The Parkers (1999–2023)
Sort of funny, but very annoying and stupid overall
24 April 2024
Like the reviewer who also gave this a low rating, I have mixed feelings as well. I didn't wanna give it a 1, but it's definitely on the lower end of the spectrum if you're looking at 90s/early 2000s sitcoms as a whole. I was too young to watch episodes of The Parkers in their entirety when it first came on TV, but I have vivid memories of it. I thought it was funny as a kid, especially when Mo'Nique would always say 'hey, boo!' But I have a different opinion of it now as an adult. It comes on Dabl every day at 6/6:30pm. I did enjoy it, but I guess that's because I hadn't seen it in such a long time. After a while I found myself increasingly annoyed with how dumb it is. The only time I watch it is if I happen to be in the living room when it's on. Mo'Nique plays Nikki Parker. She attends Santa Monica College with her daughter, Kim (Countess Vaughn). She dropped out of high school when she got pregnant with Kim, so she wanted to get an education to better herself. The main source of comedy is her obsessively chasing after one of the instructors, Professor Oglevee (Dorien Wilson). It starts out as humorous in the beginning of the series, but reaches a point of going from a harmless love interest to just being downright unsettling. The episodes also focus on the antics of Kim and her friends, which are all very stupid and lack believability. Don't get me wrong - I really have nothing against turning off my brain for entertainment purposes. My job is stressful, so it's nice to watch something ridiculous at the end of the day, but some things are so stupid that they get on my nerves. It's a bizarre sitcom. The characters live in the real world, but their situations are so outlandish, that it's like they're in an alternate universe. The storyline would've been rejected if it portrayed what really happens in life. Because let's be real - they would never make a show where a man stalks and terrorizes a woman, and/or commits acts of unwanted touching, like pinching or grabbing them by the butt. People would be so disgusted and shocked. Yet they laugh when a woman is the one who's being a perv. But hey, the US has screwed up and outdated beliefs when it comes to anything gender-related, so what do you expect? Mo'Nique is hilarious in the role, but the stalking just takes the humor out of it for me. I used to work in a library, and I was harassed by a couple of the patrons. The first was an older man, and the second was a guy around my age. He seemed po'ed that I gave him a fake number when he asked for mine. I only did that so he would go away. He actually came back a few days later and walked up to me as I was shelving books, wanting to know why I didn't give him my real number. He left me alone afterwards, thankfully. I felt uncomfortable, violated, and scared. It's not fun having to wonder if some nut is going to be waiting for you outside when your shift ends. I'm sure if I was a man, and it was women that I wasn't attracted to who kept bothering me, my feelings would've been the same (well, in that case, I wouldn't have been scared, but definitely perturbed). Some things just don't have a comedic element, no matter how many angles you look at it from. This is a waste of time, even if you want something to veg out to.
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