Leave It to Beaver: Wally's Election (1960)
Season 3, Episode 19
Wally and politics mix like oil and water
8 May 2024
Eddie Haskell nominates Wally for president of the sophomore high school class. Wally is very upset about this turn of events, always preferring to keep a low profile and let his actions speak for themselves. He is so upset that he almost murders June's coconut cake, but she stops him in time. Wally tells his parents that he really doesn't want to run for this office, and they both seem OK with that.

Then Fred Rutherford comes over and talks to Ward about how his son Clarence (Lumpy) is running too, and that maybe Clarence just has better leadership qualities than Wally. Now that this has become an issue of fatherly pride, Ward strongly encourages Wally to really run for the office and tells him how to go about it. All of his advice just presents itself in Wally as being unauthentic and a turn-off. Eddie thinks this new improved aggressive Wally is great, but then Eddie is so unauthentic I doubt he could spot authenticity if his life depended on it. Who will win the election? Watch and find out.

Even before election day comes, Ward thinks that maybe he has created a monster in Wally. There is a humorous scene between Ward and June when Wally first tells his parents of his nomination. June says she thinks Wally would be a good president because he is so cute. Ward replies that we don't want to start electing our presidents based on charm and looks. Oh, Ward, just you wait!
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