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Racy tabloid movie making
lorenellroy9 February 2008
Mickey Rooney gives an energetic ,scary and persuasive performance in this crisp and edgy don Siegal movie.The businesslike script by Irving Shulman and Daniel Mainwaring traces the rise of Nelson from apprentice gunman to Rocca(Ted de Corsia),through his meetings with Dillinger(Leo Gordon), his incarceration and subsequent escape aided by girlfriend Sue(Carolyn Jones)and his rise to the status of Public Enemy Number 1 Little is said about the background to the story-prohibition is scarcely touched on -or about Nelson's personal motivation .Instead it records -even ,disquietingly ,celebrates his achievements and behaviour.

The support cast gives Rooney solid backup and special kudos go to Sir Cedric Hardwicke ,Jack Elam and Emile Meyer It looks cheap and low budget but this actually helps the impact of this slick ,anti-social pulp movie
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Lester M. Gillis; AKA: Baby Face Nelson.
hitchcockthelegend20 September 2012
Baby Face Nelson is directed by Don Siegel and co-written by Daniel Mainwaring, Robert Adler and Irving Shulman. It stars Mickey Rooney, Carolyn Jones, Cedric Hardwicke, Leo Gordon, Anthony Caruso and Jack Elam. Story is based on the notorious criminal who became public enemy number one in the first half of the 1930s.

Gangsters have always been a profitable source for film makers, with many of them proving to be the basis of classic cinema. The story of Baby Face Nelson is ideal for cinematic treatment.

Don Siegel's 57 movie is tight and taut, yet still briskly paced, and in the main as per the characterisation of Nelson, it's pitched right by Siegel and Mickey Rooney. Nelson is seen as a pocket rocket of inferiority complexes, a deluded bully held in the grip of jealousies. He's a trigger-happy punk with anger issues, while Siegel is professional enough to ensure the little thug is not glamorised (the film opens with a written statement pouring praise on the FBI). The recreation of the period is grand, those cars, those guns, the latter of which get a good amount of screen time as Siegel gives us gun play aplenty. While visually (Hal Mohr on cinematography duty) it's lighted for shadows and period starkness. There's even a pitch black noir ending to round it off.

The flaws? Rooney never fully convinces in the role of Nelson, where perhaps he is a mere victim of following in the footsteps of greater characterisations in the genre? Or maybe it's just a case of being familiar with him in more airy roles? But with Hardwicke doing fine work as a boozy lecher, Jones appealingly knowing and sexy as Nelson's moll, and Elam and Elisha Cook Jr bolstering the support ranks, film is in capable acting hands. Narrative is a bit scratchy, not quite a complete whole, more a case of a number of great scenes inserted here and there, but it doesn't hurt the picture too much. Overall it gets in and does its job in next to no time, never out staying its welcome, it overcomes its faults and entertains the genre fan with ebullience. 7/10
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Some real issues.
bkoganbing19 May 2013
Mickey Rooney stretched the limits of his talents and continued to live down the image of all American Andy Hardy in this blood and guts portrayal of Baby Face Nelson. In the title role Rooney dominates this film and that's no small achievement for him as he is supported by a really good bunch of character players, especially for a small independent United Artists film. This part was certainly a better fit for him than that other true life short man he played Lorenz Hart.

One of the nastiest of the famous public enemies of the Thirties, Lester Gillis aka Baby Face Nelson had some real issues. A nasty temper and some inferiority feelings about his short size are what makes him what he is. Give him a Thompson submachine gun and he cuts all down to size.

Reading the Wikipedia article and knowing what I know about him, Rooney really captured his character well. His fans should love what he did in this. Only the cheapness in production values prevents me from giving Baby Face Nelson a higher rating.
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One of the films of the '50s
allan-mac113 August 2006
a decade not over-endowed with great movies this has to be one of the most under-rated and underplayed. Don Siegle even stops Rooney from over-acting. No mean feat. The result is a chilling portrayal that has to rate with Rooney's best. In terms of genre this must rate in the top ten of gangster movies. Why has it never been seen on TV? Good knows they dig deep enough sometimes dredging up the most turgid pap especially for day-time TV. Rooney's portrayal of the murderous psychopath could possibly only have been bettered by Cagney at his best. The dialogue is suitably hard-nosed and cynical. By the time they get to 1933 and the end of prohibition Rooney (Nelson) takes a drink in their hide-out and a colleague remarks 'Hey haven't you heard? It's legal now' to which Rooney replies 'No kiddin. Kinda takes the fun outa drinking it'. Watch it if you get the chance.
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Good to be Bad
Igenlode Wordsmith30 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I found this film most effective when it was able to give its protagonist 'room to be bad' -- as a depiction of a psychopath on the brink, it holds considerable power (the scene where Sue begs her lover to tell her that he wouldn't have shot two boys who almost discover his presence carries a real impact... because both we, and she, know the true answer). At the beginning, where it appears to be trying to make Baby-Face Nelson out as a standard-issue hero fresh out of jail and trying to go straight, it's rather more generic and rather harder to credit.

The interaction between Nelson and Dillinger, with the latter as the 'brains' of the outfit frustrated by the other man's trigger-happy tendencies, is well shown, and this section felt all too short. But the second half of the film, with the outlaws on the run -- and yet more twists to the tale than we expect -- is an undoubted success, and if only the film had achieved this level throughout I would have rated it easily 8/10, maybe 9.

Short, baby-faced Mickey Rooney is physically ideal for the role and displays considerable acting chops into the bargain. One of the most striking scenes is where the Baby-Face against all precedent actually spares the life of a bank manager (played by the diminutive George E. Stone) who is as short as he is; it seems almost unfair that this uncharacteristic act of mercy is repaid by the man going straight to the police. But it's not an gesture that Nelson is likely to repeat. When the alcoholic, orotund Doc Saunders (Sir Cedric Hardwicke, deploying his classical training) demonstrates an unseemly interest in Sue, we can anticipate from the start what the ultimate result is bound to be; the only question is how long.

And yet the film does achieve the vital but tenuous task of getting the viewer to identify with its out-of-control protagonist, despite his actions, with the result that it manages to sustain the tension: we actually care what happens to him. (It is this, of course, that makes those scenes where he manages to refrain from killing into such powerful ones: we know the knife-edge on which he is balanced.) The final death scene, where the Baby-Face expires conveniently across a moralising grave-stone, undermined somewhat the effectiveness of what had gone before -- if only they could have resisted the requirement to make such a heavy point -- but what remains is at least two-thirds of a very good little picture. Rooney is a revelation and the script holds some very dark corners, along with moments of adrenalin-boosting relief.
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Baby Face Rooney
brogmiller6 September 2022
Working against the clock with a miniscular budget and a mere seventeen-day shooting schedule that required fifty-five setups on the final day, Don Siegel has turned in a terrific B-movie.

Suffice to say it is more fictional than factual but there is never a dull moment or a still frame and Mickey Rooney's sociopathic, psychotic depiction of the title character is utterly mesmerising. According to the director, working with Mr. Rooney was a less than congenial experience but of course between the words 'action' and 'cut' he delivers the goods which is really all that matters.

Daniel Mainwaring who had collaborated with Siegel on 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers', has revised Irving Shulman's original script whilst Hal Mohr is behind the camera and the editing of Leon Barsche guarantees the film's momentum.

As for the rest of the cast the classy Carolyn Jones is a far from typical gangster's moll and Cedric Hardwicke, despite taking a lower salary, relishes his role as a seedy, lecherous, alcoholic doctor. This also confirms the immeasurable contribution made to films of this type by supporting players such as Ted de Corsia, Jack Elam, Leo Gordon, John Hoyt, Tony Caruso and last but not least Elisha Cook Jnr.

Edgar J. Hoover, to whom the film was dedicated, thought that it glamorised criminal behaviour. Considering the sheer viciousness of Rooney's portrayal and his character's violent end, that verdict is mystifying.
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Baby Face Nelson
k-ellinger2 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was good. I thought that it was easy to get into. When the movie first started, you meet Baby Face. Pretty quickly you discover that he's up to no good and he soon becomes the FBI's number one target. He becomes pretty violent and wants to become filthy rich. This movie is filled with action and would be recommended for people who love action. The only thing that I wasn't too crazy about was the ending. It felt like it was at good climatic point and then it just ended. Also, there were a couple of other points in the movie where a scene was cut too quickly and the audience wouldn't have been able to fully 'dissect' what just happened. Other than that, it was a good movie and I would recommend it.
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Ferocious Lost Film
ChuckTurner18 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Don Siegel's BABY FACE NELSON is one of the harshest, most ferocious of movies; its conclusion one of the bleakest ever filmed. Siegel hit this same note of bitter cynicism again later in his career with DIRTY HARRY; but because BABY FACE NELSON offers no redemption for its protagonist, it is the more direct and powerful film. The central performance by Mickey Rooney ranks with Cagney's Cody Jarrett in Walsh's WHITE HEAT, in its absolute lack of sentimentality, utterly uninterested in ingratiation. One of the most chilling moments is when Nelson abruptly sets free a hostage instead of killing him: Rooney offers no clue as to why. There is no reason why: it is a whim as little understood by Nelson as by the viewer.

An independent production originally released through United Artists, it has not been seen theatrically for several decades, and seems never to have been issued on DVD. Long overdue for rediscovery, BABY FACE NELSON should take its place alongside Siegel's better known pictures THE LINE UP and HELL IS FOR HEROES as a dark and chilling masterpiece.
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Any similarity to actual persons is purely coincidental!
planktonrules24 February 2016
In the late 1950s and early 60s, 1930s gangsters were the rage. In addition to the TV show "The Untouchables", there were a lot of films that practically made heroes out of Dillinger, Ma Barker and other unsavory jerks of the era. One thing these depictions all had in common...they bore little semblance to the actual criminals! Why? Because their real life exploits weren't all that they spiced it up by fictionalizing their lives--much like films of the 1930s and 40s did with cowboys like Billy the Kid and Jesse James. So, if you are looking for a history lesson or documentary about Baby Face Nelson, you should not bother with this movie.

If you don't mind that it's almost complete fiction, the film is modestly entertaining. Mickey Rooney's portrayal of the man is much like Jimmy Cagney's portrayal of Cody Jarrett in "White Heat"...completely over the top and more a caricature than realistic portrayal of anyone. This isn't so much a complaint...this is entertaining but it's hard to imagine anyone this antisocial and nasty being a successful gangster or working with any gang. This version of Nelson shoots people right and left, hates EVERYONE and is just plain nuts. The only problem with all this is that there is no room for anyone else in the film...even Dillinger! These other characters are one-dimensional and uninteresting. Overall, a dopey but enjoyable film. It has many faults but still makes for fun viewing if you have very, very modest expectations.
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A classic gangster movie
MOscarbradley4 May 2017
A classic 1930's Warner Bros. gangster movie...except that it isn't. Don Siegel made "Baby Face Nelson" in 1957 and for United Artists but it has the look and feel of the very best gangster movies from a couple of decades earlier. Mickey Rooney plays the title role and, of course, he's perfect for the part and the wonderful Carolyn Jones is his girl. It's also got a killer supporting cast that includes Anthony Caruso, Jack Elam, Ted DeCorsia and Leo Gordon as Dillenger as well as an excellent Cedric Hardwicke beautifully cast against type as a doctor on the wrong side of the law. Irving Shulman wrote the original story and he and Daniel Mainwaring did the screenplay. The suitably seedy black and white photography was by Hal Mohr.
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Not very factual / Mickey Rooney was great for the part.
bevep3 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Baby Face Nelson with Mickey Rooney is entertaining but not very factual.

Keeping in mind that Hollywood was in a "crime doesn't pay" mode in the 50's ... many exciting moments in Baby Face Nelson's criminal career were either white-washed or eliminated completely, leaving no direction in the story & not much for Mickey Rooney to work with.

This is surprising if you look back to the Cagney films of the 1930's(Roaring Twenties/Public Enemy) where the hero (or villain, depending on your point of view) was applauded by the public ... & sometimes even triumphed over the good guys.

On the plus side: Mickey Rooney did do an outstanding job (he even looked somewhat like Baby Face)

The moral: great for fans of Mickey Rooney ... not so great for fans of Baby Face Nelson.
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Baby Face Nelson (1957)
MartinTeller3 January 2012
What separates a film noir from just a regular gangster flick made in the mid-40's to late 50's? Genre definitions are slippery beasts. I think a noir should, in most cases, say something about the human condition, something about how we respond to pressure, how our past defines us, how a bad decision in a moment of weakness can send us down the wrong path. A gangster flick is pretty much simple shoot-em-up entertainment. Because Nelson starts out bad and maintains that course, I wouldn't say we're getting much insight into the human condition. But it is damn fine shoot-em-up entertainment with another surprising performance by Mickey Rooney. As the tough-as-nails Nelson, he's cold and ruthless without a trace of his goody-good reputation. Also notable is Carolyn Jones as his game-for-anything devoted gal, and a series of fine (but with Nelson around, short-lived) supporting performances. Siegel proved with THE LINEUP that he could create top-notch thrills of the vicious variety, and although this film doesn't quite reach those heights (Rooney's good, but he's no Eli Wallach) it presents a series of rapid-fire scenarios without ever dawdling too long. Terrific jazz age score and one hell of a great ending, too. Noir or not, definitely worth a look.
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Exciting crime flick
searchanddestroy-113 November 2016
I did not have any surprise with this film. I have always loved every of the Don Siegel's features and this one makes no exception. Action packed, rough, tough script pulled by terrific performances with the likes of Mickey Rooney and Leo Gordon. I will never forget their prison films characters; LAST MILE for Rooney and RIOT IN CELL BLOCK 11 for Gordon. Rooney is as crazy as he was in the Howard Koch's masterpiece where he already was a cold blooded killer, leader of a bunch of men who have nothing to lose. This gangster film is not so easy to purchase and that's a real shame. I think it is one of the best of Don Siegel, so typical of his trade mark. Find it at all costs.
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valstone5229 May 2021
Rooney as Nelson cracked me up. Too old for one thing, and Too over the top. Little man with a big ego.
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Corn without the shucks!
stoney730086 April 2003
Close your history books, and enjoy Hollywood at its finest in Gangster genre. Like Bugsey was impressed with George Rafts imitation of him; Nelson should have got to see Mickey Rooneys portrayal of him! This movie is hardly outdated, even timeless, entertaining audiences almost any age, of the ruthless outlaws of the thirties. If anyone has time enough to notice something even remotely corny, remember that it is America's favorite vegetable. I only wish that it was availiable on DVD or VHS.
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Jeez, Boss, Get A Loada Dis!
rmax30482326 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It was directed by Don Siegel who had made some good movies and would make more. This isn't one of them. It would have taken a magician to make much out of this B-level screenplay that lays out the rise and fall of a minor Midwestern gangster and bank robber, Mickey Rooney.

Siegel handled brutality with genuine artistry but this gives him no chance to do much. Unless we have some feeling for the characters one way or another, who cares who gets hurt? There's no humanity in any figure except Carolyn Jones as Rooney's appealingly feminine moll. And how does he treat her? "C'mere, babe, and make like Mrs. Nelson," he snarls from his bed, stubbing out his cigarette.

On the plus side, what a supporting cast, most of them over the hill. Few of them get much screen time but you'll recognize many of the faces -- Emil Meyer, Elisha Cook Jr., Tom Gordon as John Dillinger, Jack Elam, and Sir Cedric Hardwicke as a dissolute criminal doctor. John Hoyt is an FBI agent. Hoyt was the Martian with three arms in a "Twilight Zone" episode and he was also Decius Brutus, one of the assassins, in MGM's "Julius Caesar." I wouldn't want to argue that John Hoyt had a lot of range. I can't imagine him in a light-hearted role. But when the part fit him, nobody could carry it off better than John Hoyt.

I don't mean to suggest that the screenplay is that bad. It's not laughable. It's just plain pedestrian and lacks any grace notes whatever. Having used that metaphor, I might as well add that Van Alexander's score really sucks, entirely aside from the fact that there's too much of it. If you want to hear how a musical score can add to or subtract from a film's impact, this will provide you with a good bad example -- an abstract big-band playing what must have passed for modern jazz in 1957, full of blaring horns and counterpoint. Not a hint of "Oodles of Noodles" let alone "Sophisticated Lady."
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Mickey Rooney is a bad ass gangster !
gullwing5920037 April 2021
Mickey Rooney was never a comedian even though he could be very funny at times. He could also be very serious & tough. He was quite a versatile actor.

As a kid I grew up watching the Andy Hardy film series & laughed. But I outgrew those movies. When I first saw "Boys Town" (1938) I forgot about Andy Hardy & was more impacted by his more serious & tougher roles.

He played a tough kid in "Hoosier Schoolboy" (1936) he was great as a grease monkey in "Quicksand" (1950). But I've never been more impressed than his portrayal of the notorious celebrated outlaw bank robber Lester Gillis aka Baby Face Nelson the quick tempered trigger happy shoot em up gangster.

It also has an excellent supporting cast of usual suspects like George e. Stone interestingly cast against type as a banker instead of a gangster. Elisha Cook Jr. & Jack Elam & John Hoyt etc. This movie really has the look & feel of a genuine 1930's gangster movie.

Surprisingly he let's the banker live (George E. Stone) & later when he see's 2 kids & draws his Tommy gun & pulls back his gun as the kids don't spot him & walk way.

Carolyn Jones asks Baby Face to lie to her that he wouldn't have killed the 2 kids he answers her by saying he would not have killed them.

Mickey Rooney was perfect for the role as he was short & had a baby face I can't think of anyone else in the role. Mickey Rooney was born to play Baby Face Nelson for Mickey Rooney is Baby Face Nelson.

Highly recommended for any fans of gangster films.
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Rooney is good but Carolyn Jones nearly steals the movie
captainahab-7438722 December 2021
This film has been somewhat hard to find over the years, but I got hold of a copy last year that surprised me with its quality.

Rooney is totally committed to the role of the trigger happy Nelson, and makes you forget all the lovable roles he has played. His bantam gangster is startlingly convincing.

The rest of the cast is adequate and the Depression atmosphere is fairly believable. Jack Elam and Sir Cedric Hardwicke stand out in their oddball unexpected roles. Leo Gordon is his usual intimidating self as Dillinger.

But it is Carolyn Jones who gives the most memorable performance as Nelson's moll. I was amazed at her portrayal of the very sensual girlfriend. She showed a range of emotions and actions that I would have never guessed from seeing only her Morticia Addams and other notable roles. The movie is worth seeing just for her amazing incarnation of the loyal, loving Sue.

Anyone who likes gangster movies should check out this little B movie gem.
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Generic Script
Lechuguilla3 January 2015
Semi-factual, this film skims through the life of gangster Baby Face Nelson (Mickey Rooney), from the time he emerges from prison on parole, in 1933, through various subsequent hold-ups with his gang members. They're constantly on the run and being chased by G-men, right up to the end.

The plot trends superficial. And though Nelson and his girlfriend, Sue (Carolyn Jones), are clearly characterized, members of his infamous gang are hardly more than stick figures in the background, despite a great supporting cast.

If this was supposed to have been a biography, a narrator describing the places, times, and key people would have helped to put the story in perspective and aided in the flow of events. As is, the film seems like just one more fictional gangster film, lacking in true-life credibility. And so I don't really see the film's point. On the other hand, it's possible, even likely, that filmmakers in the 1950s were prohibited from telling a true-life story in a believable way.

B&W cinematography gives the film a noir feel, with high-contrast lighting. Too much makeup, combined with the lighting, makes Carolyn Jones' face look slightly bizarre. I never did see Baby Face Nelson. All I saw was Mickey Rooney trying to act the role. Aside from his miscasting, the cast is great. Acting overall is fine, and Carolyn Jones' performance is quite good. The mostly jazz score is okay but a bit overbearing at times.

This might have been a better film if 1950s Hollywood had not taken such a straitjacket approach to crime story telling, and if the production had had a bigger budget. The main problem here is a generic script that treats the lead character as just another gangster, his gang as stereotyped sidekicks, and events as contrived. The film downplays Nelson's historical reality. There are some very good films about real-life gangsters. "Baby Face Nelson" isn't one of them.
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Don Siegel's "Angelic face" gangster
morrison-dylan-fan24 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Shortly after watching a tremendous film for the very first time called Dirty Harry,I decided,that since having become a big fan of Clint Eastwood thanks to his one-two punch of Changaling and Grand Torino,I felt that it was about time to take a look at the credits of Dirty Harry's director:Don Siegel.

As I went down the list of titles by Siegel,I was surprise to find very near the end of the page that one of his first ever films was about a gangster called Baby Face Nelson.Predicting,that this would be a very easy film to get hold of,thanks to it being directed by the man behind Dirty Harry and the original Invasion of The Body Snatchers I went to order the film on Amazon.Shortly after getting onto the site,I soon began to get a creeping feeling that this was a film which seemed to have been wiped off the face of the earth.

Desperate to find what was now becoming one of my "holy grail" films,I spent the next 4 years checking up on Youtube and Ebay every week in the hope of getting the chance to see the film.With having tried every option possible to get hold of this title,I eventually accepted that I would have to admit defeat on every getting hold of the film.A few months after waving "the white flag",me and my dad experienced one of the few times where we have both been stunned into silence,when a very kind friend caught me completely off-guard and passed me the film!

After all of the years of searching,I decided that it was at last time to sit back and see one of the most elusive gangsters ever for the very first time.

The plot:

Given an early release from prison thanks to good behaviour,Lester Joseph Gillis prepares to take his first breath of freedom.Suddenly,as soon as the prison doors are closed behind Lester,a car appears which is driven by a man who has been order to take him to meet the person who secretly sorted out his early release:Rocca.Relucktently.Agreeing to the meeting,Gillis is told by that due to him having had to invest a good amount of cash in getting him out of jail,Rocca really hopes that Gillis will pay him back by doing some very important "missions".

After being shown the first person who he is required to "deal" with,Rocca passes Lester some cash and drops him off so that he can at last be reunited with his wife.As he is still thinking about being reunited with his wife,Lester's flat is suddenly invaded by two cops,who find a gun that has been secretly placed by Rocca as a set up to get Gills sent straight back to jail.

Being all prepared to send Gills straight back from where he came from,the plan of Rocca and the dirty police officers is left in tatters when Lester arranges his own secret plan with his wife,who intercepts the train carrying Gills and ends up becoming his getaway driver.As Lester plans on how to get his own back at Rocca and his name begins to climb up the Ten Most Wanted list,he soon starts to notice that as the number of crimes he commits goes up,the tightening of the noose from the police also starts to get closer and closer.

View on the film:

Although Mickey Rooney was sadly unable to completely block my memory of him being the lovable Andy Hardy in a series of films that he made with Judy Garland,I still feel that he gave a good performance as the "angelic face" gangster,with the scenes of Gills committing a series of robberies allowing Ronny to show a wickedly cunning side to the character,and also having Roony show a wonderful "wise guys" snarl as he begins to feel that he is quickly becoming "the man" of the corrupt ridden city that Siegel displays.

Whilst I did still have my old memories of Mickey in my head,Caolyn Jones ended up completely catching me off- guard with her great performance as Nelson's wife .Along with not getting me to suspect for a moment that this was one of the main cast members from the classic TV series The Addams Family,Jones (who also has a sun bathing scene in the film!) gives a fantastic performance as Nelson's Femme Fatale Sue,that along with showing her desperate to wrap herself around Nelson's "rouge" lifestyle,also allows Jones wonderful "Gothic" face to show Sue as someone with an edgy side,who instead of being unwillingly pulled into Nelson's world,is actually someone that is their for the whole thrill of it all.

Despite the film starting with a note that dedicates this sadly almost impossible to find,fantastic Gangster Film Noir to the FBI!,director Don Siegel displays an excitement for the anti-heroes activities that he would return to 14 years later.For the excellent stylish look of the film,Siegel has a number of objects in the background "shaded" (something which he also smartly does with the suits that the characters wear) into black,that allows for a great contrast with the characters clothes,faces and still-thrilling wild robbery scenes,which allow Siegel to create a terrific,far from "babyface" Gangster/Crime Film Noir.
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Moves apace, but lacks dynamism
bjhex14 June 2023
I suppose the audience going into films of this time that have government imprimatur or effusive praise for Federal Agencies, ought to know what they're getting. Certainly now, looking back, we can see crime films, crime bios and particularly film noir (though this film is not noir) with such official approval lack a vitality that the more mischievous ones, testing the boundaries of the Hays Code possess. This film benefitted by loosening of the code, but still remains rather constricted.

It's not that this film is necessarily inaccurate, or predictably moralistic in its simplistic portrayal of criminality, It's more that the film delivers a scrapbook of events, with a economical script of exposition. (The dialogue leading into Dillinger's demise is laughably terse). And the addition of an incessant, snappy jazz background works too hard to give the film a dynamism it hasn't earned, making it all the more unwelcome. It's like a history class that gives facts and dates, but students don't really care, waiting for a creative teacher to come and make it more compelling.
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Napoleon with a Tompson Submachine Gun
jeffhill114 March 2002
In "Baby Face Nelson" Mickey Rooney has come a long way from his "I know. Let's put on a show" Andy Hardy solution to meeting the problems of the Depression. The cherubic teenager has become a cold eyed, cold blooded killer with a chip on his shoulder who delights in showing that despite his five foot three inch stature, he is a big man with a Tompson submachine gun.
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Great Movie, Please Help me find a copy
muffinheuer200318 April 2005
I saw this movie several years ago and really liked it a lot. I'm currently trying to find a copy. If anyone could help me get a copy please contact me at I really loved Mickey Rooney's performance in this film. He was and STILL IS a great star. He is my all time favorite. I like all of his movies I have seen and that is almost 100. I loved him in the Andy Hardy Films, Young Tom Edison, Killer McCoy, The Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney musicals. He was and is so talented. Hollywood will never know another Mickey Roooney. Please help me locate a copy and if you have a copy would you please contact me? I would greatly appreciate it!
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Unfortunate dialog gaps slows this down to a ridiculous pace.
mark.waltz13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I first read about Mickey Rooney playing Baby Face Nelson, I hope then prayed that he did not play the part with that sneering nastiness that he did in "Boy's Town" and other crime films of the 1950's. Fortunately he played it straight but that doesn't necessarily make him believable as one of the most notorious criminals of the 1930's. I can easily get past the fact that I knew him from the MGM fluff he did, but he simply just another small guy trying to act tough in a big man's world, and that doesn't really add any dimension to his performance. Director Don Siegel seems to be trying to find some unique angles in telling this story but they don't work overall.

So what you don't get from Rooney you have to hope for from the supporting cast which includes a very good Carolyn Jones as his wife and accessory, Sir Cedric Hardwicke as a lecturist doctor who pays dearly for ogling Jones and Leo Gordon as Dillinger. This is a film that is in major need of restoration, the print looking more like a TV anthology episode than a big screen feature film. Poor sound recording is another issue. Even with the violent shootouts, the film is slow moving and ponderous, a chore to get through.
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Credible villain Rooney dominates, Carolyn Jones is to die for
adrianovasconcelos25 June 2023
I am not a big fan of Mickey Rooney. I did not like him in BOYS TOWN, found him annoyingly goody-two-shoes as Andy, and a jarring note as Mr Yuniochi in BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY's.

I had to admit that he posted a terrific performance as the horse trainer in Francis Ford Coppolla's THE BLACK STALLION, but nothing prepared me for his incredibly believable portrayal as Baby Face Nelson. As others have pointed out, he might have been a trifle old for the part, but what matters to me is whether I need to suspend my disbelief and, in this case, I found him credible in his motivations, facial expressions, cold eyes and his portrayal reached its zenith when he tested the bullet proof vest on Elisha Cook Jr.

Definite must-see. 8/10.
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