The Execution of Private Slovik (TV Movie 1974) Poster

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very fine film
jdmartin6125 January 2007
I am 45 years old and I watched this 'Movie Of The Week' on TV when it was new. As I grew older I saw it again and would notice certain things that I didn't see when I was younger. The TV Movies, now called TV Mini-series were so much better in the early to mid 1970s, I think.

Now, I would find it very hard to watch because many people believe Pvt. Slovik should not have been executed considering the overall circumstances and also because of so many other experiences over my years. This film helped shaped my heartfelt opposition to the death penalty. I'm happy to say that I have always respected the work of Martin Sheen and his sons over the years.

John Martin, Fort Worth, Texas
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Powerful, balanced and moving
grantss14 June 2021
In January 1945 Private Eddie D Slovik became the only man shot for desertion by the United States Army since the American Civil War. This film shows Slovik's adult life, the twists, turns and decisions that lead to the event and how it unfolded.

An incredibly powerful drama. Shows well what lead to the execution of Private Slovik - his personal life, his decisions, the court martial process - and the execution itself. Most remarkable is how balanced it is: after seeing his view you have some sympathy for Slovik but you get to see and understand the US Army's side too. You are reminded of this conflict between empathy for Slovik's situation and the fact that scores of other soldiers are in a similar position as him but are willing to do their duty.

Quite sensitively told: no big empty speeches about duty and honour, no gung ho rants and the main characters on the US Army's side have no personal agenda - they're just following the process and doing their job.

Rounding it off, the execution scene is very realistic and emotional. Even if you are firmly of the view that justice is being served you can't help but be moved by the final few scenes.

Great work by Martin Sheen in the lead role. Solid supporting cast that includes Ned Beatty and Gary Busey. 8/9-year-old Charlie Sheen also gets some uncredited screen time.
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The Irrationality of War
deanofrpps10 December 2005
This film received and deserved the many comments it has received. Indeed I think of Private Slovik whenever I see The Bush decked out in his cute little airforce suit declaring victories in Irak. But for a rich Dad, The Bush's story could have been the same.

The film was excellently made. Martin Sheen departed from his usual tough guy All American role to play the snivelling coward Pvt Slovik whose very name excited the passions of the surviving veterans of "The Big One" whenever a Democratic President proposed rehabilitation as Johnson and Carter would have but for the intense opposition they encountered. Certainly one can sympathize with the character Sheen played as he happily profits while others receive draft notices or volunteer for war.

But wars, even one so popular with the liberal intellectuals as World War II, cost. The manpower pool drains and less likely men such as Slovik must be called upon.

Oh yes Slovik was no kind of soldier. A Sergeant had to fake Slovik's rifle range card to get Slovik out of BCT (Basic Training.) It would seem Slovik's military career got off to an inauspicious beginning. In combat Slovik deserts and refuses to return to the front.

Was Pvt Slovik justified in being afraid? Of course he was! Every sane person who heard rifles crackle was afraid. Pvt Slovik differed. He acted on his fears. If everyone in a military unit acted on fear, the resulting panic would lead to disastrous defeat. In combat with an enemy like the German Reich or Imperial Japan, defeat would not have been a matter like paying off the enemy with a grain deal but would have had a direct and disastrous effect on major segments of the American population.

Slovik played the system. Offered the chance to return to the front, he gambled on a courtmartial and lost. With the type of casualties incurred in combat, the result was obvious. Slovik figured the sentence would be remitted and reduced to 30 years. With bravado not shown to the enemy, Slovik prophesied that after the war it'd be reduced to time served.

Instead he was led to the firing squad, the only possible end under the circumstances. He stands as a tribute to the irrationality of war. We can only justify the sacrifices of combat by the punishment meted out to those who shrink from it.
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Pretty Well Balanced
rudge492 June 2009
I read the book in 1970 or so when I was in the Army, I thought the movie was pretty well balanced. The book starts with Huie visiting the "Dishonored Dead" section of the US Oise-Aisne Cemetery in France where Slovik was initially buried-his remains were repatriated in 1987. The author keeps asking why only one death sentence carried out and why Slovik, why if the purpose was to make an example of him was the execution carried out in secrecy. From there he goes into Slovik's troubled youth, his criminal record which initially protected him from the draft. But as the Drill Sergeant tells him and his fellow recruits in Basic, "You guys are the bottom of the barrel. But now the heat's one, Uncle Same needs bodies, and the bottom of that barrel is starting to look mighty good." Armies-and the governments they serve-have a funny way of lowering their standards as wars drag on. The official name of the Draft in the USA was (and is) Selective Service, by 1943 they were a lot less selective. Slovik was a good example of what WWII GIs called "The Sad Sack" (in my day, 1967-1971, a "dud", in civilianese we might say a loser.

One poster said Slovik gambled and lost, a very apt description. He repeatedly declared he would desert if given the chance, he was given a chance to redeem himself, he refused-I can clearly recall the scene where he tells the JAG officer "I want my court martial." Eisenhower hoped he could equal Pershing's record of no executions for desertion, but as the author notes he had a lot of other things on his plate. The author notes the court martial was made up of rear echelon officers, he notes the presence of some combat arms officers would have been better but they were otherwise engaged. I recall the scene where the president of the court reads the written secret ballots, realizes the vote is unanimous for death, tells the others "Let's have another cigarette and think about this."

Worth watching, very true to the source, this is one you watch and you draw your own conclusions.
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This movie still haunts me
Colin-Linda24 December 2003
Even now, 25+ years later I remember this movie. It made an impact on me.

I've only seen it twice, but it still hurts me to remember it. As the execution is played out, you hear Bing Crosby sing "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas". Every time I hear that song, the memory of that movie floods me with terrible, sad feelings.

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Bry-210 October 2003
This has been one of my favorite films since it was first broadcast back in '74. I read William Bradford Huie's book, from which the film is based, and I also recommend it highly.

This should be required viewing for anyone who claims to be a WWII buff, like myself. It helps you see some of the truth of military life that isn't in the purvue of such excellent works as Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and that other "other side of the WWII Army" movie, Catch-22.

Who do we have to harass to get this released on DVD??
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A Tough Call
ccthemovieman-113 March 2006
This was made-for-TV movie shown about 30 years ago about the only American since the Civil War to be shot for desertion. Slovik (Martin Sheen) was a strange person and I didn't know how to react to this story, frankly. I knew Hollywood was going to give it its usual liberal bias, especially with Sheen in the starring role, so I tried to look at this objectively with no prejudices - something I don't see here with any of these reviews.

Unfortunately, in trying to be totally neutral, it's easy to watch this film and come away with no definite stance. On one hand, you can't blame the military because it would be in chaos if every soldier who didn't want to fight could get out of it. That's ludicrous. On the hand, Slovik was such a nice, gentle guy, the death penalty for his actions seemed severe, too. Couldn't something else have been worked out? I don't know, and at least I'm being honest. I never was in the military and maybe if I was, it would be an easier call. It is a tough call....but at least the film - except for a couple of lulls with the romance angle - kept my attention and made me think about an issue, so it served its purpose.
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The Only Soldier Executed for Desertion in WW II
lexvmi2 August 2007
William Bradford Huie was a terrific writer and this fact based movie of his book is also terrific. Though Huie believed that Eddie Slovik should not have been shot, I disagree. War is hell and no man should shirk his duty when called upon to do his duty as many were willing to do; he was unwilling to do his duty when called upon. He was a coward, a very selfish man, and his criminal record shows this and demonstrates his unwillingness to conform to society and be productive. He was willing for others to do his duty while he wanted to live his life as he wanted. If everyone was allowed to do what he wanted to do we may very well have lost WW II--what a horrible thought! Martin Sheen gives his best performance of his career in this movie; too bad that it had to be so unsympathetic a role. Slovik received what he deserved; too bad others think not.
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I found this an enjoyable movie, in spite of its "dark" theme
donjasper28 April 2003
Well acted, emotional movie As informative as anyone could expect from an historical/documentary movie. I didn't spot "filming location(s)unfortunately.
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Posing The Question, "Could This Have Been Avoided?"
redryan647 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
ALL OF THIS recent attention about the Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl exchange for five (5) top Al Queda mastermind murderer/terrorists has brought this story from World War II about Private Eddie Slovik. He is the only member of U.S. Armed Forces to have been executed for desertion since the Civil War.

THE STORY WAS brought to the screen by Universal Television and the NBC TV Network in 1974, March 13th, to be exact. We well remember that this TV movie was heavily promoted and being treated as a very special event. This is one time that the ballyhoo boys were correct., absolutely.

THE STORY DOES a great job in explaining the situation. Private Eddie Slovik was an experienced and battle tested combat veteran. He became separated from his outfit; which afforded him a sort of respite from the life of battle.

WHEN HE FINALLY is to be reunited with his Company, he refuses to do so; opting instead for incarceration in the Guardhouse. Lengthy efforts were made to the young soldier in order to get him to change his mind. His obstinacy leads him to finally being executed by firing squad.

METICULOUS STORYTELLING IS employed in order to get the story behind all of this incredible, but true, story. We get a glimpse of the man as a boy, who had a difficult childhood. He married young and soon after his former Draft Classification of 4-F was changed to 1-A and he was inducted into the Army.

BEAUTIFULLY AND MOST realistically mounted, the production has a great and most authentic appearance. It literally transports us to 1944 Europe, France to be exact, with a World War yet to be won or lost. The cast, headed up by Martin Sheen, is outstanding. In support, we have Mariclaire Costello, Gary Busey, Matt Clark, Ben Hammer, Warren J. Kemmerling, Charles Haid and many others. Ned Beatty stands out as Chaplin, Father Stafford.

THE INHERENT DRAMATIC intensity of the story hits a tearful crescendo as Private Slovik (Mr. Sheen) continually repeats the Hail Mary; while he prepares to meet the Firing Squad. it is as emotionally charged as any scene in any film, even a theatrical production. (This could have done well as a Feature Film to be shown in the Movie Houses.)

IT WAS WELL received and heavily honored at the Emmy Awards. The sympathy was clearly with the hapless Private Slovik from the very start, or even before the start; as the promotional material poses the question, "Was it Cowardice or Conscience?"

IN PLAYING THE role of 'Devil's Advocate', we must ask the following question. It concerns the man who is implicitly rendered as being the bad guy in this affair. That is Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. One must consider the circumstances of War. With thousands of men being killed and seriously wounded all the time, the execution of one deserter wouldn't rate very highly.
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Moving, but justifiable
sheldon-berger18 April 2005
I remember reading the book in 1966 and seeing the movie in 1974, and the facts seem to be correct. Some think the movie was made as a statement after the war with Viet Nam. I am not going there. I am a Viet veteran myself, and feel this dissection of the movie is guesswork. Martin Sheen was absolutely great. He captured the emotions of Pvt. Slovik very well. You could almost feel your own stomach churning as he headed for his execution. Did he deserve to die, yes, was it an extremely unfortunate situation, again yes. Faced with a firing squad, there is no doubt, as weak-kneed as I would be, I would take my chances on the battlefield as I assume, most would. I believe Pvt. Slovik truly believed he would not be executed, but picked the wrong time in history to make such an assumption.
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First hand observer
hbm-128 September 2005
I was there when Slovik was murdered. I heard very few GIs condemning Slovik. Eisenhower received universal criticism for his cowardly decision. Making an example of someone seldom has the desired effect. I was a M/Sgt but saw the dire consequences of Commisioned Officers' decisions costing many lives unnecessarily. None of them were ever court martialled for that.. Slovik's not fighting cost less lives than Officers' mistakes. I try to remember only the Good things of that War as few as they are. I watched the movie only a short while and it brought back so many bad memories I couldn't watch the rest. Since then, I don't watch war movies, the Real thing can never be portrayed via the Media.
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Extraordinary, heart-breaking tale of injustice.
gfe2216 August 2001
This is a film that will leave you crying, angry and filled with righteous indignation, as it should.

Of the thousands of GI's who deserted during WW2, only one, Eddie Slovik, paid the ultimate price. His story is one of sheer bad luck on an appalling scale. Having done time for a minor offence (it was Grand Theft Auto), Slovik is determined to put the past behind him and start afresh. He gets a job, finds a wife and settles down, happy in the knowledge that his prison record means he's a 4F when it comes to military service. But when the army changes the rules and he registers as 1A, he finds himself in a situation he's emotionally unable to cope with.

Eddie Slovik should never have been on the front line. He was terrified of guns and at boot camp they had to cheat to get him through the rifle range. Right from the start it was clear this was not the sort of man any soldier would want defending his rear, since he was incapable of doing it. Despite this, he was sent into Europe after the D-Day landings. Separated from his platoon he found a niche for himself as a forager for a Canadian unit and there, frankly, he should have stayed. When ordered back to his own unit, which was on the front line, he deserted, having made his situation plain. It's a downhill run from there.

The film uses actual letters written by Slovik and comments from people who knew him to fill out the background of this tragic story. Sheer bad timing, combined with a belief that no one would see the sentence through (since it had never been down before) contributes to the film's heartbreaking conclusion.

Martin Sheen's performance is stunning. He manages to capture the pathos, fear, confusion and final terrified resignation of the man in the face of the inevitable. Slovik is the victim of fate and circumstance; the little guy, totally unprepared for the world in which he finds himself, more than willing to apply those skills he does possess to the war effort, but incapable of fulfilling what the army demands of him. While you can appreciate the army's need to make a point, you are left with the unalterable conclusion that here they picked the wrong man.

This film left me feeling extremely angry, and it's a rare one that does that. It also made me want to find out more about the circumstances surrounding the events and I was pleasantly surprised to find the film, by and large, stuck to historical fact.

Highly recommended.
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not a hero, but not a criminal
rcca-3881229 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
warning: Spoilers in the comment.

I don't agree with those who try to cast Slovik's case as some kind of brave act of civil disobedience. It certainly was not. Slovik was expecting the same leniency as other deserters received before him; and when he realized his case was really going end up in execution, it was too late.

However it confirmed my conviction, that no American citizen should be forced to fight for the sake of an Allied country. It maybe sometimes reasonable for a country under attack, in a middle of an existential threat, to conscript able-bodied men against their will, and execute them if they refuse to fight; because there is no room to retreat, it is fight or die. However, neither Slovik nor million other non-volunteer US conscripts were a French or Belgian citizens. It was not their moral obligation to fight and die in Europe. Of course, U.S. did the right thing to intervene; and it should have sent all the volunteers she could muster. However a moral line was crossed when young men were conscripted against their will at the threat of jail punishment; and another line was crossed, when one of them was executed for refusing.
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When a huge scandal of social injustice ends up as one of the greatest TV movies ever made, a lesson is taught.
mark.waltz20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The subject is not roses for the excellent Martin Sheen in this disturbing drama of American freedom being threatened from within, dealing with the real life World War II soldier whose inability to adjust to combat life resulted in his desertion and subsequent execution as a result of his court martial. The screenplay is excellent and performances superb, a cast of recognizable character actors joining together for one of the most important social dramas ever made that still creates controversy today. It wasn't an easy movie to choose to watch because of the subject matter and the fact that the viewer is aware of what happened back in early 1945, just months before the end of the war.

The character of Private Slovek isn't your typical coward as he has the bravery to face his fate when he learns of it, but the viewer will be torn between love of country and love of humanity. Slovek is established as a troubled youth, but certainly not unlikable or relatable as every family has someone who is a Privats Slovek at heart-misunderstood, confused, gentle, weak willed, a crook but one with a conscience who loved his country but was far too scared to face the horrors surrounding battle. I certainly had a hard time watching the moments leading up to the firing squad sequence, those moments filling me with anger and sadness. Sheen has had many outstanding moments onscreen, but had this been his only film, he still would have gone down for one of the most amazing dramatic performances in television history.
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Trying to ID a similar scene in another movie
carterike9 January 2007
A scene in another movie loosely based on Private Slovik's execution, done ironically (presumably anti-war), with "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" (sung by Frank Sinatra, maybe?) as background music. Can anyone tell me the name of the movie?

I think the movie plot is the experiences of a particular platoon of men fighting in Europe in World War II, engaging in one battle after another. I don't remember the actors, or who played the soldier being shot.

The scene leaves a vivid impression, with the group of soldiers being forced to attend the execution against their will, and marching to the scene in bitter cold weather, in the snow.
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Eddie Slovik
davanmani10 July 2006
I actually saw this film in New Delhi, India of all places in 1987. I was visiting India, the Taj Mahal when I got back to my hotel room. I was looking for an English program because I couldn't understand Hindi and I saw this movie. It was very gripping especially Martin Sheen acting. Also, the title itself was compelling because I caught the movie in mid-flight. I kept wondering what is this guy going to be executed for stealing, or murder which I thought was impossible because he was a nice guy. I remember the final scene and was very confused by There was no internet at the time and I did find an article said he was killed because of desertion which I didn't understand. Why didn't they put the guy in jail or exile for a long time was my thought?

Every said he was a coward but I thought he did the right thing which was his heart. He is not a soldier. There are so many folks who try to be a soldier and kill somebody by mistake or miss their assignment. This whole "America" thing please everybody loves America but nobody likes other Americans as strangers. Period. You may like your group, infantry, team, bible study, family, sqaud, platoon, and friends, but not Americans as a whole. You see more killings, beatings, and hatred of Americans by other Americans. Ask your policeman, domestic violence counselor, doctors, and teachers.

The bottom line is every man for themselves is the mentality because everything is treated as a sport whether its being in the army, the office, schools (elementary, high school, college or grad), music stage, choir, or Hollywood. It is a jock thing everywhere. Yes, that is a correct assessment of why Hollywood produced this film. However, I dare you former soldiers to go against Hollywood. You can bring your bayonets and whatever but you can't beat the word anti-semitic. So, you come with this word "liberal". What is that? Of course, now they are the army side and you guys have to kiss "butt". What is that term "a pen is mightier than a sword".

I do appreciate people who fought for the United States but I also know that most treat it like a business of being the best "jock" soldier mentality. If you don't have that mentality, you will be eaten alive like the American soldier in Japan who got brutally killed by another American soldier in Japan for being gay or the "Tailhook" scandal.

In short, very few Americans fight for other Americans. If you are one of those, you are blessed. You see old-timers who criticize how Americans are today, Bob Feller. Big time, Jock but he can't beat media or Hollywood.
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He Bluffed, They Called, and He Lost.
swojtak14 March 2022
He was like a poker player who tried to game the system, he bluffed, they called and he lost. He could have tried to be a Conscientious Objector or if he knew he was a coward he should have told them in training he was a coward and would not fire a rifle under any circumstance. He got all the way to the front line and then tried to get out of his duty. That is where he made his mistake. Refusing to do his duty would have saved him but to get to a point and then run away was desertion. Someone had to be made an example of. He drew the short straw and lost.
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Not History, but has a History Lesson
pierredb31 January 2005
First of all, I am amazed at the number of people who think this is a factual account. NO movie or TV show that is a "docudrama" or even a documentary is completely factual. (Even Ken Burns made over 1000 documented errors in his Civil War series.) Everyone who puts on a uniform of the military knows the penalty for desertion during wartime. True, few pay that full penalty, but the idiots I have read who ask "why" obviously have no concept of what real war is.

Is there someone out there who really believes that World War II was not necessary? Should the US have let Hitler conquer Europe and his allies take Asia? Has the US become so afraid of fighting that we no longer value our freedoms? Slovik should not have died, but the facts in this docudrama are far from complete. It was, and remains, a "Vietnam-esque" view of the military.

During the Civil War, cavalry was often put in the rear of the infantry. If men tried to run from the fight, the soldiers had orders to shoot them.

The message was clear: Fight the enemy, you may die -- run and you WILL die.

In time of war, the Army must be harsh. War is brutal, but that is why it should be the avenue of last resort. Once the die is cast, it must be fought with all the violence and fury needed. Only if we are willing to fight will we maintain our freedom.
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Bring on the DVD!
tarmcgator13 July 2007
It's been many years since I last saw "The Execution of Private Slovik," and I look forward to its release (someday soon, please!) on DVD. In particular, I recall a terrific performance by Ned Beatty.

Those who condemn this film as an anti-military screed should reconsider. The tenor of most war films of the early 1970s was undoubtedly influenced by a national revulsion with the war in Vietnam (which, unfortunately, was taken out far too often on the Americans who fought there). But the impetus to get beyond the "triumphalism" of most American war films of the '40s, '50s, and '60s would eventually lead to "Platoon," "Saving Private Ryan," and "Blackhawk Down," films that respected fighting men by demonstrating more effectively the hell that they endure. "The Execution of Private Slovik" was an excellent effort to get beyond the myth of "The Good War" and demonstrate that war inevitably degrades and damages all who are involved.

As to whether Eddie Slovik deserved his fate: Slovik was an emotionally troubled young man who never should have been put into combat in the first place, but as the U.S. casualties began to mount in the ETO in the fall of 1944, his requests for non-combat duty were rejected and he was sent to a rifle company as a replacement. He was a "coward" in the traditional sense of the word, but he was only one of more than 21,000 U.S. servicemen convicted of desertion during WWII. Of the 49 who were condemned to death for desertion, Slovik was the only one actually executed; all the others had their sentences commuted to prison time. (Another 141 U.S. servicemen was executed by the U.S. government during the war, all for the crimes of murder and rape.) If justice is supposed to be fair and impartial, it certainly appears that Slovik was singled out as an example to deter other would-be deserters. Why Slovik? One of the officers who sat on his court-martial would write years later that his execution was "an historic injustice."

See: /articles/magazine/ah/1987/6/1987_6_97.shtml Army/deserters.html /story/index.cfm?id=103&category=people

My father was an infantryman in the Philippines and was injured in combat a few weeks after Slovik was executed. I'm glad my father and millions of other Americans overcame their fear and did their duty, but Slovik didn't deserve death for his "cowardice." Punishment, yes; dishonor, perhaps. But not a firing squad.

Note: The execution of Slovik (though the soldier is never named) also was depicted, briefly, in an earlier antiwar film, "The Victors," directed by Carl Foreman and released in 1963. The scene is played without dialog; in a savagely ironic gesture, the execution is played out while Frank Sinatra croons "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" on the soundtrack. Even more ironically, Sinatra himself once owned the film rights to William Bradford Huie's book, "The Execution of Private Slovik," but he sold them to another person before Richard Levinson and William Link obtained the rights to make this film. "The Victors" is an excellent film in its own right -- until it comes out on DVD, catch it if you can!
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Best movie ever made
pigout-1613813 November 2019
Martin Sheen deserved an Oscar for this movie.! But since they don't give askers out for TV movies then at least an Emmy!! (Which I think he may have gotten, not sure though) anyways it was my first year in high school and I saw this movie and TV, and the acting from all the actors were superb. Especially Martin Sheen who portrayed private Slovick to a T. I wish they would bring the movie back on TV. Turner classic movies should buy the rights to it and show it once a year and Veterans Day or at least twice a year. It's a very riveting movie and keep she glued to your seat.
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All the kings men...
homeplus8 August 2007
I think the movie goes back into history during the Piast Dynasty with the Polish King Boleslaw II the Bold. King Coleslaw suspected Stanislaus Bishop of Kracków of pretending with his younger brother Wladyslaw to over throw him in the invasion of Red Ruthenia. Staniclaus was executed for the plot. Later, the Polish deposed King Boleslaw II and he was exiled to Hungary and Wladyclaus was the new King. Most of the people in WWII were Slovic Origin and someone is always pretending in movies. Martin Sheen is a good actor for the part and his son Charlie Sheen plays a boy in the movie. This is the first movie Charlie Sheen has been in. I think a good Kantian way of looking at his execution is Moral Justice. If he were a Police Officer I would wonder what his gun is for. If he were a security guard he would have License for a gun. If I get a job as a security guard Im going to decide if I will carry a gun or not. If have a gun and a citizen gets hurt because I don't use my gun I would be sued and fired and convicted and probably be shot to death by the assailant. So maybe its frivolous but important to the Law.
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Among 21.000 deserters he was the first executed American soldier since the far-off civil war, a black page on the great American history!!
elo-equipamentos18 December 2023
This well-made TV picture concerning of story of Private Eddie Slovik as the first American soldier executed by desertion and cowardice since the civil war, a whole approaching of his story as far back as leaving the reformed school prison at 17-18 years old by ripped off gums, candies and cigarettes, and small felonies, he got a job and married at once, thus because US Army didn't used to summon ex-cons whatsoever, due the shortage of healthy soldiers they finally convoke him, by any means Slovik tried cheating their shooting test, wrong move he was sent to Europe to fight on France against the Nazi, however at first battle he hidden in a cave with a comrade, soon a Canadian Army catch them.

Back at your Company he refuses to fight, claiming nervous break down on handling rifles, he also requires must act on rear battle, he make a handwritten restating that if will forced to fight he will desert over and over again whatever the US Army's resolution, thus a martial court finally had a settlement, he was found guilty and sentenced to death, after many pleas for clemency all them denied, he was executed in early January of 1945, worst he was buried in an unknown place among and others criminals soldiers.

This picture was based in the William Bradford Huie's novel where the own Private Slovik quoted regarding his death penalty, because he was a ex-con, well punish Slovik as simple cowardice certainly would be the right thing to do, however killed him is going beyond of the impiety carried out the numb system, a back page on great American history.

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 1984 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 8.
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The only US Army serviceman executed for desertion in WWII
Mobius_loop21 December 2023
A good but rather sad film. Private Slovik was not an upstanding guy. He was a petty criminal and ne'er-do-well individual, who probably shouldn't have been in uniform. It should be pointed out that he had at least two justifiable outs for deferment, only supporting son, and criminal record. But many equally deserving men were dying in Europe who did their duty willingly if but reluctantly, yet he did not. Note also that he willingly gave himself up to authorities, expecting a prison sentence, and not death. He never realized until the end he was going to be the one and only example to be executed for desertion during the war. Noting that others had been executed for rape, murder, and crimes against civilians (which were also civil capital crimes). The film pulls no punches, and sets up Eddie as a hapless and inoffensive guy who is just frightened out of his wits and refuses to continue. He expects to sit in prison, possibly for a long time, but didn't expect to die. His bad luck. Many in the military, even at that time, saw this as unequal justice, since all other death sentences for simple desertion (unaccompanied by other crimes) had ended in commutation and lesser penalties. Sheen does a great job portraying Slovik. You have sympathy for him as the entire military justice machine slowly takes him to his doom.
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That's Right, Give Him Another Volley, You Like It So Much!
richard.fuller14 July 2005
It was 1974 and it starred Martin Sheen.

That alone says what to expect of this movie.

And it was a movie. According to the movie, Slovik had reformed, got a good woman, and didn't want to fight.

In real life, Slovik may have been a naive innocent, or he may have just wanted to manipulate the system.

Whoever Slovik was or wasn't is for history to decide, but this was a movie that dealt with dessertion at a time when a country was questioning why it was fighting, and the movie took sides.

With no regard to servicemen who were in Viet Nam either in 1974 (as Willie Nelson would say, let's tell the truth, it was about the Viet Nam war, not WWII), EoES was as propagandistic as Gung Ho was in the forties.

According to this movie, Slovik stated his position, plain and simple. He had a nervous problem. Heck, I have a clinical nervous condition, and trust me, if I had done military duty, it would have been no problem for me to either just let my nerves go and fail at my tasks and get a demotion or put on KP duty or latrine duty with no problem.

If we believe the teleflick, Slovik didn't have that option, no doubt because of his criminal history.

Whatever the viewer wants to believe is up to the viewer. I've learned that movies from this decade or that decade, in dealing with service or military duty, will pretty much take the same stance over and over.

1940s and 1950s, serve your country.

1960s and 1970s, mock your country.

This is the history.

The whole movie seemed predictably Hollywood to me. He refused to serve and only when he was being strapped up to be executed does he show emotion.

Such an emotional outburst could have easily worked to his advantage in his declaration of his nervous condition, but obviously the movie wanted to show him as a human being and only when he is about to die does he become sorrowful.

I'm not a Catholic, but I thought the recital of the hail Mary by Ned Beatty and Sheen at the end, with the Lord's prayer, was funny as it sounded like they were trying to see who could say it faster.

I don't see how this movie could be watched without realizing it was aimed at Tricky Dick Nixon and the Viet Nam war.

I hope it was all worth it for Slovik and anyone who chose to follow his example.
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