The Most Ambitious Mad Max Film to Date
16 May 2024
30 years following the final Mad Max film in the original trilogy, George Miller set out to create a brand new installment with the character. Released in the spring of 2015, Mad Max: Fury Road was not only a critical darling and a commercial hit, but it has now been deemed as one of the best action films in the 21st century, if not of all time. Time has proven so kind to the feature that it has grown a loyal following without any need to watch the original trilogy, and a prequel is already set in stone for this month. So why exactly did this film work so well when it could have easily been a nostalgia cash grab?

The film focuses on Max Rockatansky who joins forces with Imperator Furiosa against the tyrannical cult leader Immortan Joe and his army, which results in a lengthy road battle between the elite traders and undervalued prisoners. While this premise may seem typical for your average Mad Max installment, what makes Fury Road twice as engaging is how much the stakes and intensity from the ongoing chase to stop Furiosa are cranked up towards. George Miller himself has described Fury Road's primary theme as survival, and that not only makes sense from nearly everyone in Immortan Joe's high command chasing Max and Furiosa but also from how Max himself regains his humanity by sticking with someone who yearns for a better tomorrow. A yearning for a new home and reconnection with family are what drive Furiosa and Max to escape such brutal territories, along with a remarkable feminist view as Furiosa's commitment to rescuing the many wives of Joe to a better tomorrow. It's not everyday when an insane chase movie can be this thematically harrowing.

But of course, a film like this is not complete without a strong cast to bring all of these characters to life, and this feature delivered well. Tom Hardy takes over the character of Max after Mel Gibson, and he portrays the man well through intense brooding mixed with genuine emotional turmoil as the character lumbers through all the madness occuring in the world. In addition, Charlize Theron is wonderfully stoic as Furiosa and her intense dedication to escaping Immortan Joe's wrath is nothing short of remarkable. Speaking of Immortan Joe, the late great Hugh Keays-Byrne returns to the Mad Max series to portray this intense warlord amidst his intricate body armor. As for the others, the many wives of Joe could all have their own backstories and the war boy Nux arguably has the most concise arc in the whole film from going for Immortan Joe to soon going against him as the journey reaches its conclusion. The remaining cast are all fascinating in their own right, but the primary leads are what make this thrilling action chase truly more dramatic and heart wrenching in just 2 hours.

Now it should go without saying that this film is possibly the most ambitious Mad Max film to date as far as production design and visual effects are concerned. Considering that this film was shot roughly three years before it came out, the amount of creative vehicles shown throughout the action scenes are frightening from their mere designs alone, and the practical stunts and intricate performers are a marvel to witness whether you're seeing this film in a theater or on your own device. In addition, the grandiose dry weather backdrops allow the chase to feel like it's literally ongoing and the brisk editing keeps the stakes cranked up without losing focus on what we're witnessing at first glance. The score by Junkie XL also adds into the tone whether the moment is quieter yet still intense or rip roaring, although perhaps some of it could have been edited out in favor of letting the silence speak for itself. From the original low budget action drama to this epic extravaganza of high budgeted filmmaking, it truly is astounding to see how far the Mad Max series has come in more ways than one.

By carrying just as much emotional weight as its exhilarating action, Mad Max: Fury Road stands as not only one of the best installments in the series, but also one of the best post-apocalyptic thrillers out there. It stands so well on its own that anyone who has never seen the original trilogy will have a grand old time watching it from start to finish. With its anticipated prequel focusing on Furiosa coming out next week, now could not be a better time to endure yourself with this magnificent masterpiece of emotional intensity. It's a rollercoaster unlike anything you'll see in most action movies today.
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