess those exploitative Italians couldn't resist throwing in just a little violence). Although the last fifteen minutes is hugely entertaining, the rest of the film is sub-par making this a film for bad movie lovers only.
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Really really awful
welshNick13 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I should point out that I am a fan of poor sci fi films and have seen many made from the 50's onwards but nothing quite prepared me for this. To ensure absolute fairness I recently viewed the film again on youtube and I am afraid to say my memory had not been distorted.

In what has to be one of the worst films ever made every left over costume from Star Wars got reused to make an abomination which gives cheap sci films a bad name.

The only reason this gets 2/10 is that Richard Kiel did his best in it. Everything about it was bad, the storyline, the ripped off costumes and that unbelievably irritating noise made by the 'Robodog.' Awful, awful, awful - avoid unless you are having a bad film night. Then you will laugh at how bad it is.
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Below average Italian Sci-Fi with a disconcerting script and inferior production values
ma-cortes27 July 2022
A fantasy tale following exploits of a group of rebel forces engaged in a life and death struggle, while trying to save the planet Metropolis . The movie's opening prologue in the English version states: "Metropolis, known ages ago as planet Earth, now faces its gravest hour. Lord Graal, has just escaped from the prison - satellite where his brother - ruler of the peaceful, galactic democracy had exiled him. Malevolent and power-hungry, Graal has plans of vengeance that might forever alter the destiny of mankind". Hoping to overthrow his brother and to establish a cruel dictatorship , the evil Graal (Ivan Rassimov) enlists the support of the nutty Dr. Kraspin (Arthur Kennedy) , helped by Lady Agatha (Barbara Bach) , who has invented a chemical capable of turning an ordinary person into a relentless soldier , wanting to use him as a warfare prototype . They test this chemical on the pilot Golob (first top-billed film for Richard Kiel) , turning the unsuspecting victim into a mindless but indestructable automaton possessing superhuman strength. As a team of valiant heroes (Corinne Clery , Leonard Mann, Marco Yeh , Massimo Serato) battle a Galactic leader who wants at whatever cost to overthrow his brother , and he'll stop at nothing to get it .The people of Metropolis must somehow outwit Graal before he can create an army of these soldiers, or their planet will be completely eliminated. From a Distant Planet - The Greatest Ever Challenge to Mankind. Light years beyond tomorrow...The film's closing epilogue in the English print states: "Once again Planet Earth had narrowly escaped disaster. Once again, it had found in itself the intelligence, the insight and the strength to repel a mortal enemy. Once again, man was to live at peace in the galaxy".

Colorful Sci-Fi with thrills , chills , spaces battles , dogfighting and botchering special effects . This Star Wars rip-off takes elements here and there of the previous famous fim , such as : storm-troopers dressed in black Darth Vader style ; the likable robodog bears resemblance to R2D2 , scenes set on a desert planet ; a Falconesque spaceship and other various similar sets , props , atrezzo , gowns , vehicles, and background design elements . It fact , The Humanoid (1979) takes part of a late-1970s cycle of Italian Sci-Fi pictures really influenced by the classical Star Wars (1977) . It is a real and spectacular pantomime , and , like most pantomimes , it is a lot of fun and entertaining enough. Essentially an adventure movie set in outer space , this amusing but silly film results to be an average Sci-Fi flick with no much interest , though to be appreciated for those cinemagoers looking for bad pictures . Set at cinematic standard of the Seventies , but at the same time with traditional and rudimentary special effects , including overwhelming battles and aerial scenes galore.

It contains a colorful and brilliant cinematography by cameraman Silvano Ippoliti shot on location in Eilat, Israel and studios from Cinecittà Studios, Dear Studios, Rome, Lazio, Italy. Adding a weird and synthesizer soundtrack by Ennio Morricone with a lot of electronic music. The motion picture was lousily written and directed by Aldo Lado. He is a good writer and filmmaker who has directed a few films with great casting . His first film was a giallo titled The short night of the butterflies or Short Night of Glass Dolls or Paralysed or Malastrana with ingrid Thulin, Jean Sorel. After directing the extremely violent and successful : ¨Last stop in night train¨. Following other movies with not much success such as : La Cosa Buffa, Sepolta viva , La disubbidienza, La cugina , Il nocturno di Chopin and The humanoid . Rating : 4/10 , inferior Sci-Fi , though it has some diverting scenes and entertainment enough.
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Prime Example of Exploitation
simon-key18 May 2006
I saw this in the cinema when it first came out, riding the Star Wars wave like a stoned surfer.

I managed to get hold of a VHS copy some years back, and when I viewed it with adult eyes, I was astounded by how dreadful the whole film is.

The film is so bad in every way that it manages to reach the 'Plan-9' point and gains entertainment value from being so crummy and downright lame.

I have to agree, I'd sit down to watch this film with a nostalgic bag of cheesy Wotsits and a bottle of fizzy pop over laying eyes on the risible Phantom Menace any day!
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ah-oh, ah-oh, ahss-oh
Bezenby7 April 2015
With Aldo Lado (Night Train murders) directing, Antonio Margheretti (Cannibal Apocalypse) on special effects, Enzo Castellari (Bronx Warriors) as second unit director, and a Ennio Morricone soundtrack, you'd think The Humanoid would be the greatest Italian Star Wars rip-off ever made, but you'd be wrong. Because that's Starcrash.

This one seems to be handicapped due to the amount of talent behind the camera. It's all well and good, but where's the insanity? Apart from the last half hour there.

Story wise, we've got Ivan Rassimov (Last Cannibal World) as a guy who bought Darth Vader's helmet at a car boot sale wanting to get revenge on his big brother via Arthur Kennedy (from goat arse licking film The Antichrist), who wants to kills Barbara who is a teacher to Tom Tom, a sat nav provider with psychic powers. Arthur also keeps Barbara Bach (Street Law) alive and she's Ivan's missus or something.

On the good guy side, there's Leonard Mann and Richard Kiel. Now Richard seems to be a good guy with a robot dog when he's got a beard, but when Arthur Kennedy gets a hold of him and removes that beard, Richard gets a bit killy and starts wasting everyone. This goes on for quite a while I'm afraid and I was almost losing patience with the film at this point, but then Tom Tom turns up and who cares...

So eventually the film gets around to the big battle bit at the end which is more enjoyable than what went before it. Loads of explosions, robot arse gravy, decapitations and all that jazz. Look - it's on Youtube. If you like Italian sci-fi (a seemingly random genre for the usually dependant Italians) then just watch it...

Valentino Valentini is named in the credits, but I don't recall seeing him.

Also, Italian cinema is now like watching Dad's Army 20 years's a case of who's alive and who's not - Not alive in this film as of today - Richard Kiel, Arthur Kennedy, Ivan Rassimov....sigh
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Why does this seem to be over long before it is actually over?
mark.waltz19 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here's humanoid Richard Kiel and his robot dog Spot who can actually wag his antenna. This is a silly science fiction War drama coming out right after the massive success of "Star Wars", and even if it was planned first, it's still mediocre. Much of it is truly laughable, very cartoonish in many ways, although Richard Kiel's character, described to be a big, gentle and kind man, is quite interesting, going from the big gentle giant in his first scenes to a humanoid out to kill in the middle of the movie than somehow switch over by the power of a child in the third to help the good guys. He doesn't really say much, but when he's on screen, you can't help but look at him.

What Arthur Kennedy is doing in this movie is truly perplexing, on the side of the villains, and he's probably one of the only actors attempting to do any acting. The special effects are decent but the music is cheesy, and I found myself yelling out wise crotch at the screen, most memorably when a computer voice keeps calling out the name Barbara, to which I replied, "Bring me my hot chocolate!", remembering the "Twilight Zone" episode "Uncle Simon". It's not by coincidence that some of the characters look like they are straight out of "Star Wars", although it does make me wonder who ripped off who.
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Grimly awful
neil-47621 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I too must own up to having seen this film at the cinema when it first came out, in a double bill with The Manitou (what a night at the movies that was!).

Despite having some decent stars in it (Corinne Clery, Barbara Bach, Arthur Kennedy and, er, Richard "Jaws" Kiel, who is the lead), The Humanoid (original title "l'Umanoide") is truly dreadful.

There is some entertainment value to be gained by counting all the direct Star Wars swipes (I'll start you off with spaceship and costume design), and some elements of the script are so laughable as to be funny (the two don't necessarily go together).

But the music, dubbing, and wobbly mattes are beyond poor, and the rip-off status which oozes from every frame is so seedy that it irritates.
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A must watch, unless you're out of your gravity zone
shandocalrissian2 August 2023
A film that will leave you dumbfounded in the best of ways. Best watched with others, as you can share the preposterous scenes, dialogue, mundane futuristic names, low budget effects and scenery, all to the ill fitting and somehow disconcerting soundtrack by Italy's greatest (do not look it up until after the film).

Europe in the 70s can be credited for some of the best science fiction operas, found in many fumetti or bande dessinee, and elements can be found in The Humanoid........if you look really, really, really hard, and look a bit hard still.

Richard Kiel is done a disservice with his character being so monosyllabic for most of the film. Barbara Bach is busty, beautiful, and sports one of the best space future hairstyles ever. Corinne Clery is so beautiful it will hurt your soul just a bit each time she is on camera. And Harrison Ford is lucky that this film is bad, otherwise he'd find his household name replaced by Leonard Mann, who's Nick is Han Solo, Buck Rogers, Starbuck, Chuck Norris all rolled into one.

A must for fans of good bad movies.
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I Think I'm In Love
Steve_Nyland19 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie must be seen. It is the best film I have ever watched. It has everything, and every big name in Italian cult cinema participated in it's execution. Visual effects and coordination by Antonio Margheriti, 2nd unit direction by Enzo G. Castellari, music (or whatever you call it) by Ennio Morricone. It stars Ivan Rassimov, Leonard Mann, Corinne Cleri and Jaws from James Bond. It is not just a ripoff of STAR WARS, but a collage made out of moments, shots, images, sequences, textures, and modular hallways from STAR WARS that have been sort of shuffled around, done on the cheap, and without any regard for how stupid it all looks. Or how anyone might feel about it. To quote Yoda, the film is RECKLESS and that is what I admire about it the most. Even if the movie devolves into a laugh fest it maintains it's straight face and stage voice, staying in character as you howl at how utterly ruthless they were in stealing whatever they could, even if they weren't quite sure how to make it work right. My favorite touch is the lovable robot dog that Keil has with him for some reason never explained. The thing looks pathetic, like a toaster with a drop bottom lid or maybe a golf ball washer on wheels. They got it to open and close it's mouth, turn in a circle on it's support legs, and twist it's head around from side to side. And that's ALL it does -- the director (or 2nd unit director) moved the camera from position to position rather than the robot, which makes a couple of electronic kazoo like noises and blinks some lights and then backs up. That's you're anthropomorphic lovable robot, now let's make the Evil Empire all identically vacuuformed plastic stormtrooper types and have a leader who's face is obscured by a mask & give him an elaborate helmet that just happens to resemble Darth Vader. We need good guys on a desert planet so garb them in brown earth tones, give all the women bizarre Princess Leia type hairdo's and make sure that there is a cute little mystical Chinese kid who can substitute for both Short Round AND Yoda, even though they are characters from movies that hadn't even been made yet, which proves how ahead of it's time THE HUMANOID was. Finally, to hell with the laws of physics, they may apply to the entire Cosmos according to Dr. Carl Sagan, but they make for plodding movies with long majestic shots of the space ship models that could provide viewers too close a look at them & realize what the models were made out of: Have the things turn on a dime and zip out of the way. Being a quick study I recognized at least one cupcake tray serving as nuclear power stacks and am pretty sure that one of the ships had mounted electronic toothbrushes for laser cannons. They still fired lasers though, which is all that really matters once you get down to brass tacks. That's also a fitting analogy for the whole film, which has the re-definition mindset of a nine year old who just doesn't have a special effects budget for his after school play sets. Like Marcel Duchamp with his stupid bicycle wheel ("Mount it on a stool/It'll look real cool.") the whole film is a massive exercise in cultural redefinition, assigning new roles to older or previously used artifacts, images and facets of life that has little to do with their original intended function. THE HUMANOID is stupid, silly, clunky and almost pathetic, but it has ten times the imagination of the past three 2hr+ Burger King promotional commercials George Lucas has been suckering people to pay good money to see. I'd rather watch crap like this any day of the week, and there is a certain honesty about it's sense of self awareness that is refreshing. The film knows exactly what it is, doesn't step outside of that role for one second, and achieves marvelously by confining itself to the gutter. It is one of the best movies I have ever watched from beginning to end.

8 out of 10.

One curious note, though: about seven minutes into the film there is a scene where a young, shapely woman who has been captured by Barbara Bach's evil dark queen is strapped into some futuristic torture apparatus stark naked (shown clearly only from the front from the waist up) and skewered by a rack of sharpened glass needles for purposes never made clear. I note the incident because it stops the movie cold, is entirely outside the scope of anything else that happens in the film, completely inappropriate and yet is the one detail from the movie that I remember with crystal clarity, if only because there was no discernible reason for it to be there.
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A long time ago in a crazy galaxy
BandSAboutMovies11 December 2017
There are times that films feel like gift packages wrapped up for just me and my insane taste in movies. Let me tell you all of the ways that The Humanoid makes me want to fall to my knees and give thanks: it's an Italian ripoff of Star Wars directed by Aldo Lado (Who Saw Her Die?, The Short Night of the Glass Dolls) working under the pseudonym George B. Lewis, a name that sounds close to George Lucas. It's got Ivan Rassimov, the crazy eyed star of such B&S About Movies favorites as Planet of the Vampires, Shock, Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key and All the Colors of the Dark as Lord Graal, the samurai helmet and black armor clad bad guy who is this film's Darth Vader. It's got James Bond henchman supreme Richard Kiel as Golob, a giant henchman who wears a jacket straight out of Brotherhood of the Wolf. It's got Arthur Kennedy (The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue) in it! And it starts with the same shot Star Wars does, with a giant ship filling the screen and a crawl of type. And much like Starcrash it transcends its inspiration to become an insane movie unto itself.

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More entertaining than those Star Wars "Prequels" for a fraction of the cost
LJ2717 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers

Watching this movie, it looks like someone saw STAR WARS (A New Hope as it is now called) and decided to take all the scenes and characters, scramble their order and then toss them up on the screen again in some random order. You have a cheap Darth Vader, R2-D2, Han Solo, Princess Leia and land speeders, laser arrows instead of laser swords and of course this films version of a Star Destroyer. There is one new sub plot about a woman who will age hundreds of years in a few seconds if she doesn't get a serum made from other women's internal juices but that is about the only original idea in this film. Ennio Morricone decided not to steal John William's score but his is pretty forgettable. Special Effects are attributed to the same guy who directed HORROR CASTLE (1963) and CASTLE OF BLOOD (1964). Also on board for FX is Armando Valcauda, who did effects on STARCRASH. Somehow this movie cost $7 million back in 1978 or '79 when it was made but I honestly don't see where that kind of money could have gone as this film in no way looks that expensive. Apparently THE HUMANOID was too shoddy even for American International Pictures who bought the rights to distribute it in America and then shelved it. Either that or they were afraid it would land them in legal trouble with 20th Century Fox for releasing a film which so blatantly steals from STAR WARS. Ironically, this film is very similar to the "prequels to STAR WARS only without the CGI. Only big difference is that this film moves at a faster pace and is actually entertaining. It's a shame this film never got a U.S. release. It's a fun little way to spend a couple of hours.
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Another painful entry in the genre of Star Wars rip-offs
monstermonkeyhead26 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In what can be considered a genre of Star Wars rip-offs, this one stands out for having a higher budget (which ain't saying much), as well as, it being more shameless in imitating Star Wars. There are some scene for scene shots that are nearly identical to Star Wars. Also, there are "Land-speeders," a ship that greatly resembles a Star Destroyer, and instead of storm troopers, you get a bunch of Darth Vaders. This movie stars Richard Kiel's beard and Barbara Bach's breasts. The lame-o plot goes downhill fast. It involves a bad guy shaving off Richard Kiel's beard, thus turning him into a "humanoid" to kill off his goody-two-shoes brother. This means Kiel lumbers around making silly faces (attempting to act) and groaning. If scenes of a grinning retard hugging a Chinese kid as muzak plays is your cup of tea, then this movie is for you! And let us not forget the "classic" scene where the robot dog pees on the floor so the bad guys slip in it, and then electronically giggles. If you'd like to see even more low-end Star Wars rip-offs, then check out War of the Planets and War of the Robots. Both are commercially available on DVD.
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Charming Italian SciFi silliness
PKazee4 September 2013
I actually enjoyed this more than the better known Italian Star Wars rip-off, STARCRASH. Though it's seldom as hilariously awful as STARCRASH, it is what it is far more CONSISTENTLY. In other words, if you're not charmed by the first 10 minutes of this movie, you're not likely to like any of the rest of it either. The odd thing is that - aside from one early scene in which a vertical bed of nails penetrates a nude woman - this movie seems to have been made for kids. Is it possible that there are two versions, one of which is absent that particular scene? Everything else - from the cute Robodog, to the silly music (via Morricone, no less!), to the dime store moralizing, to the lovable gentle giant (Richard Kiel), to the magic kid from another planet - absolutely screams "kiddie flick".
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"Are you quite sure he is suitable for the experiment?"
hwg1957-102-2657046 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A pilot of the future Golob gets entrapped in the machinations of Lord Graal, Dr. Kraspin and Lady Agatha and is turned by them into the titular Humanoid, going on a rampage to assassinate the Great Brother. He is rescued by a man, a woman, a boy with strange powers and a cute robot. The film does perhaps wears its 'influences' rather heavily but the space ship model work is adequate and the music score by the legendary Ennio Morricone is a galaxy away from other similar films. Of the actors I liked Richard Kiel as the genial Golob, veteran Arthur Kennedy hamming it up as Kraspin and Barbara Bach as the stunning Lady Agatha who has a demise straight out of H. Rider Haggard's 'She'. Not a classic but I enjoyed it much more than those tedious 'Star Wars' prequels and sequels.
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A hilariously bad yet entertaining Star Wars rip off
JamesMovieGuy_1178 December 2017
There are many Star Wars rip offs from the late 70s and early 80s but none are as blatant as The Humanoid… well except Turkish Star Wars which literally steals scenes from Star Wars.

Everything from the costumes, spaceship design, characters, special effects and sets are all reminiscent of Star Wars in one way or another.

The story follows Golob (Richard Kiel) who turns into an indestructible humanoid until his mind control chip is broken and is used for good by the protagonists.

The music is composed by Ennio Morricone and I couldn't believe this was from the same guy as The Good, The Bad and They Ugly. The theme sounds like Ode to Joy if it was played on a Casio keyboard.

The movie stars three actors from the James Bond franchise, Barbara Bach, Corinne Clery and Richard Kiel as The Humanoid. My guess is the Italian filmmakers saw The Spy Who Loved Me and Star Wars back to back and thought "you know what? Let's make a space movie with droids and guys with big helmets but with the big guy from that new James Bond movie".

Despite this I quite enjoyed the movie. It has a 70s-sci-fi feel and its allusion to Star Wars is quite blatant but in that respect, I think they knew what they were making.
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Tries to emulate Star Wars but works better on its own terms
DPMay13 February 2021
Most reviews quickly dismiss The Humanoid as an inferior rip-off of Star Wars. And whilst there's no denying that's the case, I don't think it's as bad a film as many would have one believe. In fact, the first I ever heard of it was when I was 9 years old and a couple of friends were telling me about this film they'd just seen which was "as good as Star Wars," a bold claim as for most boys at the end of the 1970s, Star Wars was THE film. And I went to the cinema to see it and thoroughly enjoyed it. But unlike Star Wars which was everywhere with its array of spin-off merchandise and media coverage, The Humanoid closed in the cinema and, other than in one book I had covering sci-fi heroes, I didn't hear of it again for a decade when it came onto British television in a night-time slot. Seeing it again with my now adult eyes I could see that it was vastly inferior compared to the state-of-the-art production standards of Star Wars, and was astonished at just how blatantly it copied that other film in so many respects.

But I've watched The Humanoid a number of times now over the years still find it rather enjoyable, on its own level. I'll leave the many similarities to Star Wars aside, as most other reviewers will checklist those, although most of them are rooted in the actual design, some set pieces and the choice of character-types. The overarching plot, however, is quite different, and it's actually in its more original elements that The Humanoid's greatest strengths lie, whether it be Barbara Bach's hairstyle, the spaceship with claws, or the rather shocking execution of a female prisoner early on in the proceedings (a sequence not surprisingly excised in part in some prints of this film). Everything basically hinges around a great triumverate of villains. There is Lord Graal, brother of Earth's peaceful ruler who is bent on taking his place after escaping prison and capturing a warship. But his resources are not great, so he has to enlist the aid of Lady Agatha, ruler of the planet Noxon. Agatha sees Graal's ambition and strategic prowess as a means to further her own ambitions of conquest of other worlds, so there's a hint of romance between the pair that looks to be on the shakiest of grounds. Then there is the third player, the brilliant scientist Kraspin, disgraced and expelled from Earth after one of his colleagues, Barbara Gibson, got wind of his unethical experiments into using an element called Kapitron to transform normal people into mutants with immense physical strength - humanoids, as he terms them. Graal wants Kraspin to create him an army of humanoids, whilst Agatha depends upon Kraspin for a serum which keeps her young and beautiful - and alive, for she has actually become some kind of vampire, using the lifeblood of others to extend her own existence beyond its normal limits. Of course, Kraspin is only too willing to help Graal as in so doing he will get his own back on those who spurned him, but he particularly wants to get back at Barbara Gibson. And so, the scene is set. Golob is the unfortunate lone space pilot who is transformed into the trio's first humanoid, and Richard Kiel in the eponymous role spends much of the time behaving much like Lou Ferrigno's TV incarnation of the Incredible Hulk rather than anything which owes itself to Star Wars. The heroes which stand in the way of Graal's attempt at conquest are the aforementioned Barbara Gibson, her strange mystic pupil Tom-Tom, dashing Earth security officer Nick and Golob's robodog Kip. The dialogue may be perfunctory, the characters may lack depth and the special effects may only be adequate, but those ready to stick the knife into this film may also want to consider a storyline that actually hangs together remarkably well and which actually delivers a perfectly-paced action saga. Even the oft-derided line of Graal's when he tells one of his captains that he will be deprived of his privileges for a hundred days as punishment for failing to assassinate Barbara Gibson actually makes sense within the context of things - unlike Darth Vader, Graal does not have unlimited numbers of men at his disposal, and indeed he subsequently laments having lost valuable men when a subsequent attempt to eliminate Barbara fails. I've seen plenty of sci-fi films that are dull and tedious, and quite a few recent ones which are just effects-driven and rather soulless. Whatever its faults, and it does have plenty, The Humanoid at least offers good solid entertainment without trying to preach to its audience.
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Perfect Christmas family movie set in a Galaxy far away
aleksandarsarkic27 December 2021
I dont know which drugs Italians have taken in the 70s and 80s but i know that they produced the most strange and unique b-movies and exploitation movies and i enjoy a lot of them. The Humanoid (1979) is one of the movies like that. Definetely inspired by Star Wars (1977) but with unique twist and Italian weirness and Sillyness. Richard Kiel most known as the Jaws from James Bond movies is the central figure of the Humanoid, you cannot love Kiel, he was just unique and one and only and he is perfect in his role, his characther is mixture of Frankenstein and Golem with King Kong but with the good heart. Also rest of the cast is fantastic, we have two Bond girls. Corinne Cléry and Barbara Bach, definetely producers of the Humanoid watched a lot of The Spy who Loved me and Moonraker and of course Star Wars and got the idea to make this magnificent movie. I am not kidding, the movie is enjoyable and good hearted, really perfect for this christmas days. If you are fan of exploitation movies, space opera, and b-movies you will enjoy this one a lot, just dont expect much and don' think too much, you will have big laughs and yes how not to forget, legendary Ennio Morricone made the soundtrack for this movie, and it is sounding so corny and trashy perfect goes with the scenes of Kiel/Golob Robot dog pet. This is must see and with Japanese Message from Space (1978) one of the best Star Wars exploitations but with own unique twist.

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