Red River (1948)
Cliche & Predictable Classic
11 May 2024
Jeanne Dru plays the toughest gal who ever appeared in a John Wayne Western vehicle since she feels absolutely no pain with an arrow being shot (and then sticking) straight through her shoulder... AND she provides the most contrived and downright unnecessary romantic element in the history of Hollywood's Golden Age... despite the fact that these films, especially right after the war, were practically FORCED to hit all the right cliches for everyone in the audience to get their money's worth...

For the men there's Wayne himself, in a hybrid of world-weary, overly-experienced, cattle-driving roughneck and domineering patriarch... specifically to adopted son Matt played by Montgomery Clift (who eventually hooks up with Dru), there for teen audiences to either relate with or lust after... and is really the only person worth rooting for, having a relatable purpose from beginning to end...

Meanwhile John Ireland uses arched eyebrows so convincingly you'll think he's gonna turn really nasty while Walter Brennan does the same old old-coot persona... as Noah Beery Jr just kinda stands around in-between...

Overall, what RED RIVER provided to cinema was a far more enjoyable intentional-homage in CITY SLICKERS, right down to mentioning and imitating the movie itself (and including a noise to create a stampede along with a veteran trail-leader leaving the story sooner than expected)...

At least in the Billy Crystal comedy, THOSE CHARACTERS were worthwhile the whole way through... without all the hackneyed distractions.
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